By Trump’s Deranged Logic the U.S. Should Takeover Israel and Relocate All of its Residents

The Decline of Western Civilization is accelerating apace as Donald Trump continues to roll out his neo-fascist, Project 2025 agenda with the cowardly compliance of Republicans in Congress and the MAGA-friendly media. In less than three weeks he has presided over a federal spending freeze that devastates critical services, the gutting of law enforcement personal at the Justice Department and the FBI, and the illegal invasion of government facilities by the unqualified and unaccountable armies of Muskler Youth.

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Trump Tower in bombed out Gaza

Near the top of the list of catastrophic Trump initiatives is his proposed scheme to commit blatant crimes against humanity by ordering the ethnic cleansing of Gaza, and declaring the occupied Palestinian territory a wholly owned property of the United States. Trump has neither the legal authority, nor the moral standing to make such a declaration. And his escalation of these preposterous pronouncements is a major contributor to his abysmal approval ratings.

SEE THIS: Trump 2.0 Begins with Approval Ratings that Rank Below Every Other President Dating Back to 1953

On Thursday morning Trump quadrupled-down on his delusional Gaza annexation aspirations. He posted a comment on his failing Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, that reaffirmed just how mentally twisted he is. He began by asserting that “The Gaza Strip would be turned over to the United States by Israel,” as if Israel held that power, or even the inclination to do so. Then he bizarrely implied that the Democratic leader of the Senate, Chuck Schumer, is himself a Palestinian. And it just got worse from there. Trump claimed that the entirety of the Palestinian residents of Gaza…

“…would have already been resettled in far safer and more beautiful communities. They would actually have a chance to be happy, safe, and free. The U.S., working with great development teams from all over the World, would slowly and carefully begin the construction of what would become one of the greatest and most spectacular developments of its kind on Earth. No soldiers by the U.S. would be needed! Stability for the region would reign!!!”

Never mind that the mass resettlement of a populations is a violation of international law. So is the assumption of their then vacant land for the habitation and profit of others. And if Trump really believes that all of that could be accomplished without a provoking a prolonged war between the Palestinians, the U.S., and Israel, he is farther along the path to debilitating senility that previously thought.

What’s more, Trump’s logic is so deeply flawed that it can easily be turned against him. If his proposal for resettlement is so great, why not resettle the Israelis? After all…

“They would actually have a chance to be happy, safe, and free. The U.S., working with great development teams from all over the World, would slowly and carefully begin the construction of what would become one of the greatest and most spectacular developments of its kind on Earth.”

So maybe Trump could make a deal to buy Greenland, or Madagascar, or even Baja California, and move all the Israelis there. If New Israel were in Baja California, I would even move there. There would be peace and prosperity in a beautiful locale, with Mediterranean weather, and close to the U.S. Let the Palestinians have the god-forsaken desert in the Middle East with proximity to their Muslim neighbors.

Of course, that proposal is offered with a healthy heaping of sarcasm. One of the problems with moving either Palestinians or Israelis is that the land they are on now isn’t just some random piece of real estate. It is regarded by both sides as the ancestral homeland for their people, given to them by God. But Trump thinks that he can just pack them up and ship them off to some unspecified destination, even though every Arab country has already refused to take in the Palestinians.

Naturally, Fox News is all for Trump’s idiotic plans to uproot the Palestinians and steal the land. They can’t understand why the idea wouldn’t be accepted with unbounded glee. And Trump probably thinks it would be a good location for a Trump Golf and Resort Spa on the Mediterranean. But maybe he should Don Jr, or Eric or Elon there first to check it out and see if they can’t get Hamas to sign on.

In the meantime, The Daily Show had its own take on the subject. Host Desi Lydic noted that “Trump wants to turn Gaza into the Riviera? He couldn’t even turn Atlantic City into a nicer Atlantic City! If anything, they tore down so many of his casinos he turned Atlantic city into Gaza!”


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Trump Weighs in on the Campus Israeli/Palestinian Protests in the Most Trumpian Way Imaginable

For the past couple of weeks American college campuses have been roiled by student protests over the conflict in Gaza and the overly harsh measures taken by Israel against the Palestinian residents. Most Americans support Israel’s right to defend itself, particularly after the brutal terrorist attack on October 7th. But the nation is united against the massacre of civilians by the Netanyahu regime.

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Donald Trump Insurrection

While it is nearly impossible to get Donald Trump to shut up about any public matter that he thinks he can exploit to his advantage, it took many days of national demonstrations to finally get him to stake out a position on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. And not surprisingly, he has adopted one that features himself as the savior and the only person capable of restoring peace. Which is his knee-jerk reaction to nearly every crisis.

