WANNABE DICTATOR Trump Demands that All Business Execs Be FIRED If They’re Not 100% Behind Trump

The overtly fascistic facets of Donald Trump’s warped character, and that of his malicious MAGA movement, have been apparent from its inception. Like any aspiring authoritarian, Trump has insisted that his cult disciples obey his every command, believe his every lie, and ignore the evidence of their own eyes and ears that reveal his aversion to democracy and the principles enshrined in the Constitution.

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Donald Trump Tyrant Dictator

The stubbornness of reality has never been a deterrent to Trump’s determination to mislead his glassy-eyed followers. He is a relentless disseminator of flagrant falsehoods aimed at exalting himself and maligning his foes. And he has no qualms about exploiting his lies in order to incite violent retribution for perceived wrongs.

SEE THIS: Trump Threatens that His Cult Followers ‘Won’t Stand for It’ if He is Sentenced for His Crimes

On Tuesday morning Trump provided another example of his tyrannical tendencies. In a comment posted to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump issued a decree to the world that he imagines is attentive to his crackpot ravings. He demanded that…

“Business Executives and Shareholder Representatives should be 100% behind Donald Trump! Anybody that’s not should be FIRED for incompetence!”

The blustery idiocy of that demand is exceeded only by its repudiation of economics in a free society. Where Trump gets the idea that servitude to him is a precondition for business management can only be explained by a severely acute case of malignant narcissism and delusions of grandeur. In a free country no one is required to pledge blind loyalty to any political hack that pops up.

Trump’s post was likely a response to a blisteringly critical report that the CEOs with whom he recently met were less than impressed with him. They reportedly came away saying that Trump “doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” was “remarkably meandering,” “could not keep a straight thought,” and “was all over the map.” Which are all traits that many people have seen in him for a long time.

So naturally, Trump’s massive yet fragile ego was hurt. But the depravity of his decree goes farther than that. He quoted from a Wall Street Journal article something that he apparently thought supported his preposterous premise…

“THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: “President Biden’s plan for a 28% rate would reverse half of Republicans’ 2017 rate cut. [But Trump’s] 15% rate would match the lowest level since 1935, boosting profits and rewarding shareholders.”

OH MY! So Biden’s proposal of a 28% tax rate would merely restore some of the irresponsible tax rate cut that Trump and the Republican Party granted as a gift to the wealthy and corporations. While Trump’s proposed cut to 15% would further benefit those corporations and their shareholders. That is not a plan that would help America’s low and middle class families. And the WSJ even noted that it would return to a tax rate that was in place in the midst of the Great Depression.

What’s more, Trump is not someone that any sane person would rely on for business advice. He has bankrupted at least six of his companies. He has been found liable for financial fraud for which the state of New York ordered him to pay a judgment of $454 million. His Trump Media and Technology Group has lost 40% of it value since he was convicted of 34 felonies for falsifying financial records to cover up his affair with a porn star. And his real estate business, his charitable foundation, and his university, were heavily fined and/or shuttered due to fraudulent mismanagement.

Furthermore, Trump’s agenda for the economy is fraught with the ignorance of someone with zero knowledge of economics. He recently proposed to eliminate income taxes and replace them with tariffs on all imported goods. Reputable financial experts have warned that this would be another boondoggle that enriches his wealthy pals and places a larger share of the tax burden on average Americans. According to the nonpartisan the Peterson Institute for International Economics, “Trump’s tariff proposals would cost the typical middle-income household at least $1,700.”

It’s clear that Trump’s demand to terminate any business executive that is not unflinchingly adoring has nothing to do with economic realities. It is just another example of his messianic compulsion to be revered as a god. This is not someone that should ever hold any power in a democratic society. And it makes the necessity for his unambiguous smackdown in November all the more imperative. For the sake of the nation, for democracy, and for freedom loving Americans.


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POOR BABY: Trump Insists He’s a ‘Legitimate Person’ Who is ‘Under Siege’ in a ‘Banana Republic’

This week the Wall Street Journal published an article with a brazenly biased headline saying that “Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping.” The article featured quotes and baseless allegations that were almost exclusively by partisan Republicans known for their tendency to shamelessly lie to malign President Biden.

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Fox News Sean Hannity

CNN’s Oliver Darcy delivered a detailed and damning dissection of the Journal’s purely political hit piece. They could have covered Trump, a candidate showing actual signs of a degenerating grip on reality, but no. That would have meant being honest journalists, which is contrary to their corporate mission.

