Trump and Fox News Legal ‘Experts’ Call for a Mistrial After Falling for an Obvious Hoax

Last week a unanimous jury found Donald Trump guilty of 34 felonies affirming that he had falsified business records when he paid off a porn star to buy her silence, and covered it up in order to deceive the public just prior to an election, Since then Trump and his apologists have been frantically trying to whitewash the convictions in order to deceive the public just prior to another election.

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Fox News, Bullshit Factory

Those efforts on behalf of the Republican Party’s convicted felon nominee for president have predictably fallen flat. For the most part they have only served to remind voters that Trump is a morally vacant criminal who whines incessantly while blaming others for his problems.

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump Whines that ‘I Am a Political Prisoner,’ then Proves He Has No Idea What that Means

Proving the old adage that “when the going gets tough, the wimps get desperate,” Trump and his confederates are latching onto a preposterous “news” item that they seem to think will lead to his legal salvation. The story centers around a notice filed by Judge Juan Merchan that a comment was posted on the Court’s Facebook page that the Trump faithful believe is a lifesaver for their Dear Leader. The comment said simply that…

“My cousin is a juror. He says Trump is getting convicted.”

HOLY CRAPOLI! Stop the presses. A weird dude on Facebook made an alarming remark with no evidence that any of it is remotely true. There is no evidence that he has a cousin who is a juror. And no evidence that his alleged cousin told him anything about the trial. So obviously the Trump contingent must drop everything and obsessively promote it.

What there is evidence of, though, is that the whole affair is a hoax. And that’s straight from the person who posted the comment in the first place. This “Michael Anderson” fellow admitted the fraud, referring to himself as a “professional sh*tposter.”

That confession, however, didn’t stop Trump from embracing the bullshittery and linking to it with a hysterical and impotent demand for a “MISTRIAL!” And he wasn’t the only one. His faithful Fox News legal “experts” weighed in with their own demands to erase Trump’s conviction. Fox host Mark Levin advanced the hoax bellowing “Surprise. surprise. Crooked juror in Trump case. How many more?” And Fox legal analyst Gregg Jarrett discussed the matter with Fox’s Senior Trump-Fluffer, Sean Hannity…

Sean Hannity: I assume a motion for mistrial is being written now and going out as we speak.
Gregg Jarrett: Absolutely. If it is true – and that’s a big if – if it is true it is grounds to vacate the conviction and order a new trial.

Both Levin and Jarrett are allegedly attorneys. And they were both frequently quoted by Trump outside of the New York courtroom as proof of his innocence. Clearly they were wrong about that at least 34 times. And they are wrong about this as well. But Hannity went even further with a declaration that this phony revelation by a shameless Facebook fraudster is “HUGE!”

This mass delusion by Trump and his MAGA media minions on Fox News is emblematic of the lengths they will go to to spread flagrant lies. And despite the facts being readily available, none of these liars have bothered to issue apologies or retractions.

In fact, they have been joined by other Trump cult devotees in Congress such as Marjorie Taylor Greene and Andy Biggs. So it’s likely that there will be more to follow. This is what happens when a cult leader is threatened by reality and his desperate disciples can’t figure out how to cope.


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Eric Trump Admits to Fox News that His Father is Guilty in the So-Called ‘Hush Money’ Case

One of the most striking observations about the trial of Donald Trump in New York for campaign finance fraud and election interference (sometimes referred to as the “Hush Money” case), is the absence of any support for Trump by his family. His wife Melania has not attended a single hearing. And his children have kept their distance as well.

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Fox News, Stormy Daniels

That is, until this week. Trump’s son Eric made a brief appearance in the courtroom, perhaps in response to the media reporting that none of Daddy Trump’s relatives have bothered to show up. Of course, they aren’t the only ones not showing up to offer support to Dear Leader. There has been a pitifully paltry parade of Trump’s political supporters, despite his explicitly begging for them to fill the streets outside of the courthouses.

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump is Miffed that His MAGA Cult Isn’t Storming the Courts to Protest His Persecution

Following the hearing that Trump spawn Eric attended, he made a mad dash for Fox News for a nerf ball interview with Mark Levin. Among Levin’s recent delights was being quoted by Trump, along with an array of other Fox News legal hacks who are working feverishly to convince Trump and his cult followers that he’s winning his case. Eric began the torrid tale of his time at the trial by describing the nightmare he endured (video below)

“Then I get to watch, I sit right behind my father in the first pew as they try to slander him. They try to keep him off the campaign trail. They try to waste his time. They try to destroy his reputation and his image with a nonsense case.”

There is absolutely nothing in those remarks that approach reality. First of all Eric doesn’t identify who he means when he says “they.” Is it the judge? The prosecutors? The Democrats? The Deep State agents of Antifa? Who knows?