SEE THIS: Self-Appointed Pseudo Messiah Trump Decrees that ‘Nobody Else’ But Him Can Keep Israel Safe

On Tuesday Trump took to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, to post a couple of comments that said much more than he intended. The first said that…

“Tremendous damage done too, when you look at that building. That’s a landmark and it’s really been damaged badly by these people.”

And the second said that…

“People have to RESPECT LAW AND ORDER in this Country.”

Those are extraordinarily oblivious statements that, for most Americans, will only serve as reminders of the violent insurrection that Trump incited on January 6, 2021. During that riot, that was deliberately designed to obstruct Congress from certifying the 2020 presidential election, there was also a building – the United States Congress – that was a landmark and that was also badly damaged by the domestic terrorists of Trump’s cult. In fact, the StormTrumpers caused millions of dollars in damage to the Capitol, as well as injuries to more than 140 law enforcement officers.

That is Trump’s idea of “RESPECT[ing] LAW AND ORDER.” But he wasn’t finished with his ludicrous ranting about the campus protests. He later posted another comment that revealed just how deeply deranged he is, and by association, how gullible and dangerous his cult disciples are. Trump wrote that…

“Do you think that the Radical Left Lunatics that are causing all of the CHAOS at our Colleges and Universities are doing so in order to take the FOCUS away from our Southern Border, where millions of people, many from prisons and mental institutions, are pouring into our Country? Just askin’…???”

That’s right. Trump is dispensing a crackpot conspiracy theory that the student protesters aren’t really there to express their disapproval of Israel’s hostilities toward Palestinian civilians. According To Trump they are covert immigration activists engaged in a clandestine mission to deflect attention away from refugees seeking safety and freedom in the U.S.

What a devious plot. And one for which Trump has no shred of evidence. So where did Trump get this preposterous theory? Apparently from his asinine and demented imagination that is obsessed with the nether regions of the nation. What’s more, he is joining the MAGA GOP crowd in maligning the protesters as anti-Semitic. But the way that we know that that is utter nonsense is that if these protesters were anti-Semitic, Trump would be calling them “very fine people.”

So Trump’s morning outrage has covered his notion that thousands of American students across the country are secretly fighting to bring foreign convicts and mental patients into America. And it also served as reminder of the horrific physical and property damage caused by his January 6th insurrectionists. All of which means that Trump will regard this as a productive day and take the rest of it off. Which he will surely appreciate because he has another strenuous day of napping in court tomorrow.


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GOOD LUCK: White House Asks Fox News to Apologize for ‘Hateful Lies’ By Racist Host Jesse Watters

The war in the Middle East between Hamas terrorists and Israel is continuing to cost the lives of untold numbers of civilians on both sides of the conflict. However, the tragic consequences of this war are not limited to the geographical region of the combatants. In some obvious and painful ways the war has been brought home to the U.S.

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Jesse Watters, Fox News

Americans of Jewish and Arab heritage are increasingly becoming the victims of vile bigots who are engaging in verbal and physical abuse against innocent people who have nothing to do with the war. Indeed, many of the victims are advocates for peace and tolerance. Even worse, among the blatant racists are leaders in the Republican Party such as their new Speaker, Mike Johnson, who is already callously politicizing the war…

SEE THIS: Republicans in Congress are Holding Israelis Hostage to Aid for Wealthy American Tax Cheats

To no one’s surprise, the GOP’s Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News, is leading the parade of prejudice. On Thursday Jesse Watters, Fox’s Senior White Nationalist since the exodus of Tucker Carlson, unleashed a repulsive rant attacking the entire Muslim population of America. He fumed feverishly that he wanted “to say something about Arab Americans and about the Muslim world.” Then he upchucked the following…

“We made them rich. We got that oil out of the ground. Our military protects all of these oil shipments, flying around the world, making them rich. We fund their military, we respect their kings. We kill their terrorists. OK? But we’ve had it. We’ve had it with them. Obama, Trump, now Biden, have tried to get the heck out of that stupid desert. Just as we’re about to get out, because we have this great balance of power we’re arranging, these crazy Muslim fanatics come in and massacre over a thousand of our allies and hold Jewish people hostage, hold Americans hostage. And so, if you are an Arab American in this country and you ripped down posters of Jewish hostages, American hostages. No. No. No. No. Someone is gonna get punched in the face.”

Notice that Watters directed this hostile harangue to Arab Americans. Not to the Hamas terrorists or anti-Semites in the U.S., but to every Arab resident in the country. And his threat of being “punched in the face” was likewise aimed broadly at an entire ethnic community. It is bitterly emblematic of the Islamophobia that infects the hate mongers of the ultra-right.

