Trump’s Big News? Blatant Lies About Pence’s Authority to Reject Electoral Votes on January 6th

For nearly three years Donald Trump has been claiming that the 2020 presidential election, where he lost decisively to Joe Biden, was “rigged and stolen” from him. And for nearly three years he has failed to produce a shred of evidence to support his claims, despite dozens of opportunities to do so in court, on television, and at his cult rallies.

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Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Hanging

Now, with four criminal indictments pending, Trump continues to whine that he’s the victim of a vast conspiracy orchestrated by Democrats, even though almost all of the evidence and testimony against him has come from Republicans, and largely from his own administration and campaign staff. On Tuesday Trump promised that next Monday he will hold a press conference where he will expose the whole nefarious scheme and unveil a “CONCLUSIVE Report” that will result in all charges being dropped and “complete EXONERATION!”

SEE THIS: YEAH, RIGHT! Trump Promises an ‘Irrefutable,’ ‘Completely Exonerating’ Report on Election Fraud

If anyone believes Trump about any of that, they are terminally naïve. It’s just a pitiful display of dishonesty, weakness, and paranoia, that his glassy-eyed disciples somehow view as veracity and strength. And on Wednesday he posted what may be a preview of his “irrefutable” report on his failing social media sham, Truth Social. He quoted from a Newsmax report about something Mike Pence said in his autobiography last year…

“Big News! Mike Pence said, ‘ I met with the Parliamentarian of the Senate, Elizabeth MacDonough, to discuss the procedures for the upcoming joint session on January 6. She told me that Congress always receives miscellaneous slates of electors every four years.’ Greg Kelly, ‘That’s huge! A game changer in terms of information. It really turns upside down everything the Democrats said about January 6th, and this latest Federal Indictment.’ DROP THE FAKE CASE!”

So Trump is babbling about allegedly “Big News” that he is presenting as affirmation of his preposterous position that Pence could have single-handedly thrown the election to Trump. He’s implying that Pence’s account of what the Parliamentarian told him means that “alternate” electors are common and countable. They are not. And Trump is not only wrong, he is purposefully misquoting Pence in order to deceive his flock of willfully blind devotees.

In his autobiography, “So Help Me God” (published November, 2022), Pence relates how he had told Trump many times that “I did not believe that I possessed the power under the Constitution to decide which votes to accept or reject.” To which Trump complained that “You’re too honest,” and threatened that “hundreds of thousands are gonna hate your guts,” and that “people are gonna think you’re stupid.” Then, after Trump warned him not “wimp-out,” Pence wrote what Trump quoted above, but Trump left out some significant parts (in bold below)…

Later on Sunday, I met with the Parliamentarian of the Senate, Elizabeth MacDonough, to discuss the procedures for the upcoming joint session on January 6 […] I mentioned that I had heard that some alternate electors had been sent from several of the disputed states, and she told me that Congress always receives miscellaneous slates of electors every four years but that there was no alternate slate bearing what was known as a certificate of election from any competing state authority from any of the disputed states.

So, in context, the Parliamentarian is only acknowledging the occasional presence of alternate electors, who may be legitimate replacements in the event that an original elector is unable to fulfill their duties. However, they would come with “a certificate of election” from a “state authority,” and that there were none of those in 2020. She never said that unauthorized, fake electors could replace the real ones chosen by voters.

Consequently, this is neither “huge,” nor a “game changer.” It’s old news that has no bearing whatsoever on Trump’s current legal predicament. And Trump is severely demented if thinks that it “turns upside down everything the Democrats said about January 6th.” It certainly isn’t cause to drop any of the charges against him. To the contrary, Pence’s account provides more proof that Trump knew that he had lost the election and that his efforts to alter the outcome were deliberately dishonest and illegal.

Pence’s decision to comply with the Constitution and certify the Electoral College vote count was not so much heroic as it is expected of every public servant. Still, many of his GOP confederates will chastise him for daring to defy Trump and declining to go along with his anti-democratic, authoritarian aspirations. But that’s where the Republican Party is today. And it’s why no patriotic American should vote Republican tomorrow, or any day thereafter.


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Trump Attacks Pence on Truth Social After Told By Judge to Refrain From Witness Intimidation

WOW, it’s finally happened! Not that it wasn’t entirely expected. Less than 48 hours after Judge Tanya Chutkan, who presiding over the latest indictments by special counsel Jack Smith, “reminded Trump it is a crime to intimidate a juror, bribe anyone or obstruct the administration of justice,” Trump has done so – twice.

