In a Weird Counseling Session with ‘Doctor’ Phil, Trump Blames Biden and Harris for Getting Shot

As election day draws nearer, Donald Trump is exhibiting ever more worrisome signs of emotional distress and an inability to comprehend reality. For the most part that is manifesting in his public outbursts at his cult rallies and online on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social.

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Donald Trump, Insane, Straight Jacket

Trump’s has been noticeably deteriorating as his legal peril mounts and his electoral prospects fade. Many psychological experts have observed that his paranoid anxieties have increased significantly and that they will likely get worse the closer he gets to losing in the courtroom and/or at the ballot box. He has already left a trail of deranged droppings affirming his fragile condition.

SEE THIS: TRUMP IS TOAST: The Washington Post’s Laundry List of Trump’s Increasingly Bizarre Claims

On Tuesday Trump had an informal psychological therapy session with TV’s pretend “Doctor” Phil McGraw. Much of this “interview” was littered with the typical lies that Trump dispenses daily. Although a few were a bit more original. For instance, Trump claimed that he would be declared the winner in California if Jesus were the vote counter. And speaking of God, he also said that the Almighty wants him “to be involved in…saving the world.”

Yes, Trump definitely needs psychological help. But he isn’t going to get it from a phony TV “doctor.” However, when McGraw brought up Trump’s “ear death” experience in Pennsylvania, Trump sought to politicize it in the most repulsive manner, going off on another Trumpian rant that was utterly bereft of evidence or rationality. He said that…

“When this happened, people would ask, whose fault is it? I think to a certain extent it’s Biden’s fault and Harris’s fault. And I’m the opponent. They were weaponizing government against me. They brought in the whole DoJ [Department of Justice] to try and get me. They weren’t too interested in my health and safety. They were making it very difficult to have proper staffing in terms of Secret Service.”

Trump has a pretty knee-jerk reaction to anything that he regards as critical of him. It’s always the fault of whoever he perceives as his most prominent enemy at any given point in time. Right now it’s President Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris. So of course he blames them for the shooting that was done by a registered Republican who had no connection to Biden or Harris or any other Democratic person or group.

Trump’s whining about “weaponizing government” against him is more of his customary complaints that he makes with zero evidence. He blames Biden and Harris for his 34 felony convictions, and the other 54 indictments he has pending, despite the fact that they have had nothing to do with any of it. They were all the result of work by citizens on Grand Juries, independent counsels, and state prosecutors. Trump went on to say that…

“They’re saying I’m a threat to democracy. […] And you know that can get assassins or potential assassins going. That’s a terrible thing. Maybe that bullet is because of their rhetoric.”

Acknowledging that Trump is a threat to democracy isn’t a signal to assassins. It’s a verifiable fact based on his own statements. He idolizes brutal tyrants. He has expressly called for “terminating the Constitution.” He already staged a deadly coup attempt on January 6, 2021. And he recently told his cult followers that they didn’t need to vote for him because he already has all the votes he needs. Which sounds more like he has plans to dispense with vote counting and undermine democracy by other more nefarious means. But he also says that he needs votes now in this election, but after that it won’t matter anymore.

Does that sound like someone who reveres democracy, or would fight to preserve it? What’s more, Trump’s complaint about dangerous rhetoric exhibits the self-awareness of a jellyfish. He is the one who has been relentlessly maligning his foes in dehumanizing ways, and even calling for them to be executed for treason. If anyone is inciting violence, it is Trump and his confederates.

Although it is entirely predictable that he would accuse his opponents of precisely what he is guilty of. And if Trump is nothing else, he’s predictable, and predictably reprehensible.


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