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump Whines that ‘I Am a Political Prisoner,’ then Proves He Has No Idea What that Means

After breaking down the numerous journalistic flaws in the Journal’s “reporting,” Darcy asked “Where are the stories about Trump’s former inner circle raising questions about his mental fitness?” Those stories could have included actual on-the-record sources that know Trump well, such as his former communications director, Alyssa Farah Griffin, or his former U.N. ambassador, Nikki Haley. Darcy also wrote that…

“Republicans accusing their political foe of lacking the mental fitness to hold office is nothing surprising. Such accusations are made every night on Fox News. And Donald Trump, who at 77 years old has also shown plenty of signs of waning mental faculties, including repeatedly falling asleep at his own high-stakes hush money trial, has made the accusation a centerpiece of his campaign. In other words, these accusations from the right aren’t exactly news.”

It may be too much to expect that a Rupert Murdoch rag like the WSJ would actually produce fair coverage of the candidates in this year’s presidential election. Although, Democrats hardly need any help from right-wing propagandists to demonstrate the mental unfitness of Trump. He does that exceptionally well all by himself. Virtually every word that comes out of his mouth is evidence of his acute cognitive decline.

A perfect example of this occurred on Wednesday during an interview of Trump by his bestie, Sean Hannity of Fox News. Hannity spent half of his time trying guide Trump through leading questions that Trump was too dense to pick up on. For instance, Hannity would pose questions like “You wouldn’t engage in retribution against your political enemies, would you?” To which Trump would equivocate saying that “It has to stop,” but adding that “I would have every right to go after them.”

Despite his hedging, Trump has every intention of persecuting Biden and other Democrats. He and his MAGA confederates have been explicitly calling for the arrest, incarceration, and even execution of Democrats and other critics.. It’s literally laid out in their horrifyingly totalitarian Project 2025 Agenda.

However, Trump’s latest affirmation of how he is showing “Signs of Slipping” is not even behind closed doors. It’s right out in the open, and broadcast on Fox News. During the segment with Hannity wherein Trump embraced his hostile and imaginary “right to go after” his foes, he unleashed the following stream of nonsensicality…

“Look, what I’ve gone through nobody’s ever gone through. I’m a very legitimate person. I built a great business. Everything’s been…I’ve been under siege. Nobody has ever seen anything like this in this country. Now in other countries, in other third world countries, or Banana Republics as they say, a Banana Republic. We’ve become a Banana Republic. At the border we’ve become a Banana Republic. With so many other elements of our country we’ve become a Banana Republic. You take a look at what’s happening with inflation. That’s a Banana Republic inflation what we have.”

Holy Shih Tzu! It appears that Trump learned a new phrase – Banana Republic – so he felt compelled to repeat it six times in less than twenty seconds. It’s behavior that is more commonly observed in proud toddlers who are eager to show off what new knowledge or skill they acquired. In toddlers, it’s kind of cute. In 77 year old malignant narcissists, with a weakening grasp on reality and aspirations of authoritarian power, it’s sad and somewhat frightening.

Trump’s remarks also display the severe anxiety and gnawing victimhood (“under siege”) that has become a hallmark of his perverse persona. In his mind there is no one that has ever lived who was ever more tormented by evil forces, despite the abundance of magnificence that he believes he is responsible for. He is, after all, a “legitimate person.” As opposed to what? A Looney Tunes cartoon character? (Okay, that example may be a little too on the nose).

Finally, Trump has proven that he has no idea what the phrase “Banana Republic” means. He just uses it as an all-purpose pejorative. He mistakenly believes that only small impoverished nations hold their former leaders accountable when they violate the law. And now he’s learning the hard way that even America has standards for legal conduct that do not permit him to get away with criminal acts, like he has for much of his business career. And unfortunately for him, his legal problems have only just begun.


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Trump Brags that He and Putin are Holding Wall Street Journal Reporter Evan Gershkovich Hostage

The hatred that Donald Trump has for the media has been a core component of what passes for his ideology from before he was even a political candidate. And after he began his career in politics he escalated his animosity by repeatedly referring to the press in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the people.” In virtually every public appearance Trump will insult journalists and news networks as “fake,” “corrupt,” and always out to get him.

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Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin

Trump’s assault on the Constitution’s protection of a free press is part of a calculated strategy to discredit any reporting about him that is less than reverential. He wants his cult followers to dismiss truthful accounts of his noxious words and behavior, and to believe only what he tells them to believe. That sort of messiah worship is, in fact, the prime directive of a cult. And at least so far as his glassy-eyed disciples go, it’s working.

