Dr. Fauci Laughs at Ted Cruz’s Call for Him to Be Prosecuted and Hits Back at Science Deniers

With the advent of the new, and potentially more dangerous, Omicron variant of the coronavirus, Republicans are ramping up their disinformation machine to either dismiss the threat as fake (which Fox News did on Saturday), or to blame the entire COVID pandemic on President Biden (which Trump and the Wall Street Journal did on Friday).

Ted Cruz, COVID Virus

Among the most prominent anti-science crusaders on the right is Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Cancun). Cruz has taken a leading role in the vilification of America’s foremost epidemiologist, Dr. Anthony Fauci. On Saturday Cruz made a formal request (via tweet) asking the Attorney General to prosecute Dr. Fauci for lying to Congress, for which Cruz’s own basis is a lie. Dr. fauci was given an opportunity to respond to Cruz on Sunday’s edition of Face the Nation:

Host Margaret Brennan: Sen. Cruz told the Attorney General that you should be prosecuted.
Fauci: [Laughing] I have to laugh at that. I should be prosecuted? What happened on January 6, Senator?
Brennan: Do you think that this is about making you a scapegoat to deflect from president Trump?
Fauci: Of course. You’d have to be asleep not to figure that one out.
Brennan: Well, there are a lot of Republican senators taking aim at this.
Fauci: That’s okay. I’m just gonna do my job, and I’m gonna be saving lives, and they’re gonna be lying.


Dr. Fauci was exhibiting his Brooklyn roots by slamming Cruz for his defense of the Trump-inspired insurrection on January 6th. Indeed, Cruz has declined all efforts to hold the StormTrumpers accountable for their seditious crimes. But more to the point, Dr. Fauci passionately stood up for science and the critical role it plays in protecting lives, saying that…

“Anybody who’s looking at this carefully realizes that there’s a distinct anti-science flavor to this. […] They’re really criticizing science. Because I represent science. That’s dangerous. To me that’s more dangerous than the slings and the arrows that get thrown at me. And if you damage science you are doing something very detrimental to society long after I leave.”

There is no doubt that the Republican aversion to science has made life more difficult. They have prolonged the pandemic and directly contributed to the suffering and loss of life that was otherwise preventable. And studies show that there is by far more COVID cases and fatalities in GOP dominated states and counties. Not surprisingly, those enhanced risks in red territory is linked directly to the disinformation put out by Fox News and other right-wing media.

It’s astonishing how the Trumpian right can hold views that are so diametrically opposed. They have asserted that the pandemic is fake. But if it isn’t fake, it’s no worse than the flu. But if it is worse, it can be cured by horse dewormer or bleach. But you don’t need a cure because it’s fake.

And all of this culminates in demands that experts like Dr. Fauci, who have spent their whole lives dedicated to saving the lives of others, be sent to prison for daring to disseminate science. That’s how far the right has fallen into the abyss of ignorance and willful blindness.

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Ted Cruz Gets Fact-Checked While Advancing Trump’s ‘Big Lie’ on Face the Nation

Some Republican Trump-fluffers seem to be impervious to shame. They persist in making preposterous statements that contrast profoundly with reality, even after their lies have been thoroughly debunked. And no one has a greater ability to cast off being publicly disgraced than Sen. Ted Cruz.

Ted Cruz, Donald Trump

Cruz, after all, is best known for abandoning his freezing constituents in Texas to take a vacation in sunny Cancun. More recently he was shot down in a blistering Twitter war with his congressional colleagues.

Undeterred, Cruz was interviewed Sunday on CBS’s Face the Nation by Margaret Brennan (video below). When the subject of Donald Trump inciting the January 6th insurrection in Washington, D.C. came up, Cruz sought to take a superficially rational stand against violence. “If you’re right-wing, left-wing, or have no ideology at all,” Cruz began, “If you commit an act of violence, if you assault a police officer, if you’re violent against anyone, you should be prosecuted and go to jail.”

True to form, Cruz is merely mouthing what he believes is a politically correct stance against violence. And his talking points were utterly disingenuous and marred by insinuating that the violence on that day could have been committed by either right or left wingers. The truth is that, while the halls of congress were still stained with blood, Cruz made a plea to sweep the sedition under the rug and hold nobody accountable saying “We must come together and put this anger and division behind us.”

