Rand Paul Follows Ted Cruz To Sean Hannity’s Fox News/GOP Welcoming Party

Yesterday marked the arrival of the second official candidate for the Republican Party’s nomination for President of the United States. Kentucky senator, and former self-certified ophthalmologist, Rand Paul placed himself in contention for the nomination at the Galt House in Louisville. For those fortunate enough to have never slogged through Ayn Rand’s tedious and preachy novel “Atlas Shrugged,” John Galt is a leading figure who is best known for epitomizing the childish “take my ball and go home” philosophy of social interaction.

Rand Paul 2016

In what may signal a trend in the GOP’s strategy for launching a political campaign, Paul went straight from the Galt House to Sean Hannity’s House at Fox News for his first post-announcement interview. That is exactly what Ted Cruz did after announcing his candidacy at Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University, where students were threatened with fines if they did not attend. Perhaps Fox News has implemented the same policy wherein Republican candidates will be fined, or otherwise punished, if they do not pay their respects to Hannity before proceeding with their campaign.

While it is no surprise that GOP presidential wannabes would kowtow to Fox News (aka the PR division of the Republican Party), it is a demonstration of their arrogance that they are not at least trying to disguise their biases for the sake of appearing to be credible. Apparently that ship has sailed, been commandeered by Fox pirates, and is now rusting on the ocean floor.

As for Paul, he delivered what he called a “a message that is loud and clear and does not mince words.” Indeed, it was loud. And that message turned out to be decades old sloganeering whose words relay nothing of substance: “We have come to take our country back.” It’s easy to mock this theme by asking simply “back to what?” From all appearances, Paul wants to take us back to the Reagan years, with its soaring deficits, crushing unions and working people, abandonment of the poor and mentally ill to the streets, and illegally bankrolling foreign terrorists with money made from selling arms to terrorist states.

However, the more interesting question is who does Paul mean when says “We?” The “we” that he is leading so that he can snatch the country back from the citizens who twice elected Barack Obama, are the bankers, oil barons, and other privileged elites who he would free from regulations that protect the public from their greed and abuse. Paul is a favorite of the Koch brothers and, of course, Fox News kingpin, Rupert Murdoch.

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It will be interesting to see how the rest of the GOP roster rolls out their campaigns. Marco Rubio is anticipated to be next in line. He would be smart to skip the Hannity ring-kissing ceremony, if just to differentiate himself from the pack. After all, he could go straight to Megyn Kelly and still satisfy his bosses at the network.

And just for fun…

Paul was famously outed as a plagiarist by Rachel Maddow who noticed that his speeches were curiously identical to the Wikipedia page for the movie Gattaca. If that seems like an odd source for staking a false claim of authorship, then what do we make of his having designed a logo for his presidential campaign that appears to be a rip-off of the logo for the hook-up site, Tinder?

World on Fire

I’m just asking. And while we’re at it, why do both Paul and Cruz feature flames in their logos? Is it to convey their belief that “the world is on fire,” as Cruz told a frightened little girl?

UPDATE: Marco Rubio did indeed make Hannity his first media stop. That makes Hannity and the GOP field three for three.

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James O’Keefe’s Legal Woes Continue To Mount. And It’s Mostly From Former Friends

Not satisfied with having been convicted for unlawful activity in the office of a United States Senator, or losing $100,000 to a former ACORN employee he defamed, James O’Keefe has racked up a rap sheet that a Mafia boss would envy.

James O'Keefe

O’Keefe’s latest legal misadventure just ended with his meritless libel suit being thrown out of court by a federal judge who dismissed the action with prejudice (meaning that it could not be re-filed). The complaint was against the website Main Justice who published an article about O’Keefe’s prior legal exploits. The court ruled that the article by Main Justice was accurate and truthful and did not libel O’Keefe.