SEE THIS: IT’S A CULT! Poll Shows Republicans Trust Only Criminal Messiah Trump to Tell Them the Truth

On Wednesday Trump posted a comment on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, that is emblematic of both his aversion toward the press and his affinity toward his hero and role model, Vladimir Putin. In the comment Trump boasted that…

“Evan Gershkovich, the Reporter from The Wall Street Journal, who is being held by Russia, will be released almost immediately after the Election, but definitely before I assume Office. He will be HOME, SAFE, AND WITH HIS FAMILY. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, will do that for me, but not for anyone else, and WE WILL BE PAYING NOTHING!”

Gershkovich has been held captive in Russia for just over a year on trumped up charges of espionage. The Biden administration has been working continuously to secure his freedom, just as they did for WNBA star Brittney Griner and Marine veteran Trevor Reed. But this interference by Trump isn’t going to help. To the contrary, it appears to be an unlawful attempt to conduct foreign policy and endanger the lives of Americans in Russia and elsewhere abroad.

In asserting that Putin will only release Gershkovich to Trump, and only after he is reelected, what Trump is implying is that he and Putin are conspiring to hold Gershkovich hostage in exchange for helping Trump’s reelection campaign. If Trump really has the influence that he is claiming (which is doubtful), why doesn’t he just tell Putin to release Gershkovich now?

Clearly both Trump and Putin are using this situation to benefit themselves. They both want Trump back in the White House. Putin wants him there because he is a malleable and obedient servant who fulfills the interests of Russia, such as dismantling NATO and defunding Ukraine. Trump wants to be there for the power tripping he enjoys so much, and to avoid prison and the other consequences of his illegal activities.

It is reprehensible that Trump would use and exacerbate the suffering of an American – and a journalist to boot – to achieve his own selfish desires. But it isn’t surprising. Gershkovich is not the only American that Russia is unjustly incarcerating. Former Marine Paul Whelan has been there for five years. He was abducted during Trump’s term, and Trump did nothing to secure his release. Biden tried to include Whelan in the exchange with Griner and Reed, but Putin stubbornly refused. Perhaps he was saving him for this arrangement with Trump.

Whelan and his family are probably wondering what happened to that special relationship that Trump supposedly has with Putin. It’s notable that Trump didn’t even mention Whelan in his comment. So why should anyone believe Trump now when he says he can get Putin to release Gershkovich?

The obvious answer is that they should not believe him. Trump is only interested in one person, and that’s Trump. Always has been, and always will be. And anyone who doesn’t believe that is already a fully indoctrinated MAGA cult member.


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Trump Suffers Mental Collapse Over Poll that Asks About His Obviously Collapsing Mental Health

The fragile state of Donald Trump’s massively bloated ego has been observable in his increasingly unbalanced behavior for years. He suffers from a severe case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Delusions of Grandeur, and age-related cognitive decline.

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Donald Trump, Snowflakes

With each new public appearance or posting on his sinking social media scam, Truth Social, Trump displays the depth of his dementia and desperation. His ranting grows more incoherent. His insults become more vicious and unhinged. His attempts to defend himself fall flat, and far outside the bounds of reality.

SEE THIS: UPDATE on Donald Trump’s Deteriorating Mental State

This weekend Trump went online to rage pathetically about a poll by the ultra-conservative Wall Street Journal that asked voters about the mental and physical health of both Trump and President Biden. The poll’s results actually placed Trump in a more favorable light. But just posing the question was too much for Trump to bear. Consequently he lashed out in a pair of comments that only made him look more deranged and decidedly weaker. In the first outburst he whined that…

“In a phony and probably rigged Wall Street Journal poll, coming out of nowhere to softened the mental incompetence blow that is so obvious with Crooked Joe Biden, they ask about my age and mentality. Where did that come from? A few years ago I was the only one to agree to a mental acuity test, & ACED IT. Now that the Globalists at Fox & the WSJ have failed to push their 3rd tier candidate to success, they do this. Well, I hereby challenge Rupert Murdoch & Sons, Biden, WSJ heads, to acuity tests!”

“Where did that come from?” Trump being confused about why the Journal would ask voters about the fitness of two septuagenarians to serve as president is in itself evidence of his “softened” mental condition. And it is similarly proof of infirmity that he reminds people of the test he took wherein he was able to identify an elephant and remember a few words. He gave as an example just some words of things that were immediately around him (person, woman, man, camera, tv). Contrary to his deliberate misrepresentation, it wasn’t an IQ test. It was a simple test given to people who were being evaluated for early signs of cognitive deficiencies.

