Dr. Fauci Tells Rachel Maddow How the Trump Admin ‘Blocked’ Him From Her Show

The differences between the negligent, incompetent, and wantonly corrupt administration of Donald Trump, and that of the incoming Joe Biden administration have been evident in just the few hours that Biden has been President. The stench of ego-driven criminality has been replaced by the refreshing fragrance of experience and compassion. And America has heaved a massive, collective sigh of relief.

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Donald Trump, Anthony Fauci, Censored

Among those relieved by the passing of the Trump era is Dr. Anthony Fauci, the widely respected expert on infectious diseases. His presence on Trump’s phony Coronavirus Task Force – that was nothing more than a thinly veiled reelection campaign operation – was awkward, to say the least. He frequently had to cover his face in shame as Trump dispensed pure idiocy and flagrant falsehoods. Often he was ignored or even uninvited to the press briefings altogether.

Those times are over. Dr. Fauci was interviewed Friday for the first time on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show. It was the sort of enlightening hour of useful information that the public sorely needs during these troubling times. And Dr. Fauci was clearly pleased to have the opportunity to communicate with Maddow and her audience. In fact, he addressed his prior absence from the show during this exchange:

Maddow: Dr. Fauci…The country really trusts you in particular, but we’ve seen this sort of disappearance of, and sort of muzzling of, these other senior folks within the government. Do you think that we’ll have more access to you, both the press and the public?

Fauci: I’m positive of it. I’ve been wanting to come on your show for months and months. You’ve been asking me to come on your show for months and months, and it’s just gotten blocked. Let’s call it what it is: It just got blocked because they didn’t like the way you handle things, and they didn’t want me on. I mean it was just so clear when we sent it down. “Why would you want to go on Rachel Maddow’s show?” “Well, because I like her and she’s really good.” “It doesn’t make any difference. Don’t do it.”

I don’t think you’re going to see that now. I think you’re going to see a lot of transparency. You might not see everybody as often as you want, but you’re not gonna see deliberate holding back of good people when the press asks for them. We were assured that that’s the case. And that goes along with what you were mentioning before about different types of pressures that were put on. It was a tough situation. It really was.

Those gracious and honest remarks also reveal the dangerous censorship by Trump of critical information necessary for the preservation of life during a deadly pandemic. Trump never cared about the welfare of the American people, particularly if it contrasted with his own narcissistic self-interest. Dr. Fauci said as much in another interview on CNN (where he had also been barred by Trump from appearing) when asked…

John Berman: Did the lack of candor over the last year and lack of facts, in some cases, cost lives?
Fauci: You know, it very likely did… When you start talking about the things that make no sense medically and no sense scientifically, that clearly is not helpful.

In the weeks, months, and years to come, we are going to learn more and more about how unconscionably destructive Trump was for the nation and the world. And the damage he’s done will not be repaired overnight. But at least we won’t be seeing the sort of suppression and deliberate disinformation going forward that was so painfully prevalent while Trump was occupying the White House.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Fox News is ‘Working the Refs’ to Whip Up Negative News Coverage of Biden

Never let it be said that Fox News isn’t wholly dedicated to their founding mission of denigrating Democrats at all times regardless of how deeply they have to descend into dishonesty. It’s a skill they’ve honed for twenty-five years, and they aren’t resting on their laurels.

Fox News, Sean Hannity, Joe Biden

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Joe Biden has been president for two days. But in Fox World that’s an eternity of dread. Consequently, they are already accelerating their notorious and irrational outrage with a barrage of utterly preposterous attacks that would make any credible journalist cringe. Luckily for Fox, they don’t have any credible journalists to worry about.

Which explains how they can run stories about “Biden’s Disastrous First Week” before the first day has gone by. That was the theme of Sean Hannity’s Hour of White Nationalism on Thursday night. Hannity dared to approach such subjects as Biden “begging for a break” when a reporter asked if his 100 vaccinations in 100 days was too low a bar. What Biden actually said was “When I announced it, you all said it was not possible. C’mon, gimme a break, man.” To Hannity, that familiar Biden phrase was “begging” and proof that “Apparently only one serious question from a reporter was a little too much for him to handle.”

