Ted Cruz Makes a Great Argument for COVID Mandates While Arguing Against Mandates

America is suffering from the recent spike in the COVID pandemic far more than is necessary. This is due primarily to the deliberate disinformation being spread by Fox News and by Republicans who care more about securing and preserving power than they do about human life. The Pandemic of Fox News. is responsible for the majority of new infections and deaths, which otherwise would be mostly preventable.

Ted Cruz, COVID Virus

If Fox News wanted to reduce the number of people getting sick and dying, they could do so easily. But it’s clear that they don’t want to. They are devoted to the agenda they have been pursuing for more than a year now. And it’s the same deadly, sociopathic, pro-COVID agenda of Donald Trump.

It is also the same agenda of Republican Sen. Ted Cruz. Like the rest of his GOP confederates, Cruz is locked into a partisan pandemic perspective that aims to exacerbate the harm caused by the coronavirus. Their goal is to exploit an utterly disingenuous advocacy of “freedom,” while blaming Democrats for the persistence of the pandemic. To that end Cruz appeared on CNBC to demonstrate how shamelessly obtuse he can be on this subject (video below).

From the start Cruz displayed a profound ignorance of what he was there to talk about. He asked CNBC’s Squakbox co-host, Andrew Ross Sorkin, “How would you feel if CNBC had a series of medical procedures that they demanded you do as a condition of your employment?” Apparently Cruz doesn’t know that all of the divisions of NBC News require every employee to be vaccinated in order to return to the office.

What’s more, Cruz doesn’t seem to be aware that many employers have health related requirements that must be adhered to as a condition of employment. Construction workers are not allowed onto a work site without helmets and other safety gear. Truck drivers and pilots are not permitted to drink alcohol or to use stimulants. Even teachers are are often tested for drug use. And vaccines are mandatory to attend to some schools or work abroad.

Sorkin then asks Cruz to comment on the view that “We have to respect the idea that we do not want to injure our colleagues or other people in society who have every right to stay healthy and alive.” To which Cruz replies…

“My view is that we should have no COVID mandates. What does that mean/ That means no mask mandates. No vaccine mandates. That means no vaccine passports. We shouldn’t step into the regime where the government says show us your papers if you want to do the basic activities of life. […] This argument that those that don’t get vaccinated are somehow the unworthy, unwashed, reckless people endangering everyone else, I don’t think that actually stands up to scrutiny.”

It is an established fact that those who are unvaccinated do endanger others. They can transmit the virus to people who are unvaccinated, as well as – to a lesser extent – those who are. And in both cases those they infect can in turn pass the virus on. For Cruz to assert that this verified science doesn’t withstand scrutiny is pure bullpucky. Cruz then reveals that he has been vaccinated, but that…

“If somebody doesn’t take the vaccine, they pose relatively little threat to me. They pose relatively little threat to someone who has chosen to take the vaccine. Now, they may potentially pose a threat to somebody else who isn’t vaccinated. Well, you what? They made that choice.”

That is just plain wrong. The more available hosts there are for the virus, the more opportunities it has to mutate. And new variants have the potential to defeat the protection offered by the current vaccines. So everyone who refuses to get vaccinated now is putting everyone else – including those who are vaccinated – at greater risk of infection. And you know what? That is NOT their choice.

From there Cruz went on to make one of the best arguments for vaccine mandates, although he had no idea he was doing so:

“Smokers, when they light up a cigarette, they’re increasing their chances they’re gonna get lung cancer. That may not be a wise decision to do, but in America we give people the freedom to make decisions about their own health even if we don’t approve of the decisions they make.”

Somebody needs to inform Cruz that there are already numerous mandates that apply to smokers. They may not light up in elevators, or restaurants, or many offices, or some apartment buildings, or airplanes, or almost anywhere that people gather in public. And the reason is that their unwashed, reckless behavior poses a serious risk to those around them. This same principle could apply to mandates for the COVID vaccine.

