Trump AG Prospect Savors ‘Glorious’ Plans to ‘Put Kids in Cages’ and Migrants ‘In the DC Gulag’

The warnings about the existential dangers of another occupation of the White House by Donald Trump were abundant and horrifying. They came from Democrats, Republicans, and a broad assembly of non-partisan government experts, academics, historians, and veterans of public service. Notably, many of Trump’s closest associates were among the most fervent in their forecasts of doom and gloom.

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Donald Trump, Immigrant, Child

Trump’s most passionate detractors included his White House Chief of Staff, Gen. John Kelly, his Secretary of Defense, Gen. Jim Mattis, his Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, and dozens of his Cabinet staffers who refused to support his candidacy. Unfortunately, there were just barely enough deluded and gullible MAGA cult disciples who didn’t care that Trump is a convicted felon, an adjudicated rapist, and an unabashed fascist, because they thought their eggs were too expensive.

SEE THIS: What Is America? Who Votes For This?

Only a few days have have passed since the election, but Trump’s allies. and potential officials in his next administration, are already earning their totalitarian stripes. Case in point, Mike Davis has been identified as a possible Attorney General in the coming Trump regime. He appeared on the podcast of Russian “useful idiot” Benny Johnson where he discussed a variety of issues central to Trump’s Project 2025 agenda. And it didn’t take long for him to unleash some of the repulsive rhetoric that characterized the Trump campaign.

For instance, Davis declared that “We’re gonna indict. We’re gonna indict Hunter Biden and Joe Biden and James Biden. And every other scumball and sleazeball Biden.” Note that he’s already using the inclusive “we” to describe what is being plotted post-inauguration. Davis also promised that “Every January 6th defendant is gonna get a pardon.” Which is an indication of how the Trump administration will adhere to the principles of law and order.

Meanwhile, Davis threatened New York Attorney General, Letitia James – an honest and reputable prosecutor – saying “I dare you to try to continue your lawfare against president Trump in his second term, because… Listen here, sweetheart, we’re not messing around this time. And we will put your fat ass in prison.” Davis has learned well from Trump to couch his threats in condescension, profanity, and misogyny.

However, perhaps the most despicable commentary by Davis on Russkie Benny’s program came up during a discussion of immigration. Davis unleashed a furious rant targeting both undocumented and naturalized immigrants. He raged that…

“We’re going to deport a lot of people, 10 million people and growing. Anchor babies, their parents, their grandparents. We’re gonna put kids in cages. It’s gonna be glorious. We’re gonna detain a lot of people in the D.C. gulag and Gitmo.”

HOLY CR&P! The veil is off the turd. Davis is asserting that millions of migrants will be rounded up and incarcerated in “gulags.” and it doesn’t even matter if they are citizens or not. Grandparents, children, everyone will be “put in cages” for an undetermined amount of time before they are banished to some undetermined countries. And in his grotesque view it will be “glorious.” What he is proposing is a flagrant abuse of human rights and an abomination of decency.

For the record, his plan – which is Trump’s plan – is both illegal and inhumane. But it is also bad for the U.S. economy, and will result in extraordinary harm and suffering of the American people. A report by the American Immigration Council studied Trump’s proposals and came to the following conclusions…

  • “Deporting one million immigrants per year would incur an annual cost of $88 billion, with the majority of that cost going towards building detention camps. It would take over ten years, and the building of hundreds to thousands of new detention facilities, to arrest, detain, process, and remove all 13.3 million targeted immigrants…The total cost over 10.6 years (assuming an annual inflation rate of 2.5 percent) would be $967.9 billion.”
  • “The U.S. would lose out on key contributions undocumented households make to social safety net programs annually, including $22.6 billion to Social Security and $5.7 billion to Medicare. [And] Overall, mass deportation would lead to a loss of 4.2 percent to 6.8 percent of annual U.S. GDP, or $1.1 trillion to $1.7 trillion”
  • “Deporting undocumented immigrants would separate 4 million mixed-status families, affecting 8.5 million U.S. citizens with undocumented family members.’

In short, it would cost over a trillion dollars to implement, lose billions in revenue for the general budget, as well as Social Security and Medicare, depress the nation’s gross domestic product, and cruelly separate families, including those of legal residents and citizens.

For his part, Trump remains as ignorant as ever of the harm his proposals would impose. When asked about the cost of his plan, Trump was unable to provide a coherent answer, saying only that “There is no price tag.” Well, that’s comforting, isn’t it?

