Trump Madness on Meet the Press: Jail the January 6th Committee and Pardon January 6th Rioters

In his first interview since the election last month, Donald Trump has cemented his reputation as a pathological liar and a thoroughly delusional distorter of reality. He is proving that he is consistent, at least with regard to his determination to mislead the nation in order to pursue his dangerously dystopic agenda and advance his aspirations of authoritarian rule.

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Donald Trump Insurrection

Trump sat down with NBC’s Kristen Welker on “Meet the Press” for a typically awkward discussion wherein he filibustered, interrupted, and disgorged many of the same flagrant falsehoods that he has been disseminating for years at his cult rallies and in friendly venues such as Fox News, where at least 14 of his new White House nominees have come from.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Nominees Are Largely Fox News Alum, Mar-a-Lago Patrons, and Billionaires

Among the topics that Trump mangled were his refusal to concede that he lost the 2020 election, his denial that tariffs would raise prices for consumers, and his maligning migrants as murderers, and his ludicrous new claim that the 2024 election was also rigged.

Trump was also asked about the January 6th insurrection that he incited. His answers were the same as he has given previously, but still troubling with regard to two associated aspects of it…

These opinions could not be more distant from the sort of rational thinking that Americans expect from their leaders. He is declaring that he wants elected members of Congress to be imprisoned for fulfilling their duties to investigate the violent insurrection. And he is simultaneously advocating that the criminal insurrectionists who assaulted police offices as they stormed the Capitol be freed and forgiven for their crimes, which he promises to do on his first day in office…

Welker: You promised to pardon those who attacked the Capitol on January 6th. Are you still vowing to follow through with that promise?
Trump: We’re looking at it right now. Most likely, yeah. […]
Welker: But you’re going to consider pardoning even those who pleaded guilty to crimes, including assaulting police officers?
Trump: Well, sometimes they say, “Here’s your choice.”

In the interview, Trump was also asked directly if he thought that Liz Cheney should go to jail. He replied…

“Cheney did something that’s inexcusable, along with [Rep. Benny] Thompson and the people on the un-select committee of political thugs and, you know, creeps. So the unselect committee went through a year and a half of testimony. Wait. They deleted and destroyed all evidence of — that they found. You know why? Because Nancy Pelosi was guilty. […] Everybody on that committee, for what they did, honestly, they should go to jail.”

Every word of that rant is demonstrably false. What Cheney did that was “inexcusable” was to acknowledge the evidence of Trump’s misconduct. And Trump’s claim that “They deleted and destroyed all evidence” has been repeatedly debunked. In fact, only “temporary” records that were not part of the Committee’s probe were not preserved. Everything else was saved and is available online.

Furthermore, Trump’s accusation that Pelosi is “guilty” of some jailable offense is wholly without merit or reason. He is obliquely referring to an offer he claims to have made to provide 10,000 National Guard troops on January 6th, an offer that was never made according to multiple sources, including his own Defense Department appointees. In any case, it was the president, Trump, not Pelosi, who was in charge of security in D.C.

MORE ON BOTH OF THOSE HERE: Dementia J. Trump Confuses Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley In a Lie-Riddled Rant About January 6th

Trump also said that he would not direct his Attorney General or FBI Director to go after the Committee, but that “I think that they’ll have to look at that.” So he is, in effect, telling them to go after the Committee members, and probably others as well, including President Biden, his son Hunter, and prosecutors such as Jack Smith and Fani Willis. Much like a mob boss, he doesn’t have to give explicit orders to his subordinates, because they know what he means. They were hired to carry out his crusade of vengeance, and they know it.

We are barreling headlong at breakneck speed into a backwards world where lawmakers are locked up and lawbreakers are set free. And it’s going to take a mighty effort to resist this reversible perversion of politics. However, there are more of us than there are of them, and we have the law on our side. Even though it may not look like it sometimes.


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Pete Hegseth’s Fox News Co-Host Admits He Had a Drinking Problem, But It’s Now ‘Under Control’

The ongoing formation of the Cabinet of Donald Trump continues to limp along with fits and wheezes. The historically unprecedented roster of billionaires, unqualified hacks, and shamelessly sycophantic Trump loyalists, portends a dire future for the nation.

