Laugh Along as Comrade Bartiromo Fluffs Dear Leader Trump on Fox News

It’s hard to imagine a more pathetic final curtain for the low-brow, reality TV presidency of Donald Trump. After having lost decisively to Joe Biden, Trump continues to shake his tiny fist belligerently at the clouds while shouting delusionally at his cult followers that “I won the election by a lot!” Sadly, his glassy-eyed disciples will eat up his impotent protests.

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Fox News, Maria Bartiromo, Donald Trump

Trump must be suffering tremendously knowing that he made history by becoming the first television game show host to lose the White House to a candidate that he maligned as a mentally deficient commie. If you can’t beat someone you honestly believe is that unfit, you must be picking up wood splinters on your behind from scraping it on the barrel bottom. Trump acknowledged the scope of this defeat a few weeks ago when he speculated that he would have to leave the country if he lost. Can he be legally held to that?

One must never underestimate Trump’s ability to sink lower from any given depth. On Saturday morning he lashed out at Fox News, the notoriously right-wing propaganda machine that put him in the White House:

Trump has been on a rollercoaster, love/hate relationship with Fox News for quite a while. Recently it became clear that his post-presidency career will be focused on “wrecking Fox News.” And many of his worshipful minions are on board with that mission. He much prefers pseudo-news networks who won’t commit the sacrilege of interviewing Democrats or other non-Trumpian heathens.

However, the day after Trump castigated daytime Fox News as “virtually unwatchable” he sat for a tongue bathing interview with Fox’s daytime host, and Senior Trump-fluffer, Maria Bartiromo (video below). Needless to say, it was a non-stop cavalcade of crackpot conspiracy theories and reality denialism. Here are a few select examples of Trump’s whining, paranoia, and deceit:

“The mail-in ballots are a disaster. They sent millions and millions and millions of mail-in ballots. I’m sure you know people that got two, three, or four. Because I do.”

That’s funny. If Trump knows people who got multiple mail-in ballots, why hasn’t he or his crack (addicted) attorneys produced any of them?

“There were a lot of dead people that so-called voted in this election. But dead people were, in some cases – many, many cases – thousands of cases, voted.”

Again, Trump hasn’t presented any evidence of these zombie voters in any of the dozens of lawsuits he’s already filed. Which may explain why he has a win/loss record in court of about 1 in 38.

“This is total fraud. And how the FBI and Department of Justice – I don’t know, maybe they’re involved. But how people are allowed to get away with this stuff is unbelievable. This election was rigged. This election was a total fraud. This is total fraud.”

Now Trump is accusing his Justice Department and FBI – run by his own hand-picked appointees (Bill Barr and Christopher Wray) of being complicit in alleged election fraud. They probably were, at his direction. They just weren’t very good at it. That’s what is really troubling him.

“And the problem we have – We go to judges and people don’t want to get involved, The media doesn’t even want to cover it.”

The judges did get involved. They just ruled against him. And the media also got involved by covering the defeats Trump suffered in court. Trump only sees what he wants to see.

“It’s a situation the likes of which – we don’t have freedom of the press in this country. We have suppression by the press. They suppress. You know you can’t have a scandal if nobody reports about it.”

You have to wonder what Trump thinks hasn’t been reported. All of his allegations have made the news. It isn’t the media’s fault that they are bogus and were correctly reported that way. Trump thinks his fake scandals should be reported as truthful despite his failure to provide any proof.

“This is the greatest fraud in the history of our country from an electoral standpoint. And I guess you could build it up bigger than an electrical – I mean what’s bigger from an electoral standpoint, what’s bigger than this? This is the essence of our country. This is the whole ballgame. And they cheated. Joe Biden did not get 80 million votes.”

It’s cute that Trump thinks he knows how many votes Biden got without counting any of them. Or more likely, he just thinks that any votes for Biden don’t count.

“I got 74 million votes. The largest in the history of a sitting president. So many millions more than anyone thought that we were even trying to get. And everybody said this is over. I’m telling you, at ten o’clock everybody thought it was over. And then the phony mail-in started coming in,”

Not everybody, Diaper Don. Trump believes that the vote counting should have stopped before all the votes were counted. Particularly the mail-in votes that included much of the military and – himself.

For her part, Bartiromo allowed Trump to disgorge his incoherent rants uninterrupted. When she did manage to squeeze in a few words they were to express her awe at how brilliant his insights were. She rarely wavered from responses like this one agreeing with Trump’s tedious repetition that the election was rigged: “This is disgusting,” Bartiromo sucked up, “And we can not allow America’s elections to be corrupted.”

