Trump’s Ego Erupts with Pitch for New TV Network that Airs Only Trump 24/7 – No, REALLY!

If there was one dominant message resounding righteously across America in the wake of the 2022 midterm election, it was that Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans are a broadly abhorrent political fungus that the nation’s voters were anxious to drench with the disinfectant of democracy.

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In an environment wherein the party in the White House historically loses dozens of seats in Congress, Democrats prevailed to retain majority control of the Senate, and may do the same in the House of Representatives before this story is over.

In the aftermath, there is widespread agreement that Trump was the single most influential factor in driving voters away from the parade of deplorable Trump-endorsed clowns who campaigned primarily on undermining democracy and embracing racial, gender, and class hatred. Even many Republicans spent the post-election week blaming Trump and trying to pretend that they weren’t part of his crusade.

RELATED: Crybaby Trump Lashes Out at ‘Fake News’ for Reporting Accurately that He’s the Biggest Loser

For his Part, Trump remains confident (aka delusional) that he is a beloved leader whose efforts on behalf of the phalanx of GOP losers were a smashing success. They weren’t. But that doesn’t seem to be dissuading him from making what he calls a “big announcement” on Tuesday, November 15. The expectation is that he will be declaring his candidacy for president in 2024. But a more prudent course would be for him to improvise and announce a 50% off Black Friday sale for all MAGA merchandise at the Mar-a-Lago gift shop.

Among Trump’s self-congratulatory commentaries was a post on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, that may have signaled his true aspirations for the future…

“If CNN were smart, they’d open up a Conservative network, only have me on, and it would be the most successful network in History. Fox only made it because of me, Twitter only made it because of me, and even Facebook is now in the tubes, having lost almost $90 billion in value since I was taken off.”

That’s right, Trump is angling to return to pseudo-reality TV on a new CNN (of all places) network that would feature his repugnant mug all day, every day. This might be a good idea for airing in a hospital poison ward in order to induce vomiting. But other than that it’s a recipe for more of the failure for which Trump is so well known.

What’s more, Trump is peddling the deranged notion that he alone is responsible for the success of Fox News, Twitter, and Facebook. While he’s at it, he might as well claim credit for the popularity of the Internet, the telephone, indoor plumbing, and the wheel.

It’s curious that Trump is bragging about his electoral victories while simultaneously whining about all the defeats. In the past few days he’s posted comments lamenting that “The Democrats are finding all sorts of votes in Nevada and Arizona. What a disgrace that this can be allowed to happen!” And that “They stole the Electron from Blake Masters. Do Election over again!” And that “The USA is a failing Nation!” And that “A NEW ELECTION MUST BE CALLED FOR IMMEDIATELY!” So much … winning?

In the end, Trump is going to get some well deserved credit for falsifying his financial and tax records, for stealing and hoarding highly sensitive national security documents at his Palm Beach hotel/home, and for inciting the deadly insurrection on January 6, 2021. The legacy that Trump leaves behind will be one of mostly convictions of the legal variety, but none of the moral.

RELATED: LOL: Sean Hannity Thinks He’s Helping Trump By Scrolling a Long List of His Crimes on Fox News

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Trump Calls Pelosi an ‘Animal’ – Dehumanizing Her to Incite More Assaults Against Democrats

Finally! It’s Election Day. Not that Republicans care. They are still insisting that the whole process is rigged and that the results can’t be trusted. They are already laying the groundwork to dispute any race that is won by a Democrat.

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Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi

On the eve of Election Day, Donald Trump was campaigning in Ohio for GOP Senate candidate, J.D. Vance. Well, supposedly. As usual Trump spent very little time promoting the candidate he was there to support, instead talking incessantly about himself and his tediously repetitive complaints going back to his decisive loss in 2020, and even earlier.

RELATED: Rep. Clyburn Tells Fox News Viewers All About How Trump and MAGA Resemble Germany in the 1930’s

That fixation on his past included a segment wherein he moaned pitifully about having been impeached twice. But it wasn’t enough to just excrete his standard lies and outrage at being held to account for his wrongdoings. On this occasion Trump felt compelled to foment more of the violence that has become such a hallmark of his political aspirations. And his wrath was aimed squarely at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was recently the target of one of Trump’s cult followers who severely assaulted her husband in her home. Trump raged that…

“Pelosi said ‘please don’t call [gang members] animals, they’re human beings.’ I said ‘No, they’re animals.’ I think she’s an animal, too, if you want to know the truth.