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Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Hanging

The first time came on Friday when Trump posted a comment on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, that was an overt threat to any variety of persons that could be associated with the case. He shouted in all caps, “IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!” Let that be a warning to all of you judges, jurors, witnesses, congresspersons, and journalists. And Trump is especially mad at the prosecutors who are doing their duty to uphold the law.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Pathetic ‘Welcome to the Fraud Squad’ Meme Doesn’t Mean What He Thinks it Means

However, that threat apparently didn’t satisfy Trump’s lust for blood. So on Saturday he decided to go after a specific witness in the upcoming trial, his former Vice-President, Mike Pence, who was a target for hanging by Trump’s January 6th insurrectionists. Trump yelped that…

“WOW, it’s finally happened! Liddle’ Mike Pence, a man who was about to be ousted as Governor Indiana until I came along and made him V.P., has gone to the Dark Side. I never told a newly emboldened (not based on his 2% poll numbers!) Pence to put me above the Constitution, or that Mike was ‘too honest.’ He’s delusional, and now he wants to show he’s a tough guy. I once read a major magazine article on Mike. It said he was not a very good person. I was surprised, but the article was right. Sad!”

Trump is now characterizing Pence as “a man who was about to be ousted as Governor,” and has “gone to the dark side,” a place that Trump should know well. A few days ago he said Pence was flawed and failing.” Isn’t it comforting that this is the sort of man that Trump elevated to being once removed from the presidency? Although, he has pretty much disparaged his entire Cabinet in the same fashion. Which may be one reason that out of dozens of people who worked in the Trump administration, only four have endorsed him, and most of the others say he is unfit for office.

SEE ALSO: Trump is Running for President So He Can Appoint More People He Will Eventually Call Losers

Trump was triggered by citations in the latest indictment wherein Trump told Pence that he was “too honest” when Pence refused to go along with Trump’s scheme to undermine democracy. And he was surely upset that that Pence was making money selling “Too Honest” t-shirts. More to the point, Trump was angry because his plot to halt the certification Joe Biden’s election by the Congress on January 6, 2021 was foiled by Pence’s “disloyalty.” That constitutionally mandated event was interrupted by the rioters that Trump incited.

Trump’s denial that he made the comment is, like most of what Trump says, hardly believable. Particularly because Pence said it in contemporaneous notes that special counsel Smith included in his indictment. So Pence made those remarks two years ago, while he was still Trump’s VP, and long before he was running for president. As reported by the Associated Press

“The 45-page indictment is informed, in part, by contemporaneous notes that Pence kept of their conversations in the days leading up to the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, as Trump tried to pressure Pence to go along with his desperate — and prosecutors say illegal — scheme to keep the two men in power.

“Among the discussions: an episode in which Trump is alleged to have told Pence that he was “too honest” for rejecting Trump’s false claims that Pence had the power to overturn the vote. “Bottom line — won every state by 100,000s of votes,” Trump said in another conversation, according to the indictment.”

Smith filed a motion on Saturday for a protective order following Trump’s first threat. The judge told the Trump camp to respond by 5:00 pm Monday. Trump’s attorneys then filed for an extension. But the judge quickly denied that.

Now this new threat may add some more spice to the ongoing melodrama. But one thing remains certain: The more Trump speaks, the more trouble he gets himself into. So we can expect more of the same going forward.

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HUH? Mike Pence Thanks Tucker Carlson for ‘Bringing Facts to the American People’ About Jan 6th

As the 2024 Republican primary season unfolds, the roster of candidates reflects just how radically the party has devolved into a bastion of lies, conspiracy theories, and the autocratic aspirations of Donald Trump and his heroes, such as Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un.

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Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Hanging

The polls show that there hasn’t been much movement in the race in weeks. Trump remains the messiah of the MAGA GOP, with Ron DeSantis trailing by 20 or 30 points or more, and everyone else in single digits. Consequently, Trump has directed his wrath at DeSantis and allowed the rest of the pack to flounder. He knows that the more non-Trump contestants in the race, the more that support for DeSantis is diluted.

RELATED: GOP Presidential Poll Reveals Why Ron DeSantis is the Only 2024 Opponent that Trump is Attacking

Among the Republican hopeless is Trump’s own former vice-president, Mike Pence. He is the only candidate that Trump sought to have executed by the hostile mob that tried to stage a coup on January 6th. And while Pence occasionally makes a meager effort to call out Trump for that attempted assassination, he still often behaves as if nothing untoward happened that day.

That was the situation on Friday when Pence sat down with the disgraced former Fox News propagandist, Tucker Carlson. It was one of a series of interviews that Carlson is holding with most of the Republican candidates. In a gesture of predictable cowardice, Trump has declined to participate. Just as he is expected to chicken out of the August GOP debate sponsored by Fox News.

During the Pence interview, Carlson brought up the January 6th insurrection, asking Pence what he thought the hostile unrest was all about…

Carlson: Why do you think the people who stormed the Capitol on January 6th were mad? And why haven’t we talked about that?
Pence: First off I would tell you that I think the January 6th committee was a partisan committee in the Congress of the United States. And it failed its historic mission of bringing the facts forward. And I know your commitment to bringing all the facts to the American people, Tucker. And I know we’re grateful for that.