In response, President Biden had the White House issue a statement condemning Watters’ rancid rhetoric and asking Fox News for an apology. Never mind that Fox would never rise to the level of decency necessary to produce such an apology. To the contrary, they would more likely give Watters a bonus. The White House statement said that…

“These hateful lies about ‘Arab Americans and…the Muslim world’ highlight the urgency of President Biden’s work to ensure hate has no safe harbor in America, and why he committed to the first national anti-Islamophobia strategy in our history. These unacceptable remarks come just weeks after the heartbreaking killing of a 6 year old Palestinian-American child, and during a spike in threats against Muslim and Arab Americans.

“Fox News owes an apology to every single viewer for this sickening attack on the rights and dignity of their fellow Americans. President Biden will always stand up against Islamophobia, antisemitism, and all forms of hate. Fox News should learn from his example.”

Predictably, Republicans and other committed racists attacked Biden’s efforts to diminish bigotry. Across the rightosphere there were complaints that the Biden administration was focusing only on islamophobia and ignoring anti-Semitism. For instance, Fox News anchor Julie Banderas opined that “college campuses have become hot beds for Jew haters.” Then went on to criticize the administration saying…

“But then you have Kamala Harris, the vice president, who just this week launched a strategy to end anti-Islamophobia in this country, almost turning a complete blind eye to the true hatred in this country right now, and it’s anti-Semitism.”

Banderas’ Fox colleague, Steve Hilton, agreed insisting that college campuses where students protested attacks on Palestinian civilians need to be shut down. Which is both anti-Palestinian and anti-free speech. However, it’s consistent with the conservative opposition to education, in order to keep their followers stupid.

What’s more, these remarks are not merely racist. They are also flagrant lies. The Biden administration has spoken out repeatedly against anti-Semitism. And just two days prior to this rant on Fox News, the administration announced an initiative to address the growing anti-Semitism in America…

“The Biden administration is unveiling new actions Monday to combat antisemitism on college campuses after an ‘alarming’ uptick in incidents since the Israel-Hamas war started in early October. The departments of Justice and Homeland Security are partnering with campus law enforcement to track hate-related threats and provide federal resources to schools, according to the plan.”

So the cretins on Fox News and in the Republican Party are deliberately lying about the positive efforts by Biden to constrain hate mongering. And they are also lying in order to exacerbate the hatred of Muslim and Arab Americans. That’s because they want these relationships to sour so that they can blame any unrest on Biden and the Democrats. And they just don’t care who gets hurt.


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Peter Doocy of Fox News is APPALLED that Biden is Working to Free American Hostages in Gaza

The war being waged in the Middle East between Hamas terrorists and Israel continues to produce horrific casualties for innocent civilians on both sides. The Biden administration has been staunchly supportive of the right of our allies in Israel to defend themselves, as well as the welfare of Palestinians in the line of fire and those displaced by the conflict.

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Fox News, Peter Doocy

In the meantime, Republicans in Congress have lowered themselves to politicizing the issue by conditioning critical aid to Israel and Gaza civilians on a callously political handout to America’s ultra rich and corporations. The GOP scheme pairs the aid to a cut in funding for the IRS, which would result not only in allowing wealthy tax cheats to get away with their crimes, but also a $26 billion increase in the nation’s budget deficit.

SEE THIS: Republicans in Congress are Holding Israelis Hostage to Aid for Wealthy American Tax Cheats

With all of that roiling the political environment in Washington, Fox News White House correspondent, Peter Doocy, sought to contribute his unique brand of bias and deflection during a press briefing on Thursday morning. The predictably partisan narrative stuffed into his loaded questions resulted in the following exchange with John Kirby, the spokesman for the National Security Council…

Doocy: Talking about getting Americans out of Gaza, President Biden said “I want to thank our partners in the region and particularly Qatar.” The leader of Hamas lives in Qatar. So why is President Biden thanking them for anything?
Kirby: Oh jeez, Peter! Let’s take a step back and look at this.
Doocy: This is the group that killed Americans and kidnapped Americans within the last month.
Kirby: Peter, Qatar has been helpful in getting those Americans out. I’m sure that you would agree with me, and everyone at your network would agree, that getting American hostages out is a good thing. And Qatar is a key player in that regard. Qatar has lines of communication with Hamas that almost nobody else has.

