Trump Verdict Triggers Marjorie Taylor Greene to Call for Banning All Federal Funds to New York

Last week America saw its first former president convicted on 34 felony counts related to his falsification of business records, and campaign and tax fraud. The unanimous guilty verdicts on all counts would have produced some measure of remorse in a normal person. But true to form, Trump erupted in the sort of denial and hostility that is the hallmark of his warped psyche.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, QAnon

The consequences of Trump’s historic felony convictions are going to unfold in a variety of expected and unexpected ways. Most notable will be in his increasingly unhinged behavior as his inability to cope with finally being held accountable for his crimes drives him farther into despair and desperation.

SEE THIS: What’s Roasting Trump’s Nuts? Jurors Believed Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen, But Not Him

Trump, however, will not be going through this torment alone. He will have the majority of his MAGA Republicans by his side. Fully indoctrinated cult disciples such as senators Tim Scott, Marco Rubio, and JD Vance have already humiliated themselves with their slobbering sycophancy. And over in the House of Representatives, GOP Speaker Mike Johnson was eager to denigrate America’s justice system in virtually the same words as his Dear Leader.

Not one to be left out of any melodramatic circus, Marjorie Taylor Greene weighed in with her tirade in defense of the GOP’s whining nominee for president. She posted a comically caustic comment on Twitter that detailed her plan for revenge on the those she deems responsible for Trump’s tribulations.

The level of lunacy in that post seems to be almost a plea for help. Beginning with Greene’s demand of “No funding for New York!” Greene is advocating cutting off all federal funds to the entire state because she is upset with the verdict reached by a jury in Manhattan. Much of the state outside of New York City is populated by Republican voters. So this a proposal that some of her GOP colleagues in the House might not be thrilled about. Ten of the 26 seats in the state are currently held by Republicans.

Nevertheless, Greene went on to declare that “I’m calling for it!!!” But she doesn’t say exactly who she is calling. The GOP’s margin of majority in the House can be counted on one hand. And with ten New York Republicans likely to oppose it, there is no realistic possibility that her proposal would pass. And that isn’t even counting all of the other GOP members who would not support such a ridiculously vengeful idea that hurts innocent citizens.

Then Greene adds that “New York needs to drop their conviction of Pres Trump!” No, actually, it does not. And she has no jurisdiction as a member of Congress to demand it. Trump was found guilty by jury of his peers in a New York court, after a fair trial where he had competent counsel and every opportunity to defend himself. Even though he was too cowardly to testify, which may be the only smart decision he made throughout the whole trial.

Undeterred by logic, Greene shifts to asserting that “The whole thing was illegal!” What whole thing? The whole completely legal trial for indictments, that were legally issued by a grand jury comprised of citizens, and presided over under the laws of the state? Notice that she doesn’t bother to cite what’s illegal about any of that.

Finally, Greene insists again that “Republicans should not vote for a single penny to that corrupt State.” So she’s still determined to punish the 20 million people of New York state for the verdict that 12 jurors reached after examining all of the evidence. And her form of punishment is to deny the state federal funds. Maybe someone should tell her that New York gives the federal government far more money than it gets back. Perhaps the state should withhold funds from the feds. It would actually come out ahead.

Green’s animosity toward New York is not shared by the rest of the nation. In the first poll since the guilty verdicts for Trump, “49% of Independents nationwide and 15% of Republicans said Trump should end his campaign because of the conviction.” What’s more, 54% of voters approve of the decision to convict Trump, and a similar share believes that Trump committed a crime.

The only thing that Greene’s bizarre rant accomplishes is to affirm that she is a nut case who couldn’t care less about the law or the country. She is proof that Trump’s support is comprised of cult devotees who are only interested in exalting Dear Leader, at the expense of the welfare of every other American and the preservation of democracy. And her efforts will likely help lead to the defeat of more Republicans in November, including the convicted felon of Mar-a-Lago.


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What’s Roasting Trump’s Nuts? Jurors Believed Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen, But Not Him

Convicted felon Donald Trump is not taking his convictions very well. The morning after a jury found him guilty on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to cover up a sexual encounter with a porn star that threatened his presidential campaign, Trump returned to his eponymous office tower in Manhattan to do what he does best – whine like a colicky infant.

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Donald Trump, Snowflakes

Trump’s address to the gathered press was mostly a rehashing of everything he has been saying in his hallway harangues outside of court for the past few weeks. He attacked the judge and the district attorney, complained that the trial was a “sham” that was somehow “rigged” by President Biden, and regurgitated the canned lines that his handlers and MAGA GOP confederates had prepared for him.

