NRA-Theists Fired Up Over Fake Store Where Patrons Learn The Dangers Of Firearms

Gun safety group States United to Prevent Gun Violence staged a creative event to educate people about the dangers of firearms in the home. They opened a storefront that appeared to be a retail gun shop in Manhattan. However, when customers inquired about the merchandise, they learned more than they were expecting.

The guns in the store were the same models that were used in some of the most notorious recent crimes involving guns. The salesman would begin his pitch describing a weapon in a typical fashion. But he would conclude his description by revealing the horrible truth about the types of weapons that were “for sale” in the store. For instance…

Salesman: Like I was showing your wife – the first gun I showed her was this revolver. It’s the easiest gun we have to use. It’s our most popular one. It’s a .22 caliber six inch revolver. It’s also a gun that a five year old found in his parents bedroom and went down and shot his nine month old baby brother with it.

The shock displayed by many of the patrons (video below) speaks to the powerful impact that this information has when people learn about the common tragedies that result from the proliferation of deadly weapons. While most Americans believe that having a gun in the home is effective protection, statistics show that it actually increases the likelihood of a homicide, suicide, or fatal accident. And massacres like Sandy Hook would not be possible without easy access to weapons designed for mass killing of people.

Predictably, the National Rifle Association was outraged at what they called “a tasteless PR stunt designed to further an anti-gun agenda.” Other gun advocacy groups charged that the store violated New York state laws for possession of handguns. There were even accusations that the store was an unlicensed firearms dealer. At Fox News they portrayed the campaign as an attempt to “sell gun control, guilt potential buyers.”

Guns With History

The idiocy of those complaints is almost comical. In effect these pro-gun groups are attempting to use laws that they oppose to silence the gun safety campaign. But even setting that hypocrisy aside, the store doesn’t need any permits other than those that are granted for filmmaking. It seems ridiculous to have to explain this to them, but it was a fake store. The guns were fakes. There was no ammunition. It was filmed for use in a gun safety campaign video. By the logic of the pro-gun folks Clint Eastwood is a multiple felon.

Additionally, the hypersensitivity to a gun safety group producing a harmless video to educate prospective gun buyers is freakishly overblown when those same people have no problem with open-carry advocates brandishing real, loaded weapons at Walmart, McDonald’s, and outside of parks and schools. Considering the fact that there have been actual murders in all of those places, but there has never been one at a fake store, the unrestrained fury on the part of NRA types seems to be somewhat of an overreaction.

The “proprietors” of the Manhattan gun store have also set up a website where people can get more information. Visit Guns With History to see what the sad, but all too real, truth is about the consequences of a gun-crazy society.

Get Ready To RUMBLE: Glenn Beck And Karl Rove Throwdown Over The GOP

The upcoming Republican presidential primaries promise to be an entertainment extravaganza for America in general and for Democrats in particular. The warring factions are preparing for a bloody conflagration as the radical Tea Party aims to hammer the hapless establishment for being ineffective cowards, and the establishment plots to cast the Tea Partiers as unrealistic losers. However, the fracturing coalition of wingnuts that comprise the GOP (Greedy One Percent) is already beginning to fray around the edges even before the campaign season has officially commenced.

This week’s preliminaries were initiated by self-described rodeo clown and crazy person, Glenn Beck, who came out swinging with a rant about how awful the Republican Party is. For most Americans Beck was just stating the obvious. And his declaration that he was “done with it” was not even new for him. Nevertheless, he reiterated that…

“I have made my decision. I am out. I am not a Republican. I will not give a dime to the Republican party. I am out. I highly recommend run from the Republican party. They are not good.”

Well, that might not go down well with Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Scott Walker, Ben Carson, and all the other Republicans currently mulling a run for the Republican nomination, rather than running from it. And Mike Lee, Tom Cotton, Louie Gohmert, Steve King, and other GOP members of Congress may likewise not appreciate it. These all happen to be people for whom Beck has deep affection, but from whom he is now recommending running.

However, the main event will be the reaction from veteran GOP hack, and Bush’s brain, Karl Rove. Turdblosson appeared on Fox News (where else) to counter Beck’s uppercut, and he brought his whiteboard with him. Rove deflected Beck’s broadside as being “old news” and noted that he had never donated to the GOP in the first place. Rove continued by denigrating Cruz, a Beck favorite, as a hypocrite. In the end, Rove surmised that Beck’s renouncement might hurt a bit, but would not have a lasting impact.