This is just the latest legal setback by a recidivist slandering weasel who pretends to be a journalist, but who actually uses deceitful methods to falsely malign his ideological enemies. His utter lack of principles has been recognized by numerous legitimate journalists and even by prosecutors in Texas (yes, TEXAS) who investigated one of his videos at the request of a local judge and concluded that it “was little more than a canard and political disinformation.”

Looking back on O’Keefe’s sorry resume of dishonest mudslinging, it became apparent that many of his legal adversaries sprung from his own poisoned well of associates. There was Nadia Naffe, who alleged that O’Keefe held her against her will in a barn and may have drugged her. And there was Daniel Franciso, the executive director of his Project Veritas organization, who sued him for wrongful termination. And there was Richard Valdes, another top staffer, who refused to strong-arm a volunteer into acting as an agent provocateur and inciting violence against police officers. He was also fired by O’Keefe and is considering legal action. And finally, there was Izzy Santa, one of his colleagues who blew the whistle on a perverse plot to attempt to seduce CNN reporter Abbie Boudreau on his “Love Boat.”

O’Keefe’s Project Veritas is a small operation, but has already accumulated four ex-associates who have alleged unethical or illegal practices by O’Keefe. That’s a pretty embarrassing record. But it is no more embarrassing than the stacks of videos he has produced that have been repudiated as lies and castigated for their routine use of deceptive editing and manipulation.

When viewed all together, it quickly becomes obvious that O’Keefe is running a hatchet job shop and that he is just as willing to screw over his employees as he is his video victims. For as long as he has been crawling along the floorboards of society, people in his crosshairs have had to be careful not to fall into one of traps. But now it is just as obvious that anyone considering working for him had better think at least twice before trusting this cretin.

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Fox News Resurrects Disgraced Pundit Dick Morris To Forecast Clinton’s Demise

Following President Obama’s reelection victory over Mitt Romney in 2012, the Fox News contributor who missed the call by the widest margin was the notorious Dick Morris. In a remarkably wild prediction, Morris was adamant that Romney would not only beat Obama, but would win by a landslide. When that prediction proved to be as absurd as predicting that Sarah Palin would be invited to join Mensa, Fox News declined to renew Morris’ contract, otherwise known as firing him.

Fox News Dick Morris

This Easter weekend, when rising from the dead was on every good Fox viewer’s mind, Morris himself emerged from the tomb of former Foxies to tell host Jeanine Pirro exactly what her audience was yearning to hear.

Morris: If [Hillary Clinton] goes down over this [email] scandal, which I think she will, it’ll cause enormous losses in 2016. Not just the presidency but mammoth losses in Congress.

So according to Morris, Clinton will not make it past the Democratic primary, and if she does, she will suffer a humiliating loss and take the whole party down with her. In fact, in response to a question from Pirro, Morris was unable to speculate on any advice he might give her to get out of the “mess” she’s in because it’s “way beyond” that and it is now a “disaster.”

Apparently Morris is unaware that Clinton is beating every Republican she’s matched against in most polling. But the fact that Morris is stupendously oblivious to reality isn’t really what makes this significant. After all, Morris is the same pundit who wrote the book “Condi vs. Hillary,” which contained his astute prediction for the 2008 presidential race in the title. That didn’t exactly pan out for him, did it? From the introduction to the book:

{T]here is no doubt that Hillary Clinton is on a virtually uncontested trajectory to win the Democratic nomination and, very likely, the 2008 presidential election. She has no serious opposition in her party […]

The stakes are high. In 2008, no ordinary white male Republican candidate will do. Forget Bill Frist, George Allen, and George Pataki. Hillary would easily beat any of them. Rudy Giuliani and John McCain? Either of them could probably win, but neither will ever be nominated by the Republican Party.

So Morris got the Democratic nominee wrong, despite his conviction that there was “no doubt.” He also got the Republican nominee wrong. And the Republican who Morris said could not be nominated, but would win if he were, was nominated but actually lost. Is there any way he could have been more wrong?

