The bitter and blatantly partisan biases of Fox News have been evident since its inception nearly thirty years ago. But despite the fact that their political prejudices are well known, they still persist in pretending that they are a legitimate journalistic enterprise. They aren’t fooling anyone.
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Nevertheless, Fox News continues to make believe they’re just like other mainstream media outlets. And that futile effort just becomes more conspicuously preposterous every day. You might think that after three decades of dishonest propaganda, Fox News would have gotten pretty good at it. But that is clearly not the case. Even with their hyperactive coverage of the bogus Biden impeachment inquiry being pushed by the Republicans in the House of Representatives, Fox can’t produce a coherent argument to support their position.
SEE THIS: Fox News and GOP Impeachment Chair Seek ‘Damning Evidence’ Against Biden, But Can’t Find Any
On Monday morning the cast of Fox’s “Outnumbered,” wherein four conservative women and one right-wing man bash President Biden for an hour, did a segment on a recent CNN poll that found 67% of Democrats were open to candidates other than Biden for president. Setting aside their newfound respect for “fake news” CNN, the Foxies found themselves in a quandary regarding the question on Democratic voter preferences. Their confusion manifested in the following exchange between co-host Harris Faulkner and fellow co-host Kayleigh McEnany (who is also Donald Trump’s former press secretary)…
McEnany: What we are seeing in polling is that 67% of Democrats are say they want a different candidate than Joe Biden.
Faulkner: The problem with that are the 33% that actually want Biden. And the 67% aren’t saying that they’ll take, as I like to say, anybody but Biden. They might not take a Republican. And that is the challenge here. Yeah, they might take a Gavin Newsom or a Gretchen Whitmer, we can’t figure out why, but they might over a Republican.”
Harris Faulkner on Democrats: "67% aren’t saying they will take, as I like to say, anybody but Biden. They might not take a Republican. And that is the challenge here — they might take Gavin Newsom or Gretchen Whitmer, we can’t figure out why, but they might over a Republican."
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) September 18, 2023
So Faulkner and her confederates “can’t figure out why” Democratic voters would prefer Democratic candidates for president over Republicans? Let’s see if we can’t help them out a bit, shall we?
To begin with, Democrats are Democrats. That ought to end the debate right there. But Fox News and Republicans are so ideologically isolated, and so far removed from reality, that they can’t imagine anyone supporting the party that has brought more liberty, equality, and prosperity to the United States than any other party.
So let’s give them a little more to chew on. The examples that Faulkner gave as possible Biden alternatives – Gavin Newsom of California and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan – are two of the most successful and effective governors in America. They could be joined by Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, Andy Beshear of Kentucky, Wes Moore of Maryland, and any number of Democrats in other state and federal offices. And that includes Vice-President Kamala Harris. The Democrats have a decidedly deep bench if they need one. Which they don’t, since Biden is running with a record of unprecedented success.
Bidenomics is working for all Americans with record job creation, inflation declining 12 consecutive months, expanding healthcare, and more. All while reducing the deficit.
— News Corpse (@NewsCorpse) August 18, 2023
Perhaps the best reason for, not only Democrats but all Americans, to vote for a Democrat is the person currently leading the Republican Party’s primary contest, Donald Trump. The nation certainly doesn’t need a twice-impeached, four-time indicted (on 91 felony counts), ultra-rightist, financially corrupt, Putin-loving, pathological liar, and rapist, who led a violent insurrection to overthrow the government, to be given another opportunity to advance his authoritarian aspirations.
What’s more, the rest of the GOP field (DeSantis, Ramaswamy, Haley, Scott, Pence, etc.) aren’t any better. They are all conservative extremists who oppose the American people on most issues, including abortion, taxes, immigration, guns, climate change, education, etc. They also pledged to support Trump if he is the eventual nominee, even if he is convicted of numerous felonies.
SEE ALSO: GOP Debate Affirms It’s a Pro-Criminal Trump Cult that Wants to Put a Felon in the White House
Yet somehow, the folks on Fox News can’t comprehend why anyone would support Democrats for president or any other office. That’s because the Foxies and GOP politicos don’t really give a damn about America or the American people. They are fixated solely on their quest for power and personal greed. And on that measure, they have many candidates who will satisfy them. So expect Fox News to remain loyal to the greediest, most corrupt, power seeker of them all, Donald Trump. In fact, Fox News is just as culpable for the crimes of Trump as Trump is himself.
- INDICT FOX NEWS! They Are as Guilty as Trump of the Same Crimes in His Latest Indictment
- Fox News Says People Won’t Care About the Trump Indictments Unless They Involve Sex and Bribes
- The Fox News 3/4 Billion Dollar Dominion Defamation Settlement is Also a Judgment Against Trump
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Fox Nation vs. Reality:
The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.Thanks so much for your support.
Hmm…. it IS a puzzle isn’t it? As though taking AWAY someone’s rights, makes you question who they really STAND for, huh? (The answer may surprise you, it’s NOT this country, that’s for d**n sure.)
FNC Poll: 58% Disapprove of Biden’s job in office??? I bet i know where their biased poll was taken from, rural Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi. Polls do NOT represent an accurate representation of the entire United States. A few thousand people only represent 0.00.3 % of the voters in the United States. That is truly a very small percentage of the voters. They are inaccurate and biased to suit their results to their favor, more especially the pro Fascist/NAZI Fox Spews. I just wish someone, somewhere would put a stop to the Fascist GQP side show that has gone on for way too long. The majority of Americans do not want their Fascist Dictatorship, cruel and evil agenda to take hold here. However, their immaturity and game playing goes on and on, It’s not amusing at all, they are playing games with average Americans lives here, and they don’t care if average Americans starve and face enormous hardships. The Fascist GQP are a pathetic gang of criminals. We have to organize and make SURE we do not let them win in 2024. Greed and selfishness are their motto.
I 100% agree with all that!
IF GOP were (God Forbid!) to win elections in 2024, it will only be due to:
1) Severe cheating/voter suppression tactics, or;
2) IF DEM & IND VOTERS don’t make sure to cast their VOTE!!
?The best thing you can do,
To Save Our Democracy ~
Great reply, and i do agree with what you said. If the Fascist GQP cheats and wins next year, i will be leaving the United States for good. I cannot tolerate the Fascist GQP in any way.
Yeah, just can’t imagine why intelligent people refuse to support “Republicans.” Gee, just can’t figure that out. Maybe it’s because we figured out a long time ago that “Republicans” are all Traitors fully willing to nuke this entire planet to protect Their God? NAAAH! That CAN’T be the REAL reason!
Can it? [rolling eyes]
{ & More Eye rolls!}
“Oh, I’m sorry. Did I roll my eyes out loud?!” (Seen on a sticker)