But this aint over. Beck responded to Rove’s defense of the establishment with a long, rambling Facebook post that filled in all of the gaps Beck left in his earlier tirade. He explicitly cited what he regarded as the failures of a hopelessly ineffectual GOP. He specifically mentioned the deficit, ObamaCare, immigration, and the insane conspiracy theory about Grover Norquist. Also on his list of particulars are Network Neutrality, Common Core, the IRS, Cass Sunstein, and of course, Benghazi. In other words, the usual bullshit that wingnuts have been rattling their cages over for years. But the knockout punch has to be this stinger:

“You guys have the spine of a worm, the ethics of whores, and the integrity of pirates. (My apologies to worms, whores and pirates).”

Glenn Beck

Ouch! That’s gonna leave a mark. Although I can’t say that I disagree with him. But how will Rove ever recover from that? It’s hard to predict the outcome of this first round battle when both parties are such pitiful has beens. Nobody really cares what either of them have to say, except for their own glassy-eyed disciples. But it is a fun opener that portends even greater amusement as the real candidates bounce into the ring. So settle back and be sure to have plenty of refreshments handy. This may be a good time to buy stock in Orville Redenbacher.

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Captain Oblivious: Bill O’Reilly Denies That Fox News Is Conservative – Jon Stewart Proves It

After nineteen years of flogging the most partisan right-wing propaganda and serving as the PR division of the Republican Party, It is astonishing, and somewhat comical, that Fox News can still present itself as “fair and balanced.” That delusion requires a measure of either self-deception or rank dishonesty that defies comprehension.

Bill O'Reilly

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And yet, that is precisely the position taken by Fox’s Godfather of Gumption, Bill O’Reilly. On Thursday’s program O’Reilly butted heads gently with his frequent guest and sycophantic hanger-on, Bernie Goldberg, who tried meekly to assert the obvious.

Goldberg: Liberal news organizations are gonna play down liberal screw-ups. But Fox News is gonna play down conservative screw-ups.
O’Reilly: I disagree with that. Let me tell you why.

Thereupon, O’Reilly set out to prove that he and his “flagship” show is a paragon of neutrality goodness. As evidence he bragged about featuring “unbiased” commentators like Charles Krauthammer and Brit Hume. Which is a little like saying that inviting David Duke to dinner proves you’re not a racist. O’Reilly goes on to insist that rabidly partisan Fox hacks like Megyn Kelly, Bret Baier, and Chris Wallace are ideological straight shooters. And while Goldberg agrees with him on every count, he still asks O’Reilly incredulously…

Goldberg: So Fox isn’t the conservative network? Is that what you’re trying to tell us?
O’Reilly: What I’m saying to you is that I never bought that Fox is the conservative network. I buy that Fox gives conservatives a voice that they don’t have on the other networks. There’s no right-wing jihad on this network. If somebody’s screwing up on the right they get hammered.

Well, except for all the times that Fox has simply declined to mention conservative screw-ups, scandals, and blatant lies. And when Fox can’t help but mention some right-wing fiasco, they devote most of their time and energy to defending the wingnut miscreants responsible for it.

A conveniently timed example of this came in a segment from Thursday’s Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Reporting on the hypocrisy of Fox News coverage of the Justice Department’s investigation of police conduct in Ferguson, Missouri, Stewart noticed Fox’s one-sided focus on the exoneration of officer Darren Wilson, while completely ignoring the DOJ’s conclusions that the Ferguson PD engaged in routine discrimination and racist behavior. Stewart compared Fox’s response to the DOJ report with their non-response to a Republican House Intelligence Committee’s report debunking the lies that Fox had been telling about Benghazi for years. Summing up he succinctly articulated…

“…the beauty that is the ugliness of Fox News. They demand accountability for anger and divisiveness, whilst holding themselves entirely unaccountable for their anger and divisiveness.”

You’ll be waiting a long time for Fox News to apologize for getting virtually everything wrong about Benghazi. Apologies are a foreign concept to Fox. And O’Reilly is the poster boy for arrogant refusals to take responsibility for mistakes, deceptions, and outright lies. The recent unveiling of a career-long pathology of dishonesty and personal glorification, complete with documentary evidence of his deliberate falsehoods, has failed to produce the slightest bit of contrition or shame, much less an apology. To the contrary, O’Reilly’s response has been to lash out by insulting and literally threatening his critics. And when he isn’t on the attack, he resorts to distractions such as this week’s anti-Semitic segment calling Jewish philanthropist George Soros a “Puppet Master” who controls governments and banks and other institutional levers of power.