Now, I’m not saying we support Hamas. Of course we don’t. They’re a terrorist organization. And Israel has an absolute right to go after them. But Qatar has lines of communication that not everybody else has, and it would be irresponsible – in fact I would expect that you and everyone else in here would be going after me if we weren’t doing everything that we could, and having every possible conversation we can have, to get Americans that are held hostage back home with their families. If we weren’t doing that it would be diplomatic malpractice.

First of all, Kirby is mistaken if he believes that Doocy and “everyone at [his] network” agree that freeing American hostages takes priority over their partisan political objectives. As evidenced by their conditional aid to Israel, Republicans are far more fixated on providing aid to their privileged domestic donors than to the victims of foreign wars.

Furthermore, Doocy is exhibiting his famously biased and ignorant perspective on current affairs by failing to grasp that American and Israeli hostages are not going to be released without the help of Qataris who have open lines of communications with Hamas. Trying to bully Qatar into going after Hamas personnel would not advance the goal of freeing Americans. And there will be plenty of time to pursue Hamas after the hostages are safe.

Nevertheless, Doocy persisted with his line of questioning, provoking Kirby to reiterate that “We are working with Qatar to get our people out and to help get aid in. That’s our priority right now.” Kirby also noted that the U.S. helping Israel to go after the terrorists. Which, as previously noted, is something that Republicans in Congress are working against with their conditional aid to Israel. Maybe Doocy should ask Republicans about that.


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Republicans in Congress are Holding Israelis Hostage to Aid for Wealthy American Tax Cheats

It may be difficult to imagine these days, but there used to be certain issues that Democrats and Republicans agreed on. Most prominently were those issues that addressed national security and a commitment to our international allies. But in the era of Donald Trump and his MAGA cult, the best interests of America have been scrapped in favor ultra-partisanship and devotion to an aspiring authoritarian figurehead.

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Republican Cash

Evidence of the degradation of congressional comity is painfully apparent in the proposal by the new Republican Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, to provide emergency humanitarian aid to Israel. While he has only been in the Speaker’s chair for a week, Johnson has already demonstrated that he is an extremist conservative whose priorities could not be farther away from those of the American people.

SEE THIS: Speaker Mike Johnson is Already Pushing the Phony Biden Impeachment, Despite Having No Evidence

President Biden has offered a plan to aid Israel in its fight against Hamas terrorists. The plan also includes aid to our allies in Ukraine and funding for border security. But while Senate Republicans and Democrats are both supporting Biden’s proposal, Johnson and Republicans in the House have refused to consider it. They have instead put forward their own bill that pairs the emergency aid for Israel with offsetting cuts to the federal budget, specifically the funding that Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act provided to the IRS.

One of the reasons that Republicans oppose Biden’s proposal is because they object to joining two separate subjects (Israel and Ukraine) in the same bill. But that’s exactly what the GOP is doing with their proposal for aid to Israel combined with slashing IRS funding. So they think that it’s wrong to pair aid for two allies whose people are being slaughtered by terrorist aggressors, but it’s okay to pair humanitarian aid with a budget cut that will allow wealthy American tax cheats to get away with their crimes. Good to know.

What’s more, Republicans are framing their phony legislation as offsetting the aid for Israel with federal budget cuts elsewhere. But cutting the IRS budget will only reduce the revenue that the agency is able to generate. Which the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates would be $200 billion over a decade. So the effect of the GOP bill is to increase the deficit by spending on aid for Israel, and increasing the deficit even more by further reducing revenue.

SEE ALSO: Fox News Fear Mongers that Biden’s IRS Agents Will ‘Hunt Down and Kill Middle Class Taxpayers’

This is a double hit on the debt that leaves our allies in Ukraine in grave peril, and lets the tax cheats who finance Republican campaigns off the hook. But that isn’t all. It would also make it harder for the IRS to investigate and sanction unlawful funding for worldwide terrorism. And because the GOP bill has little chance of passing in the Senate or getting the President’s signature, it is also imperiling the aid to Israel. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre addressed these matters saying that…

“Politicizing our national security interests is a nonstarter. Demanding offsets for meeting core national security needs of the United States – like supporting Israel and defending Ukraine from atrocities and Russian imperialism – would be a break with the normal, bipartisan process and could have devastating implications for our safety and alliances in the years ahead.”

Make no mistake, Republicans don’t care about Israel or Ukraine or the deficit or even border security. They are focused solely on throwing a monkey wrench into anything that Biden proposes. It’s a brazenly political ploy to create legislative chaos, and then try to blame Biden and Democrats for it. They tried that before with the debt ceiling and the government shutdown, but it didn’t work. Undeterred, they still think that they will be able to attack Democrats for voting against the aid for Israel, even though it was the Republicans’ deliberate poison pill in the bill that doomed it to failure.