What’s truly troubling about this new boneheaded commentary from Morris is that he’s back on Fox News to deliver it. Fox is so desperate for frothing, rabid Clinton hating that they have dug up the corpse of Dick Morris to make his famously idiotic prognostications that have no hope of ever coming to pass. That tells us something about the direction that Fox is moving in as the 2016 campaign season begins to heat up.

They are going full-bore into manic, psycho, loony, hysteria mode. So be prepared for a display of batshittery that surpasses anything that we’ve seen before from the Romney campaign or even Sarah Palin. The wingnut parade is going to be marching even farther out on the ledge than ever before. And Fox News will be covering it all with the flashing graphics, clanging gongs, and blathering airheads that have become their trademark.

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Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Judith Miller Cops A Plea: I Took America To War In Iraq

In the months leading up to the invasion of Iraq, a country that was falsely accused by the administration of George W. Bush of harboring weapons of mass destruction, the media was nearly lock-step in agreement with the charges and the conclusion that war was an appropriate response. But after the stories began to fall apart and the reality that Bush and his cabal of neocons had deliberately misled the American people, some of the pundits and politicians who had been cheerleaders for the toppling of Saddam Hussein tried to backtrack and worse, to rewrite history.

Judith Miller

No one in the press was more responsible for peddling the lies of the Bush warhawks than Judith Miller of the New York Times. She had published numerous articles condemning Saddam and taking it on faith that he was guilty of everything that the administration had alleged. Her sources were insiders who had vested interests in planting their propaganda in the media. She eagerly participated in the deception and was used later by her sources as evidence of their claims. In short, they anonymously gave her false information which she published in the Times, and then they went on Meet the Press and cited her articles as proof that they were right.

Miller’s role in advocating for war and serving as a vessel for the administration’s lies eventually led to her dismissal from the Times and disgrace as as a reporter whose credibility and ethics were fatally flawed. So naturally, she was hired by Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News.

Now it’s Miller’s turn to rewrite history. This week she wrote an article for the Wall Street Journal (also owned by Murdoch) that, on the surface, appears to be a mea culpa. It begins with her saying that “I took America to war in Iraq. It was all me.” Unfortunately, the article is a mix of facetiousness and a pleading to a lesser crime. As an example of the former, the first full paragraph reads…

“OK, I had some help from a duplicitous vice president, Dick Cheney. Then there was George W. Bush, a gullible president who could barely locate Iraq on a map and who wanted to avenge his father and enrich his friends in the oil business. And don’t forget the neoconservatives in the White House and the Pentagon who fed cherry-picked intelligence about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, or WMD, to reporters like me.”

That would be a stunningly candid statement of the truth and a remarkable admission of responsibility, except for the fact that she didn’t mean a word of it. The very next paragraph casts it aside as a “false narrative” as she writes “None of these assertions happens to be true.” And throughout the remainder of the article Miller dismisses her role in selling the war to a skeptical American public.

Miller insists that the “pernicious accusation that the Bush administration fabricated WMD intelligence to take the country to war,” was wrong. However, she offers no support for that assertion. She exonerates the Bush administration by claiming that they were merely mistaken, not lying. It’s a defense that attempts to confess to the crime of stupidity in order to avoid being convicted of dishonesty. And Miller is making the same sort of plea bargain for herself in confessing to having been misled by the administration, rather than to conspiring with them.

The problem for Miller is that there is already too much evidence of her complicity to deny her role. Her articles were nearly verbatim transcriptions of administration talking points. She claims to not have been “spoon-fed” lines about WMDs by senior officials. Does she regard Scooter Libby, the chief of staff to Vice-President Dick Cheney as a senior official? She doesn’t say. In fact, she famously refused to identify any of her sources so that people could decide for themselves if they were credible.

