Fox News is Promising to Finally ‘Get the Truth About Obama’s Birth Certificate’ – No, REALLY!

LOOKOUT DEMOCRATS! Fox News is on to you and they are ready to blow the lid off of your damnable schemes and deceptions. They aren’t playing around this time. And their investigation is digging deep into the heart of the leftist cabal that has been covertly managed by the master manipulator, Barack Hussein Obama.

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Jesse Watters, Fox News

That’s right. The veil is being removed. The curtain is being pulled back. The secrets that have been hidden away in dusty cellars are about to be revealed by the one man at Fox News who has seen through the cons and conspiracies, Jesse Watters. Only he can expose the plots orchestrated by the Obama machine. Just like he did with the election of 2020 that Trump continues to insist was “rigged and stolen.”

SEE THIS: Fox News is Still Pushing the Lie that the 2020 Election Was Stolen that Cost Them $787 Million

On Tuesday’s episode of Fox’s “The Five,” Watters revealed that he had become suspicious of weird “vibes” going on. And who would know better? But he wasn’t gonna sit still for it. He knew there was something fishy in the works, and he knew who was behind it. He told his confederates on the program, and any rubes who happened to be watching, that…

“There is a weird vibe going on. I can’t figure it out. But I will tell you this. Barack Obama is still the godfather of this machine. He gave us Joe Biden as VP. He gave us Hillary [Clinton] as Secretary of State. Then he ‘coup’ed’ Joe, put all his ‘boys’ with Kamala’s team, and had his wingman Holder vet Walz.

“Now he’s at a young 63. He’s gonna be doing this for the next 25 years. He’s definitely gonna interfere in this election. That’s why we will be sending Johnny to Hawaii to get the truth about the birth certificate. This time we will dig deep and find out what really happened.”

HOLY SHIH TZU! It has been Obama all along. Watters remains convinced that Obama was born in Kenya and he grew up to engineer a takeover of America. And just because all of that is patently insane – and has been debunked a thousand times – Watters isn’t going to be deterred.

If this tells us anything about Fox News, and the MAGA malarkey they disseminate, it’s that they have absolutely no rational arguments with which criticize Democrats. So they are clinging desperately to ancient absurdities like the ludicrous “birther” hoax and nonexistent election fraud. That’s in between complaining about Democrats eating ice cream, wearing tan suits, hugging their families, or just generally being joyful. Something that is apparently anathema to Republicans.

In the process, Watters and his ilk manufacture myths about evil masterminds like Obama pulling all the strings behind closed doors. And if that isn’t bad enough, Watters frames the imaginary racket in blatantly racist terms as being run by Obama’s “boys,” who, along with his Black accomplices, Kamala Harris and Eric Holder, staged a “coup” against the White president, Joe Biden, who voluntarily stepped aside and endorsed his VP.

Now, in Watters’ warped mind, anything that anyone does to advance the Harris campaign, he will characterize as election interference. Which Trump also does. But that won’t apply to his own mission to dispatch “Johnny” to Hawaii to probe the asinine birther allegations. Nor to Trump’s firehose of insults and lies that he disgorges an a daily (hourly) basis. When it comes right down to it, the whole thing is just WEIRD!


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Crybaby Trump Runs Whining to Sean Hannity When Kamala Harris Passes on Biased Fox News Debate

The debate about debates continues to rage as Kamala Harris and Donald Trump remain divided as to where, when, and how many face offs they will share. Harris has agreed to the only confirmed debate that was previously scheduled for September 10 on ABC. Trump says he wants more, but he keeps hinting that he might not even show up for this one. He recently told Laura Ingraham on Fox News that “I’ll probably end up debating…but I can also make a case for not doing it.”

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Donald Trump Sean Hannity

The Harris campaign has been firing on all cylinders. Ever since she took the baton from President Biden she has enjoyed surging popularity and poll numbers. She has raised record amounts of money. She has united the Democratic Party, as well as many independents and Republicans, in support of her candidacy. Meanwhile, Trump has managed to dig himself into ever deeper trenches just by opening his mouth.