Fox News is going to have make a rapid transformation after Trump is evicted from the People’s House. And now they’ll have to contend with some weak but motivated competition, perhaps including one with a Trump brand. But never fear. If the past is any indication, Fox will quickly shift from a government loving purveyor of pro-Trump propaganda to a government hating pack of anti-Biden dissenters. Their reputation for conservative bias and shameless hypocrisy will remain in tact. As will their commitment to being America’s goto source for blatant lies and its biggest stain on journalism.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

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Trump Wants to Hold 2024 Campaign Launch Rally During Biden Inauguration

The 2020 presidential race has been over for weeks and Joe Biden won a decisive victory with the most votes ever received by a presidential candidate. But that hasn’t stopped Donald Trump from continuing to insist that he’s the “real” winner. He has spent the last three weeks posting delusional tweets claiming victory despite not being able to provide any evidence.

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Donald Trump, King

Trump’s latest argument for his imaginary triumph is that “Biden can only enter the White House as President if he can prove that his ridiculous ‘80,000,000 votes’ were not fraudulently or illegally obtained.” Clearly Trump is unfamiliar with the the “burden of proof” requirements in the law. It is Trump who must prove that his allegations of fraud are valid. And to date, his failure to do that has been downright embarrassing. He has lost 36 of the 38 lawsuits that he or his surrogates have filed.

Despite his pompous swagger, Trump has just signaled his concession to Biden in the typically blockheaded fashion for which he is so well known. When the question of whether he might run again in 2024 came up, Trump indicated that he is not only interested, but that he’s already plotting out his campaign. That, of course, would not be necessary if he still thought that he won in 2020. This is as close to an actual concession as we are likely to get from Trump. But what really makes this rise to the Olympian heights of assholery of pure Trumpism is how he plans to launch his alleged 2024 campaign:

“Two sources said that Trump has floated the idea of a 2024-related event during Biden’s inauguration week, possibly on Inauguration Day, if his legal efforts to overturn the 2020 election fail.”

Holy Shih Tzu! Trump actually thinks that it would be a good idea to counterprogram Biden’s inauguration with his own reality-TV style affair to announce his entry into a race that’s four years away. Never mind the unpatriotic insult to American democracy that would be displayed by such a brazenly egomaniacal move. This is the same sort of pathetic cry for attention that Trump pulled when he chickened out of a Republican primary debate and staged a phony charity event for veterans. After which he jilted the vets out of the money that was raised.

If Trump goes through with this it will only be to satisfy the two things that are most important to Trump: Vengeance and greed. He desperately needs to take revenge against Biden for having the audacity to beat him. For the same reason, he seeks revenge against the American people for voting against him. And he also needs to line his own pockets with cash that his glassy-eyed disciples are all too willing to fork over, even though they think (wrongly) that he’s a billionaire.

You also have to wonder who Trump thinks will be his audience if he does put on this charade. Surely all of the “mainstream” news networks (including Fox News) will cover Biden’s inauguration. If Trump is lucky he’ll get Newsmax and OANN to cover his toddler’s tantrum telecast live. Which means he’ll suffer another defeat to Biden in the ratings. The last time they went head to head was when they had competing town halls. That occurred because Trump was too scared to debate Biden after his flop in the first debate. So he bailed and scheduled a town hall opposite Biden’s that had already been been planned. Biden beat Trump by a million viewers.

Trump’s prospects for 2024 don’t appear to be particularly promising. A new poll by Morning Consult found that “54% of Republicans say they’d vote for Trump if the 2024 presidential primary were held today.” That may be a majority of Republicans (which is a minority party), but not a very big one. Especially right after an election where he got 94% of the GOP vote. Just three weeks later Trump has lost 40% of his support.

This suggests that it’s just the hardline cult followers who are willing to commit to Trump’s future candidacy. They are the same dimwits who believe that the election was stolen from their Dear Leader, despite the total absence of evidence. And they are the viewers who have forsaken Fox News as a liberal hellhole (that Trump now seeks to wreck). But there are enough of them for Trump to fleece on his way to obscurity as he seeks to launch his own media company while pretending to run for president again. And it’s pretty safe to predict that such a media enterprise will soon be Trump’s next bankruptcy.