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Miller spent some time in jail for contempt of court when she declined to reveal her sources. Her defenders regard that as a noble sacrifice, but there is a difference between protecting your sources and protecting your accomplices. Miller knew very well that her sources were relying on the information they fed her when they cited it in subsequent interviews, but she never seemed the least bit disturbed at having been used for that purpose. That’s because she wasn’t being used, she was participating. And nothing in her self-serving defense in the Wall Street Journal leads to any other conclusion.

So why would she bring up this stain on her reputation after all these years? The answer appears in italics at the bottom of the article: “Ms. Miller’s new book, ‘The Story: A Reporter’s Journey,’ will be published on April 7.”

Oliver North? Really? The Unmitigated Gall Of Fox News

So Oliver North was on Fox News giving analysis on the negotiations with Iran about nuclear weapons. Yeah, that Oliver North. the one who sold arms to Iran for Ronald Reagan, which was against international law. The one who took the illegal profits and sent them to terrorists in Nicaragua, which was against federal law. And if that weren’t enough, he lied under oath to Congress about it in his Marine uniform.

You have to hand it to Fox News for selecting this felonious cretin to pontificate about contemporary arms negotiations with the same country that he supplied. And his view that President Obama’s efforts to prevent Iran from having the deadliest weapons are “an unmitigated disaster,” makes you wonder what he thought of his role in arming Iran while they were holding Americans hostage.

It also makes you wonder how stupid Fox News viewers are.

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Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Oliver North

Free Market Bigotry: Or How A Pizza Parlor Profits From Prejudice

The controversy over Indiana’s so-called “Religious Freedom” law, that effectively gives permission for businesses to discriminate against LGBT persons, continues to divide the state and the nation in much the same way as civil rights battles in the 1950’s and 60’s did. And despite attempts on the part of Gov. Mike Pence to deny that the bill allows legal discrimination, the truth keeps leaking out.

Over at Fox News the anchors and their guests are arguing non-stop that Christians must have the ability to turn away any customer who they decide conflicts with their faith (although they haven’t ever mentioned any objections to divorcees or fornicators or murderers). Even Fox host Tucker Carlson admitted that the law doesn’t “make any sense” if amended to prohibit discrimination. If the bill does not legalize discrimination, then how can an amendment prohibiting it mean that “the law has been completely gutted,” as Carlson said this morning on Fox & Friends?

What began as a side note to this story, however, has ballooned into a remarkably prominent and emblematic theme. Memories Pizza, a small restaurant in Walkerton, Indiana, told a local news reporter that they would refuse to provide service to a gay wedding. That expression of open bigotry resulted in an outcry of criticism from people who value civil rights. As a result, the proprietors of the pizzeria claimed that they had to close their doors for a couple of days.

That minor hardship inspired Dana Loeesh and others at Glenn Beck’s Internet site, TheBlaze, to come to the aid of the pizza vendors by posting a plea for help on the personal charity site, GoFundMe.com. Astonishingly, donors pour in $842,387 in less than two days. In other words, the folks at Memories Pizza have turned a weekend off work into a windfall that exceeds what they would have made in more than a decade.

It is absurd to think that these confessed bigots deserve that kind of reward for their open expression of hate. And to put this further into context, the GoFundMe site links to other postings in the same region. The first five following Memories Pizza were all worthy causes for people suffering real hardships. But they have not received anywhere near the amount of support that the pizza vendors got for being hateful cretins. For example (see also graphic below)…

Scheidler Family House Fire Fund
At 1 am Sunday morning on March 29th, our friend, Nicole, had a house fire that caused extremely heavy damage. She is a mother of 5 young children, including a 2 month old baby, all while going to nursing school. Thankfully, they all made it out unharmed but the damage is significant. Their financial need for this is unknown as of right now but anything that we could do to help would be incredible.

Miguel’s Last Wish
Miguel is 26 years old and has two lovely kids. Out of nowhere, he complained of stomach pains and decided to go to the doctor. It was then when Miguel was diagnosed with terminal gastric cancer and was given 6 months to live. Doctors told Miguel that there was nothing to do but just wait for his time to come. Miguel is on his 6th month of having cancer and even though his condition has become very critical, he is still fighting for his life.