WHUT? Never mind that Pence utterly ignored the question, despite the answer being so simple (The rioters were mad that their cult leader lost, and that has been talked about frequently). And set aside the fact the the January 6th Committee was a thorough, bipartisan probe of the facts surrounding the insurrection and Trump’s role in inciting it.

More to the point, Pence’s up-sucking to Carlson is a pitiful display of his desperation. The bizarre assertion that Carlson had a “commitment to bringing all the facts to the American people” is belied by the evidence of his flagrant lying about the matter for the past two years.

It was Carlson who repeatedly disseminated disinformation about January 6th that characterized the insurrection as either a “false flag” operation orchestrated by the FBI, or as nothing more than ordinary tourists on a sightseeing trip at the Capitol. He got GOP House Squeaker Kevin McCarthy to give him sole access to 40,000 hours of surveillance videos, of which he aired only a few minutes, and only parts where literally nothing was happening. He left out all of the assaults on police officers, the breaking through doors and windows, the vandalizing of property, and the terrorizing of congressional representatives and staff.

SEE ALSO: Tucker Carlson Spins January 6th Insurrection Videos to Spread Blatant Lies, Trump Praises Him
And Fox News Fabulist Tucker Carlson Launches a Laughably Lame Defense of His January 6th Lies

Carlson and Fox News are currently being sued for defamation by Ray Epps, a Trump supporter who attended the January 6th riot, who Carlson falsely accused of being an undercover FBI agent tasked with instigating violence.

Following his outpouring of gratitude for Carlson, Pence complained that the January 6th Committee spent too much time investigating Donald Trump and his incitement of the violent insurrection, rather than the the failures of law enforcement to predict and respond to the riots. Of course, it was Trump and his administration that was responsible for the policing of the Capitol. Pence has apparently forgotten his prior acknowledgement of Trump’s culpability when he said that…

“President Trump was wrong. I had no right to overturn the election, and his reckless words endangered my family and everyone at the Capitol that day. And I know that history will hold Donald Trump accountable for his actions.”

Pence has also previously condemned what took place on January 6th, and therefore, Carlson’s dishonest narratives about it. Speaking at a Gridiron Club dinner in Washington, Pence said that…

“January 6th was a tragic day. I was there at the Capitol, and let me assure you it was not, as some would have us believe, a matter of tourists peacefully enjoying our Capitol. Tourists don’t injure 140 police officers by sightseeing. Tourists don’t break down doors to get to the Speaker of the House. Or voice threats against public officials. […] Make no mistake about it — what happened that day was a disgrace and it mocks decency to portray it in any other way.”

Yet somehow, Pence is “grateful” to Carlson for “bringing the facts to the American people”? No one has lied more about January 6th than Tucker Carlson.

If Pence thinks that this is the sort of campaign message that will thrust him to the front of the pack, he must be so severely traumatized by his near death experience on January 6th – and his long proximity to Donald Trump – that he has lost any connection to reality. But then, that’s a common problem with the current batch of GOP presidential candidates, and moreover, today’s Trumpian Republican Party.


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Tucker Carlson’s Insane Theory that Feds Recruited Pence in a Botched Plot to Take Down Trump

The epidemic of wayward classified documents is spreading like wildfire. It began with Donald Trump being caught with hundreds of such documents at his Mar-a-Lago hotel/home. Then President Biden came forward voluntarily to disclose that his lawyers had found a few documents at his Delaware abode. And most recently, former VP Mike Pence joined the club.

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Fox News. Tucker Carlson

There are stark differences in the details of these revelations. Most notable is the fact that both Biden and Pence discovered the mishandled materials, that they claim were taken inadvertently, and immediately notified the proper authorities. Trump, on the other hand, admits to having taken the documents deliberately, lied to the FBI about having them, and refused to return them.

RELATED: Trump Whines ‘Leave Mike Pence Alone’ After Learning He Had Classified Documents at His Home

However, you have to credit Tucker Carlson of Fox News for concocting the most preposterous conspiracy theories about these affairs. On the Tuesday night episode of his primetime crackpottery, Carlson dived head first into an empty pool in a frantic attempt pollute the news cycle with utter nonsense. With a chyron declaring that “Mike Pence Swoops in to Save Joe Biden,” Tucker spun that…

“Just days ago, Mike Pence sent his personal attorney to search his family’s home in Carmel, Indiana, for classified documents. Now, if Mike Pence didn’t think he had classified documents, why would he send his lawyer to go look for classified documents? We can’t say for certain, but it’s entirely possible – in fact, it’s likely – that Mike Pence was asked to do this by federal prosecutors who are trying to build a case against his old boss, Donald Trump.