The American people, however, are smarter than Republicans give them credit for. And the GOP will be exposed for, once again, putting party before country, even at the expense of innocent lives. This is the agenda of the new GOP Speaker and the razor-thin Republican majority in the House. And their callousness, greed, hypocrisy, and anti-Americanism will not be forgotten when voters go to the polls next November.


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The Republican Party’s Lies About Biden Are So Blatant that Even Fox News Had to Rebut Them

These are uncommonly hectic times for America and world. With political crises unfolding at home, and terrorist attacks on our allies abroad, the nation and its leaders are being stretched thin as they attempt to deal with all of it.

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Donald Trump, Republican, GOP

It doesn’t help matters that the United States Congress is crippled by the ineptitude and ego of its Republican “leaders” in the House of Representatives. They still can’t manage to select their own Speaker after having ousted the one that took them fifteen votes to elect just nine months ago. In the process the GOP is embarrassing themselves and grasping at preposterous excuses for why their incompetence is all the fault of Democrats.

SEE THIS: Fox News Dangles Dopey Spin that Hakeem Jeffries Lost the Speaker’s Vote ’17 Times in a Row’

Lacking any coherent explanation for their humiliating failures, Republicans are struggling to shift attention away from themselves and unto President Biden. The problem with that strategy is that they haven’t got any rational criticisms of Biden either. Consequently, they are stuck with having to invent complaints that bear no resemblance to reality. For instance, the Republican National Committee (RNC) just tweeted that “Americans are still being held hostage by Hamas terrorists — and Joe Biden is at the beach.”

The GOP tweet seeks to portray Biden as neglecting his presidential duties at a time of dire circumstances. Never mind that Biden just returned from a historic diplomatic mission to Israel. And that’s not all. The RNC’s tweet is so dishonest that even Fox News was compelled to rebut it with the facts. Their reporter, Alexandria Hoff, noted that…

“The President has been anything but off the grid while here in Delaware. [In addition to speaking with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu] the President also spoke with his national security team this morning. Pope Francis as well. Plus the leaders of Germany, France, Italy, the UK, and Canada too. So the President’s line then, here in Delaware, was very busy today. Even on that breezy beach walk you were just talking about, the President was on his cell phone during a portion of that.”

So Biden, according to Fox News, was actually hard at work on behalf of our Israeli allies and the American hostages in Gaza. Meanwhile, what were Republicans in Washington doing while “Americans are still being held hostage by Hamas terrorists”? Well, they called a recess and left town. But even before that they weren’t getting anything done for the hostages or anyone else because they are too incompetent to govern. Consequently, the House of Representatives is going on three weeks without a Speaker. Which means that nothing is being accomplished and they might as well be at the beach.

Yet somehow, the RNC is upset about Biden spending a few minutes strolling with his wife after a hard day of complex and sensitive negotiations with world leaders. But they don’t seem the least bit concerned that the GOP in Congress is in a self-imposed vegetative state.

What’s more, their Dear Leader, Donald Trump, is busying himself with similar memes of Biden at the beach, along with pertinent messages about Mitt Romney being a loser (four of those), and fake video of Trump hitting a golf ball that knocks Biden down several times. All while “Americans are still being held hostage by Hamas terrorists.” Trump also posted a flagrant lie saying that…

“The fight in GAZA is ‘coming home’ to the USA. The tens of thousands of strong young men from the Middle East, that have already ‘invaded’ our Country, and are continuing to come, totally unchecked, will become a problem the likes of which we have never seen before. Crooked Joe Biden is a very ignorant (STUPID!) man, who has NEVER been right on a foreign policy issue in his life. CLOSE OUR BORDER, NOW. STOP THE ONSLAUGHT, STOP THE INVASION!”

Trump doesn’t reveal where he got the “news” that “tens of thousands” of scary Middle Easterners “have already ‘invaded’ our Country.” Probably from the same place that he’s presently sitting on, rather than doing anything constructive for the American people. And he has the gall to malign Biden’s intelligence? All of which makes him the perfect leader for Republicans who are likewise engaged in infantile hostilities and exercising nothing but their lying tongues.


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PANTS ON FIRE: Fear Mongering Trump Lies that Hamas is ‘Pouring Into Our Once Beautiful USA’

In the week since Hamas launched its terrorist attack on Israel, Donald Trump has managed to take positions that alternately praised the terrorists as “smart” and insulted President Biden as complicit with the terrorists. It has been the sort of typically incoherent, self-serving ramblings that characterize Trump’s anti-American brand of asininity.