“They [pointing at the media] say, ‘Oh, what a horrible thing he said about Nancy.’ She impeached me twice for nothing! Nothing! They’ll say, these people, the fakers back there, ‘What a horrible thing. He called Nancy Pelosi an animal.’ Let me tell you, what she does to this country, and what she did, and the turmoil, and it was all…”

At that point Trump rambled on about not using the word “bullsh-t,” while he was, in fact, using it. And he yammered incoherently about some allegedly awful things that Pelosi had done, but that he couldn’t actually describe. That was followed by some more of his delusional bragging that he was the greatest president in history.

First of all, Trump was not impeached twice for nothing. The first impeachment was due to his having extorted the president of Ukraine in order to coerce him into digging up dirt on then-candidate, Joe Biden. The second impeachment was due to his having incited a violent insurrection in order to unlawfully cling to power by obstructing Congress from completing their duty to certify the electoral vote count. Both impeachments provided abundant evidence of Trump’s treasonous ambitions to become America’s first Fuhrer.

However, more troubling than that were Trump’s remarks about Pelosi. By calling her an animal he was deliberately dehumanizing her. It’s a tactic he likely learned from his fascist heroes who used it to justify the Holocaust and other acts of genocide. Trump is blatantly recruiting members of his cult to attack his political opponents. And by exploiting Pelosi so soon after she was the victim of a vicious assassination attempt that put her husband in the hospital, Trump is proving that he is utterly devoid of morality.

For her part, Pelosi addressed the violent tendencies on the part of the Trump Republican Party in an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Monday. She noted that “there is one party that is doubting the outcome of the election, feeding that flame and mocking in the violence that happens. That has to stop.” Pelosi elaborated in the following exchange…

Cooper: The former President of the United States Donald Trump, Elon Musk, others have spread stories casting doubt on what happened, fomenting conspiracy theories. What do you have to say to them?
Pelosi: It’s really sad for the country. It’s really sad for the country that people of that high visibility would separate themselves from the facts and the truth in such a blatant way. It’s really sad, and it is traumatizing to those affected by it. They don’t care about that, obviously, but it’s destructive to the unity that we want to have in our country. But I don’t have anything to say to them. I mean, we have nothing, there would be no common ground to have any conversation with them.

Indeed. You cannot have common ground with those who openly advocate violence. And what Pelosi is talking about in this clip is still going on while people are voting today. Republicans have no intention of cooling their rhetoric or respecting the law or American principles. Just this weekend Ronna McDaniel, the chair of the Republican National Committee, couldn’t say that the GOP supports democracy. That’s where we are at on this Election Day.

RELATED: GOP Chair Ronna McDaniel Can’t Give a Straight Answer on Whether Republicans Support Democracy

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GOP Chair Ronna McDaniel Can’t Give a Straight Answer on Whether Republicans Support Democracy

The midterm elections this year have been accurately described as among the most important in generations. President Biden is among those who have noted that “an overwhelming majority of Americans believe our democracy is at risk … that democracy is on the ballot.”

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The Republican Party, however, is adamant that elections are riddled with fraud, despite having no evidence whatsoever to support that claim. They are simply determined to deny the legitimacy of any election that they lose. And they will concoct whatever crackpot conspiracy they need to in order to peddle their lies to their cult followers. That strategy is one that emanates from the top, as Donald Trump remains the chief promulgator of the “Big Lie.”

FOR INSTANCE: Trump Makes Scary, Math-Challenged Claim to Explain Biden’s 7 Million Vote Margin of Victory

On CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday morning, host Dana Bash interviewed the Chair of the Republican National Committee, Ronna McDaniel. During the segment Bash played a video clip of Wisconsin’s GOP Sen. Ron Johnson being asked if he would accept the election results if he loses. Johnson refused to state flatly that he would do so, instead implying – without any basis whatsoever – that Democrats were planning to engage in some sort of fraudulent activity. Which led to the following exchange between Bash and McDaniel (video below)

Bash: Simple yes or no. Should Republican candidates, Ron Johnson – all of them – accept election results?
McDaniel: Well, I would say the same to Stacy Abrams, right? Or Hillary Clinton who’s already saying in 2024 we’re gonna rig the elections. That’s not helpful. Listen, you should have a recount, you should have a canvas, and then go to the courts, and then everybody should accept the results. That’s what it should be.”

WHUT? Stacy Abrams and Hillary Clinton both accepted the results of their respective election losses. They may have also spoken about incidents that had documented impacts on the results, such as gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics, but they never sought to decertify the elections or engaged in unlawful – and even violent – measures to overturn them, as Republicans have done. And anything Clinton said about “rigging” the 2024 election was nothing more than quoting what Republicans have promised to do themselves.