That is not exactly an appeal for justice to be served to the insurrectionists who stormed Congress and threatened its members, as well as injuring more than 140 police officers. But Cruz was just getting started. He followed up his anti-violence lecture with yet another endorsement of Trump’s “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged.” Which led to the following exchange with Brennan.

Cruz: We right now have a substantial chunk of our country that has real doubts about the integrity of the election. And if we had had a credible electoral commission do an emergency audit, it would have enhanced faith in democracy. But instead Democrats and a lot of the press decided to just engage in incendiary rhetoric rather than acknowledge voter fraud is real, it is a problem, and the allegations of voter fraud needed to be examined on the merits.
Brennan: Senator there is no evidence of fraud that would have drawn the outcome of the election into doubt. You know that.

What Cruz purposefully fails to mention is that the “substantial chunk” of Trump chumps who have delusional “doubts about the integrity of the election,” was created by liars like Cruz himself, with an assist from Fox News. But Cruz went on to pat himself on the back for lobbying for a bipartisan electoral commission to study the wholly fictitious allegations of voter fraud. Maybe he would also like to form a commission to study the flatness of the Earth, because a substantial chunk of Americans believe in that too.

Cruz’s suggestion that an audit would have calmed everyone’s post-election jitters was already proven to be bogus. When the Arizona fraudit by the rabidly partisan Cyber Ninjas was released showing that Biden did indeed win the election, Trump had a hissy fit and his cult followers pretended it didn’t exist.

It was Trump who continued to spew the “incendiary rhetoric” that led to the January 6th insurrection. And contrary to his sudden interest in peace and bipartisan commissions, Cruz voted against the one that was proposed to study the Capitol Hill riots. So much for his claim that anyone who committed violence be prosecuted and jailed. That was just another falsehood on behalf of his Dear Leader.

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Ted Cruz is Humiliated in Hysterical Twitter Feud with Cheney, Kinzinger, and Swalwell

The Republican Circus has more than it’s share of clowns. With people like Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Louis Gohmert, the laughs keep flowing like an avalanche. But despite the tough competition, Cancun Ted Cruz has managed to maintain his status among the most mockable GOP Bozos.

Ted Cruz, Cancun

On Sunday Cruz was busy watching CNN where Jake Tapper was leading a discussion about wayward Republican Liz Cheney and her prospects politically in the future. The question asked by Tapper was “Is there a lane for Liz Cheney in New Hampshire in 2024?”

It was during that segment that inspiration struck Cruz and he was compelled to express his comedic genius in a tweet answering Tapper’s question. “Yes,” Cruz quipped, “It’s called the Democratic primary.”

Have you stopped laughing yet? Cruz’s heckling is supposed to be funny because Cheney has had the courage to criticize Donald Trump and hold him accountable for his criminal behavior. That’s the sort of fortitude that has escaped Cruz for the pat five years. Cruz has been a devoted Trump-fluffer even after Trump insulted his wife as ugly and accused his father of assassinating JFK. And apparently Cruz is unfamiliar with Cheney’s 96% conservative congressional voting record, according to the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation. So, yeah, she’d be right at home in the Democratic Party.

However, that isn’t where the entertainment ends. Cruz then engaged in a Twitter war with Cheney, GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger, and Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell. It began with Cheney responding to Cruz’s tweet (which you can follow back from here):

Cheney: I know you’re posturing for the secessionist vote, Ted. But my party, the Republican party, saved the Union. You swore an oath to the Constitution. Act like it.
Kinzinger: Damn son, Liz brought the heat on you!
Cruz: These two need to hurry up and get their bottom-rated @msnbc show.
Kinzinger: Senator, you’ve been given a huge position to lead and tell people truth. Yet you have squandered it on lies and abused the patriotism of those who trusted you. I will have zero regrets… will you?
Swalwell: Adam, if you want @tedcruz’s support you’re going to have to attack his wife.

Indeed, Cruz did suggest the possibility of Texas seceding from the U.S. (which it cannot legally do) if Democrats continued to rack up legislative successes that actually improved the lives of the American people. As opposed to the carping by Republican sore losers who have nothing to offer but bitterness and threats of violence.