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LOCK HER UP: NY Attorney General Letitia James Took Off Her Shoes During Trump’s Fraud Hearing

This week there was a historic court judgment against a former president of the United States. Donald Trump was found to have committed massive fraud in an effort to enrich himself via favorable loan and insurance rates that he was not entitled to. The court imposed a $350 million penalty on Trump.

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Donald Trump WTF

Needless to say, Trump and his legal team were not pleased with that ruling. As usual Trump delivered a stream of frenzied posts on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, that continued his relentless and childish insults aimed at the judge, the prosecutors, witnesses, and media.

SEE THIS: ‘It May Just Be that Mr. Trump is Incoherent’ – Says NBC Legal Analyst About Trump’s Testimony

However, in a bid to outdo Trump’s own berserk behavior, his lawyer, Alina Habba, rushed into the warm arms of Sean Hannity on Fox News to whine about what a terrible world they are forced to live in. A world where criminals are held accountable for their crimes, and where there are consequences for deliberate violations of the law.

What made Habba’s appearance on Hannity’s show even more amusing, is how she chose to defend Trump following the devastating judgment against him. Did she bring up any legal arguments that attest to his innocence? Did she cite any flaws in the court’s procedures? Did she offer any proof of bias? Nope. Here is what Habba felt was her most compelling rebuttal to the ruling…

“Ms. James had her shoes off in court. Let’s not forget that. I called it out in the closing arguments. But it’s true. She had a Starbucks coffee in her hand. She wasn’t doing work, and she wasn’t sitting at the counsel table. She was in the back with her shoes off and a coffee. And at the end of the day, we’re sitting there looking at this going ‘this is the state of our country.'”

That’s right! New York Attorney General Letitia James had the audacity to briefly remove her shoes while watching the proceedings. And to make matters worse, she was DCWB (Drinking Coffee While Barefoot). These will surely be among Habba’s main points in her motion to appeal. But she went on to say that…

“AGs are so comfortable in court that they know they don’t even have to do the job. They don’t have to do the work. They’re going to let their people do it, and they’re going to sit there and they’re going to win. That’s a problem. So we will go to the next level. We are going to people that aren’t running on a campaign, running to get Trump before they are event in office, and we will win.”

Apparently Habba thinks that Attorneys General take the lead in prosecutions conducted by their office. That is almost never true. They are managers, more often than litigators. So James was, in fact, doing her job. Not that Habba really cares about that.

As for James being “comfortable in court” with the prospect of winning, why wouldn’t she be? The mountain of evidence against Trump was as good a predictor of success as any prosecutor has ever had. Judge Engoron noted that “this defense is wholly undercut by the overwhelming evidence adduced at trial.”

So shoes or not, James was understandably comfortable. And Trump is just as understandably scared. This was a devastating civil judgment, but the criminal cases are still to come.


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Trump’s Heartwarming Thanksgiving Message Drips with Dread and Hate for His Legions of Enemies

The Thanksgiving holiday is a unique occasion for American families to gather and to show their appreciation for the blessings in their lives. Unlike holidays that memorialize loss or bygone battles, it is a celebration of people and things for which we have gratitude and offers an opportunity to express it.

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Donald Trump Chicken

These feelings of warmth and harmony, however, are not shared by Donald Trump, the twice-impeached, former reality TV game show host, pathologically lying, wannabe dictator, who has been adjudicated as a rapist and fraudster, and has 91 felony charges pending.

SEE ALSO: Trump’s Uber-MAGA 2024 Campaign Message Reeks of the 3rd Reich Rhetoric of the ‘Final Battle’

Trump chose Thanksgiving to deliver the sort of virulent greeting that is the hallmark of his notoriously hostile nature. At 2:00 AM on Thanksgiving morning Trump posted the following acrimonious comment on his pitifully failing social media scam, Truth Social

“Happy Thanksgiving to ALL, including the Racist & Incompetent Attorney General of New York State, Letitia ‘Peekaboo’ James, who has let Murder & Violent Crime FLOURISH, & Businesses FLEE; the Radical Left Trump Hating Judge, a ‘Psycho,’ Arthur Engoron, who Criminally Defrauded the State of New York, & ME, by purposely Valuing my Assets at a ‘tiny’ Fraction of what they are really worth in order to convict me of Fraud before even a Trial, or seeing any PROOF, & used his Politically Biased & Corrupt Campaign Finance Violator, Chief Clerk Alison Greenfield, to sit by his side on the ‘Bench’ & tell him what to do; & Crooked Joe Biden, who has WEAPONIZED his Department of Injustice against his Political Opponent, & allowed our Country to go to HELL; & all of the other Radical Left Lunatics, Communists, Fascists, Marxists, Democrats, & RINOS, who are seriously looking to DESTROY OUR COUNTRY. Have no fear, however, we will WIN the Presidential Election of 2024, & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!”