“Now, the point would be to show that not every federal official walks off with state secrets. Donald Trump was uniquely evil in that regard, as in so many others. See, Mike Pence didn’t do it. So if that was the plan – and we suspect that it was – it backfired spectacularly because Mike Pence’s lawyer promptly discovered classified documents. He immediately loaded these documents into his car and drove them back to Washington to hand them over to authorities.”

Wow. Just WOW! Carlson is puzzled that, after all the hoopla about Trump and Biden, Pence would seek to ascertain if he were similarly susceptible to the classified docs melodrama. Turns out he was, so it was a good call. But from Carlson’s perverse perspective there was more to the story. He asserted, without any factual basis, that it was “likely” that Pence had been recruited by federal prosecutors “to build a case against his old boss, Donald Trump.”

Carlson’s theory, like almost everything that he says (see his recent pro-cancer advocacy of tobacco), doesn’t hold water. Why would the discovery of classified documents at Pence’s home in Indiana have any bearing on the legal consequences for Trump? Trump remains at risk for his purposeful purloining of sensitive national security materials, and for his obstruction and dishonesty, regardless of whether or not anything was found at Pence’s home.

What’s more, Carlson’s conspiratorial contrivance was buried in a broader bucket of bullshittery that involved – who else? – Hunter Biden. Carlson cited a report in Rupert Murdoch’s slimy New York Post that he said proves that…

“Hunter Biden had classified information in his possession. Almost certainly that came from his father, then the vice president. And that he used that information to make piles of money for the Biden family while working at a fake job in Ukraine.”

Of course, there is absolutely no evidence of anything remotely resembling that accusation in the New York Post or anywhere else. Carlson just made it up. Which is typical for a deceitful propagandist whose own Fox News lawyers defended him – successfully – in a defamation lawsuit by arguing that “no reasonable person” would take him seriously. And even Tucker has a rather insightful opinion of himself. He began Tuesday’s segment saying that…

“A lot of what you read at this point feels not like news, but instead, like some highly curated version of reality crafted to manipulate you.”

Yep. That’s exactly what it feels like when watching Tucker Carlson and most everything else on Fox News. It was nice of him to point it out.

RELATED: Tucker Carlson Finally Admits that ‘I Have No Freaking Idea What Goes On in American Politics’

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Trump Whines ‘Leave Mike Pence Alone’ After Learning He Had Classified Documents at His Home

The Case of the Classified Documents is getting more complex with each passing day. It began with Donald Trump stealing and hoarding hundreds of sensitive national security documents at his Mar-a-Lago hotel/home. Then it expanded to include documents found in President Biden’s home in Delaware. And now former VP Mike Pence has joined the club.

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Donald Trump, Wah

While the underlying plot points have distinct similarities, the details reveal stark differences. For instance, both Biden and Pence assert that the documents in their possession were taken inadvertently. They both conducted voluntary searches and immediately turned over what they found to the FBI and the National Archives. By contrast, Trump still claims that the documents he took belong to him. He initially lied to the FBI about having them. And he refused to return them when asked, prompting the issuance of a search warrant for his Palm Beach bunker.

RELATED; Trump and His GOP Toadies Furiously Spin Bogus Nothingburger Story About Biden Documents

Trump continues to insist that he did nothing wrong. He has accused the Justice Department and the FBI of being “thugs” and “fascists” who are conspiring to destroy him. And now that Pence has been caught up in this melodrama, Trump, who recently renewed his accusations that Pence is a “Deep State” traitor for not trying to overturn the 2020 election results, is trumpeting Pence’s innocence. He posted a comment on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, saying that…

“Mike Pence is an innocent man. He never did anything knowingly dishonest in his life. Leave him alone!!!”

Did you hear that? Leave him alone! Pence appears to have done precisely what Biden did, but Trump wants him to be left alone. Meanwhile, he wants Biden to be drawn and quartered. What Trump did, in contrast to Biden and Pence, was deliberate and brazenly criminal. And yet he thinks he should be reelected to the presidency. Don’t try to make any sense of it. It’s just the rambling of a deeply disturbed egomaniac with a warped mind and no grasp of reality.

Predictably, Fox News is covering the Pence documents story with their usual bias and dishonesty. On Tuesday morning’s episode of “Outnumbered,” co-host Mollie Hemingway repeatedly tried to trivialize the matter of all classified documents being mishandled and falsely claimed that President Obama had disputes with the National Archives. She was parroting a recent Trump lie that Obama had taken classified documents to his home in Chicago. Then Hemingway unleashed this malarkey…

“What really made this whole thing different is when the National Archives took a fairly common paperwork dispute with a former president, one they despise, and they turned it into this big, carzy thing of raiding the home. And now, all of a sudden, they’re now being hoisted by their own petard here, where they’re now having to deal with the fact that there are problems with every former president and vice-president.”

