Geraldo Unleashes Profane Attack on Anti-Vaxers and Vaccinated Fox News Hypocrites

From the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, Fox News has been single-mindedly committed to disseminating disinformation that has had a demonstrably harmful effect on their viewers and the nation. They have parroted Donald Trump’s reckless lies belittling the risks, prescribing quack cures, and discouraging the wearing of face masks and getting vaccinated. As a resulted the nation is now suffering from what can fairly be called the Fox News Pandemic.

Fox News, Covid

There has been little pushback by anyone at Fox News to counter their predominantly pro-COVID narrative. Which makes a recent tweet by Fox’s Geraldo Rivera all the more peculiar. On Saturday he posted this message that appears directed to his Fox News confederates, without explicitly saying so…

“Open-minded & inclusive, I’m friends with all kinds of people. But as we pass 700,000 #Covid dead, I have zero tolerance for anti-Vaxers.

Most of all, I detest vaccinated dick heads who urge the unvaccinated to ‘fight for their freedom,’ the mob urging the man on ledge to jump.”

It’s difficult to take seriously Geraldo’s claim of “zero tolerance” considering he works side-by-side with the very same anti-vaxers he’s condemning. And while he doesn’t hold back in this tweet, he isn’t nearly as clear about “detesting” his colleagues when he is discussing this subject with them on the air. It isn’t like he doesn’t know how they feel:

Nevertheless, Geraldo is right about anti-vaxers being responsible for the current spike in COVID cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. And his colorful assessment of the hypocrites who have been vaccinated discouraging others from protecting themselves, their families, and their communities, is spot on. They are, in effect, encouraging self-destructive behavior from the safety of their TV studio (where vaccine mandates are enforced).

The utterly dishonest argument that vaccine resistance is about freedom simply doesn’t fly. No one is being forced to get the shot. They are merely being told that, due to their ignorance and selfishness, they won’t be allowed to endanger others in public places. That’s a condition that society has imposed on everything from measles vaccinations, to drinking and driving, to wearing shoes and shirts in restaurants.

Every law is an imposition on personal liberty. But you don’t see these Fox Newsers advising people to run red lights, or shoplift at Walmart, or shoot their neighbors, in the name of freedom. You don’t have to obey those laws, but if you don’t, you lose certain societal privileges. It’s a not a question of freedom. It’s a question of safety and consideration for the rights and welfare of others. Geraldo has apparently come to recognize these facts. Now let’s see if he holds the rest of the Fox News hypocrites to them.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

‘THIS IS SICK!’ Fox News Hack Supports COVID For Kids

From the outset of the coronavirus pandemic, Fox News has recklessly spread disinformation that has cost people their lives. Echoing Donald Trump, they have belittled the risks, prescribed quack cures, and generally dissuaded people from taking common sense precautions like wearing face masks and getting vaccinated. As a resulted the nation is now suffering from the Fox News Pandemic.

Fox News, Vaccine

On Monday morning California Governor Gavin Newsom announced a statewide mandate for all eligible children to be vaccinated in order to attend in-person schooling once there is a full FDA approval. This is a practical step aimed at mitigating the spread of the virus and saving lives. So naturally, Fox News is virulently opposed to it. And within minutes of the announcement Fox contributor Lisa Boothe tweeted her knee-jerk response:

Boothe’s claim that “students have an almost 100% chance of survival” is both false and grossly insensitive. While the rate of serious illness in children is lower than for adults adults, it is not 0%. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics there were 243,373 new cases among kids over the past week, a 240% increase since early July. Children made up to 4% of patients who were hospitalized for Covid-19. And the CDC has reported 523 deaths among people younger than 18 in the United States.

You have to wonder what Boothe considers to be an acceptable number of child deaths. And Boothe doesn’t bother to address the fact that there are often health problems that persist for weeks and months in patients who survive. What’s more, even children who are asymptomatic can transmit the virus to their parents, grandparents, siblings, teachers, and innumerable others with whom they come into contact. Many of those adults could suffer more severe consequences.

It’s notable that Fox News hosts, contributors, and guests, regularly condemn any efforts to mandate vaccinations or testing regimens. However, they also neglect to disclose to their viewers the corporate policy at Fox that requires all employees to report their vaccination status and, if unvaccinated, to submit to daily testing.