It’s hard to tell if Cruz is pitifully stupid, or if he is just a terrible liar and propagandist. But if we were to use his analogy to smoking, we could impose vaccine mandates immediately. And doing so would make the world safer for everyone, including crackpots like Cruz.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
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JUDGE: Trump’s ‘Frivolous’ Lawsuit is ‘The Stuff of Which Violent Insurrections Are Made’

The nine month saga of Donald Trump’s crusade to overturn an election and subvert democracy is proceeding with more humiliating consequences for Trump and his accomplices. Trump is undeterred by recent embarrassments like the revelation that he admitted to pressuring the Department of Justice to “Just Say the Election Was Corrupt,” and his having claimed for himself the exclusive “right” to destroy America. The Former Guy just continues to suffer the disgrace of defeat in every legal battle he takes on.

Donald Trump, Fox News, QAnon

The latest court smackdown for the Trump camp comes in the form of a sanction by a judge in Colorado. The judge lambasted Trump’s attorneys for bringing a case challenging the 2020 presidential election that was “frivolous,” “not warranted by existing law” and filed “in bad faith.” As reported by the Washington Post

“In a scathing 68-page opinion, Magistrate Judge N. Reid Neureiter found that the lawyers made little effort to corroborate information they had included in the suit, which argued there had been a vast national conspiracy to steal the election from former president Donald Trump. […]

“Calling the suit ‘one enormous conspiracy theory,’ Neureiter ordered that the duo must pay the legal fees of all the individuals and companies they had sued — 18 separate entities in all — as a way to deter future similar cases.”

The judge made a point of chastising the attorneys “for quoting Trump in their legal filing,” regarding a baseless claim that “voting machines manufactured by the company Dominion Voting Systems had ‘deleted 2.7 million Trump votes nationwide.'” Dominion has filed a billion dollar lawsuit against Fox News for making the same unfounded claim that this judge called “‘highly disputed and inflammatory.”

The bizarre lawsuit by Trump’s team was filed as a class action on behalf of 160 million American voters who have not agreed to be members of the class. However the most damning criticism from the judge came when he unambiguously linked the Trump lawsuit to the riots in Washington, D.C., on January 6th:

“Albeit disorganized and fantastical, the Complaint’s allegations are extraordinarily serious and, if accepted as true by large numbers of people, are the stuff of which violent insurrections are made.”

The judge’s recognition of the potential for future hostilities by a deranged faction of Trump cultists is a realistic observation of how Trump’s anti-democratic tirades could get even uglier going forward. And it’s significant that he’s sanctioning the attorneys for their misconduct.

There must be more of this sort of punishment for lawyers who purposefully abuse the judicial system. And there must be punishment for Trump as well, whose efforts to orchestrate a coup and crown himself America’s first dictator are anti-American and a clear and present danger to the nation.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Newt Gingrich Visits Fox News to Peddle the Overtly Racist ‘White Replacement Theory’

Fox News has officially become the White Nationalist Network of America. Their efforts on behalf of blatantly racist philosophies and organizations makes it impossible to deny their close association and aligned goals. No better example exists than the fact that this week Fox’s top rated program host, Tucker Carlson, is in Hungary embracing their abhorrently bigoted and tyrannical Prime Minister, Viktor Orban.

Newt Gingrich, Donald Trump

Back at home, Fox News Senior Trump-fluffer Maria Bartiromo, invited Newt Gingrich to pontificate on his noxious notions of anti-immigrant hatred and xenophobia. Gingrich took the opportunity to wholly embrace the staunchly racist “white replacement theory” that Carlson is so fond of promoting. The theory proposes that Democrats are “importing” Mexicans to “replace” what conservatives regard as “traditional” Americans. Never mind that all Americans are immigrants unless they are descended from the Indigenous population that was here prior to the European invasion.

But from Gingrich’s supremacist perspective, it’s the refugees from Central America who are the invaders. He was asked by Bartiromo about a Wall Street Journal op-ed alleging that President Biden was neglecting illegal immigration. He replied by maligning the refugees, saying that…

“They don’t come all the way across Mexico for the purpose of visiting for two days. They want to be in America. And I think what’s hard for most of us to accept, is that the anti-American left would love to drown traditional classic Americans with as many people as they can who know nothing of American history, nothing of American tradition, nothing of the rule of law.