SEE THIS: The Cult of Trump Received Their Orders to Recite the Pre-Approved Lie that ‘There is No Crime’

One thing, however, was clear in Trump’s tantrum. He was seething with anger at the outcome of his trial. And the targets of his animosity, in addition to the Judge, the D.A. and the Democrats, were a couple of people with whom he previously had uncommonly close relations: adult film actor/producer Stormy Daniels, and lawyer/fixer Michael Cohen.

Trump couldn’t restrain himself from mentioning Daniels and Cohen, because he surely held them materially responsible for his convictions. They both testified against him court. And in order for the jury to find him guilty, they had to believe that Daniels and Cohen told the truth, and that Trump was lying. That undoubtedly rattled his already shaky mental foundation. So he let them have it in his post-verdict speech, calling Cohen a “sleazebag,” and Daniels a liar…

There were several other witnesses in the trial that Trump could have gone after, but didn’t. And like Daniels and Cohen, they were all former close associates. Including…

  • Hope Hicks: Trump’s White House communications director.
  • David Pecker: publisher of the National Enquirer and longtime Trump friend.
  • Jeffrey McConney: The Trump Organization’s former controller.
  • Rhona Graff: Trump’s former executive assistant.
  • Deborah Tarasoff: The Trump Organization’s accounts payable supervisor.
  • Madeleine Westerhout: Trump’s White House secretary.

Despite Trump’s rancid wrath directed at American justice and the citizens who participate in it, Trump knows very well that Biden didn’t run the prosecution. He knows that Judge Juan Merchan and D.A. Alvin Bragg didn’t determine the verdict. He knows that the trial wasn’t “rigged.” But the only response that Trump and His MAGA GOP confederates have left is to denigrate the individuals and institutions that they blame for the legal misfortune that is entirely his own fault.

Therefore, he lashes out furiously with baseless allegations of corruption, and attacks on America’s justice system as “shameless” and “disgraceful.” But it’s his own shamelessness that is so disgraceful. And it’s troubling that someone so averse to the rule of law and the principles enshrined in the constitution can be considered a serious candidate for president by a major political party.

What’s more, it’s too bad that public servants like the Judge and the D.A. cannot sue Trump for defamation. But what about the jurors? If they are identified, their lives will be at risk. They have been viciously vilified by Trump as accomplices in the “rigged” trial and the “corruption” that he falsely claims took place. Where do they go to get back their reputations and security for themselves and their families?


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The Cult of Trump Received Their Orders to Recite the Pre-Approved Lie that ‘There is No Crime’

As the jury in Donald Trump’s so-called “Hush Money” case continues to deliberate on whether he is guilty of falsifying business records, election finance violations, and/or tax fraud, Trump himself is busy disseminating his thoroughly dishonest propaganda about America’s justice system being “rigged” against him by the evil genius, President Joe Biden, who Trump also says is so mentally deficient that he “can’t put two sentences together.”

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Donald Trump, Twitter

During the evidentiary portion of the trial, the prosecution put on a detailed case that included mountains of documentary evidence and hours of testimony, mostly from Trump’s own circle of close business associates. The defense, on the other hand, called only two witnesses, who likely benefited the prosecution more than Trump. Which led to a surprisingly pessimistic appraisal of the proceedings by Trump.

SEE THIS: Trump is Predicting a Guilty Verdict Saying that ‘Mother Teresa Could Not Beat These Charges’

With the prospects for acquittal approaching a zero percent probability, the Trump team is taking affirmative action to prepare both Trump and his glassy-eyed cult disciples for the bad news that they seem to expect. And foremost on their agenda is to tarnish the credibility of the jury’s verdict, and the entire premise of the case having been brought at all.