Brings a tear to the eye doesn’t it? Except they are the sort of tears generated by shoving an ice pick in your ear. For some contrast, here is President Biden’s Thanksgiving Day message…

Notice that Trump is wholly consumed by his legal troubles. Every person he attacked is associated with his current case of financial fraud in New York. And he just rattles off a bunch of infantile insults aimed at “Peekabo” James, and “Psycho” Judge Engoron, and “Crooked” Joe Biden, and in a catch-all rant, “the other Radical Left Lunatics, Communists, Fascists, Marxists, Democrats, & RINOS.” The attack on the court’s intern as a “Corrupt Campaign Finance Violator” is particularly pathetic and completely made up.

These are the mad ravings of a seriously deranged individual. They exhibit his manic fear and paralyzing sense of victimhood. He is providing the best reasons imaginable to prohibit him from ever being considered for any position of power. And yet, there are still sickly members of his cult who think that he’s a strong leader.

It’s just incomprehensible how that can be. Particularly on Thanksgiving Day, this is how he communicates to his glassy-eyed disciples. He really needs to be locked up in a prison psyche ward for the safety of himself and the nation – and the world. That would give us all something to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving everybody.


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‘It May Just Be that Mr. Trump is Incoherent’ – Says NBC Legal Analyst About Trump’s Testimony

The first of what will be many trials for Donald Trump has commenced in New York. And to no one’s surprise, he is behaving like a colicky infant who is inconsolable when he doesn’t get way. From the moment he took the stand, Trump was argumentative, insulting, and unresponsive.

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Donald Trump Angry

This is precisely the sort of childish conduct that legal experts predicted. And they had plenty of examples of his ill-mannered demeanor over the past several years (decades) to arrive at their assessment. If there is one thing that Trump is known for, it’s throwing temper tantrums and lashing out boorishly at his perceived foes. It’s his inbred response to any situation wherein he feels victimized. Which lately is virtually every situation that he finds himself in.

SEE THIS: Select Trump’s Derangement Spirals Ever Downward as He Impotently Promises to Prove His Innocence

Trump spent Monday morning bickering with Judge Arthur Engoron, who was reluctant to allow Trump to ramble on incessantly in response to every question without ever actually answering it. Trump also devoted more time to attacking both the judge and Attorney General Letitia James, than to defending himself. He whined that James is “a political hack,” and that “this is a political witch hunt,” and that she “should be ashamed of herself.” Then he turned his ire toward the judge saying that he “ruled against me before he knew anything about me. He called me a fraud… The fraud is on the court, not on me.”

None of those complaints advance any sort of plausible defense for the financial fraud that he’s on trial for. But they do put on display Trump’s deteriorating mental state. Which is something that was noticed by NBC legal analyst, Chuck Rosenberg, during a segment on Andrea Mitchell’s program…

Mitchell: He’s alternating between being completely unhinged and then restraining himself. How long can the judge let this kind of behavior go on? I guess he can. But if the judge will assess the liability, if he’s already found him guilty of fraud – the corporation, I should say.
Rosenberg; Different judges run their courtrooms in different ways. There are two possibilities here.. Perhaps more, but two that come to mind. One is that Trump is trying to goad the judge into some sort of mistake. To make a comment that would be helpful to the Trump team on appeal. Judge Engoron is an experienced jurist. I don’t think that has happened yet, and I don’t see that happening.

The other… it may just be that Mr. Trump is incoherent. That his answers make quite literally no sense, perhaps to anyone but him. And that he can’t help himself. He can’t conform to court rules and procedures. And so this is what you get.”

That’s about as accurate a prognosis of Trump’s state of mind as you’re likely hear. And Rosenberg is actually right on both counts. Trump is, and has been, noticeably incoherent for quite a long time. And Trump is indeed trying – in vain – to incite the judge into making an angry response. In fact, it is a strategy that his team has planned from the start. According to insiders in Trump’s camp…

“[Trump and his lawyers] are intentionally trying to provoke the judge into a nuclear-level overreaction [that] could even lead to the judge ordering Trump to be remanded to a jail cell.”