Hemingway is pretty much alone in characterizing these events as merely “common paperwork disputes.” Not even Democrats are saying that about Biden. Most people agree that the mishandling of such materials is a serious matter. The question is whether it was inadvertent or deliberate.

On that score, Hemingway correctly noted that the difference between the Biden and Pence affairs, and Trump’s, is that Trump was subject to a search warrant. But she fails to acknowledge that the reason for it was because he refused to return the documents and lied about having them. The entire segment, and those that followed, were similarly slanted. But then, you didn’t expect Fox News to report on this matter factually and responsibly, did you?

RELATED: Mealy Mike Pence Tells Fox News that He is Against Indicting Trump – Who Nearly Got Him Hanged

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Trump Renews Whining that Mike Pence is a Deep State Traitor for Not Overturning the Election

It’s only Tuesday, and yet this has already been been a terrible week for Donald Trump. It’s week that follows several wherein he has been brutally and deservedly chastised for having dined with racists and anti-Semites, and for calling for the “termination” fo the Constitution, and for hawking his ridiculous NFT trading cards.

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Donald Trump, Deep State

As if that weren’t enough, the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection that Trump incited has issued criminal referrals to the Justice Department citing at least four charges that they recommend be brought against him. Needless to say, he didn’t take that well.

RELATED: Crybaby Trump Throws a Tantrum in Response to the House Select Committee’s Criminal Referrals

True to form, Trump is lashing out wildly in every direction. He is attacking every perceived foe in his twisted mind, including the January 6th Committee, Special Counsel Jack Smith, the FBI (that was headed by his appointees), Hunter Biden, and the ever present and nefarious “Deep State,” that is supposedly populated by Democrats and Republicans conspiring to destroy Trump.

In a typically unhinged harangue Tuesday morning, Trump unleashed his rage at those responsible for what he still calls the “rigged and stolen” presidential election of 2020. Although now that Congress is about to pass the Electoral Count Reform Act, he is now focusing on that aspect, and the role that he believes his former vice-president, Mike Pence, had in betraying him and his tyrannical aspirations.

In a series of posts on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, Trump laid out his laments over Pence choosing not to violate the Constitution by failing to certify the election results. Trump whined that…

“They said the Vice President has ‘absolutely no choice,’ it was carved in ‘steel,’ but if he has no choice, why are they changing the law saying he has no choice?”

And that…

“it is because the Vice President did have a choice, and looking back at it now, the 2020 Voting Fraud was far greater than anyone thought possible, with even our Government, through the FBI, changing the results of the Election by millions and millions of votes.”

And that…

“John Eastman and others were correct in stating that the Vice President of the United States had the right to do what should have been done. […] The whole thing is one big Scam!”

And that there was a…

“highly successful effort made by the FBI in illegally changing the results of the 2020 Presidential Election.”

Trump’s infamously ignorant grasp of government and laws is evident here as he demonstrates his failure to understand the Constitution’s directive regarding the vice-president’s largely ceremonial role in certifying the Electoral College count. Trump thinks that because a bipartisan majority of members of Congress seek to clarify some of the archaic language in the original Electoral Count Act of 1887, that the old law permits the vice-president to unilaterally discard any of those votes that he chooses.

That, of course, is absurd. And cleaning up the language is just being done in order to prevent future corrupt leaders like Trump from trying to misinterpret the law in order to assume dictatorial control of the government.

What’s more, Trump is alleging – without any factual basis – that the FBI played some sort of role in “changing the results of the Election by millions and millions of votes.” As usual, Trump doesn’t provide a shred of evidence to support his allegations. However he does manage to get his toadies in Congress to go along with him. James Comer, the incoming chair of the House Oversight Committee said this on the subject…

“We need to halt everything with the FBI. All funding. Until they come forward and explain to Congress exactly what they were doing, why they were doing it, and who gave them the authority to do it.”

So now Republicans are openly advocating to defund the police. Someone needs to ask them how an unfunded FBI will investigate Hunter Biden’s laptop. Or the election “fraud” that put Joe Biden in the White House. How will the FBI probe the FBI’s corruption on behalf of the “Deep State” cabal in the FBI? It’s all so very peculiar. Which, in the MAGA mind, is proof that it must all be true. And now according to Trump, it’s all Mike Pence’s fault.

RELATED: Mealy Mike Pence Tells Fox News that He is Against Indicting Trump – Who Nearly Got Him Hanged

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Mealy Mike Pence Tells Fox News that He is Against Indicting Trump – Who Nearly Got Him Hanged

After months of hearings, with evidence provided by hundreds of (mostly Republican) witnesses and millions of documents, the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection that Donald Trump incited is preparing to release their final report.