Secondly, courts are not commonly referred to as having “pews.” Eric might be confusing it with church, except that neither he nor his dad ever go there either. Third and fourth, this trial isn’t prohibiting Trump from campaigning. He is only in court four days a week. So he has three other days, and every evening, to campaign. Although he has rarely done so. And holding people accountable for crimes is not a waste of time. It’s adherence to law and order and equal justice.

Finally, there is little that any of Eric’s perceived enemies could do to “destroy” Trump’s reputation or image. He does that effectively himself without any help. However, Eric apparently believes that Papa Trump needed some help with his pleading in this case. So he went on to say that…

“No one believes that the Democrats are going after my father for 34 felony counts for a $130,000 retainer to a lawyer that was billed as a retainer to a lawyer, from a lawyer, that was booked as a legal expense.”

Actually, many people believe that Trump has been appropriately charged with 34 felony counts (in this case alone, 88 counts in all) for trying to buy the silence of Stormy Daniels so as not to harm his electoral prospects, and then covering it up by lying about it being a legal expense. Among those who believe that are the judge, who declined to dismiss the case twice, the prosecutor, who filed the charges, the grand jury that issued the indictment, and a majority of the American people.

More to the point, Eric is, in effect, admitting that his father is guilty by claiming that the payoff was a legal expense. That is precisely the crime that he has been charged with. Documentary evidence exists (including a tape recording of Trump and his former attorney/fixer, Michael Cohen) that affirms that Trump made the payment from his personal account to kill a story that would damage his campaign.

Trump has also made similarly incriminating statements wherein he admits that he falsely recorded these payments as legal expenses. So both he and his son are now on record with virtual confessions of guilt. They aren’t denying that the law was broken. They are merely insisting that they have some sort of imperial right to break whatever laws they want. Hopefully the jury will disagree.


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Blurring the Lines: Fox News Host Warns Trump: Do Not Choose a VP Who Won’t Appear on My Show

The 2024 presidential election continues to unfold in bizarre and unprecedent ways. Most notably, the nominee of the Republican Party, Donald Trump, is currently spending his days in a New York courtroom on trial for 34 felony counts of election interference and campaign finance fraud. And that’s just the beginning of Trump’s legal woes that include at least 54 more felonies in three other jurisdictions.

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Donald Trump Fox News

In what has been called the “Hush Money” case, due to Trump’s payment of $130,000.00 to buy the silence of porn star Stormy Daniels, the former reality TV game show host has been seen outside the court whining about what a pitiful victim he is, and inside the court scowling and nodding off during the proceedings.

SEE THIS: Trump Finally Wakes Up Long Enough to Deny that He’s Been Sleeping During His Criminal Trial

Meanwhile, Trump’s campaign progresses in fits and starts with speculation as to who he might select as his running mate. Those vying to become the lead Trump-fluffers include Kristi Noem, Tim Scott, Marco Rubio, Vivek Ramaswamy, Elise Stefanik, Byron Donalds, Kari Lake, and JD Vance. And the oddsmakers for who Trump eventually chooses are all over the map. Suffice to say that the one who gets the rose will be the one who is most willing to abandon all integrity and honesty in favor of unflinching loyalty to Dear Leader.

However, Fox News has emerged as a new factor in determining Trump’s number two. Further affirming that Fox News is the official propaganda arm of the Republican Party and the MAGA Cult, Fox News host Mark Levin has inserted himself into the vice-presidential selection process. On his program Monday Levin said that…

“If there’s somebody who claims to be a conservative and won’t come on this program, then my advice to [former] President Trump is do not choose them as your running mate. If they’re not willing to come on this program and talk to me and I speak to them on your behalf — don’t you agree, mister producer? — that’s a telltale sign that they have a problem with you, millions and millions and millions of you.”

Levin is going much farther than blurring the lines between media and politics. He is totally erasing them. He is appointing himself as the gatekeeper for one of the most consequential decisions a presidential candidate can make. And he is setting as the criteria for his own decision whether or not a VP hopeful submits to appearing on his program. Failure to do so results in being removed from consideration, at least by Levin.

It’s hard to imagine anything more inappropriate and self-serving by a political pundit. From his perch on TV and radio, Levin is assuming an acting role in Trump’s campaign. Any credible media enterprise that employs him would immediately terminate him. Lucky for him he doesn’t work for any credible media enterprise. As an alternative, perhaps his salary, and/or the value of the airtime he consumes, should be reportable as an in-kind donation to Trump’s campaign.