What’s more, McDaniel’s suggestion that “everybody should accept the results” after a recount, a canvas, and court judgments, is wholly dishonest. All of those things took place after the 2020 election many times. And in every case the results were affirmed as fair and accurate. Even Trump’s own administration officials praised the election as “the most secure in American history.”

SEE: Tucker Carlson Hysterically Hypes Bogus Election ‘Fraud’ Film By Convicted Election Fraudster

However, none of that has stopped Trump and his GOP confederates, including Fox News, from persisting with their election denialism. McDaniel went on to say that…

“I’m also not gonna say that if there’s problems, that we shouldn’t be able to address that. If there’s real problems everyone should be able to address that. […] I’ll give you an example. In Virginia they wouldn’t let people vote if you weren’t wearing a mask. That’s not the state statute. So there were people actually being denied voting because they didn’t have a mask on.”

Of course anyone should be able to address a real problem. Unfortunately for McDaniel and the GOP, they haven’t been able to locate a single “real” problem yet, after two years and more than sixty court cases.

The example McDaniel gives in her reply is actually an example of the GOP’s dishonesty. There was never a prohibition of people from voting in Virginia for not wearing a mask, and not a single person was denied a vote. Masks were encouraged, but not mandatory Remember, the coronavirus pandemic was killing thousands of people a day in November of 2020. As reported at the time by the Virginia Mercury…

“Virginia voters who show up on Election Day without a mask or visibly sick will be asked to put a mask on or cast their ballot outside the polling place, but they won’t be denied access if they refuse, according to state election officials.”

The crusade to undermine the faith of the American people in democracy is proceeding at a rapid pace. That’s because Republicans have a fundamental aversion to the concept of government by the people. It’s what drives their campaigns to suppress voting, to grant corporations the rights of persons, and to refuse to accept any outcome that isn’t in their favor.

All of that is what makes this election so critical to the future of democracy in America. So it is imperative that we all vote and persuade as many other democracy-loving patriots to vote as well. This isn’t a drill.

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James Carville Whales on CNN’s GOP Pundit and Republicans Who Worship Putin

One of the most bizarre perversions of rational policy making in the era of Donald Trump has been the embrace by Trump, and his tainted Republican Party, of Russia and its murderous dictator, Vladimir Putin. From the outset of Trump’s occupation of the White House he was taking Putin’s side against the U.S.

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Donald Trump Vladimir Putin

The reasons for Trump’s reverence of Putin likely include his feelings of indebtedness for Putin’s helping him to win the 2016 election, and his craving for the sort of financial rewards that Putin could lavish upon him during and after his term in office.

That’s what accounts for Trump telling the world that he believed Putin over his own American intelligence agencies about Russian interference in U.S. elections. It would also account for Trump serving Russia’s geopolitical interests by attacking and weakening NATO, scrapping the Iran nuclear pact, and supporting Brexit and the dissolution of the E.U. And then there is also Trump’s constant praise for Putin as a “strong leader” and a “genius,” while he maligned the U.S. and President Biden.

RELATED: Trump’s ‘Solution’ to the War in Ukraine is to Appease Russia and Quash Any Criticism of Putin

On Saturday one of CNN’s Republican pundits, Scott Jennings, was asked about the recent announcement by OPEC that they intended to cut oil production in order to increase the price. Jennings responded by predictably blaming it on Biden and, just like Trump, accusing him of being weak. Whereupon, CNN’s liberal analyst James Carville laid into him with some logic and actual facts…

“You know who doesn’t think Biden is weak? Vladimir Putin. The Republican hero of the United States. The man that the Republican Party worships is getting the crap kicked out of him right now with U.S. Support and a Joe Biden-led coalition. If they want to love the Saudis that’s their business. The United States is making a successful stand in what, in my opinion, is the most successful foreign policy initiative since World War II.”

Indeed, Ukraine is executing a successful defense against the invasion by Russia. They have repelled Russian forces and they are retaking regions that Russia had occupied. And the military assistance from the U.S. and other allies has been critical to that success. That assistance has been opposed by Trump and many Republicans who criticize Biden for providing it. Biden’s critics must be even more troubled because it is working so well.

In the meantime, Trump is still siding with Putin and making preposterous claims that Russia would never have invaded Ukraine if he were still president. Although, that could be seen as true if you acknowledge that Russia wouldn’t have needed to invade because Trump would have handed Putin everything he wanted to annex the entire country.

