Self-Appointed Pseudo Messiah Trump Decrees that ‘Nobody Else’ But Him Can Keep Israel Safe

While the world is watching with anguish and dread the ongoing assault on Israel by Hamas terrorists, the leader of the Republican Party is behaving in his typically infantile manner as he exalts himself and maligns anyone who he regards as insufficiently worshipful.

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Flaming Trump

In the immediate aftermath of the savage attacks on innocent civilians, including children, Donald Trump and his MAGA Republican confederates sought to shift responsibility from the perpetrators of the inhumane brutality, to President Biden. They have engaged in a flagrantly dishonest and disgusting campaign to “Blame America First” in an effort to gain some paltry political advantage.

SEE THIS: Trump’s ‘Blame America First’ MAGA GOP Aims Their Fire at Biden Rather than Hamas Terrorists

True to form, Trump keeps making matters worse with every comment in the media or post on his pitifully failing social media scam, Truth Social. Case in point, on Tuesday Trump posted his declaration that…


This is just the latest expression by Trump of his perception of himself as a holy figure with powers greater than mere mortals. He has previously declared that he alone can “bring peace to the World!” He also recently boasted that he is “stand[ing] up to the evil and demonic forces that want to destroy our country.” Now he is Israel’s savior and he claims to “know all the players.” Really? Even those in Hamas? All of which is consistent with the delusions of someone who once proclaimed to reporters that “I am the chosen one.”

These are the mad ravings of a wannabe messiah who yearns for the sort of devotion that is showered onto cult leaders. And when he isn’t elevating himself to sainthood, he is condemning his perceived enemies as heathens from the depths of hell.

More often than not, that disparagement is aimed at President Biden. Trump is now lying to his disciples that Biden used “American taxpayer dollars [to] fund these attacks” in Israel. He asserted what he falsely calledBiden’s ineptitude, weakness, and incompetence [that] has led to this horrible attack.” And like every bad thing that ever happens, he insists that it “WOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED IF I WERE PRESIDENT.”

Trump is also fomenting imaginary fears that “The same people that raided Israel are pouring into our once beautiful USA.” So Trump is now claiming, without and proof whatsoever, that Hamas is “pouring into” the U.S. And all of this is at the behest of “his BOSS, Barack Hussein Obama!”

For additional evidence of Trump’s nightmarish hallucinatory dementia – not that any more evidence is necessary – Trump also posted a harangue aimed at some of his fellow Republicans who have dared to withhold their pledge of blind loyalty to him. He posted a comment whining that

“The problem with so many in our Party, they go after the people who are on their side, rather than the Radical Left Democrats.”

This was in response to a report that a few of his challengers are gathering at a summit in Utah. What makes this hysterically absurd is that that same post began with Trump saying…

“I understand Candidates that are losing by 57 to 70 Points are getting together with RINO Paul RINO, Mitt “The Loser” Romney, Bill “No Guts or Talent” Barr, and some broken political ‘investors'”

Needless to say, no one more viciously attacks Republicans that Trump. This comment displays it in a single post. However, he has previously called the GOP minority leader in the Senate “Old Crow” Mitch McConnell, and his wife “Coco Chow.” During the January 6th insurrection, he blasted Kevin McCarthy saying, “I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are.” He viciously attacks his Republican challengers in the GOP presidential primary with childish nicknames such as “Ron DeSanctimonious,” “Sloppy Chris Christie,” “Bird Brain” Nikki Haley,” and “Liddle'” Mike Pence.” And he even threatened those he deems “weak” Republicans, saying that “we will put them all in jail where they belong.”

SEE ALSO: Trump Threatens ‘Weak’ Republicans in Congress: ‘We Will Put Them All In Jail Where They Belong’

Well, that’s actually not a bad idea. However, we should start with those who already have multiple pending criminal indictments, such as Donald Trump.


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Fox News Blames Biden for the Lack of Foreign Policy Officials – That Republicans Have Blocked

The catastrophic conflagration in the Middle East continues as Hamas terrorists persist in attacking Israeli civilians while threatening to murder innocent hostages, including children. Meanwhile, the United States, under President Biden’s leadership, has effectively rallied its allies around the world to affirm their support for Israel and to condemn the atrocities of Hamas and all acts of terrorism and war crimes.

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Fox News, Joe Biden, Fake News

Unfortunately, America’s steadfast opposition to the perpetrators of crimes against humanity is not shared by all in the Republican Party and its Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News. Led by their Dear Leader Donald Trump, many in the GOP and their aligned right-wing media rushed to assign responsibility for the Hamas savagery to Biden, dishonestly and grotesquely accusing him of financing the barbarism.

SEE THIS: Trump’s ‘Blame America First’ MAGA GOP Aims Their Fire at Biden Rather than Hamas Terrorists

On Tuesday morning, Fox News host Emily Compagno joined the “Blame America First” brigade. In a thoroughly untruthful tirade, she lashed out at Biden, saying that he “has set the tone for a lack of response.” Whereupon she imparted almost verbatim part of an article published in “Foreign Policy.”

Note that Compagno is upset about the “lack of Senate confirmed elected officials.” But, of course, Senate confirmed officials are not elected, and elected officials are not Senate confirmed. Then she gave her edited version of what the actual article said. Which was…

“At the time of the deadly Hamas attack on Israel, Washington’s closest ally in the Middle East, the United States had no confirmed ambassadors to Israel, Egypt, Oman, or Kuwait. The State Department’s top counterterrorism envoy position has sat empty for more than two years, the top human rights envoy position—the assistant secretary of state for democracy, human rights, and labor—has been unfilled for the entirety of the Biden administration, and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has not had a top Middle East official in nearly three years.”

However, Compagno deliberately left out the paragraphs that followed the part she robotically recited. The article went on to say that…

“The mostly empty bench is due to a nearly broken Senate confirmation process, where nominees have languished in limbo for months or even years due to the ‘new normal’ practice of Republican senators placing sweeping holds on all nominees for different agencies over policy disputes with the administration. On the Pentagon side, hundreds of senior military posts are on indefinite pause due to Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s blanket hold on nominees over the Biden administration’s abortion access policies for the military—including senior officials at U.S. Central Command, which oversees the Middle East. At the State Department, Republican Sen. Rand Paul has held numerous nominees over access to documents on the origins of COVID-19, while fellow Republican Sens. J.D. Vance and Ted Cruz have also previously issued holds.”

So what Compagno omitted were merely the facts that revealed that it wasn’t Biden who “set the tone for a lack of response.” It was the Republicans in Congress who worked to purposefully sabotage the Biden administration, and therefore America and its allies, by hamstringing its ability conduct critical national security affairs.

This is business as usual for both Republicans and Fox News. They have always cared more about trying to cripple their political opponents, and advancing their own hunger for power, than about the welfare of the nation or the world. It’s an obsession for totalitarian control that has driven the right for decades. And Trump is just the most recent personification of their fantasy strongman/dictator.

Despite the right’s determined efforts to impede the goals of Biden and America, the President has performed remarkably well. He successfully brought together our allies in support of Israel. And that success was notice by the Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations, who told NBC News that “Right now we are grateful to President Biden and his administration. I think they are helping us a lot.”

Surprisingly, even the Chief National Security Correspondent for Fox News, Jennifer Griffin, debunked the lies that have been told by Republicans and other Fox News shills, accusing Biden of being responsible for the attack on Israel. If she continues to do that sort of reporting she might just end up with an Emmy – and a pink slip from Fox.

SEE ALSO: Even Fox News Exposes GOP Lies on the War in Israel and How the Party Harms National Security

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