Rosenberg also observed that Trump’s strategy was not only futile, but even counterproductive to Trump’s legal goals, saying that…

“Either way, whatever the motive, it is the judge, at the end of the day, that is going to determine the damages, determine the fine, determine the penalty. He’s already assessed liability. So from the theatrical perspective, maybe this plays in some other venue. From a legal perspective, this does not play in court.”

The reason that Trump is attacking the judge and the AG is that he know what he did, he knows that the court knows it, and he knows that he is certain to be found liable. So he has essentially given up trying to defend himself. He may by resting his hopes on an appeal, where he is also likely to fail. Or more likely, he is just playing to his cult followers and hoping to stir further division and civil unrest.

However, Trump did provide a bit of unintentional comic relief when he was asked about his 2021 financial statement, He replied that, “I was so busy in the White House. My threshold was China, Russia, and keeping our country safe.” Trump had to be remined by the prosecutor that he wasn’t the president when those statements were prepared in 2021.

So Trump is just providing even more proof of his psychological separation from reality. We can expect much more of that to come as this and subsequent trials unfold. And while it is humorous on some level, it is more disturbing than funny to consider that he actually has a shot at being reelected, and that his cult continues to worship him.

Which just makes it all the more imperative that Democrats, and other American patriots, commit to voting Blue – up and down the ballot – next year, and to persuade as many of their peers as possible to do so as well. We need to be clear-eyed that the future of democracy in our country is what’s at stake. If we aren’t, we will lose it.


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BREAKING: Trump Admits that He Knows His Daughter Ivanka, a Witness in His Financial Fraud Case

The phalanx of former flunkies devoted to Donald Trump continues to crumble under the pressure of the legal battles in which he is presently embroiled. Four of his ex-attorneys (Michael Cohen, Sidney Powell, Kenneth Chesebro, and Jenna Ellis) have already pleaded guilty and committed to testifying against him and his other co-defendants.

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Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump

A common trait of Trump’s temper is to throw tantrums whenever someone he thought was on his side decides to tell the truth for a change. That drives Trump even crazier than usual. He responds by either lashing out viciously, or pretending that he never knew the traitorous friend who is now a fiend and was always incompetent, ignorant and weak.

SEE THIS: Trump Lies that Sidney Powell Was Never His Attorney After Her Election Interference Guilty Plea

That personality defect is now threatening to fracture Trump’s family relations. The judge presiding over his financial fraud case in New York has ruled that his daughter, Ivanka, must testify as a witness in the case. To his credit, Trump has not yet denied that he knows Ivanka, or that she just used to bring him coffee, or that she has always been a loser. However, the prospect of her testimony has triggered Daddy Trump to post a frantic comment on his pitifully failing social media scam, Truth Social. He whined that…

“My daughter, Ivanka, was released from this Fake Letitia James case by the Court of Appeals, but this Trump Hating, Unhinged Judge, who ruled me guilty before this Witch Hunt Trial even started, couldn’t care less about the fact that he was overturned. I also won on Appeal on Statute of Limitations, but he refuses to accept their decision.”

There’s a lot of fantastical frenzy in that comment. For starters, Trump was not ruled guilty before the trial started. There was a successful motion for summary judgement by Attorney General Letitia James after the trial began and the evidence was presented. More to the point, Ivanka’s role as a witness is not related to her release as a defendant. She still has relevant knowledge of the business affairs of her father’s company that she was a principal in. It is interesting, however, that Trump didn’t bother to complain about his sons, Don Jr and Eric, having to testify.

What’s more, Trump’s claim that he “won” the case on appeal due to the statute of limitations is a blatant misrepresentation of reality. What he appears to be referring to is an appeals court ruling that actions taken prior to 2014 could not be charged because they were outside the statute of limitations. However, Justice Engoron made it clear that all of the charges in this case related only to Trump’s actions after 2014. So the statute of limitations ruling was irrelevant to the pending trial.

Trump’s post went on to slander the judge and the Attorney General in a manner that clearly violates the gag order that was imposed on him, and for which he has already been fined $15,000 for violating twice before. In his characteristically whiney complaint of perpetual victimhood, Trump yammered that…

“I truly believe he is CRAZY, but certainly, at a minimum, CRAZED in his hatred of me. This case should have never started, but now must be dismissed. Financial Statements were LOW, NOT HIGH, had a 100% Disclaimer Clause, Banks were fully paid, ‘on time, on schedule,’ with never even a minor default, there was NO VICTIM, EXCEPT ME. Any other Judge in the Country would have thrown this case out on day one. He’s an out of control ‘Nut Job,’ who fined me $10,000 over a ridiculous Gag Order so that the publicity for the day would take over from the fact that Racist James and the Judge’s Star Witness admitted LYING TO CONGRESS on the stand – CASE OVER!”