NOTE: News Corpse was notified by Twitter recently that its account would be suspended for repeated violations of their rules. Which is strange because it has never been cited for a single violation in 11 years and they didn’t even identify this alleged violation. They just bounced the account and its 7,000 followers. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from this website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

WTF? Trump Thinks the Burden of Proof is on Biden to Prove His Votes Were Legal

It’s been three and half weeks since Donald Trump lost the presidential election to Joe Biden in a decisive and humiliating defeat. And in all that time Trump hasn’t stopped embarrassing himself further by making ludicrous and unsupported claims of massive voter fraud and insisting that he won by a landslide. Either he’s suffered a severe mental collapse or he’s taking way more drugs than allowed.

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Joe Biden, Donald Trump Baby, Fake News

Nobody expects Trump to actually face the reality of his loss. Like most malignant narcissists he is incapable of comprehending any news that doesn’t portray him as superior in all things. But his utterly pathetic failure to understand the complexities of fourth grade math or civics comes as a slight surprise. You would think that someone in his circle of sycophants would explain the situation he’s in. But no. Consequently we have Trump pounding out preposterous tweets like this:

First of all, Trump doesn’t get to decide when Biden can enter the White House. That’s just another manifestation of his delusions of grandeur. More to the point, Trump needs to have a lawyer school him on the fine points of the law. Biden is not obligated to provide proof that the 80 million votes he received were “were not fraudulently or illegally obtained.” That’s a precisely backwards interpretation of how election results are challenged.

Of course, it makes sense that Trump would would want to twist this process around. He has filed dozens of lawsuits to overturn the results of the election in several states and lost nearly every one. So now, out of sheer desperation, he’s trying to shift the burden of proof to Biden. That’s not going to work. No judge will entertain this ridiculous notion, and Biden will simply – and correctly – ignore it.

As if that weren’t enough ridicule for Trump in one day, he also tweeted a “report” by the Trump-fluffing One America News Network (OANN) that made a severely math-challenged allegation about Biden’s votes and popularity:

What’s so pitifully sad about this is that it’s falseness is so easy to confirm. Biden’s Thanksgiving address racked up more than 5.3 million views on Twitter alone. And that isn’t counting all the viewers who watched it live on every network news broadcast. As for Trump, he didn’t even have an official Thanksgiving address. He did post a video of some comments he made to the military, but that had only 507,000 views, one tenth the number of Biden’s address. Even worse, Trump’s reliance on OANN for data like this could not be more poorly placed. The “report” Trump referred to said this:

“Joe Biden stirred a new controversy after his Thanksgiving address failed to attract viewers. Reports Thursday found Biden’s livestream address got only 1,000 views on line. The former vice-president delivered a teleprompter address on Wednesday in another baseless attempt to pose as the winner of the recent elections. The mainstream media portrays Biden as the most popular candidate in history of US politics, giving him 80 million votes. However, Biden’s miserable viewership online does not reflect the purported popularity.”

This nonsense begins by blaming Biden for some “new controversy” that is nothing of the sort. Then it references a report that is actually just some random jerk on Twitter who doesn’t know how tweet views accumulate. Then, for no apparent reason, it mentions that Biden used a teleprompter, which everyone does for speeches like these, including Trump. Then it says that Biden’s address was “another baseless attempt to pose as the winner of the recent elections.” Of course, Biden wasn’t “posing” as the winner. He actually is the winner. And the basis for that is the certified results of the elections in enough states to produce 306 electoral votes.

It is incomprehensible that it has come this. The stupidity of Trump, and the media sources he clings to, is on a level that no one could ever have imagined would sink so low. But here we are. Sadly, we can expect Trump to sink even further in the few weeks that remain of his unfortunate presidency. And that is only made possible by the equal stupidity of Trump’s cult followers who believe whatever he says, no matter how absurd.

NOTE: News Corpse was notified by Twitter recently that its account would be suspended for repeated violations of their rules. Which is strange because it has never been cited for a single violation in 11 years and they didn’t even identify this alleged violation. They just bounced the account and its 7,000 followers. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from this website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Does Trump Know That Pardoning Himself Means He’s Admitting Guilt?

This Thanksgiving Donald Trump has expressed his appreciation for the holiday in his usual fashion: By watching untold hours of Fox News and other right-wing media, and tweeting furiously about how the election he lost decisively to Joe Biden was stolen from him. Anyone who thought that Trump might exhibit any traits of humanity other than those of a lying, paranoid, narcissist, is probably just as psychologically disturbed as Trump.

