The January 6th Hearings are Driving Public Opinion – And Trump’s Latest Delusional Meltdown

The January 6th insurrection incited by Donald Trump was an unprecedented assault on American democracy. And now that the House Select Committee investigating the deadly Capitol Hill riots has held the first two sessions of its hearings, there is concrete evidence that the public is paying attention and is appropriately disgusted by Trump’s criminal and treasonous malfeasance.

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Donald Trump, Snowflakes

A new Politico/Morning Consult poll has found that the American people’s opinion of the attack on Congress by the StormTrumpers is already taking a decidedly anti-Trump turn. The Committee is doing an effective job of presenting the abundant evidence of Trump’s purposeful lying about election fraud, and his fleecing of his gullible cult followers with solicitations for his so-called “Election Defense Fund” that doesn’t actually exist.

RELATED: Trump’s ‘Big Ripoff’ is Also Revealed in the January 6th Committee’s Probe of His ‘Big Lie’

As a result of the revelations produced in just the first two sessions, Trump and the Republican Party are taking a severe hit to the gut. Mediaite reports that…

“In a poll taken after last week’s Jan. 6 hearing, a whopping 69 percent of Americans [say] it is a ‘crime’ to try and overturn election results, and similar numbers say the Justice Department should prosecute.”

When asked if “misleading Americans about the outcome of an election” is a crime, a massive majority of 69% said definitely/probably “Yes,” including 59% of Republicans. The same question on “officials attempting to overturn the results of an American election,” returned the same 69% affirmative, including 54% of Republicans.

The numbers were almost identical when respondents were asked whether “the Department of Justice should bring legal action against” the elected officials engaging in the crimes identified above.

For his part, Trump is clearly having a bad day. He has posted on his failing TRUTH Social Twitter clone website some truly bizarre rants. Such as

“Word out that the reason the Unselects have canceled Wednesday’s Kangaroo Court is a total lack of interest leading to very poor television ratings. Could this be so? Maybe they should try getting a more talented Hollywood producer than the former President of ABC Fake News. He didn’t do so well!”

What Trump is referring to is that the Committee’s session for Wednesday has been postponed – not canceled. And the reason has nothing to do with a “lack of interest.” In fact, the first hearing that was held in primetime on Thursday drew more than 20 million viewers, which is twice what game three of the NBA Finals did. And MSNBC even beat Fox News, who refused to cover that hearing live.

RELATED: January 6th Hearing Ratings are Burning Up Trump and His Right-Wing Media Liars

MSNBC also shined during Monday’s hearings, beating Fox News and CNN combined. And while the Monday session was not in primetime, it still garnered about 10 million total viewers across several networks. Nevertheless, Trump threw an infantile tantrum whining that…

“The T.V. Ratings for the January 6th Unselect Committee were absolutely awful. Perhaps the reason is that it is being ‘sponsored’ by Adam ‘Shifty’ Schitt and the same people that brought you the Russia, Russia, Russia HOAX, and that the Unselects are not interested in hearing from anyone saying the Election was Rigged and Stolen, despite the EVIDENCE being irrefutable!”

Really? Adam “Schitt”? Has Trump ever advanced past the emotional maturity of a six year old, or is he regressing? And are his Deplorables really dense enough to believe his easily debunked lie about the “absolutely awful” ratings? Apparently so, After all, they believe his pitiful wailing about the “Russia, Russia, Russia HOAX,” that is well documented. And that’s even after Tucker Carlson inadvertently conceded that it was never a hoax to begin with.

RELATED: So It Wasn’t a Hoax After All: Tucker Carlson Admits that Russia Got Trump Elected

Sadly, for some time to come, the nation is going to have to deal with the deeply psychotic distortions of reality that Trump and his disciples are infected with. Hopefully they will either find a a way back to some sense of sanity, or crawl back under their rocks and stop spreading their diseased, dystopian fantasies.

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Fox News Senior Political Analyst Says January 6th Hearings Could Help GOP By Thumping Trump

The House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection incited by Donald Trump has so far conducted two sessions that have already produced devastating evidence of criminal malfeasance by the twice-impeached, former reality TV game show host. And while Fox News refused to air the first session live, They did succumb to pressure and covered the second session.

