Eric Trump Admits to Fox News that His Father is Guilty in the So-Called ‘Hush Money’ Case

One of the most striking observations about the trial of Donald Trump in New York for campaign finance fraud and election interference (sometimes referred to as the “Hush Money” case), is the absence of any support for Trump by his family. His wife Melania has not attended a single hearing. And his children have kept their distance as well.

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That is, until this week. Trump’s son Eric made a brief appearance in the courtroom, perhaps in response to the media reporting that none of Daddy Trump’s relatives have bothered to show up. Of course, they aren’t the only ones not showing up to offer support to Dear Leader. There has been a pitifully paltry parade of Trump’s political supporters, despite his explicitly begging for them to fill the streets outside of the courthouses.

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump is Miffed that His MAGA Cult Isn’t Storming the Courts to Protest His Persecution

Following the hearing that Trump spawn Eric attended, he made a mad dash for Fox News for a nerf ball interview with Mark Levin. Among Levin’s recent delights was being quoted by Trump, along with an array of other Fox News legal hacks who are working feverishly to convince Trump and his cult followers that he’s winning his case. Eric began the torrid tale of his time at the trial by describing the nightmare he endured (video below)

“Then I get to watch, I sit right behind my father in the first pew as they try to slander him. They try to keep him off the campaign trail. They try to waste his time. They try to destroy his reputation and his image with a nonsense case.”

There is absolutely nothing in those remarks that approach reality. First of all Eric doesn’t identify who he means when he says “they.” Is it the judge? The prosecutors? The Democrats? The Deep State agents of Antifa? Who knows?

Secondly, courts are not commonly referred to as having “pews.” Eric might be confusing it with church, except that neither he nor his dad ever go there either. Third and fourth, this trial isn’t prohibiting Trump from campaigning. He is only in court four days a week. So he has three other days, and every evening, to campaign. Although he has rarely done so. And holding people accountable for crimes is not a waste of time. It’s adherence to law and order and equal justice.

Finally, there is little that any of Eric’s perceived enemies could do to “destroy” Trump’s reputation or image. He does that effectively himself without any help. However, Eric apparently believes that Papa Trump needed some help with his pleading in this case. So he went on to say that…

“No one believes that the Democrats are going after my father for 34 felony counts for a $130,000 retainer to a lawyer that was billed as a retainer to a lawyer, from a lawyer, that was booked as a legal expense.”

Actually, many people believe that Trump has been appropriately charged with 34 felony counts (in this case alone, 88 counts in all) for trying to buy the silence of Stormy Daniels so as not to harm his electoral prospects, and then covering it up by lying about it being a legal expense. Among those who believe that are the judge, who declined to dismiss the case twice, the prosecutor, who filed the charges, the grand jury that issued the indictment, and a majority of the American people.

More to the point, Eric is, in effect, admitting that his father is guilty by claiming that the payoff was a legal expense. That is precisely the crime that he has been charged with. Documentary evidence exists (including a tape recording of Trump and his former attorney/fixer, Michael Cohen) that affirms that Trump made the payment from his personal account to kill a story that would damage his campaign.

Trump has also made similarly incriminating statements wherein he admits that he falsely recorded these payments as legal expenses. So both he and his son are now on record with virtual confessions of guilt. They aren’t denying that the law was broken. They are merely insisting that they have some sort of imperial right to break whatever laws they want. Hopefully the jury will disagree.


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Eric Trump Tells Fox News that Daddy Trump is Making Millions of Dollars Off His Court Cases

From the day that Donald Trump rode down his golden escalator in Trump Tower to announce his ambition to occupy the White House, he has endeavored to profit personally from the presidency and the political, business, and diplomatic favors he would be able to sell, even to hostile foreign governments.

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Trump Baby on Cash Pile

Trump spent his term in office pandering to the likes of Vladimir Putin of Russia, and Muhammad bin Salmon of Saudi Arabia, in order to rake in cash to prop up his failing real estate enterprise. And he spent his years after being evicted from the White House fleecing his flock of cult followers with flagrant lies about “rigged and stolen” elections and whining about being justly prosecuted for his multitude of crimes.