So the policy that Gov. Newsom is implementing is not much different than the one that Boothe, and all of her Fox News confederates, are required to abide by. It is also not much different than the current school policy that already mandates vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella, polio, chicken pox, and others. Which only affirms the rank hypocrisy of Boothe and all the other Fox News “doctors” feigning outrage, while giving dangerous and ignorant advice to their dimwitted viewers.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Misfortune Teller Trump Predicts America’s Apocalypse in Bonkers OAN Bootlicking

The dissociative defects in Donald Trump’s mangled mental state have been obvious to anyone who has been paying attention for the past few years. He not only fails to have a grasp on reality, but he can’t seem to retain a coherent focus on any topic as he rambles aimlessly through the short list of grievances that he’s fixated on.

Donald Trump Angry

Trump’s psychoses were apparent in the love-sick “interview” he did with One America News Network (OAN) on Friday. With the recently released results of the Cyber Ninja’s Arizona Fraudit still fresh in his frenzied mind, he tried to avoid the fact that the Ninjas were unable to manufacture any evidence of election fraud. In fact, the final tabulation showed an even wider margin of victory for Joe Biden.

Consequently, Trump attempted to paper over that humiliation with some broad strokes about cheating Democrats for which he had no factual basis (video below):

“I don’t want to be naïve. I think they [Democrats] are grossly incompetent. I really do. I don’t think it’s the votes. Because they cheat on the elections. They don’t need votes. They cheat on the elections. I mean, you look at 43,000 votes were found last night. They cheat on elections. When you cheat on elections you don’t have to destroy the country. They are destroying our country. Our country will not survive this. Our country will not survive.”

There’s a lot of derp to unpack in that brief outburst. First of all, Democrats must not be all that incompetent if they managed to produce more than seven million allegedly fake votes in order to decisively defeat the “stable genius” of Trump. So even from his deranged perspective, he’s essentially admitting that he is even less competent than his foes by allowing them to get away with it.

Secondly, Trump’s relentless charges of cheating have still never been validated by even a shred of evidence. Which is true with regard to the “43,000 votes” he says “were found last night.” They weren’t. Thirdly, What on Earth is he talking about when he says that “When you cheat on elections you don’t have to destroy the country.” Is he bragging that his methods of cheating can be done without destroying the country?

Lastly, Trump delivers his dystopian prediction that America is in its final days. He might as well be shuffling down 5th Avenue with a sandwich board that reads “REPENT! The End Is Near!” He may be right, but not for the reasons bouncing around in his diseased cranium. It is his inflammatory “Big Lie” rhetoric that is undermining faith in democracy and inciting his cult followers to violence. However, Trump wasn’t through spreading his morbid manure. Without even a pause to inhale, he launched into a completely different subject:

“And look at where they’re coming from. They’re coming from Yemen. They’re coming from the Middle East. They’re coming from all countries that are very sick countries. Very sick, very mean, nasty. They’re coming from all countries that have problems.”

Huh? What does that have to do with democrats or elections? Does Trump think that no one will notice that he just veered off into an entirely unrelated rant? And one that is not only utterly false, but blatantly bigoted? He’s just echoing the Nazi-inspired, racist “great replacement theory” rhetoric that Tucker Carlson and others on Fox News embraced. The America that both Trump and Carlson are afraid of losing is the one that is dominated by White nationalists like themselves.

Elsewhere in the same interview, Trump engaged in some old fashioned revisionist history about how no one had any idea that a pandemic could spread and, with the help of a negligent and incompetent leader, could take the lives of nearly 700,000 Americans:

“Nobody ever really thought a pandemic would happen. It sounds like sort of an ancient thing, you know? Or go back to 1917, which was so bad. But nobody thought it was going to happen.”

Never mind that in much more recent times times than the 1918 Spanish flu, we have suffered through AIDS, Ebola, SARS, swine flu and zika. Is Trump really so stupid that he has no inkling of knowledge about these viral episodes? Or is he just that brazen a liar? By the way, many people were both aware of and concerned about the potential for even more disastrous pandemics, including this guy in October of 2019:

President Biden once again proves who is more mentally adept. Meanwhile, Trump continues to visit only with sycophantic pundits who who shamelessly kiss his – let’s say ring. So he gets away with making the most preposterous statements without any correction by his worshipful hosts. It’s a cowardly pattern of behavior by a frightened and ill-equipped mental midget who only knows how to communicate anger and self-exaltation.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

HUH? Tucker Carlson’s Crackpot Conspiracy that Vaccine Mandates Cancel Christianity