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Donald Trump

The revelations of Trump’s anti-American sedition disclosed so far include that many of his closest White House and campaign staffers tried in vain to coax him off the ledge of crazy election fraud claims that he knew were not true. His Attorney General, Bill Barr, called such claims “bullshit.” And both documents and testimony exposed Trump’s financial corruption wherein he repeatedly lied to his gullible cult followers in order to fleece them for donations that he said were intended for an “Election Defense Fund” that never actually existed.

RELATED: Trump’s ‘Big Ripoff’ is Also Revealed in the January 6th Committee’s Probe of His ‘Big Lie’

Unsurprisingly, most of the post-hearing commentary on Fox News was stridently hostile toward the Committee, its members, and its mission. Their primetime roster of Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingraham, all either disparaged or belittled the proceedings. However, there were a couple of uncharacteristically honest moments that managed to slither out from the avalanche of Trump-fluffing propaganda. One of those moments came when Fox’s Senior Political Analyst, Brit Hume, told anchor Bret Baier that…

“What strikes me about this, Bret, is that if they succeed ? either by damaging him or staining him such that he is either unable for legal or political reasons to run again ? they might end up finding out that they’ve done the Republican Party a great service. Because I think a great many Republicans think they can’t win with Trump at the head of the ticket again.

“They’re afraid of his supporters and don’t want to come out against him directly. But they’d like him to go away. If the effect of this committee is to make his possible candidacy go away, I think a great many Republicans would privately be very glad.”

That’s a rare admission by someone on Fox News that Trump is actually an albatross around the red neck of a Republican Party that both hates and fears him. Hume is also conceding that Trump could be guilty of crimes that would forestall his becoming a candidate in 2024. And he is confirming that a significant faction of the GOP believe that Trump would lose – again – were he to be the Party’s nominee.

There is a reasonable argument to be made that Hume is right that dumping Trump would would be a boon to the GOP in 2024. However, that is not by any any stretch of the imagination a foregone conclusion. First of of all, it presumes that a different nominee would be less schizoid that Trump. And judging by their bench (Ron DeSantis, Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz, etc.), that’s a highly speculative presumption. Secondly, whatever non-Trump candidate would replace him would suffer from the fact that Trump’s disciples might tend to stay home if their messiah isn’t on the ballot.

Furthermore, the hearings now in progress have the potential to do serious damage to more than just Trump. The entire Republican Party has been shown to be complicit in his illicit behavior. And a great deal of that is being played out on television via these hearings, which have garnered huge ratings with an audience exceeding 20 million.

RELATED: January 6th Hearing Ratings are Burning Up Trump and His Right-Wing Media Liars

In addition to Hume’s remarks, the Fox news audience was also treated to the opinion of Democratic consultant and Fox News contributor, Marie Harf, who said that…

“The testimony this morning paints a picture of a president who is hearing from all his top advisers – not all, many of his top advisers, the ‘normal team,’ as Bill Stepien called them – that his claims were outrageous. They were B.S. They were not based in any fact. And yet he went out to his supporters and told them they were true, encouraged them, lit this match. Encouraged people to believe these BS allegations. He asked them for money to help in his legal cases. He gave them a false sense of hope, and that culminated, as I think the Committee will get to, in what we saw on January 6th.

“So let’s take a step back from the process, from the inside baseball, who’s on the Committee and who isn’t. We saw a portrait of a president today who was increasingly at odds with reality. And that’s according to his own advisers, including people like Bill Barr.”

It will take a lot more of this type of truthful commentary to deprogram the brainwashed Fox News viewers. But the fact that these views are getting aired on Fox is validation of the Democrats decision to hold these hearings and to hold Trump and his cronies to account for their crimes. And they have only just begun.

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Trump’s ‘Big Ripoff’ is Also Revealed in the January 6th Committee’s Probe of His ‘Big Lie’

The House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection, and Donald Trump’s role in instigating it, is hitting on all cylinders. The opening session disclosed never before seen video of the Capitol Hill riots. And the second day of hearings further confirmed that Trump was fully aware that his “Big Lie” about the election being “rigged” and “stolen” from him were – in his own Attorney General’s words – “Bullshit!”