SEE ALSO: YIKES! Trump Admits His Dreams of Dictatorship, While Bragging About ‘Acing’ a Dementia Test

Trump then goes on to issue a bold challenge to take on Biden and the family of Rupert Murdoch in some sort of competitive Cognition Bowl (Sunday on ESPN?). Setting aside the fact that he would certainly lose, the whole notion is asinine. But he doubled down in his next posting…

“Page 2: I will name the place and the test, and it will be a tough one. Nobody will come even close to me! We can also throw some physical activity into it. I just won the Senior Club Championship at a big golf club, with many very good players. To do so you need strength, accuracy, touch and, above all, mental toughness. Ask Bret Baier (Fox), a very good golfer. The Wall Street Journal & Fox are damaged goods after their failed DeSanctimonious push & stupid $780,000,000 ‘settlement.’ MORONS!!!”

So Trump insists on determining the time and place for his Psycho Sweepstakes. Lay odds that he will suggest one of his own hotel/golf resorts, and that he will charge admission to attend. It’s also cute that Trump thinks he would best Biden, an avid cyclist who regularly works out in the White House gym. Never mind that Trump is averse to any form of exercise, can barely walk down short ramp, and has trouble holding a cup of water. As for his golfing prowess, Trump is a notorious cheater who only seems to “win” his own contests.

It’s notable that Trump didn’t bother to post a link to the Wall Street Journal poll that triggered his tantrum. As usual, he just expects his cult followers to believe whatever he says without question. For the record, according to Newsweek

“The poll found that 73 percent of Americans thought Biden was ‘too old’ to run for reelection next year, while 47 percent said the same about Trump, who is only three years younger than the president. Some 60 percent of respondents said that Biden was not ‘mentally up for the job of president,’ while 49 percent said the same about Trump.”

While the crosstabs for the poll were not published, the gap between Trump’s and Biden’s results is likely due to the lockstep views of brain-dead Republicans. Rational, free-thinking Democrats and Independents probably split on whether Biden’s age was a factor in their responses. But hive-minded Republicans have demonstrated their devoutly uniform anti-Biden biases and responded accordingly in obedient unison. With regard to Trump, Democrats and Independents probably also split, but cult-driven Republicans all vouched for his saintly perfection.

Additionally, the poll found that majorities regard Trump as dishonest (57%) and corrupt (58%). Biden numbers (50% and 48% respectively) aren’t anything to brag about (and are subject to the gap explanation above), but are far better than Trump’s. Which makes the GOP’s adoration of him all the more distasteful. They remain fervently faithful to their Dear Leader even though they concede that he cheats and lies. That’s not only a sick devotion to a messianic poser, it’s a dangerous signal for the future of American democracy.


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Trump and the Wall Street Journal Flagrantly Lie About COVID Fatalities to Malign Biden

The determination of right-wing media outlets to vilify President Biden on a constant basis is the driving force of their malicious editorial mission. Fox News, Newsmax, and others, keep up a perpetual parade of disparaging propaganda even when there are no facts to support their attacks.

Donald Trump, Coronavirus

Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal is among those media manglers hellbent on spreading disinformation intended to deceive their readers and damage Biden’s reputation. On Friday they published an article with an ominous headline declaring the advent of “Biden’s Covid Death Milestone.” Trump promptly tweeted a link to the article (via his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill) The gist of the hit piece was summarized in the opening paragraph stating falsely that…

“It would seem that Mr. Biden has done no better than Donald Trump in defeating Covid despite the benefit of vaccines, better therapies, and more clinical experience.”

The Journal’s argument was based on the fact that there have been about the same number of deaths due to COVID in 2021, during Biden’s presidency, as there were in 2020, during Trump’s. However, that disembodied “factoid” lacks both context and mathematical soundness.

The Journal conveniently left out the relatively massive expansion of the coronavirus and how it blanketed the nation from its inception. It went from nonexistence to pandemic in just a few weeks. That’s where the Journal’s math fell short. Here’s why…

Starting from zero there are fewer people infected and, consequently, fewer people to transmit it to others. The growth of incidents of transmission increases exponentially as the population of those infected increases. For instance, if there are ten people infected, growth of 100% would result in 20 total infected people. However, if there are 10,000 people infected, growth of 100% would result in 20,000 total infected people. So there are far more infected people, but the exact same percentage growth rate.

In real terms, during Trump’s last year in office the number of fatalities went from 10 (when Trump said it would soon decline back to zero) to 400,000, an increase of four million (4,000,000!) percent. During Biden’s first year in office the number of fatalities went from about 400,000 to 800,000, an increase of only 100 percent. That’s a fatality rate percentage decline of 99.9975 percent. So it is brazenly dishonest to say that Biden did no better than Trump. The truth is that during Biden’s term the United States went from 4000 people dying every day by the end of Trump’s term, to about 1,000 deaths a day under Biden, A decline of 75 percent.