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Donald Trump, Woman, Fear

However, not content with merely disparaging America, alienating our allies, and emboldening our enemies, Trump has also been directing his diatribes toward our fellow citizens here at home. On Friday Trump posted a video on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, wherein he sought to frighten his cult disciples with nightmarish tales of an impending doom that only he can save them from. Which is a deranged decree that he has delivered many times before.

SEE ALSO: Self-Appointed Pseudo Messiah Trump Decrees that ‘Nobody Else’ But Him Can Keep Israel Safe

In Trump’s latest video he outdid himself with brazenly bald-faced lies. And the fact that he was exploiting the tragic suffering and loss in Israel for his egomaniacal glorification makes it all the more repulsive. Here is what he said with all the sincerity and credibility of a poison-laced snake oil salesman…

“The same people that raided Israel are pouring into our once beautiful USA through our totally open southern border at record numbers. These are the same people, many of them, that did a number in Israel, a sneak attack. Same people we have pouring into our country by the thousands. Are they planning to attack within our country?

“Crooked Joe Biden and his boss Barack Hussein Obama did this to us. We cannot let this happen. They may be planning something very very bad. Don’t forget, I’m not making this as a prediction. But there’s a phrase out there: Trump was right about everything. We have to be very careful. I don’t want to be right about this. But people are pouring in from the Middle East into our country, largely males, strong young males. What’s going on over here? Are we going to be raided like Israel was raided?”

Needless to say, not a single word of that bears the slightest resemblance to reality. It is entirely intended to stoke the most severe fears and anxieties of the glassy-eyed cultists who worship him. There have been exactly zero Hamas, or any other Middle East terrorists, crossing our Southern border, which is most definitely not open.

What’s more, Trump’s frequent assertion that Obama is controlling Biden is just a manifestation of an obsession that continues to occupy his feeble brain seven years after Obama left office. And his repetitive warnings of an attack by imaginary Muslim terror cells is only going to fuel further prejudice and potential violence against innocent people.

For the record, PolitiFact addressed these remarks by Trump and found them to be “Pants on Fire” level lies…

“Terrorism experts told us that there is no evidence that Hamas, a terrorist group in Gaza, has militants crossing the Mexico-U.S. border, much less in record numbers. And a DHS spokesperson said there is no credible intelligence to signal a threat to the U.S. from Hamas.”

Furthermore, PolitiFact’s analysis of Trump’s statements over time reveal that 75% of them have been determined to be “Mostly False” “False,” or “Pants on Fire.” To anyone who has been paying attention for the past several years, that won’t come as much of a surprise. But it is nevertheless alarming that such a grotesquely dishonest, sociopathic, aspiring authoritarian is still leading the Republican Party’s race for their 2024 presidential nomination. It says all you need to know about today’s GOP, that can’t even manage to elect a Speaker of the House.


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WTF? Fox News Hosts Argue to End Trump Prosecutions Because of – Hamas Terrorism in Israel?

It has been a week since the terrorists of Hamas launched a savage surprise assault on civilians in Israel. That assault predictably led to the Israeli Defense Forces mounting a campaign to root out the perpetrators and to prevent further hostilities against innocent citizens from many countries, including the United States. It was the commencement of a conflagration that will likely produce even more tragic casualties.

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Laura Ingraham, Fox News, Goofy

Here at home, the ultra-rightist propaganda machine we know as Fox News set out to relieve the Hamas terrorists from responsibility and instead assign blame to President Biden and, more broadly, to America. The “Blame America First” brigade manufactured wholly dishonest allegations that the Biden administration was somehow responsible for the attack. Donald Trump was among the anti-America crowd with his preposterous assertion that “American taxpayer dollars helped fund these attacks, which many reports are saying came from the Biden Administration.” It is smear campaign so ridiculous that even a Fox News reporter shot it down.

SEE THIS: Even Fox News Exposes GOP Lies on the War in Israel and How the Party Harms National Security

Undeterred by facts or reason, shills at Fox News have escalated their traitorous tirades. And having apparently run out of their garden variety garbage, they are now stirring up cocktails of crackpottery that are absurd even by their screwball standards.

On Tuesday night’s episode of Laura Ingraham’s program, she endeavored to combine two subjects that couldn’t be farther apart. In a segment wherein she criticized President Biden for daring to speak eloquently about America’s commitment to Israel and our rejection of hate groups here at home, Ingraham spit out a puzzling and perverse argument on behalf of her Dear Leader Trump…

Biden (on video): Let’s be real clear. There is no place for hate in America.
Ingraham: Okay. Well, if he’s really against hate, then he should call a prosecutorial cease-fire against his political adversaries like the former president, and direct his DOJ and DHS to stop making conservative Americans feel like they are the enemy or like they’re the violent extremists out there.