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Trump Baby on Cash Pile

However, in addition to the mountains of evidence of Trump’s purposeful deceptions intended to overturn the election and undermine democracy, testimony was given that exposed his flagrant grifting and calculated campaign to ripoff his gullible and glassy-eyed disciples. This shouldn’t surprise anyone who recalls that Trump actually pardoned his former campaign chairman, Steve Bannon, who was convicted of defrauding Trump supporters with a phony fund to build a wall along the southern border. Trump was also found to be stealing donor campaign funds to pay his legal bills. And now the American people are paying attention to the revelations flowing from these hearings.

RELATED: January 6th Hearing Ratings are Burning Up Trump and His Right-Wing Media Liars

In Monday’s hearing viewers learned that…

“Throughout the committee’s investigation we found evidence that the Trump campaign and its surrogates misled donors as to where their funds would go and what they would be used for. So not only was there the big lie, there was the big ripoff.”

It was also disclosed that “Trump sent millions of fundraising emails, sometimes as many as 25 a day,” to his cult followers begging for money to finance his “Official Election Defense Fund,” which, as it turns out, never existed. He raised more than $250 million via this scam operation.

The fraud extended to Trump’s SuperPAC, dishonestly named “Save America.” With this con Trump not only enriched himself, but distributed millions of dollars to his cronies.

“The select committee discovered that the Save America Pac made millions of dollars in contributions to Pro-Trump organizations including one million dollars to Mark Meadows’ charitable organization”

Naturally, Fox News has been a big part of Trump’s flock fleecing activities. And although Fox refused to air the first Committee hearing during primetime on Thursday (which would have preempted their most fervent propagandists (Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingraham), they succumbed to pressure and carried Monday’s hearing live. However, their coverage served to excuse Trump’s swindling saying that…

“There was enormous fundraising effort that was built off the back of this. Anybody who pays attention to politics knows that’s not that surprising. There was also an enormous fundraising campaign that went off the back of Russia collusion as well. That’s the way politics works now.”

So Fox News began their whitewash by asserting that Trump’s larceny was just routine politics. It’s not. Then they segued to “whatabouting” the fraudulent fundraising and accusing Democrats of doing the same thing. Of course, they couldn’t supply a single example of any similar Democratic racket because it simply doesn’t exist. And Fox’s attempt to equate Trump’s assertions of election fraud (for which there is zero evidence) with the Russia collusion charges (that are well documented) is wholly dishonest and unsupported by facts or reality.

RELATED: So It Wasn’t a Hoax After All: Tucker Carlson Admits that Russia Got Trump Elected

The majority of the American people are not going to be as easily fooled as Trump’s Deplorables. And as more proof of his culpability for crimes ranging from the insurrection (that he has lately started calling a hoax) to his financial malfeasance are unveiled, the greater the prospects that he will finally be held accountable.

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Trump Toady Lies that Fox News ‘Destroyed CNN and MSNBC’ By Not Airing the January 6th Hearings

The brazenness with which Republicans lie is often an astonishing display of depraved dishonesty. There appears to be no bar too low for them to slither under when it comes to misrepresenting reality. As George Orwell wrote in “1984”: “War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength.” The Cult of Trump could now add to that “Fox is news” and “Trump won!”

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Donald Trump TV Set

Not that any more evidence is necessary to prove the point, but Trump toady, and CEO of Trump’s failing Twitter clone TRUTH Social, Devin Nunes, visited with Howard Kurtz, host of Fox News’ Media Buzz. During a segment about the decision by Fox News not air the House Select Committee hearings on the January 6th insurrection, Nunes unloaded a spectacularly false assertion about the television ratings for the telecast in the following exchange:

Kurtz: Let’s talk about the January 6th hearing Thursday night, primetime. You say it was totally partisan, and you could certainly make that case given that every member is anti-Trump. But let’s go beyond that. Does that mean the media shouldn’t cover it much? Does it mean they should dismiss videotaped depositions from the likes of Bill Barr, Jason Miller, Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump?
Nunes: The way that I view it, Howie, is I think we have numbers now that are in, and you covered this. To put this in primetime, the numbers were way down. So I don’t understand how these big corporations – I know it was spread across some 20 different networks – when you compare Fox News which did not air that live, I mean just destroyed CNN and MSNBC in the ratings, right?
Kurtz: Networks like MSNBC did very well covering this hearing, Obviously, it would appeal to the liberal viewers of that network.

First of all, it’s important to note that Kurtz’s question improperly argued that the Committee is partisan because “every member is anti-Trump.” In fact, the Committee is bipartisan, by definition, because it includes members of both parties. There just happens to be bipartisan agreement that Trump is a liar who incited the storming of the Capitol.