Fox News has spent the past year and a half promoting their recklessly pro-COVID, anti-vax agenda. It’s an editorial mission that steered their dimwitted viewers away from the simple, life-saving steps that would protect themselves and others. Consequently, the deadly coronavirus pandemic can now be accurately attributed to the “Fox News Variant” that is infecting and killing mostly Republicans and Trump cult followers at record levels.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Bullshit Factory

Fox News hosts and guests are staunchly devoted to spreading disinformation about COVID. However, no one is more guilty of the medical massacre in America today than Fox’s Chief Conspiracy Crackpot, Tucker Carlson. He has promoted the use of quack cures, espoused schizoid conspiracy theories that the vaccines don’t work, and even prodded his viewers to make false police reports of child abuse against parents whose children wear face masks.

On Monday evening Carlson took another step off the cliff of incoherence with a diatribe aimed at building more obstacles to the nation finally recovering from the COVID pandemic. In this episode, Carlson unleashed some bizarre accusations about the intentions of President Biden’s Defense Department mandating coronavirus vaccines for service members. Carlson ranted that…

“The point of mandatory vaccinations is to identify the sincere Christians in the ranks, the freethinkers, the men with high testosterone levels, and anyone else who does not love Joe Biden, and make them leave immediately. It’s a takeover of the U.S. military.

Seriously? Does Carlson actually believe that directing the military to get vaccinated against a virus that has already killed more than 675,000 Americans is a ‘takeover of the military’ by wimpy, Biden-loving, atheists? Does he also think it’s unmanly for soldiers to wear combat helmets? Are Air Force pilots cowards if they use parachutes? That gear, like vaccines, is intended to protect people from known hazards. But in Carlson’s world it is an attack on his holy Christianism and a show of weakness and/or impotence, which Carlson probably thinks is caused by the vaccines.

Carlson’s harangue is off-handedly referring to a faction of phony anti-vaxxers who are pretending to have a religious objection to getting vaccinated. But even far right evangelicals like Robert Jeffress aren’t buying it. Carlson also claimed that there was no need for a vaccine mandate because “Only 46 members of the entire U.S. military have died from the coronavirus over the last year and a half.” And, in Carlson’s view, they were expendable.

However, It should be noted that if Carlson had included the fatalities of military family members, civilian employees, and contractors, there were 473 deaths. Something that Carlson clearly fails to understand is that the wellbeing of the whole military community is critical to America’s defense readiness. While some soldiers are threatening to leave rather than get vaccinated, the prospect of many more becoming sick or dying would be much worse. But that’s only a part of the relevant context that Carlson left out.

First of all, Carlson failed to note that COVID deaths in the military have been increasing in the latest surge. The Military Times reported that “Eight total deaths in the past three weeks adds up to twice the previous monthly high” And the death rate is “25 times higher than it was last year.”

What’s more, according to Defense Department data, the reason for the relatively lower death rates is the high rate of vaccination in the ranks. 89% of soldiers in the Army have had at least one dose of the vaccine, The Marines are at 68%. the Navy is at 90%. And the Air Force is at 99%. That’s an average total of 89% of all service members vaccinated. If Carlson is pleased that there is a lower death rate in the military than the population at large, then if he were honest (yeah, right) he would have to admit that it’s because vaccines work.

So in the end, Carlson’s panic over apocryphal assaults on Christianity, free thinking, and machismo, are, as usual, figments of his perverse imagination. But it fits perfectly into his long-established pattern of fantastical fear mongering and aversion to the responsibility and compassion that decent humans display. And everyone at Fox News, particularly the Murdoch family that runs it, is complicit in the harm that is being done by Carlson and his confederates at Fox to the nation and the world.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Hack Peter Doocy Gets A Remedial Lesson in Immigration from Jen Psaki

Fox News might want to have their White House correspondent, Peter Doocy, examined by a mental health expert. He keeps displaying signs of masochism or other self-destructive behaviors whenever he is around President Biden’s press secretary, Jen Psaki.

Jen Psaki, Fox News, Peter Doocy

On Monday Doocy took his seat in the press briefing room and waited to be called upon to ask a question. When his opportunity came he proudly inquired as to certain procedures that are followed for testing refugees and migrants for the coronavirus. Unfortunately, he didn’t seem to understand even the most basic differences between the handling of migrants as opposed to citizens. So Psaki had to school him like a child:

Doocy: If somebody walks into the country right across the river, does somebody ask them to see their vaccination card?
Psaki: Let me explain to you again, Peter, how our process works. As individuals come across the border they are assessed for whether they have any symptoms. If they have symptoms the intention is for them to be quarantined. That is our process. They are not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time. [Doocy interrupts to draw parallels with people flying into the U.S.]