Levin’s disgraceful behavior isn’t the only example of Fox’s flagrant biases. Sean Hannity has actually appeared on stage at Trump rallies. Laura Ingraham is relentlessly fawning. And most of the rest of the Fox roster embraces Trump with shameless adoration. The network serves as the PR division of the Trump campaign and continues to make it abundantly clear that they have no interest in being a legitimate news organization. And in that respect: Mission Accomplished.


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WTF? Fox News Hosts Argue to End Trump Prosecutions Because of – Hamas Terrorism in Israel?

It has been a week since the terrorists of Hamas launched a savage surprise assault on civilians in Israel. That assault predictably led to the Israeli Defense Forces mounting a campaign to root out the perpetrators and to prevent further hostilities against innocent citizens from many countries, including the United States. It was the commencement of a conflagration that will likely produce even more tragic casualties.

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Laura Ingraham, Fox News, Goofy

Here at home, the ultra-rightist propaganda machine we know as Fox News set out to relieve the Hamas terrorists from responsibility and instead assign blame to President Biden and, more broadly, to America. The “Blame America First” brigade manufactured wholly dishonest allegations that the Biden administration was somehow responsible for the attack. Donald Trump was among the anti-America crowd with his preposterous assertion that “American taxpayer dollars helped fund these attacks, which many reports are saying came from the Biden Administration.” It is smear campaign so ridiculous that even a Fox News reporter shot it down.

SEE THIS: Even Fox News Exposes GOP Lies on the War in Israel and How the Party Harms National Security

Undeterred by facts or reason, shills at Fox News have escalated their traitorous tirades. And having apparently run out of their garden variety garbage, they are now stirring up cocktails of crackpottery that are absurd even by their screwball standards.

On Tuesday night’s episode of Laura Ingraham’s program, she endeavored to combine two subjects that couldn’t be farther apart. In a segment wherein she criticized President Biden for daring to speak eloquently about America’s commitment to Israel and our rejection of hate groups here at home, Ingraham spit out a puzzling and perverse argument on behalf of her Dear Leader Trump…

Biden (on video): Let’s be real clear. There is no place for hate in America.
Ingraham: Okay. Well, if he’s really against hate, then he should call a prosecutorial cease-fire against his political adversaries like the former president, and direct his DOJ and DHS to stop making conservative Americans feel like they are the enemy or like they’re the violent extremists out there.

HUH? What does Biden’s message opposing hate have to do with the prosecution of Trump on 91 felony counts for which there is abundant evidence of his guilt? Her use of the terms of war (i.e. “cease fire”) are deliberate attempts to inflame irrational outrage on the part of her cult viewers. And the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security are doing their jobs to protect Americans and hold violent lawbreakers, including Trump, accountable.

What’s more, Biden has been acting ethically in office by not interfering with the administration of justice, which Ingraham is now imploring him to do. That sort of interference and abuse of power is what Trump has explicitly promised to do if he were to be reelected. But it is contrary to the principles of law that have governed this nation since its founding.

In addition to Ingraham, Fox’s Mark Levin likewise conflated Trump’s legal tribulations with the terrorism in the Middle East. Levin made the following comments on his program, which Trump promptly quoted on his failing social media scam, Truth Social

“Meanwhile, this lowlife, Jack Smith, and his master, the lowlife attorney general, continue their fascistic campaign against Trump, even now, as it becomes crystal clear to more and more Americans that Trump brought historic peace to the Middle East while the regime has blown it up and betrayed the Israelis.”

That comment is wrong on so many levels. First of all, Trump is hiding behind Levin’s words to avoid – he thinks – being found in contempt of court for violating the order to refrain from disparaging the court’s officers. Secondly, he still has no idea what “fascism” means. Third, he is quite obviously lying about having “brought peace to the Middle East.” He is also lying about Biden having “betrayed the Israelis,” who have been profusely expressing their gratitude to Biden and America for their unwavering support.

SEE ALSO: While Fox News Bashes Biden on Israel, Netanyahu Thanks Him for His ‘Incredible Support’

Of course, both Levin and Ingraham are making no sense at all with their juxtaposition of Trump’s legal problems with the Hamas attacks. But then, when have the brazenly biased attacks by Fox News ever made any sense? That isn’t even their purpose. The only objective of the mostly incomprehensible commentaries on Fox News is to enrage their audience and incite hostilities toward Democrats. And that doesn’t require logic or facts or anything resembling reality.


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Fox News Hack Viciously Attacks Biden and Garland After Release of Incriminating Trump Tapes

We are living in what an old Chinese curse described as “interesting times.” These are times wherein Donald Trump seems to confess to, or implicate himself, in a new crime every day. His pitiful public pleadings are often inadvertent admissions of guilt, even as he is attempting to assert his virginal innocence.