More to the point, the claim by Nunes that Fox News “just destroyed CNN and MSNBC in the ratings” is flagrantly false. MSNBC far exceeded their usual audience, averaging 4.1 million viewers during the hearings. Fox News came in second with only 3 million, which is what they get on any ordinary night. So the same cult viewers tuned in to Fox just as they have been programmed to do.

RELATED: January 6th Hearing Ratings are Burning Up Trump and His Right-Wing Media Liars

What’s more, Nunes says that the numbers were “way down” for the hearings. Actually, they were far higher than anything these news networks have achieved in many years. More than 20 million people watched live, and even more millions watched via streaming, or delayed on DVRs or recasts. It was nearly twice the audience of game three of the NBA Finals.

For his part, Kurtz meekly replied that “MSNBC did very well,” dismissing the fact that they won their time period and beat Fox News. He also belittled the ratings win as the result of MSNBC’s “appeal to the liberal viewers,” ignoring the rest of the TV audience across many networks. And furthermore, Kurtz has no idea what the ideological make up of the audience was. Many conservatives and other non-liberals likely tuned in specifically because Fox wasn’t airing it.

Finally, in addition to lying through his teeth, Nunes didn’t even come close to answering Kurtz’s question, which was whether or not the media should cover the hearings. Obviously Fox News doesn’t want to cover them because, in addition to revealing that they have been lying about Trump and the insurrection for the past year and half, their audience would also see that their biggest stars were accomplices to Trump’s crimes.

RELATED: Text Messages By Hannity and Others at Fox News Prove Their Corrupt Collusion with Trump’s GOP

You have to wonder why Nunes was interviewed on this program in the first place. He is not a member of Congress. He runs a Trump business enterprise/scam. And on that website people who posted the truth about the January 6th insurrection were banned. Kurtz never bothered to ask Nunes about that.

Trump also weighed in on the ratings for the hearings and, true to form, he attempted to gaslight his dimwitted cult disciples by claiming that the ratings were “really BAD…far lower than anticipated.” Which, as someone who worked on TV for fourteen years, he knows isn’t true, or he’s even more stupid than we thought. He also called the hearings a “Witch Hunt” because – well, everything he doesn’t like either a witch hunt or a hoax, isn’t it?

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LOL: Donald Trump Jr is Peddling Mail-Order Meat in a Pathetic Reprise of Trump Steaks Debacle

Fifteen years ago Donald Trump suffered another in his seemingly endless stream of humiliating bankruptcies. His “tRump Steaks” went belly up when they couldn’t move them at either Sharper Image or QVC. Trump’s notorious record for catastrophic business failures encompasses such infamous fiascos as casinos (four of them), airlines, games, vodka, universities, and even fraudulent charities.

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Donald Trump Jr

Undaunted, Trump spawn Donnie Jr has embarked on another swing at beating his meat in public. If there’s one thing you can say for the Trump family, it’s that they are persistently free range grifters. It isn’t enough that Trump is pushing his failing social media scam on his dimwitted followers. Now, in honor of Father’s Day, Junior is reaching out to get his own daddy’s attention by beefing up his business flank:

RELATED: Elon Musk’s Bid for Twitter is in Big Trouble, and So is Trump’s TRUTH Social

Two things are notable right off the bat. First of all, the alleged meat is never seen in this commercial. You just have to take Donnie’s word for it that it’s not from an actual bat. Secondly, his use of the phrase “MAGAKING” to trigger the free grift is a reminder of Daddy Trump’s tyrannical and cult like aspirations. Fortunately for the Trump clan, their glassy-eyed disciples will follow the herd and consume whatever a Trump is selling. Including the cow pie deserts that come with the daily special. And for good measure, the company Donnie is fronting for has had its accreditation from the Better Business Bureau revoked.

So get yer doggies rollin’ folks. This is the only mail-in offer that Trump supports, and it won’t last long. Especially since these thawing steaks have already been in cold storage since the 2007 downfall of the original Trump Bar-B-QAnon. And don’t forget… They have the Bill Barr seal of approval…

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Trump Rants Hysterically as His PRAVDA Social Bans Users Who Post the Truth About January 6th

It was just a matter of time before the truth came out about TRUTH Social, the Twitter clone that Donald Trump launched in order to assuage his massive, yet fragile, ego after being exiled from Twitter. The site was disingenuously flaunted as a would-be bastion of free speech where anything goes including, apparently, blatant lies and undisguised racism.