Justin Ehlers-Danlos Vascular Fund
My son Justin Burks is currently in critical condition on life support at the hospital due to a rare connective tissue disorder that he has. The name of this disorder is Ehlers-Danlos and he has the vascular one which is the worse one of them all. This disorder is attacking his organs; his intestines, colon, spleen, liver and lungs have all ruptured. He has made it out of three surgeries which is a blessing. If he lives through this we will need help with his medical cost and if he doesn’t we will use the funds towards his funeral.

Denny Needs A Liver Transplant
Denny has been diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma, a form of bile duct cancer. On June 28, I noticed that Denny was very jaundice. He had no other symptoms; he was just extremely yellow. After trips to the ER and local doctors, we found ourselves at a liver specialist at IU Hospital, Indianapolis. He ordered a CT scan which found a blockage in the bile duct, between the liver and the gall bladder.

Chad’s Eye Cancer Bill Fund
The doctors said I have a Choroidal Melanoma (a cancerous tumor) in my right eye. A 16x16x7.1 mm mass that is attached to my optic nerve. Dr. Demirci informed me that there was a treatment for this cancer. A radiation plaque would be placed on the tumor for five days, giving out a small dose of radiation that should kill the tumor… but it would also damage my optic nerve.

It’s sad to see that people with serious problems are struggling to keep their lives in order while bigots are getting rich off of their prejudice. It makes you wonder if the “memories” in their business name are of segregated lunch counters in Alabama. On the other hand, the stories on these other postings are inspiring due to their heartfelt gratitude for whatever generosity they receive. Feel free to show them some love.

News Corpse Presents: The ALL NEW 2nd volume of
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Memories Pizza

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The Crackpot Conspiracy Theory That Got Fox News To Support A Democrat

Predicting the political biases of Fox News has never required a crystal ball or a gifted clairvoyant. Their devoted support of Republicans has earned them recognition as the PR division of the GOP. So what would have to occur to persuade Fox News to speak approvingly of a Democrat?

The events surrounding the indictment of New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez for corruption provide a rare look into the prerequisites for Fox News to stray from their Republican partiality. The specific factors that would drive Fox to defy their nature and support a Democrat become glaringly obvious in the light of the Menendez affair.

Fox News Menendez

First and foremost, the opportunity to disparage President Obama is a temptation too great for Fox News to resist. Therefore, by spinning this indictment as an assault on a senator who has been critical of the President, Fox can accuse Obama of engaging in a distasteful display of political retaliation. This argument goes that the White House applied pressure to the Department of Justice to file the charges in order to punish Menendez for opposing the President on his policies regarding Cuba and Iran.

The only thing wrong with this conspiracy theory is – everything. The investigation of Menendez began years ago, long before the Cuban and Iranian issues were ever on the table. Obama would have had to know in advance that Menendez was going to defy him on these issues in the future, which even Obama’s harshest opponents would not suggest he could do. What’s more, there was no indication that Menendez would ever be a thorn in Obama’s agenda given that he has always been a loyal Democrat who voted with his party and the President 97% of the time. That places him as the thirteenth most reliable Democrat, above party stalwarts like Barbara Boxer and Harry Reid.

The notion that Obama would sabotage the career of such a loyal ally is especially absurd considering that, should he be convicted and forced to resign from the Senate where Democrats are already in the minority, New Jersey’s Republican governor, Chris Christie, would be in a position to name his replacement. So this theory requires the assumption that Obama would trade a solidly Democratic senator who voted for most of his legacy initiatives (ObamaCare, the Dream Act, disapproval of KeystoneXL, repeal of DOMA, etc.) for a Christie-appointed Republican. The only people who would buy that are still looking for the film studio in New Mexico where the moon landing was faked – and Fox News viewers.