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O’Reilly’s anger, divisiveness, and evasion of accountability are emblematic of the Fox mindset. And his inability to admit the starkly conservative biases of Fox indicates an acute case of denial. Anyone who continues to believe that Fox News is a fair arbiter of information needs to adjust their meds. And that includes O’Reilly.

Donald Trump Is Running For President – Of Dumbfuckistan

This is a MEDICAL ALERT. If you believe that Donald Trump is running for president, stick an ice pick in your eye to see if you can get your brain started again. Don’t worry about damaging any important grey matter because if you bought Trump’s scam there is little left in your skull to damage.

Donald Trump

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For those paying attention, Trump has been pretending to run for president for decades. He blathers about his “intentions” for a few weeks, insists that he is the only one who can save America from ruin, gets a bunch of idiot pundits to join the speculation, then retreats to his Manhattan penthouse to restock his bar and fluff his weasel-hair toupee. In his latest fake campaign, Trump announced that…

“Americans deserve better than what they get from their politicians — who are all talk and no action.”

Didn’t he just describe himself for the past thirty years? And why Trump would think that Americans would vote for him when 74%, according to a recent NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, view him negatively (the lowest by far of all candidates), and his track record in business includes four bankruptcies, is a question that only Trump’s ego can answer.

Trump’s platform consists mainly of anti-Obama mythologies such as his Kenyan birth, his Muslim faith, his ghost-written books, and his fake academic credentials. Trump has bought in to every hysterical conspiracy theory that has ever been floated about Obama. But who can deny Trump’s own resume that prepares him to lead the free world? After all, he has appeared on a reality TV show alongside Gary Busey and Meatloaf. What more could you want?

The best evidence that Trump is not running for anything other than the attention of dimwitted Fox News pundits and Tea Party basket cases is the response by NBC to his announcement that he will not be returning to Celebrity Apprentice. A spokesman for the network told Politico that “NBC Entertainment is planning to go ahead with production,” and that they would not be making any further comments. Notice that nothing in their statement confirmed that Trump had quit. Generally when that occurs the network would express its gratitude for the many years working together and extend their best wishes for the future. If NBC had the slightest inkling that Trump was serious they would not be committing production budgets and personnel to business as usual.

So to those who still think that a broadly unpopular loser, whose TV bosses don’t even believe him, is actually throwing his wig in the ring, please report to the nearest mental hospital. Trump would have a better chance of winning his Miss USA beauty pageant than a ticket to the White House. Although he would need a new hairpiece and some sort of act for the talent portion of the show.

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Addendum: In the highly unlikely event that Trump goes through with this charade (delighting Democrats everywhere), NBC could still proceed with Apprentice by getting Mitt Romney to take over the show. He is another hollow multimillionaire who likes to fire people. In fact, the GOP has a deep bench in that category.

Fox’s Bitch: Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller Axes Article Critical Of Fox News

The Right-Wing Media Machine operates on the principle of keeping a united front for propaganda. They nurture fringe elements in print, television and on the Internet from which they mine the raw lies and slander that gets molded, refined, and eventually presented on the mother ship, Fox News. One of those fringe sites is the Daily Caller (DC), which was founded by its Editor in Chief, Tucker Carlson.

Fox News Tucker Carlson

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In order to be accepted into the family you must swear allegiance to the Fox Nation and its Divine Monarch, Rupert Murdoch. That mandate was articulated explicitly by Fox’s Grand Wizard, Roger Ailes, who decreed that there be no “shooting in the tent.” Unwavering loyalty is compulsory, and on Tuesday there was an example of what happens when that edict is breached.

In an article for the DC titled “Fox Makes It Easy for Amnesty,” Conservative blogger Mickey Kaus criticized Fox News for not being sufficiently anti-immigrant. Kaus accused Fox of deliberately soft-pedaling the issue and, by extension, supporting President Obama who he believes is a lawless tyrant whose executive actions violate the Constitution. Kaus went on to assert that Fox’s alleged retreat from anti-immigration reporting was “a dry run for how Murdoch’s network might ease the way for a legislative amnesty down the road.”