And that wasn’t the end of it either. Trump posted a another comment that repeated his tedious attacks on what he called “a grossly incompetent ‘Judge,'” “a partisan political hack,” “a Failed, Trump Hating, Racist Attorney General,” and “a Biden Election Interference Scam!” It is mind boggling that Trump thinks that this sort of deranged babbling will benefit his defense.

More likely, he has already accepted the fact that he has lost and that the court will dissolve his businesses in New York and impose a stiff financial penalty. Then he will file an appeal and hope for success there. But given the abundance of evidence against him, and the fealty to the law practiced by Justice Engoron, Trump is likely to be disappointed again. In the meantime, he will have thrown his children under the bus to save himself. Did you expect anything else from him?


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Trump On Trial: It’s a Travesty of a Sham of a Mockery of a Travesty of Two Mockeries of a Sham

On Monday morning Donald made a guest appearance at his latest reality show “The Defendant.” Just like his last show, “The Apprentice,” there was no reason for him to be there. He wasn’t going to make a statement or testify. So his presence was likely just an opportunity for him grab some media time to do what he does best: rant incoherently.

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Donald Trump Angry

The matter before the court on this occasion is Trump’s allegedly fraudulent financial filings for his New York businesses under the umbrella of The Trump Organization. He has been charged with falsely appraising his real estate properties in order to illegally gain favorable loan terms and to underpay his taxes. His defense appears to be little more than shouting vicious insults at New York Attorney General Letitia James and Judge Arthur Engoron. Which he has been doing for more than a year now.

SEE THIS: Trump Viciously Attacks Judge for Assigning Monitor to Prevent His Continuing Criminal Acts

Trump has good reason to be scared. The judge in this case ruled last week in a summary judgement that Trump and his businesses committed fraud. His business licenses in the state have been revoked. If upheld, Trump would be forced to divest his New York properties, including Trump Tower, and perhaps many other properties nationwide associated with the New York enterprise.

Prior to entering the courtroom, Trump spoke to the press in the typically hostile manner that America has become familiar with and grossly annoyed by. And true to form, the only message that he had to convey was what a pathetic victim he is of a vast conspiracy to destroy him. He raged that…

“This is a continuation of the single greatest witch hunt of all time. We have a rogue judge who rules that properties are worth a tiny fraction – 1/100th – a tiny fraction of what they actually are. We have a racist Attorney General who’s a horror show, who ran on the basis that she was going to ‘get Trump’ before she even knew anything about me. She used this to run for governor. She failed in her attempt to run for governor. She had virtually no polling. She came back and said ‘Well now I’ll go back to get Trump again.'”

To Trump, everything that has happened to him for the past eight years – no matter how unrelated to one another – is “a continuation of the single greatest witch hunt of all time.” And everyone that he considers an enemy is part of an international anti-Trump cabal.

Trump’s lies that his properties are massively undervalued are precisely what he is on trial for today. And he still isn’t providing any proof of the preposterous values that he claims they should have. As for this prosecution, he complained, without evidence, that “They’ve totally coordinated this in Washington.” And that “This has to do with election interference plain and simple.” And that “It’s never happened before where the president of the United States leaves office and gets indicted.” The latter complaint is actually true. But only because no president or former president has ever committed so many crimes.

However, Trump wasn’t finished. He continued his personal attacks on Judge Engoron saying that…

“This is a judge that should be disbarred. This is a judge that should be out of office. This is a judge that some people say could be charged criminally for what he’s doing. He’s interfering with an election.”

In other words, this is a judge that Trump knows has the goods on him and who he is desperately afraid of. Trump closed his pre-trial tirade by saying that “This is what we have. It’s a scam, it’s a sham.” Which sounds just a little familiar…


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Trump’s Pathetic ‘Welcome to the Fraud Squad’ Meme Doesn’t Mean What He Thinks it Means

Poor Donald Trump. He is convinced that he is social media’s top influencer and the Internet’s premiere meme artist. But to the contrary, he is a pitiful geezer barking at his glassy-eyed cult followers on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, which is hemorrhaging both cash and users as it struggles to avoid the mounting legal turmoil that is threatening its extinction.