Psaki: I don’t think it’s the same thing. It’s not the same thing. These are individuals as we’ve noted and as has been discussed. We are expelling individuals based on Title 42, specifically because of COVID, because we want to prevent a scenario where large numbers of people are gathering and posing a threat to the community and also to the migrants themselves. Those are the policies we put in place in large part because, again, the CDC continues to recommend Title 42 be in place given we’re facing a global pandemic.

For some reason, Doocy seems to think that undocumented migrants should be processed the same as people arriving on international flights with passports. Is he really unaware that some refugees might be traveling without papers or visas or even vaccination cards? They need to be processed differently due to their unique circumstances. But Doocy’s question implies that the circumstances are the same and so the procedures should be as well.

Psaki’s patience with inane questions like these is commendable. But when they come from the same person so frequently and predictably, you would think there would be a limit. Some of Doocy’s prior exchanges include the time he tried to conflate processes involving American employees with those involving immigrants. Or the time he failed to grasp that a pandemic is a moving target that requires constant reassessment. Or the time he tried to combine completely unrelated pandemic issues into one issue that he can exploit. And those are just the questions related to COVID.

It’s troubling that these questions have to be tolerated in a briefing room full of actual journalists who have substantive questions. The time wasted on Doocy is depriving the American people of answers to questions that will actually impact their lives. But this is one of the costs of having a free press wherein the Doocys of the world get their fifteen minutes of dumbassery.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Poll Affirms that America Overwhelmingly Supports Biden’s COVID Policies

In what has become a recurring circus of hypocrisies, Fox News has released a poll that contrasts sharply with their editorial positions on the coronavirus. The staunchly pro-COVID network routinely features commentaries from their hosts and guests that malign efforts to mitigate the harm caused by the virus, such as getting vaccinated and wearing face masks.

Joe Biden, GOP, Titanic

Fox News spent months downplaying the severity of the virus, in synchrony with Donald Trump’s deliberate pattern of deception. Trump and Fox News have even refused to promote common sense mitigation practices for fear of upsetting the Trump cult and/or benefitting President Biden.

However, the latest poll from Fox News reveals where the American people stand on Biden’s plan to defeat COVID. And it does not remotely match the anti-vaccine, anti-mask, malarkey peddled by the likes of Tucker Carlson (who says that vaccines don’t work), Sean Hannity (who steers viewers away from getting vaccinated), and Laura Ingraham (who mocks CDC guidelines). In fact, the results show that Biden’s plan – that was viciously disparaged on Fox News – is favored by significant majorities of the American people. for instance…

  • 69% believe face masks are effective
  • 65% believe vaccines are effective
  • 67% believe schools should require masks for teachers and students
  • 66% believe businesses should require masks for employees and customers
  • 61% support vaccine mandates for teachers
  • 58% support vaccine mandates for federal government employees
  • 55% support vaccine mandates for business employees
  • 56% favor requiring businesses with 100+ employees to require vaccination or weekly testing
  • 54% favor requiring proof of vaccination to participate in indoor activities
  • 55% approve of Biden’s overall handling of the pandemic

These numbers show that most Americans are not fooled by the Fox News lies and disinformation. They have the common sense to do the right thing. And Democrats should be encouraged by the support for Biden’s initiatives. In fact, they should run hard on these results and challenge Republicans to defend their pro-COVID positions. After all, almost all of the new cases, hospitalizations and fatalities are among the unvaccinated. And that means they are mostly among Fox News viewers and Trump Republicans.

Separately, Fox News also released a poll on the human infrastructure legislation proposed by Biden and Democrats in Congress. It found that the $3.5 trillion bill is favored 56% to 39%. Also, Biden’s overall job rating is 50% approval, despite a rash of bad news about the Delta variant surge, and the Afghanistan withdrawal.

These polls are further evidence of the strength of the Democratic agenda going into the 2022 midterm elections. And Democrats need to recognize that strength and use it to push a blue wave of voters in November of next year.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Headline Contradicts Their Own Story About Approval for Biden’s COVID Policies

This week President Biden introduced an initiative to halt the current surge of COVID that is spreading mostly among the unvaccinated (i.e. Republicans and Fox News viewers). Consequently, Biden’s plan focuses on getting more people to get the shot and to take other precautions such as masking and testing.