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Fox News, Joe Biden, Fake News

On Monday CNN released audio recordings of Trump from July 2021 (listen to them here), wherein he is heard divulging the contents of classified documents to people who did not have the required security clearances to hear them. The whole conversation has the demeanor of jovial barroom banter. It was definitely not a meeting about national security. Trump is heard bragging about the classified documents that he has previously said didn’t exist, or were declassified with his mind, or were planted by the FBI.

RELATED: Utterly Deranged Trump Calls Special Counsel a ‘Radical Right Lunatic’ Who ‘Planted’ Evidence

According to CNN

“Trump’s statements on the audio recording, saying ‘these are the papers’ and referring to something he calls ‘highly confidential’ and seems to be showing others in the room, could undercut the former president’s claims in an interview last week with Fox News’ Bret Baier that he did not have any documents with him.”

Among the incriminating remarks on the tape are Trump saying that “They presented me this – this is off the record but – they presented me this,” and “See as president I could have declassified it. Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret.” So the tapes confirm that Trump had the classified documents, and that he knew that they were still classified. That’s proof of a violation of the Espionage Act. And refusing to return these documents, even after being subpoenaed, is obstruction of justice. And it isn’t the first time that Trump’s own words convicted him.

SEE THIS: On Fox News Trump Confesses that He Stole Classified Documents, Despite Hannity’s Coaching

Naturally, Trump’s tendency to incriminate himself is quickly intercepted by his sycophants at Fox News. This time it was Mark Levin who tweeted an extended harangue that was filled with untruths and slander. What follows are a few choice excerpts…

“[T]he corrupt Biden DOJ, sleazy Jack Smith’s office, and the usual corrupt media lapdogs [have] committed scores of felonies, interfered in a presidential election, and have pushed the nation to the brink of some kind of civil war, while smearing and denouncing Trump.”

“The thoroughly corrupt Biden family and Biden regime use the power of federal law enforcement against their political opponents (“MAGA extremists,” pro-lifers, parents — all ‘white supremicists,’ whatever that means).”

“AG Garland, corrupt to the core like most mob lawyers [is} a dangerous man with Stalinist characteristics.”

“Garland has stonewalled appointing a special counsel to investigate his boss, Joe Biden, because he wants to smother with a political pillow Biden’s multiple criminal activities, that even involve our national security.”

“Jack Smith, known for Gestopo-like [sic] tactics…”

“Garland, Biden, his operatives, the hopelessly corrupt media, and the Democrat Party are destroying our country right before our eyes.”

“This latest prosecutorial leak of an audio clip to CNN, is further intended to poison a jury pool and deny the former president due process.”

“To be clear, we know nothing about the context of the audio. Nothing. We are fed exactly two minutes via CNN, a favorite state-run media outlet. We know no more or no less than they tell us. And the multiple felonies committed by the regime in leaking the tape will be ignored.”

Nearly all of the above are putrid and puerile insults that Levin disgorges without even trying to provide any supporting arguments. Although it’s telling that he doesn’t what “white supremacist” means. The one assertion of an alleged fact – that “Garland has stonewalled appointing a special counsel to investigate his boss” – is just patently false. Garland did appoint a special counsel to probe Biden’s classified documents six months ago. And unlike Trump, he voluntarily returned them and invited authorities to search further.

What’s more, Levin asserts, without evidence, that the tapes were the result of a “prosecutorial leak.” However, it is much more likely that the tapes came from Trump or one his associates on the recordings. After all, Trump himself believes that the tapes are “actually an exoneration” of him. So from his warped perspective it would make sense to release them to the media. He raged on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, that…

“The Deranged Special Prosecutor, Jack Smith, working in conjunction with the DOJ & FBI, illegally leaked and ‘spun’ a tape and transcript of me which is actually an exoneration, rather than what they would have you believe. This continuing Witch Hunt is another ELECTION INTERFERENCE Scam. They are cheaters and thugs!”

That is just another demonstration of Trump’s acute psychosis. He thinks that the blatantly incriminating tapes exonerate him. However, a more qualified legal analyst has a markedly different opinion. Former federal prosecutor Andrew Weissmann told MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell “This is game over if you are following the facts and the law.”

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Trump v Biden: Their Reactions to Special Counsels Reveals Who’s Innocent and Who’s Scared

Poor crybaby Trump. The self-described “most fabulous whiner” of Mar-All-Ego is starting off the new year pretty much the same way he ended the last year: Complaining petulantly that he is a victim of the hordes of enemies that are conspiring to destroy him and his aspirations of messianic sovereignty over the American motherland.

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Trump Fear

The reports that President Biden was found to be in possession of a handful of classified documents have set off the alarms spinning atop the tinfoil fedoras perched on the pinheads of Republican rage-a-holics and right-wing propagandists. Of course, the same alarmists ignore the discovery of hundreds of such documents hoarded – and lied about – by Donald Trump at his Palm Beach resort/home. And never mind that the facts associated with these stories expose just how dissimilar the circumstances are.