Even worse, Trump is now claiming that the U.S. is responsible for the Russian invasion of Ukraine. His “Blame America First” theory is that the U.S. “taunted” Putin into invading:

The fact that Republicans have adopted Trump’s pro-Russia positions and his traitorous affinity for Putin tells us that the GOP is now a party wallowing in the cultism of Trump. They can no longer be depended on to pursue the interests of the U.S. And the cult disciples that are following Trump and his disfigured GOP (Grovelers Over Putin) are likewise lost to Trump’s anti-democratic aspirations for a Putin-style dictatorship.

This makes the upcoming midterm election more important than any in decades. So be sure to vote, and to get as many democracy-loving patriots as you can to vote with you. Because if Republicans manage to eke out a victory, it may be the last time you get to vote in free election.

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After Goofy Lawsuit Against CNN, Trump Threatens More Suits, Including the January 6th Committee

The pathologically litigious former reality TV game show host, Donald Trump, has revealed his latest legal lunacy. In a typically amateurish 28 page filing, Trump announced that he is suing CNN, claiming defamation and seeking punitive damages of $475 million.

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Donald Trump, CNN

That’s right. Trump is suing the network that he has defamed hundreds of times as “fake” and “the enemy of the people” for defamation. His new complaint comes less than a month after another lawsuit against Hillary Clinton, and nearly fifty other people who the suit describes as “her cohorts,” was laughed out of court. The judge ruled that Trump was just “seeking to flaunt a two-hundred-page political manifesto outlining his grievances against those that have opposed him.”

RELATED: Trump’s Loopy Lawsuit Against Hillary Clinton and ‘Her Cohorts’ Reads Like Sleazy Pulp Fiction

Trump’s filing begins with a paragraph that is wholly saturated with political, rather than legal, arguments. He starts off saying that “The Plaintiff, President Donald J. Trump, has been a long-time critic of the Defendant, Cable News Network, Inc. (“CNN”)” So what? What does that have to do with any rational assertion of defamation? He continued…

“The Plaintiff, President Donald J. Trump, has been a long-time critic of the Defendant, Cable News Network, Inc. (“CNN”) — not because CNN does a bad job of reporting the news, but because CNN seeks to create the news (“fake news,” as the Plaintiff has characterized it in public statements). Beyond simply highlighting any negative information about the Plaintiff and ignoring all positive information about him, CNN has sought to use its massive influence— purportedly as a ‘trusted’ news source—to defame the Plaintiff in the minds of its viewers and readers for the purpose of defeating him politically. […]

“CNN has tried to taint the Plaintiff with a series of ever-more scandalous, false, and defamatory labels of ‘racist,’ ‘Russian lackey,’ ‘insurrectionist,’ and ultimately ‘Hitler.’”

First of all, Trump’s description of CNN as having “massive influence” is a contradiction of his repeated insults over the years calling CNN a failing news enterprise with terrible ratings that nobody watches.

More to the point, the crux of Trump’s complaint is that CNN’s use of labels describing him as a “racist,” “Russian lackey,” “insurrectionist,” and comparable to Hitler are defamatory. Apparently his lawyers have not advised him that the truth is a solid defense against allegations of defamation. And there is abundant evidence that CNN’s labels are accurate. It should be interesting to see the court proceedings as that evidence is presented.

Trump’s announcement of this lawsuit was made on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. In his tedious and infantile fashion, Trump whined that…

“A lawsuit was filed today against CNN, the once prestigious news channel that has devolved into a purveyor of disinformation, defamation, and Fake News, at a level which the American Public, and indeed the World, will not even believe is possible.” […]

“In the coming weeks and months we will also be filing lawsuits against a large number of other Fake News Media Companies for their lies, defamation, and wrongdoing, including as it pertains to ‘The Big Lie,’ that they used so often in reference to their disinformation attack on Presidential Election of 2020.”

Trump didn’t bother to identify any of the other media companies that he is threatening to sue. But Trump’s animosity toward the press will surely provide him with a long list of what he regards as offending enterprises. We can assume that it won’t include Fox News, which has been documented to have disseminated more lies, disinformation, and propaganda than any other “news” organization. If Trump’s suit against CNN were successful, Fox News better look out. Then he continued…

Likewise, we may bring appropriate action against the Unselect Committee of January 6th because, notwithstanding overwhelming evidence, they REFUSED to investigate the massive Presidential Election Fraud which took place, but only investigate and harass the people and Patriots who complained and asked questions about it. The rigging and stealing of our Presidential Election was perhaps The Crime Of The Century, and look at what is happening to our Country now!”