However, the mission to accomplish their goal is so brazenly manufactured and transparent that no one with a functioning cerebellum could take it seriously. And Trump is personally leading this gaslighting operation with a decree to dismiss the prosecution as a “hoax” for which “there is no crime.” A quick scan of his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, reveals just how robotic their effort is. What follows are comments that Trump reposted that are all from Fox News hosts or regular contributors…

  • Gregg Jarrett: “Where is the crime? It’s nowhere! This is what I call a Bigfoot Case. It’s a Trial in search of an imaginary crime.”
  • Pam Bondi: “He committed no crime…There is nothing there.”
  • Bill O’Reilly: “There is zero evidence he even thought about campaign funding statutes.”
  • David Gelman, Fox Business: “Prosecution, you did not meet your burden, you did not find that there is a crime here.”
  • Newt Gingrich: “In New York we have a corrupt judge and a corrupt district attorney creating a corrupt trial trying to frame President Trump.”
  • Doug Collins, Fox News: “This is a prosecution in search of a crime. It’s not there. Donald Trump didn’t do anything.”
  • Laura Ingraham: “There was no crime that was committed.”
  • Lawrence Jones: “The crime has still not been presented before the court.”
  • Andy McCarthy: “NDAs are legal. An intent to defraud cannot be derived from the performance of a legal act.”
  • Jonathan Turley: “Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg…started with nothing and sold it as a legal abstraction.”

Gee…You might think that Trump wants to persuade people that he hasn’t been charged with any crime. Which is, of course, preposterous. Trump joined in the chorus with his own comment saying that “I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT THE CHARGES ARE IN THIS RIGGED CASE—I AM ENTITLED TO SPECIFICITY JUST LIKE ANYONE ELSE. THERE IS NO CRIME!” And he followed that up with a statement at one of his impromptu press tantrums outside of the courtroom…

For the benefit of Trump and his confederates, the crime that he is charged with was clearly identified when it was originally filed by the Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg. It said that…

“TRUMP is charged in a New York State Supreme Court indictment with 34 counts of Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree.”

That seems simple enough, even for the MAGA RedHatters to understand. The press release for the indictment elaborated saying that Trump falsified New York business records in order to conceal an illegal conspiracy to undermine the integrity of the 2016 presidential election and other violations of election laws. And it is important to note that when he was arraigned he was asked by the judge whether he understood the charges against him, and he replied under oath, “Yes.”

So Trump pretending not to know what the charges against him are is just another example of how shamelessly he lies. And the same goes for all of his MAGA media cohorts who are engaging in the same charade. They all know perfectly well what the charges are. And they all likely believe that Trump will be found guilty of some or all of those charges. They just can’t bear to admit it to themselves, or to Trump’s cult followers. It’s a form of cowardice that they share with their Dear Leader.


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Trump is Predicting a Guilty Verdict Saying that ‘Mother Teresa Could Not Beat These Charges’

After six weeks of testimony, and the production of mountains of documentary evidence, the so-called “Hush Money” case, wherein Donald Trump is charged with falsifying financial records, as well as tax and campaign finance fraud, has been handed over to the jury for deliberation.

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Donald Trump Circling the Drain

Predicting the outcome of any case is a risky proposition, and would be especially daring in this, the first ever prosecution of a former president. Although it would not be particularly venturesome to observe that the defendant’s attorneys presented a shallow and fact averse case, while the case of the prosecution was extraordinarily strong and well constructed. So much so that even Trump seemed confused about his status.

SEE THIS: UH-OH: Trump Just Admitted He’s Guilty of Falsifying Records to Cover Up His Hush Money Payments

Throughout the trial Trump has exhibited a measure of acute anxiety that could result in a substantial increase in his Adderall dosage. He has spent his days outside the courtroom whining about his victimhood and the perceived evil of his legal foes. And as further evidence that Trump is rattled by the potential of a guilty verdict, he used his hallway courthouse rant on Wednesday to make what appears to be a concession that he will be convicted…

“I would say in listening to the charges from the judge who is very conflicted, and corrupt due to the confliction, very, very corrupt, Mother Teresa could not beat these charges. These charges are rigged. The whole thing is rigged. The whole country’s a mess, between the borders and fake elections, and you have a trial like this where the judge is so conflicted he can’t breathe.”

In this tantrum, Trump is imagining a perverse scenario where the revered Catholic nun and advocate for the poor, Mother Theresa, is on trial for paying off a porn star in order to cover up her depravity so as not to impact her public image. A totally normal fantasy, right? And he is concluding that even she wouldn’t get off. So then are his chances?

Trump is, of course, right. Were Mother Theresa in the same legal quagmire as he is, with the same evidence against her, she almost certainly would not beat the charges. But more to the point, his assessment that anyone in that situation would be found to be guilty is a de facto admission that he believes a guilty verdict is in his own future.

That pessimistic probability, however, doesn’t deter Trump from continuing his tedious assaults on the judge and the American justice system as a whole. He is laying the groundwork for his cult followers to become outraged and motivated to take extreme measures in retribution for his being held accountable for his crimes. It’s the courthouse version of the riots he incited at Congress on January 6, 2021.