Apparently that kind of talk is verboten. When Carlson saw the article he abruptly deleted it. [It remains in cached form here] According To Kaus, Carlson said that “We can’t trash Fox on the site. I work there.” Whereupon Kaus offered his resignation.

Kaus is delusional if he believes that Fox News bailed on its anti-immigration agenda and particularly on its anti-Obama stance with regard to executive overreach. Fox News has maintained their “amnesty” hysteria as a staple of their Obama-hating editorial obsession. They routinely feature commentaries by anchors and guests who hammer the administration with some literally calling for Obama’s impeachment. Apparently that’s not enough for Kaus.

Nevertheless, right or wrong it was a mortal sin for Kaus to take Fox to task and Carlson couldn’t permit it to stand. The article was removed, Kaus was admonished, and subsequent to his resignation, Kaus gave this statement to Politico:

“It’s a larger problem on the right: Everybody is scared of Fox,” he said. “Fox is their route to a high-profile public image and in some cases stardom. Just to be on a Fox show is a big deal. And I think that’s a problem on the right, Fox’s monopoly on star-making power.”

On this Kaus could not be more correct. Fox News has become the single most important prerequisite for entry into the rightist Heaven. Every conservative must make the pilgrimage to Fox if they hope to be saved. And no one knows this better than Tucker Carlson.

Prior to his embrace by Fox News, Carlson’s career was a pitiful collection of failures. He had been canceled by PBS, CNN, and MSNBC. And if that wasn’t embarrassing enough, he was the first contestant voted off of Dancing with the Stars. He seemed to be a recidivist loser with no reasonable hope for redemption. He had even burned bridges with regard to Fox News when, after a childish prank (by both of them), he called Fox “a mean, sick group of people.”

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Fortunately, For Carlson, Fox News has a policy of dredging the sewers of pseudo-journalism and rescuing the most offensive and desperate rejects, giving them a second chance at salvation. Of course that forgiveness comes at the cost of their soul. It rests on their willingness to supplicate themselves to their new savior.

So when Fox called, Carlson went crawling back with his tail between his legs and fully prepared to obey. That’s why Kaus was not permitted to find even the tiniest bit of fault with Fox News and their sanctified editorial scripture.

Carlson knows his place and did what was expected of an indentured servant to the Wingnut Overlord. By censoring Kaus, Carlson has insured that he can remain in the icy embrace of Fox News for another day. And, after all, that’s all that any of the ego-driven shills for the GOP (Greedy One Percent) really want. They are well aware that if they eagerly prostrate themselves to their Murdochian master, that Fox will provide. What a comforting notion for these otherwise worthless heathens.

James O’Keefe Allegedly Plotted To Incite Violence Against Police, Blame Protesters

Following reports about the Ferguson, Missouri police officers who were wounded by gunfire last week, Fox News and other conservative media outlets immediately began demanding accountability for the assault from the criminal perpetrators, whom they identified as President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder. They described Ferguson protesters as “government-sanctioned mobs” with a bloodlust against cops, and charged that Obama and Holder were Chief among those [to] blame for fomenting an environment like this.”

Setting aside the deranged attempt to link the White House with a crime in a St. Louis suburb, the allegators™ at Fox had no evidence that the shooter was even associated with the protesters. The lawyer for the suspect, now in custody, says that his client had been involved in a dispute unrelated to the protests and was not aiming at the officers when he fired. The fact that he was shooting a pistol more than 120 yards from the police line gives credence to that claim. Will Fox News apologize to the President for their unwarranted accusations?

Fox News James O'Keefe

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An article in the New York Post today may shed some light on the assertions that citizens peacefully protesting discrimination are covertly engaging in anti-cop violence. The article reveals an alleged plot by right-wing activist James O’Keefe to frame protesters for inciting violence. The article’s source is a top O’Keefe staffer who was fired for refusing to participate in the unethical scheme. From the Post:

“[Richard] Valdes said [O’Keefe’s organization, Project] Veritas assigned a Muslim undercover agent pretending to be anti-cop to attend protest meetings and utter the following statement: ‘Sometimes, I wish I could just kill some of these cops. Don’t you just wish we could have one of the cops right here in the middle of our group?'”

When the prospective mole refused to go along, O’Keefe fired Valdez for “being unwilling to strong-arm the guy to do his dirty work.”

This incident brings into question previous allegations of anti-cop sentiments among the protesters. A few weeks ago Fox News heavily promoted a video that allegedly showed a splinter group of protesters in New York chanting that they wanted “dead cops.” There was never any attempt to identify those people or establish their connection to the main group of protesters. Might they have been a parade of O’Keefe flunkies trying to create a false narrative?