RELATED: Trump and His GOP Toadies Furiously Spin Bogus Nothingburger Story About Biden Documents

What truly reveals the divergent realities of the Trump and Biden camps is their reactions to having become the subjects of special counsels. To the surprise of no one, Trump flicked the psycho switch as he unleashed his ferocious animosity toward special counsel Jack Smith. His distemper tantrum departed from anything resembling sanity. For instance, he posted on his pitifully floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, that…

“The Special ‘Prosecutor’ assigned to the ‘get Trump case,’ Jack Smith(?), is a Trump Hating THUG whose wife is a serial and open Trump Hater.”

[NOTE: Trump doesn’t think that Smith is a prosecutor, or that his name is Smith]

And that

“Fire a man who may very well turn out to be a criminal, Jack Smith. His conflicts, unfairness, and mental state of derangement make him totally unfit for the job of ‘getting Trump.’ Go after Biden and the Biden Crime Family instead. Like Bill Barr, the U.S. Attorneys in Delaware and Illinois are weak, ineffective, and afraid to do what must be done. The Election was RIGGED, and we are now losing our Country. We can’t let that happen. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

[NOTE: Trump appears to be seeking a special counsel who is better “fit” to investigate him. Also, he is maligning Bill Barr and the U.S. Attorneys in Delaware and Illinois (David C. Weiss and John R. Lausch Jr) as weak and ineffective. He appointed all three of them]

And that

“Merrick Garland has to immediately end Special Counsel investigation into anything related to me because I did everything right, and appoint a Special Counsel to investigate Joe Biden who hates Biden as much as Jack Smith hates me.”

[NOTE: Robert Hur, the special counsel appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland to probe the Biden matter, was also appointed by Trump to be the U.S. Attorney of Maryland]

In Trump’s delirium he is being pursued by an “unfair,” “deranged,’ “criminal,’ “THUG,” whose whole family hates him. Clearly Trump is scared witless, and is suffering from a toxic mixture of paranoia and guilt. Despite his psychotic inability to admit it – even to himself – he knows what he did and what the consequences are.

For comparison, observe how Biden responded to the news that AG Garland had named a special counsel to investigate his documents “scandal.”

“People know I take classified documents, classified material seriously. I also said we are cooperating fully and completely with the Justice Department’s review. […] As was done in the case of the Biden Penn Center, the Department of Justice was immediately notified and the lawyers arranged for the Department of Justice to take possession of the documents.”

The reactions by Trump and Biden reflect the stark differences between the two. Biden is calm and respectful of the law. Trump is rattled and contemptuous of the law and even those he appointed to administer it.

For good measure, Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) predictably weighed in on his side. Fox host Mark Levin ranted that…

“Garland wanted to keep this thing hidden. He wanted to sweep it under the rug until it got hot. The Republicans were calling hearings. They were gonna call witnesses. And then Garland, reluctantly, today appoints a special counsel. And who does he appoint? He appoints the right hand man to FBI director Christopher Wray. That’s hardly the same kind of special counsel that Donald Trump is facing. This whole thing stinks to high heaven.”

So Levin is asserting that Garland appointed a special counsel for Biden because he wanted to “keep this thing hidden”? That’s a strange way to pursue that goal. Levin also baselessly claims that Garland “reluctantly,” appointed the special counsel. And Levin closes by complaining that the special counsel must be biased against Trump because he once worked for FBI director Christopher Wray. Once again, Mr. Hur was appointed by Trump, and so was Mr. Wray.

The confidence and tranquility of Biden, as contrasted by the fear and hostility exhibited by Trump, the Republican Party, Fox News, and the rest of the right-wing wacko-chamber, tells you all you need to know about the players in this melodrama. And just to seal the deal, Trump also posted a comment that may be the truest thing he ever said…

“Importantly, I have single-handedly shown the American Public how Crooked and Corrupt our Government is.”

It’s uncomfortably impossible to argue with Trump about that.

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Fox News Hack’s Deranged Defense of Trump’s Insurrection and Coup Plot Backfires Bigly

For more than a year and an half, Fox News has been propping up Donald Trump and his “Big Lie” that the 2020 election was “rigged” and “stolen” from him. All of their Trump-fluffing hosts, contributors, and guests, have participated in the deceit that has driven the nation apart and led to the deadly insurrection on January 6th, 2021.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, Lies

Among the most pernicious of Trump’s accessories to sedition is weekend host, Mark Levin. He’s allegedly a lawyer once served as chief of staff to Edwin Meese, Ronald Reagan’s disgraced Attorney General. On the latest episode of his lie-cast, Levin lashed out at the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection. The premise of this harangue centered on his contention that there was no insurrection at all. Never mind all the video of hundreds of StormTrumpers assaulting Congress as they tried to carry out their constitutional duties to certify the election. But distorting legal arguments is nothing new for Levin.

