Fox News Hate Monger Accuses Democrats of ‘Cheering the Extinction of White People’

The 2020 census made news this week when it found that the white population in the United States declined for the first time ever. It didn’t take long for the racial alarmists on the right to start banging the drums about the end of western civilization. It’s a path they have been tramping for years, and now they have data to fuel their paranoia.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Bullshit Factory

Topping the list of race-baiting fear hustlers is the Senior White Nationalist on Fox News, Tucker Carlson. He has been feverishly pushing the Nazi inspired “White Replacement Theory” for months, and recently enhanced it with his perverse view that Democrats are purposely trying to destroy the country for no reason other than to prove that they can do it. That’s a comic book super villain level of analysis that a seven year old would think is stupid.

On his program Friday night, Carlson delivered a maniacal tirade that concluded with his panic-stricken accusation that there were “non-white people cheering the extinction of white people” (video below). That, of course, was all in his diseased mind. But his hateful lunacy was littered with similar rhetorical garbage:

“Democrats are intentionally accelerating demographic change in this country for political advantage. So rather than convince people to vote for them – that’s called democracy – they’re counting on brand new voters. That’s what we said on this show. Immediately after we said that they became completely hysterical. They tried to pull us off the air. They said we were espousing something called the ‘Great Replacement Theory,’ a well known racist fantasy.”

In fact, the ‘White Replacement Theory” is a very real obsession among professional bigots like Carlson. He even admitted it earlier this year when, in the same sentence, he mocked “hysterical” Democrats for criticizing his replacement theory rants, but then concluded by saying that “that’s what’s happening, actually.”

Carlson’s assertion that Democrats are “intentionally accelerating demographic change” is preposterous on its face. Democrats don’t control the party registration of the demographic groups that Carlson is so afraid of. Likewise, his claim that Democrats are “counting on brand new voters” ignores the fact that every generation produces brand new voters. So he’s complaining that the American people are procreating. Well, to be precise, he’s just complaining about the “darkies” procreating. And if anyone is subverting democracy it’s the Republicans, whose voter suppression bills are proof that they know they can’t win without cheating.

Carlson then segues to the results of the 2020 census and what he considers Armageddon for the white population in America. He was clearly upset about this. He asks plaintively “Why did this happen? Where did all those people go?” Then he asserts that Democrats were “celebrating” the census results. As evidence he plays a clip from CNN that doesn’t show anyone celebrating.

Rather, the clip showed a Black commentator’s opinion that Donald Trump and his Confederate, Stephen Miller, were “throwing up” upon hearing this news. That was followed by a Latina commentator pointing out the poetic irony that the White House offices of Miller and Ivanka Trump were now occupied by people of color. That isn’t celebrating the decline of the white majority. It’s acknowledging America’s progress toward a more inclusive society that values its diversity.

To Carlson, what that amounts to is racial treason. He described “these people” as being “completely out of control, They are dangerous,” he said. And he characterized them as “gloating” over the decline of the white race. But in reality it’s just Carlson inciting the Klan types who watch his show religiously to embrace their racist fears. He is overtly exploiting rank bigotry for ratings and the blind adoration America’s most hateful. And he’s doing it with the full support of his bosses at Fox News, where spreading contempt, division, and racial phobia is all part of its corporate and political mission.

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On Fox News Tucker Carlson Drops His Sickest White Supremacy Conspiracy Theory Yet

The past few months have seen Tucker Carlson of Fox News deliver an eclectic array of noxious commentaries. The variety and extremism of his tirades seem more like the rantings of the schizophrenic on the street corner yelling at passing cars than the host of a program on an alleged “news” network. Among the heinous harangues are Carlson’s paranoid claims that the NSA is spying on him, his adoring embrace of foreign fascists, his bizarre accusation that the FBI orchestrated Trump’s January 6th insurrection, and his twisted belief that public health experts are hiding the “fact” that vaccines don’t work.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Klan