HUH? What does Biden’s message opposing hate have to do with the prosecution of Trump on 91 felony counts for which there is abundant evidence of his guilt? Her use of the terms of war (i.e. “cease fire”) are deliberate attempts to inflame irrational outrage on the part of her cult viewers. And the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security are doing their jobs to protect Americans and hold violent lawbreakers, including Trump, accountable.

What’s more, Biden has been acting ethically in office by not interfering with the administration of justice, which Ingraham is now imploring him to do. That sort of interference and abuse of power is what Trump has explicitly promised to do if he were to be reelected. But it is contrary to the principles of law that have governed this nation since its founding.

In addition to Ingraham, Fox’s Mark Levin likewise conflated Trump’s legal tribulations with the terrorism in the Middle East. Levin made the following comments on his program, which Trump promptly quoted on his failing social media scam, Truth Social

“Meanwhile, this lowlife, Jack Smith, and his master, the lowlife attorney general, continue their fascistic campaign against Trump, even now, as it becomes crystal clear to more and more Americans that Trump brought historic peace to the Middle East while the regime has blown it up and betrayed the Israelis.”

That comment is wrong on so many levels. First of all, Trump is hiding behind Levin’s words to avoid – he thinks – being found in contempt of court for violating the order to refrain from disparaging the court’s officers. Secondly, he still has no idea what “fascism” means. Third, he is quite obviously lying about having “brought peace to the Middle East.” He is also lying about Biden having “betrayed the Israelis,” who have been profusely expressing their gratitude to Biden and America for their unwavering support.

SEE ALSO: While Fox News Bashes Biden on Israel, Netanyahu Thanks Him for His ‘Incredible Support’

Of course, both Levin and Ingraham are making no sense at all with their juxtaposition of Trump’s legal problems with the Hamas attacks. But then, when have the brazenly biased attacks by Fox News ever made any sense? That isn’t even their purpose. The only objective of the mostly incomprehensible commentaries on Fox News is to enrage their audience and incite hostilities toward Democrats. And that doesn’t require logic or facts or anything resembling reality.


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While Fox News Bashes Biden on Israel, Netanyahu Thanks Him for His ‘Incredible Support’

As the Hamas assault on Israel continues, the efforts by Republicans to politicize the terrorist atrocities grow ever more repugnant and despicably dishonest. They simply can’t resist any opportunity to demean America’s mission to aid Israel, even if – or especially if – it means maligning President Biden and other Democrats.

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Fox News, Joe Biden

Naturally, The GOP’s Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News, is at the forefront of disseminating lies and deliberate disinformation in pursuit of their partisan political goals. They would rather engage in smear campaigns against their domestic electoral foes, than to stand up for their international allies who are suffering a torrent of savagery. Consequently, the narrative at Fox News is that this is all somehow President Biden’s fault. It’s such a ridiculous proposition that Fox News can’t even sustain it…

SEE THIS: Even Fox News Exposes GOP Lies on the War in Israel and How the Party Harms National Security

To no one’s surprise, Donald Trump is thoroughly bought into the “Blame America First” brigade. And on Wednesday he gave a speech wherein praised the terrorists who are massacring innocent Israelis, and turned his wrath on our Israeli allies, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who Trump may have been angry with for showing solidarity with Biden.

Trump’s tirade led to the Israeli Communications Minister, Shlomo Karhi, responding to say that it is “shameful that a man like that, a former US president, abets propaganda and disseminates things that wound the spirit of Israel’s fighters and its citizens. We don’t have to bother with him and the nonsense he spouts.” And Netanyahu expressed his unreserved gratitude to America in general, and Biden in particular, in a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, saying…

“Mr. Secretary. My good friend, Tony. Thank you, thank President Biden, and thank you to the American people for your incredible support for Israel in our war against the barbarians of Hamas.”

It’s notable that Fox News covered that part of the Blinken/Netanyahu summit. But rest assured that it will not likely be repeated on their primetime Trump-fluffing programs. Nor will they air Netanyahu embracing Biden’s support and praising America “for standing with Israel today, tomorrow, and always.”

Much of Fox’s coverage of the Hamas crusade against Israel seeks to preposterously accuse Biden of providing the financing for it. They cite a recent prisoner swap agreement with Iran wherein the U.S. relaxed sanctions of $6 billion of Iranian money that was frozen in South Korean banks. None of that money, however, would go to the Iranian regime. It was to be held in Qatar and used only for verified humanitarian purposes that would have to be approved by the U.S. And now even that usage has been suspended.