Democrats and other Americans who still believe in law and order, would surely be disappointed if Trump is acquitted (not likely), or if there is a hung jury (not impossible). But they will not resort to violence. The same cannot be said of Trump’s followers. And that’s reason enough to vote for President Biden in November, whatever the outcome of this trial. The alternative of an authoritarian regime headed by a sociopathic narcissist, and supported by a small army of hostile RedHatters, is just unthinkable.


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HYPOCRISY UNCHAINED! Trump Flack Whines that Biden’s Campaign is Making Trump’s Trial Political

The trial of Donald Trump in New York for his falsifying business records and campaign finance fraud (sometimes called the “Hush Money” case) is wrapping up this week with the delivery of closing arguments and the commencement of jury deliberations. Predictions of the outcome by all sides is pure speculation, but the case by the prosecutors appears to be extraordinarily strong.

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Donald Trump

As the case is entering its final phase, Trump’s team is pulling out all the stops to try to influence the court of public opinion. They have been doing that throughout the trial, led by their Dear Leader, who would hold impromptu press avails outside the court every day it was in session. And for some unknown reason the press would cover it, despite the fact that it was just a tediously repetitive rendition of what he had already posted on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social.

SEE THIS: Trump and Fox News are Priming the MAGA Cult for Devastating and Dangerous Disappointment

On Tuesday morning Trump’s campaign press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, held her own court on the courthouse steps to give the press a ludicrous account of what was going on. She was ostensibly responding to statements made earlier by President Biden’s campaign, featuring cinema icon, Robert De Niro. Leavitt said that…

“What you just heard from is a desperate and failing and pathetic campaign who knows that they are losing. Joe Biden sending his campaign outside of this criminal courthouse – it is a full-blown concession that this trial is a witch hunt that comes from the top. Comes from Joe Biden.”

Really? Does Leavitt actually believe that she can characterize the press conference by Biden’s team as evidence that the whole affair is political? She knows very well that, from the beginning, it was Trump and his cohorts who made it clear that they were going to treat the trial as a political matter. He even flew his congressional flunkies in from Washington for moral support. What could be more political than a frontline of MAGA Republicans running Trump’s defense?

SEE ALSO: MAGA Mike Johnson Announces His Intention to Interfere with the Criminal Investigation of Trump

Leavitt followed that up by unleashing a batch of Trump’s pre-approved insults of everyone involved in the case, including D.A. Alvin Bragg and Judge Juan Merchan. She makes the laughable assertion that “This case would have been laughed out of any other courtroom in America,” and complained about the gag order that was issued because Trump wouldn’t stop maligning and intimidating court personnel, witnesses, and jurors. She called the proceedings “a disgrace,” a “witch hunt,” and a “scam.” But then claimed that it was just making Trump more popular. If that’s true, what’s she so upset about?

Leavitt also repeated the wildly exaggerated estimates of Trump’s crowds in the Bronx and New Jersey, and lashed out at “elitist out of touch Hollywood actors like Robert De Niro.” Then added that she “could not help but laugh” at accurate descriptions of Trump as “a threat to democracy.” She argued without any rational foundation that “Joe Biden is the real threat to democracy,” and the case against Trump is “a communist show trial.”

Leavitt closed by calling Biden “weak” and “pathetic” for orchestrating “this weaponization of our justice system,” which, of course, he didn’t do. Then she launched a robo-whine about alleged Biden faults that have no basis in reality, such as…

“…his wide-open border invasion that is allowing a mass invasion of illegal people into this country, terrorists, criminals. Our economy is in shambles. We are heading toward World War III. [but that] Trump is going to win this election. And ultimately he will be vindicated of this sham crooked trial because he has the truth on his side and he is an innocent man.”

This seems like a good time for a reminder that Leavitt’s initial complaint was that the trial was being turned into something political. By Biden. Does she ever listen to herself? Or to Trump? Their entire spiel is political.

Biden, on the other hand, hasn’t said a single word about this trial, or any of Trump’s 88 pending felonies. So who is being political? It might also be useful to note that Biden’s campaign spokesperson, Michael Tyler, specifically said that he wasn’t outside the court for the trial, but because that’s where the press was. Which is a pitifully sad statement about the press, who have political obsessions of their own to contend with.