What’s more, it must not be forgotten that more than 90% of the new hospitalizations and fatalities are among unvaccinated people. And those vaccine resisters are almost entirely Fox News viewers. It would not be inaccurate to call this the Pandemic of Fox News. Not surprisingly, the unvaccinated are predominantly Trump supporters and Republicans.

From the start of the pandemic Trump has sought to downplay its severity. In the book RAGE, by Bob Woodward it was documented that Trump had deliberately lied about the severity of the coronavirus, saying that he “wanted to always play it down.” Which he is still doing today. Trump insiders recently disclosed that he has refused to promote vaccines because it might upset his cult followers or, gawd forbid, help Biden.

The bottom line for these cretins is, as usual, prioritizing whatever is in their own political self-interest. They couldn’t care less about the suffering and loss of life that they are purposefully contributing to. And to that end they put out lies like this one in the Wall Street Journal that seek to suppress the successes of the Biden administration. Hopefully the truth will find a way to reach the American people through means other than Murdoch’s bullshit factory.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Embraces Trump Shill’s Dangerously Seditious Election Challenge

The bizarre and unpatriotic aspirations of Donald Trump, and his recasting of the already radically rightist Republican Party, continue to diverge ever further from the Constitution, and more ominously from sanity. That’s to be expected from Trump, whose tenuous grasp on reality has long been a major cause of concern. But the GOP’s willingness – and weakness – to march along in his goose-stepping spectacle raises the stakes considerably.

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Jeanine Pirro Fox News

Republicans in Congress are positioning themselves for a historic battle pitting democracy against authoritarianism. And the authoritarian side is being represented by such GOP “leaders” as Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley. They are supported by ten other Senate traitors, more than a hundred colleagues in the House republican caucus, and even out-going Vice-President, Mike Pence. Their futile plot is set to be implemented on January 6, the day that Joe Biden’s election will be certified by Congress:

“A group of Republicans has announced plans to reject electors from states they consider disputed if Congress doesn’t create a commission to investigate their claims of fraud. The effort, fueled by baseless allegations of voter fraud, drew support from Vice President Pence by Saturday night.” […]

“The statement calls for the creation of an electoral commission ‘with full investigatory and fact-finding authority, to conduct an emergency 10-day audit of the election returns in the disputed state.'”

For the record, the Congress has no authority whatsoever to create an investigatory “commission,” nor to impose a ten day audit of election returns. The session on January 6 is a ceremonial duty that merely affirms the election results already certified by all fifty states. The effort by these Republican extremists aims to challenge “disputed” electoral slates that do not exist. And they can’t succeed without both houses of Congress voting for their treachery. Of course, the Democratic-majority in the House is unlikely to play along with that.

Cue Fox News and their Senior Trump-fluffer, “Judge” Jeanine Pirro. She hosted Trump’s trade advisor, Peter Navarro, who has no expertise in constitutional law. And Navarro, as he is wont to do, went skidding perilously off the rails. He began by asserting that “the Democrat (sp) Party, as a matter of strategy, stole this election from Donald J. Trump.” And that led into this hideous exchange:

Navarro: They stole this. We can prove it. And other things… Breaking news: I would not be surprised to see a special counsel on this. And Vice-President Pence, he has the authority to give that ten day window to do what needs to get done, and I cannot imagine when you look at the facts he won’t vote the right way on that.
Pirro: And you know Peter, the interesting thing is that ten day window, it is something that they can change the date. January 20th cannot be changed. That’s constitutional. But this whole certification, the date can be changed.
Navarro: Well it can be changed actually. We can go past that date. We can go past that date. We can go past that date if we need to.
Pirro: Oh.

“Oh”? That’s a cute response by Pirro, an alleged judge, to a Trump administration official proposing a blatantly unconstitutional act. The 20th Amendment to the Constitution plainly states that “The terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January [….] and the terms of their successors shall then begin.” That is not negotiable, nor subject to the legal shenanigans of anti-democratic authoritarians like Navarro and Pirro.

On Sunday morning Trump retweeted a random crackpot Internet troll agreeing with Navarro’s preposterous misreading of the Constitution. He also retweeted the screwball attorney, Sidney Powell, saying that “This ‘election’ was stolen from the voters in a massive fraud.” Never mind that she has never presented evidence of that in court, or that Trump’s own lawyers (Rudy Giuliani et al) threw her off their team for being even too deranged for them.