O’Keefe is no stranger to fabricating events that advance his dishonest and partisan agenda. His prior exploits have resulted in his arrest and conviction for unlawful acts in the office of a U.S. senator, a $100,000 judgement against him for defaming a former ACORN lawyer, and a sleazy plot to seduce a CNN reporter aboard his “Love Boat.”

This new gambit is particularly repulsive as it seeks to inflame emotions and incite actual violence. While it is unlikely that any committed activists for police reform and equal treatment will be persuaded to assault police officers, there are hostile elements on the conservative side that may hear about O’Keefe’s endeavors and decide that they can push the effort forward themselves by acting out in public with the hope of protesters getting the blame.

O’Keefe continually demonstrates that he is a despicable human being whose only goal is to hurt innocent people. This example of dangerous and dishonest behavior is only the latest proof that he has no credibility or integrity. And the same is true for any media organization that provides a platform for his vile antics.

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Bibi-lievers Beware: Fox News Is Already Making Excuses For Possible Netanyahu Loss

In the commotion surrounding Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address before Congress, Fox News and their partners in rightist propaganda insisted that anyone who did not support his appearance and hawkish agenda were anti-Israel and even anti-Semitic. However, that view is not shared by most Americans or most Israelis.

Fox News Bibi-liever

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Subsequent to the speech, Netanhayu’s popularity has dropped in the U.S. to 38% favorable. Clearly the speech was not well received by Americans. That decline puts Netanyahu’s rating more than ten points lower than President Obama. And if you think that’s bad, his host, GOP Speaker John Boehner, is now more than ten points lower than Netanyahu.

Critics of the speech warned that it was inappropriate for Congress to provide a platform for a foreign official who was currently engaged in a political campaign. Those warnings were borne out when shortly after Netanyahu returned to Israel to resume his reelection effort he released an ad featuring video of the U.S. Congress applauding him. So Boehner was successfully suckered by Netanyahu into helping him produce campaign materials.

Despite this international assistance, Netanyahu’s reelection bid is struggling. He has fallen further behind his main opponent, Labor Party leader Isaac Herzog. And now, with the prospect of Netanyahu losing, Fox News and Republicans in Congress are laying the groundwork for an explanation for the failure of their hero. They are promoting an allegation that the Obama administration is interfering with Israeli elections in order to defeat Netanyahu. Of course they are. Like everything else – Netanyahu losing would be Obama’s fault.

The conspiracy revolves around their discovery that a former Obama campaign operative is working for a group that opposes Netanyahu’s reelection. That is an entirely routine activity. It is precisely what campaign consultants of both parties do for a living. But that didn’t stop Fox News from reporting in multiple segments an alleged effort by the administration to oust Netanyahu. The allegations are so important to Fox that on Sunday morning anchor Uma Pemmaraju interrupted a segment about Hillary Clinton’s email to ask about the Israeli election and a rumored Senate inquiry:

“There is a Senate probe apparently, that is launched, a bipartisan probe, to investigate concerns about a non-profit agency taking government funds to try and be involved in interfering with Israeli elections set for Tuesday. […] This particular group, apparently, has ties to the White House, no direct link has been determined at this point about whether the White House has been sending operatives into Israel to be involved with interfering in upcoming elections set for Tuesday. But the fact that if this group is found to have used government grants, up to $350,000 from the State Department, that would be a real violation of ethics and raise some big concerns.”

Twice in that “question” Pemmaraju used the loaded phrase “interfering with Israeli elections,” even though she also admitted that there was “no direct link” to Obama. Media Matters documented efforts to advance this smear a month ago by rightist fringe groups. Now it has percolated up to Fox News and senate investigators. Media Matters showed that political consultants from both sides frequently do work in other countries (like good capitalists). They also showed that former Obama operatives have worked in support of Netanyahu. And the allegations of federal funding were shown to have no merit as the funds were not used in conjunction with any campaign because the elections had not even been announced at the time.

So the facts show that there is no effort on the part of the White House to interfere with the Israeli elections. However, Speaker Boehner and Republicans in congress did interfere with Israeli elections by providing candidate Netanyahu with a platform and campaign material. They also permitted Netanyahu to interfere with American politics by trying to sway foreign policy in opposition to diplomacy with Iran.