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Pete Hegseth with Drunk Emoji

Not only would Trump’s administration lack anyone who would stand up to him when he’s wrong, they don’t have the experience or intelligence to implement his agenda, which is actually one of the rare positive aspects of his cadre of crackpots. What they have is unflinching fealty to Dear Leader and a direct hook up to his Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Nominees Are Largely Fox News Alum, Mar-a-Lago Patrons, and Billionaires

On Friday Kristen Welker of NBC News released a few teaser clips from her interview of Trump that will air Sunday on Meet the Press. In these clips Trump displayed his famously dishonest and/or delusionary perspective when discussing the state of Pete Hegseth’s nomination for Secretary of Defense.

Trump told Welker that “Pete is doing well now,” despite the fact that he still doesn’t have the votes from Republicans to be confirmed. Trump also offered his praise for Hegseth saying that “I’ve known him through Fox. But I’ve known him for a long time. And he’s basically a military guy,” because he talks about the military a lot. If that were the criteria required to run the Pentagon, Gomer Pyle would be qualified.

Hegseth has never managed anything like the Department of Defense, with 3.4 million people and an $850 billion budget. But he was fired from two veterans charities for alcohol-fueled misconduct and financial mismanagement. So he may have the skills Trump wants in order to dismantle the institution. With regard to Hegeth’s alcohol issues, Trump said that…

“I’ve spoken to people that know him very well and they say he does not have a drinking problem.”

Well, then that settles it. Because Trump would never lie, would he? Were those people big strong men who came up to him and hugged him with tears in their eyes? And why is okay for Trump to cite anonymous sources, but it’s not okay for anyone else?

These comments by Trump were played on Saturday’s episode of Fox and Friends, the program that Hegseth quit in order to become Vladimir Putin’s fave choice for U.S. defense secretary. And immediately following the clips, the current hosts discussed them and their relationship with Hegseth…

Cain: Just to be clear, people who work with him, there’s three – two here who have been with him on an hourly basis for five years – not a drinking problem. And that’s on the record with our names. So anonymous sources at NBC who work with him, you can value that for what it’s worth.
Campos-Duffy: I’ve actually seen Pete’s transformation over the time that I’ve worked here in terms of his own personal life. The man that he’s become. The way he comports himself as a father, as a husband over the last seven years. […] Pete does cling to his bible because he’s humble enough to know he needs it. And, no, he does not have a drinking problem. He has that completely under control.”

So Hegseth’s fellow “Curvy Couch” potatoes are with him all the way. What a surprise, and not at all a biased testimonial. Although Campos-Duffy may have done him more harm than good. Her assertion that his drinking problem is now “under control” is an affirmation that he did have a drinking problem. She now claims that he has overcome it, but provides no evidence for how he did so. It is extraordinarily difficult to overcome any substance abuse problem without professional help. Did Hegseth undergo therapy? Did he join Alcoholics Anonymous? Or did he just ask Jesus to free him from his addiction?

What’s more, why do they think that their testimony is more credible because they are on the record? They are also still employed by Fox News, and their jobs depend on regurgitating the company line. Which also happens to be the Trump line. Furthermore, we know that Fox News hosts lie because they were caught and had to pay a $787 billion dollar settlement due to their flagrant dishonesty.

The testimony of the inside sources in the independent reporting by the New Yorker and elsewhere is far more credible because they are speaking without the pressure or intimidation from their employers, Trump, or his MAGA thugs. And they are not anonymous. They are confidential. There’s a difference. The identity of anonymous sources is unknown. The identity of confidential sources is known to the journalists and editors. It just not disclosed in order to avoid retribution.

The bottom line is that the stories of Hegseth’s debauchery have now been essentially affirmed in part by his own former Fox News co-hosts. There is little reason to have confidence that he won’t backslide if he is entrusted with the stress and responsibility of being Secretary of Defense. And this doesn’t even address his inexperience, or the allegations of sexual assault, or the criticisms by his own mother that he’s a liar and a cheater who abuses women. However, it’s clear to see what Trump likes so much about him. They are two of a kind.


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Speaker Johnson Glorifies Dear Leader Trump’s Glorious Health, Rejects Calls for Medical Records

Any rational person who has been paying attention to the MAGA movement led by Donald Trump cannot help but recognize its similarities with cults from the past. He tolerates no dissension from his missionaries in politics and the press. His flock are glassy-eyed disciples who can see no wrong. And he employs the first rule of cults: Only Dear Leader will tell you the Truth. Everyone else is lying.