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Trump Makes Memorial Day All About Himself, Attacking the Judges in His Cases as ‘Human Scum’

For as long as Donald Trump has been a public figure, he has been known as a compulsive self-promoter. There is virtually no subject that he won’t hijack as an opportunity to shamelessly exalt himself or viciously malign his foes. This is especially notable on holidays when most of the American people are united in paying tribute to people or events that have contributed to them or their country. That includes everything from Independence Day to Mother’s Day.

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Donald Trump, Saving Cadet Bone Spurs

One of the most revered days of remembrance is Memorial Day. It’s a day when Americans honor those who gave everything for the preservation of the gifts of freedom and democracy that are sometimes taken for granted. But true to form, Trump can be relied on to tarnish these tributes in favor of exploiting the occasion to denigrate others. It’s particularly loathsome considering his long held disrespect for the military and those who serve.

SEE THIS: UH-OH: Fox News Confirms that Trump Called Fallen Soldiers Losers and Suckers

On this Memorial Day, Trump behaved exactly as one might expect. He diminished the service of patriots in order to launch attacks on his perceived personal enemies. In a comment posted to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump hammered out a long, tormented rant that is typical of a malignant narcissist who is obsessed only with his own problems.

It’s predictable that Trump would begin his rancid tirade by wishing the cult followers who patronize his posts a “Happy Memorial Day,” when the day is not an occasion for happiness, but is a day of solemn remembrance for the losses suffered by the sacrifices of patriots. He then continues to extend his wretched wishes to “the Human Scum that is working so hard to destroy our Once Great Country.” Such inspirational holiday thoughts from someone who wants to represent the “Scum” …er… people of the nation.

However, the rest of Trump’s rant doesn’t mention a single person who is supposedly destroying the country, a country that he doesn’t regard as great. It is just an extended tantrum aimed solely at the judges presiding over some of his civil and criminal cases. Those judges, who serve the cause of law and order, are who he believes are the destroyers of America. He assaults them as…

  • The “Trump Hating Federal Judge in New York [Lewis Kaplan] that…awarded a woman [E. Jean Carroll]…91 MILLION DOLLARS.”
  • “Arthur Engoron, the N.Y. State Wacko Judge who fined me almost 500 Million Dollars.”
  • And “Now for [Judge Juan] Merchan!”

That’s Trump’s Memorial Day message. It is wholly devoted to his own personal legal tribulations. He doesn’t mention fallen American soldiers once. And while that is reprehensible, it isn’t surprising.

After all, it was Trump who insulted the late Sen. John McCain for having been captured and enduring a Vietnamese POW camp for seven years; who ripped off his phony veterans charity to enrich himself; and who dodged the draft by getting five fake deferments for alleged bone spurs, while whining that his vulnerability to sexually transmitted diseases was his own personal Vietnam.

For some context, the Daily Show helpfully put together some examples of how Trump really feels about the troops and this holiday…


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WHUT? Trump’s ‘Legal’ Spokesmodel Whines on Fox News She’s ‘Not Even Sure What the Crime Is’

In the earliest days of Donald Trump’s political misadventures, he promised that he would hire only “the best people” He then proceeded to appoint dozens of officials to top positions in his administration who he later declared were unqualified, dishonest, and incompetent. According to Trump himself, he employed an army of imbeciles that he eventually had to fire because they were, in his view, too inept to serve.

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Donald Trump, Wah

The parade of “losers” that Trump foisted on the nation included his White House Chiefs of Staff (Kelly, Mulvaney), Attorneys General (Sessions, Barr), Secretary of State (Tillerson), Secretary of Defense (Esper), National Security Advisor (Bolton), U.N. Ambassador (Haley), and many more. That’s just for starters. To be sure, most of them were equally contemptuous of Trump after they had worked for him for a short while.

SEE THIS: Trump is Running for President So He Can Appoint More People He Will Eventually Call Losers

So it shouldn’t surprise anyone to learn that Trump has been enlisting legal representation from among America’s most scummy solicitors. It takes an already ethically suspect person to agree to work for Trump in any capacity. So former parking lot lawyer Alina Habba certainly fits the bill.

Habba appears to have been demoted from her position as an attorney for Trump, to his designated MAGA media spokesperson. And in that capacity she appeared on Fox News Sunday morning to offer her views on the trial in Manhattan where Trump is being tried on felony charges of falsifying business records and campaign finance fraud (sometimes known as the “Hush Money” case). She told Fox News she believes that the prosecutors have no case, saying that…

“They have no facts. Let’s be clear. I sat through this trial, and I would tell you if I was concerned on a factual basis. I’m not speaking now to posture for the president, but just generally as an attorney, as an American who understands the law and how to apply laws to facts. There are no facts that support this alleged crime. We’re not even sure what the crime is.”

