Apparently the release of the redacted version of the Mueller report by Donald Trump’s shill Attorney General, William Barr, wasn’t the ultimate vindication that he hoped it would be. Of course that didn’t prevent him from posting multiple tweets frantically insisting that the report showed there was “no collusion, no obstruction” – which it definitely didn’t do.
Trump went on a vindication binge featuring the usual Confederacy of Sycophants who routinely defend his every word and deed no matter how loathsome. He quoted a phalanx of Fox News fluffers like Tucker Carlson, Martha MacCallum, and Jesse Watters. And he posted some hokey propaganda videos and a Game of Thrones meme that said it was now “Game Over.” That was followed by a couple of rants about the “Crazy Mueller Report” that contained “total bullshit” even though he previously insisted that it “totally exonerated” him.
These are further signs of dementia that should not be ignored. And amidst this flaming ego eruption was one peculiar tweet (since deleted, but preserved here) that was nothing more than a promo for Fox News that said:
“It was a really great day for America! A special evening tonight on @TuckerCarlson, @seanhannity & @IngrahamAngle Will be very interesting!”
Sure, what a great day. America learned that their president fraternized with numerous Russian operatives in an effort to get dirt on his political opponent, and then repeatedly lied about it and pressured others to lie for him. He gleefully exploited stolen data and brazenly obstructed justice in order to avoid the legal and political consequences. And to celebrate, Trump suggested plopping yourself down for several hours of mindless and false propaganda provided by his favorite Fox News collaborators.
However, after tweeting and then retweeting it, for some reason Trump deleted it (it lives on here). He later posted several comments quoting some portions of those programs, but his free ad urging his Deplorables to tune in was exorcized from his feed. Did Fox News miss a payment?
Trump doesn’t have much to worry about though. Fox News will continue to prop up his presidency until news of his child cannibalism is revealed – and maybe even after that. All of Fox’s primetimers devoted their programs to parades of Trump’s innocence. Sean Hannity spent much of his show attacking the “hate-Trump media.” Tucker Carlson declared that the White House press corps had been humiliated. And Laura Ingraham went even further:
“To those who branded the primetime hosts on this network as ‘State News,’ for daring to tell the truth – not just our truth – but THE truth. You owe us an apology.”
Yeah, that’ll happen. Especially since the Mueller report actually validated most of what the media has been saying for the past two years about Trump’s nefarious and criminal activities. Everything from the press reports that Trump directed the lies about his son, son-in-law, and campaign chairman meeting with Russians in Trump Tower, to accounts of his angry rampages when his staffers refused to break the law for him, was affirmed in the Mueller probe.
Perhaps what ticked Trump off were the instances where some Fox News personalities had the audacity to allow some real news to slip though. For instance, the time that Fox’s senior legal analyst agreed with Rep. Adam Schiff that there was evidence of collusion and obstruction of justice. Or when Fox’s chief news anchor, Shepard Smith, described as “patently false” Trump’s whining about the Mueller probe as a “witch Hunt” and a “hoax.” These are the sort of incidents that caused Trump to nervously instruct his aides to “keep an eye” on Fox News to make sure it stays loyal to him. That’s what life in the bunker feels like to Hair Trump in these dark days.
How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.
“The buck stops here. ” Hopefully, this Dolt 45 will find out very soon that the buck stops with him and he won’t be able to swat it away.
I’m going to write my apology letter to Laura Ingraham forthwith! Lol!