SEE THIS: TRUMP IS TOAST: The Washington Post’s Laundry List of Trump’s Increasingly Bizarre Claims

Ordinarily, a candidate that is ahead is less likely to rely on debates to boost their electoral prospects. It’s the losers who seek more bouts in the hopes of gaining some ground. In Trump’s case, he is not only trying to goad Harris into more debates, but to steer her into enemy territory. He is pushing for another debate to be held on Fox News. Yes, the same Fox News that is serving as Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda, and that is relentlessly maligning Harris and other Democrats.

MORE HERE: Fox News is Officially an Arm of Chinese State Media, Regurgitating its Attacks on Kamala Harris

On his floundering social media scam, Truth Social (which itself is losing its own battle to stay alive), Trump posted a comment saying in part that…

“Comrade Kamala Harris has just informed us that she will NOT do the FoxNews Debate on September 4th. […] Rather than the debate on September 4th, I have agreed to do a Tele-Town Hall, anchored by Sean Hannity, for Fox.”

To be clear, there was never any agreement to do a debate on Fox News on September 4th, or at any other time. It would be surprising if Harris accepted an offer from the network that is working so hard on defaming her and sabotaging her campaign. That doesn’t mean that she will never agree to it. There could be some benefit by defeating Trump on his own partisan turf. But Harris should demand certain concessions. Such as not having a studio audience, muting the mic of the candidate when it isn’t their turn to speak, and selecting moderators who aren’t blatantly pro-Trump (Arthel Neville, a black woman, comes to mind).

If Trump were paying attention, he would know that Harris has made her conditions regarding adding more debates known. She has said publicly that…

“I’m glad that he’s finally agreed to a debate on September 10. I’m looking forward to it, and I hope he shows up.” [As for other debates she said that] “I’m happy to have that conversation about an additional debate for after September 10.”

So Trump already knows that his proposal of a Fox News debate on September 4, is a non-starter. But that didn’t stop him from wasting everyone’s time. And his suggestion for what to do if Harris doesn’t agree is typically Trumpian. He would simply spend the hour chatting with Fox’s Senior Trump-Fluffer, Sean Hannity. And he wouldn’t even show up for that, but would phone it in for a “tele-town hall” from the bedroom of his Mar-a-Lago bunker.

If this tells us anything, it’s that Trump isn’t serious at all about any of this. Or at least that he shouldn’t be taken seriously. It appears that he knows he’s in a downward spiral and is headed for defeat. So he’s flailing desperately to keep his head above water. But when he gets like that he only makes things worse. In the process his ranting will become even more unhinged. So stay tuned for what may be this season’s biggest political belly flop. It should be fun.


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Fox News Hypes Bogus Report By GOP Falsely Alleging that Biden Engaged in Impeachable Conduct

If anyone is looking for further affirmation that Fox News is the Ministry of Propaganda for Donald Trump and his MAGA movement, the notoriously disreputable network that settled a 3/4 of a billion dollar defamation lawsuit for lying on Trump’s behalf, just provided another example of its political biases.

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Fox News, Joe Biden, Fake News

On Monday the Democratic National Committee (DNC) was set to begin its convention to officially certify the candidacy of Vice-President Kamala Harris as the Party’s nominee for President of the United States of America. This year the convention is being held under unique circumstances as Harris only became a candidate three weeks ago. Nevertheless, she is riding a wave of enthusiasm and surging popularity that is stirring anxiety and desperation in the Trump camp.

SEE THIS: Trump is Losing to Kamala Harris, Who He Says is Dumb, Low IQ – What Does that Say About Trump?

Right on cue, Fox News and the Republican Party deployed to try to steal the DNC’s thunder. On the morning of the first day of the DNC convention, the GOP issued a report that they claimed contained proof “that President Biden engaged in impeachable conduct.” The report was immediately given to Fox News who broadcast it as an exclusive on Maria Bartiromo’s Trump-Fluffing Hour (video below). And Trump posted it to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, whining “And they go after me for NOTHING!” Fox correspondent, Brooke Singman, gleefully boasted that…

“I obtained a copy of this 292 page report from Republicans on the House Oversight, Judiciary, and Ways and Means Committees. They’ve been leading the impeachment inquiry against President Biden for months. They said that their investigation found that President Biden engaged in impeachable conduct and said that he abused his office and defrauded the United States to enrich his family.”