However, Swalwell takes the Gold for Shade Throwing with his sly observation on how best to get Cruz’s support. And it seems to have silenced Cruz, at least temporarily. But don’t get excited. He will surely recover and be back to form with more of his guffaw inducing witticism. Until then you can substitute the feeling you get from the humor he provides by chewing on broken glass.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
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Jen Psaki Bats Down Fox News Reporter and ‘World Renowned Expert’ Ted Cruz in One Swing

Last month President Biden announced an initiative to get more Americans vaccinated, the surest method of controlling the COVID pandemic and returning to some semblance of normalcy. The core of the plan would require vaccinations or weekly testing for federal employees, school staff, and private businesses with 100 or more employees.

Jen Psaki

The Biden plan was overwhelmingly popular according to a Fox News poll. So naturally, Fox News immediately came out against the proposal. Never mind the fact that their own corporate policy is even more strict than Biden’s, requiring daily testing for the unvaccinated. The narrative at Fox news was that the Biden “mandates” would be a drag on business and employment. And to support that baseless notion, Fox ran stories about flight cancelations at Southwest Airlines being caused by the mandates. Which, by the way, have not been implemented by the federal government, but have been by private businesses.

At Tuesday’s White House press briefing, the subject was raised by Fox News correspondent Jacqui Heinrich. Perhaps Peter Doocy was staging a sickout. Heinrich asked Press Secretary Jen Psaki a “people say” question (without mentioning that it was only people at Fox News and partisan Republicans saying anything) about the effect of mandates on the nation’s workforce. Psaki’s reply managed to silence Heinrich, as well as one of the previously unnamed people making the false claims:

Heinrich: What’s the White House response to people who say that vaccine mandates have reduced the workforce and contributed to this problem?
Psaki: Well, I know world renowned business travel and health expert, Senator Ted Cruz, has made that point, but I wouldn’t say that that is widely acknowledged or echoed by business leaders who have implemented these mandates, by health experts who have conveyed that the way to get out of the pandemic is to ensure that we are doing exactly the steps the President has announced and we are working to implement. It doesn’t mean that this isn’t hard and challenging. Of course it is. We are in the middle of a global pandemic. But ultimately, the job of the President is to lead.

OUCH! In one powerhouse swing, Psaki put to rest the falsehoods about what right-wingers have dubbed the “Freedom Flu” (which presumably is treated with Freedom Fries). She went on to note that the false reporting about flight cancelations at Southwest Airlines were not caused by any reaction to policies by the Biden administration or Southwest’s own efforts to protect the health of their employees and customers. “We now know,” she said, “that some of those claims were absolutely false and actually the issues were completely unrelated to vaccine mandates.” Then she reiterated that “this is the way to save lives, create more certainty, it’s good for the economy, and it’s something we’re looking forward to implementing.”

Predictably, Fox’s Tucker Carlson was also lying about the Southwest situation. But for the record, the president of the Southwest Pilots Union was actually on Fox News and told them that “It’s absolutely false that our pilots are engaged in any sort of job action.”

The jab at Ted Cruz for promoting the falsehoods about vaccine-triggered sickouts at Southwest, and his callous betrayal of his constituents in Texas during a deadly winter freeze, were just icing on the cake. Ms. Psaki has a way of gently dispensing some devastating snark just when it’s needed most.

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The Taliban Bureau of Fox News Condemns Democrats for the Mortal Sin of Dancing

Twenty years ago a group of religious extremists committed a terrorist act that brought down the World Center towers in New York City. Ever since then the right-wing Republican Party has regarded all Muslims as responsible. And one of the consequences was an overtly bigoted crusade of fear mongering over a manufactured threat of Sharia law taking over the in United States.

Fox News, Taliban

Of course, that was just a deliberate attempt by the GOP to inflame an irrational hatred of Muslims in order to stir up division for political purposes. However, it’s an ironic tactic considering the devotion that Republicans have for imposing their radical, evangelical, Christianist beliefs on all Americans by passing laws with a religious focus on matters concerning abortion, school prayer, medical research, the teaching of evolution and climate change, and more.

On Sunday Fox News joined the crusade for “Christria” law in an article on their website with the alarming headline “Schumer, Pelosi panned for dancing with Stephen Colbert, Napa fundraiser with Biden’s presidency under siege.” Apparently it is now verboten to dance according to right-wing doctrine, just as it is under the most conservative sects of Islam.

First of all, the headline needs to be corrected. It falsely accuses of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of participating in the sinful act of gyrating to the devil’s music. It was only Sen. Chuck Schumer who was “spotted dancing backstage with late-night comedian Stephen Colbert during the “We Love NYC: The Homecoming Concert” in Central Park.”