RELATED: Fox News Legal ‘Expert’ Thinks that ‘Trial of Your Peers’ Means a Jury of All Trump Toadies

Levin’s argument rested on his twisted definition of the word “insurrection.” He clearly doesn’t know what he’s talking about or, more likely, is deliberately mangling the language to disinform his dimwitted viewers (video below). He began…

“If Donald Trump were seriously interested in an insurrection, he would have issued a video, and his video wouldn’t have said what it said. His video would have been a call to arms, right? To leading an insurrection.

He would have called everybody who could hear his voice to come to the Capitol armed, armed, to take over the Capitol building. He would have called out the United States military, whether they would respond or not, to come to the Capitol building, encircle it, arrest the Vice President, and arrest other officials, members of Congress. That’s an insurrection. He would have declared martial law. That’s an insurrection. He didn’t do any of those things. As a matter fact, He didn’t do any of the things people told him he might want to do in order to, quote/unquote, ‘hold onto the presidency.'”

First of all, Trump actually did issue a “call to arms,” when he told his cult followers that they had to “fight like hell,” or they “wouldn’t have a country anymore.” He then told his Deplorable Army – who, according to the aide to his own chief of staff, he knew were armed – to march to the Capitol, even promising that he would be marching with them. And while he didn’t order the arrest of Mike Pence, he did agree that he deserved to be hanged.

Levin also implied that the reason Trump “didn’t do any of those things” that would keep him in power was because that wasn’t his intention. To the contrary, Trump did try to orchestrate a coup, but the people he needed for it to succeed refused to go along with it. So far Levin’s argument is a total bust. But he was just getting started. He continued with a question that was surprisingly fitting, although not for any reason he might have been thinking:

“What am I talking about? He didn’t send out the military to get voting machines, as some have suggested. He didn’t send out the Department of Homeland Security to get drop boxes, as some have suggested. He didn’t fire the Attorney General or the acting Attorney General, as some have suggested. He didn’t appoint a special counsel, as some have suggested. He didn’t do any of it.”

Here is where Levin’s loopy lecture went completely off the rails. Virtually everything he said was a lie. Also, he is not describing an insurrection here. He is describing a coup. Of course, Trump is guilty of attempting both. In this case, however, Trump actually did seek to “send out the military to get voting machines.” He did try to have federal agencies “get drop boxes.” He did plan to “fire the Attorney General or the acting Attorney General,” and replace him with a corrupt crony. He did want his crackpot lawyer, Sydney Powell, to be “appoint[ed] special counsel” He did all of that.

What’s more, Levin left out entirely that Trump also pressured state election officials in Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, etc., to “find votes” for him. And he sought to replace legitimate electors with Trump supporters. And for more than three hours Trump failed to take any action to halt the insurrection that was in progress on Capitol Hill. Instead, he was watching it on Fox News and cheering them on.

RELATED: Tucker Carlson Mocks (and Lies About) the January 6th Committee Hearing that Featured Fox News

Trump’s treachery is well documented. And Levin’s tirade did nothing but affirm his anti-democratic criminality. In fact, the points raised by Levin make a strong case for indicting Trump and his crime syndicate. Even the newspapers owned by Fox News magnate, Rupert Murdoch, are saying that Trump is “unworthy” to serve as president again.

Fox News itself has yet to be so explicit in their criticism. But anchor Bret Baier did comment on how the House Committee’s work is playing out, saying that “Laying out all these 187 minutes makes him look horrific.” However, Baier is a little late. Most Americans had noticed the horror of Donald Trump a long time ago.

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Fox News Legal ‘Expert’ Thinks that ‘Trial of Your Peers’ Means a Jury of All Trump Toadies

The Trump-fluffers at Fox News are clearly starting to worry about the fate of their Dear Leader Donald Trump. They are beginning to shift their propaganda from malicious mockery of the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection incited by Trump, to outright contempt for the American justice system.

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Fox News, Constitution

There is no clearer sign that Fox News is worried about Trump’s legal peril than their frantic criticism of the courts that will hear his cases. They appear to be accepting the likelihood that Trump will be indicted and that he will have to face a judge and jury to account for his multitude of crimes that run the gamut from financial fraud to sedition.