Singman went on to quote from the report, saying that…

“As Vice-President, President Biden actively participated in his conspiracy by, among other things, attending dinners with his family’s foreign business partners and speaking to them by phone, often when being placed on speakerphone by Hunter Biden”

The only problem with that is that it has no resemblance to reality whatsoever. The testimony of the GOP’s own witnesses actually absolved Biden of any wrongdoing. During the phone calls that Singman refers to, Biden was only on while innocent pleasantries like the weather were exchanged. The GOP’s “star” witness testified that he never heard the President talk about any business dealings.

Singman continued quoting from the GOP’s work of pure, unadulterated, and deliberate fiction, saying that…

“Several witnesses testified that Hunter Biden invoked his father in business dealings with Romanian, Chinese, Kazakhstani, and Ukrainian companies, resulting in millions of dollars flowing to the Biden family.”

Once again, the report doesn’t actually find that President Biden did any of what the report is alleging. In fact, every reference to any alleged wrongdoing in the report was vaguely framed as being associated with “the Biden family.” The report contained zero evidence that President Biden received any money or did anything wrong. What’s more, if Republicans were really interested in a president who enriched himself through shady business dealings with foreigners, they should have been investigating Trump…

It is notable that Singman’s report on Fox News didn’t provide any response from Biden or any White House representative. That isn’t because there wasn’t one. When she posted the same story on the Fox News website, where it wouldn’t get nearly the same amount of exposure, she did include a response by White House spokesperson, Sharon Yang. So she knew about it, but intentionally left it out of the television report. She even included it in an early morning tweet

Yang: “After wasting nearly two years and millions of taxpayer dollars, House Republicans have finally given up on their wild goose chase. This failed stunt will only be remembered for how it became an embarrassment that their own members distanced themselves from as they only managed to turn up evidence that refuted their false and baseless conspiracy theories.”

The attempt by Republicans to tarnish Biden’s reputation, even after he has announced his retirement, is reprehensible and intended only to be nasty while hoping that the stain rubs off on Harris. So far, like every other dirty trick that they have tried to play, they have met with failure.

They still have no evidence of any impeachable crimes. And even when they were taunted by Democratic representative Jared Moskowitz to call for an impeachment vote, the GOP reprobates never did. Which is emblematic of their dishonesty and cowardice. It’s a level of cretinism that is only matched by their confederates at Fox News.


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REALLY? JD Vance on Fox News: Polls are ‘Fake’ and ‘the Trump Campaign is in a Very Good Spot’

The delirium that has set in at the Donald Trump campaign is reaching ever deeper depths as polling and enthusiasm for Kamala Harris grows. In the mere three weeks that she has been a candidate, the joyful campaign of Harris has raised record amounts of money, signed up tens of thousands of volunteers, and inspired a nation that is anxious to move past the doom and gloom that Trump has made his hallmark for nearly a decade as a political grifter.

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Donald Trump, JD Vance, Dr. Evil, Mini-Me

For months Trump has been posting the results of polls that showed him leading President Biden. Every poll released that had him ahead was featured on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. Trump made sure that each opportunity he had to brag was prominently noted and promoted. However, since Harris has entered the race, Trump has been conspicuously silent with regard to election surveys. He’s either shut up entirely, or is resorting to dismissing them as “rigged” and/or “fake.”

SEE THIS: Polls Show Trump Losing to Kamala Harris Now, So He’s Calling them ‘Fake’ and ‘Dishonest’

So it should come as no surprise that Trump’s Mini-Me, JD Vance, is parroting his stance on polling. In a panic, Vance rushed to his safe place at Fox News where he was greeted with a question that was uncharacteristically challenging. Fox’s Shannon Bream asked Vance why “every other poll that’s been released has shown great momentum in [Harris’] direction?” After suppressing his shock and swallowing hard, Vance replied/lied that “There are a lot of polls showing her stagnating or leveling off.” Those must be the polls conducted by MyPolling, an election denying subsidiary of MyPillow.