On Wednesday morning Carlson visited with the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends to one up himself on the crazy scale. It didn’t take long for him achieve that goal. The topic of the discussion was immigration, which on Fox News means hateful presentations of invading hordes of brown people intent on committing senseless acts of murder and rape for cheap thrills. And for Carlson it also offers another opportunity to peddle the overtly racist “White Replacement Theory” that he picked up from his study of 20th century Nazis. He vented viciously to his Fox friends that…

“What’s happening at the border is not a crisis. A crisis is a flood in Bangladesh. It’s an act of god. This is an intentional act. This is the administration bringing felons, violent criminals, into our country on purpose. Why would you do something like that? Only to destroy it. There’s no other explanation for this. It’s not an act of compassion. It’s an act of hostility against the United States in order to change it forever. I think this is the greatest scandal of my lifetime, what’s happening on the border right now.”

So Carlson wants us to believe that he thinks Democrats are intentionally importing violent felons for the sole purpose of destroying America. He doesn’t bother to explain why Democrats would want to do that, or how it would benefit them. It’s just his opinion that they are the equivalent of comic book super villains who have no motive other than laying waste to civilization to prove that they can. That’s the sort of small-brain thesis that a seven year old would be embarrassed to claim.

For the record, Carlson doesn’t have a shred of evidence to support any of his rancid rhetoric. There are no caravans of migrating felons marching northward. But he is parroting the psychotic ramblings of Donald Trump who has repeatedly and baselessly charged that “Other countries are emptying their jails into our country.”

After getting an “Absolutely!” affirmation from co-host Steve Doocy, Carlson went on to reveal what he thinks the end game is for the evil Democrats. “The strategy,” Carlson snarls, “is to change the demographics of the country.” That’s the heart of the “White Replacement Theory” that he has been hawking on his program for months. His belief is that Democrats will gain an electoral advantage through this, saying that “Democrats are bringing them here purely to vote for them.” Carlson seems to think that these imaginary migrant felons get immediate citizenship and voting rights as soon as they cross the border. And of course, they will all register and vote as Democrats.

In case anyone missed the main point Carlson was trying to make, he conveniently spelled it out for us, warning that “we should not be bullied into silence as they take OUR country away.” The emphasis on “OUR” was entirely Carlson’s. It was his not-so-subtle nod to the white-wingers like himself who he believes are the rightful masters of America. And while it’s disgusting enough that Carlson would hold that opinion, it’s downright nauseating that he would shamelessly say it out loud on national television. But then again, this is Fox News.

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Newt Gingrich Visits Fox News to Peddle the Overtly Racist ‘White Replacement Theory’

Fox News has officially become the White Nationalist Network of America. Their efforts on behalf of blatantly racist philosophies and organizations makes it impossible to deny their close association and aligned goals. No better example exists than the fact that this week Fox’s top rated program host, Tucker Carlson, is in Hungary embracing their abhorrently bigoted and tyrannical Prime Minister, Viktor Orban.

Newt Gingrich, Donald Trump

Back at home, Fox News Senior Trump-fluffer Maria Bartiromo, invited Newt Gingrich to pontificate on his noxious notions of anti-immigrant hatred and xenophobia. Gingrich took the opportunity to wholly embrace the staunchly racist “white replacement theory” that Carlson is so fond of promoting. The theory proposes that Democrats are “importing” Mexicans to “replace” what conservatives regard as “traditional” Americans. Never mind that all Americans are immigrants unless they are descended from the Indigenous population that was here prior to the European invasion.

But from Gingrich’s supremacist perspective, it’s the refugees from Central America who are the invaders. He was asked by Bartiromo about a Wall Street Journal op-ed alleging that President Biden was neglecting illegal immigration. He replied by maligning the refugees, saying that…

“They don’t come all the way across Mexico for the purpose of visiting for two days. They want to be in America. And I think what’s hard for most of us to accept, is that the anti-American left would love to drown traditional classic Americans with as many people as they can who know nothing of American history, nothing of American tradition, nothing of the rule of law.

“I think that – if you go and you look at the radical left, this is their ideal model is to get rid of the rest of us because we believe in George Washington or we believe in the Constitution, and you see this behavior over and over again.”

