Fox News Fingers Who is Really at Fault for What’s Happening in Afghanistan: Jill Biden!

The aftermath of President Biden’s decision to proceed with the previously negotiated withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan has dominated the media for the past week. To be sure, any retreat from failed military operations cannot be expected to be free of difficulty. And there are troubling images of desperate Afghans seeking to escape the anticipated tyranny of Taliban rule.

Fox News, Joe Biden, Jill Biden, Friends

Unfortunately, much of the media coverage has focused on melodramatic moments that lack context. The press as a whole seems to have forgotten what Afghanistan was like prior to the U.S. invasion in 2001. In short, it was pretty much the same then as it will be going forward once the evacuation is complete. No better, no worse, and no discernible benefit from twenty years of occupation. The lesson to be learned is not one about predictable hardships following a lengthy war in hostile territory, but about the futility of waging such wars in the first place.

Not surprisingly, Fox News has taken the most preposterous positions regarding the end of the Afghanistan adventure. They have entirely ignored that the original, severely flawed agreement to leave was negotiated by the Trump administration (which he is still bragging about). That deal has been rebuked by Trump’s own National Security Adviser, General H.R. McMaster, as a surrender agreement.” It lifted all sanctions on the Taliban and freed 5,000 of their imprisoned fighters, but got nothing in return.

What’s more, while Fox News harshly criticizes the Biden administration’s handling of efforts to evacuate Afghans who helped the U.S. during the two decade occupation, they are simultaneously complaining about the prospect of bringing those refugees to America. Tucker Carlson has labeled them “invaders” who are “coming to your neighborhood.”

On Sunday’s episode of Fox and Friends, co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy went to even more bizarre lengths to malign Biden. She began by regurgitating the tedious Fox News trope that Biden is mentally unfit to serve as president (video below):

“I look at this and I think ‘Wow. We had a president who was impeached over a phone call.’ This looks like a much more impeachable offense. If you ask me, I know that’s probably, technically it’s probably not, but when you look at what’s hurting America, when you look at the lack of leadership, and you wonder who are the people responsible for putting someone this incompetent, and frankly this, you know, mentally frail in this position?”

Note that the American people already made their judgment about that by overwhelmingly voting for Biden. And they had previously determined that it was Trump who doesn’t have the mental soundness to serve (according to a Fox News poll, no less). Also, Trump wasn’t impeached “over a phone call.” It was his treasonous effort to pressure the president of Ukraine to interfere in the U.S. election that resulted in the first of his two impeachments.

As for grounds to impeach Biden, Campos-Duffy admits that there aren’t any. (unlike Sen. Lindsey Graham, who is apparently even more ignorant of the Constitution than she is). But her craziness was just getting started.

“Of course the media and many people are saying – you had some people on your show this week who were saying it was Susan Rice and Obama and maybe Valerie Jarrett. I’m sorry, as a political spouse, I can’t help but look at Jill Biden, No one knew better his state of mind than Dr. Jill Biden. And if you ask me, the most patriotic thing Jill Biden could have done was tell her husband – to love her husband and not let him run in this mental state that he’s in. I think she failed the country as well.”

So now it’s all Jill Biden’s fault? Never mind that Campos-Duffy didn’t bother to cite a single example of any behavior by the President that would warrant such concerns. She still managed to place the blame on a woman, and one who is highly accomplished and respected.

However, Campos-Duffy never had any concerns about Melania Trump’s tolerance of her husband’s obvious cognitive deficiencies. After all, Donald Trump believed that stealth fighters are actually invisible, that windmills cause cancer, that we should nuke hurricanes, that George Washington’s Army took over airports, and that injecting bleach will cure COVID.

Melania never said a single word about any of that. Clearly she is not a patriot and is responsible for all of the harm that Trump caused during his four years of non-stop incoherence, ignorance, incompetence, and raging hostility. Is too late to impeach her?