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Trump in Bed, Eating, Sad

The obvious parallels between cults and MAGA should strike fear into the hearts of Americans who value the democratic principles that have formed the foundation of this constitutional republic for 250 years. Trump’s emergence as a demagogic figure threatens to put an end to the freedoms that the American people have enjoyed, and replace them with servitude to the wannabe messiah.

SEE THIS: IT’S A CULT! Poll Shows Republicans Trust Only Criminal Messiah Trump to Tell Them the Truth

On Sunday morning, one of Trump’s most loyal ministers, Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson, was interviewed on NBC’s Meet the Press. And the sermon he delivered there was extraordinarily reverential and bursting with blind devotion. It was a display of unfettered fealty to his salmonesque savior. The exchange began with host Kristen Welker asking Johnson whether Trump should release his medical records – which Johnson said were “irrelevant” – but descended into flagrant lies and worshipful exaltation almost immediately.

Welker: Should Donald Trump release all of his medical records, Mr. Speaker?
Johnson: He has. He issued – he issued the records of his physicians. Kamala Harris issued her medical records as diversion because she’s desperate, because she’s sinking in the polls. Donald Trump’s health is on display. Everyone in America can see it. The man works nonstop. He never quits. He probably sleeps four hours a night. He doesn’t require as much sleep as the average person. He’s an unusual figure. And this is the strength that we need in a time like this. We’re in the most dangerous moment since World War II. You have to have strength. You have to have a steady hand. You have to have a commander-in-chief that our allies respect and our enemies fear. They do not fear Kamala Harris. They do fear Donald Trump. That’s what people are going to vote on.
Welker: Mr. Speaker, just be very clear, he hasn’t released all of his medical records. He released two letters. Should he release the results of the cognitive tests?
Johnson: It’s unnecessary. He’s on display every minute.

There’s a lot of blatant BS to unpack here. Let’s start with Johnson’s barefaced lie that Trump has released his medical records. He has not. Johnson was, however, correct that Kamala Harris did release hers. And not as a diversion (she is currently leading in most polls), but because every presidential candidate for decades – except for Trump – has done so.

The only thing Trump released was an outdated and letter with no details from last year describing a partial physical that did not include cognitive testing, and two letters from disgraced former doctor, Ronny Jackson, who claims that he treated Trump after his “ear death” experience in Pennsylvania. He did not perform a complete physical on Trump at that time. Jackson is currently unlicensed, and was demoted in retirement from the Navy due to misconduct involving drugs and alcohol.

Johnson went on to assert that Trump’s medical records weren’t needed because his perfect health was evident and that “Everyone in America can see it.” That is hardly an alternative to a physical exam by a qualified professional. Trump could have numerous problems that are not visible to laymen watching him on TV, or measurable without laboratory tests. They could include any number of bio-deficiencies or abnormal growths. And certainly any mental defect would require closer scrutiny. Although there has been a great deal of that evident in Trump’s bizarre and incoherent ravings at his rallies and in recent interviews.

Johnson also lauded Trump’s alleged stamina. But boasting that he doesn’t sleep much is more a sign of depravation than fitness. Likewise, claims that America’s enemies “fear Donald Trump” are preposterous. Mostly they laugh at him. If there is any hint of fear it’s due to his mental instability, not his strength or intellect, both of which he is lacking. Which our enemies know and are adept at manipulating him.

Trump’s failure to release his medical records is certainly due to their having bad news in them. If they were positive he would have released them on live TV weeks ago. It’s the same reason he has refused to release his financial and tax records. He is afraid to let the American people see the truth.

Johnson knows all of this, but he is to deeply indoctrinated into the Trump cult to be honest about it. In the meantime, Democrats and other sane Americans need to stay focused on winning in November. It is more imperative now than ever.


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Wannabe Dictator Trump Promises to Prosecute the ‘Country Threatening Treason’ of the Media

Donald Trump’s campaign for the 2024 Republican nomination for president has focused almost entirely on his personal vendetta against Democrats in general, President Biden in particular, and the media that he repeatedly maligns in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the people.” He has replaced his “MAGA” mantra with “I am your retribution.”

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Donald Trump Tyrant Dictator

Ever since he lost the election in 2020, Trump has been obsessed with trying to persuade people that the election was “rigged and stolen.” He has had no success with that “Big Lie” propaganda outside of the tiny confines of his glassy-eyed cult following. But that hasn’t stopped him from dispensing his perverse and paranoid perception of a world in which he is a victim bearing the cross of an imaginary cabal of persecutors.