There’s a lot of loathing stuffed into that commentary. Let’s begin with Gingrich trivializing the reasons for immigrants coming to America. They are fleeing poverty and violence in their own countries. This has nothing to with with vacations or relocating to sunnier climes.

Gingrich’s rant refers to “the anti-American” and “radical left” in order to deflect from the reality that it is ultra-rightists like him who are sullying the proud tradition of American diversity that was built on immigration. Gingrich also uses phrases like “drown traditional classic Americans” to deliberately invoke violence and foment fear.

When Gingrich complains about people who “know nothing of American history, nothing of American tradition, nothing of the rule of law,” he doesn’t realize that he’s talking mostly about “the uneducated” who Donald Trump professes to love, because without them he’d have no one to attend his cult rallies or shower him with blind adulation. After all, no one is more dismissive of American laws than Trump himself.

Finally, Gingrich fires the coup de grâce with his frightening assertion that Democrats are plotting to “get rid of the rest of us.” It’s a statement that is filled with ignorance and intended to incite hostilities by those who are stupid enough to believe any of this malarkey. But that’s the purpose of segments like this on Fox News. They are unabashedly devoted to inciting hatred and division in order to maintain power for white supremacists like Gingrich and Trump.

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Why Is Fox News Racist Tucker Carlson Smearing a January 6th Capitol Police Hero?

On Wednesday afternoon House Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded appropriately to GOP leader Kevin McCarthy’s transparent attempt to make a mockery of the House Select Committee on the January 6th Insurrection. McCarthy tried to stack the Committee with a pair of fervent foes of democracy, Jim Jordan and Jim Banks. Both of these extremist Republicans are devoted members of the Cult of Trump who support his “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was “stolen” from him. The very lie that Trump used to incite the riots in Washington, D.C. in the first place.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, QAnon

No rational person could criticize Pelosi’s decision not to seat Jordan and Banks. It would be like seating Harvey Weinstein or Bill Cosby (or Donald Trump) on a committee to probe sexual harassment. But Fox News isn’t known for their rational people or analyses. And that’s especially true with regard to Fox’s Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson, who has been on a tear recently with idiocy like his paranoid delusion that the National Security Agency (NSA) is spying on him. Or his dangerously dishonest claim that health authorities know that vaccines don’t work and they aren’t telling you. Or his baseless accusation that the FBI orchestrated the January 6th insurrection.

Consequently, Carlson immediately launched into a predictable condemnation of Pelosi and the Committee’s effort to get to the truth of what happened on January 6th, why it happened, and what led up to it. In the course of his knee-jerk jabbering he somehow managed to take a detour toward a racist attack on a Capitol Police officer who courageously defended the seat of America’s democracy.

Officer Harry Dunn put his own life at risk to protect members of Congress, their staffs, and the Constitution, whose duties the House was in the progress of undertaking. But Carlson was focused solely on his ultra-partisan obsession with slandering Democrats and any unfortunate who happened to be in line of fire. He said (video below)

“So the Committee will proceed with one party. What will it look like. Well, think MSNBC with subpoena power.

“On Tuesday Pelosi will call a Capitol police officer called Harry Dunn. Dunn will pretend to speak for the country’s law enforcement community. But it turns out Dunn has very little in common with your average cop. Dunn is an angry left-wing political activist whose social media feeds are full of praise, not coincidentally, for Nancy Pelosi. Here’s a picture of the two of them together.

“‘Racism is so American,’ Harry wrote in one post, ‘that when you protest it, people think you are protesting America.’ Hashtag ‘Leave it to whites to tell blacks what is racist,’ hashtag ‘I stand with Ilhan Omar,’ hashtag ‘Squad.’ Harry Dunn, ladies and gentlemen. Just another fact-based witness to the insurrection.”

Where upon Carlson introduced his guest, Jim Jordan. Carlson’s rant presents a dumpster of derp that requires some further exploration. First of all, the Committee will not proceed with one party. Pelosi has already appointed one Republican, Liz Cheney, and there could be more. If Carlson has a problem with the make up of the Committee, he should direct his whining to McCarthy who childishly took his ball and scampered away after Pelosi nixed his two most radical opponents of an honest probe.