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Donald Trump, Snowflakes

Well, it didn’t take long for those deliberate misrepresentations to be revealed as nothing but empty hype and exploitation. With the commencement of the House Select Committee’s hearings on the January 6th insurrection that Trump incited (and is now typically calling a hoax), Trump has gone totally off the rails as his fear of finally being held accountable for his crimes kicks in. Despite the fact that Fox ‘News’ refused to cover the hearings live, Trump knows that the American people are watching the drama that’s unfolding and that his treachery will be the key plot point.

RELATED: January 6th Hearing Ratings are Burning Up Trump and His Right-Wing Media Liars

The first order of business was to excise any truthful discussion of the hearings from his TRUTH(less) (anti)Social scam site. Variety is reporting that…

“The irony is rich: Truth Social, Donald Trump’s Twitter copycat claiming it is ‘free from political discrimination,’ has reportedly banned users who posted information from Thursday’s congressional hearing on the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol — in which the former president is a key player.”

Surprised? You shouldn’t be. The site was never intended to be a free speech platform. It’s terms of service state that users cannot “disparage, tarnish, or otherwise harm, in our opinion, us or the Site.” So in order to use the site you must first agree to never criticize Trump. Unflinching fealty to Dear Leader Trump is demanded, and any disobedience will be punished. And offenders are already facing the consequences of infidelity.

What’s more, Trump himself divulged the actual purpose of the site when he declared that he would never return to Twitter, even if Elon Musk’s sketchy bid to acquire it is successful and his suspension is revoked. TRUTH is a platform for my voice,” Trump told Fox News, adding that “TRUTH Social will be a voice for me.” So like everything else in his world, it’s all about Trump.

RELATED: Elon Musk’s Bid for Twitter is in Big Trouble, and So is Trump’s TRUTH Social

In an effort to deflect from the facts being exposed in the hearings, Trump is lashing out wildly with ever more deranged allegations of the 2020 presidential election being “rigged” and “stolen” from him. He’s posted a flurry of fantastical fiction that he calls a “massive amount of irrefutable evidence” of election fraud. Never mind that it’s been repeatedly refuted by more than sixty court cases and many high level officials from his own administration.

Meanwhile, Trump’s Twitter ban defying spokes-shill dropped 35 tweets in less than hour, after promising to abandon Twitter for Trump’s site. Most of her tweets were retweets of her own election lies dating back as much as year. This is just another part of Trump’s futile effort to shift attention away from his treasonous guilt. But the only thing that it accomplishes is to make him look more guilty and more pathetically desperate.

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January 6th Hearing Ratings are Burning Up Trump and His Right-Wing Media Liars

On Thursday evening the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection incited by Donald Trump held its first public hearing in primetime. The opening session disclosed never before seen video of the Capitol Hill riots, as well as testimony from a police officer who was injured and a documentary film make who was embedded with the seditionist StormTrumpers, the Proud Boys.

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Flaming Trump

Most of this debut outing was spent providing an outline of the crimes committed by insurrectionists and Trump’s role in undermining democracy and orchestrating an attempted coup. It was a compelling presentation that included numerous revelations of Trump’s criminal complicity, stomach-churning clips of violence, and incriminating commentary by Trump insiders such as Attorney General Bill Barr, Ivanka Trump, and even some Fox News hosts.

The criminal culpability of their program hosts is surely one of the reasons Fox News refused to air the hearings live. They certainly don’t want their audience to see their biggest stars being implicated in Trump’s crimes. That would only add to the humiliation of exposing how the network has been lying about the insurrection for the past year and a half. It would make it ever more evident that Fox is not – and has never been – a news network.

RELATED: Fox News Commits to Keeping Their Viewers Ignorant By Refusing to Air the January 6th Hearings

Prior to this historic event, Republicans on Fox News tried desperately to suppress it. In one segment Fox interviewed Rep. Jim Banks (R-Insurrectionist) who confidently predicted that the telecast would be a big flop. “The American people have already dismissed it,” he lied. “They’re tuning out. They’re gonna flip the channel.”