So Trump thinks he can sue Congress because it isn’t investigating the people he wants them to investigate. Never mind that there isn’t a shred of evidence to support any of his allegations that there was any “rigging and stealing of our Presidential Election.” But he still wasn’t finished…

“The Unselect Committee has refused to acknowledge, as was done by the Biden Inspector General at the Department of Defense, and others, that days ahead of January 6th, I recommended and authorized thousands of troops to be deployed to ensure that there was peace, safety, and security at the Capitol and throughout the Country. That offer of the national guard was rejected by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and Mayor Bowser of Washington, D.C. – The law requires their request, they failed to make one, and in turn failed the country.

This charge that Speaker Pelosi was responsible for the January 6th insurrection has been debunked repeatedly. PolitiFact’s detailed analysis documented that there is no record of Trump authorizing 20,000 National Guard troops, no evidence that Pelosi denied such an authorization, and that she doesn’t have the authority to do so in the first place.

It’s also curious that Trump’s bogus complaint is essentially that Pelosi didn’t sufficiently protect the Capitol from his violent supporters. He’s admitting that he knew his cult followers posed a risk significant enough to require thousands of National Guard troops to suppress.

Trump’s filling also contains this morsel: “CNN has been given the dreaded ‘Pants on Fire!’ designation by PolitiFact for its stories comparing Trump to Hitler.” He’s referring to segment wherein a guest on CNN said that Trump “may be responsible for many more million deaths” than Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Zedong.”

Setting aside the fact that this was a position taken by a guest and not CNN, Trump should be careful about citing the “Pants on Fire” designations by PolitiFact. For the record, he has 116 of them. Overall, his statements reviewed by PolitiFact include 83% that are “Half True, Mostly False, False,” or “Pants on Fire.” Only 14% were rated “Mostly True” or “True.” That’s not exactly something to brag about.

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CNN Moves Don Lemon and Others to New Morning Show in Major Network Shake Up

On Thursday morning CNN announced that it is moving primetime anchor, Don Lemon, to a new morning show, that he will co-anchor along with Poppy Harlow and Kaitlan Collins. It’s the latest in a series of programming changes by the network’s new CEO, Chris Licht.

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Donald Trump, CNN

The move out of primetime for Lemon may look on the surface like a demotion. However, mornings are one the biggest revenue generating time periods in television news and it gives Lemon three hours daily instead of two. So it’s hard to assess whether there was any intention on the part of Licht to suppress Lemon’s generally liberal-leaning views. The test will come when we see his presentations in the new morning lineup, and when Licht announces who gets the now vacant primetime slot. Licht also still has an open slot where Chris Cuomo used to air.

RELATED: CNN Cancels ‘Reliable Sources’ – Brian Stelter Walks – As Network Leans to the Right

For his part, Lemon celebrated the change saying that it was “time to shake things up,” and that he was “honored by [Licht’s] belief in me.” CNN’s announcement stated that…

“The network on Thursday unveiled a new marquee morning program that will debut later this year, anchored by stars Don Lemon, Poppy Harlow, and Kaitlan Collins. […] In recent weeks, Licht has started to put his stamp on the network’s programming, with the announcement of the new morning show his most significant move to date.”

Nevertheless, partisans on both sides are staking out positions on the move. Keith Olbermann addressed it with the benefit of his personal past experience at MSNBC with Licht…

“Chris Licht (who, when we worked together at msnbc, I believed used to eat paste) has now surrounded Don Lemon with an ex-Daily Caller “journalist” and somebody who last month demanded an apology from Biden to Republicans.”

On the other side, Sean Hannity of Fox News weighed in with his customary lack of any beneficial experience (also misspelling the name of “Christ” Licht}, saying that…

“LEMON LOSES PRIMETIME: Don Downgraded to Morning Show Slot”

CNN recently merged with Discovery Networks, which has a notably conservative executive team and board of directors. When Licht was hired to run the network it seemed like a positive choice considering that he was previously the producer of “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.” But that may have been a premature assessment.

Licht almost immediately began making statements about how he is more interested in cutting back on news analysis in favor of just presenting a dryer, context-free brand of straight news. And his first programming decision was to cancel Brian Stelter’s “Reliable Sources.”