Secondly, Carlson’s assertion that Dunn would “pretend to speak for the country’s law enforcement community,” is pure fiction. Dunn never claimed to do so, and he isn’t the only member of law enforcement who will be testifying. What’s more, Carlson’s characterization of Dunn as “an angry left-wing political activist” is wholly inappropriate. He is a police officer who was doing his duty during a violent riot without any of the political posturing that marks everything Carlson does or says. Which means that Dunn actually has much “in common with your average cop,” but nothing in common with Carlson.

Thirdly, Dunn is an citizen who has every right to express his opinion outside of his official duties. But Carlson apparently doesn’t believe that Dunn is entitled to the freedoms that every other American enjoys. Could it be because he’s black and proudly supports his people? Well, it’s interesting that Carlson chose to attack Dunn, but not the white officers who are scheduled to testify before the Committee.

Finally, there is another element to this melodrama that needs further attention. Carlson is obviously very upset that Pelosi rejected Banks and Jordan for seats on the Committee. However, he failed to disclose that his son, Buckley Carlson, is Banks’ communications director. So Carlson is enraged that his son’s boss was denied the opportunity to dishonestly distort the events of January 6th, but he didn’t think it was important to reveal that familial connection, a clear conflict of interest and breach of ethics.

That’s the sort of white privilege that is present in much of Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson’s elitist life as the son of a diplomat and the heir to a frozen food fortune. Only now he is combining it with a hatred for police officers, African-Americans, Democrats, and patriots who respect the Constitution. And as usual, Fox News is behind him all the way.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Kayleigh McEnany of Fox News Lies that ‘All of Our Founding Fathers Were Against Slavery’

There is one unmistakably common characteristic of Donald Trump’s administration and particularly his press office. It was a festering morass of lies and liars. And no one did it better than his last press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany. Which is why she was so quickly hired by Fox News after Trump was booted from the White House.

Kayleigh McEnany

McEnany’s aversion to the truth has been a hallmark of her public life. Examples of her deliberate dishonesty are abundant. They run the gamut from falsely asserting that the the Mueller report was a “complete and total exoneration” of Trump, to supporting Trump’s “Big Lie” that there was “ample evidence of fraud” in the 2020 presidential election.

Now McEnany is aiming for disinformer immortality. On Tuesday’s episode of Outnumbered on Fox news, McEnany made this shockingly ignorant claim:

“The haters never take a day off from hating. That is clear. They never take a day off from getting facts wrong. We know most of our forefathers, all of our main Founding Fathers, were against slavery, recognized the evils of it.”

The segment began with McEnany bravely defending the 4th of July from “Democrats, left-wing activists, and even the media” who she said “smeared the all-American holiday.” Which of course, they didn’t do. However, her comment demonstrated the hate that she was trying to project on Democrats. You can’t call others “haters” while you’re lying about them “smearing” a patriotic holiday.

Even worse, McEnany appears to be totally unfamiliar with American history. While accusing the left of “getting facts wrong,” she takes a million mile detour from the factual world. The truth about America’s Founding Fathers may be difficult for her and others to admit, but it isn’t in dispute. Most of them were “owners” of enslaved men, women and children. And those who weren’t tolerated the practice in order to hold the newly formed union together.

This is typical of how Fox News warps reality to stuff their square racist peg into their round white supremacist hole. They simply don’t care about facts that conflict with their pre-determined narrative. And they obviously know that their audience doesn’t care either, or is too stupid to tell the difference. But you can count on this appeal to bigotry and ignorance to be featured throughout the coming midterm elections and into the next presidential cycle. It is the only thing they have to run on.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Sniveling Trust Fund Baby Tucker Carlson Calls Joint Chiefs Chairman a Stupid Pig

Did you think you’d heard it all? After Donald Trump tried to prosecute Saturday Night Live for mocking him; or that he trusts Vladimir Putin more than his fellow Americans; or that his Capitol insurrectionists posed zero threat? Well, Tucker Carlson of Fox News wasn’t about to be outdone.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, QAnon