Let’s unpack that brief but loaded paragraph of poppy-cockiness. To begin with, prosecutors entered into evidence an abundance of both documentary and testimonial facts. They included signed checks, invoices, memos, emails, articles, and witness accounts that tied Trump to the crimes that are alleged. Ever cowardly, Trump never bothered to testify himself to refute any of it. Habba may have been too busy doing quick hits on Fox News and Newsmax to have seen much of the trial.

Furthermore, Habba’s assertion that she was making these comments “as an American,” rather than as Trump’s designated spokesperson is simply preposterous. However, her subsequent claim that she is “not even sure what the crime is,” is entirely believable given her ineptitude as a lawyer. She might want to take a look at the prosecutor’s filing to see the specific state and federal violations that are plainly cited.

It is pathetic that a legal spokesperson would admit on national television that she has no idea what the case she is discussing is about. And how that admission would benefit her client is mystery. But what isn’t mysterious is Habba’s regurgitation of the rhetoric that Trump disgorges nearly every day. She maligns Judge Juan Merchan as “severely conflicted,” although she declines to say why citing the gag order on Trump (not her).

Then, in a preemptive attack on the eventual verdict, she says that she has “zero confidence” that the judge will draft appropriate jury instructions. That’s her way of laying the groundwork to later claim that the jury was biased and the trial was rigged. She appears to be expecting a guilty verdict.

Habba is, however, serving her client’s purpose. While she is on Fox News, he is free to make personal appearances, such as the one Saturday night at the Libertarian Party Convention, where he was brutally booed from the moment he hit the stage. He also had time to post comments on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, about the speech.

Trump usually posts videos of such appearances on his website but, for some reason, this time he only posted still images with bits of rancid written commentary. Clearly he could not post the videos because of all the booing. Heaven forbid that any of his glassy-eyed disciples find out how truly despised he is outside of his cult bubble.


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UH-OH: Trump Just Admitted He’s Guilty of Falsifying Records to Cover Up His Hush Money Payments

The trial in Manhattan where Donald Trump is charged with falsifying business records and campaign finance fraud (sometimes known as the “Hush Money” case) is nearly over. Last week attorneys for both the prosecution and the defense rested their cases. Trump himself chose not to testify, despite having promised to do so on several occasions.

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Donald Trump

Trump may have thought that his testimony wasn’t necessary because his hallway harangues outside the court were sufficient to clear him of any charges. Of course, those tantrums were never entered into the record as evidence, were littered with lies, and were not heard by the jury. They were merely cathartic and delusional distortions of reality intended to soothe Trump’s ego and assuage his seething fears.

SEE THIS: Trump and Fox News are Priming the MAGA Cult for Devastating and Dangerous Disappointment

On Friday Trump demonstrated why the decision to stay off of the witness stand was the right one. In a frantic series of posts on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump lashed out trial judge Juan Merchan, prosecutor Alvin Bragg, and the American system of justice as a whole. And included in his tirade was a comment that is tantamount to a confession…

“The bookkeeping error that I am being incorrectly and unconstitutionally prosecuted for is the fact that a bookkeeper, innocently and correctly, called a ‘Legal Expense’ paid to a lawyer, a ‘Legal Expense.’ IN EVEN SIMPLER WORDS, I CALLED A LEGAL EXPENSE, A LEGAL EXPENSE. WHAT THE HELL ELSE WOULD YOU CALL IT? A BIDEN INSPIRED ELECTION INTERFERENCE HOAX!!!”

First of all, there is nothing unconstitutional about the 34 felony charges brought against Trump in this case. And secondly, Trump can’t seem to make up his mind as to whether what he first calls a “bookkeeping error” is in fact an error or was “innocently and correctly” recorded.

More to the point, Trump and attorneys argued adamantly in court that he couldn’t be held responsible for falsifying his business records because he didn’t know anything about it. He tried to blame it all on his accounting staff, despite the fact that he has previously bragged that he is a strict manager of his business affairs to the minutest details.