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Donald Trump, Prison

Among Trump’s Twitter tantrums, (twantrums?) he managed to squeeze in only two tweets (out of 46) that even acknowledged the advent of Thanksgiving. One simply said “HAPPY THANKSGIVING!” and included a link to an article about a Supreme Court ruling that “blocked New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo from enforcing attendance limits at religious services.” Or more accurately, permitted New York’s churches to serve as coronavirus super-spreaders.

In the other tweet Trump wished a happy Thanksgiving to Gen. Michael Flynn, along with a full pardon. Flynn was Trump’s traitorous National Security Advisor, who twice pleaded guilty to crimes against the United States.

So both of Trump’s Thanksgiving tweets were highly politicized and focused on himself, rather than the nation and its people. That’s especially abhorrent at a time when the people are suffering from the effects of a deadly pandemic and a record number are going hungry, being evicted, or otherwise struggling to cope in difficult times. But Trump doesn’t care about any of that so long as his wealthy pals are enjoying a rising stock market and low interest yacht loans.

There was also a retweet by Trump that made a glancing reference to Thanksgiving:

Naturally, this is just another self-serving suck up to Trump by congressional bootlicker, Matt Gaetz. However, this one features a call for Trump to pardon himself. And by retweeting it he is effectively endorsing the idea. It isn’t the first time that Trump has proposed the notion of a self-pardon. In June of 2018 he tweeted that “I have the absolute right to PARDON myself.” That, of course, has never been established as a matter of law. But since when has Trump ever cared about little things like respect for the law?

There have been, though, credible interpretations of the Constitution that maintain that there is no right for presidents to pardon themselves. According to constitutional law professor Eric Muller of the University of North Carolina, the power to “grant,” as specified in the Constitution, implies a transfer from one party to another:

“Can Donald Trump pardon himself? Perhaps, but that’s not the question the Constitution requires us to ask. Can Donald Trump grant himself a pardon? The evidence, at least according to the text of the Constitution and its original meaning, says no.”

What’s more, The acceptance of a pardon carries with it an admission of guilt. As was found in the case of Burdick v. United States:

“There are substantial differences between legislative immunity and a pardon; the latter carries an imputation of guilt and acceptance of a confession of it, while the former is noncommittal, and tantamount to silence of the witness.”

Consequently, Trump would be, in effect, confessing to the crimes that he would be accused of if he were to accept a pardon either from himself, or from Mike Pence, or anyone else. Furthermore, since a pardon would remove any risk of self-incrimination, there would no 5th Amendment right to refuse a summons to testify against himself or any of his co-conspirators.

That 5th Amendment exemption also applies to those who Trump pardons, such as Flynn, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, and any of the other accomplices to his criminal acts. And that could put him in legal jeopardy for crimes that his self-pardon didn’t cover. Which means the real fun in this circus may still be yet to come.

NOTE: News Corpse was notified by Twitter recently that its account would be suspended for repeated violations of their rules. Which is strange because it has never been cited for a single violation in 11 years and they didn’t even identify this alleged violation. They just bounced the account and its 7,000 followers. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from this website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

The Truest Thing Ever Said By a Loony, Lying, Trump Lawyer

The legal team representing Donald Trump has distinguished itself as a notorious assembly of incompetents. It’s leader, Rudy Giuliani, is not only proud of his win/loss record of 1 in 35, he says that losing is part of his master plan. Was it also part of his plan to feature Sidney Powell, a crackpot conspiracy theory touting attorney, at a press conference to spin a tale of election fraud that included Democrats, Republicans, Hugo Chavez, and the CIA?

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Donald Trump

Another member of this illustrious team is Jenna Ellis. She has been a frequent guest on Fox News spewing all manner of nonsense wrapped in drooling Trump worship. Which is peculiar since in 2016 she said that Trump was an “idiot” who was “boorish and arrogant,” and “an American fascist.” She even disparaged Trump supporters for not caring that he was an “unethical, corrupt, lying, criminal, dirtbag.” But on Wednesday morning the transmogrified Ellis sought to deliver a blow to liberals with this pitifully lame tweet:

On the surface, this is a sorry attempt at trash talking the libs. But it totally misses the mark because it’s the left that has been steadfastly devoted to facts, while Trump and his cult cling to obvious lies even after they have been exposed. Trump himself has been documented to have told more than 25,000 lies during his one-term in the White House.