RELATED: Trump’s Reelection Campaign is Stealing Millions of his Donors’ Dollars for His Legal Bills

Mark Levin is a weekend Fox News host who was once an attorney. He served as chief of staff to disgraced Reagan Attorney General, Edwin Meese. His Fox program is a weekly hour of lies and hate in the service of Trumpism. And this weeks episode was a perfect example of just how low this shameless sycophant will go. In a segment devoted to absolving Trump of any wrongdoing, Levin unleashed a bizarre mangling of legal analysis, saying that…

“If you have a trial and the jury is made up of individuals out of a pool of overwhelmingly partisan Democrats who voted for the opposition – who either voted for Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden – and you have a former president or his surrogates facing that jury, how in the hell are they gonna get a fair trial?

“This whole thing is rigged. It’s a disgrace. From this Committee, to the U.S. Attorney, to the Attorney General of the United States, to the so-called Justice process in Washington, D.C. Why don’t they hold it, if they’re gonna hold it anywhere else, in Utah, or Idaho, or some place like that? No, that would never happen.”

It’s hard to imagine that this cretin ever practiced law. He has no idea what the concept of a “jury of your peers” means. Apparently Levin believes that a defendant should be allowed to select his jurors based on their affinity for the defendant. That’s why the only place he thinks Trump could get a fair trial is in a place like Idaho. That’s not how it works. A jury of peers, in this context, means members of the community where the crime took place. It doesn’t mean a group of those who voted for you.

It isn’t a coincidence that Levin, in his criticism of the justice system, is parroting the language that Trump uses. He asserts, without evidence, that it is “rigged” and a “disgrace.” You could easily mistake his complaints for any random Trump rant about the 2020 presidential election that he lost. And despite Levin’s whining about this trumped up travesty of justice, you know that he would be outraged if a Democrat insisted that a trial be moved to a precinct of lefties in a staunchly blue state.

Levin followed up that perversion of legal principles with an interview of the Chair of the House Republican Conference, Elise Stefanik. Her grasp of the law was no better than Levin’s In the suck-up interview, Stefanik recklessly accused President Biden and his family of being criminals, despite not having a shred of evidence to back up that charge:

“You have the entire Joe Biden family profiting personally off of Joe Biden’s position when he was a sitting vice-president. That is unacceptable in America and imagine if the Republicans ever did that? Democrats would be investigating every aspect of that. And yet in this case they look the other way on all these shameful, shameless, and illegal controversies of Hunter Biden.”

Once again, neither Stefanik, nor any other Republican shill, can produce any proof of any crime by the Bidens. They just relentlessly repeat the allegation in the hope that it sticks and tarnishes their reputations. And the gall of her invitation to “imagine if the Republicans ever did that,” is mind-boggling, considering all of the documented financial improprieties of Trump, Don Jr, Eric, and Ivanka. They were actually prohibited by law from running any charities in New York after being found to have robbed their phony foundation to line their own pockets.

Stefanik went on to disparage the January 6th Committee, which she called (of course) a “witch hunt.” And she complained that Republicans had no ability to appoint members to the Committee, which is a blatant lie. They chose not to appoint any members so that they could later pretend that the Committee was partisan.

RELATED: Crybaby Trump Slams the January 6th Committee For Nixing His Witnesses – Who Refused to Testify

There is an unmistakable stench of defeat in how Fox News and the Republican Party are reconfiguring their strategy to account for the likelihood of Trump indictments. They know that he’s guilty and they are scrambling to find a way to spin it. But the only thing that they are succeeding in doing is to make Trump look more guilty, and themselves more ignorant and desperate.

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Trump Plagiarized His Plugs for Books By Bootlicking Fox News Flunkies

The Creature from Mar-a-Lago (Mar-All-Ego?) continues to demonstrate the extent of the damage to his fragile and emotionally crippled psyche. Donald Trump’s malignant narcissism has always posed a threat to America and the world as he sought to exalt himself and assault his critics with pitifully impotent insults. With each new day’s outbursts, Trump reveals the depth of his mental rot.

Donald Trump, Fox News, Fake

On Wednesday Trump’s spokes-shill, Liz Harrington, posted a couple tweets on behalf of Trump to offer praise for books that he surely hasn’t read. Harrington has to tweet for Trump because his reckless and relentless lies about COVID-19 and election fraud got him banished from much of social media. Twitter imposed their ban on January 8th, two days after Trump’s deadly insurrection on Capitol Hill, saying that “we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence.”

However, this new pair of tweets expose Trump as both a self-absorbed egomaniac and a flaming plagiarist. His intention was to boost book sales for Fox News Trump-fluffers Jesse Watters and Mark Levin. However, his spiel of approval for these works of wingnut fiction were cut pasted from the publisher’s description of the books.

For the Jesse Watters book, Trump wrote in his proxy tweet that…

“Interspersed are his thoughtful suggestions for overcoming left-wing radicalism, maintaining American democracy, moving beyond aging hippies (like his long-suffering, loving parents), saving the world from social justice warriors and the deep state—all while smirking his way through life in only the nicest way.”