More to the point, the article insinuates that there was something sinister about politicians enjoying themselves while backstage at a music festival. In the view of Fox News there can be no such expressions of celebration while there is any strife anywhere else in the world. And in this case the strife is bizarrely described as “Biden’s presidency under siege,” which is only true to someone who exclusively watches Fox News. Curiously, Fox News wasn’t bothered at all about Donald Trump dancing at his cult rally in Alabama the same day.

What’s more, the headline asserts that the partying pols were “panned.” But the only evidence it provided were predictable criticisms from partisan Republicans, including Sen. Ted Cruz who is best known for jetting off to Cancun, Mexico, during a deadly winter storm in his state of Texas. “Cancun” Cruz, who abandoned his constituents when they were in dire need, tweeted a video of Schumer at a concert held to show appreciation for the citizens, businesses, and first responders of New York City, who persevered through a difficult year. Cruz affirmed his reputation for being a nasty S.O.B. by adding the comment “Celebrating the demise of the Republic…”

The article went on to make preposterous comparisons between the New York concert and the recent motorcycle rally in Sturgis, South Dakota:

“There were reportedly thousands of people at the ‘Homecoming Concert,’ but Democrats and the media made no mention about it being a possible superspreader, as they did with an outdoor event attended by thousands of people in South Dakota just days ago.”

What Fox News left out was that the attendees of the Manhattan concert had to show proof of COVID vaccination to get in, while the Sturgis event not only didn’t require vaccinations or masks, they were openly hostile to them, regarding such common sense, life-saving measures as impositions on their freedom.

So while the right-wing American Taliban is adamant that their “god-given liberties” not be abridged, they continue to clamp down on the liberties of others with oppressive laws and intimidation. And god forbid anyone dares to dance at a music festival celebrating Americans who are emerging from the hardships of pandemic. Because now they must also face the wrath of Fox News.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
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CNN Crushes ‘Cancun’ Ted Cruz After He Callously Insults Their Reporter In Afghanistan

As if there isn’t already enough turmoil and tragedy in Afghanistan, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Cancun) has come along to contribute his typical tone deaf commentary on matters he is uniquely unqualified to discuss.

Ted Cruz, Cancun

Imagine Cruz’s dismay when his Twitter scrolling lead him to a tweet posted by the notorious conspiracy crackpot, Jack Posobiec, of PizzaGate fame. PizzaGate, you may recall, was the insane myth that a pedophile ring in Washington, D.C., was being run by Hillary Clinton and other Democrats out of the basement of a pizza parlor that didn’t actually have a basement.

Posobiec’s tweet that so enthralled Cruz featured a short and out of context video of CNN’s correspondent in Kabul, Afghanistan, Clarissa Ward, with the caption “CNN: ‘They’re chanting Death to America but they seem friendly at the same time. It’s bizarre.'”

For the record, Ward had been interviewing Taliban soldiers whose behavior was inconsistent with their verbal outbursts. While affirming their antipathy toward Americans, they were also posing for amiably pictures. She relayed that observation in her report, noting how peculiar it was.

Ignoring reality, Cruz was struck by what he obviously considered Posobiec’s brilliant insight which, for someone of Cruz’s pitifully limited intellect, it probably was. So he retweeted it with his response asking “Is there an enemy of America for whom @CNN WON’T cheerlead?” That’s an ironic remark considering Cruz has fully embraced the treasonous Donald Trump’s “Big Lie” about the “stolen” election, aligning him with such American enemies as Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, who have joined Trump and Cruz in undermining faith in American democracy.

Cruz’s tweet did not go unnoticed by CNN’s communications office. They were understandably upset that Cruz was insulting a courageous journalist who is currently putting herself in a dangerous position by reporting from a war zone in a country now controlled by extremists who demonstrated their hatred for Americans, women, and reporters. Ward, of course, is all three. So CNN replied to Cruz in an especially appropriate manner. Here’s the entire exchange:

“Rather than running off to Cancun in tough times, @clarissaward is risking her life to tell the world what’s happening. That’s called bravery. Instead of RTing a conspiracy theorist’s misleading soundbite, perhaps your time would be better spent helping Americans in harm’s way.”