If CNN’s new management thinks that striving for some form of artificial neutrality is going to garner them more ratings or respect, they will be sadly mistaken. The right is going to demonize them no matter what they say. They have the “CNN = Communist News Network” baked in. And Donald Trump has already started lying about what’s going on at the network:

RELATED: Big Liar Donald Trump Lies Bigly that CNN Has Prohibited Saying the Phrase ‘The Big Lie’

There could be pluses and minuses about this program change. Lemon has a strong following and could provide some serious competition for Fox and Friends and Morning Joe on MSNBC. But how the primetime hours will be filled is going to tell us more about the direction CNN is headed. If Jim Acosta moves into the timeslot, there may yet still be hope. If it’s Chris Wallace, not so much.

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Al Franken Shows How to Make Republican Hacks Squirm By Using this One Little Trick – Truth!

CNN has not exactly been dignifying itself lately. It’s new management appears to be shifting its editorial direction more to either an artificial neutrality or downright conservativism. They have fired honest journalists like Brian Stelter and John Harwood. And sources say they are pushing remaining personnel to be more “Republican-friendly.”

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Al Franken, GOP Elephant

However, on Saturday one of the remaining bright lights at the network, Jim Acosta, invited Al Franken on to debate GOP strategist April Stewart about the legitimacy of the Supreme Court. To put it mildly, it didn’t go well for Stewart.

RELATED: Fox News Putin Puppet Tucker Carlson’s False Flag Fiction Gets Ripped By CNN’s Jim Acosta

The discussion began with Acosta playing a video of Vice-President Kamala Harris lamenting that the current Supreme Court is “an activist Court” as exemplified by its decision overturning Roe v Wade. Acosta then turned to Franken, who pointed out that if the Court’s reputation was suffering, it was because of Republicans disrespect for the institution. Franken cited as examples how they refused to take up the nomination of Merrick Garland due to the proximity of a presidential election, which was a year away, but then confirmed Amy Coney Barrett within a few weeks of an election.

Franken began by stating flatly and factually the circumstances that led to the confirmations of Justices Gorsuch and Barrett as having been “stolen.” What followed was an exchange that exposed the utter vacancy of the GOP’s position. Stewart attempted to revise history with a false argument about why Garland was snubbed. But Franken wasn’t having it (video below)

Franken: They’ve stolen two seats: the one that Merrick Garland wasn’t given a hearing for, and the one that Coney Barrett, where she was seated a week before the election. That destroyed the legitimacy of the court.
Stewart: To throw some accuracy in what Al said there, Merrick Garland was held up because we had divided government, a Democrat in the White House, and Republicans in control…
Franken: That’s not what McConnell said.
Stewart: But that’s the way historically this has been. When you’re in close to an election year and you have divided government….
Franken: No, that’s not the way it’s been historically done.
Stewart: When you have divided government, there typically is inclination to…
Franken: Tell me when this happened before. Tell me when it happened before.

Stewart ignored Franken’s question and tried repeatedly to push a narrative that had no resemblance to reality. And each time she did, Franken interrupted to ask her again to simply “tell me when it happened before.” She never could. And finally, Franken explained to her why she couldn’t cite another example…

Stewart: I can’t give you an exact example when this happened in the past.
Franken: You know why you can’t? Because it hasn’t happened before.

Stewart’s humiliating stammering as she sought to spread a wholly fictional account of the Republicans’ deliberate poisoning of the Supreme Court’s credibility is emblematic of how little regard the GOP has for the Court and the Constitution. But Franken’s dogged defense of historical honesty is a master class in how to handle right-wing propagandists. Hopefully we will see more of that as the midterm election advances – and beyond.

RELATED: CNN’s Jim Acosta Renames the Tucker Carlson, Fox News False Flag Flick: ‘Proud Boy Porn’

SEE ALSO: Jon Stewart Nails It: The Supreme Court is Now the Fox News of Justice

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CNN Cancels ‘Reliable Sources’ – Brian Stelter Walks – As Network Leans to the Right

Thursday afternoon CNN announced that it is cancelling it’s longest running program, and the only credible media analysis show on TV, “Reliable Sources.” It’s host, Brian Stelter, has also announced that he will leave the network.

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CNN, Brian Stelter, Reliable Sources

This Sunday will be the last episode of Reliable Sources. The decision comes shortly after CNN’s parent, Warner Bros., was bought by Discovery Networks, whose CEO David Zaslov is notoriously conservative. Discovery also has on its board of directors John Malone, a longtime right-winger and Trump supporter.