Vance then sputtered desperately some rote responses that had no resemblance to reality: “We can’t worry about polls. […] The media uses fake polls to drive down Republican turnout and to create dissension and conflict with Republican voters. […] The Trump campaign is in a very, very good spot.”

So now they are suddenly not worrying about or interested in polls? Now the polls are fake and engineered to harm Republicans? And this abrupt about-face occurred spontaneously three weeks ago? Prior to which the polls were all irrefutable as they registered unabated adoration for Hair Trump. According to Vance, the media now has some sort of bias in favor of Harris that they didn’t have for Biden.

What’s more, Vance expresses his consecrated confidence that Trump’s crusade …er… campaign is in tip-top shape and bound for glory. His evidence of that must be the reception that Trump is getting at his recent cult rallies…

Later in this interview Vance told Bream that “If you talk to insiders in the Kamala Harris campaign, they’re very worried about where they are.” And you can count on the validity of that due to Vance’s well known connections to Harris and Democratic insiders. They like nothing better than disclosing internal secrets and dissing their candidate to their GOP opponent.

If this is the best that Trump and Vance can do, they are going to suffer an even more devastating defeat than previously imagined. And this was with Fox News. Wait until they are interviewed by legitimate journalists, if they ever allow that to happen. In the meantime, settle in for a season of MAGA dishonesty and delusion as their Dear Leader stumbles into well-deserved obscurity behind a curtain of shame.


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Halfwit Hannity Helps Kamala Harris to Expose the ‘Trump Taxes’ that Will ‘Devastate Americans’

Donald Trump and his MAGA Republican Party has been struggling desperately to find an effective response to the newly invigorated Democratic campaign for president, led by Vice-President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz. Much of their efforts are still stuck in attacking President Biden and/or trying to shift those attacks unedited to Harris.

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Fox News, Sean Hannity

That’s a strategy that so far has only succeeded in giving Jon Stewart more material to mock Trump with. And apparently, being the butt of jokes hasn’t deterred the Trumpists from flailing wildly in hopes of landing a blow on the far more intelligent and nimble Harris campaign. To the contrary, they just continue to double down on their dopey diatribes that inevitably hurt themselves more than their opponents.

SEE THIS: Trump Makes a Pitifully Impotent Attempt to Drive a Wedge Between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden

On Friday night Fox News Senior Trump-Fluffer, Sean Hannity, made his latest contribution to the cornucopia of crackpottery. In a segment that was the umpteenth repeat of their tiresome storyline that casts every Democrat as a screaming commie, Hannity may have inadvertently aided and abetted his dreaded foe. He began by furiously maligning Harris as a liar and a fraud…

“This is the most dishonest, deceptive campaign in our country’s history. It’s like con artist Kamala. The biggest bait and switch operation of fraud ever perpetrated on all of you hard-working, taxpaying Americans. And right on cue, today’s speech was full of lots of lies about Donald Trump. Take a look.”

Whereupon, Hannity then played a video clip from Harris’ recent speech in North Carolina. However, the clip Hannity aired was one where Harris took apart Trump’s ill-conceived initiative to slap tariffs on every product that is imported into the United States. She correctly noted that…

[Harris video]: He wants to impose what is, in effect, a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries. That will devastate Americans. A Trump tax on gas. A Trump tax on food. A Trump tax on clothing. A Trump tax on over-the-counter medication. He tried to cut Medicare every year he was president, threatening a program tens of millions of seniors count on. And according to his Project 2025 agenda, he intends to undo our work to bring down prescription drugs, the cost of prescription drugs, and insulin costs.”

Everything that Harris said was true, as affirmed by the non-partisan Tax Policy Center. So naturally Hannity declared, without bothering to back it up, that “None of it is true. Just the opposite. She’s lying.” He went on to refute her remarks about Trump’s Project 2025, saying that “Trump has nothing to do with Project 2025 as she keeps claiming. Clearly he knows nothing about it.”