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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On Fox News Tucker Carlson Drops His Sickest White Supremacy Conspiracy Theory Yet

The past few months have seen Tucker Carlson of Fox News deliver an eclectic array of noxious commentaries. The variety and extremism of his tirades seem more like the rantings of the schizophrenic on the street corner yelling at passing cars than the host of a program on an alleged “news” network. Among the heinous harangues are Carlson’s paranoid claims that the NSA is spying on him, his adoring embrace of foreign fascists, his bizarre accusation that the FBI orchestrated Trump’s January 6th insurrection, and his twisted belief that public health experts are hiding the “fact” that vaccines don’t work.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Klan

On Wednesday morning Carlson visited with the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends to one up himself on the crazy scale. It didn’t take long for him achieve that goal. The topic of the discussion was immigration, which on Fox News means hateful presentations of invading hordes of brown people intent on committing senseless acts of murder and rape for cheap thrills. And for Carlson it also offers another opportunity to peddle the overtly racist “White Replacement Theory” that he picked up from his study of 20th century Nazis. He vented viciously to his Fox friends that…

“What’s happening at the border is not a crisis. A crisis is a flood in Bangladesh. It’s an act of god. This is an intentional act. This is the administration bringing felons, violent criminals, into our country on purpose. Why would you do something like that? Only to destroy it. There’s no other explanation for this. It’s not an act of compassion. It’s an act of hostility against the United States in order to change it forever. I think this is the greatest scandal of my lifetime, what’s happening on the border right now.”

So Carlson wants us to believe that he thinks Democrats are intentionally importing violent felons for the sole purpose of destroying America. He doesn’t bother to explain why Democrats would want to do that, or how it would benefit them. It’s just his opinion that they are the equivalent of comic book super villains who have no motive other than laying waste to civilization to prove that they can. That’s the sort of small-brain thesis that a seven year old would be embarrassed to claim.

For the record, Carlson doesn’t have a shred of evidence to support any of his rancid rhetoric. There are no caravans of migrating felons marching northward. But he is parroting the psychotic ramblings of Donald Trump who has repeatedly and baselessly charged that “Other countries are emptying their jails into our country.”

After getting an “Absolutely!” affirmation from co-host Steve Doocy, Carlson went on to reveal what he thinks the end game is for the evil Democrats. “The strategy,” Carlson snarls, “is to change the demographics of the country.” That’s the heart of the “White Replacement Theory” that he has been hawking on his program for months. His belief is that Democrats will gain an electoral advantage through this, saying that “Democrats are bringing them here purely to vote for them.” Carlson seems to think that these imaginary migrant felons get immediate citizenship and voting rights as soon as they cross the border. And of course, they will all register and vote as Democrats.

In case anyone missed the main point Carlson was trying to make, he conveniently spelled it out for us, warning that “we should not be bullied into silence as they take OUR country away.” The emphasis on “OUR” was entirely Carlson’s. It was his not-so-subtle nod to the white-wingers like himself who he believes are the rightful masters of America. And while it’s disgusting enough that Carlson would hold that opinion, it’s downright nauseating that he would shamelessly say it out loud on national television. But then again, this is Fox News.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News: Unvaccinated People Dying From COVID? So What? That’s Their Choice

The crusade by Fox News to murder their own audience is continuing at full blast. The ignorant and dangerous advice they are disseminating is directly contributing to the recent surge in coronavirus infections, hospitalizations, and fatalities. Virtually all of those being swept up in that surge (99%) are unvaccinated.

Fox News, Covid

By far, the segment of the American population that is unvaccinated, and refusing to get vaccinated, are Republicans and Fox News viewers. That shouldn’t surprise anyone since Fox News hacks like Tucker Carlson have been actively peddling conspiracy theories that vaccines don’t work, but “they” aren’t telling you. Studies show that watching Fox News actually increases coronavirus fatalities.