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Trump, Fraud Squad

If it seems like each new day brings more indictments against Trump, it isn’t your imagination. He pleaded not guilty on both Thursday and Friday this week to new felony counts (78 so far) of undermining democracy and obstruction of justice. Which is ironic considering what Trump said back in 2016 about Hillary Clinton, who has racked up a total of zero indictments…

SEE THIS: Donald Trump: Presidential Candidates Under Felony Indictment Have ‘No Right to Be Running’

Trump’s flaming fear of finally being held to account for his lifetime of crime has been on full display. He is lashing out furiously at his perceived enemies with rancid and infantile insults at politicians and the press. But most of all, Trump is super mad at the prosecutors who are doing their duty to uphold the law.

Trump has frequently lobbed accusations of racism at Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, New York Attorney General, Letitia James, and Fulton County, Georgia D.A., Fani Willis, all of whom are Black. And he has repeatedly referred to special counsel Jack Smith as a “deranged” “leftist” “thug” who is doing the bidding of “Crooked” Joe Biden. Never mind that neither Biden, nor his Attorney General Merrick Garland, have had anything to do with Smith’s investigation or indictments. That’s why independent special counsels are appointed.

None of that, however, has deterred Trump from making wild and wholly unsupported claims of “prosecutorial misconduct” and “election interference.” And on Friday Trump summed up his outrage in a meme (posted above) that puts his idiocy on exhibit for the world to see.

The meme features a picture of Biden and the four prosecutors (so far) that are probing Trump’s multitude of crimes. He calls them “The Fraud Squad.” But the problem with that is that Trump’s limited capabilities with the English language make this meme a compliment, rather than the attack that he intended.

Just like the “Homicide Squad” goes after murderers, and the “Vice Squad” goes after crimes of moral offenses (gambling, prostitution, drugs), the Fraud Squad would go after swindlers, hustlers, and con men. In other words, Trump. Therefore, his graphic is actually a tribute to the President and the law enforcement officials who are seeking to bring Trump to justice.

Trump’s rap sheet for fraud is long and well documented. His phony “university” was shut down and he was ordered to pay $25 million to his victims. His New York charity, the Trump Foundation, was also shuttered and he and his family were prohibited from running any other non-profits in the state for five years.

SEE ALSO: Here’s a Quick Primer on the Criminal Corruption of the Trump Foundation

In addition to his misdirected meme, Trump also posted an overt threat just hours after he was warned not to do so by Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is overseeing his case in Washington, D.C. He raged that “IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!”

Set aside that Trump’s threats are feeble flustering that he doesn’t have the fortitude to follow through on. They are nevertheless dangerous because they are signals to his cult disciples who might be crazy enough to carry out his retribution for him. Then they would suffer the consequences of arrest and imprisonment while Trump bellies up to the breakfast bar and crashes weddings at his Mar-a-Lago resort. Which is likely where the Fraud Squad will find him after he is convicted and they are ready to transport him to the penitentiary.

RELATED: Fox News Hypes Hostile ‘Trump Revenge Tour’ Promising that ‘If He Wins He’ll Be Out for Blood’

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Trump Court Filing Claims that the ‘Trump Organization’ Can’t Be Sued Because it Doesn’t Exist

Never let it be said that Donald Trump has reached the peak of his capacity to come up with new and more embarrassing public commentaries and legal arguments. He deserves to be acknowledged for his seemingly inexhaustible supply of preposterous pronouncements and his ability to make things worse for himself at every opportunity.

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Last September New York Attorney General Leticia James filed a $250 million lawsuit against Trump and his company, the “Trump Organization,” for fraud related to his real estate business. The suit alleges that Trump lied about his assets in order to deceive banks and insurance companies to get more favorable terms, and to illegally avoid taxes.

SEE ALSO: Stable Genius? Trump Maniacally Attacks the Judge Presiding Over His Fraud Trial in New York

On Thursday Trump’s attorneys filed a motion in court in response to the fraud lawsuit. And true to form, Trump’s positions were legally and rationally incomprehensible. According to Business Insider, the filing stated that…

“‘Trump Organization’ is branding shorthand — not a legal entity — so it can’t be sued,’ [and that] ‘While the shorthand ‘Trump Organization’ is utilized by Defendants for branding and business purposes, no entity as such exists for legal purposes.”

First of all, if an entity exists for “branding and business purposes,” it exists for legal purposes as well. Particularly if that entity is paying taxes on assets that it owns, and is claiming, under penalty of perjury, that its representations are true and correct.