Hannity is right in one respect. Trump indeed knows nothing about almost everything. However, one of the few exceptions is Project 2025, whose principals are largely Trump associates who have worked in his White House and campaigns. If he is telling the truth about not knowing anyone at Project 2025, then he is suffering a severe cognitive deficiency and should be institutionalized for his own safety. Hannity could share a room with him. And the two of them could spend their days watching Harris’ speech wherein she does what Trump has never been able to do: Deliver a detailed plan to advance the economic well being of every American…


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Weaponizing Congress? GOP Hack Comer Launches Phony Probes Into Both Kamala Harris and Tim Walz

If anyone is wondering why the American people have a such a poor opinion of Congress, it might have something to do with how little it has done on their behalf under the current – albeit slim – GOP majority. They actually seem to be proud of their ineffectualness. It’s hard to argue that they haven’t been purposefully determined to be political slackers.

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Donald Trump, Congress, Mike Johnson

The Republican “leaders” of the House of Representatives have spent the past two years utterly ignoring their responsibilities to advancing the interests of the citizens they are supposed to be serving. In fact, they have succeeded only at achieving a new record for passing fewer bills than any Congress in modern times. Congratulations.

SEE THIS: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

There are many Republican members who can shar the blame for this deliberate neglect. At the top of the list is the GOP Speaker, MAGA Mike Johnson, who has exhibited no management aptitude whatsoever. He only got the job when no else could muster enough votes following the ouster of the previous GOP Speaker, Kevin McCarthy.

And right below Johnson in the congressional Dereliction Derby is the chair of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer. He has made it his personal mission to devote all of his time to presiding over ludicrous investigations of Democrats, particularly President Biden and his family. And all to no avail. After wasting months of hearings, and millions of taxpayer dollars, Comer hasn’t found a shred of evidence of any wrongdoing. He’s been so inept that even Fox News took him to task…

SEE ALSO: Fox News is Steaming Mad at GOP Chairman Comer for Being an Incompetent Biden Persecutor

Now that President Biden has passed the torch to Vice-President Kamala Harris, Comer & Co. have abandoned the pitiful failures that they have been obsessed with for so long. But that doesn’t mean that he is taking a rest. Nope. Comer has already initiated investigations of both Harris and her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz. Last week he posted this announcement…

This is Comer’s contribution to the brazen lie that Harris was a “Border Czar” (she never was), and that there must be some impropriety that he can manufacture with regard to that lie.

In addition to Comer’s grossly partisan attack on Harris, this week he added Gov. Walz to his hit list.

It’s ironic that Republicans are trying to falsely associate Walz with some sort of collusion with China, when it is Donald Trump and his family who have been doing business there for decades, including while he was occupying the White House. The truth about Walz is that he had a purely educational role in China, as reported by Newsweek

“Following his graduation, the Minnesota governor and former Congressman spent approximately one year teaching high school in China as part of Harvard University’s WorldTeach program.”

These blatant attempts to weaponize Congress by using it to attack their political foes is a reprehensible perversion of their sworn duties. But it is consistent with their past misbehavior. In the past couple of years they introduced more preposterous articles of impeachment (for Biden, DHS Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas, FBI Director Chris Wray, U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves, and Attorney General Merrick Garland) than any session of Congress ever.

And now they are turning their aim toward Harris and Walz in the final months of this election year. The good news is that Comer and his cohorts are too feeble-minded to succeed at anything other than humiliating themselves. They inherited that mental defect from their Dear Leader Trump. And in the end all of them will wind up achieving the only outcome that they are capable of: FAILURE!


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Trump Makes a Pitifully Impotent Attempt to Drive a Wedge Between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden

The desperation in Donald Trump has been oozing out of every pore in his corpulent body ever since Kamala Harris became his opponent for the presidency. Trump was primed to run against Joe Biden with a barrel full of age-related assaults that he must now discard. He never had a substantive argument against Biden or a truthful one for himself.

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Donald Trump Pacifier Fox

Consequently, Trump is now left with nothing but his babbling diversions about Hannibal Lecter and his hostile and tiresome taunts at the press. He spent his recent cult rally in North Carolina – where he promised to focus on economic issues – flailing wildly with infantile insults at both Biden and Harris, whom he is now trailing in most polls.

SEE THIS: Trump is Losing to Kamala Harris, Who He Says is Dumb, Low IQ – What Does that Say About Trump?