However, in the comment above Trump confesses in all caps that “I CALLED A LEGAL EXPENSE, A LEGAL EXPENSE.” So it wasn’t his accountants after all. It was he who deliberately mislabeled the campaign expenditures in order to buy the silence of Stormy Daniels. This is such an egregious gaffe that Trump himself sought to walk it back half an hour later in another post wherein he claimed the opposite, saying that…

“…a bookkeeper, with zero influence from or discussion with me, correctly called the payment of a Legal Expense to a lawyer – a Legal Expense.”

So which is it, Donnie? Did Trump make the erroneous bookkeeping claim himself as he said above? Or was it a nameless clerk gone rogue? For the record, evidence produced in court found that it was Trump’s CFO, Allen Weisselberg, at Trump’s direction. Weisselberg pleaded guilty to perjury, twice, related to these matters, and is currently in prison.

Just imagine how prosecutors would have handled these questions if Trump had taken the oath and sat in the witness chair. He would have fumbled his way through various contradictory assertions that would have sealed his legal fate. He knew that and, sensibly (for a change), chose to break his promise to testify. That’s his right, and the jury will be instructed not to hold it against him.

However, jurors can, and will, consider that there was no testimony refuting the evidence that Trump had a primary role in falsifying his records. Trump was the only one who could counter the testimony given by his lawyer/fixer, Michael Cohen, and others. And Trump, as usual, chickened out. So while such cowardice is not a legal finding, it is a human one. And jurors are human.


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Trump’s Legal Weasel Waffles on Whether Trump Will Testify at His ‘Hush Money’ Trial

Donald Trump’s criminal trial for falsifying business records and election interference (sometimes known as the “Hush Money” case) may be approaching the end as attorneys on both sides begin to wrap up their witness examinations. The judge has tentatively scheduled Tuesday, May 28, for closing arguments.

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Donald Trump Sweating

Among the most eagerly anticipated events in this trial has been the question as to whether or not Trump would testify in his own defense. Most legal experts have held that it would be highly unlikely that Trump would take the oath and expose himself to potentially damaging cross-examination and perjury. For his part, Trump has wavered between contradictory statements insisting that would testify because he has nothing to hide, and whining, falsely, that he would not be able to testify due ot his gag order.

SEE THIS: Trump Fixates on Fox News Phonies While Lying that a Gag Order Prohibits Him from Testifying

On Monday morning Trump’s legal spokesperson, Alina Habba, was interviewed on Fox News, where she seems to have more airtime than any of their hosts. Sandra Smith raised the matter of Trump’s testimony with Habba, but as is often the case, she got a vague response.

Smith: What would be in the thought process to testify or not testify on the part of the former president?
Habba: He’s got to listen to his attorneys. It’s not as much what he wants to do. We know Trump wants to testify. He’s willing, he’s able, he… nothing to hide all. He’s absolutely ready to tell the truth. Frankly, I think his truth has already spoken. He was in the White House while somebody in accounting booked a legal fee payment as a legal expense. It’s pretty quick and it would be a pretty short testimony as far as the questions that would need to be asked, because he had no part in it.

If Trump were “ready to tell the truth” it would be a first for him. And if he had nothing to hide he would jump at the chance to take the stand. He has said repeatedly that he would do so. But now, according to Habba, he needs to consult with his attorneys. Which would actually be the smart thing for him to do. Because if his testimony was anything like what Habba told Fox News, he would be sliced and diced by the prosecutor.

Habba’s defense argument is that Trump, a notorious micromanager, wasn’t a part of the decisions surrounding his payment of hundreds of thousands of dollars to a porn star. And if Trump told the court under oath that he didn’t know how the payments were booked, or that he thought they were booked properly as legal expenses, he would be committing perjury. So yeah…he better listen to his lawyers, and keep his mouth shut.

Habba herself went on to lie about the prosecution of Trump, saying that…

“We have a D.A. that has been politically motivated since the minute he decided to run for office [and] the only time he decided to bring this case was after president Trump announced that he would be running for reelection.”

For the record, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg filed the 34 felony charges against Trump on April 4, 2023, after a grand jury issued the indictments. That was five months after Trump officially announced his campaign for 2024. Although Trump had informally stated almost immediately after President Biden was inaugurated that he would be running again. Either way, the charges were clearly not in response to Trump’s electoral ambitions.

On the same Fox News program, Habba complained that Trump was “limited as to what he can speak to,” and that “A witness can come up and say things that he knows are untrue, and he can’t say anything back.” Which is also patently false. Trump can, of course, testify under oath, just like the other witnesses that he says are lying.