That was lifted word for word from the publisher’s description as seen here on Amazon.

For the Mark Levin book, Trump wrote in his proxy tweet that…

“In American Marxism, Levin explains how the core elements of Marxist ideology are now pervasive in American society and culture—from our schools, the press, and corporations, to Hollywood, the Democratic Party, and the Biden presidency—and how it is often cloaked in deceptive labels like “progressivism,” “democratic socialism,” “social activism,” and more.”

That was also lifted word for word from the publisher’s description as seen here on Amazon.

Nowhere in the tweets were there any quotes or other indications of attribution to another source. Trump was deliberately taking full credit for the endorsements, despite the fact that any independent observer could tell that they were obviously not written by someone with Trump’s third-grade language skills. This was just another example of Trump’s shameless dishonesty.

It should also not go without notice that Harrington’s posting of these statements by Trump are violations of Twitter’s terms of service that prohibit attempts to circumvent a suspension. (more on that here). She has posted Trump’s pseudo-tweets 42 times in just the past two weeks. Harrington’s account should be reported and suspended for her repeated breach of Twitter rules.

Many of the Trump/Harrington posts contain the same lies that got Trump suspended, and worse, led directly to a violent and deadly assault in Washington, D.C., on January 6th. Now Trump is, with the assistance of Twitter and Harrington, inciting more violence that has a strong likelihood of resulting in serious harm or death. It must stop immediately.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.

Trump Bashes Fox News Even While Cowering in His Fox News Bunker

The madness that consumes Donald Trump continues to manifest in bizarre and troubling ways. He’s making public demands that his Attorney Genuflect, Bill Barr, indict and prosecute Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden. He’s holding coronavirus Super Spreader affairs at the White House, which he has already turned into a COVID-19 “Hot Zone.” And he insists that he’s way ahead of Biden in the “real” polls that are published in the crevices of his decaying grey matter.

Donald Trump, Fox News

If that isn’t enough, Trump is also attacking his Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News). This isn’t a new behavioral glitch. Trump has frequently lashed out at Fox News when he didn’t think that they were sufficiently adoring. It’s his way of “working the refs” to ensure constant adulation. But in the past couple of days it has reached a crescendo. For instance, during a marathon radio gabfest with Rush Limbaugh on Friday, Trump whined that…

“It’s a problem. Fox is a problem. […] When Roger Ailes ran Fox, I mean, Roger had a very strong point of view. It’s totally gone. And I think it’s influenced by Paul Ryan. […] They’re going the way of CNN, and they’re going the way of MSNBC, and it’s a shame. I mean, it’s a shame. When I watch it, I look at the people they hire. I mean, I could tell you some of the anchors, they’re so bad.”

First of all, Trump’s fond remembrance of the late Fox News CEO Roger Ailes is touching because they share so much in common. Particularly the fact that they are both serial sexual predators. But Trump’s complaint about Paul Ryan, the former GOP House Speaker who now has a seat on the Fox board of directors, reveals that Trump has no idea what a board of directors does. They are part time business advisors who have zero input into programming.

In addition to Trump’s comments on Limbaugh’s radio program, he made similar comments on the radio show of Fox News host Mark Levin. He was attempting to make a point about the differences between his 2016 campaign and the current one:

“One of the biggest differences is Fox. Fox is a whole different ballgame than it used to be. Fox was great. Fox was great. Fox is no longer great.”

Among the reasons that Trump has arrived at this conclusion are the polls that Fox News has recently published. The most recent one shows him trailing Biden by ten points. But trump has been upset with Fox’s pollsters for quite a while. And you can be sure he was driven to new lows by the one that found that a majority of voters say that he doesn’t have the “mental soundness” to serve.

What makes all of this even more peculiar is that while Trump has been amping up his attacks on Fox News, he has also been spending more time there. In the past four days Trump has done interviews on Fox with Maria Bartiromo, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson (with Marc Seigel), and Mark Levin. And he has another “interview” with Bartiromo on Sunday. He apparently has no idea that he’s only reaching people that are already voting for him. It’s all for his ego and the lack of any notion of how he can rescue his floundering campaign.

The many hours Trump is devoting to Fox News is severely cutting into his golf and Twitter time. It also indicates that he has nothing else of importance to do. But most of all it shows that his whining about how disloyal Fox has been to him is just a charade. He knows that Fox News is his official State TV network and is vital to his nefarious schemes for the future. And he knows that Fox won’t punish him for his fake hostility toward them. They have a parasitic relationship wherein they are both addicted to each other. And while that may satisfy their immediate cravings for attention, it won’t keep Trump from circling the electoral drain.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.