Apparently Hannity has severe cognitive problems. But he was just getting started. Hannity went on to inadvisedly raise the question of Biden’s cognition in the same nauseatingly infantile manner that his fallen hero Donald Trump did. In a tirade against the bipartisan impeachment of Trump, Hannity lashed out saying that…

“At this point, a trial serves absolutely no purpose but to inflame the tensions of this country. It’s the swamp theater and it’s at its worst. The country should be asking tonight, Mr. Unity, Mr. Frail, Weak, Cognitively Struggling Joe, I know this is past your bedtime. Maybe you will consider standing up to the radicalism in your own party and put an end to the charade right now. I doubt that will happen. Joe and his fellow Democrats don’t seem to care about unity. All they want is revenge.”

Someone needs to educate Hannity about the purpose of impeachment. It is not just to slap the wrists of treasonous presidents. It is also important to establish a record of the crimes, prohibit the criminal from serving in federal office in the future, nullify perks such as pensions, office and travel allowances, security, and to deter future wrongdoers. And Hannity’s disingenuous remarks about unity land with a thud when they are said in the same breath as his insults.

Hannity was not alone in the Fox News rush to malign Biden. Fox’s newly minted White House correspondent, Peter Doocy, invented a bizarre and utterly false narrative about Biden violating his own mandate to wear masks. Brian Kilmeade wanted to know “Where in Joe Biden’s speech did he condemn Antifa?” Which is an organization that doesn’t actually exist. Tucker Carlson was concerned about Biden “opening the borders and crushing our country’s last remaining economic sector.” Neither of which Biden has advocated. And Laura Ingraham accused the Biden administration of “uniting behind lawlessness.” Which is a charge that is far more applicable to Trump and his confederates at Fox News. In fact, dozens of Trump’s associates have actually been indicted and/or convicted. For Biden the number of criminal cohorts is precisely zero.

There is a method to this madness by Fox News. It is their objective to whine about fake assertions that Biden and Democrats are neck deep in criminality and that the mainstream media is giving them a pass. Never mind that there is no evidence of the alleged crimes that Fox says are rampant. They are only interested in pushing the press to ramp up their negative coverage of Biden. Fox thinks that by inventing crimes, they can shame other reporters into covering them, or complain if they don’t.

Some news organizations may fall for this in order to avoid being accused of a bias in favor of Biden. But it isn’t biased to refrain from reporting intentionally fabricated allegations. And the media needs to be vigilant that they don’t wind up amplifying lies in the name of a fake standard of balance. Balance has never been a legitimate standard for journalism. Truth is the standard. You don’t interview a flat-earther to “balance” your coverage of a scientist who said the Earth is round. But that’s the goal of Fox’s knee-jerk attacks on Biden after only two days as President.

Biden addressed the “lies for profit” industry in his inaugural address. It was an unusually profound commentary that isn’t often brought up in inaugural speeches. Meanwhile, the Daily Show picked up on the nefarious intentions of Fox News and posted this enlightening video compilation:

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Cue Trump Meltdown: Biden’s Inauguration Drew Millions More Viewers than Trump’s

UH-OH. Someone better check in on Donald Trump. If he gets wind of this news he’s likely to suffer what doctors call an MSHE (Massive Spontaneous Head Explosion).

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Donald Trump TV Set

The preliminary Nielsen Ratings for Joe Biden’s inaugural swearing in ceremony significantly surpassed those of Trump’s. And that’s despite the challenges facing this inaugural. With the constraints put on it by the COVID-19 pandemic that prohibits large gatherings of groups, and the security issues created by Trump’s Seditionist Brigades, Biden still managed to crush Trump in the contest that matters to him more than anything else: TV ratings. Variety reports that…

“The inauguration of President Joe Biden won significantly more viewers than President Donald Trump’s 2017 ceremony, per early Nielsen figures.

“Approximately 39.87 million people watched the half-hour swearing-in ceremony over the nation’s six major TV-news outlets, according to Nielsen, compared with an average of 30.6 million viewers for the 2017 event.”

UPDATE: To make matters worse from Trump’s perspective, CNN, the network he repeatedly maligned as “fake news,” drew the biggest audience. Fox News came in dead last, declining a whopping 77% from their 2017 inauguration coverage.

Trump should actually be used to this by now. And not just because he lost to Biden by more than seven million votes in the 2020 presidential election. He previously lost to Biden in the ratings for their party convention acceptance speeches:

“President Trump’s Thursday night convention speech making the case for his reelection was lower-rated than his challenger Joe Biden’s speech one week ago, according to overnight Nielsen ratings.