“I think that – if you go and you look at the radical left, this is their ideal model is to get rid of the rest of us because we believe in George Washington or we believe in the Constitution, and you see this behavior over and over again.”

There’s a lot of loathing stuffed into that commentary. Let’s begin with Gingrich trivializing the reasons for immigrants coming to America. They are fleeing poverty and violence in their own countries. This has nothing to with with vacations or relocating to sunnier climes.

Gingrich’s rant refers to “the anti-American” and “radical left” in order to deflect from the reality that it is ultra-rightists like him who are sullying the proud tradition of American diversity that was built on immigration. Gingrich also uses phrases like “drown traditional classic Americans” to deliberately invoke violence and foment fear.

When Gingrich complains about people who “know nothing of American history, nothing of American tradition, nothing of the rule of law,” he doesn’t realize that he’s talking mostly about “the uneducated” who Donald Trump professes to love, because without them he’d have no one to attend his cult rallies or shower him with blind adulation. After all, no one is more dismissive of American laws than Trump himself.

Finally, Gingrich fires the coup de grâce with his frightening assertion that Democrats are plotting to “get rid of the rest of us.” It’s a statement that is filled with ignorance and intended to incite hostilities by those who are stupid enough to believe any of this malarkey. But that’s the purpose of segments like this on Fox News. They are unabashedly devoted to inciting hatred and division in order to maintain power for white supremacists like Gingrich and Trump.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
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Devin Nunes Sues NBC Because Rachel Maddow Revealed His Affairs With Russian Agents

Republican Rep. Devin Nunes has distinguished himself as one of Congress’ most mockable characters. He’s the sort of representative who believes that being asked if he wants a straw by a waitress is a sure sign of socialism. So what does a serially litigious Republican gadfly like Nunes do after he’s lost an embarrassing lawsuit against an imaginary cow on Twitter?

Rachel Maddow

Well, now that a court has ordered Nunes to “Don’t have a cow, man,” he is tilting at a new legal windmill that he believes is a cancer on his already tawdry reputation. Bloomberg News is reporting that…

“California Republican Congressman Devin Nunes sued NBCUniversal Media alleging that MSNBC’s liberal talk show host Rachel Maddow defamed him with on-air suggestions he’d conspired with a Russian agent to rig the 2016 presidential election for Donald Trump.

“Nunes, who is the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, says Maddow has repeatedly targeted him with defamatory statements that accuse him of obstruction of justice and treason.”

In other words, Nunes is suing NBC because Rachel Maddow reported accurately about his unsavory relationships with Russian operatives, and his complicity with using disinformation to smear Joe Biden in order to prop up Donald Trump’s dwindling election prospects. Nunes is seeking unspecified damages for “insult, pain, embarrassment, humiliation, mental suffering and injury to his reputation.” Based on that enumeration of alleged harm, Nunes should be suing himself.

For some reason Nunes filed this complaint in federal court in Sherman, Texas, despite the fact that he represents a district in California, and NBC is headquartered in New York. Do you think he’s “venue shopping” this silliness? Where else could he hope for a favorable verdict in this quixotic adventure?

Nunes must know that he doesn’t have a prayer of prevailing. Particularly when there is virtually nothing of substance on which to hang his case. The commentary Maddow delivered hewed closely to the known facts at the time of her broadcast. And the truth is a valid defense in a defamation case. Maddow correctly reported that…

“Last summer, Democrats on the Intelligence Committee in the house learned that that same guy, Derkach, had mailed a stack of unknown materials to a Republican congressman named Devin Nunes, who is the top Republican on the Intelligence Committee to this day. Andriy Derkach is sanctioned by the U.S. government as a Russian agent. He is singled out by name by the Director of National Intelligence as someone under Vladimir Putin‘s direct purview who helped run this operation targeting our election last year.

None of that is even being disputed by Nunes. His case rests on Maddow’s assertion that he failed to turn the suspicious package from the Russian agent over to the FBI, or even share it with his colleagues on the Intelligence Committee. However that was true when she reported it. Given that he has no case, it will be interesting see how discovery shakes out, if Nunes even allows it to go that far.