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Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Hanging

Along with that report, the Committee is also issuing criminal referrals to the Justice Department for a cadre of Trump cohorts, as well as for Trump himself. The charges include Trump’s role inciting and/or assisting the insurrection, obstruction of official Congressional proceedings, and conspiracy to defraud the United States. In anticipation of the Committee’s conclusions, a frightened Trump has been acting out in his typically infantile, and ultimately impotent, fashion.

RELATED: Trump Being Too Scared to Testify Under Oath, Files Lawsuit Against the January 6th Committee

On Monday morning Trump’s former vice-president and certified toady, Mike Pence, visited Fox News for another softball interview. In this outing Pence affirmed his allegiance to his former boss whose response to the insurrection contributed to the mob’s hostilities and their fevered chants to “Hang Mike Pence.” As an expression of his gratitude for nearly getting him killed, Pence told Fox News that “Few Americans are paying attention” to this Committee. He then elaborated on his opinion that Trump should be allowed to get away with his treasonous crimes…

“I would hope that [the Justice Department] would not bring charges against the former president. I think the president’s actions and words on January 6 were reckless, but I don’t know that it’s criminal to take bad advice from lawyers and so I hope the Justice Department is careful.”

Actually, Pence, who practiced law before his political career, does know that it absolutely can be criminal to take bad advice from lawyers. If your lawyer advises you to commit a crime – say rob a bank or lie under oath or incite a riot – and you take that advice, you are definitely criminally liable. And so, by the way, is your lawyer.

Even Fox News co-host Dana Perino shot back at Pence’s reference to Trump’s shady lawyers saying that “There might be criminal referrals on that too.” She was referring to reports that criminal referrals are likely to be issued for Trump-associated attorneys John Eastman, Jeff Clark, and Rudy Giuliani. Pence then continued saying that…

“I hope the Justice Department understands the magnitude, the very idea of indicting a former president of the United States. I think that would be terribly divisive in the country at a time when the American people want to see us heal.”

Pence doesn’t have to worry about whether the Justice Department “understands the magnitude” of indicting a former president. It’s obvious that they do. However, he might want to pay more attention to the magnitude of a former president trying to undermine democracy and overthrow the government.

He may also want to consider the necessity of holding such criminals accountable, not just to punish their unlawful acts, but in order to deter others from committing similar acts in the future. Trump is already advocating absolution for his insurrectionist hordes.

RELATED: Trump Promises to Halt the Prosecutions of the January 6th Mob He Incited to Attack Congress

What’s more, Pence is misinterpreting – or more likely lying about – the American people’s desire to “heal.” They surely do. But a majority of them favor prosecuting Trump as the path to that healing.

For his part, Trump is behaving precisely as would be expected of a self-serving, narcissistic, wannabe dictator. He posted on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, that…

“Republicans and Patriots all over the land must stand strong and united against the Thugs and Scoundrels of the Unselect Committee. It will be a dark period in American history, but with darkness comes light!!!”

The darkest period of modern American history has already passed. It ended when Trump was evicted by the American people from his occupation of the White House. The light emerged with the election of President Biden. But sadly, Trump continues to cast his corpulent shadow over the nation. And the only remedy for that is the for the law to be finally and fully enforced without fear or favor. Whether Pence wants it or not.

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Big Liar Donald Trump Lies Bigly that CNN Has Prohibited Saying the Phrase ‘The Big Lie’

For more than a year and a half America’s biggest crybaby, Donald Trump, has been whining petulantly about having lost the 2020 presidential election to Joe Biden. Trump’s humiliation is surely compounded by the fact that he couldn’t even defeat a man that he tried unsuccessfully to portray as a senile socialist.

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Donald Trump, CNN

Consequently, Trump’s obsession has led him to incessantly peddle his ludicrous and unsupported allegations that the election was “rigged” and “stolen” from him. Despite not being able to produce a shred of evidence, and undeterred by having lost more than sixty court cases, Trump persisted with his fantastical distortions of reality. Eventually his flagrant deceit was referred to simply as “The Big Lie” by the press, presumably to differentiate it from the thousands of other lies he’s told since he commenced his calamitous political career.

RELATED: Pathological Liar Trump Says He is ‘the Most Honest Human Being God Ever Created’

Now, in an Olympian feat of irony, Trump is actually lying about the use of the phrase “the Big Lie.” During a speech before his worshipful disciples at the ultra-rightist “Faith and Freedom” conference, Trump boldly blasphemed before the evangelical audience saying that…

“They know the Big Lie is actually the Big Lie in reverse. And they have great liability, and they don’t wanna use it. But they came down with an edict – they came down with a statement it was announced yesterday – that CNN is prohibited from ever using the term the ‘Big Lie’ again. I wonder why? We’re getting closer, but we have to fight some very sick and very evil people.”

To no one’s surprise, Trump is once again strangling the life out of the truth. What he’s referring to is a report that CNN’s new president, Chris Licht, expressed his preference that the use of the phrase “the big Lie” be discouraged. According to Mediaite, Licht said that “he preferred that staff avoid the term. He made clear this was a preference, not a mandate.”