More to the point, Trump’s absurd claim that the Trump Organization doesn’t exist is irrelevant in the pending lawsuit because, as it turns out, the Trump Organization isn’t being sued:

“New York’s lawsuit names Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Jr., Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump, former company CFO Allen Weisselberg and its former payroll executive Jeffrey McConney. The lawsuit does not specifically sue anything called ‘Trump Organization,’ instead naming as defendants 11 entities under the Trump Organization umbrella.”

Presumably, Trump is not making the argument that he and his family do not exist. Therefore, they are liable for any fraud committed by them and/or whatever business entity they operate that does exist.

Trump filed two countersuits against New York AG James asserting that her legal actions against him were motivated by politics and personal animus. He has made wild and slanderous accusations against James as being racist (she is Black) and the judge as being corrupt. However, Trump recently dropped both of those suits after he and his attorneys were sanctioned for frivolous litigation and ordered to pay nearly a million dollars.

RELATED: Trump Drops Lawsuit Against NY Attorney General to Avoid More Sanctions for Frivolous Filings

It will be interesting to see if Trump extends this legal illogic to his other legal problems. Perhaps he will claim that he can’t be indicted for inciting the January 6th insurrection at the Capitol because Congress doesn’t exist. Or maybe he’ll try to evade responsibility for election interference when he threatened government officials in Georgia because Georgia doesn’t exist. Don’t laugh. This is, after all, Trump we’re talking about.

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Trump Drops Lawsuit Against NY Attorney General to Avoid More Sanctions for Frivolous Filings

Among the many noxious “qualities” for which Donald Trump is known and despised is his compulsive litigiousness. He has filed an avalanche of lawsuits in the just the past two years against everything from Hillary Clinton to the Pulitzer Prize board to his niece, Mary Trump, and so many more (See below).

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Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton

This week Trump had one of his lawsuits that was previously thrown out of court result in nearly a million dollars in sanctions against Trump and his lawyers. The judge scolded Trump for filing, “a lawsuit that should never have been filed, which was completely frivolous, both factually and legally, and which was brought in bad faith for an improper purpose.” The lawsuit at issue was a particularly ludicrous one that Trump aimed at Hillary Clinton and fifty (that’s right, 50) other defendants.

SEE THIS: Judge Trashes Trump’s Attorneys for ‘Deliberate Disregard for the Truth’ in Kooky Clinton Lawsuit

Fearing further legal retribution, Trump has now withdrawn a lawsuit that he had filed against the Attorney General of New York, Letitia James. The judge warned Trump that this suit was also on the “verge of frivolous,” which would make the prospect of additional sanctions more likely. Consequently, Trump cut and run rather than try to defend his preposterous allegations.

Trump’s history with James is marked by utterly deranged attacks, calling her “corrupt,” “despicable,” and “racist” (James is Black). When he eventually sat for a deposition, Trump pleaded the Fifth Amendment more than 400 times. And that’s after he had previously mocked others who did so, saying that only “the mob takes the Fifth. If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”

RELATED: Snowflake Trump Pleads the Fifth Amendment, So Let’s Break Down His Desperately Deranged Reasons

It’s high time that the courts start to dish out consequences for Trump’s flagrant misconduct in court. He has already had several lawyers sanctioned (including Sydney Powell and Lin Wood) for their bogus election fraud suits. And Rudy Giuliani’s license to practice in New York has been suspended. But Trump has been the fulcrum in many more ridiculous legal charades and should not be allowed to get away with it. Here are a few more examples of his misuse and abuse of the justice system…

UPDATE: Trump drops a second lawsuit against the New York Attorney General’s office. Clearly he’s running scared and knows that these frivolous suits are only going to make things worse for him.

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Trump’s Truthless Temper Tantrum Over the Midterm Election Results is Just So Trumpy

As the 2022 midterm election morning dawned, Donald Trump could be found up bright and early yammering about election fraud that didn’t exist. His accusations were especially bizarre since they were aimed at the Republicans who were running the Arizona election. So he thinks that Arizona’s GOP officials were committing fraud in order to help … Democrats?

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Donald Trump Circling the Drain

Later that evening, Trump changed gears to try to take credit for Republican successes in the election results. Despite the utter evaporation of anything resembling a “red wave,” he posted a comment on his floundering social media scam, Truth social, that boasted about an electoral triumph that existed only in his warped imagination. He wrote

“174 wins and 9 losses, A GREAT EVENING, and the Fake News Media, together with their partner in crime family, the Democrats, are doing everything possible to play it down. Amazing job by some really fantastic candidates!”