SEE THIS: Trump Casts Himself as ‘a Modern Day Nelson Mandela’ While Lashing Out at All of His Judges

Virtually everything Trump does is an appeal for funds. That’s because he desperately needs the money pay lawyers and spokesmodels (sometimes the same person) in a futile effort to avoid conviction for crimes ranging from financial fraud to election interference to violations of the Espionage Act. Consequently, he has resorted to hawking cheesy merchandise such as gold sneakers and a Trump-endorsed bible.

SEE ALSO: Rev. Trump is Peddling His ‘God Bless the USA Bible’ to Pay His Judgments for Fraud and Rape

On Wednesday morning Trump spawn Eric was interviewed on Fox News by Brian Kilmeade, co-host of Fox and Friends. During the segment Eric let slip a bit of the truth about his father’s compulsive greed…

Kilmeade: For six to eight weeks, he [Donald Trump] could be stuck in a New York courtroom. That’s Monday through Thursday, eight to 10 hours a day. How do you overcome that? What’s the plan to overcome it? It’s not gonna be a surprise.
Trump: Every single time he walks into a courtroom, millions and millions of dollars flow in because the American people know exactly what’s happening to him. And you have a judge who has a family member who literally profits off of these cases. She was making millions and millions off of these cases. Whose Twitter profile is literally my father behind bars, and that’s what New York has become.”

So according to Mr. Eric, Daddy Morebucks is profiting bigly from his misadventures in the judicial system. That shouldn’t surprise anyone. Trump has been shamelessly and repeatedly begging for donations from his cult to rescue him from the reaches of the law. He’s pretending that it’s all a huge conspiracy to destroy him. For instance, on the same morning as this interview, Trump posted a comment on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, bemoaning the dreadfulness of his pathetic life, saying that…

“The White House Thugs should not be allowed to have these dangerous and unfair Biden Trials during my campaign for President. […] On Monday I will be forced to sit, GAGGED, before a HIGHLY CONFLICTED & CORRUPT JUDGE, whose hatred for me has no bounds.

Poor thing. What’s surprising is that Eric is admitting on national television that Daddy Trump’s plaintive wailing about being allegedly persecuted are bullcrap. He isn’t really seething with the anger that he pretends to have. He’s actually thrilled with the wealth that it’s generating. Eric makes that clear by answering the question as to how Trump will “overcome” being “stuck in a courtroom” by replying that it isn’t a burden that needs to be “overcome” at all. It’s a strategy that he’s pursuing.

In addition to that revelation from Eric, he also blatantly lies that the judge and his daughter are “making millions and millions off of these cases.” They are not, and he doesn’t even bother to provide any hint of proof of slanderous accusation. He also accuses the judge’s daughter of posting a picture of him behind bars. That has also been proven to be false.

So the next time you hear Trump lamenting his fate, remember that, according to Eric, it’s really just another grift by the Trump Crime Family. And the only reason he is running at all is to cash in financially, and to stay out of prison.


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Eric Trump Wonders Why Lying Cost Fox News Millions, but Truth-Telling Cost Other Media Nothing

Some members of the family of Donald Trump have been a major part of his public life. He has included them in his businesses, his television programs, and even his brief but agonizing occupation of the White House. He has relied on their support to avoid forming relationships with other more qualified people that he couldn’t trust or understand.

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Perhaps the least recognized of his spawn (excepting Tiffany) is his son Eric Trump, who frequently reaches out pitifully for unrequited affection. However, on Saturday morning Daddy honored ‘lil Eric with a reposting of a comment on his floundering Twitter scam, Truth Social. The subject of Eric’s post was triggered by his dismay that Fox News had to agree to a nearly billion dollar settlement as a result of their flagrant and malicious lies about Dominion Voting Systems.

SEE THIS: The Fox News 3/4 Billion Dollar Dominion Defamation Settlement is Also a Judgment Against Trump

What troubled and confused Eric was that Fox News was held to account for deliberately lying, while other media paid no price at all for telling the truth. Eric wrote (and Papa reposted) that…

“Fox News was forced pay $787 Million to settle a lawsuit over ‘disinformation,’ yet there is zero apology or monetary penalty to the @NewYorkTimes, @WashingtonPost, @CNN, @MSNBC or others for the fake Trump-Russia hoax which maliciously slandered @realDonaldTrump (and his family) for over three years. The double standards of justice are glaring.”