That’s coming from the guy who was bounced from the Committee because he is an accomplice to Trump’s crimes. Banks also employs Tucker Carlson’s son, Buckley, as his communications director. The following day Banks attested to his own failed prediction saying that “Last night’s hearing was a primetime dud. Nothing came out of it.”

On Friday morning Nielsen’s ratings were released. And despite Banks’ and Fox’s efforts to sabotage and deviously counterprogram the broadcast (Tucker Carlson ran his show commercial free in order to prevent people from switching channels), the numbers reflect solid interest by the American people:

“ABC took the largest haul of viewers, earning 4.8 million of them, while NBC and CBS carried 3.5 million and 3.3 million, respectively.

“On cable, MSNBC pulled in a whopping 4.1 million viewers during the hearings, nearly four times what the network averages on a typical weeknight.

“Usually dominant Fox News Channel came in second place on cable on Thursday night, averaging 3 million viewers from 8 to 10 p.m. CNN came in third place with 2.6 million.”

That’s a combined 18.3 million viewers, and still doesn’t include a few other networks that carried the hearings (i.e. CSPAN, Fox Business, etc.). For comparison, Game two of the NBA Finals averaged 8.2 million viewers on Wednesday, and Fox’s MasterChef got 2.1 million. Fox News averaged 2.6 million across prime time on Wednesday.

So these numbers for Thursday’s hearings show the networks performing better than the top rated cable news channel. Furthermore, there will be a lot more viewers due to streaming, social media, and coverage by news programs in the days to come.

Consequently, the loss of Fox News will be less than irrelevant. Their 2-3 million glassy-eyed viewers aren’t persuadable anyway. So who needs them? The vast majority of the American people are going to be better informed by the end the hearings, and the legal foundation for indictments will be stronger than ever. The Trump junkies will remain irredeemably deranged.

RELATED: Now Trump is Calling the January 6th Insurrection ‘a Hoax…Just Like Russia Russia Russia’

UPDATE: True to form, Trump is attempting to gaslight his dimwitted cult disciples by claiming that the ratings for the hearings are “really BAD…far lower than anticipated.” Which is 180 degrees from reality. He also calls it a “Witch Hunt” because – isn’t everything he doesn’t like either a witch hunt or a hoax in his diseased mind?

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Jimmy Kimmel Hysterically Mocks Fox News for Whining About Biden Doing His Show

These are challenging times for President Biden and the Democratic Party as they face midterm elections that could see the Republicans winning majorities in one or both houses of Congress. And even though the economy is showing strength and jobs are being created at a record rate, many people are struggling with high inflation and gas prices, which no president has any control over.

Fox News, Sean Hannity, Jimmy Kimmel

In the face of these challenges, Biden is working hard to communicate with the American people a message that reflects the very real progress that has been made in the past year and a half. When people are aware of the stark differences between the current administration and the last one, they lean much more heavily toward Democrats.

RELATED: Voters are More Likely to Support Democrats When Told They are Running Against Trump, MAGA

Consequently, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that Biden chose to appear on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” Wednesday night to reach out to a broad sector of the public that may not be narrowly focused on politics. And as Kimmel noticed, “not everyone is thrilled” about that (video below). Kimmel shared that…

“It’s kind of exciting having the President come visit you at work. But not everyone is thrilled about his appearance here tonight. The folks over at Fox News, and the wannabe Fox News juniors, are very upset that the President is doing an interview with, of all people, me while he’s in town for the Summit of the Americas.”

Whereupon Kimmel played a supercut of Fox News shills babbling about how unspeakably horrendous it is for Biden to do what virtually every other president in the TV age has done: Appear on a late night talk show. The clip featured Laura Ingraham, who was livid that Biden might look “cuddly.” And then there was Newt Gingrich, who was furious that the show might make people laugh when they should be quivering in fear over gas prices and being raped or killed.

They were followed by a stream of similar doom-and-gloom mongers like Kayleigh McEnany, Brian Kilmeade, Bill Hemmer, and more, all complaining bitterly that an optimistic Biden chose to talk to the American people on a popular program that they watch and enjoy. Apparently Fox News thinks that people should only watch politics on programs that foment fear and spread lies. In other words, only Fox News. Kimmel’s response to that hysteria was to say that…

“I get what they’re saying. The President needs to be held accountable. You can’t just hide from the people who criticize you. The President needs to get in the box, and take the heat, and field the tough questions from real, hard hitting journalists like these.”