Fox News, Joe Biden

Biden’s plan was immediately attacked by Fox News as an imposition of tyrannical mandates that rob Americans of their freedom – – to get sick and die and spread the same dire fates to others. Never mind that Fox News actually imposes even stricter mandates on their own employees, including the ones who air in primetime and tell their audience that vaccines don’t work.

However, Biden’s plan was well received by the American people. Polls show that majorities approve of requiring vaccinations or weekly testing for federal employees, school staff, and private businesses with 100 or more employees. Fox News even did a story about these polls. Unfortunately, it was a typically dishonest Fox News style story.

The headline for the article on their website said that “Biden’s push to combat COVID disapproved by roughly half of Americans.” The question asked specifically about mandating vaccines for workplaces with 100 or more employees. And the headline is technically true. Disapproval was “roughly half” (46%). But the other half who approved (53%) was greater. Leave it to Fox News to lead a story about a poll that showed majority approval by citing only the lower number who disapproved. What’s more, every specific question in the Quinnipiac poll about Biden’s plan showed that the American people were solidly in favor of it. Fox even said so in the body of the article:

“According to the poll, Americans by a nearly two-to-one margin support requiring students, teachers and school staff to wear masks. And a majority (57%) support requiring masks while in indoor public spaces. By a 68%-24% margin, those polled said that the rise in COVID deaths this summer was preventable.”

Furthermore, Fox included the results of another poll by Monmouth University that had similarly positive results. According to Fox’s article…

“63% of Americans support COVID vaccine mandates for health workers, with 58% supporting such mandates for federal employees, and 55% backing such requirements for private contractors working for the federal government. According to the survey, 63% support the instituting or reinstituting of state-based face mask and social distancing guidelines, up from 52% in July.”

Something that Fox News left out of their article was the finding in the Monmouth poll that said that “Among the nearly 1 in 4 who show anti-vaccine attitudes, 72% describe themselves as Republicans or lean toward the Republican Party.” Which is just more proof that watching Fox News and listening to Republicans is one of the best predictors of who is going to contract COVID.

While the Fox article contained some truthful bits of information, readers who just scanned the headlines would have come away with a completely false impression of reality. And that’s exactly what Fox intended. And it’s why the nation is currently suffering another catastrophic wave of this pandemic whose victims are predominantly Republicans, Fox News viewers, and Trump voters.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Joy Reid Unmasks the Republicans ‘Creepy Little COVID-Loving Death Cult’

As the latest wave of the coronavirus pandemic washes over America, the Republican Party and their Ministry of Disinformation (aka Fox News) continues to embrace policies that put more lives at risk and put off the day that the nation can return to some semblance of normalcy.

Republican Virus

If one didn’t know better, it would seem like the GOP is actually rooting for the virus to vanquish more Americans. Sadly, even though one does know better, it still seems that way. Republican governors like Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott not only reject the guidance of healthcare experts to wear masks and get vaccinated, they impose unconstitutional laws prohibiting localities, businesses, and schools from setting their own rules to keep people safe.

On Wednesday night MSNBC’s Joy Reid addressed this lethal brand of partisan politicking in a video venting directed at the GOP (Givers of Pestilence). She held nothing back in her condemnation of the Republicans’ “creepy little COVID-loving death cult”:

“We begin the Reidout tonight with a message to Republicans. Okay, we get it! COVID is the precious and you love it. You love COVID so much you want it to spread into schools, at the office, in the Walmart, on the cruise ships and at the club. That great spongy ball with the red spikes, you want it pumping through your veins with an Ivermectin chaser. Why do you love it so dadgum much? We have absolutely no bloody idea. But here’s the thing you weirdos, everyone else hates COVID!” […]

“You may want COVID. You may want to ingest horse de-wormer and attend far too many funerals, but we don’t. And it’s not just saying that or tweeting that. California voted that. It is perhaps the first real tangible proof that your creepy little COVID-loving death cult ways are not going to work for you at the ballot box next year. In fact it’s political suicide.”