And after this brazenly partisan, factless, regurgitation of an unsupported wingnut conspiracy theory, Fox News returned to their regular anti-Obama programming with Pemmaraju employing this subtle segue: “Turning now to the Select Committee investigating Benghazi…” Of course. What else?

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Government Sanctioned Mobs: Is Fox News Bigot Talking About Cops Or Protesters?

Todd Starnes has a unique role at Fox News as the protector of the heritage of white Christians. Most of his “dispatches” are about some imagined discrimination against this powerless majority. However, they are also mostly bogus fantasies that are later debunked by real journalists. In one case, Starnes hyped a fake story that was planted by the publisher of his new book.

Fox News Todd Starnes

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In his latest harangue, Starnes is aghast that President Obama didn’t clear his busy schedule to visit the two injured police officers in Ferguson, Missouri. His brief sermonette titled “Gov’t-Sanctioned Mobs Lay Siege to Ferguson While Obama Jets Off to Hollywood,” is crammed with viciousness and vituperative insults. The best way to demonstrate the idiocy and ignorance of this screed is to let it speak for itself. So here is every word of it with commentary:

Starnes: Whether they admit it or not, the protesters in Ferguson, Missouri got what they wanted this week. Two police officers ambushed.

This overtly racist opening line is evidence of a severe mental impairment. Starnes’ unsupported assertion that peaceful protesters wanted officers to get shot is the sort of bigotry that is generally seen in dispatches from the Ku Klux Klan.

Starnes: Blue Blood spilled on the streets, the latest casualties in a government-sanctioned war on law enforcement.

How dramatic. You have to wonder if Starnes is aware that “blue blood” usually refers to the upper-class elites that police are often shown to be protecting to the exclusion of every other citizen. And the “government-sanctioned” quip is utterly delusional. He doesn’t bother to identify the agency that is sanctioning this imaginary war on law enforcement.

Starnes: At some point you have to wonder when the police are just going say, “You know what folks? Just patrol your own blasted streets.”

Of course. Because that’s what all good police officers say who have encountered the risks associated with their jobs. What Starnes fails to grasp is that cops have been targets of criminal types since the beginning of policing. It’s a good thing that most officers have more dedication and integrity than cowards like Starnes.

Starnes: For months now, the White House has used Ferguson to advance a false narrative about racism in America. “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” — a lie. A bald-faced lie.

Actually, the White House has never uttered the words “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” much less advanced any narrative associated with it. Starnes is apparently unaware that it was the Obama Justice Department that found insufficient evidence to press charges against officer Darrel Wilson. But Starnes is equally unaware that the narrative of racism in America is not “false.” That fact was also in the Justice Department’s report, along with documented proof.

Starnes: Instead jetting off to Ferguson on Air Force One to console the officers and deliver a pro-law enforcement speech, President Obama flew right over Ferguson on his way to Hollywood, where he made a case for moral equivalency on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!”

Actually, Obama made a case for the rule of law and respect for law enforcement when he said that “there was no excuse for criminal acts.” He called for the arrest of the perpetrators and the marginalization of “people who resort to violence.” And by doing it with Jimmy Kimmel he reached a much larger audience with that message.

Starnes: He also tweeted: “Violence against police is unacceptable. Our prayers are with the officers in MO. Path to justice is one all of us must travel together. – bo” With all due respect, Mr. President – that’s a bunch of BS.

This is a perfect example of how Obama cannot win with blockhead partisans like Starnes. Even when he makes exactly the sort of statement that is appropriate for the circumstances, they will simply dismiss it and resume insulting him.

Starnes: There’s a war on cops – government-sanctioned mobs out to satisfy their bloodlust. And that’s all you’ve got? A hundred forty characters and a late-night punchline?

First of all, that aint all he’s got, it’s just all you heard. Starnes conveniently filters out anything that doesn’t fit his hateful biases. Secondly, Starnes should be more careful with his rhetoric. Parsing his closing sentence would suggest that he is defining cops as “government-sanctioned mobs.” Ironically, that’s just how some people in minority communities see them when they are discriminated against and mistreated as numerous studies have shown occurs with unfortunate frequency.

The saddest part of this is that it is just another chapter in the ongoing parade of bigoted commentaries from Fox News and other rightist media. They have an obsession with castigating minorities, denying racism, and lecturing the victims of their hate as to how they should respond when mistreated (aka “whitesplaining”). And by pretending that problems don’t exist, and lying to their audience, Fox News et al are only making the problems worse.