Then Kimmel played another supercut of sucking up by Fox News sycophants like Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro, Shannon Bream, Lou Dobbs, Laura Ingraham, and the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends. What’s truly funny is that Fox can complain, with a straight face, about others not asking tough questions, when their whole shtick is fawning over Dear Leader Trump and other Republican hacks.

Kimmel also noted that Fox News announced that they would not be airing the House Select Committee’s January 6th hearings live so that they wouldn’t have to preempt shows like “Tucker Carlson Presents a Racist Cow Meows Confederate Battle Hymns.” How could Fox News carry one of the most historically significant congressional hearings in modern times when their own program hosts are likely to be featured among the accomplices who incited the Capitol Hill riots?

RELATED: Fox News Commits to Keeping Their Viewers Ignorant By Refusing to Air the January 6th Hearings

As it turns out, Kimmel asked much more relevant and probing questions than any of the Trump-fluffers on Fox News ever did. And Biden responded with intelligence, relevance, and yes, some humor. Which is why Fox News is so perturbed about the whole thing. The last thing they want is for the American people to see their President behaving like a decent, compassionate, knowledgeable, human being. They might contrast that with the obnoxious, ignorant, narcissistic, sociopath who preceded him.

UPDATE: Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has distinguished herself with commentaries about “Gazpacho Police,” “Peach Tree Dishes,” and “Jewish Space Lasers,” has added to her humiliations with a rant about “fragrantly” violated rights. She is also known for having claimed to have reported Kimmel to the police for brandishing humor:

SEE: Comedy Cop Marjorie Taylor Greene Reports Jimmy Kimmel to Capitol Police for Telling a Joke

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Video of Jimmy Kimmel’s smackdown of Fox News:

Video of President Biden on Jimmy Kimmel Live:

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Voters are More Likely to Support Democrats When Told They are Running Against Trump, MAGA

As the midterm election approaches, President Biden and the Democratic Party continue face challenges in their quest to retain majorities in the House and the Senate. While the economy is strong, wages are growing, and job creation is booming, many people are struggling with inflation and higher gas prices, neither of which is controlled by any president.

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Donald Trump Walking the Plank

The importance of maintaining – and even expanding – the Democratic caucus in Congress is critical to a wide array of issues including gun regulation reform, reproductive choice, fair taxation, health care, and the environment. What’s more, congressional probes into the criminal activities of Trump and his cronies would be summarily halted if Republicans were to seize power. And GOP leaders have already promised to initiate persecutorial probes of Biden and other Democrats.

Consequently, the need to persuade voters to back Democrats and cast ballots in the midterm election could not be more crucial to advancing the interests of the American people, and to democracy itself. The question is how best to achieve that goal.

RELATED: BIDEN: Americans Have a Choice Between Two Very Different Sets of Values: Ultra-MAGA or Sanity

A new poll by Priorities USA, a Democratic SuperPAC, is shining some light onto a path forward for Democrats. They surveyed “persuadable” voters in swing states and found that…

“Democrats would lose narrowly to Republicans among targeted voters when people were simply asked if they wanted a Democrat or a Republican in office. On that generic ballot question, Republicans got 44% of the surveyed – which include battleground state persuadable voters and those who are at least somewhat unmotivated to vote this fall – while Democrats got 41% support. That small difference could be pivotal in Senate and gubernatorial races in those states.”

However, “when Trump and his Make America Great Again [MAGA] agenda are brought into the picture, it brightens for Democrats, the polling found” that when…

“Asked if they’d prefer a Democrat who supports Biden or a Republican who supports Trump, those polled preferred the Democrat to the Republican, 41% to 31%. On that question, the hypothetical Democrat got 11% of GOP voters who picked the Republican in the generic ballot question and 32% of third-party voters who initially went with the GOP contender.”

This is affirmation of America’s aversion to the twice-impeached reality TV game show host and failed real estate huckster. His repugnant personality, inflated ego, callous insensitivity, incessant lying, overt bigotry, and unrepentant criminal tendencies, have clearly had an effect on the population at large. And Democrats would be well advised to make note of those “qualities” in their campaigns between now and November.