In addition to ludicrous and failed suits against Twitter for satirical accounts pretending to be his mother and his cow, Nunes has also filed unsuccessful, multi-million dollar suits against the Washington Post (which was dismissed), Esquire (which was thrown out), McClatchy (which was dropped), and CNN. With regard to the action against CNN, Nunes not only lost, but his attorney was sanctioned and ordered to pay CNN $21,000 for filing a frivolous defamation claim.

All of this makes the anticipation for the latest Nunes legal battle more exciting. He seems to be impervious to shame as he continues to humiliate himself in courts across the country. And in the end, all he succeeds in doing is reminding everyone about his potentially treasonous dalliances with Russia and his efforts to subvert democracy. So hopefully, he keeps it up.

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Fox News Fascinista, Tucker Carlson, Cozies Up to Hungary’s Authoritarian PM Orban

The saga of Fox News senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson, continues to sink lower into the muck with every new day. Apparently it isn’t enough that he has promulgated paranoid delusions that the National Security Agency (NSA) is spying on him? Or he has spread baseless accusations that the FBI orchestrated the January 6th insurrection? Or he has claimed that health authorities know that vaccines don’t work and they aren’t telling you? Or he has of “spewed the overtly racist white replacement theory.”

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Bullshit Factory

This week Carlson is broadcasting his program from Hungary, a country that has been on a rapid path to totalitarianism. Carlson is there to speak at an ultra-rightist conference that advocates a xenophobic agenda and trains young conservatives who will be dispatched throughout the European Union. According to the Daily Beast

“Tucker Carlson will deliver a speech, appropriately titled ‘The World According to Tucker Carlson,’ this coming Saturday at MCC Feszt, a far-right conference in Budapest that is backed by Hungary’s authoritarian prime minister, Viktor Orban.” […]

“Earlier this year, The New York Times reported that Orban granted $1.7 billion—or about one percent of Hungary’s GDP—to Mathias Corvinus Collegium, or MCC, with the aim of training a new generation of conservative elite across Europe.” […]

“According to Open Secrets investigative researcher Anna Massoglia, Hungary paid a D.C. lobbying firm $265,000 in 2019, in part to arrange an interview on Carlson’s Fox News show.”

So Carlson was lobbied at great expense to cozy up to Hungary’s nascent dictator, Orban, and to become a featured speaker at an event that Orban paid for with his government’s funds. That is less surprising when you know that Carlson shares much of the same philosophies with Orban. Media Maters reported how Orban has implemented the same anti-immigrant policies that Carlson regularly promotes on his Fox News program. And the targets of Orban’s hostility and lies are often the same as those that Carlson and Fox News go after:

“Instead of helping the native population to have more children, the Hungarian government, they say, should import a replacement population from the Third World. That’s the George Soros solution. But Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orbán, has a different idea. Instead of abandoning Hungary’s young people to the hard-edge libertarianism of Soros and the Clinton Foundation, Orbán has decided to affirmatively help Hungarian families grow.”

What’s more, according to Human Rights Watch, Hungary’s parliament gave Orban rights that allow him to rule “with unlimited power for an indefinite time.” He has the power now to strike down and/or implement laws by decree. And democratic elections have been suspended. And if that isn’t bad enough, Orban was recently discovered to have been using spyware on the media in his country. A man after Trump’s diseased heart.

Under these circumstances, Carlson’s trip to Hungary says a lot about where he stands with regard to the constitutional principles and liberties of the United States. He is fully on board with the sort of tyrannical aspirations of Donald Trump, who idolizes strongman dictators like Orban, Putin, Xi, and Kim.

More evidence of Trump’s efforts to stage a violent coup are uncovered on a seemingly daily basis. He recently claimed for himself the exclusive right to destroy America.” And his crackpot cult followers believe that Trump’s January 6th insurrectionists were “defending freedom.” So naturally Carlson would venture to Hungary to support a like-minded fascist wannabe, and bring those ideas to America, and his Fox News viewers. It’s just the next step toward the white nationalist dystopia he dreams about.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
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WTF? Laura Ingraham of Fox News Attacks New York AG Tish James for Report on Cuomo

On Tuesday morning the Attorney General of New York, Letitia James, announced the results of an independent investigation of allegations of sexual harassment by Gov. Andrew Cuomo. The report was a damning account of the experiences of eleven women who asserted that Cuomo’s behavior was inappropriate, abusive, and created a hostile work environment.