RELATED: Big Liar Donald Trump Lies Bigly that CNN Has Prohibited Saying the Phrase ‘The Big Lie’

The new company hired former “Late Show” producer Chris Licht to run the network. And while that might have seemed like a promising choice, Licht has been making statements about how he is more interested in cutting back on news analysis in favor of just presenting a dryer, context-free brand of straight news.

If they think that trying to stake out a neutral position is going to garner them more ratings or respect, they haven’t been paying attention. The right is going to demonize them no matter what they say if it less than wholly adoring of the right-wing, ultra-MAGA narrative. They already regard bland, non-partisan news readers like Wolf Blitzer as radical lefties. They think Joe Manchin is a socialist. Given the blind, knee-jerk biases of their conservative critics, it makes no sense to try to mollify them. Journalistic ethics requires a commitment to reporting the truth, even when it means calling liars liars. Especially when it means calling liars liars.

Reliable Sources has been an island in a rocky media sea where so many of the players are either slanted to the right or consumed by the need to “balance” stories with conservative lies just to avoid being perceived as “liberal.” CNN could not have picked a worse time ditch a program that helped people become more media literate. Phony neutrality will be perceived as weakness and will shortchange the audience who need more contextualization, not less.

The impact of this cancelation can be assessed by the reactions of the right-wing pundits who never watched it. Twitter was trending all afternoon with derogatory remarks about the program and its host that aren’t worth repeating here. Suffice to say that they were uniformly infantile and devoid of any actual substance.

For its part, Fox News had two stories about the cancelation on their website. They were titled “Brian Stelter out at CNN as network cancels media show ‘Reliable Sources'” and “‘Later, Tater!’ Twitter says goodbye to Brian Stelter after CNN cancels his show.” Both articles reinforced the Fox News hatred for professional journalism standards. And it’s notable that there were two of these articles on CNN, but not a single story on the website’s front page about the CFO of The Trump Organization, Allen Weisselberg, pleading guilty to 15 felonies. UPDATE: There have two more stories on CNN, but still no story on Weisselberg.

While right-wingers across the InterTubes are celebrating the news of Stelter’s departure as if it was an obituary, Stelter is actually going to be pretty busy. Setting aside whatever new TV role he may assume, he is currently a producer of “The Morning Show” on Apple TV+, a successful adaptation of his book, “Top of the Morning.” It stars Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon, and Steve Carell, and has received eight Emmys and 53 nominations. He is also the author of the bestseller, Hoax: Donald Trump, Fox News, and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth.”

RELATED: CNN’s Brian Stelter’s Killer Video Mash Up: Tucker Carlson is the New Alex Jones

It is disappointing that CNN would cancel this unique program at this time. And it portends trouble going forward if they continue in this direction. The media is sorely in need of honest self appraisals. Reliable Sources did that covering TV, radio, print and the Internet. Now there aren’t any programs that are dedicated to that mission. It’s a sad state of affairs, and one that Stelter himself noted in his goodbye tweet…

“I loved anchoring @ReliableSources. It was a rare privilege to lead a weekly show focused on the press at a time when it has never been more consequential.”

UPDATE: Predictably, Trump has weighed in with his customary childish BS, saying that “Brian Stelter of Fake News CNN got fired because he lied, and lied, and lied – ABOUT ME. May he REST IN PEACE!” Of course, Stelter was NOT fired, he quit. And Trump can’t cite a single alleged lie. And Stelter, as noted above, is far from dead. Can’t the same about Trump.

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Trump Attorney Announces Laughable Lawsuit Against CNN for Accurately Calling Trump a Liar

Donald Trump is nothing if not predictable. Whenever he encounters bad news he responds reflexively by going on the attack. Often that manifests in his declaring an intention to file a lawsuit against those he deems to have offended him. For the most part, his antics fail to achieve anything except to waste the time of the court and/or to humiliate himself.

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Donald Trump, CNN

With the profoundly effective investigation of the January 6th insurrection being conducted by the House Select Committee, Trump is at it again. The Committee is masterfully presenting evidence of the multitude of crimes that Trump has committed. So in a transparent attempt to deflect attention from his legal peril, he is flinging ludicrous threats of lawsuits around that have no plausible chance of success.

RELATED: REPORT: Trump is ‘Fixated’ on the January 6th Hearings and Obsessed with How He is Coming Across

Lindsey Halligan, one of a string of Trump’s incompetent attorneys, appeared this week on recently convicted Steve Bannon’s ‘War Room’ podcast to announce a threat to sue CNN. The complaint is typically preposterous and offers more opportunity for comedy than for anything of any legal importance. Halligan told Bannon that…

“CNN branded president Trump as a liar and referred to his questions regarding voter fraud as the ‘Big Lie,’ which is actually linked to Adolph Hitler. So it’s pretty simple. If you’re going to call someone a liar, back it up with research, well founded facts. Otherwise, don’t report it. Don’t distort the truth. […] CNN responded to our letter today, advising us that they will not retract any of the statements. So they will be getting served with a lawsuit very shortly, I believe.”