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Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Glenn Beck Threatens To Quit NRA Due To Infiltration By Muslim Jihadists

The nightmare of Armageddon is becoming more real every day as the signs continue to reveal that we are inhabiting the End Times forecast by the Biblical prophets of talk radio. Death and destruction are looming just over the horizon according to God’s messenger on the InterTubes, the Reverend Glenn Beck. Just this week he delivered a sermon predicting the start of World War III that will bring the darkness to all mankind.

And if that’s not bad enough, now the National Rifle Association is in danger of being overrun by radical Islamists bent on destroying America from within. The evidence of this peril was brought into the light by Beck yesterday (video below) during an interview with renowned Islamophobe and conspiracy kook Frank Gaffney who pulled aside the burka of anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist to expose him as the secret engineer of “influence operations on behalf of enemies of this country.”

Glenn Beck - Grover Norquist

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For those unfamiliar with Norquist, he is the president of Americans for Tax Reform, a rightist organization that opposes all tax increases and pressures weak politicians to sign his “no tax pledge.” Norquist has been a conservative staple for decades and is closely associated with the Republican Party. He is currently seeking reelection to the board of directors of the NRA.

So obviously he is a subversive agent of the Muslim Brotherhood as charged by Gaffney and Beck. These charges are based on incontrovertible evidence of his fraternization with our terrorist foes. Specifically, there are two facts from which he cannot hide. First, he is married to Muslim woman, which only a terrorist would do. And second, he has a beard.

If you think that facial hair is a foolish indicator of terrorist sympathies, note that it has been previously cited by the former chair of the Texas Republican Party as proof of a conversion to Islam. Similarly, the father of a captured American soldier was accused of the same thing when he abstained from shaving while his son was in captivity. However, the Duck Dynasty Klan has somehow managed to avoid being linked to Al Qaeda despite their hairy mugs.

Fox News Bergdahl Beard

As for Beck, he proudly states that he is a lifetime member of the NRA. He has spoken at their annual conferences where he once featured a picture of Michael Bloomberg, a gun safety advocate and the Jewish Mayor of New York City, giving a Nazi salute. But now Beck’s consternation about Norquist’s treasonous ambitions has boiled over as he declared that any organization that countenanced such a turncoat could not count on Beck’s support. He said that…

“I am not an expert on Grover Norquist by any stretch of the imagination, but I have heard enough that makes me concerned enough that – and, I hope the leadership of the NRA hears this, and every member of the NRA hears this – that if this man is elected, or re-elected and confirmed on the board of the NRA, I may drop my membership in the NRA. I am that concerned that he is a very bad influence and a very bad man, that if this is who the NRA decides to put on their board of directors, I don’t think I can be associated with them.”

Indeed. How can anyone of good conscience align themselves with bearded spouses of Muslim vixens? The NRA has an obligation to only form relationships with upstanding citizens like board member Ted Nugent, whose only shortcomings are his hateful bigotry and overtly hostile threats to his political foes, including that sub-human mongrel (Nugent’s words), President Obama. Subsequent to his rant, Beck says that the NRA has promised him that they will “get to the bottom of this once and for all” by conducting a thorough ethics investigation into Norquist. It’s about time.

Norquist’s wife is every bit as frightening as Hilary Clinton’s long-time aide Huma Abedin, who has also been fingered by wingnuts as a covert agent of our enemies. The prospect of Clinton assuming the presidency and Norquist’s infiltration of the NRA should be cause for all Americans to rise up. The danger is metastasizing throughout our government. Nearly all of the Republicans in Congress have signed Norquist’s pledge, including House Speaker John Boehner, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, and all of the GOP senators currently exploring presidential campaigns (Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, and Marco Rubio). Exactly what does that obligate them to do on behalf of the worldwide radical Muslim movement?

Clearly Norquist’s influence is growing. Patriots need to establish what that means for our future as a free republic. And Beck is once again leading the way by refusing to accept the NRA’s tolerance for terrorist board members. Beck, as he likes to remind us, has been right about everything he has ever said. For instance, the stock market has crashed, oil prices have skyrocketed, ObamaCare destroyed the economy and left millions sick or dead, the dollar is worthless while gold is soaring, and Obama’s support for the worldwide Caliphate has achieved its goal.