And thus ends Cancun Cruz’s hopes of ever restoring any sense of decency to which he might have aspired. Not that that wasn’t always a longshot proposition for him. But his brain-dead analyses of current events proves, once again, that he believes striving (unsuccessfully) for a sick burn takes priority over developing policies that actually benefit his constituents and the nation.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
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Ted Cruz Makes a Great Argument for COVID Mandates While Arguing Against Mandates

America is suffering from the recent spike in the COVID pandemic far more than is necessary. This is due primarily to the deliberate disinformation being spread by Fox News and by Republicans who care more about securing and preserving power than they do about human life. The Pandemic of Fox News. is responsible for the majority of new infections and deaths, which otherwise would be mostly preventable.

Ted Cruz, COVID Virus

If Fox News wanted to reduce the number of people getting sick and dying, they could do so easily. But it’s clear that they don’t want to. They are devoted to the agenda they have been pursuing for more than a year now. And it’s the same deadly, sociopathic, pro-COVID agenda of Donald Trump.

It is also the same agenda of Republican Sen. Ted Cruz. Like the rest of his GOP confederates, Cruz is locked into a partisan pandemic perspective that aims to exacerbate the harm caused by the coronavirus. Their goal is to exploit an utterly disingenuous advocacy of “freedom,” while blaming Democrats for the persistence of the pandemic. To that end Cruz appeared on CNBC to demonstrate how shamelessly obtuse he can be on this subject (video below).

From the start Cruz displayed a profound ignorance of what he was there to talk about. He asked CNBC’s Squakbox co-host, Andrew Ross Sorkin, “How would you feel if CNBC had a series of medical procedures that they demanded you do as a condition of your employment?” Apparently Cruz doesn’t know that all of the divisions of NBC News require every employee to be vaccinated in order to return to the office.

What’s more, Cruz doesn’t seem to be aware that many employers have health related requirements that must be adhered to as a condition of employment. Construction workers are not allowed onto a work site without helmets and other safety gear. Truck drivers and pilots are not permitted to drink alcohol or to use stimulants. Even teachers are are often tested for drug use. And vaccines are mandatory to attend to some schools or work abroad.

Sorkin then asks Cruz to comment on the view that “We have to respect the idea that we do not want to injure our colleagues or other people in society who have every right to stay healthy and alive.” To which Cruz replies…

“My view is that we should have no COVID mandates. What does that mean/ That means no mask mandates. No vaccine mandates. That means no vaccine passports. We shouldn’t step into the regime where the government says show us your papers if you want to do the basic activities of life. […] This argument that those that don’t get vaccinated are somehow the unworthy, unwashed, reckless people endangering everyone else, I don’t think that actually stands up to scrutiny.”

It is an established fact that those who are unvaccinated do endanger others. They can transmit the virus to people who are unvaccinated, as well as – to a lesser extent – those who are. And in both cases those they infect can in turn pass the virus on. For Cruz to assert that this verified science doesn’t withstand scrutiny is pure bullpucky. Cruz then reveals that he has been vaccinated, but that…

“If somebody doesn’t take the vaccine, they pose relatively little threat to me. They pose relatively little threat to someone who has chosen to take the vaccine. Now, they may potentially pose a threat to somebody else who isn’t vaccinated. Well, you what? They made that choice.”

That is just plain wrong. The more available hosts there are for the virus, the more opportunities it has to mutate. And new variants have the potential to defeat the protection offered by the current vaccines. So everyone who refuses to get vaccinated now is putting everyone else – including those who are vaccinated – at greater risk of infection. And you know what? That is NOT their choice.

From there Cruz went on to make one of the best arguments for vaccine mandates, although he had no idea he was doing so:

“Smokers, when they light up a cigarette, they’re increasing their chances they’re gonna get lung cancer. That may not be a wise decision to do, but in America we give people the freedom to make decisions about their own health even if we don’t approve of the decisions they make.”

Somebody needs to inform Cruz that there are already numerous mandates that apply to smokers. They may not light up in elevators, or restaurants, or many offices, or some apartment buildings, or airplanes, or almost anywhere that people gather in public. And the reason is that their unwashed, reckless behavior poses a serious risk to those around them. This same principle could apply to mandates for the COVID vaccine.