“About 23.8 million viewers watched coverage of Trump’s RNC address across thirteen cable and broadcast networks, down from 24.6 million viewers who watched Biden’s DNC address on twelve of those same networks.”

And Trump also lost to Biden during the campaign when they had dueling town halls:

“Biden drew 12.7 million total viewers on the Disney-owned network, while Trump drew 10.4 million in the same 9-10 p.m. time slot on NBC. Across the entire runtime, the Biden town hall averaged 12.3 million viewers. In terms of the fast national 18-49 demographic, Biden is comfortably on top with a 2.6 rating to Trump’s 1.7.”

This will probably hurt Trump nearly as much as losing the election. After all, the old reality TV game show host has always regarded television ratings as the real polls.” And yet, somehow he always manages to come up short there as well.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Joe Biden Ends Trump’s War on Truth and the Free Press – and Zings Fox News

The not-so-old adage that “elections have consequences” has proven once again to be an insightful admonition to those who would defy democracy and the indefatigable will of the American people. Donald Trump found this out the hard way by narrowing his appeal to an impotent minority of racists and far-right extremists, rather than seeking to broaden his base by reaching out to the reality-based community.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, White House

Among the consequences that Trump will suffer, in addition to his humiliating electoral defeat, are a rapid undoing of his worst policy initiatives (i.e. climate change, immigration, healthcare, etc.), the expulsion of his most despicable appointees throughout his administration (i.e. Justice, Defense, Intelligence, EPA, etc.), and an avalanche of of both criminal and civil lawsuits (tax/financial, sexual harassment/assault, defamation, etc.). Trump may have less time available for golf and television as a private citizen than he did as the alleged “president.”

Joe Biden’s inauguration speech was surprisingly well received considering his reputation for something less than soaring oratory. Even Chris Wallace of Fox News said that it was “the best inaugural address I ever heard.” But don’t let that fool you into thinking that Fox News has turned over new leaf. Sean Hannity watched the same address and described our new president as “the weak, the frail, the cognitively struggling Biden.” Clearly Hannity was viewing it through his manure-caked eyeglasses.

While Biden touched an many subjects of great importance to the American people (i.e. the COVID-19 pandemic, the economy, international relations, and his commitment to national unity), he included some specific passages that foretold a renewed respect for the free press. Gone is Trump’s Stalinist yowl that “the media is the enemy of the people.” In Biden’s inaugural address he correctly observed that “We face an attack on democracy and on truth.” Then he pointedly made these profound remarks:

“Politics need not be a raging fire destroying everything in its path. Every disagreement doesn’t have to be a cause for total war. And, we must reject a culture in which facts themselves are manipulated and even manufactured.”

“Manipulated” and “manufactured” facts are another way of saying “alternative” facts (h/t Kellyanne Conway). It’s also a nod to what Fox news has done throughout Trump’s occupation of the White House.

“There is truth and there are lies. Lies told for power and for profit. And each of us has a duty and responsibility, as citizens, as Americans, and especially as leaders – leaders who have pledged to honor our Constitution and protect our nation – to defend the truth and to defeat the lies.”

This is another shout out to Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News), where “Lies told for power and for profit” is embedded in their corporate mission statement.

“But the answer is not to turn inward, to retreat into competing factions, distrusting those who don’t look like you do, or worship the way you do, or don’t get their news from the same sources you do.”

Here Biden is being generous by lumping Fox News in with legitimate sources of news. Even Fox doesn’t call what they do “news.” It is literally a part of their entertainment division. And it isn’t going to get any better in the post-Trump era. They have already announced programming changes that shift more airtime to their ultra-conservative opinion hosts.

For his part, Joe Biden is making good on his promise to restore truth and decency to the White House press corps and its relationship with the media. Early on in his term Trump abandoned daily press briefings. He went weeks without holding any. And when he did, they were filled with lies and self-serving blather. His press secretaries were a confederacy of dishonest spinners (Sean Spicer, Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, Kayleigh McEnany) whose flair for flagrant falsehoods was famous.