Laura Ingraham, Fox News

In short, the report affirmed the charges by Cuomo’s accusers, calling them all credible. One might think that such a report would be cheered by Republicans and Cuomo opponents. It pretty much terminates Cuomo’s political career and demonstrates the neutrality and fairness of the Attorney General’s office.

However, leave it to Fox News to find an angle that manages to malign the Democratic Attorney General, even when she produces the results of an investigation that incriminates her Democratic colleague. Laura Ingraham took to Twitter immediately after the announcement was made to say that. “NY AG Letitia James will cite Cuomo to show she’s ‘balanced’ in her investigations as she continues to hound Trump, too. She wants Andrew’s job.”

REALLY? Ingraham is actually criticizing James for being independent and unbiased. That display of “balance” is portrayed as a flaw by Ingraham. And if James had buried the report, or manipulated it to let Cuomo off the hook, just imagine how infuriated Ingraham would have become by that partisan favoritism. So if James holds Cuomo accountable, she’s a political predator out for Cuomo’s job. But if she waives it off, she’d be a sycophant bending to Cuomo’s will. There’s no way that James could win in Ingraham’s diseased mind.

Underlying Ingraham’s utterly disingenuous criticism of James is her conspiratorial theory that James is merely setting the stage for a legal attack on Donald Trump. That, of course, is in the works and would proceed regardless of how the Cuomo affair shook out. Ingraham’s not-so-subtle ulterior motives are to discredit whatever James eventually finds regarding Trump’s criminality. So Ingraham is just building a defense for Trump in advance of what she herself presumes will be serious charges against him.

The problem with Ingraham’s preemptory Trump-fluffing is that she has completely misread the circumstances. She and the Trumpian Republican Party assume that Democrats will rush to the defense of Cuomo. They will be sorely disappointed when that doesn’t happen. Unlike Republican apologists for disgusting and unlawful behavior by their party members, Democrats are actually opposed to it and will stand on principle.

One example of that is how Republicans are currently letting Rep. Matt Gaetz (FL-QAnon) slide while he’s being investigated for pedophilia and sex trafficking. Fox News is pretending that he doesn’t exist. But the best example is Trump himself, who is a serial sexual predator who has been accused of harassment and assault by at least sixteen women. We’re still waiting for the GOP to show any signs of being troubled by that. And we’ll probably have to keep waiting. Republicans love their sexual deviants. But they will still pounce on Democrats like AG James who act morally.

For the record, here is how the White House press secretary, Jen Psaki, handled questions from Fox News hack Peter Doocy on the subject. Psaki: We do something new here that feels foreign from the last four years and allow the Justice Department to act independently on investigations.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
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Jim Jordan, and Fox News, Attack Obama’s Birthday Party, Get Blown to Bits by Jen Psaki

The Republican Party continues to suffer a deficit of exploitable scandals to pin on President Joe Biden. His approval rating is holding steady and his legislative agenda is progressing with surprisingly bipartisan support. As a result the GOP, and their Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) are forced to manufacture hit pieces in order to keep the peasants sufficiently pissed off.

Obama Fox News

To that end, Ohio’s QAnon Republican, Jim Jordan, posted a tweet aimed at embarrassing former President Barack Obama. Referencing his upcoming birthday party, Jordan said that “This is a dangerous super-spreader event. How can someone be so reckless? They’re killing people.” These are, Jordan claimed “The things Democrats would say if this was President Trump’s birthday party.”

The only problem with that is literally everything. To begin with, the link that Jordan provided in his attempted hate-tweet contradicted his criticisms. And you didn’t even have to click on it. Right below Jordan’s ranting it said that “The party will be held outdoors, all guests are asked to be vaccinated and there will be a COVID-coordinator.” If you did click on it, there were further details that revealed that “Martha’s Vineyard does not qualify as an area of ‘substantially-high’ risk, which was the target of the CDC recommendations.”