This is the sort of blunt fearlessness that has made Reid a favorite foil of the right, and particularly of Donald Trump, who pretends not to know who she is. And it’s the sort of honesty that triggers Fox News, who felt compelled to do a story about this monologue that focused solely on the right-wing critics to whom she was referring. What Fox considers to be a newsworthy story is really just an opportunity to disparage a political foe. Fox said that…

“Reid was blasted on social media following the rant, with critics saying she was doing ‘significantly more harm than good,’ and that she was a ‘terrible person.’ One even suggested that she had a ‘mental problem’ and needed to be committed to a hospital.”

Notice that all of those criticisms were really just childish insults. They apparently were unable to disagree on substance with anything that Reid said. Fox then posted several tweets by 3rd rate conservative pundits maligning Reid, as if that bolstered their already feeble argument.

Fox News and the Republicans they prop up should really think twice (or even once) before they take on Reid or other progressives. After all, the unambiguously pro-COVID network can’t dispute the fact that COVID is now almost exclusively the Pandemic of Fox News. Their most-watched hosts are still lying about the efficacy of masks and vaccines. Tucker Carlson even harbors paranoid conspiracy theories that the vaccines don’t work, but sinister Deep State operatives won’t tell you that.

Carlson has also suggested that it would be acceptable for his viewers to commit the felony of counterfeiting official vaccination cards. That must be their way of ensuring that if the Fox/GOP COVID-loving death cultists don’t end up in the morgue, they’ll end up in prison.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Has Jen Psaki Finally Had Enough of Fox News Hack Peter Doocy’s Gotcha Questions?

President Biden’s initiative to increase the rate of vaccinations in America is being received by the majority of people in the country with significant support and optimism. A recent poll asking whether voters in five swing states would favor corporations requiring employees to get vaccinated or get tested weekly found that upwards of 60% were in favor of it.

Jen Psaki, Fox News, Peter Doocy

That broad-based support, however, has not deterred Fox News and Republican partisans from launching exceedingly hostile attacks on both Biden and his plan. Here’s a taste of the rancid rhetoric that Fox is regurgitating:

That last friendly fellow who was insinuating that government employees be murdered was Josh Mandel, the current Republican candidate for Senate in Ohio.

Meanwhile, at Friday’s White House press briefing, Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy assumed his role as Chief of Inane Inquisitions. Seeking to trip up Press Secretary Jen Psaki (for which he has a perfect record of failure), Doocy entered into the following exchange:

Doocy: Why is it that you’re trying to require anybody with a job or anybody who goes to school to get the COVID-19 vaccine, but you are not requiring that of migrants that continue walking across southern border into the country?
Psaki: Look, our objective is to get as many people vaccinated across the country as humanly possible. And so the President’s announcement yesterday was an effort to empower businesses, to give businesses the tolls to protect their workforces. That’s exactly what we did. But certainly we want everybody to get vaccinated, and the more people to get vaccinated, whether they are migrants or whether they are workers, protects more people in the United States.
Doocy: But it’s a requirement for people at a business with more than a hundred people, but it’s not a requirement for migrants at the Southern border. Why?
Psaki: That’s correct.

Psaki’s final response was less a reply to Doocy’s question than it was a dismissal of his foolishness as a waste of time. There are stark and obvious differences between the government’s role in making the workplaces of 100 million people safer, and the role of immigration agencies managing a few thousand temporary detainees. Biden’s focus on the former is clearly a higher priority.

That said, the welfare of the detainees has not been disregarded. All of the immigrants coming across the Southern border are tested for the coronavirus and offered a vaccination. And just like American workers, they are not forced to take it. Even so, 70% of the immigrants agree to be vaccinated. That’s a significantly higher percentage of vaccine acceptance than for Fox News viewers, which is only about 62%. That compares to 83% for viewers of CNN or MSNBC. The numbers are even worse for Trump voters (50%) versus Biden voters (91%).

Doocy’s question harbors a couple of typical Fox News hypocrisies. First of all, it’s premise is that it’s wrong to mandate vaccines. But it then it suggests that, despite being wrong, such mandates should be applied to even more people, in this case immigrants. Secondly, if Fox News were aware that vaccines actually are being offered to immigrants, the network’s xenophobes would be outraged that those resources were going to foreigners rather than American citizens. America First, and all that.

So once again Doocy has demonstrated his ignorance of the issues he raises. Either that or he is so determined to manufacture controversy that he doesn’t care how ignorant he appears. And once again Psaki has spanked him for his pathetic insolence. You would think he would get tired of this after so long. Apparently Psaki is.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

CNN’s Jake Tapper Goes Off on Biden for ‘Scolding’ Willfully Deceived Vaccine Refusers

For the majority of Americans who have done the sensible and responsible thing by getting vaccinated against the coronavirus, their obstinate counterparts who reject the vaccine (and science) are a mortal threat. They are putting both the health of people and the nation’s economic health at risk. And the President, as well as the American people, aren’t having it.

