On the first day of the Democratic National Convention, Donald Trump has embarked on his “Narcissistic DNC Disruption Tour“ in order to satisfy his relentless compulsion to always be the center of attention. Unfortunately for Trump, the more attention he gets, the more people are disgusted by him and his infantile, dishonest, and hostile antics.
Trump began his Monday morning with an embarrassingly bad interpretation of a new poll by CNN/SRSS. The survey found that Joe Biden continues to lead nationally by a 50-46% majority. Taking comfort in what appears to be a narrower margin of Biden’s lead, Trump giddily hammered out a tweet saying…
What’s with @CNN POLLS increasing me by 10 points in a short period of time. Maybe they want to take over from @FoxNews!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 17, 2020
As with nearly everything that Trump says, this is a starkly shallow analysis that ignores reality on multiple levels. First of all, Trump begins by asserting that there is something wrong with a poll that he regards as favorable to him. There’s probably a name for that sort of psychosis, but I’ll leave that to the mental health professionals.
Secondly, Trump is encouraged that the poll seems to be “increasing me by 10 points in a short period of time.” What he doesn’t seem to know is that this CNN poll has been all over the map in the past few months. The previous poll had Biden ahead by 14 points. Before that it was 5 points. And before that it was 11 points. For some reason CNN’s numbers are bouncing around without any evident reason. As for Trump’s claim that the alleged increase took place in a short period of, that’s only true if you think two months qualifies as short.
Finally, Trump takes a swipe at his own Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News). But it’s hard to figure out what he’s whining about. It appears he’s saying that CNN wants to “take over” from Fox as the network most biased in his favor? But then why does he characterize that as being wrong? And which network does he believe is “fake” news now? Does he even know what he’s talking about anymore? There is clearly a problem if he’s praising CNN and bashing Fox (although he has been bashing Fox with some frequency lately).
For the record, Trump’s polling is dreadful. He has good reason to be frightened. After all, he is losing to someone that he says is a mentally deficient socialist. What does that say about him? Of the 122 polls tracked this year by RealClearPolitics, Trump has led in a grand total of one. That was way back in February. The average Biden lead for the whole year of polling is 7 points. Biden’s average lead for the past week shows an acceleration of support to 8.3 points.
No wonder Trump is frantically trying to suppress the vote and subvert democracy. He knows his prospects for reelection are slim to none. What’s more, he knows the legal jeopardy he is likely to face when he returns to civilian life. Consequently, he’s spending most of his time preparing to contest the election results and diminish confidence in democracy overall. It’s a path that is not only unpatriotic, it’s dangerous. And it’s up to the American people to make sure he doesn’t get away with it.
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Try as I might I just have to check periodically what trump is doing that day. I feel really sorry for the RNC this election. They need to distance themselves from him for political future.at the same time they must indorse him. Very interesting.