The Fox Network’s Senior White Nationalist has been on a streak lately. Just last week he unfurled a bizarre conspiracy theory that the FBI had orchestrated the January 6th riots in Washington, D.C. But now he’s going after the military, specifically, General Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (video below):

“Mark Milley is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He didn’t get that job because he’s brilliant or because he’s brave or because the people who know him respect him. He is not and they definitely don’t. Milley got the job because he is obsequious. He knows who to suck up to, and he’s more than happy to do it. Feed him a script and he will read it. Here’s Milley yesterday, the man in charge of this nation’s weapons, explaining his working to understand a concept called “white rage.”

Whereupon, Carlson ran a video clip of Gen. Milley explaining the importance of being informed and conscious of the diversity in the ranks and the nation. Carlson dismissed it all as an attack on “white rage,” Something that, for personal reasons, Carlson wasn’t going to stand for. Milley said that…

“I do think it’s important for those of us in uniform to be open minded and be widely read. The United States Military Academy is a university. And it is important that we train and we understand. And I want to understand white rage. And I’m white, and I want to understand it. So what is it that cause thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America? What caused that?”

For the record, Gen. Milley served in combat in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He holds advanced degrees from Princeton, Columbia, and the Naval War College. He earned the respect of his colleagues as he was promoted through the ranks over a 30 year career to his current role as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Meanwhile, Tucker Carlson is a trust fund baby who never served, and the heir to a frozen TV dinner fortune, who was fired from three television networks (CNN, PBS, and MSNBC) due to low ratings, before landing on Fox News where his brand of racist hate-speech finally succeeded because “he knows who to suck up to, and he’s more than happy to do it.” Carlson’s rancid rant continued…

“Notice he never defines white rage. And we should know what it is. What is white rage? Well, like drapetomania, it’s one of those diseases that only affect people with certain melanin levels. It’s a race-specific illness. […] So Mark Milley reads Mao to understand Maoism, he reads communists to understand communism. But, interestingly, he doesn’t read white supremacists to understand white supremacy. Why not? Go to the source.”

If Carlson really wants to know what white rage is, all he has to do is watch his program for a few minutes. In the comment above he literally exhorts his audience to read white supremacist literature. Carlson is using his show to actively recruit for his Ku Klux cause.

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that it took Milley’s defense of the Critical Race Theory (CRT) to trigger Carlson and Fox News to descend to the point where they are attacking the military. CRT is an academic study defined as an “attempt to understand how victims of systemic racism are affected by cultural perceptions of race.” But Carlson and Fox News aren’t about to permit that sort of understanding to be taught.

Carlson wasn’t alone in his assault on Milley. Fox’s Laura Ingraham joined in to propose defunding the military because of its attempts “to weed out so-called ‘extremists,’ which just means conservative evangelicals as far as I can tell,” It’s funny how any time someone mentions extremists or racists or traitors, right-wingers like Ingraham immediately assume that they are the subject of the discussion.

Not willing to be left out (of anything, ever), Trump also weighed in. During an interview on Newsmax Thursday evening, Trump, a five-time draft dodger, complained about Milley saying that “I watched his statement, it was pathetic!” That’s Trump’s way saying “Thanks for your service.”

It’s hard to imagine how Fox News can continue to provide a platform for the sort of rhetorical excrement that is the hallmark of Carlson’s program. Like Lou Dobbs before him, Carlson has driven away virtually all of his major advertisers, leaving just the MyPillow guy and a collection of reverse mortgage lenders and personal injury lawyers.

Unlike Dobbs, Carlson’s Anti-American Hour of Hate is still on the air. Which means that the Murdoch’s must be so enamored of Carlson that they don’t even care that they’re losing money. And that tells you all you need to know about Fox News.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Trump on ‘The Blacks’: His Critical Race Theory Op-Ed Advocates Compulsory Ignorance

Another day, another revelation about just how despicable Donald Trump really is. A new book (Frankly, We Did Win This Election: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost) reports that Trump was upset that African-Americans weren’t more adoring of him. “I’ve done all this stuff for the Blacks,” Trump whines, “and they all f**king hate me.” That may be due in part to his repeatedly referring to them as “the Blacks.”