Biden’s press secretary, Jen Psaki, held her first press briefing on Inauguration Day. She told reporters that her goal was to “bring transparency and truth back to the American government.” Elaborating, she said that…

“I have deep respect for a free and independent press in our democracy and for the role that all of you play. As I noted earlier, there will be moments when we disagree and there will certainly be days we disagree for extensive parts of the briefing even perhaps. But we have a common goal, which is sharing accurate information with the American people.”

That’s a refreshing upgrade from the bellicose bundle of belligerence that stained Trump’s hostile and childish tantrum throwing tirades whenever he engaged the press. It’s a return to the more productive encounters that provide opportunities for political leaders to communicate with the public, while simultaneously allowing journalists to confront those leaders on the public’s behalf. And if both the President and the press pursue those as their goals, the nation can only be better off for it.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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President Biden Embraces Unity While Fox News Incites Fear and Division

The inauguration address by Joe Biden was a striking departure from the last inaugural address that focused morbidly on “American Carnage.” Who could have imagined how prescient that dark portrait of a broken nation was at the time Donald Trump painted it? If he was successful at anything, it was at achieving – temporarily – the dystopian vision he embraced even onto the very last minutes of his term.

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Joe Biden, Donald Trump Baby, Fake News

Pres. Biden, on the other hand, delivered a speech (video below) that contained the sort of soaring rhetoric that his critics assert he is incapable of. He began with a triumphant nod to the failed Trump Insurrection that took place just two weeks ago, saying that “Democracy is precious. Democracy is fragile. And at this hour, my friends, democracy has prevailed.” And Biden closed saying that “Together we shall write an American story of hope, not fear. Of unity, not division.”

The dominant theme of Biden’s speech, like his campaign, was unity. It’s a word that he used eleven times in the unusually brief address. He was clear-eyed about the challenges that our nation faces, and he recognized that…

“To overcome these challenges, to restore the soul and secure the future of America, requires so much more than words. It requires the most elusive of all things in a democracy, unity. Unity.”

Likewise, Biden was well aware of the idealistic tone of his theme, saying that…

“I know speaking of unity can sound to some like a foolish fantasy these days. I know that the forces that divide us are deep and they are real. But I also know they are not new. Our history has been a constant struggle between the American ideal that we all are created equal, and the harsh ugly reality that racism, nativism, fear, demonization have long torn us apart.”

However, those obstacles haven’t dulled Biden’s optimism. Just as he has throughout his career in public life, Biden put his faith in the human hunger for harmony, imploring that…

“History, faith, and reason show the way, the way of unity. We can see each other, not as adversaries, but as neighbors. We can treat each other with dignity and respect. We can join forces, stop the shouting, and lower the temperature. For without unity, there is no peace, only bitterness and fury.”

Speaking of “bitterness and fury,” Fox News spent Inauguration Eve exhuming it in buckets. They are proving that it is their intention to become even more blatantly biased in the post-Trump era.

On Laura Ingraham’s Hour of Sour, she began the program with her baseless assertion that “Team Biden Turns Against America.” The segment led off with her ludicrous claim that the “left” believes that “America is an inherently evil country.” She came to that conclusion after seeing National Guard troops deployed in Washington, D.C. to prevent more violence like that caused by Trump’s Seditionist Brigades. Ingraham charged that the frightful military presence was the work of Democrats, despite the fact that they were ordered to deploy by Republican run Departments of Defense and Justice.

Even worse was Tucker Carlson’s White Nationalist Hour on Fox News. On Monday Carlson spent an hour trying to incite more violence. And Tuesday’s program was devoted to the proposition that the “Democratic Party is planning a war on half of America.” He babbled feverishly that…

“If you’re one of the many in our professional class who has made hating Donald Trump the very center of your life, this has got to be a pretty good day for you. You won. Your party now has control of everything. By tomorrow afternoon Donald Trump will be gone for good. You got exactly what you wanted. You should be thrilled about that. You should be celebrating. But they’re not celebrating. That’s the remarkable thing. No one in the Democratic Party seems happy tonight.”

If Carlson hasn’t seen the ecstatic celebrations of Democrats across the nation/world, he must be having severe delusions from having had to go cold turkey on Trump tweets for the past couple of weeks. More likely, Carlson is just being his abnormal, arrogant, and irrationally hostile self. Rather than observing the reality of tens of millions of Democrats rapt in joy, Carlson imagines that they are attacking Trump voters, saying that “These 74 million are, in fact, terrorists.”