Eric seems to believe that the media outlets he mentioned have done something similar to what Fox News did. Although, like his father, he doesn’t bother to provide any evidence for his wild accusations. His outrage stems from the recent report produced by “special” counsel John Durham that failed to uncover any shred of wrongdoing with regard to federal investigations of Donald Trump’s well documented unsavory associations with Russians trying to interfere with the U.S. election.

RELATED STORY: Trump (and Fox News) FREAK OUT After Durham Report Turns Out to Be Another GOP Nothingburger

Eric doesn’t appear to grasp that Fox News had to pay up because Dominion sued them and proved their case with actual evidence of malice on the part of Fox’s executives and hosts. No such evidence was produced by Trump or Durham that would warrant any monetary penalty. In fact, Durham concludes his own report saying that he “does not recommend any wholesale changes in the guidelines and policies that the Department and the FBI now have in place” In other words, he found nothing illegal or even improper.

If Eric really wants to punish the press the way Fox News was punished, perhaps he should have his father sue them like Dominion did.

Oh wait. Donald Trump actually has sued, or threatened to sue, media companies for defaming him and his “Big Lie” that the 2020 election was “rigged and stolen” from him. However, none of those lawsuits have produced any evidence to support Trump’s claims. Many of them have been dismissed as unfounded and frivolous.

RELATED STORY: After Goofy Lawsuit Against CNN, Trump Threatens More Suits, Including the January 6th Committee

That’s why there haven’t been any of the apologies or monetary penalties that Eric hankers for. And it’s why the double standard that he alleges is a figment of his imagination. But don’t expect these realities to dissuade him and his father from continuing to gaslight their cult followers. It’s all they have done for decades and they aren’t about to change now.

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Eric Trump Spills to Newsmax that His Father is Guilty of Paying Hush Money to Stormy Daniels

The family of Donald Trump is not known for having a particularly notable ration of intellect. After all, Papa Don’s beliefs include that stealth fighters are actually invisible, that windmills cause cancer, that we should nuke hurricanes, that George Washington’s Army took over airports, and that injecting bleach will cure COVID. That’s not exactly the thinking of a “stable genius,” as he refers to himself.

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In the wake of his indictment by the Manhattan District Attorney’s office, Trump has gone into a rabid attack mode, going after D.A. Alvin Bragg and anyone associated with the indictment. He has posted dozens of comments on his failing Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, mostly linking to sycophantic supporters sucking up to his eminence. And he hasn’t been above inciting violence as a means to “protest” his being brought to justice.

SEE THIS: Trump Warns of ‘Death and Destruction’ if He is Indicted for Crimes that He Actually Committed

Meanwhile, Trump’s son Eric is making the rounds of MAGA media to proclaim that his father is just the helpless victim of the cabal of “Deep State,” “Radical Left,” “Communists,” dispatched by George Soros to destroy him. On Friday Eric “Fredo” Trump was interviewed by Greg Kelly on Newsmax. And he was none too pleased with the news that his sugar daddy had been indicted. So he whined petulantly that..

“They go after my father for what? A non-disclosure agreement which every company in the world, every person in the world does? Thousands of these happen every single day. Stop it. No one buys it.”

Really? “Every person in the world” does non-disclosure agreements? That means there are nearly eight billion NDAs out there. Who knew?

More troublesome for Daddy Trump is that Eric is effectively conceding that his father is guilty. Non-disclosure agreements are generally drawn up in business situations wherein one party seeks to prevent the other from disclosing factual, private information. They are not used as responses to falsehoods. That’s what defamation lawsuits are for. So Eric is effectively admitting that Donald’s “arrangement” with adult film star Stormy Daniels was intended to keep the actual facts concealed.

Furthermore, NDAs are generally entered into voluntarily by both parties, even though one party usually has some leverage over the other (i.e. employer/employee). And there isn’t a payment associated with such a contract. That’s what we usually refer to as a “bribe,” or as in this case, “hush money.” Trump’s payment of #130,000 to Daniels is therefore more accurately described as a financial incentive to buy her silence in order to prevent the harm of the scandal from damaging his electoral prospects.