Donald Trump, MAGA

Trump’s dismay that his egomaniacal sense of entitlement to Black support hasn’t materialized might also be due to his overt racism that has been evident throughout his public life. After all, this is the same man who insisted that neo-Nazis in Charlottesville were “very fine people,” and that five Black men should be executed for a murder they didn’t commit, and that Barack Obama was an illegitimate president because he was a Muslim from Kenya.

On Friday Trump continued to display his bigotry in an op-ed (that he surely didn’t write) on Critical Race Theory (which he surely can’t define). It was headlined “A Plan to Get Divisive & Radical Theories Out of Our Schools,” and began by stating that…

“As a candidate, Joe Biden’s number one promise was to ‘unite’ America. Yet in his first months as president, his number one priority has been to divide our country by race and gender at every turn.

“There is no clearer example than the Biden administration’s new effort aimed at indoctrinating America’s schoolchildren with some of the most toxic and anti-American theories ever conceived. It is vital for Americans to understand what this initiative would do, what drives it and, most importantly, how we can stop it.”

Trump is attempting to malign Biden as divisive by claiming that there is an effort to impose an academic mandate to teach Critical Race Theory (CRT), a field of study of that is defined as an “attempt to understand how victims of systemic racism are affected by cultural perceptions of race.” Of course, Biden isn’t imposing anything of the sort. The recent freak out by the right on this subject is a canard intended to whip up the racist anxieties of the Trumpian Republican base. Fox News has been shamelessly misrepresenting it, and even staging phony interviews with GOP operatives pretending they are ordinary Americans who oppose it.

Trump’s op-ed goes on to accuse “the America-blaming left” of casting history in “the most negative possible light,” to advance “a new curriculum designed to brainwash” children. Never mind that CRT is generally only discussed at the college level. More importantly, it is simply a part of the nation’s history, and dismissing it would be an act of willful ignorance. Trump continued saying that…

“The key fact about this twisted doctrine is that it is completely antithetical to everything that normal Americans of any color would wish to teach their children.”

That, however, is merely an opinion and, by definition, not a “key fact” about anything. Additionally, it isn’t true, since many Americans approve of its teaching. A recent poll found that 38% regard it as “somewhat” or “very favorable.” And that’s an artificially low number due to the partisanship surrounding the issue created by biased “news” reporting from the likes of Fox News. The poll also found that 85% of Republicans, and 91% of Trump voters, regard it as “very unfavorable.” Trump went on to flagrantly lie that CRT…

“…teaches [children] that America is systemically evil and that the hearts of our people are full of hatred and malice. [That it] preaches that judging people by the color of their skin is actually a good idea. [And that] the Biden administration endorsed … inflicting a critical race theory-inspired curriculum on American schoolchildren.”

None of those assertions remotely resemble reality. But they do provide Trump with a fake pretext to suggest his solution to this imaginary problem. He says that “Congress should seek to institute a federal ban through legislation.” Really? A ban on teaching history? What’s next, book burning?

Much of what Trump proposes in his op-ed is simply the mirror image of the tactics that he condemns by Democrats, namely mandating curriculums based on a political agenda. The difference is that Democrats never actually proposed any such mandates, but Trump and the GOP are doing so now. Which may be another reason that “the Blacks” haven’t rushed to pay tribute to Trump. Well, unless we’re referring to them as Seth Meyers did at the White House Correspondents Dinner:

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Gets GOP Activists to Pose as ‘Everyday Americans’ Against Critical Race Theory

If anyone still needs convincing that Fox News is an entertainment medium that produces nothing but hostile and divisive, politically charged melodrama, this may be the proof you’ve been waiting for. The devotedly right-wing purveyor of propaganda has been staging episodes to stir up opposition to Critical Race Theory (CRT), an academic field of study of that is defined as an “attempt to understand how victims of systemic racism are affected by cultural perceptions of race.”