On Thursday morning Trump took to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, to resume his barrage of incoherent blather aimed at Harris and Biden. In a psychotic rant Trump alleged that there is some sort of division between the President and the Vice-President. Of Course, it is another figment cooked up in his perversely warped imagination. He wrote that…

“Kamala Harris wants NOTHING TO DO WITH CROOKED JOE BIDEN. They are throwing him out on the Monday Night Stage, known as Death Valley. He now HATES Obama and Crazy Nancy more than he hates me! He is an angry man, as he should be. They stole the Presidency from him — ‘It was a Coup!'”

First of all, any assessment by Trump of what is going on in the personal lives of Democrats must be taken with a shipload of salt. That’s especially true of his musings about the upcoming Democratic National Convention (DNC). He obviously has no sources or insights into internal Democratic affairs.

For the record, Harris has scheduled Biden to speak on day one of the DNC during a celebration of the President she has served loyally for three and half years. It will be a tribute at a time reserved for honors. By comparison, here are the people that Trump scheduled at the RNC for what he calls “Death Valley”: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Sen. Ron Johnson, Sen. Tim Scott, Virginia, Sen. Marsha Blackburn, Gov. Glenn Youngkin, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem. They will surely be thrilled to find out just how lowly he regards them by having scheduled them there..

To make matters worse for Trump, Harris and Biden made their first public appearance together since the passing of the torch on the same Thursday morning. And Harris was not shy about expressing her admiration and appreciation for her boss. She introduced him saying that “I could speak all afternoon about the person that I am standing on the stage with. [Extended ovation] Our extraordinary President Joe Biden.”

And the feelings were mutual. In his remarks Biden praised Harris as “an incredible partner…She’s gonna make one hell of a president.” But he also found time to taunt Trump as “The guy we’re running against…what’s his name? Donald Dump?”

Trump’s characterization of Biden as hating Harris and Obama and Pelosi is just more evidence of his acute derangement, which is getting worse by the hour. Meanwhile, both Harris and Biden are campaigning in an environment of joyfulness that the nation finds endearing and a great relief from the animus of Trump & Co. Plus, like much of the English language, Trump is proving that he doesn’t have the slightest idea what the word “coup” means. It was Biden who chose to step aside and endorse Harris. And it looks like it was another brilliant decision on Biden’s part.

Trump is the coup plotter – and the convicted felon – and the sexual abuser – and the financial fraudster – and the serial adulterer – and the wannabe dictator. And for some gawdfersaken reason, he is also the choice of the Republican Party to be their standard bearer and lead them to another humiliating defeat in November. Let’s wish them all the best in that pursuit.


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TRUMP IS TOAST: The Washington Post’s Laundry List of Trump’s Increasingly Bizarre Claims

Watching the downward spiral of Donald Trump is becoming object lesson in mental deterioration as he descends ever deeper into a bottomless pit of pathos and desperation. Ever since Kamala Harris ascended to the top of the Democratic ticket, Trump has responded with exponentially more extreme exhibits of madness. And he wasn’t exactly a portrait of sanity before that.

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Donald Trump

The media hasn’t been especially good at reporting the severity of Trump’s psychological maladies. While they spent months obsessing over President Biden’s alleged age-related defects, they ignored Trump’s far worse displays of derangement. Biden would get criticized for stuttering, but Trump would get a pass for hallucinating.

SEE THIS: Trump is Losing to Kamala Harris, Who He Says is Dumb, Low IQ – What Does that Say About Trump?

The good news is that some of the biases of the press may be starting to thaw. The Washington Post just published an article that enumerates some of Trump’s recent meanderings into the muck of his mania. The headline summarizes the substance: “Trump’s laundry list of increasingly bizarre claims.” And it doesn’t mince words describing Trump’s meltdown…

“This is bonkers, even by Trump’s own conspiratorial and falsehood-laden standards [and that] It’s difficult to truly compare the relative ridiculousness of Trump’s claims over time, but there is no question he’s pushed the envelope in new and astonishing ways.”

The Post enumerates ten of Trump’s most recent derpitudes, followed by documented fact checks. They begin with one that was just loosed a few days ago: “Harris’s rally crowds ‘DIDN’T EXIST’ and ‘nobody was there.’” Trump claimed that photos of Harris’ supporters were altered by AI, and that there was really no one at all at the event. Never mind all the live streamed video and press accounts – including by conservative media. Trump’s assertion was wholly manufactured from raw fiction.