Finally, Eric’s assertion that there was an NDA is not borne out by any evidence. Neither he nor his father has produced a contract or other legal document attesting to the agreement. The only proof that we have of it are the checks Trump wrote to his then-attorney, Michael Cohen, reimbursing him for the payoff to Daniels. And they don’t spell out any terms.

It is not unusual for Trump to publicly incriminate himself. His big mouth is often the source of the best evidence against him. For example…

SEE THIS: On Fox News Trump Confesses that He Stole Classified Documents, Despite Hannity’s Coaching

And even his attorney can’t be depended on to refrain from damaging his legal status…

SEE THIS: Trump’s Attorney Admits that Trump Lied About Making Hush Money Payments to Stormy Daniels

Nevertheless, according to Eric the Dread, his father’s victimhood is devastating. And it is not only impacting Donald, but an array of the – let’s say “ring” kissers devoted to his MAGA cult. Sadly, they are all on the verge of collapsing from the weight of their depression, as noted by Daily Show correspondent, Desi Lydic…

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Eric Trump Admits on Fox News that the Trump Admin Interfered with Justice Department Business

The old adage that, if you give them enough rope they will hang themselves, has never been more apt than when applied to the Trump family. On Monday the FBI served a search warrant on Donald Trump’s Palm Beach resort, Mar-a-Lago. And the mindlessly defensive responses have revealed boatload of info about the criminal proclivities of the former First Family.

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For his part, Donald Trump released an utterly inane statement that that only served to make him look more guilty. That was followed by hour after hour of Fox News hyperbolically insisting that civil war was imminent and/or the the world was coming to an end, simply because Trump might finally be being held accountable for his crimes.

RELATED: Fox News Spews Knee-Jerk Defense of Wannabe Dictator Trump After FBI Search of Mar-a-Lago

Now Eric Trump is contributing to the mess with another appearance on Fox News wherein he does more harm than good for himself and his father. He told Jesse Watters that…

“I know the White House as well anyone. I spent a lot of time there. I know the system. This did not happen without Joe Biden’s explicit approval. The White House approved of this. Mark my words. It will come out.

“I love to see the Press Secretary out there today, ‘We had no knowledge of this at all.’ Give me a break. A field office wouldn’t take … they wouldn’t even think of doing this without the sign-off of the President of the United States. This is raiding one of the most famous houses on planet Earth. One of the most famous people – probably the most famous person on planet Earth. Give me a break.”

Let’s just set aside the absurd assertion that Donald Trump is the “most famous person on planet Earth,” or that that has any relevance to his being the subject of a criminal investigation.

The more salient point is that Eric is confessing that during his father’s occupancy of the White House, it would be unheard of for an investigation to proceed without the President’s approval. That is, in fact, a serious violation of legal protocol. The Justice Department is supposed to be an independent agency that is run without the interference of political motivations.

However, according to Eric, who is bragging about his in depth grasp of how the system works, the Trump White House didn’t observe any such independence. Which explains Trump repeatedly firing his own attorneys general when they wouldn’t obey his corrupt orders.

Eric also mentioned that he doesn’t believe the White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, when she says that President Biden had no prior knowledge of the FBI operation at Mar-a-Lago. Which is precisely how the system is actually supposed to work. But Eric’s remarks indicate that was not how it worked during the Trump administration.

Fox News is just as ill-informed as Eric Trump. At the daily press briefing on Tuesday, Fox’s Peter Doocy engaged in the following exchange with Jean-Pierre…

Doocy: Is this administration weaponizing the Justice Department and the FBI against political opponents?
Jean-Pierre: Peter, the President believes in the rule of law. The President believes in the Department of Justice…
Doocy (interrupting): That’s a yes or no.
Jean-Pierre: It’s a yes or no for you. I’m answering the question. You may not like it, but I’m answering the question…
Doocy (interrupting): [unintelligible]
Jean-Pierre: No…no. I’m answering the question. And I am telling you we are not going to comment on a criminal investigation. The President has been very clear. I’ve laid out what his thoughts were back on January 7, 2021, about how he saw the Department of Justice. And I’m just going to leave it there. We’re not going to comment from here, from this White House, on a criminal investigation that is currently happening.