This lawsuit could be the hottest streaming entertainment of the season. If Trump hopes to make the case that CNN defamed him by calling him a liar, he’s going to have to produce evidence that CNN’s reporting is false. That’s going to be be a tough sell considering that Trump has been documented to have told more than 30,000 lies during occupancy of the White House.

Specifically with regard to the “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged” and “stolen” from him, Trump will need to contradict all of his own White House aides who advised him that there was no significant voter fraud. They include his FBI director, Chris Wray, his DHS chief of cybersecurity, Chris Krebs, and his Attorney General, Bill Barr, who called such claims “bullshit.”

RELATED: AG Bill Barr on Trump’s Big Lie: We Realized From the Beginning it Was Just Bull****

Consequently, CNN will have little trouble affirming the accuracy of their reporting. What’s more, through the process of discovery, they can force Trump to provide further proof that he was repeatedly warned that his election fraud allegations were totally bogus. Which will result in this lawsuit suffering the same fate that his prior legal stunts did. For instance…

Trump’s latest legal threat, like those that preceded it, is drawn from the same pool of ignorance that Trump has always wallowed in. It is just another attempt to create a distraction, to abuse the justice system, and to drain donations from his glassy-eyed cult followers. Which, in the big scheme of things, is really all he cares about.

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REPORT: Trump is ‘Fixated’ on the January 6th Hearings and Obsessed with How He is Coming Across

The House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection has produced an abundance of documents and testimony incriminating Donald Trump and many of his seditious co-conspirators. And most of what they have discovered was provided by Republicans who worked for Trump in the White House and his campaigns. No wonder Trump is scared witless about what his former staffers are saying.

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Donald Trump, Snowflakes

Throughout the past several weeks that the hearings have been conducted, Trump, and the MAGA media that fawns over him, have dismissed the proceedings as a pointless waste of time that is full of lies and that no one is watching. You might ask how they know about the alleged lying if they aren’t watching.

The truth is that the American people are paying close attention to the hearings. The ratings have been through the roof, with CNN and MSNBC frequently beating Fox News, where the hearings are often ignored. And the resulting change in public opinion is also showing up in recent polling that shows majorities believing that Trump is guilty of inciting the riots on Capitol Hill, and other crimes.

RELATED: Cassidy Hutchinson Testimony for the January 6th Committee Breaks TV Viewing Records

Among the viewers who pretend not to be interested is Trump himself. Never mind that he has been relentlessly whining about what the hearings are revealing. As proof of his emotional retardation, he has labeled the congressional panel the “Unselect Committee” and posts goofy nicknames for its members. It won’t be long before he’s calling them “poopyheads.” But it is clear that he is paying attention. As reported by CNN (video below)

“Former President Donald Trump, who has repeatedly downplayed the significance of the hearings by the House select committee investigating January 6, 2021, has regularly asked those around him in recent days when the televised hearings are going to end — underscoring his private fixation on the damning revelations revealed by some of the committee’s witnesses.

“The six public hearings held thus far have been more effective than many in Trump’s orbit anticipated, including when a former White House aide testified publicly about his behavior the day of the Capitol insurrection.”

According to CNN, sources close to Trump say that he, “has been unable to look away from the hearings,” and has lashed out in profanity-laced tirades because “no one is on the dais defending him.” However, the absence of his defenders is due to GOP minority leader Kevin McCarthy’s pigheaded stubbornness. He refused to appoint any non-compromised Republicans to the panel.

What’s more, Trump’s allies have all refused to show up and testify under oath, even when compelled by subpoenas. That is likely because they are afraid of incriminating themselves and/or their Dear Leader. And of course, Trump could defend himself before the Committee if he weren’t such a coward and so obviously guilty.

The sad truth for Trump is that there is no defense for his treasonous acts. And more evidence is being uncovered daily that should lead to indictments and prosecution. Trump knows this and is sweating it out and badgering his friends privately, while making a fool of himself publicly with his tedious yammering about nonexistent election fraud. It’s a pathetic display that is only bound to get worse going forward.

RELATED: The Crimes Trump Can (Should) Be Indicted For Now, According to Watergate Prosecutor and Others

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