On Monday morning the Fox and Friends Death Panel upped the ante. Their discussion touched an imaginary government mandate to get vaccinated that doesn’t exist anywhere in the United States. Nevertheless, co-host Brian Kilmeade went ballistic over that delusional encroachment on what he regards as his personal freedom to die and to kill others:

Kilmeade: If you didn’t get a vaccination, that’s your choice. But if you did, like I did, and they did, and maybe you did, then you should not wear a mask. And if you want to go cliff diving this weekend, you don’t have to check with me. It seems a little dangerous. But I’m not gonna judge you. But if you put yourself in danger, if you feel that this is not something for you, don’t do it. But don’t affect my life.
Doocy: 99% of the people who are dying from COVID are unvaccinated.
Kilmeade: That’s their choice!
Doocy: They don’t want to die. So the administration and government is saying we need the mask mandates to protect the unvaccinated.
Kilmeade: That’s not their job. It’s not their job to protect anybody.

There’s an abundance of idiocy in that brief exchange. It begins with Kilmeade asserting that everyone who has been vaccinated “should not wear a mask.” That is contrary to the guidance by most health experts and the CDC. Particularly in the midst of the rapidly spreading new Delta variant.

More to the point, Kilmeade’s tirade is reckless, heartless, and senseless. There is no rational equivalence between cliffing diving (a voluntary recreational activity), and COVID (a deadly viral pandemic for which nobody volunteers). What’s more, he includes his insistence that people should be allowed to make their own decisions so long as they “don’t affect my life.” Of course, the decision to not get vaccinated does affect the lives of the population at large because it increases the probability of viral transmission and mutation into more hazardous variants.

Finally, Kilmeade concludes with what he apparently thinks is the coup de gras of his irresponsible and idiotic argument. He claims that it isn’t the government’s job to protect people. He might want to check with the United States Constitution whose Preamble explicitly states as its purpose to “insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, [and] promote the general Welfare.”

If Kilmeade doesn’t believe that government has a role in protecting people, he must think that everything from the FDA to the EPA to even the armed forces are a heinous breach of government authority. He appears to be advocating for poisons in your groceries and toxins in your air and water. He is effectively arguing to disband the military and to defund the police.

Worst of all, Kilmeade and his confederates on Fox News are continuing to push for the rights of people to be inundated with lies that could result in their demise, or that of their loved ones. They are ignoring the fact that everyone has an impact on how the pandemic progresses and how much harm and grief it produces.

The only thing that Fox News and company care about is being opposed to whatever common sense health agenda is proposed by the Biden administration. It’s purely a partisan play that places politics above humanity. And it ought to make them criminally liable for the consequences.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
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Psaki to GOP: Failure to Provide Accurate Public Health Info…is Literally Killing People

This week President Biden discussed his administration’s outreach program aimed at getting more people vaccinated against the coronavirus. The details were presented by Press Secretary Jen Psaki at the Daily Briefing on Tuesday. And that discussion triggered an ongoing freak out by Republicans and their mouthpieces on Fox News.

Jen Psaki

The frantic freaking is still in effect as Brian Kilmeade of Fox and Friends babbled deliriously about government goons who are “gonna knock on your door. They’re gonna demand that you take it. And they’re gonna give you a third shot.” Needless to say, that crackpot conspiracy exists only the minds of Kilmeade, his Fox confederates, and their dimwitted viewers.

But it doesn’t stop there. Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-QAnon) attended the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Dallas on Friday and told an interviewer that Biden’s door-to-door informational effort is really just a prelude to the wholesale confiscation of every American’s guns and bibles:

If Cawthorn thinks that the “mechanisms” that would be in place to send the feds to every home in the country is an evil plot, I hope nobody tells him about the Census or the Post Office, who have been doing that for decades.

In the interest of providing a definitive rebuttal to this avalanche of asininity, posted below is Jen Psaki’s response (video and transcript) to a question on this subject by ABC News White House correspondent, Karen Travers. Psaki spells out precisely what the outreach program is and isn’t. Not that it will will satisfy the glassy-eyed cult followers of Donald Trump, but at least it can be referenced when needed to rebut the right-wing crazy:

Travers: There’s still pushback about the President’s comments about going door-to-door to encourage vaccination. The South Carolina Governor said today that “enticing, coercing, intimidating, mandating, or pressuring anyone to take the vaccine is bad policy that will deteriorate the public trust and confidence in the state’s efforts.”