It is not coincidental that Fox has chosen this controversial senator to hitch their wagon to. Republicans are notoriously forgiving of politicians accused of corruption. They regarded the charges against, and conviction of, former Virginia governor Bob McDonnell to be politically motivated as well. They supported the candidacy of New York congressman Michael Grimm while he was facing 22 felony counts (He was convicted after winning reelection). And three of the GOP’s current batch of governors considering 2016 presidential campaigns (Chris Christie, Scott Walker, and Rick Perry) have active investigations against them in progress. From their perspective, Menendez is just their kind of guy.

Note that this affinity for scandal-plagued pols is only valid if the scandal is related to financial malfeasance. When Menendez was accused of sexual misconduct by Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller (among other right-wing rags), Fox News and their Republican allies were quick to condemn him. However, they failed to apologize after learning that the charges stemmed from “witnesses” who were paid to lie. Some accounts charged that the payments came from people connected to the Daily Caller. In addition to the media sources who jumped on this faux scandal, the Republican National Committee also took it up with a rather offensive anti-Menendez campaign.

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Finally, it goes without saying that if the DOJ had not indicted Menendez, Fox News would be throwing a tantrum over what they would call a travesty of justice engineered by a lawless White House trying to protect one of their own. So, as usual, Fox has constructed a lose-lose scenario for the President. But anyone approaching this with a sliver of functioning grey matter would see the ludicrous assumptions that would have to be made in order to believe the Fox spin. Luckily for Fox News, their audience would flunk the “sliver of functioning grey matter” test.

On Fox News Opponents Of Indiana’s Pro-Discrimination Law Are ‘Jihadis Who Will Crush You’

There has been a lot of rancorous debate in the past few days over the so-called “Religious Freedom Restoration Act” recently signed into law by Indiana governor Mike Pence. Critics of the law have argued that it essentially legalizes discrimination against the LGBT community. That argument is affirmed by the fact that lobbyists who are openly hostile to marriage equality and other gay rights were among those present at the signing of the bill.

Supporters of the bill insist that there is no intent to discriminate against anyone, however, they are unable explain the purpose of the bill as anything other than a legal defense for discriminating. The twisted justifications they deploy have become more absurd as the controversy continues. And yesterday on Fox News, Tucker Carlson went farther than any of his fellow bigots by deeming the law’s opponents to be “nauseating” and adding that…

“We’ve always made exceptions for religious minorities. Quakers can become conscientious objectors. So you have a country where religious minorities get to choose which wars they fight in, but not whether to serve cupcakes at a wedding that would violate their religious principles? That’s insane.”

Analogizing this to conscientious objectors stretches the bounds of reason. When someone declines to participate in war due to prohibition by his religion he is not imposing his beliefs on anyone or denying anyone the equal protection of the law. He is merely seeking an accommodation for himself. The businesses that want to deny service to people because they don’t approve of them are inherently discriminatory and their behavior directly impacts the targets of their prejudice. But Carlson wasn’t through being insulting and ignorant. He continued to make this appalling declaration:

“These are absolutists, these are jihadis, people who want to make you obey, that don’t brook any opposition to their world view at all. They will crush you.”

Fox News

So now if you are advocating for your civil rights you are, in Carlson’s view, in the same league as terrorists who murder their foes. While that assertion is unforgivably offensive, it is also
painfully illogical. Carlson has evoked a role reversal in the debate in that those seeking equality are not the ones demanding ideological obedience. It is the law’s supporters who are forcing their beliefs on anyone who does not conform to their principles. Providing a service that is available to the public does not require one to accept the principles of the customer. However, by denying that service you are putting the customer in a second-class status. It was not that long ago that bigots used the same religious arguments to deny service to African-Americans, Jews, Latinos, etc.