What’s more, both the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal, Fox News sister newspapers also owned by Rupert Murdoch, have also come out in opposition to Trump, Navarro, Pirro, and the rest of the Fox News deceivers. The Post published a headline story exhorting Trump to Stop the Insanity and to “Give it up, Mr. President — for your sake and the nation’s.” The Journal’s Editorial Board went on record saying that…

“President Trump’s last and worst shot at overturning the 2020 election will come on Jan. 6, as the new Congress meets in joint session to tally the votes from the Electoral College. Mr. Trump wants Republican lawmakers to lodge formal objections to Joe Biden’s electors, and this kamikaze mission already has a few volunteers.” […]

“Any challenge to Mr. Biden’s electors appears doomed, since upholding the objection takes a majority in both chambers. The Democratic House would use the opportunity to excoriate Mr. Trump a final time on his way out the door, and grown-ups in the Republican Senate are unlikely to play along.”

And with that Fox News stands alone in their overly zealous, slobbering support for the failed president who is already halfway out the White House’s backdoor. Well, almost alone. Trump still has Newsmax, OANN, and the rapidly dwindling phalanx of cult disciples who still haven’t gotten to the acceptance stage of their political death.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Crybaby Trump Considers Probing Imaginary Anti-Conservative Bias Online

After ignoring the deadly risks of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic for months, Trump failed to respond with anything that remotely resembled leadership. He dismissed, and even mocked, the health experts. And he continues to pursue a strategy that is focused solely on boosting his ego and his reelection prospects, rather than on human lives. As a result, more than 1.5 million Americans have contracted the virus and nearly 100,000 have died.

Donald Trump Pacifier Fox

On Saturday morning Trump returned to the pastime that has been the priority for most of his presidency: Golf. But that wasn’t until after he revealed that he is embarking on an initiative that virtually no one considers relevant or even rational. As reported in the Wall Street Journal

“…sources said the plans may include establishing a ‘White House-created commission’ that would work in conjunction with agencies like the Federal Elections Commission and Federal Communications Commission to examine bias and censorship online. A White House official told the WSJ that ‘left wing bias in the tech world is a concern that definitely needs to be addressed.’”

That’s right. Trump is suiting up to fight fictional foes and other figments of his fertile but frayed imagination. Note that the White House source explicitly states that only alleged “left wing bias” is the subject of this phony commission. That’s proof that the whole thing is a cheesy political stunt that has no credibility whatsoever. It’s just Snowflake Trump demonstrating how fragile his ego is and how determined he is to seek vengeance for his perceived delusions of persecution.

Trump, and the Paranoid Wingnut Confederacy he leads, is convinced that virtually every institution in America is biased against them. Whether it’s the Internet, the media, colleges, science, Hollywood, etc., he shivers in the wake of clandestine villains lurking under his bed. For the so-called “leader of the free world” Trump sure spends an awful lot of time whining like a colicky infant and throwing petulant tantrums.

Last week Trump tweeted that “The Radical Left is in total command & control of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Google,” and that “The Administration is working to remedy this illegal situation.” Like most of Trump’s assertions of secret cabals ruling the planet from some underground bunker, Trump has no evidence to support his deranged ranting. Likewise, he is incapable of backing up his reckless accusations of illegality by citing any breach of a law that actually exists.

However, this isn’t a recent mental short-circuiting by Trump. News Corpse reported on it a year ago when Trump was defending his bootlicking sycophants, Diamond and Silk, who falsely claimed they were being censored by Facebook. They weren’t. And exactly one year ago today Trump tweeted…

The problem with the “conservative voices” Trump is advocating for was not their conservatism. It was their repeated insistence on engaging in racist hate speech and inciting violence. The aforementioned Diamond and Silk were recently booted from Fox’s Fox Nation streaming platform for spreading disinformation about the coronavirus. Their bizarre conspiracy theories included advising people to deliberately expose themselves to the virus in order to develop immunity, and warning against getting a vaccination because it was part of a plot by Bill Gates to impose population control.

These are typical of the sources Trump relies on for his policy development. He rejects science and academia in favor of crackpots with ludicrous and unfounded schemes and ultra rightist agendas. Trump adopts these lunatics and passes their dangerous blather on to his cult followers. Then he publicly whimpers and sulks about how unfairly he is treated by the liberal overlords who he believes secretly control the destiny of the world. Poor baby. It must be so hard being the weakest holder ever of the most powerful position on Earth.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Even Trump’s ‘Friends’ Think His Behavior at Coronavirus Briefings is Asinine

For several weeks Donald Trump has been serving as the host of a daily reality TV program known as “The Coronavirus Task Force Briefings.” Trump envisions himself as the COVID-19 pandemic’s Pat Sajak, spinning a Wheel of Falsehoods and propaganda. He has turned what was intended to be a platform for disseminating life and death information into a petty, partisan, political charade.