MORE HERE: Trump’s Dementia Dives Deeper as He Regurgitates Conspiracy Theories About Kamala Harris’ Crowds

The list continued with even more preposterous assertions emanating from Trump’s corroding cranium. Among them, he accused the FBI of plotting to assassinate him. He said that Harris had only recently turned Black. He repeated his ludicrous charge that Democrats support infanticide. Here is the full list…

On Wednesday morning Trump spoke briefly to reporters after voting in the Florida primary. He was asked about the “fake” crowds claim and replied that “I can’t say what was there, who was there. I can only tell you about ours. And we have the biggest crowds ever in the history of politics. We have crowds that nobody has ever seen before.”

Except that Trump actually and explicitly did say who was there (“nobody”). And his claim that he has “the biggest crowds ever in the history of politics” is just plain delusional. However, his next comment was sort of a curious confession. He said that “We have crowds that nobody has ever seen before.” So now he’s saying that he’s the one who has nonexistent and/or invisible crowds that no one has seen?

Don’t try too hard to figure out anything that Trump says. It will only cause acute frustration and possible brain injury.


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Trump is Losing to Kamala Harris, Who He Says is Dumb, Low IQ – What Does that Say About Trump?

If anyone is looking for something to praise Donald Trump for, they would find it in his extraordinary ability to praise himself for anything and everything that he might undertake. He is his own walking ego fluffer with an inexhaustible supply of narcissistic adoration. No one thinks more of Trump than Trump. Not even his glassy-eyed cult disciples who revere him as their messiah.

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Donald Trump, Mocking Disability

Consequently, Trump is incapable of processing any information that portrays him as less than omnipotent and infallible. And he envisions himself as the victor of every challenge that he encounters. That’s why he is still claiming that he won the 2020 presidential election despite the reality that he lost and that every other sentient being recognizes. It’s why he can’t accept the results of polls unless they show him beating every opponent.

SEE THIS: Polls Show Trump Losing to Kamala Harris Now, So He’s Calling them ‘Fake’ and ‘Dishonest’

Whenever Trump is confronted by negative news that triggers his anxiety, he ducks behind his shield of delusions in order to avoid the emotional trauma of exposure to his phalanx of flaws. From that defensive position Trump fires off slanderous spitballs at his foes that inevitably fall short of their target. Even worse, they often blow up in his face.

Ever since Kamala Harris took the leadership baton from President Biden, she has executed with near perfection. She has driven unprecedented enthusiasm, raised record amounts of money, and unified the Democratic base. Meanwhile, Trump has holed up in his Mar-a-Lago Bunker lobbing infantile insults (“Laffin'”, “Lyin'”, and/or “Crazy” Kamala) and distracting himself with golf and brunch buffets.

Among Trump’s desperate and impotent pejorative rants are his attempts to demean the intelligence of Vice-President Harris – a UCSF Law graduate, former Attorney General, and U.S. Senator. Trump calls her “dumb” and a “low IQ individual.” Of course, that’s what he calls everyone he doesn’t like. On the other hand, he says that Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un are “brilliant.”

There’s one problem, however, with Trump’s kindergarten taunts. (Well, a lot more than one, but we don’t have all day). Trump apparently hasn’t noticed that the person he is belittling as “dumb” is beating the pants off of him. He is losing to someone he thinks can’t put two sentences together. And, yes, he said the same thing about Biden, who also beat him four years ago.

So what does it say about Trump if he can’t prevail over people he thinks are stupid? And what does he do? He resorts to denying reality again. Just like his election denialism, he is now refuting the polls that just a few weeks ago he was hailing as evidence of his superiority. He posted on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, that…

“The NYT/Siena Poll has way over sampled Democrat voters, and way under sampled people who voted for me in 2020. The Fake News York Times insisted they do this so that it would look as bad as possible in comparison to their last poll, which was very good for me, way up, and made the very biased Times look ‘stupid,’ just like in 2016. I am actually up on the San Francisco Liberal, despite all of Crooked Media. She would DESTROY AMERICA, just like she destroyed San Francisco!”