It’s hard to tell if Cruz is pitifully stupid, or if he is just a terrible liar and propagandist. But if we were to use his analogy to smoking, we could impose vaccine mandates immediately. And doing so would make the world safer for everyone, including crackpots like Cruz.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Ted Cruz Attacks Democrats for Holding Hearing on Racist ‘Jim Crow’ Laws that He Supports

Once again it has become necessary to set the record straight as to which American political party supports civil rights and which party is devoted to racial prejudice and oppression. It shouldn’t be that difficult to make the distinction considering that every prominent hate group in America is composed of people who are steadfastly Republican.

Ted Cruz, Racist

Texas Senator Ted Cruz is now helping to make the case that the Republican Party is the home of American bigotry. Upon learning that his Democratic Senate colleagues had scheduled a hearing to explore the rash of racist “Jim Crow” laws aimed at suppressing the vote of people of color in Texas, Georgia, and other red states, Cruz rushed out this tweet:

The problem with Cruz’s tweet is that he is clinging to a historical fallacy that bigots are fond of disseminating. He is pretending there was never a “realignment” of parties in the late 19th and early 20th centuries that saw Democrats embrace civil rights and Republicans embrace the Ku Klux Klan:

“The political realignment of black voters that began at the close of Reconstruction gradually accelerated in the early 20th century, pushed by demographic shifts such as the Great Migration and by black discontent with the increasingly conservative racial policies of the Republican Party in the South.”

The passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, with the vigorous support of Democratic President Lyndon Johnson, was the nail in the coffin for Southern racists who then abandoned the Democrats and registered with the Republican Party, where they still reside. Three of the four notorious racists Cruz cites in his tweet became GOP heroes. The one exception was Robert Byrd, who renounced the Klan and became such a dedicated fighter for civil rights that he was honored by the NAACP:

“‘Senator Byrd reflects the transformative power of this nation,’ stated NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous. ‘Senator Byrd went from being an active member of the KKK to a being a stalwart supporter of the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and many other pieces of seminal legislation that advanced the civil rights and liberties of our country.'”

So Ted Cruz is not only demonstrating his pitiful ignorance of the history of his own party, he’s lashing out at Democrats who are seeking to advance equality and shine a light on those who are trying to clamp down on the Constitutional liberties of all Americans.

This is typical of a Republican bigot like Cruz, whose only concern is retaining power for himself and his kind. It’s made all the worse by how openly and shamelessly he engages in this campaign of oppression. And it’s all a byproduct of the Trump era’s efforts to mainstream racism and empower the hate mongers who comprise the Cult of Trump.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Comedy ‘Legend’ Ted Cruz Quips that Raul Castro ‘Will Become a Reporter for CNN’

What could possibly be funnier than Washington’s most hated senator posting punch lines on Twitter that only he could actually think are funny? That’s the sad state where we now find “Cancun” Ted Cruz of Texas (as long as the weather is nice).

Ted Cruz, Cancun

Back in February Cruz tried to skip out on his home state while it was in the midst of a historic and deadly winter freeze that left millions of his constituents suffering without power, heat, food, or water. He jetted off to the sunnier climes of Cancun, Mexico, to frolic at the beach of a seaside resort. The wingnut apologists at Newsmax thought Cruz would be more effective governing from there. But having been exposed for his callous selfishness, he rushed back to Texas to pretend to care, but then immediately left again for the CPAC convention in balmy Orlando, Florida.

Pretty funny, huh? But nearly as funny as Cruz’s latest attempt at humor. Especially for a guy who has brought laughs to tens of people with his “War on Christmas” book series, or his dramatic reading of Dr. Seuss’ “Green Eggs and Ham” on the Senate floor during a filibuster. That’s particularly relevant now that Republicans are so obsessed with the imaginary “canceling” of Dr. Seuss.

What has tickled Cruz’s funny bone now is the “news” that Raul Castro is stepping aside as the leader of Cuba. Never mind that that actually happened three years ago and today’s news is only that he’s relinquishing a largely ceremonial post. You just can’t stop a comic mind like Cruz who tweeted a reply to CNN’s Jim Acosta:

Have you stopped laughing yet? That’s okay, I’ll wait. The humor in this might be a little too subtle for many. What makes this truly hysterical is that the only transitions from politico to journo have been former members of Donald Trump’s reality TV administration to Fox News shills. So far we have…

  • Mike Pompeo, Trump’s former secretary of state, and current guest on Hannity and Fox & Friends.
  • Kayleigh McEnany, the former press secretary who is now a co-host of Fox’s Outnumbered.
  • Larry Kudlow, the former economic advisor who has replaced Fox’s Lou Dobbs, who was fired in connection with the billion dollar lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems.
  • Lara Trump, who, for the moment, is the wife of Eric Trump – her only qualification for the job.