To be sure, there are Democrats who rightfully believe that Trump and other Republicans who violated the law should face justice. It’s what Trump called “law and order,” but which he and his cult disciples now repudiate. That, however, is not an indictment of everyone who voted for Trump. That is a figment of Carlson’s diseased imagination.

Pres. Biden’s goal of unity is an honorable and worthwhile one. The nation needs healing. But healing can only occur when the wounds are treated and protected from further infection. That comes in the form of accountability. “Without accountability,” says Republican Rick Wilson in USA Today, “unity will be an illusion, an invitation to further, deeper, more dangerous division. With accountability, the nation has a genuine chance to come together and move forward.” And that means accountability for Trump as well as as his Sedition Caucus in Congress and media accomplices.

Returning to Biden’s speech, he covered some of what needs to be addressed with regard to the trust Americans will have for their politicians and the press going forward. It’s a critical issue that must not be swept aside in the quest for unity. It is, in fact, a requirement for unity:

“Politics doesn’t have to be a raging fire, destroying everything in its path. Every disagreement doesn’t have to be a cause for total war. And we must reject the culture in which facts themselves are manipulated, and even manufactured. […] There is truth and there are lies, lies told for power and for profit.”

These are among the most profound thoughts of any presidential inauguration speech. Hopefully they will be heeded and applied to both Democrats and Republicans – as well as the media itself – as we recover from the lie-riddled landscape left by Trump and his abomination of an administration.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

SRSLY? Fox News Host Praises Trump’s Work Ethic Because ‘He Watches Every Show’

On the last full day of Donald Trump’s disastrous misadventures as the “president” of the States he tried so mightily to disunite, his “Friends” at Fox News went the extra mile to suck up to him in the most nauseating manner.

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Trump in Bed, Eating, Sad

It’s one thing to defend his innumerable failures, or to attack his righteous critics, but what Ainsley Earhardt said on Tuesday morning’s episode of Fox and Friends sunk to a new low, which is a pretty remarkable feat for the “Curvy Couch” potatoes. In a segment wherein Earhardt sought to pay tribute to Trump’s alleged work ethic, she said that…

“They’ll criticize President Trump but no one can argue, he is a worker. He doesn’t drink alcohol, he stays up late at night, he watches every show, he’s working — he got to work immediately. And now Joe Biden is saying he’s gonna get to work on immigration on the first day in office. Some are criticizing him, like Sen. Cotton, for focusing on this issue instead of the pandemic.”

Where to begin with this lunatic rhapsody? How about the fact that Trump is the most notoriously lazy White House occupant in modern times. He has accomplished almost nothing in four years. He didn’t build a wall that Mexico paid for. He never delivered the healthcare plan he promised every two weeks. He forgot that every week was infrastructure week. The only significant legislation that he had a hand in passing was to give the wealthy undeserved tax cuts, and shifting the burden to average Americans. And worst of all, he did nothing about the deadly coronavirus pandemic that has taken the lives of 400,000 Americans.

Earhardt may be impressed that Trump doesn’t drink alcohol. But she didn’t bother to mention his dependency on pharmaceuticals like Adderall. She also thinks his insomnia is something to be praised. Who cares if he’s up all night if all he is doing is tweeting out insults, lies, and other assorted nonsense?

Worst of all is Earhardt’s asinine appreciation for the fact that Trump “watches every show.” REALLY? What exactly does she think is praiseworthy about that? Trump is reported to watch as much as eight hours of television every day. And most of that is Fox News or some other Trump-fluffing outlet that satisfies his elephantine ego. Someone needs to break it to Ainsley that that is not working.

Notice that Earhardt doesn’t cite a single issue with which Trump’s supposedly hard work produced any success. There’s a good reason for that. However, she does mention criticism from wingnut Republican Sen. Tom Cotton. But even that is flagrantly false. While Biden does plan to send Congress a comprehensive immigration bill – an important goal that has stumped three previous administrations – it is not an issue that Biden has focused on to the exclusion of everything else.

In particular, Biden has stated several times that the COVID-19 pandemic is his top priority. He has already developed a plan for combatting the virus, for accelerating the vaccine distribution, and for providing economic stimulus and relief to the long-suffering American people who Trump ignored and fatally misled for so many months.