So let’s add a little reality to Trump’s feeble fantasies and media bashing. First of all, Trump actually endorsed more than 300 candidates. So he’s cherry picking what he wants to include in his post-election analysis. What’s more, the vast majority of his endorsements were for candidates in safe Republican seats who were expected to win. We can’t know which nine losses he’s referring to in his post because he doesn’t identify them. However, he had at least 22 to choose from in this, still incomplete, list of actual losers…

Gubernatorial candidates: Lee Zeldin (New York), Doug Mastriano (Pennsylvania) Geoff Diehl (Massachusetts), Dan Cox (Maryland), Tudor Dixon (Michigan), Tim Michels (Wisconsin), Darren Bailey (Illinois), and Mark Ronchetti (New Mexico), Kari Lake (Arizona).

Senate candidates: Mehmet Oz (Pennsylvania), Blake Masters (Arizona), Adam Laxalt (Nevada), Don Bolduc (New Hampshire), Joe O’Dea (Colorado), Leora Levy (Connecticut), Kelly Tshibaka (Alaska), Herschel Walker (Georgia).

House candidates: J.R. Majewski (Ohio), Karoline Leavitt (New Hampshire), Yesli Vega (Virginia), Ken Calvert (California), Bo Hines ( North Carolina’), Steve Chabot (Ohio), Jim Bognet (Pennsylvania), Gesiotto Gilbert (Ohio), Robert Burns (New Hampshire), John Gibbs (Michigan)

That’s 22 losers, with many races still uncalled, including such significant potential GOP defeats as Herschel Walker (Georgia), Blake Masters (Arizona), Kari Lake (Arizona), Kelly Tshibaka (Alaska), Adam Laxalt (Nevada) and Ron Johnson (Wisconsin). [UPDATE: Blake Masters, Kari Lake, Adam Laxalt, Kelly Tshibaka, and Herschel Walker lost and were added to the lists above]

Perhaps the race that will hurt Trump the most is the one for New York Attorney General, where his arch nemesis, Letitia James, won reelection. Trump has been bad-mouthing her for months, accusing her of being corrupt, biased, and racist (she’s Black), and calling her “Peekaboo” for reasons no one knows. He’s actually racked with fear due to the $250 million civil suit James filed alleging business fraud that could wind up shutting down his Trump Organization and prohibiting his crime from doing business in the state.

RELATED: Trump Files Another Lame Lawsuit Against the New York Attorney General Who He Hates and Fears

To be sure, there were disappointments for Democrats. But considering that historically the party in power during the midterms suffers an average congressional loss of about 22 seats, Democrats should be pretty satisfied that they held their losses to single digits. They likely retained their Senate majority and may have done the same in the House.

If Trump thinks that these results suggest a positive environment for him to run for president again in 2024, he’s more deranged than previously thought. So it will be interesting to see what his “big announcement” is going to be on November 15. If he does announce his candidacy, his GOP confederates may be less than enthused after seeing his fabled king-making prowess fail so spectacularly. Although Trump will remain blissfully enamored with himself and his divine infallibility.

When Trump was asked in a NewsNation interview about the election outcome to say “How much of that will be because of Donald Trump,” he replied that “I think if they win, I should get all the credit. If they lose, I should not be blamed at all.” That’s consistent with his refusal to take responsibility for everything from COVID-19 deaths, to the deadly insurrection at the Capitol, to his theft of highly sensitive national security documents from the White House, and more. Trump will always find someone else to blame.

That said, Trump did post something on election night that was unarguably true, even if he didn’t know it. He wrote that the “Same thing is happening with Voter Fraud as happened in 2020???” Indeed. There was nothing significant that happened with voter fraud in 2020, and the same is true for 2022.

Another similarity between the two election cycles is that Trump proved to be an impotent force in politics and a pathetic loser who will shift blame to others rather than take any responsibility. No matter how dishonest or hurtful. And naturally one of his most predictable targets is last night’s big winner, Nancy Pelosi…

SEE THIS: Trump Calls Pelosi an ‘Animal’ – Dehumanizing Her to Incite More Assaults Against Democrats

[UPDATE: Jim Acosta: “‘Trump is livid’ and ‘screaming at everyone,’ after last night’s disappointing midterm results for GOP, according to a Trump adviser.”]

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