Once again, that is precisely how these matter should be handled. For Doocy to badger Jean-Pierre to improperly blab about ongoing investigations proves that he is unfit for the position of a White House correspondent anywhere in the media. Well, anywhere except for Fox News where knowledge and professionalism are considered character flaws.

RELATED: Karine Jean-Pierre Has to School Peter Doocy of Fox News that Lower Gas Prices Are a Good Thing

At least we can be grateful that people like Eric Trump and Peter Doocy so freely demonstrate their ignorance and unfitness for roles in public life. It’s just unfortunate that they continue to have sway over the deplorables who think that Fox is a real news network.

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Eric Trump Tells the Truth on Fox News About His Lazy Father Who ‘Sat There 24 Hours a Day’

There has been a raging debate in the metaverse about who is the dumber spawn of Donald Trump. Is it Don Jr, who recently attacked President Biden in a video wherein he appeared to be totally wasted? Or is it Eric, who recently whined about getting “subpoena after subpoena,” and then took the fifth Amendment 500 times when he was deposed by New York Attorney General Letitia James?

Donald Trump, Toilet, Bathrobe

It’s a tough call. But Eric isn’t wasting any time trying to beat his older brother out for the dishonor of stupidest Trump progeny. To that end, Eric appeared on the new Jesse Watters Primetime program on Fox News. As is required by contract, he lashed out against Biden and the Democrats in a tirade that sought to compare them to his allegedly workaholic father. Eric said of the Democrats that…

“These people are not present. They’re not fighting for this country. The difference between them and my father, my father sat there 24 hours a day and fought for the United States’ best interests. These people are not fighting. They’ve got no energy. They’ve got no charisma. They have no fight.”

WHUT? First of all, let’s note that the Democrats who Eric is maligning for having “no energy” are the same Democrats that he and the right routinely condemn as being ruthless and relentless defilers of American freedoms. Apparently they are more energetic when trying to destroy the world. But more to the point, Eric’s assertion that his father “sat there 24 hours a day” is actually correct, but not in the way that he intended.

Donald Trump did sit around most of the day. He engaged in what his aides euphemistically called “Executive Time.” Leaked records from Trump’s White House reveal that he spent 60% of his time binge watching right-wing TV, calling the Fox News hosts who served as his shadow cabinet, and rage-tweeting. That was when he wasn’t ranting incoherently at his cult rallies or golfing.

Eric’s wife Lara, a Fox News contributor, spun the same ludicrous tales about Daddy Trump’s vigorous avoidance of work. “I’m old enough to remember,” she lied, “when we had a president who worked all day everyday for the American people.” So apparently she’s old enough to remember all the way back to President Obama.

The Trump family aren’t the only ones spewing revisionist history about the elder Don. His press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, also visited with Jesse Watters to deliver obvious falsehoods about Trump’s utterly fictional work ethic. She began by casting Trump as a heroic figure who dared to personally challenge the evil coronavirus:

“I worked for a former President, President Trump, who did get COVID-19. Jesse, those were scary times. Because a vaccination wasn’t available at the time. There were therapeutics. But President Trump, we took precautions, you could not stop that man. He knew he was working for the American people getting out on the campaign trail. It was just a much different atmosphere.”

Indeed, you couldn’t stop Trump from infecting guests at White House events, holding massive super-spreader rallies, and even participating in a presidential debate after just testing positive for COVID. However, McEnany contradicted her own characterization of Trump as “working for the American people” by specifying that he was “out on the campaign trail.” That is, by definition, working for his own self-interest.

Trump is irrefutably the laziest president in American history. But there is an argument to be made that the nation benefited from his sloth. Had he been more active, he would have produced more harm. The only pursuits that stimulated him were his perpetual grifting and his post-presidency promulgation of the “Big Lie” that the 2020 election was “rigged.” So here’s hoping that his lethargy continues and advances as time goes on.

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