For his [part, Trump continues to exhibit symptoms of his malignant narcissism in posts to his failing social media website. On Wednesday he delusionally ranted that “It is being stated by almost all that Joe Biden is the worst President in history.” Naturally, Trump offered no support for that wildly fictional claim, because there isn’t any. The truth is that, according to a survey of presidential historians, Trump is the 4th worst president in history. And according to several other rankings, Trump came in either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd worst.

RELATED: Trump’s Irrelevance is Increasing, as are His Pitifully Delusional Attempts to Pretend it’s Not

All of this drives home the point that Trump is a dead weight around the neck of the GOP. And that should be featured prominently in ads supporting Democratic candidates. However, giving Trump the whacking that he so richly deserves should not be done to the exclusion of positive portrayals of Democrats and the Democratic agenda.

Voters still need to have an affirmative reason to go to the polls. And if Democrats can balance the Trump bashing with affirmations of Democratic accomplishments, they might just avoid the typical losses that occur for the party in power during the midterms.

RELATED: For Those Wondering What Biden and Democrats in Congress Have Been Doing the Past 16 Months

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Fox News Commits to Keeping Their Viewers Ignorant By Refusing to Air the January 6th Hearings

This week the bipartisan House Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection incited by Donald Trump will hold public hearings. They are expected to reveal evidence that documents the seditious attempt by Trump and his comrades to undermine democracy by preventing Congress from certifying the election of President Biden.

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Donald Trump Insurrection

The riots on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021, were the result of Trump’s relentless lying that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged” and “stolen” from him. Five law enforcements officers died, and more than 140 were injured in what Trump and most Republicans say was a “peaceful” protest.

The House Committee spent ten months probing the insurrection and its causes, reviewing millions of documents and conducting more than a thousand interviews. Now they are prepared to make the case to the American people that Trump and his cronies were actively staging a coup to illegally seize power and install Trump as America’s first dictator.

RELATED: Now Trump is Calling the January 6th Insurrection ‘a Hoax…Just Like Russia Russia Russia’

The hearings are going to be aired live on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC. Notably missing from that list is Fox News. Because they are afraid of the truth and devoted to keeping their viewers ignorant, Fox News has decided not air one of the most historically significant congressional hearings of modern times. Instead, Fox will stick with their regular primetime Trump-fluffing consisting of Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity.

This is more confirmation that Fox is not – and never has been – a news network. They were created to advance an ultra-conservative agenda and to promote Republican politics. And while the actual news organizations are informing the public, Fox News will be serving their master, Donald Trump, with counterprogramming that is nothing more than right-wing propaganda. It’s what Trump ordered his minions to do, and they are obediently complying.

Fox’s decision to blackout the hearings is not merely due to their blatant biases. It is also self-protection. That’s because their primetime hosts are more than just mouthpieces for Trump. They are also accomplices in his criminal activities. Consequently, they could be featured in the hearings when testimony is given about what took place as the insurrection was in progress. For instance, they were texting Trump during assault:

Hannity wrote: Can he make a statement, ask people to leave the Capitol?
Kilmeade wrote: Please, get him on TV. Destroying everything you have accomplished.
Ingraham wrote: Mark, the president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home. This is hurting all of us. He is destroying his legacy.
Even Donald Trump Jr wrote: He’s got to condemn this shit ASAP. The Capitol Police tweet is not enough.

Never mind that within hours of these texts, the Foxies had retreated to their standard positions fawning over and covering for Trump. As for Carlson, no one has lied more about the insurrection than he has. He even produced the “Patriot Purge” crocumentary wherein he charged that the whole sordid affair was a “false flag” operation orchestrated by the FBI.

RELATED: WTF? Trump Brags that 67% of Americans Say He’s Responsible for the Violent January 6th Insurrection

So Fox News has several dishonest and self-serving reasons for suppressing the news rather than reporting it. First, they don’t want to air anything that so clearly contradicts what they’ve been lying about for a year and a half. Secondly, they are devoted to keeping their glassy-eyed audience as ignorant and artificially outraged as possible. And finally, they aren’t about to give airtime to hearings that will reveal their own participation in Trump’s lawless scheme.

The result will be an expansion of the gap between the viewers of Fox News and the rest of the reality-based American people. And that could exacerbate rising tensions and lead to more violence on the part of the StormTrumpers. Which is exactly what Trump wants. And Fox News is, once again, aiding and abetting his treasonous aspirations.

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