So Obama’s party will not be a reckless, super-spreader event that would be killing anyone. It will be an appropriately managed affair that is in accordance with CDC guidelines, and that takes into consideration the well being of the guests. If this was Trump’s birthday party, the only thing that Democrats would be saying is how astonished they are by his uncharacteristically responsible behavior.

Of course, Trump would never conduct himself with such concern and competence. In fact, he just announced another Super-Spreader Cult Rally later this month in Alabama, where masks, vaccinations, social distancing, etc., will be purposely ignored. Alabama presently has among the lowest rates of vaccination and among highest increase in new cases. So expect it get even worse there, and in the surrounding areas.

Meanwhile, Fox News White House correspondent, Peter Doocy, broached the same subject at the White House daily press briefing. It’s almost as if these people have plotted out there talking points for the day in advance. However,, as usual, Doocy was gently humiliated by press secretary Jen Psaki, when he asked what he surely thought would be a devastating “gotcha” question:

Doocy: Is President Obama setting a wrong example about how serious COVID-19 is by hosting a big birthday party with hundreds of people this week?
Psaki: Well, I would certainly refer you to the team who is working for my former boss to give you more specifics of what the protocols are in place. But I would note first that former President Obama has been a huge advocate of individuals getting vaccinated. What CDC has provided guidance on is for indoor settings in high or substantial high zones of COVID cases. This event, according to all the public reporting, is outdoors and in a moderate zone. But in addition there is testing requirements and other steps they are taking which I am sure they can outline for you in more detail.

Not satisfied, Doocy asked the exact same question two more times, while Psaki struggled to give him the same answer in different ways hoping that it would get through to him.

These pathetic attempts to turn a birthday celebration into a horror story only demonstrate how desperate Fox News and the Republicans are for anything to beat up on Democrats with. But it also reveals how ignorant they are about the state of the COVID pandemic and the proper procedures to conduct business during it, while maintaining the health and safety of everyone concerned.

If Fox News cared about the welfare of the American people they wouldn’t have spent the last year lying to them about the pandemic. Which they are still doing now. And the same goes for Republicans like Jordan whose only interests are preserving power and pleasing Dear Leader Trump by patronizing his delusional and narcissistic worldview.

UPDATE: In an effort to be exceedingly cautious and responsible, Obama Scales back his birthday bash amid COVID.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
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Here’s Proof that Fox News Could Save Thousands of Lives If They Wanted To – They Don’t

The year long determination of Fox News to convince their viewers that COVID-19 isn’t anything to worry about has resulted in the coronavirus officially becoming the Pandemic of Fox News. They are, of course, parroting the purposeful lies of Donald Trump who repeatedly told his cult followers that it was either a hoax, a Democratic plot against him, or a piffling malady that is no more serious than the common flu. And he’s still doing it.

Fox News, Cov-Aid

Never mind that Trump has known from the start how deadly it is. His deliberate dishonesty fueled the aversion of his disciples to the vaccines that he simultaneously tried to take credit for. And Fox News backed him up all the way.

As a result, the cable news network that one watches is one of the best indicators of whether or not the viewer has been vaccinated. The percentage of Fox News viewers who have received the vaccine is 21 points lower than viewers of CNN or MSNBC. Fox’s top program hosts are staunch opponents of vaccinations that they regard as attempts by the government to control the population (by keeping them alive?).

Tucker Carlson tops the list with his frequent anti-vaccine messaging, such as his paranoia drenched claim that vaccines don’t work and “they” aren’t telling you. Likewise, Sean Hannity has sowed vaccine doubts by pretending to support the science, even while insisting that no one should listen to him. Which is actually pretty good advice.

However, if Fox News was interested in the welfare of the American people, they could have a profound impact on mitigating the suffering and fatalities of the pandemic. That impact was demonstrated recently when Tractor Supply posted a sign next to a horse dewormer they sell. The sign reads…

“A number of products we carry, including select dewormers and injectables, contain the anti-parasite active ingredient Ivermectin. Despite media report that Ivermectin could potentially be used to treat people with COVID-19, these products are not safe or approved for human use, and could cause severe personal injury or death.”