And Gov. McMaster said he’s going to prohibit the state health agencies from using the administration’s targeted tactics. Can you respond to the Governor and explain what is being done and what is not being done in this outreach?

Psaki: Sure. Let me first say that the failure to provide accurate public health information, including the efficacy of vaccines and the accessibility of them to people across the country, including So. Carolina, is literally killing people. So maybe they should consider that.

But I would say that what this is, and what this is not, it is not federal employees going door-to-door. This is grassroots volunteers. This is members of the clergy. These are volunteers who believe people across the country, especially in low vaccinated areas, should have accurate information; should have information about where they can get vaccinated; where they can save their own lives and their neighbors’ lives and their family members’ lives.

That’s exactly what this is. It’s something that’s been going on since April. And it’s something where we’ve seen an impact in states where there are lower vaccination rates. So it’s something that we will continue to work with local groups to do. And it’s a disservice to the country, and to the people who may lose their lives, may lose family members, to provide inaccurate disinformation at a moment when we’re still fighting a pandemic.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Fox News Can’t Keep Its Lies Straight About Biden’s Vaccine Outreach Initiative

As the nation continues to battle the deadly coronavirus pandemic that Donald Trump so badly mismanaged, Fox News continues to mislead their viewers and foment irrational fears based on outright lies. They have a burning obsession with finding fault for anything and everything President Biden does whether it’s real or not, and regardless of the harm it causes.

Donald Trump, Fox News, Coronavirus

On Friday morning’s episode of Fox and Friends, co-host Brian Kilmeade unleashed another of his frantic, factless tirades aimed at disseminating a flagrantly false narrative about Biden. The subject was the President’s latest initiative to save American lives by promoting the safety, effectiveness, and availability of vaccines. Fox News and the Republican Party of Death have already been maligning this initiative, with some characterizing it as a Nazi-style infringement on freedom. And in the spirit of that insanity, Kilmeade said to…

“Ask yourself if you have a problem with this. They’re gonna knock on your door. They’re gonna demand that you take it. And they’re gonna give you a third shot.”

Of course, none of that has even a passing resemblance to the truth. Nevertheless, Kilmeade went on to rant that “It’s unbelievable how offensive his administration is getting with a pandemic that is clearly on the run.” Apparently Kilmeade hasn’t heard that the Delta variant of the virus is surging in (mostly Trump) parts of the country. For the first time in months the infection and hospitalization rates are going up.

However, in a rare display of honesty, another Fox News anchor delivered some factual information about the Biden outreach program. Gillian Turner interviewed Fox News contributor Marc Thiessen and presented him with what the program is actually doing. Thiessen, however, wasn’t moved:

Turner: In the Biden administration’s defense, they’re insisting with this door-to-door strategy they’re not showing up with needles. They’re not showing up with shots. Nothing is happening on your front doorstep in front of your neighbors. They are not gonna come jab you. But what they are trying to do is get information to you. They are trying to make sure that you know these shots are free, that you are eligible, where you can go to get one. It’s an information sharing operation, they say. Does that assuage some of your concern at all, or not really?
Thiessen: Not really. I don’t want people showing up on my doorstep before knowing my vaccine history.

Turner made some excellent points, putting the program’s mission into the proper context. So expect Fox News to make her disappear for a few weeks while she is undergoing reeducation. As for Thiessen, what the heck is he talking about? Does he want people to get his vaccine history before showing up on his doorstep? To be clear, the outreach program will not collect information about people’s vaccination status. It will be targeting geographic areas that are known to have low vaccination rates. And no one will be required to get a shot, or even listen to the volunteers in the field.

Thiessen went on to complain that Trump wasn’t included in a public service ad that featured all of the living former presidents promoting the vaccine. He implies that Trump was deliberately left out. There is, however, no proof of that. In fact, it was Trump who demonstrated his disinterest in promoting the vaccine (that he nevertheless claims credit for) by getting vaccinated secretly in January and not disclosing it until weeks after he left office.