In short, Earhardt’s commentary was pitifully wrong in every respect. Which is surely why she remains a regular on the network that has no use for facts, logic, compassion, or fairness or balance either. She is right at home with confederates like Tucker Carlson, who is striving to incite more violence. And she is comfortable on a network that would promote other shameless propagandists like herself. It’s what Fox News was founded to do.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Tucker Carlson of Fox News is Determined to Incite More Trump Riots in DC

On January 6th, a savage horde of treasonous Trump cult disciples assaulted the Congress of the United States in an attempt to install Trump as the leader of a white nationalist dictatorship. They battered down doors, broke windows, stole and destroyed property, and called for the execution of Democratic – and even some Republican – representatives. They failed … this time.

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Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump

Not satisfied with having ransacked the seat of American democracy, killing at least five people, and sullying the reputation of the nation, Fox News assigned their Senior White Supremacist, Tucker Carlson, the task of reassembling Trump’s Traitors for another attempt at their seditionist uprising. He not only declined to condemn the vicious, anti-American insurrectionists, he explicitly encouraged them. This is further evidence that Fox news is actually getting worse in the post-Trump era. Even James Murdoch (son of Fox News boss, Rupert) recognizes the “toxic lies” and “disinformation” propagated by Fox.

On Carlson’s Monday hate-fest (video below), he maligned the National Guard troops assigned to protect the city from further violence by the fascist brigades of Trumpism. He characterized their deployment as a “military occupation,” and, in a fit of utter lunacy, implied that their presence was the result of “Republicans hav[ing] spent years ignoring the leftward drift of our officer corps.” Carlson’s rant was rife with rancid rhetoric such as…

“No matter what they are telling you, those 26,000 federal troops are not there for your safety. Instead, unmistakably, the Democratic Party is using those troops to send the rest of us a message about power. We are in charge now. We run this nation from Honolulu to our colony in the Caribbean and everything in between, very much including where you and your family live. Do not question us. Men with guns enforce our decrees. We control the Pentagon.”

These are the blatant scare tactics of totalitarians. His use of language like “No matter what they are telling you…” is purposefully chosen to ensure that you only believe the propaganda being spread by Carlson and Fox News. They want the American people to fear their own protectors who were brought in to prevent another nauseating spectacle like the one that occurred on January 6th, and which the whole world witnessed in horror.

Carlson and Fox News are actually rooting for another round of insurrection against the nation and the Constitution. And they are making villains of our patriotic sons and daughters in uniform, while ignoring the lawless, gun-toting militias working to overthrow the government. Carlson elaborated…

“Democrats in Congress demanded that the troops sent to Washington this week submit to a political purity test – ideological vetting as they put it – to make sure that every soldier profess loyalty to the new regime. Not loyalty to our our country. Not loyalty to our our Constitution. But loyalty to the aims of a specific political party.”

Carlson is lying through his treasonous teeth. Democrats in Congress had nothing to do with the vetting of the troops. And there were no “purity tests” or “loyalty” oaths to political parties. Carlson and Fox News know that. However, there were reports of potential insider threats by far-right extremists circulating among law enforcement officials. Consequently, they employed routine measures to ensure the safety of the troops and the public. The truth, as reported by the Associated Press, was that…

“U.S. defense officials say they are worried about an insider attack or other threat from service members involved in securing President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, prompting the FBI to vet all of the 25,000 National Guard troops coming into Washington for the event.”

Note that those involved in making these decisions were Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy (a Trump appointee), who reported to Acting Secretary of Defense Mark Esper (a Trump appointee), who conferred with the FBI that is conducting the vetting and is headed by Christopher Wray (a Trump appointee). And all of them were confirmed by the Senate that, at the time of their confirmation, was controlled by a Republican majority led by GOP Senate leader Mitch McConnell. So obviously it’s a Democratic plot.

That’s the core of the conspiracy over which Carlson and Fox News are generating this hysteria. And it is all wrapped in the hypocrisy of Carlson’s anti-law enforcement tirade. But Carlson, Trump, Fox News, and the GOP have apparently forgotten that they were staunch advocates of National Guard deployments during the Black Lives Matter protests last summer. True to his racist form, Carlson supports the oppression of mostly peaceful people of color, but he abhors any restraints on the aggressively violent white nationalists with whom he identifies. And the result is this sort of rabid diatribe that seeks to turn the American people against the military heroes they once pretended to admire.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Primetime Doubles Down on Crazy After Trump Seditionists Assault Congress

So where does an ultra-conservative television network go after the loathsome president they propped up for four years is cast out of office by a decisive majority of the American people? Well, if you’re Fox News you go shopping for programming that is even more radically right-wing and overtly offensive.