RELATED: Trump is Flush With Fear Over His Dreadful Future and the Deluge of Justice That’s Coming

On Sunday Trump posted a flurry of bizarre ravings on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, that are striking confirmations of his declining mental state. They all made ample use of the caps lock key that Trump abuses to accentuate his mood disorders. But the most disturbing post was an extended tirade wherein he accused the media of treason and pledged to punish them for daring to commit journalism.

“They are almost all dishonest and corrupt, but Comcast, with its one-side and vicious coverage by NBC NEWS, and in particular MSNBC, often and correctly referred to as MSDNC (Democrat National Committee!), should be investigated for its ‘Country Threatening Treason.’ Their endless coverage of the now fully debunked SCAM known as Russia, Russia, Russia, and much else, is one big Campaign Contribution to the Radical Left Democrat Party. I say up front, openly, and proudly, that when I WIN the Presidency of the United States, they and others of the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized for their knowingly dishonest and corrupt coverage of people, things, and events. Why should NBC, or any other of the corrupt & dishonest media companies, be entitled to use the very valuable Airwaves of the USA, FREE? They are a true threat to Democracy and are, in fact, THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE! The Fake News Media should pay a big price for what they have done to our once great Country!”

In Trump’s demented mind, NBC’s reporting constitutes “treason” and is a “threat to Democracy.” And if he is reelected he will see to it that they, and the rest of the media, “pay a big price.” That sort of talk is not new for Trump. He is a virulent opponent of the press and will shut them all down if given the opportunity. He says so explicitly with his promise to “investigate” his media critics and even remove them from the airwaves should they fail to comply. Except for those who cater to his dreams of tyranny. That’s what aspiring authoritarians do.

The only example of any wrongdoing by the press that Trump mentions is what he calls the “fully debunked SCAM known as Russia, Russia, Russia.” For the record, Trump’s unsavory relationships with Russia have not only never been debunked, they have been verified and documented by the courts, by the Mueller Report, and even by the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee Report.

MORE HERE: GEEZ! Trump is STILL Obsessed With the ‘Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax’ that is NOT a Hoax

What appears to have triggered this Trump tantrum is the fallout from his recent appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” He was interviewed by Kristen Welker who actually let him get away with several glaring whoppers about everything from abortion to the January 6th insurrection that he incited. However, he also managed to sabotage himself with his reckless chatter that conceded his responsibility for illegal efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

SEE ALSO: Trump Bombs on Meet the Press, Behaving Like a Petulant Toddler Who Couldn’t Stop Lying

In addition to undermining the Constitution and the First Amendment, Trump posted a comment that ordered his GOP confederates in Congress to push for a costly and harmful government shutdown, saying “UNLESS YOU GET EVERYTHING, SHUT IT DOWN!” He also demanded that “Senate Democrats should all resign” due to the indictment of Sen. Bob Menendez. If that’s the criteria that he’s resting his case on, then all Republicans should resign nationwide due to Trump’s four criminal indictments on 91 felony charges.

With each new day Trump seems to validate the worst characteristics of his malignant narcissistic psychosis. His totalitarian tendencies become more prominent. And his disregard for the Constitution and the welfare of the nation grows deeper and more darkly ominous. And what’s worse is that there appears to be no bottom to his deplorable and dystopian dreams.


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Trump Bombs on Meet the Press, Behaving Like a Petulant Toddler Who Couldn’t Stop Lying

In what will come as a surprise to virtually nobody with a functioning brain, Donald Trump humiliated himself in another interview wherein he tried desperately to defend his twisted perceptions of a world that only a severely malignant narcissist could manufacture.

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Donald Trump

On Sunday morning Trump’s interview with Kristen Welker of Meet the Press aired. It was an abbreviated version of the full encounter that was rife with lies, paranoia, and wholly undue self-exaltation. Trump behaved throughout like an obstinate child who didn’t get his way. He couldn’t answer a single question without diverting – over and over again – to tangential matters. He incessantly repeated his delusional distortions of reality as if in a broken loop. Welker had to keep dragging him back to the subject of her question as if he were a mental patient who refused to pay attention.