So, will Trump exercise his rights to defend himself and forthrightly refute the testimony of the other witnesses, who are almost all his former close associates and/or employees? Don’t hold your breath. While his ego-driven inclination may be to do so, his lawyers will likely revolt if he refuses to take their advice and clam up. And it’s notable that Trump has promised to testify in other trials, but ultimately chickened out then as well.

That’s Trump’s standard operating procedure, and there is no reason to assume that it isn’t in effect now. So what we will see from Trump, rather than testimony on the witness stand under oath, are flagrant lies in the hallway outside the courtroom. And even after a conviction we’ll have to endure his yammering about the “rigged” trial and appeals processes. But hopefully an electoral landslide for Biden in November might actually zip Trump’s pie hole. That will be up to the American people to deliver. So you know what to do.


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MAGA Mike Johnson Announces His Intention to Interfere with the Criminal Investigation of Trump

For most of the last month, Donald Trump has been a seen as a pathetic and lonely (and sleepy) crybaby as he attended his criminal trail in New York. During the hearings he sits with his lawyers scowling as the evidence of his crimes is revealed by one witness after another. Then he unleashes his wrath at the press in the court’s hallway with his tediously repetitious complaints of victimhood and the torture of a “freezing” courtroom.

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Donald Trump, Congress, Mike Johnson

That changed this week, however, with the sudden appearance of some of Trump’s congressional bootlickers. They have apparently decided that the duties they have been neglecting in Washington because they have no interest in the people’s business, must now be neglected in order to prop up their Dear Leader being tried on 34 felony charges.

SEE THIS: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

Among the attendees is GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson, who showed up with a coterie of congressional Trump-fluffers, and wannabe VP candidates. Trump praised them as his “surrogates” who were there speaking “beautifully” on his behalf. Although he still hasn’t managed to convince his wife Melania to stand by his side. The only thing the presence of these MAGA reps accomplishes is to affirm that Trump is using the trial as a political stunt. He has done almost no other campaigning since the trial began, despite having all his weekends and evenings free.

For his part, Johnson regurgitated the rote Trump complaints that the trial is persecution, election interference, and tainted by alleged biases of the judge and prosecutors. At one point he effectively conceded that Trump is guilty…

In addition to his toadyism for Trump, Johnson also took the opportunity to announce that he intends to exploit his position in Congress to obstruct justice on Trump’s behalf. He told the gathered media that…

“I’m working with chairman [Jim] Jordan of the House Judiciary Committee, and chairman [James] Comer of the Oversight Committee, on measures to rein in the abuses of special counsel Jack Smith.”

Johnson never bothered to reveal what those alleged abuses might be. And he surely doesn’t care that the cases Smith is prosecuting are indictments that were handed down by citizens serving on grand juries. But his intention to assign these tasks to representatives Jordan and Comer couldn’t be a better scenario – for Democrats. The two of them have been uniquely incompetent in their pursuit of President Biden for imaginary crimes and baseless impeachment probes. Their own witnesses often exonerated Biden, or wound up being arrested themselves for lying to legal authorities.

More to the point, Johnson doesn’t seem to realize that he has no jurisdiction whatsoever over an independent counsel appointed by the Attorney General. The most he could do is try to pass legislation to defund the entire Justice Department, which would cripple law enforcement on other matters such as drug trafficking, civil rights, and terrorism. What’s more, his efforts to defund the police would never get through the Senate.

The only purpose that Johnson has here is to prove to Trump that he is willing to help him to avoid accountability for the crimes he has committed. If he really thought that Trump was innocent, he would let the jury determine that and acquit him. But Johnson – like Trump – knows that he’s guilty and his only hope is some sort of get-out-of-jail-free card, or the phony and unconstitutional “presidential immunity” that Trump is trying to get from the Supreme Court.

SEE ALSO: Felonious Punk Trump Demands ‘TOTAL IMMUNITY’ – Even for Acts that ‘CROSS THE LINE’

What’s abundantly clear is that Johnson, and the MAGA GOP that he leads, have abandoned entirely any pretense of working on behalf of the American people. They have only one constituent now. And that’s Donald Trump. Unfortunately for them, their one constituent may soon be a felon who is prohibited by law from voting. And a fair portion of Republican voters are likely to resent being neglected and choose not to vote themselves. And if that comes to pass, the majority of the American people would ironically owe Trump and Johnson and the Republican Congress a debt of gratitude. Strange times indeed.


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