Both Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham have promoted the use of Ivermectin based on studies that have been discredit and retracted. Carlson “repeatedly downplayed the effectiveness of COVID vaccines while touting Ivermectin on shows in June and July.” And Ingraham hosted a dubious “expert” whose advocacy of the dewormer only served to further mislead Fox’s viewers and put their health and lives at risk.

So Trump’s MAGA devotees refuse to take recommended vaccines based on the fear mongering and admitted ignorance of Fox News pundits. They say that they’re afraid of what the vaccines might contain (microchips? Fetuses?) and what potential harm they might cause. None of which has been validated. But they will rush out to their local farm supply store to buy and consume a horse dewormer that is known to be toxic to humans?

If nothing else, this proves that Fox News has a frighteningly powerful impact on their viewers and influences what they believe and do. How many other alleged “news” purveyors could get their audience to reject medicine and swallow poison instead? Now imagine if Fox News would tell them to get vaccinated. Imagine if they reported the extraordinarily high efficacy and safety of the vaccines and how reliably they reduced the incidence of severe illness, hospitalization, and death.

The result of Fox News – and Trump for that matter – enthusiastically promoting the benefits of being vaccinated could save tens of thousands of lives. It could prevent further viral variants from developing that have to potential to defeat the protection that the current vaccines provide. And that would save even more lives among the millions who have already been vaccinated.

But in order for that to happen, Fox News would have to care about the welfare of the American people. They have to put people’s health above their own political and financial interests. In other words, don’t hold your breath. Fox News – and Trump – cannot be relied upon to do the responsible and ethical thing when they can exploit people’s suffering to advance their agenda of partisanship and greed. That’s been their mission from their inception, and it isn’t going to change now.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump is Fired Up Over ‘Massive Evidence’ of Election Fraud that Doesn’t Actually Exist

The madness of Donald Trump has not subsided in the slightest amount since his humiliating loss to Joe Biden eight months ago. In fact, he has gotten perceivably worse. In recent days he has claimed for himself the exclusive “right” to destroy America. He has admitted to pressuring the Department of Justice to “Just Say the Election Was Corrupt.” He has doubled down on his deadly, sociopathic, pro-COVID agenda.

Flaming Trump

On Sunday afternoon Trump took another step off the ledge of sanity. In another of his public whine-fests tweeted by his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington (a flagrant violation of Twitter’s Terms of Service that prohibit circumventing a ban), Trump reiterated the “Big Lie” that he has been peddling to his dimwitted cult disciples for the past several months. His new claim combines his fantasy fiction about the 2020 election with his seething hatred for the free press. What follows is an annotated transcript of his lunacy marinated message (linked here for those who wish to report it).

“The New York Times, and others, always insert a clause into their stories, ‘WITHOUT EVIDENCE, that the election was decided fraudulently.’ As usual, this is FAKE NEWS.”
Appending the phrase “without evidence” is not a “clause.” It’s a statement of fact. Trump and his minions lost more than sixty court cases challenging the election due to the total absence of any supporting evidence.

“There is massive and unconditional evidence that the election was shattered with fraud and irregularities at a level that our Country has never seen before. Much of it is already public, and a great deal more is coming out in the very near future. Every time you read a statement that there is ‘no evidence of election fraud,’ about the 2020 election scam, just attribute that statement to a crooked and collusive media (they work closely together with the Radical Left Democrats) that will do anything to hide the real facts of this election fiasco.”
It is amazing how this alleged evidence is “massive” and “unconditional” (whatever that means), and occurs “at a level that our Country has never seen before,” but he can’t cite a single example of any of it. However, he instructs his devotees on how to process the fact that there isn’t any proof by simply attributing it to the “crooked” media. In other words, don’t believe lying eyes. If he really wants people to accept his claims of fraud, why doesn’t he just present some proof of it?