Gov. Pence was widely ridiculed, even by conservatives, for his inability to answer a simple question as to whether his bill would make discrimination possible. And subsequent to that outing, he now says that the whole affair is a media smear job, even as he seeks to have the law “clarified” by new language that has yet to be disclosed. But the debate on Fox News has already descended to depths that have not been seen since the days when a Southern governor blocked the doors of a public school to black students.

In those days there were also lynchings and bombings of churches in the name of religion. But today it is the civil rights activists who are being maligned as terrorists for merely standing up for their rights. And it isn’t just some whacked-out fringe assembly of bigots making these assertions. It’s the most-watched cable news network in the country. Thank you Fox News, for revealing the true nature of yourselves, your audience and the bigotry you all embrace.

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Ready For Bibi: Republican Leaders Trying To Draft Netanyahu For President In 2016

The presidential electoral season is rapidly heating up with candidates for both sides jockeying for position. Most of the activity is on the Republican side as the Democrats have not yet fielded a candidate that is seriously challenging Hillary Clinton.

The list of Republican hopefuls is long and comical, including such farces as Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, and Ben Carson. Those considered “establishment” contenders like Jeb Bush and Lindsey Graham have been rejected outright by the Tea Party base. Consequently, there is a sucking vacuum of emptiness in the GOP that threatens to sink their 2016 aspirations before they even get started.

Given the lack of any candidates that can unite the party and generate the energy and passion necessary to win next November, the GOP is casting a wider net in search of a more palatable offering. The consensus among insiders in the party is that Israels’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu best fits the bill to fire up a demoralized GOP that has lost two straight elections to a black guy.

Netanyahu GOP

That makes the recent travels of Republican leaders to Israel a more significant news story than previously disclosed. Mitch McConnell, the GOP chieftain in the Senate was there last week and huddled with Netanyahu, taking his side against President Obama regarding the sensitive negotiations over Iran’s nuclear arms capabilities. Next up is John Boehner, the GOP Speaker of the House, who is also scheduled to fluff Netanyahu during a trip to the holy land. These trips, it turns out, were not solely excursions to attempt to embarrass Obama on an international stage. Sources in the GOP have revealed that they were arranged to recruit Netanyahu as the next Republican nominee for president of the United States.

While there would be some obstacles to a Netanyahu candidacy, there are also some distinct advantages from the Republican perspective. Netanyahu is a war hawk who gives American conservatives goose bumps when he talks about escalating hostilities in the already volatile region. He has demonstrated a total inability to manage his nation’s economy, which should also excite Republicans who have made that their trademark in the United States. And best of all, he hates President Obama with a passion that comes very close to that of the Tea Party right in America.

The question of his citizenship is expected to be buried in a campaign that emphasizes his strong personal character that has the divine power to overcome trivialities like constitutional law. Republicans are planning to flood the media with arguments of equivalency to Obama’s Kenyan nativity and even to Ted Cruz’s birth in Canada to a Cuban lieutenant of Fidel Castro.

The religious right has long been one of the most powerful and loyal constituencies in the GOP. Their influence in this can also be felt as they regard a Netanyahu presidency as a prelude to the End Times that they so fervently await. They see his ascendancy as a path to war in the Middle East and eventually to the Apocalypse.

Fox News is also on board as the network of Christian soldiers who believe that a return to the Crusades would benefit both their political goals and their ratings. With a roster heavily weighted by devout Catholics, they are the closest thing in media to a Vatican PR office. The Fox faithful include: Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Megyn Kelly, Bret Baier, Bill Hemmer, Brian Kilmeade, Andrew Napolitano, Jeanine Pirro, Laura Ingraham, Dennis Kucinich, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, and Father Morris. Rupert Murdoch, the CEO of Fox News parent News Corp was himself inducted into the “Knights of the Order of Saint Gregory the Great” by Pope John Paul II. And if that isn’t enough, the current Senior Communications Adviser in the Vatican’s Secretariat of State, Greg Burke, was previously the Fox News correspondent covering the Vatican, a position he held for ten years.