What’s more, Fox News further sought to blame Biden for what they called the “lack of Senate confirmed elected officials” in foreign policy and military positions. However, Fox didn’t bother to mention that those vacancies were due to Senate Republicans obstructing the confirmation of nominees that the White House had already put forward.

SEE ALSO: Fox News Blames Biden for the Lack of Foreign Policy Officials – That Republicans Have Blocked

It’s profoundly damaging to the national security interests of the United States for Republicans and Fox News to be so brazenly disparaging of America and its allies during a time of crisis. But that’s where we are now as the MAGA GOP exerts their unsavory influences on the nation via their MAGA media outlets. It’s just further proof that they care more about their political prospects than they do about their fellow American, or the country, or the world.


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Self-Appointed Pseudo Messiah Trump Decrees that ‘Nobody Else’ But Him Can Keep Israel Safe

While the world is watching with anguish and dread the ongoing assault on Israel by Hamas terrorists, the leader of the Republican Party is behaving in his typically infantile manner as he exalts himself and maligns anyone who he regards as insufficiently worshipful.

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Flaming Trump

In the immediate aftermath of the savage attacks on innocent civilians, including children, Donald Trump and his MAGA Republican confederates sought to shift responsibility from the perpetrators of the inhumane brutality, to President Biden. They have engaged in a flagrantly dishonest and disgusting campaign to “Blame America First” in an effort to gain some paltry political advantage.

SEE THIS: Trump’s ‘Blame America First’ MAGA GOP Aims Their Fire at Biden Rather than Hamas Terrorists

True to form, Trump keeps making matters worse with every comment in the media or post on his pitifully failing social media scam, Truth Social. Case in point, on Tuesday Trump posted his declaration that…


This is just the latest expression by Trump of his perception of himself as a holy figure with powers greater than mere mortals. He has previously declared that he alone can “bring peace to the World!” He also recently boasted that he is “stand[ing] up to the evil and demonic forces that want to destroy our country.” Now he is Israel’s savior and he claims to “know all the players.” Really? Even those in Hamas? All of which is consistent with the delusions of someone who once proclaimed to reporters that “I am the chosen one.”

These are the mad ravings of a wannabe messiah who yearns for the sort of devotion that is showered onto cult leaders. And when he isn’t elevating himself to sainthood, he is condemning his perceived enemies as heathens from the depths of hell.

More often than not, that disparagement is aimed at President Biden. Trump is now lying to his disciples that Biden used “American taxpayer dollars [to] fund these attacks” in Israel. He asserted what he falsely calledBiden’s ineptitude, weakness, and incompetence [that] has led to this horrible attack.” And like every bad thing that ever happens, he insists that it “WOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED IF I WERE PRESIDENT.”

Trump is also fomenting imaginary fears that “The same people that raided Israel are pouring into our once beautiful USA.” So Trump is now claiming, without and proof whatsoever, that Hamas is “pouring into” the U.S. And all of this is at the behest of “his BOSS, Barack Hussein Obama!”

For additional evidence of Trump’s nightmarish hallucinatory dementia – not that any more evidence is necessary – Trump also posted a harangue aimed at some of his fellow Republicans who have dared to withhold their pledge of blind loyalty to him. He posted a comment whining that

“The problem with so many in our Party, they go after the people who are on their side, rather than the Radical Left Democrats.”

This was in response to a report that a few of his challengers are gathering at a summit in Utah. What makes this hysterically absurd is that that same post began with Trump saying…

“I understand Candidates that are losing by 57 to 70 Points are getting together with RINO Paul RINO, Mitt “The Loser” Romney, Bill “No Guts or Talent” Barr, and some broken political ‘investors'”

Needless to say, no one more viciously attacks Republicans that Trump. This comment displays it in a single post. However, he has previously called the GOP minority leader in the Senate “Old Crow” Mitch McConnell, and his wife “Coco Chow.” During the January 6th insurrection, he blasted Kevin McCarthy saying, “I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are.” He viciously attacks his Republican challengers in the GOP presidential primary with childish nicknames such as “Ron DeSanctimonious,” “Sloppy Chris Christie,” “Bird Brain” Nikki Haley,” and “Liddle'” Mike Pence.” And he even threatened those he deems “weak” Republicans, saying that “we will put them all in jail where they belong.”

SEE ALSO: Trump Threatens ‘Weak’ Republicans in Congress: ‘We Will Put Them All In Jail Where They Belong’

Well, that’s actually not a bad idea. However, we should start with those who already have multiple pending criminal indictments, such as Donald Trump.


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