So Licht is not opposed to the phrase because it is inaccurate, but because he thinks it hews too closely to the branding by Democrats, and he doesn’t want the network to be perceived as partisan. But in Trump’s cartoon brain there is some sort of “liability” on CNN’s part. Never mind that Trump’s legal acumen is notoriously lacking in any recognizable form of logic. Mediaite’s reporting added that Licht “encouraged producers to instead use the terms ‘Trump election lie’ or ‘election lies’ in banners and graphics.” So plainly his editorial position remains that Trump is lying about the election and that it’s permissible to say so.

RELATED: Trump Posts ‘Foolproof’ Evidence that the Election Was ‘Rigged’ But it’s Only Proof for Fools

Trump’s deliberate misrepresentation of Licht’s remarks is just the latest lie he has let loose, though not the biggest. And he continues to excrete his warped view of the world, even as his treasonous criminality is being probed by Congress. In the same speech Trump dropped another self-incriminating outburst wherein he literally confesses to how he pressured Mike Pence to illegally obstruct Congress from carrying out its constitutional duty to certify Biden’s victory:

“So they say we lost. don’t believe it. So they said [yelling] ‘Mike Pence can’t do anything.’ Then right after this whole event, they started working so they could make what they said true. Because the truth is he could have sent it back to the state legislature. […] So I said to Mike, ‘If you do this, you can be Thomas Jefferson.'”

Of course, every credible constitutional expert agrees that Pence had no legal authority to reject the results of the election that had been certified in all fifty states by both Democratic and Republican officials. And Trump’s efforts to bully him into doing so constitute a violation of federal law. Yet, in his desperation and ignorance, he keeps admitting his malfeasance in public. And worse, he’s acting out in conspicuously unlawful ways.

RELATED: Trump is Covertly Recruiting More Violent Insurrectionists With Promises of Future Pardons

Trump better be careful. The House Select Committee investing the January 6th insurrection is uncovering abundant evidence of his crimes. And Attorney General Merrick Garland recently said that he and the Justice Department prosecutors are watching the hearings. Trump’s past knack for evading accountability may finally be running out of steam.

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Trump’s Cult of Republican Voters is Dwindling, but GOP Politicians and Press Remain Spellbound

A year after Donald Trump was evicted from the White House, there are finally some distinct signs that his cadre of glassy-eyed cult followers are tiring of his whining and lie-riddled bombast. Which isn’t surprising because it would take a cast iron gut to tolerate any more of Trump’s self-pity and victimhood.

Donald Trump Messiah

As evidence of Trump’s weakening grip on his doting deplorables, a new poll by Quinnipiac University finds that the formerly fawning flock of Republican faithful are far less infatuated with Trump today than they have been in previous surveys. When asked if they agreed more with Trump or his former VP Mike Pence about whether Pence had the power to short-circuit the certification of Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 election, an overwhelming majority (72%) of all voters chose Pence.

However, that wasn’t the worst part of the poll results from Trump’s imperial perspective. Included in the nearly three-quarters of voters rejecting Trump was a majority (52%) of Republican voters siding with Pence. Only 36% of GOPers said they agreed with Trump’s utterly unconstitutional attempt to overturn the election. And for good measure, Independents (72%) also took Pence’s side over Trump’s.

Notwithstanding Trump’s malignant narcissism, he is not nearly as beloved by others as he is by himself. He repeatedly, and hysterically, calls himself “your favorite president.” He’s either referring to Biden or Obama, or he’s talking only to Ivanka and Sean Hannity.

The Quinnipiac poll isn’t the only indicator of Trump’s softening support among the American people. A CNN poll earlier this week found that 49% of Republicans don’t want Trump to be the GOP’s 2024 presidential nominee. And a Pew Research survey last week found that 67% of the respondents – including 41% of Republicans – said that Trump “bears some or a lot of responsibility for the violence and destruction committed by some of his supporters when they broke into the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.”

Despite Trump’s rapid descent into the depths of disgrace, he continues to remain popular among his congressional GOP Party apparatchiks and the Trump-fluffing press. The most recent examples of that inbred devotion is how quickly they lined up to peddle the “Durham Nothingburger,” a fallacious legal filing that has been misconstrued to accuse Hillary Clinton and her campaign of spying on Trump.

Fox News shills are as enamored of their Dear Leader as ever. The network buried breaking stories about Trump’s longtime accounting firm disavowing him and a decade of his financial statements. They’ve spent days trying to create a domestic version of the Canadian trucker convoy in order to sabotage the American economy. They flagrantly promote Russian propaganda that conflicts with American foreign policy priorities.