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Fox News, Maria Bartiromo, Donald Trump

That’s the path that was recently announced by Fox’s management following the humiliating loss by Donald Trump to Joe Biden last November. Fox News struggled to maintain their support for the twice-impeached Trump with brazenly dishonest propaganda. They aided and abetted his relentless attempts to spread blatant lies about election fraud, despite having no evidence. Even after Trump was caught provoking a seditionist assault against Congress, and aligning himself with the conspiracy crackpots who orchestrated and carried out the assault, Fox News continued to back him up. That’s what he gets for favoring them with nearly exclusive rights to his softball interviews for four years.

Now Fox News is pondering its future in the wake of a season of ratings declines. For the first time in years, Fox finds itself in third place after CNN and MSNBC. And this isn’t a fleeting moment in the cable news game. Fox’s ratings have been in freefall since the November 3rd election. Along with the audience’s dissatisfaction, Fox has also picked some competition from newcomers, Newsmax and One America News Network (OANN). So the patriarch of the Fox media empire, Rupert Murdoch, has retaken the reins from his son Lachlan to reimpose the extremist wingnuttery that he believes put Fox at the head of the cable news class.

NOTE: Murdoch’s other son, James, is not exactly on board. He recently released a public statement condemning the “toxic politics” and “disinformation” of “propagators of lies.” He didn’t actually cite Fox News, but his description made the connection unavaidable.

The result of Murdoch’s intervention is a new program anchoring their primetime schedule. It’s called simply “Fox News Primetime.” They probably paid a marketing consultant a fortune to come up with that. But that isn’t the worst of their problems.

The new program represents yet another shift of airtime to more ultra-conservative opinions. It will launch with a rotating cast of temporary hosts. The first week will have Brian Kilmeade of Fox and Friends in the anchor’s seat. He will be followed by Maria Bartiromo, Katie Pavlich, Mark Steyn, Rachel Campos-Duffy, and former U.S. Representative Trey Gowdy. What they all have in common is that they are all white wingers with an unflinching devotion to conservative politics in general and Trump in particular.

While each of them have earned their own disrepute as individuals, Bartiromo has distinguished herself as Fox’s Senior Trump-fluffer. No one on the network comes to close her drooling sycophancy. So handing her a spot in primetime signals that Fox News is determined to own the rabid wing of the Republican Party. In other words… Same as it ever was.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. And you can follow this surrogate Twitter account here. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

President Snowflake: For 4 Years Trump Rarely Strayed From His Fox News Safe Place

The calamitous era of Donald Trump is coming to just the sort of ignoble end that was easily predictable based on his contemptible record of hate, dishonesty, greed, negligence, incompetence, and malignant narcissism. Trump was, and is, a sociopath who never cared a whit for America or the American people.

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Donald Trump TV Set

Now in his final days, Trump has sequestered himself in his White House bunker, refusing to honor even the most trifling presidential duties or traditions. He has been invisible to the public for six straight days. That’s actually quite a feat for someone so notoriously egomaniacal. It speaks to the agonizing degree of despondency he must be suffering. And it cannot be due merely to his banishment from Twitter, which is surely gnawing at him, because he has all of the other communications resources available to any president. Although his Twitter absence has resulted in a major improvement of the Internet with a 73% decline in misinformation since his involuntary exit.

Trump’s uncharacteristic withdrawal from the attention he craves is further evidence of his innate cowardice. He simply can’t face the world before which he has been humiliated as the loser he has always been. It’s ironic that Trump’s cult disciples have regarded him as a courageous fighter for principles in which he never believed. The truth has always been apparent that he is a sniveling coward who fears any circumstance that he can’t control.