All of that is utter nonsense. Especially the part about the Times “insisting” that they deliberately made Trump look bad. He doesn’t need anyone’s help to do that. And the people of San Francisco might be surprised to learn that their city was destroyed twenty years ago when she was elected District Attorney.

What’s more, it isn’t just the New York Times poll that shows Trump trailing. The trends in almost all the polls show him behind Harris, the woman he regards as “dumb.” Which is a striking turnaround from just a couple of week prior when those polls had Trump ahead.

No wonder Trump is losing his mind over this. But bragging that a “low IQ individual” is beating you isn’t the flex that he thinks it is. Unless, that is, he is a “low IQ individual” himself, or just a low life, failed businessman, and former reality TV game show host, with delusions of grandeur and futile authoritarian aspirations.


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Polls Show Trump Losing to Kamala Harris Now, So He’s Calling them ‘Fake’ and ‘Dishonest’

The evidence of Donald Trump’s aversion to anything that remotely resembles the truth is abundant and unarguable. Particularly when that evidence comes from Trump himself. For instance, in the book that he lies about having written – “The Art of the Deal” – Trump said via his ghost writer that “People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole.”

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Donald Trump

There is, of course, nothing truthful about hyperbole, which is defined as “an exaggerated statement not meant to be taken literally.” In other words, it is a claim that has been deliberately falsified. And Trump is so proud of his use of it that he not only bragged about it in his book, he employs it in his commentaries almost daily. Whatever he is engaged in is the biggest and best in the history of humankind. And anything his foes do is the worst since time began.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Dementia Dives Deeper as He Regurgitates Conspiracy Theories About Kamala Harris’ Crowds

Among Trump’s most frequent deployments of his hyperbolic lies is his obsession with polling that places him in positive territory. His floundering social media scam, Truth Social, is littered with his posts declaring that he has insurmountable leads over his adversaries, even if only by insignificant amounts within the margin of error.

However, most recent polls show Kamala Harris in the lead. It is a small lead at this point, but a substantial move in her direction from prior polls. As a result, Trump has abandoned his celebration of surveys. With the exception of a couple of Trump-fluffing outfits (e.g. Rasmussen, Trafalgar), he has quit his posting of polls. Instead, he is now bashing the whole profession as “fake” and “dishonest.” On Monday morning he whined

“A Major, and highly respected, Pollster: ‘Don’t let the embargo of other polling fool anyone – Democrats are in real trouble.’ Fake Polls are changing their methods and standards from 3 weeks ago. Highly inaccurate (dishonest!).”

Notice that Trump didn’t bother to identify this mysterious “Major, and highly respected, Pollster.” That’s a common tactic of his when he’s quoting someone that almost certainly isn’t highly respected. Nevertheless, he is comforted by his fantasy that “Democrats are in real trouble,” despite the reality that he is in a downward spiral as all the trends are against him. [Update: The pollster Trump was covertly quoting is Rasmussen]

None of that has tempered Trump’s political dementia. This weekend he posted an acutely deranged comment wherein he insisted that “I’m doing really well in the Presidential Race, leading in almost all of the REAL polls.” In Trump World, “real” is defined by whatever feeds Trump’s ego.

On Friday Trump held what he pretended was a press conference wherein he replied to a question about why he hasn’t been campaigning by insulting the reporter and lying: “What a stupid question. Because I’m leading by a lot. And I’m letting their convention go through.”

In the real world, Trump is not leading by a lot – or at all. And if he’s refraining from campaigning until the Democratic National Convention is over, he’s gonna have to wait another two weeks. That makes no sense. He’s trending down now, but he thinks it’s a good idea to lounge at his Mar-a-Lago bunker until after Democrats get an expected bounce from their convention? It must be some kind of brilliant, “stable genius,” 3D Checkers.

Trump is behaving like someone who knows that he has no chance of winning. He’s essentially giving up. And since he can’t boast about his polling, he’s attacking the pollsters. It’s all so transparently driven by fear and desperation. And it’s turning his maniacal hyperbole up from eleven to forty-something. The next stop for Trump might be a room at Shady Pines.


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