No timetable has been set as to when Netanyahu would announce his candidacy. However, there doesn’t seem to be any hurry as their is only one announced candidate to date (Ted Cruz) and no one is taking him seriously. The first debate (on Fox News, of course) isn’t scheduled until August. That gives Netanyahu time to settle his affairs in Israel and make several trips to Iowa and New Hampshire. Historically, campaign announcements have not been made on or around April 1st for the obvious reason: That it is simply too early in the cycle.

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Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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White Supremacists And Fox News Join To Suppress Academic Freedom

The cable “news” network that is number one with racists has become a partner with some of the most vile white supremacist organizations in a campaign to intimidate and malign a college professor in Arizona. Fox News was the first national media outlet to condemn a course at Arizona State University called “U.S. Race Theory & the Problem of Whiteness,” and their hostility has inspired a crusade of bigotry.

Fox News

The course itself is a non-controversial exploration of race and the privileges of the majority. It is not, as Fox News characterizes it, an attack on white Americans. Part of the purpose of college is to get an expanded perspective of the world and to challenge preconceptions. However, Fox attacked this class based on nothing more than its name. They did no investigation into the actual curriculum. Having been alerted to the issue by an extremist right-wing organization, Fox’s Elisabeth Hasselbeck led the outcry by stating on Fox & Friends that the class was “unfair and wrong.” She provided no support for her criticisms.

Subsequent to the “reporting” on Fox, the professor involved became the target of an organized campaign of hate. USA Today reports that…

“According to university records recently obtained by The Arizona Republic, assistant professor Lee Bebout has received dozens of hostile and hate-filled e-mails about the class, and Tempe police say the instructor suffered harassment when fliers were distributed on campus and in Bebout’s neighborhood with ‘Anti-White’ printed over a photo of Bebout, who is white.”

Beginning on the day the segment aired on Fox, Bebout began receiving hate mail and threats that contained overtly violent rhetoric. For instance, one letter said “I look forward to your suicide,” and another wrote “I’d enjoy seeing you swing from a light pole.” The fliers were labeled “National Youth Front,” which describes itself as a “youth organization dedicated to the preservation of all White people.” Further escalating the imminent risk of harm, Bebout’s photo was posted on white supremacist websites along with those of his family, his contact information and other personal details.

Hasselbeck’s segment on Fox & Friends featured an interview with Lauren Clark, an ASU student who did not enroll in the class. Clark is also a representative of a group called Campus Reform, whose mission is to expose liberal “bias and abuse on the nation’s college campuses.” It is a project of the ultra-rightist Leadership Institute (LI). Other alumni of LI include Karl Rove and James O’Keefe. Their funding comes from a narrow cabal of conservatives including the Heritage Foundation and the Koch brothers.

Clark alleged that the course was inappropriate because it “suggests an entire race is the problem.” How she came to that conclusion without taking the class, or ever talking to the professor, can be easily explained by her obvious ideological prejudices. In truth, the class is described by the university in a statement that says that it…

“…uses literature and rhetoric to look at how stories shape people’s understandings and experiences of race. It encourages students to examine how people talk about — or avoid talking about — race in the contemporary United States.”

This is precisely the sort of discourse that enriches the academic experience and benefits students. But Fox News distorted it to turn it into a racial controversy. They did this without the slightest bit of research or factual basis. They supported their false assertions with the help of a representative from an openly biased organization who was equally uninformed as to the facts. And the result was a campaign of threats and intimidation aimed at the Arizona school and the teacher by national white supremacists.

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This was a foreseeable series of events thanks to Fox News and their openly bigoted agenda. It was something that could easily have been avoided with a little research. But Fox never conducted an investigation, never sought to get a response from the school or Prof. Bebout, and never disclosed the biases of their Koch brothers-funded guest. In short, they did none of things that an actual journalistic enterprise would do. Is anyone surprised?