Hysterical, isn’t it? Perhaps Cruz is getting ready to take his stand-up routine to Havana. It should go over well there as his parents are Cuban, although he was born in Canada. He could hook up with his pal Trump and try to rebuild the gambling mecca that thrived there before Fidel. He could have his own Cruz Comedy Showcase at the Trump Caribbean Towers. And with any luck it won’t go bankrupt like Trump’s four other casinos. In the meantime it would get him out of the Senate – and the country – and we’d all be better off.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

THE HORROR! Joe Biden is ‘Boring’ and It’s Driving Fox News and Republicans Insane

The rage addicted disciples of Fox News and the Trump Republican Party are undergoing a severe bout of withdrawal in the opening weeks of the Joe Biden presidency. They are no longer being fed massive megadoses of melodrama on a daily (hourly?) basis, and it’s gnawing at them to the point of physical dysfunction.

Fox News, Joe Biden

This is the direct result of exposure to a former reality TV game show host and fake gazillionaire occupying the White House for four years and pumping blind fury into the veins of gullible cultists. The subsequent dependence on a steady supply of contrived outrage has produced a pandemic of psychotic sufferers.

Among the first casualties of this affliction was Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas (or Cancun, depending on the weather). Last week Cruz complained to Sean Hannity of Fox News that Biden’s capacity for stirring up extraneous excitements was insufficient to fuel the nation’s engines of anger:

Hannity: “Boring but radical” kind of sums it up. Explain.
Cruz: You know, you think about the last two months. I think Joe Biden made a political decision – and it was probably a pretty good political decision – to be very boring. The last four years Donald Trump was anything but boring. […] But it is all a subterfuge. It is all a mask designed to hide what is an incredibly radical policy poicy agenda.

So it’s official. “Sleepy” Joe is both boring and a national menace who is masterminding the end of Western civilization. It’s downright diabolical. Never mind that the president isn’t supposed to be “entertaining.” That’s what reality TV drama queens like Trump are for.

What these ultra-rightists consider entertaining is yelling at reporters, insulting women, maligning Democrats (and even Republicans) who disagree, bigoted ranting, Capitol insurrections, and dividing America. What they consider boring is making real progress on the COVID-19 pandemic, racial equity, mitigating climate change, improving healthcare, and reforming immigration. In short, they are bored by competence, compassion, and honesty.

That puts the Trump Confederates at a distinct disadvantage since their criteria for excellence requires the unique characteristics of Trump: Lying pathologically, bragging profusely, whining pathetically, and attacking ponderously. Anything short of that is vilified as the new yawn-inducing opiate of the masses. That point was affirmed on Thursday by Fox’s Senior Rage-aholic, Dan Bongino, who worried that his future in bombastic radio ranting was in jeopardy due to Biden’s troublesome sense of calm:

“It’s just terrible for talk radio. I think Biden is a disaster for the country and his ideas are an atrocity. But he’s boring. He’s just boring. […] I’ll tell you that it’s made me, I believe, a better broadcaster and host because you really had to dig. You’ve had to find interesting angles to stories. And Donald Trump was just a cornucopia of material.”

Exactly! It is totally unacceptable that Biden is forcing these shlock jockeys to “dig” for faux scandals to blame on him. Trump always provided a steady stream of bullpucky to mine for material. Now the poor schnooks on Fox News have to peddle such inanities as Dr. Seuss cancelations, Mr. Potato Head gendering, imaginary immigrant caravans, and Grammy porn. It was even pointed out on Fox by Democratic pundit Chris Hahn, who told the ladies on “Outnumbered” that they would just have to live with the fact that…

United states senators got nothing to complain about Joe Biden because people are so happy with him. They’ve gotta pick a fight over whether John Kerry wore his mask for the entire flight.

What may be worst of all for the Fox News crowd is that Biden’s scheme to give relief to the American people is working. His approval rating just hit 62% and shows no sign of slowing down. If this sort of atrocity continues, Fox may have to abandon their long-held editorial mission of riling up the rank and file (with an emphasis on rank). They may have to concede that being boring is an asset that attests to leadership and competency. After all, no one gets overexcited because everything is going along smoothly.

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