That fact is evident nowhere more than in his fear of the free press. Trump has spent the last four years manically assaulting the media as “the enemy of the people.” However, he has also steadfastly avoided confrontation with any reputable journalist whenever possible. And now that his term in office is over, the extent of his seething fear has been documented by presidential chronicler Mark Knoller:


This chart puts Trump’s media phobia into stark perspective. He was plainly too frightened to venture outside of the comfort zone that he knew awaited him at Fox News. The bootlicking sycophants at Fox promised him a free ride as well as shelter from the free press. Consequently, he spent the vast majority of his time granting softball “interviews” to suck-ups like Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Lou Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo, and the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends. He never once granted an interview to CNN, which is the first time in the network’s history that it didn’t interview a president.

This Fox favoritism came at the same time that Trump wavered between an ardent affection for his Fox protectorate and seething animosity for the network if they ever faltered by slipping in a tender criticism. His love/hate relationship with Fox occasionally resulted in blistering attacks declaring that Fox News is dead and that his cult followers should quit watching and switch to the even more obsequious Newsmax or One America Network (OANN).

So Trump is fleeing the presidency with the same gutless trepidation that he demonstrated from the start. He shrunk from any confrontation because he knew deep down that he wasn’t up to the fight. And losing would be too mortifying to contemplate. And those are the same reasons that he is now retreating from public view. He is the consummate coward, which will remain a key component of his loathsome legacy forever.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. And you can follow this surrogate Twitter account here. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Crybaby Trump ‘Can’t Say Anything’ Due to Twitter Takedown, Whines Flack on Fox News

Donald Trump has maintained a virtual radio silence ever since his marauding horde of seditionists assaulted Congress on January 6th. It’s safe to assume he is pouting in his pantry with bags of Cheetos and watching reruns of his favorite parts of the riots as his cult disciples vandalized the Capitol and beat up law enforcement officers.

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Donald Trump

The timeline of events now clearly shows that Trump waited hours before posting his disingenuous video asking his Troll Troops to go home and telling them that he loves them as they were ransacking America’s seat of democracy. We also know that he refused to deploy the National Guard to protect members of Congress and his own Vice-President, Mike Pence.

In defense of his deliberate negligence, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley was dispatched to Fox News to explain why Trump failed so miserably to react in a responsible manner that might have saved as many as five lives. Gidley blamed the media, telling Fox’s media correspondent Howard Kurtz that…

“The media are trying to have it both ways. On one hand he should be censored by ‘Big Tech’ and not be allowed to talk. He also shouldn’t say anything because it’s divisive. And then when he doesn’t say anything, and can’t say anything, because the platforms have removed him, they say ‘Where’s the President? Why aren’t we hearing from him?’ The whole thing’s disingenuous.”

First of all, it isn’t up to the media whether “Big Tech” suspends Trump’s posting privileges when he repeatedly violates their terms of service by advocating violence and disseminating harmful lies. It’s Trump’s responsibility to follow the rules, which he was warned about more than a hundred times. Secondly, Gidley’s complaint that Trump might be regarded as divisive is also within Trump’s sole control. In fact, he intends to be divisive.

However, the most preposterous point that Gidley proffered was the one where he claimed that Trump “can’t say anything” because Twitter suspended his account. Someone really needs to tell Gidley – and Trump – that the White House has a massive press operation that is specifically designed to put messages out to the public. They can even use more than 140 characters. What’s more, Trump has a right-wing media menu of outlets like Fox News, One America News Network (OANN), and Newsmax, to spread whatever falsehoods are clawing to get loose from their diseased craniums.

RELATED: Study Proves that Banishing Trump From Twitter Improved the Internet 73%

It’s notable that Gidley was asserting these accusatory grievances to the millions of viewers on Fox News as he was whining about having no outlet. So he knows that that channel for communications is available. Trump, however, hasn’t even made one of his self-serving phone-in interviews with the bootlickers on Fox and Friends to defend himself. it’s also notable that Kurtz didn’t bother to refute Gidley’s ludicrous claims as to Trump’s alleged inability to communicate with the public.

If the media is asking “Where’s the President,” it’s because Trump himself has decided to go into hiding in the final days of his failed term because he has no discernable excuse for the damage caused by his incompetence and malfeasance. And it’s clear that his spokesman isn’t any better able to make excuses for him either. And the same goes for Trump’s Fox News apologists. This is what the end looks like for a narcissistic sociopath with the emotional maturity of a six year old.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. And you can follow this surrogate Twitter account here. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.