Joe Biden, Tweet

On Thursday President Biden addressed this threat with both blunt language and substantive policy. His plan to increase the rate of vaccinations by, among other things, directing large companies to require that their employees either get vaccinated or have weekly tests would provide greater protection for the population at large. Predictably, this was met with scorn by right-wing politicians and pundits. Especially Fox News (who Biden called out in his speech) where they maligned Biden as a “tyrant” who “declared war on millions of Americans.”

Unfortunately, over at CNN there was additional criticism of the President from a rather bizarre angle. Jake Tapper hosted a segment (video below) wherein he complained that Biden was taking the wrong approach by “scolding” the unvaccinated. He characterized them as victims of the liars in government and the press. While it is true that Republicans, Fox News, and their confederates have been flagrantly lying to the American people, it is naïve to portray them as victims. They have the same access to the truth about the COVID pandemic as everyone else. They just willfully choose to believe what are easily provable lies. Nevertheless, Tapper had this to say about it:

“I don’t think scolding is the approach. There are these purveyors of misinformation out there, and they’re not just on the right. Robert Kennedy Jr. is one of the most notorious ones. And I haven’t seen the president or anyone say, look, people, like, he’s scolding the people that are being lied to as opposed to the liars.

“Instead of saying there are a bunch of people trying to get your money, trying to get you attention, trying to get your votes, trying to get your views and clicks, they are lying to you. Instead of shaming the liars and trying to educate the people being lied to, he’s scolding the people being lied to. And again, as with the election lie, you can get mad at the people who believe the lies, but the villains are the liars.”

Tapper is correct that there are “villains” who are lying to people and that they deserve to be castigated for their reckless and potentially deadly dishonesty. But that’s the only part he got right.

It was wrong to describe Biden’s tone as “scolding,” when it was, in fact, appropriately caring as he implored the resisters to do the right thing for themselves and everyone else. It was also wrong to pretend that there was some equivalence between the long-running, fringe, anti-vaccine campaign by RFK, Jr, and the establishment Republicans and conservative media who are exacerbating the problem.

Tapper also claims not to have seen anyone criticizing or “shaming the liars” who have misled the resisters. Really? There has been significant amounts of such criticism whenever someone at Fox News, or some self-serving Republican hack, has expressed their hostility to vaccines and the need to get more people to partake of them. Biden even addressed it in his speech on Thursday saying that, “to make matters worse, there are elected officials actively working to undermine the fight against COVID-19.”

However, as guilty as the vaccine disinformers are of putting the nation at risk, the people who choose to believe them are not mere victims. They purposefully ignore and/or rebuke the truth about vaccines. They are hardened in their opposition to the facts, instead preferring to believe Facebook quacks, Fox News hacks, and political whacks.

Credible doctors, politicians and pundits have been trying for months to get the resisters on board. They’ve tried every type of persuasion imaginable, including education, appeals to compassion, profiles of resisters who died, and even cash rewards. If they haven’t been convinced by now, exactly what does Tapper think will finally convince them? Furthermore, isn’t Tapper’s position condescending to the resisters, implying that they are too stupid figure out that they are being lied to? While that may be true, how will it help his argument to succeed?

So yes, Tapper is correct about the guilt of those disseminating lies. But he is too easy on those consuming them. There is nothing remotely credible about Tucker Carlson’s paranoid ranting that vaccines don’t work and “they” won’t tell you. Nor are Sean Hannity’s efforts to plant doubts about the vaccine rooted in facts. But it is consistent with the rest of the rightist media that deliberately steers people away from life-saving guidance by medical experts. And the unvaccinated are not being forced to believe it. They a choosing to do so, freely.

Tapper might want to listen to Biden’s speech again and pay close attention to his appeal. Particularly this part that displays his empathy for all of the people of the country, and his genuine desire for everyone to be safe from the ravages of the pandemic:

“My message to unvaccinated Americans is this: What more is there to wait for? What more do you need to see? We’ve made vaccinations free, safe, and convenient. The vaccine is FDA approved. Over 200 million Americans have gotten at least one shot. We’ve been patient but our patience is wearing thin and your refusal has cost all of us. So, please, do the right thing.”

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