Fox News, KKK

However, on Fox News CRT is just a thinly veiled substitute for anything related to racial politics. And Fox uses it to advance their blatantly racist agenda. To achieve that goal Fox has been airing segments that featured allegedly ordinary folks who are appalled at what they claim is indoctrination and/or brainwashing of their children. A more accurate description would educating.

These segments are carefully scripted to inflame Fox’s easily fooled audience. And they also cast the players to assure maximum deception. The guests that Fox book, it turns out, are not so ordinary after all all. They are, in fact, Republican operatives. Media Matters has compiled a collection of some the recent imposers, including…

  • Ian Prior: A “Loudoun County parent” who has also worked for the National Republican Congressional Committee and a Karl Rove super PAC.
  • Quisha King: An an “everyday American” who is also a GOP strategist and worked for the Republican National Committee in 2020.
  • Patti Hidalgo Menders: A “Loudoun County, Virginia, parent” who also works for Majority Strategies, a GOP media consulting firm.
  • Lilit Vanetsyan: A “Fairfax County teacher” who is a reporter for the pro-Trump Right Side Broadcasting Network.
  • Barry Bennett: A “Virginia Little League Parent” who was also a senior adviser to Trump’s 2016 campaign.
  • Nicole Neily: A “parent fighting against CRT” who was also affiliated with the conservative FreedomWorks.
  • Elizabeth Schultz: A “school board member” who was also a former Trump administration official.
  • Carrie Lukas: A “Virginia mom” who worked at the Independent Women’s Forum and wrote “Checking Progressive Privilege.”
  • Bridget Ziegler: A “mother of three girls” who is also a precinct committeewoman for the Republican Party of Sarasota County.
  • Deborah Flora: A “school District mom” who also hosts a right-wing radio program.
  • Joe Mobley: A “father of three” who also hosts a podcast on how to respond to criticisms from liberals.

This is typical of how Fox News stages their so-called “news” presentations. Their hosts are partisan mouthpieces who have no expertise in journalism or public affairs. Their guests are invariably right-wing shills who are committed to advancing their political interests. And all of them are shameless liars who are more interested in scoring points than informing viewers. Yet somehow these cretins still have the gall to accuse others of indoctrination and brainwashing.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Vigilantes, Lara Trump and ‘Judge’ Pirro, Issue Call to ‘Arm Up’ to Shoot Migrants

There is a harrowing pattern of advocating violence that is indelibly integrated into the modern, Donald Trump diseased, Republican Party. It was evident in Trump’s rhetoric that glorified hostility toward his critics at his his cult rallies. It was inbred in his attacks on Democrats and the press as “the enemy.” And it recently manifested horribly at his Capitol Hill Insurrection.

Fox News, Lara Trump

As if all of that weren’t bad enough, now his progeny is joining in the reckless call for innocent blood. And Fox News is, of course, the bullhorn for this abhorrent talk. On Saturday’s episode of Justice with “Judge” Pirro, her guest was Eric Trump’s wife, and Fox News contributor, Lara Trump. The discussion was filled with the typical animus of the televised Hate Channel. However, it devolved into a vile assault on the already troubled community of migrants. And then Lara Trump dug even deeper…

“I don’t know what to tell people that live on the Southern border. I guess they better arm up and get guns and be ready, and maybe they’re gonna have to start taking matters into their own hands.”

Lara Trump, with the assistance of Fox News, is now openly advocating murder and vigilantism. The victims of Trump’s dangerous and heartless proposal would be refugees from Central American countries fleeing violence and poverty. Most of them are women and children. What’s more, how would the untrained, fear-driven vigilantes know the difference between refugees and Latinx U.S. citizens? They wouldn’t know or care. Its a recipe for more unspeakable savagery and grief.

This is the sort of racist hate mongering that produced that mass murder of 22 mostly Latinx shoppers at a Walmart in El Paso in 2019. The shooter confessed to “targeting Mexicans,” and his writings mirrored the xenophobic rhetoric of Donald Trump, Lara’s bigoted father-in-law.

Just prior to Lara Trump’s promotion of domestic terrorism, Pirro complained about unverified reports that migrants damaged fences and left garbage. Even if true, those are hardly capital offenses. Trump herself acknowledged that the migrants were predominantly children.