SEE ALSO: Wannabe Messiah Trump Claims to Be Standing Up to the ‘Demonic Forces’ Destroying Our Country

The failure of Trump to coherently express himself was not a result Welker’s masterful interviewing skills, She struggled to keep him track, missed opportunities to correct his blatant dishonesty, and showed him a measure of respect that is entirely inappropriate for a disgraced former leader who is under multiple criminal indictments on dozens of felony charges.

Nevertheless, Welker’s shortcomings didn’t prevent the real deficiencies of Trump from coming through. Anyone who has the time to waste should scan through the transcript to see how pitifully bereft Trump is of intelligence and integrity. He misrepresented the truth on every issue that was discussed. And NBC News only bothered to fact-check him in a separate article that was published only online. A few examples include…

On Immigration:
Trump: I saw some statistics and it said in 2019, there were no terrorists. They caught no terrorists. And now this year, it’s a record number like they’ve never seen before.
Fact: 216 people on the terrorist watchlist were apprehended this year. There were 280 in 2019 during the Trump administration.

On Pardoning January 6th Insurrectionists:
Trump: These people on Jan. 6. Some of them never even went into the building, and they’re being given sentences of many years.
Fact: Those who received the longest sentences were leaders of the insurrection, including Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio and Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes. And others who didn’t enter the Capitol had committed assaults on police officers outside.

On Election Fraud:
Trump: If this were ever before a court, we would win so easy. There is so much evidence that the election was rigged.
Fact: There were over 60 court cases that Trump and his allies lost for lack of evidence. And he hasn’t bothered to produced any in three years.

On Abortion:
Trump: The radical people on [abortion] are really the Democrat that say after five months, six months, seven months, eight months, nine months, and even after birth, you are allowed to terminate the baby.
Fact: No Democrats have ever advocated for abortion after birth. And late term abortions are extremely rare and only performed under dire circumstances.

On Ukraine:
Trump: They don’t report about the war [in Ukraine] anymore. You don’t find much reporting. That means that Ukraine’s losing. Okay?
Fact: HUH? Trump must only be watching Newsmax and reruns of The Apprentice.

One especially disturbing part of the interview was when Trump went on an extended rant about election fraud, alleging falsely that tens of thousands of ballots were stuffed into ballot boxes. Welker repeatedly told him that that wasn’t true and that those assertions – including the bogus “2,000 Mules” crocumentary – were all thoroughly debunked. But Trump was determined to persist with his lies even after Welker tried to move on to another subject ten times.

SEE THIS: Trump Hypes Convicted Election Fraud Felon’s Crocumentary About Election Fraud

Another feature of the interview was Trump’s uncharacteristic reticence when discussing the January 6th insurrection that he incited. He made a few preposterous assertions such as his attempt to blame it all on former Speaker Pelosi. He told Welker that “They (the January 6th Committee) destroyed all the evidence about Nancy Pelosi.” That, of course, is a provable lie. But on several occasions he simply refused to answer direct questions…

Welker: Tell me how you watched this all unfold. Were you in the dining room watching TV?
Trump: I’m not going to tell you. I’ll tell people later at an appropriate time.

Welker: I want to know who you called on that day.
Trump: I don’t have — why would I tell you that?

Welker: Did you call military or law enforcement at the moment the Capitol was under attack?
Trump: I’m not going to tell you anything.

However, later in the interview, Trump may have said too much. Welker asked him about his personal responsibility and decision making with regard to his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election. And while he frequently tries to shift any wrongdoing to others, on this occasion he seemed to confess, placing the blame on himself, where it actually belongs. Welker inquired as to who Trump took advice from on the matter. He replied…

Trump: You know who I listen to? Myself. I saw what happened. I watched that election, and I thought the election was over at 10 o’clock in the evening. […] I was listening to different people. And when I added it all up, the election was rigged. [NOTE: at 10:00pm ET polls weren’t even closed in the western U.S. Also, mail-in and military ballots in many states are not counted until after the in-person votes]
Welker: Were you calling the shots, ultimately?
Trump: As to whether or not I believed it was rigged? Oh, sure. It was my decision.

To top things off, Trump made a pitch for his reelection next year saying saying that “In six months to a year, many of the problems, almost all of the problems that you and I have just spoken about, will be solved.” Which makes you wonder, if it’s so easy, why he didn’t solve all of these problems in the four years he already had? And why would any sane person believe that he can solve them now?


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