Furthermore, Trump has declined all previous attempts to appear with the other former presidents. And when asked about his non-participation in this ad, Trump repeatedly refused to respond. That doesn’t sound like he was left out. Were that the case he would be whining about it ceaselessly and complaining about how mean everyone is to him.

Thiessen concedes that it is Trump country that is lagging in vaccinations. So he wonders why the Biden administration doesn’t recruit Trump to]“go to Mississippi and do a public service ad, or do something out there telling people to get vaccinated.” As if Trump would do anything at the request of the President that he has been yammering about for months, saying that he isn’t really the President. Turner reminds Thiessen that Trump “could also do that on his own” and that he doesn’t need “to wait for a formal invitation from the White House.”

I hope no one is holding their breath for Trump to visit Mississippi to help their residents get vaccinated and avoid severe illness and death. That would take time away from his golfing and his cult rallies where he pays tribute to himself, insults his critics, and perpetuates the “Big Lie: that the election was stolen from him. And everybody knows that those are his only priorities. He can’t be bothered with saving lives.

UPDATE: Press Secretary Jen Psaki makes it abundantly clear what the outreach program is all about:

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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On Fox and Friends Lara Trump ‘Cancels’ Fox News Poll Showing Biden with 56% Approval

The mission of Fox News was recently disclosed by the network’s CEO, Lachlan Murdoch. He told a Morgan Stanley investor conference that it is Fox’s job to be the opposition saying that “That’s what our job is now with the Biden administration […] That’s where our audience is.”

Fox News Lies

True to form, Fox News is carrying out their mission at every opportunity. Their so-called “news” reporting is comprised almost entirely of attacks on President Biden, his administration, and the overwhelmingly popular Democratic agenda. In fact, Fox is advancing their anti-Democratic propaganda even when when it means burying the results of their own alleged journalism.

This week Fox News released the findings of a poll they conducted that apparently produced results that contradicted their right-wing narratives. The poll showed that Biden is enjoying a 56% approval rating. However, that’s the sort of truth that Fox News doesn’t want to burden their audience with. Consequently, what would ordinarily be the topline news in the story was pushed further down in an obvious attempt to bury it.

Biden’s approval rating was literally the last line in the article on Fox’s website. The headline didn’t even mention it, reading “Fox News Poll: Majority believes COVID-19 leaked from lab in China.” What’s more, Fox barely acknowledged that the poll even existed on their network. And one of the few mentions of it was this segment of Fox and Friends where Lara Trump, a Fox News contributor, described the poll as “illegitimate”:

Kilmeade: How do you explain his approval rating, according to Fox’s poll, is 54 percent? [Note that Kilmeade got the number wrong]
Lara Trump: I mean, I truly don’t believe that. I don’t think that is a legitimate number. I also think he gets totally coddled by the mainstream media. Every time you see him truly asked a question by so many of these outlets they’re these softball questions about ice cream. And really they don’t push him on anything. They don’t follow up on anything the way we know they would with Donald Trump. And he just gets glowing reviews all around from the mainstream media. So very clearly, people who tune into those outlets are not getting the full picture on Joe Biden. But I cannot believe that anybody would have his approval rating anywhere over about negative 5% at this point.

Imagine that. Trump called Fox’s poll illegitimate on Fox’s air. Co-host Steve Doocy meekly inserted his view that Fox stands behind their polls. But it wasn’t much of defense after Trump’s tirade. And we’ll just set aside the absurdity of anyone on Fox News complaining about “coddling” and “softball questions” after four years of sucking up to Donald Trump.

A previous appearance by Trump since she became an employee of Fox News caused a bit of stir when she advocated violent vigilantism by residents of border towns against refugees. “I guess they better arm up and get guns,” Lara warned, “and be ready, and maybe they’re gonna have to start taking matters into their own hands.”

The Fox News mission to disparage Democrats and democracy is in full effect. In just the past couple of weeks for example, they have been bashing Vice-President Kamala Harris for both going to, and not going to, the border. They stand behind Tucker Carlson’s nauseating conspiracy theories attacking the FBI and the U.S. military. They are deliberately misleading viewers about voting reform and Critical Race Theory. And they literally take the side of Russia’s Vladimir Putin over Biden and the U.S.A.