The feverish zealotry with which Fox News, and the Republicans who make their home on its air, slobber over Trump is becoming more disassociated with the American people every day. While the people are withdrawing from the twice-impeached, pathologically lying, crime family boss, and former reality TV game show host, the wingnut press and the GOP elites are embracing him with ever greater fervor. That’s a story of diverging paths that can only have a catastrophic ending.

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Jen Psaki and (Future Speaker?) Hakeem Jeffries, Rebuke the RNC as the Republican National ‘CULT’

The Republican Party appears to be gaily goose-stepping its way toward the dustbin of history. Their seeming disregard for the enduring values that made America great – liberty, equality, and justice – is reflected in the daily demented ravings of their Dear Leader, Donald Trump, whose authoritarian aspirations are as pronounced as ever, despite his rapidly evolving irrelevancy.

Donald Trump, Fox News, QAnon

Trump has been reduced to petulantly whining about being investigated for his many crimes, and impotently issuing orders that are being resoundingly ignored. And yet the Republican Party continues to embrace him as their political messiah.

To that end, the Republican National Committee (RNC) lashed out at a couple of their own members that were deemed to be insufficiently worshipful of Master Trump. Longtime rock-ribbed conservatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger were unceremoniously drummed out of the Party’s good graces for their roles on the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection. They were formally censured by the RNC, whose chairwoman, Ronna McDaniel, condemned them because they had the audacity to “engage in a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens who engaged in legitimate political discourse.”

“Legitimate political discourse?” That’s what the GOP is calling the deadly riots on January 6th by “ordinary citizens” (aka StormTrumpers) attempting to prevent Congress from carrying out its constitutional duties. The abhorrent absurdity of that characterization did not go unnoticed by the decent denizens of Washington. Foremost among them was Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus. Following the RNC’s announcement of the censure, he spoke to reporters pointedly noting that…

“The ‘C’ in RNC doesn’t stand for committee, it stands for cult. It’s not the Republican National Committee. It’s the the Republican National Cult. That is the only way you can explain how the Grand Old Party would come to the conclusion that people who engaged in rampant mob violence, urinated, defecated, desecrated the Capitol, brutally beat up police officers, seriously injured more than 140. Police officers lost their lives as a result of the events on January 6th and the cult says that it’s ‘legitimate political discourse?’ They come to that conclusion because they continue to bend the knee to the twice impeached so-called president, Donald Trump.”

Jeffries is not the first to recognize the cult behavior of the GOP. But he is one of the highest ranking government officials to articulate it publicly and with such flair. His comments were picked up later the same day in the White House press room when a reporter asked Press Secretary Jen Psaki for the President’s reaction. That led to the following exchange…

Reporter: What are your reactions to the RNC declaring what happened on January 6th as “legitimate political discourse,” and Democrats on the Hill being very vocal about this. Hakeem Jeffries said that “The ‘C’ in RNC stands for cult.” Does the White House agree with that?
Psaki: I think it’s clear to Americans that what happened on January 6th was not “legitimate political discourse.” Storming the Capitol in an attempt to halt the peaceful transition of power is not “legitimate political discourse.” Neither is attacking and injuring over 140 police officers, smashing windows and defiling offices. It’s telling to us that some leading Republicans have rejected that characterization.”

Among the “leading Republicans” that Psaki referred to are Trump’s vice-president, Mike Pence, and the GOP Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell. Both have recently been targets of Trump’s wrath that is throwing the Party into disarray. Last week Pence told the ultra-rightist Federalist Society that “Trump is wrong” about Pence being able to overturn the election, and that “there is no idea more un-American.” And Trump blasted McConnell as an “old crow” for not backing his attempted coup.

In response to reporters’ questions about the RNC’s twisted definition of “legitimate political discourse,” and the censure of Cheney and Kinzinger, McConnell said that…

“We saw what happened. It was a violent insurrection with the purpose of trying to prevent a peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately certified election from one administration to the next. That’s what it was. […] This issue is whether or not the RNC should be sort of singling out members of our party who may have different views from the majority. That’s not the job of the RNC.”

Without saying so explicitly, McConnell effectively affirmed Jeffries’ rendering of the Republican Party as a cult. There is simply no other explanation for an organization that adheres to a such bizarre belief system, rooted in violence and tyranny, and in defiance of all reason and rationality.

Also observing the cultish descent of the GOP was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who told reporters at her weekly news conference that…

“The Republicans seem to be having a limbo contest with themselves to see how low they can go. They seem to have reached rock bottom with their statement that what happened on January 6th was legitimate political discourse. […] I say this to Republicans all the time: Take back your party from this cult.”

In a cult there is only one authority. You must believe the cult leader no matter what your own eyes and ears may tell you. And everyone else is lying to you. That’s the Trump doctrine. And the Republican Party is fully on board. The question is, how long can such a political party endure with a platform that removed from reality?

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