Donald Trump

No longer able to bask in the glassy-eyed adoration of his cult disciples at mass rallies, Trump is callously exploiting a public health crisis in order to advance his own reelection prospects. He has cast himself as the star of the daily briefings despite the fact that, due to his ignorance and ego, he has nothing of value to contribute. Consequently, he wastes the time of the public and the press by upstaging the experts so that he can disgorge more lies, brag about imaginary accomplishments, and yell at reporters.

Trump’s narcissism always gets the best of him. He can’t hold a thought in his orange-glazed noggin that isn’t laser focused on his own self interest. But his efforts to exalt himself are failing bigly. His approval ratings are sinking during a national disaster, a time when any other leader would be enjoying a “rally round the flag” bounce. And he’s reduced to having to boast about his TV ratings because the American people aren’t buying his lies.

Even worse, many of Trump’s closest allies are straying from the Trump dogma. Rupert Murdoch’s conservative Wall Street Journal published an editorial titled Trump’s Wasted Briefings that said “If Mr. Trump thinks these daily sessions will help him defeat Joe Biden, he’s wrong.” GOP Sen. Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia is warning that the president should “let the health professionals guide where we’re going to go,” and that the briefings have gone “off the rails a little bit.” Trump’s chief Senate bootlicker, Lindsey Graham, said that Trump “drowns out his own message,” and suggested that he appear once a week rather than every day. Even a reliable Fox News Trump-fluffer, Brit Hume, responded harshly to a Trump tweet about the briefings, saying that…

To top it off, one of Trump’s closest friends, Piers Morgan, appeared on CNN Sunday morning and delivered an uncompromising smack down (video below). He prefaced it saying that Trump “won’t want me saying this, but I’m gonna say it anyway.” And his elaboration pretty much confirmed that:

“I’ve been watching these daily briefings with mounting horror frankly, because this is not what the president should be doing. […and what…] this requires of any world leader is that they’ve got to be calm. They have to show authority. They have to be honest. They have to be accurate, entirely factual with what they’re telling the people. And they have to have the ability to show empathy. And on almost every level of that Donald Trump, at the moment, is failing the American people.

“He’s turning these briefings into a self-aggrandizing, self-justifying, overly defensive, politically partisan, almost like a rally to him. Almost like what’s more important to him is winning the election in November. No it’s not, Donald Trump. What is more important right now is saving American lives.”

To be sure, Morgan is notorious right-wing jerk with a long history of racism and misogyny. His prior remarks about Trump have been effusively laudatory. Which makes this criticism all the more painful for Trump. We can expect some infantile and insulting tweets aimed at Morgan shortly, because Trump’s most predictable trait is lashing out at those whom he feels have betrayed him. And that’s pretty much everyone, since his paranoia and persecution was affirmed in his own words when he said that All I see is hatred of me.” Poor baby.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

POLL: Fox News Viewers are Hopelessly Gaslit Victims of Trump’s Propaganda

The recent release of the redacted version of the report by special counsel Robert Mueller has resulted in a couple of the worst weeks to date for Donald Trump. And that’s despite the fact that much of the most damaging material is still undisclosed. He is being barraged by legal experts who affirm that the report contains ample evidence of crimes and obstruction of justice that warrant consideration of initiating impeachment hearings.

Fox News, Sean Hannity, White House

The public’s view of these matters leans decidedly toward a consensus that Trump is dishonest and likely guilty of criminal offenses. They may be related to the hundreds of contacts by him and his campaign with Russian operatives, or his suppression of documents and testimony that points to his guilt. But there is one notable constituency that is oblivious to the reality of Trump’s wrongdoing: Fox News viewers.

A new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll breaks out the opinions of voters by their cable news preferences. And the disparity between those who watch Fox News and those who watch other networks is profound:

These results reveal that Fox News viewers have totally bought into the propaganda that Trump and his fluffers in the right-wing press feverishly disseminate. They are the victims of deliberate lies that don’t remotely resemble reality. This is evident by the extreme differences among the Fox News viewers with their fellow citizens. If the pro-Trump numbers were just a little higher, that might indicate some measure of media bias. But when the numbers are so radically far apart, that can only be the result of cult-like indoctrination.