That’s how Fox News rolls. And their anti-America, unpatriotic, lie-riddled assault on the values and principles of the nation will continue until the people who Fox is disinforming pull the veil of deception from their eyes. Sadly, the nature of the Trumpian cult to which they are devoted is going to prevent that for the foreseeable future.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Fox News Host On Civil Rights Movement: ‘We’ve Seen the Enemy and It’s White People’

Fox News suffered a profound loss when Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump for the presidency. And despite the messianic beliefs held by Trump and his cult disciples that he actually won and that his political resurrection is imminent, he remains an embarrassingly irrelevant and pathetic apostle of pity and lies.

Fox News Racist

This leaves Fox News in the desperate position of having to manufacture controversies that might satiate the voracious appetites of their scandal-starved audience. They’ve already run through preposterous stories involving Dr. Seuss and Mr. Potato Head. they’ve tried to dampen Biden’s broad based popularity with nonsense like whether or not he wears a face mask, or blaming him for a sauce shortage at Chick-fil-A, or mocking the romance in his marriage. All to no avail.

Among the contrivances at Fox News has been a relentless assault on the academic study of Critical Race Theory, which is defined as an “attempt to understand how victims of systemic racism are affected by cultural perceptions of race.” Not that anyone on Fox News could define it – or cares. They are just exploiting it to trigger the racist tendencies of their viewers. And that mission led to a segment on Wednesday’s episode of Fox and Friends where co-host Brian Kilmeade launched into a rancid rant against the Civil Rights movement (video below). He began by demanding credit for white folks having made some progress with their bigotry:

“They’re not acknowledging any improvement in our culture, and the gains made, and how we are more equal, even despite our faults, than any other country.”

Congratulations Brian, You and yours aren’t shackling Black people and forcing them to work for nothing anymore. That’s hardly something to brag about when there is still a significant amount of prejudice in America with regard to education, jobs, and housing. And there’s also that little matter of how Black men and women – and children – keep getting killed by police officers. But don’t let me interrupt. Please continue:

“The other thing is, they’re not only trying to raise up minorities and trying to make sure the playing field is even, they’re trying to take down the white culture. And this generation of Americans wondered why aren’t we all Americans? Why are we all being marginalized on a daily basis on our gender, our sexuality, and the color of our skin? And it’s not even subtle. It is actually out there. It is written in black and white.”

Just as we always thought. It’s white people who are the victims of culture take-downs and marginalization. It’s a good thing that we have Fox News and Kilmeade to remind us of this. But he still wasn’t finished:

“This is the big difference between other civil rights movements in our past. One, the first big one was a war. The second big one we saw in the streets, especially in the South. And this one we’re seeing in the classroom. And we’ve seen the enemy and it’s white people.”

WTHF? Kilmeade is now asserting that today’s Civil Rights movement has declared war on white people. That’s because he sees the struggle for equality as a fight to deprive the white population of the privilege that they believe is their divine right. Any progress toward leveling the playing field means taking away from whites the advantages that have been accustomed to for generations.

What’s especially nauseating about this is that Kilmeade isn’t the least bit shy about saying all of this out loud on his nationally broadcast television program. And his co-hosts Steve Doocy and Ainsley Earhardt nod along in complete agreement.

That’s how far down the Mariana Trench of racism that Fox News has descended. And Trump has made it acceptable to unapologetically parade prejudice around in Right-Wing World. But given the realities of demographics, they will soon be toppled from their hilltop. Deep down they know that, and that’s why they’re so afraid.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Gets Exclusive Access to Voter Suppression Bill Signing By Florida Governor

In what can only be described as a submission to state TV politics, Florida governor Ron DeSantis held a bill signing ceremony where he denied access to every media organization – except for Fox News. Even the local station that was designated as the pool representative was refused entry.

Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis

This is the sort of journalistic atrocity that would be expected in a third world dictatorship or a Donald Trump administration. As the Tampa Bay Times reported

“When Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a new bill this morning to change the future of mail-in voting in Florida, the only television cameras allowed to capture the moment belonged to Fox News.

“Outside, reporters and videographers from local news outlet were told the ceremonial bill signing was an ‘exclusive’ for Fox & Friends, the conservative network’s morning show. DeSantis confirmed as much later in the day.”

This was a public event paid for by taxpayers. But DeSantis turned it into a totalitarian style propaganda affair covered only by approved state media. It assured that the only people who would be able to see this farce were Fox News viewers who, ironically, would be the primary beneficiaries of a bill that suppressed voting by low income and minority voters. Anyone who didn’t have cable, or who chose to watch actual news networks, were shut out. And to make matters worse, the whole idea was DeSantis’ alone. In a statement to the Tampa Bay Times, Fox News said that…

“Fox never asked for the special treatment. In a statement to the Tampa Bay Times, the network said, ‘FOX & Friends did not request or mandate that the May 6th event and interview with Gov. Ron DeSantis be exclusive to FOX News Media entities.'”

The bill itself is another initiative to make voting more difficult, similar to bills passed in Georgia and Texas. DeSantis held up a placard detailing what he said the bill would accomplish, including common Republican strawman issues like enforcing voter ID, banning ballot harvesting, prohibiting mass mailing of ballots, increasing election transparency, and prohibiting private money from running elections. None of these activities were identified as having caused any problems in any past election.

RELATED: The Republican (and Fox News) Agenda for 2021: Less Voting, More Guns

What DeSantis left out was that the bill also provided for restricting mail-in ballot drop boxes, making it harder to vote by mail, forcing people to request mail-in ballots every two years, criminalizing giving food or water to voters in line, and expanding partisan challenges to vote counting.

When asked why he restricted news coverage to Fox News, DeSantis dodged the question, saying only that it was “a wonderful bill signing […] on Fox and Friends and we were happy to give them the exclusive on that.” But granting exclusive coverage to a public event is a brazen assault on democracy. And it only confirms that DeSantis was afraid of the broader Florida population finding out just how deceitful and despicable he and the Republican Party are.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Disgusting Fox News Hacks Compare Waiting in Line for Hours to Vote to … What?

Desperate Republicans in Georgia, having recently lost two Senate seats and the presidency to Democrats, just passed a blatantly discriminatory law whose unambiguous purpose is to suppress votes. The law will impact predominantly people of color, the poor, workers, and students.

Fox News Friends

This is a backdoor admission that the GOP can’t appeal to the concerns of voters with their policies, so they resort to obstructing citizens from exercising their Constitutional right to vote. And naturally, Fox News is supporting this abhorrent electoral tactic. On Thursday morning the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends addressed the subject, focusing on a bizarre provision in the law that prohibits anyone from offering food or water to voters waiting in line to cast their ballots.

For the record, it is Republicans who created the mess that has resulted in voters having wait for many hours to vote. The GOP made it more difficult to vote by mail. They closed precincts, but only in districts that tended to vote Democratic. The precincts that remained open were provided fewer staffers and voting machines. The results were predictable delays intended to discourage people from voting at all. This new legislation is intended to make matters even worse.

In light of that, Fox News saw fit to mock the problem that obviously isn’t affecting any of them or their privileged class. It’s an exercise in brazen callousness and elitism:

Ainsley Earhardt: The water argument is what cracks me up. Because what line have you stood in – If you go to Yankee Stadium and stand in line to get a ticket, do they serve you water? Do you care?
Brian Kilmeade: Just hot towels. That all you get.
Steve Doocy: I have been voting for over forty years and I have never thought to myself, “Okay, I have to go vote today. Will they have snacks?”

Whereupon everybody shares a hearty laugh at the hardships of people that they can’t possibly relate to. The comparison to waiting in line for Yankees tickets is painfully ludicrous. Let’s set aside the fact that you buy those tickets on line. More to the point, attending a baseball game isn’t a constitutionally protected activity, the results of which will impact the lives of you, your family and your community for decades.