After her heinous comments, Pirro simply changed the subject with no pushback whatsoever on Trump’s call to shoot unarmed refugees. And for good measure, both of them disparaged Vice-President Kamala Harris, who just returned from a diplomatic mission to the region. Their catty assertion that she was unqualified for the job is ludicrous. Harris was the Attorney General and senator of the largest state in the country, California, which is also a border state.

No one should be surprised by these remarks. Fox News is notoriously drenched in xenophobic hate-speech. Their Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson, has attacked immigrants repeatedly. And he unabashedly promotes the racist “white replacement theory” that fear mongers about people of color being brought into the U.S. to “pack the electorate” against the soon to be minority whites. So the Piroo/Trump tirade is just the next sickening step in the Fox News/Republican battle plan.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Host On Civil Rights Movement: ‘We’ve Seen the Enemy and It’s White People’

Fox News suffered a profound loss when Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump for the presidency. And despite the messianic beliefs held by Trump and his cult disciples that he actually won and that his political resurrection is imminent, he remains an embarrassingly irrelevant and pathetic apostle of pity and lies.

Fox News Racist

This leaves Fox News in the desperate position of having to manufacture controversies that might satiate the voracious appetites of their scandal-starved audience. They’ve already run through preposterous stories involving Dr. Seuss and Mr. Potato Head. they’ve tried to dampen Biden’s broad based popularity with nonsense like whether or not he wears a face mask, or blaming him for a sauce shortage at Chick-fil-A, or mocking the romance in his marriage. All to no avail.

Among the contrivances at Fox News has been a relentless assault on the academic study of Critical Race Theory, which is defined as an “attempt to understand how victims of systemic racism are affected by cultural perceptions of race.” Not that anyone on Fox News could define it – or cares. They are just exploiting it to trigger the racist tendencies of their viewers. And that mission led to a segment on Wednesday’s episode of Fox and Friends where co-host Brian Kilmeade launched into a rancid rant against the Civil Rights movement (video below). He began by demanding credit for white folks having made some progress with their bigotry:

“They’re not acknowledging any improvement in our culture, and the gains made, and how we are more equal, even despite our faults, than any other country.”

Congratulations Brian, You and yours aren’t shackling Black people and forcing them to work for nothing anymore. That’s hardly something to brag about when there is still a significant amount of prejudice in America with regard to education, jobs, and housing. And there’s also that little matter of how Black men and women – and children – keep getting killed by police officers. But don’t let me interrupt. Please continue:

“The other thing is, they’re not only trying to raise up minorities and trying to make sure the playing field is even, they’re trying to take down the white culture. And this generation of Americans wondered why aren’t we all Americans? Why are we all being marginalized on a daily basis on our gender, our sexuality, and the color of our skin? And it’s not even subtle. It is actually out there. It is written in black and white.”

Just as we always thought. It’s white people who are the victims of culture take-downs and marginalization. It’s a good thing that we have Fox News and Kilmeade to remind us of this. But he still wasn’t finished:

“This is the big difference between other civil rights movements in our past. One, the first big one was a war. The second big one we saw in the streets, especially in the South. And this one we’re seeing in the classroom. And we’ve seen the enemy and it’s white people.”

WTHF? Kilmeade is now asserting that today’s Civil Rights movement has declared war on white people. That’s because he sees the struggle for equality as a fight to deprive the white population of the privilege that they believe is their divine right. Any progress toward leveling the playing field means taking away from whites the advantages that have been accustomed to for generations.

What’s especially nauseating about this is that Kilmeade isn’t the least bit shy about saying all of this out loud on his nationally broadcast television program. And his co-hosts Steve Doocy and Ainsley Earhardt nod along in complete agreement.

That’s how far down the Mariana Trench of racism that Fox News has descended. And Trump has made it acceptable to unapologetically parade prejudice around in Right-Wing World. But given the realities of demographics, they will soon be toppled from their hilltop. Deep down they know that, and that’s why they’re so afraid.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.