It simply is not normal for 69 percent of the viewers of one network to say they aren’t worried about Russian interference in the U.S. election, when less that 50 percent of the viewers of all other networks feel the same way. It’s extraordinary that 50 percent of Fox viewers falsely believe that the Mueller report cleared Trump, when everyone else believes that by less than 25 percent. And how can 61 percent of Fox News viewers say that Trump has been honest about Russia, when less than 30 percent of the rest of the nation says that?

These numbers, of course, are reflected in the overall approval of Trump as president. And once again, 73 percent of Fox News viewers are blindly adoring of Trump, while significant majorities of all other respondents vehemently disapprove. What this tells us is that the Fox News audience is living in an alternate world. They are hypnotically devoted to Trump regardless of what he says or does. They even obediently agree with him when he contradicts himself.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

And for that reason – along with many others – it is absurd for Democrats to consider gracing Fox News with their presence. It’s ludicrous to lend their credibility to a network that hasn’t earned it. And it makes no sense whatsoever to support a brazenly biased channel that exists – from its inception – to malign them, and whose viewers overwhelmingly despise them.

Fox News Boycotts Twitter, So No Reporting on Trump’s Hush Money, Election Results, and More

Last week Tucker Carlson of Fox News was the victim of some unruly protesters who showed up at his home and shouted at his family. It was a particularly dumb exercise that succeeded only in frightening the household and giving Carlson ammunition to attack all progressives as hostile and lawless. Never mind that there was widespread criticism of the ill-conceived protest, even by many of the liberals Carlson most frequently attacked.

Fox News, Twitter

However the most absurd response to the protest is that of Carlson’s network, Fox News. They have decided to to refrain from using Twitter because they are upset with how the social media platform handled posts by SmashRacismDC, the group that reportedly was responsible for the action against Carlson. Fox told a Tribune Media reporter that they would remain tweetless until Twitter removed the posts and apologized. There is no indication of whether or not an apology was rendered, but Twitter suspended the account of SmashRacismDC and deleted the offending tweets two days ago. And yet, two days later, Fox News still has not tweeted anything.

This seems to be a curiously petty reaction to the situation. After all, Twitter was not responsible for the protests, and they did banish the party that was. Is Fox just holding out for the apology because their corporate ego has been bruised? Are they stomping off in a huff until Twitter sends them a Hallmark card? Who do they think they’re hurting?

One consequence of this boycott, intended or otherwise, is that Fox News isn’t reporting some important news events that have taken place in the last couple of days. There is vote counting going on in Florida, Georgia, and Arizona that will have a profound impact on the composition of the next Congress. And so far, the trends are favoring the Democratic candidates for senate and governor in all three. Is Fox News comfortable with not informing their Twitter followers of this news? Or is that their intention?

Furthermore, there was a bombshell story by the Wall Street Journal that reveals hard evidence that Donald Trump not only knew, but led the efforts to pay hush money to women with whom he had sexual affairs, including Stormy Daniels and Summer Zervos. He has previously denied (i.e. lied about) these allegations. That makes this a convenient time for Fox to go dark online so as not to further spread these revelations. Surely Fox News doesn’t want their audience to be exposed to such damning truths, even if it’s coming from a newspaper that is part of their corporate family.

Along with these stories are others concerning the firing of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the resulting controversy over Trump’s apparent attempts to obstruct justice by hindering the investigation of special counsel Robert Mueller. And Trump’s designated “Acting” Attorney General, Matt Whitaker, is facing stiff criticism for his prejudice with regard to Mueller, and his sordid past that includes a connection to a company that engaged in rampant fraud. This is another story Fox would likely want to suppress.

Now Trump is in Paris meeting with foreign leaders with whom he has been feuding. There are devastating fires in California that Trump falsely blamed on “forest mismanagement,” rather than climate change. The recent mass shooting in Thousand Oaks exacerbates the debate on efforts to legislate gun safety reforms. And Trump’s war with media takes a nasty turn as he singles out African-American women for abuse.

All of these are stories that are getting significant play in the press, and on Twitter, but for which Fox News is muzzling itself over a specious complaint about a Twitter problem that is already resolved. And all of these are stories that reflect poorly on Donald Trump, for whom Fox News operates as the State TV mouthpiece. Is it really just a coincidence?

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

UPDATE: It’s day three of the Fox News Twitter boycott. There is a report that a memo was sent to the entire Fox digital team to refrain from tweeting Fox content on either Fox or personal accounts. But for some reason, Fox and Friends seems to be exempt from this network-wide Twitter boycott.