Doocy’s observation that he has never had to think about “snacks” when going to vote only reinforces how out of touch he is with the problems of people not in his upper crust socioeconomic class. Obviously he hasn’t had to worry about that. In his neighborhood they have plenty of polling places, and he can take whatever time he needs to go cast his vote.

The fact that these three hacks find this dilemma so hysterical is downright nauseating. They should be forced to vote in precincts that have the disadvantages that low income citizens have to deal with. They aren’t pampered TV personalities complaining about not having snacks for an hour or two. They are often elderly voters stuck in an outdoor line in November for six, eight, ten hours, or more.

Finally, returning to the comparison to getting Yankees tickets, these cretins forget that waiting for sporting events is actually a cultural activity that famously includes elaborate snacks and refreshments provided in tailgate parties. That’s still legal. But giving food or water to oppressed citizens who only want to participate in their democracy is now against the law in Georgia.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Lara Trump Joins Fox News Just in Time to Boost Her Campaign for the Senate

It’s not like anyone needed additional proof that Fox News is the PR division of the Republican Party, and more recently, of Donald Trump and the bootlicking political cabal that hungers for his ascension to dictator. But more proof is what we got as Lara Trump, Eric’s wife, is welcomed into the Fox News family of shameless sycophants.

Fox News, Lara Trump

The mission of Fox News has been obvious for decades. It was founded by an ultra-conservative newspaper baron (Rupert Murdoch) and GOP media consultant (Roger Ailes). And it only grew more biased and partisan as the years went by. Now they have taken another step toward total integration into the politics of authoritarian propaganda. Monday morning Ainsley Earhardt of Fox and Friends made the big announcement:

Earhardt: Let’s bring in Lara Trump, Former senior advisor for the Trump campaign and, we have a big announcement, she is a new Fox News contributor. Welcome to the family Lara.”
Trump: I’m so so excited, first of all, to be joining the Fox family. I sort of feel like I’ve been an unofficial member of the team for so long. You guys know it was kind of a joke. Over the past five years I would come there so often that the security guards were like, ‘Maybe we should just give you a key.'”

This is an especially bizarre reception with Trump admitting that her prior appearances on Fox were so numerous and affable that “it was kind of a joke.” They are conceding that she was a de facto member of the Fox “News” team even throughout the 2020 presidential campaign while she working as a senior advisor for it. A legitimate news enterprise wouldn’t think that was funny.

In addition to the flagrant skirting of journalistic ethics, it is notable that this hiring comes at a time when Trump is dangling the proposition of a senate campaign in every media appearance she makes. She recently confirmed to Sean Hannity that “Yes, I am still considering [running for the Senate]. Absolutely!”

It’s impossible to dismiss that this hiring is related to that campaign. Most news organizations wouldn’t consider bringing on someone who has been openly promoting their candidacy. Why do so for the short term unless the purpose was to publicize the candidate and boost their electoral prospects? The matter was raised in this segment with Trump affirming that…

“Fox has been very generous with me, and they have said if that’s something that you ultimately decide to do, they’re gonna work with me on that front, and make sure that everything – all the rules are followed and we do everything properly.”

So Trump has a commitment from Fox News to “work with” her as she develops her campaign plans. and she’s foolish enough to admit it on the air. That’s not surprising for someone who was caught ripping off a dog rescue charity, and whose husband (Eric Trump) stole funds from a children’s cancer charity.

Lara Trump isn’t the only member of the deposed Trump administration to join the Fox News family. Trump’s former press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, was announced as a Fox contributor last month. And Trump’s former top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, has replaced the creepy, Trump-fluffing, Lou Dobbs, who was fired as a stop-gap measure in response to the billion dollar defamation lawsuit filed against Fox News by the voting software company, Smartmatic.

Clearly, the revolving door between Fox News and Republican politics is still spinning wildly out of control. They have apparently abandoned any pretense to being a news network. Not they they have ever acted as one. But now the biases are not so broadly defined as GOP-centric. They are now crossing the line into Trump cult territory.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.