“After seeing the irrefutable evidence from numerous states, others are talking about doing deep forensic audits. This election was a scam and the Lamestream Media is doing everything in their power not to allow the people to see or read about what really took place. We no longer have a free and open media (they don’t cover the truth), but the word is getting out stronger than ever before.”
Once again, it is easy to refute evidence that doesn’t exist in reality. And the only states that are talking about doing audits are those with Republican legislatures who have bought into Trump’s lies. If Trump has a problem with the media not covering his alleged evidence, why doesn’t he produce it? Perhaps because it only exists in his twisted imagination?

“Even the Justice Department has no interest in the crooked and corrupt 2020 Presidential Election. They are only interested in hurting those who want to reveal how totally dishonest it was. The Justice Department should be looking at the people who rigged the election, not the Patriots of our Country who are seeking to find how our Nation was defrauded.”
For the record, Trump’s own Justice Department, with dependable sycophants like Attorney Genuflect Bill Barr, refused to validate his election fraud ranting. Barr’s opinions were eventually revealed in Jonathan Karl’s new book, Betrayal, where Barr is quoted as saying that “My suspicion all the way along was that there was nothing there. It was all bullsh**.” That, of course, triggered a Trumpian temper tantrum.

“We must also look to the future and fight for State Legislatures to reform their elections so that this will NEVER happen again. In the end, truth will WIN!”
Can’t really argue with that. Although, in Trump’s mind he’s actually proposing election “reforms” that suppress the vote, and “truths” that are flagrant distortions of reality that fit his delusional, narcissistic psychoses.

And there you have it. Trump’s tedious tirade about unprecedented levels of election fraud that doesn’t contain a single example. And yet, somehow his cult followers eat this up with a side of fries. It’s both pitiful and frightening that this can occur in a modern democratic society. We can only hope that spell wears off before the damage done is irreversible.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Sen. Collins Lets Slip that ‘There Were Many Communications with Trump’ on January 6th

The investigations into Donald Trump’s culpability for the riots in Washington, D.C., on January 6th have barely just begun. So far there has been a one hearing that featured four law enforcement officers who were assaulted by Trump’s Insurrection Brigades. Naturally, Fox News immediately set out to malign the officers.

Donald Trump Insurrection

There is still much be learned as the investigation continues. The documentary and testimonial evidence is growing by the day. In that regard, Sen. Susan Collins of Maine helpfully added herself to the list of witnesses. On CNN’s State of the Union, Collins was questioned by host Jake Tapper about the House Select Committee that is probing the Trump-incited mob violence that sought to disrupt Congress from carrying out its constitutional duty to certify the election.

Collins told Tapper said that she “fought very hard” for an independent, bipartisan, 9/11-style commission to investigate the January 6th insurrection. But she failed to note that it was her Republican Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell, whose opposition killed it. Then she goes on to complain about the Select Committee not being bipartisan, despite Speaker Nancy Pelosi placing two Republicans on the panel. It was GOP House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, who refused to seat three other Republicans.

Tapper pointed out that two of McCarthy’s GOP picks for the Committee, Jim Banks and Jim Jordan, were “election liars,” and Jordan is likely to be called as a witness. To which Collins replied that, “There were many communications with [then] president Trump that day.”


Really? Who would that be? We know about Kevin McCarthy and Jim Jordan who, by their own admissions, spoke with Trump. Although both are declining to reveal the substance of their conversations. But if there were “many” others, then maybe Collins needs to be subpoenaed as a witness to disclose what she knows about those members of Congress. Were they calling Trump to plead with him to call off his insurrectionist brigades? Were they calling to plot strategy for the attempted coup after the assault on Congress?

These questions must be answered. And now Collins has woven herself into the investigation as a material witness. We know that Trump has gone to extraordinary lengths to subvert democracy. It is imperative that he be held accountable to restore faith in the American experiment. But all of those who were complicit in the domestic terrorism that Trump incited must also be held accountable. Including members of Congress who aided and abetted Trump’s treason.

Consequently, Collins must now be required to disclose what she knows, under oath, before the Committee. The seriousness of the crimes committed by Trump cannot be overstated. He was recently described as a war criminal by Carl Bernstein. And his accomplices must not be allowed to escape responsibility.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.