Oh, wait a minute. None of those things are true. But if you close your mind to reality you can imagine that Beck’s prophesies have all come to pass and live in the dystopian paradise that he has fabricated in his demented, cartoon brain. Guns will be abundant, corporations will be free to poison our environment and elections, and no one will suffer from the pain of having health insurance. Wouldn’t that be Heavenly?

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Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Obama Did It: Fox News Blames Cop Shooting In #Ferguson On President And Attorney General

Affirming the predictability of the Fox News brand of hack journalism, the network moved quickly to make sure that their viewers were misinformed about a tragic incident in Ferguson, Missouri last night.

Fox News Ferguson

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As a gathering of protesters was winding down in Ferguson, shots rang out that resulted in injuries to two police officers. By morning the officers were released from the hospital and are expected to make full recoveries. Also by morning, Fox News aired multiple reports of the incident placing responsibility for the assaults squarely on the perpetrators whom Fox identified as President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder.

Setting aside all of the known facts, Fox News sought to disparage the usual objects of their animus. It didn’t matter to them that the authorities in Ferguson had not tied the shootings to the protesters at all. Fox News made the leap from the protesters to the administration in record time. Their slanders were in direct contradiction to public statements by the chief of the St. Louis County Police, Jon Belmar, who the Washington Post reported as saying that…

“[T]hree or four shots were fired from across the street from where about 75 protesters and 40 police officers were gathered. He said that the shots did not come from the group of protesters who were gathered near the police station.”

Nevertheless, Fox twisted their coverage to point the blame toward government officials hundreds of miles away. The defamation began with the all-white Kurvy Kouch Potatoes at Fox & Friends as the story was still unfolding.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck: He [Holder] chose to grandstand. And now – fuel on the fire – less than a week later, we are seeing the dots connecting here.
Fox News legal analyst Bob Massi: When you say that you’re going to dismantle a police department if they don’t fix it, it incites race relations — it incites riots.

Hasselbeck’s delusional dot-connecting exercise aims to associate the shootings with the Department of Justice report finding that the Ferguson police department had engaged in a pattern and practice of discrimination against African-Americans. She, along with the rest of the right-wing media choir, would prefer that this racist and unconstitutional behavior was merely ignored and swept under the rug. But the notion that avoiding honest appraisals of police conduct would serve any positive purpose is one that only racist enablers and sympathizers could accept. In the real world, such avoidance would be recognized as a prelude to civil unrest.

Likewise, Massi utterly mangles logic by asserting that promises to take corrective action would incite riots. It is the complete opposite of reality. When officials undertake initiatives that address the complaints of the people, the people are generally satisfied and far less likely to erupt in violence. Massi’s conclusion is so absurd it defies comprehension.

Which takes us to Fox’s Outnumbered, where guest Lou Dobbs joined the program’s regulars to continue the condemnation of leaders in Washington:

Dobbs: I think that, plainly, there are so many forces at work here. So many people who deserve considerable blame for fomenting an environment like this in which this could occur. Chief among those, in my opinion, are the President of the United States and the Attorney General.
Tantaros: They intervened and they flamed the racial tensions. And Eric Holder has proven time again he is an Attorney General for the criminal, by the criminal, and of the criminals in the United States of America. […] You think it’s a coinicidence that two cops got shot last night? This was inflamed because of what this administration did. This specific incident.

Republicans used to define themselves as the party of responsibility. However, when they have the opportunity to hold wrongdoers accountable, they decline and instead shift blame to their ideological enemies, letting the real perpetrators off the hook. In the process they viciously malign people who had no role in the incident in question. It is a pathological compulsion to vilify those they perceive as their foes. That’s the only way they can justify accusing Obama and Holder of being chiefly responsible for assaults on police in Ferguson. It’s the only way that they can defend alleging that the Attorney General is collaborating with criminals and is a criminal himself.

News Corpse Presents: The ALL NEW 2nd volume of
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

The conservative media effort to persuade America that racism doesn’t exist requires that they deny any evidence of it, particularly by institutional agencies such as police departments. It is a sort of self-inflicted blindness that turns the world into an Eden where there is only harmony and brotherhood in their deranged vision.

However, they make an exception for those who try to point out that prejudice is still very much with us, and who sincerely work to eliminate it. Those are the real racists, according to Fox News and the right, for having the gall to call out bigots. If only they would keep their mouths shut no one would have any problem with racism. Certainly the white, male, Christians wouldn’t have any problems. And that’s the American way, isn’t it?