Scratching the surface just a bit reveals another humiliation for Ellis and the Trump legal team, for whom humiliation has become routine. That’s because there is no record of Teddy Roosevelt ever saying anything resembling the quote she tweeted. And she compounded her shame by tweeting a defense that implied, without evidence as usual, that Roosevelt might have said it anyway. Then she went on to say that her ignorant gaffe didn’t matter because the “ifea” was still true. Proving once again that Republicans have the best ifeas that, presumably, they stir into their covfefe.

However, Ellis may be getting undue criticism for this comment. Her assertion that conservatives will get angry if you lie to them could actually be interpreted as true. In fact, it’s the guiding principle of conservatism, particularly in the Era of Trump. Conservatives are deliberately lied to with the express purpose of triggering their anger. They hunger for lies that will set their blood to boil. And Right-wing politicians and pundits are happy to oblige them. They are relentlessly told flagrant lies about…

  • Democrats being communists
  • Immigrants being criminals
  • Climate change being a Chinese hoax
  • Black Lives Matter being terrorists
  • The economy not being in recession
  • And Trump being a stable genius who knows more than generals, doctors, and economists.

And let’s not forget the deluge of deceit engulfing Trump’s coronavirus disinformation campaign. To date Trump has unloaded a flurry of dangerously irresponsible untruths such as that COVID-19 is…

  • A hoax
  • Just like the flu
  • Going away miraculously
  • Created in Chinese labs
  • Not harmful to children
  • Cured by injecting bleach
  • Caused by testing
  • Actual fatalities only around 6,000
  • Isn’t prevented by wearing masks

What’s more, the second half of Ellis’ misquote – that liberals will get angry if told the truth – could also be correct. That’s because any sane person would get angry if told the truth about how horribly Trump has screwed up everything itemized above. The truth about Trump, and his GOP confederates, is a litany of horrors guaranteed to infuriate the most serene optimist.

So yes, conservatives will get angry if you feed them the lies they crave – by design. And liberals will get angry if you tell them difficult truths – due to common sense and a firm grip on reality. But Trump’s legal team just keeps getting more and more outlandish in their outbursts, distortions, and hostile attacks.

That’s behavior learned from their Dear Leader whose desperation is producing more severe psychoses and paranoia with each passing day. It’s becoming impossible for him to escape the fact that he’s a pathetic loser who will go down in history as a massive failure and whose incompetence resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans.

Trump’s narcissism prevents him from observing an untainted view of reality or absorbing any criticism, no matter how accurate. He is convinced that he is a perfect specimen of humanity and deserving of unflinching loyalty and adoration. Were he able, he might want to heed the advice in this actual Teddy Roosevelt quote:

NOTE: News Corpse was notified by Twitter recently that its account would be suspended for repeated violations of their rules. Which is strange because it has never been cited for a single violation in 11 years and they didn’t even identify this alleged violation. They just bounced the account and its 7,000 followers. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from this website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

WHUT? Fox News Attacks Leaders That Congratulate Themselves – Who Aren’t Trump

It must be getting harder for Fox News to manufacture positive stories about Donald Trump in the wake of his decisive loss to Joe Biden. Now that Trump is a one-term president he has entered into his sulking phase while his glassy-eyed disciples are blaming Fox News and scurrying off to even more dishonest purveyors of slobbering propaganda.

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Donald Trump, Hollywood

It took nearly three weeks, but Trump has finally – albeit reluctantly – accepted the reality that he is not going to be inaugurated in January. But that hasn’t cooled his “election fraud” fever. He continues to tweet preposterous assertions that he won the election in a landslide and, but for alleged corruption on the part of Democrats, Republicans, the media, technology companies, Hugo Chavez, the CIA, and numerous other foes attached to the cabal that his paranoia has invented, he would be languishing in his divine victory.

So it has fallen to Fox News to develop a narrative that Trump can cling to during this time of sorrow for America’s biggest loser. And one of the lame deflections that they have settled on is to attack New York governor Andrew Cuomo for having been awarded a special Emmy for his public addresses during the spring and summer when the coronavirus pandemic was pummeling the state and the nation.

Cuomo was broadly praised for his press conferences that were regarded as both informative and compassionate. The Emmy was in recognition of the comfort that he gave to millions of citizens during a difficult time. And they stood in stark contrast to Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force briefings that mainly served as reelection campaign speeches where Trump made himself the center of attention, upstaging the experts who sat silent in the background like inanimate props.

The Emmy award triggered Fox News weather lady, Janice Dean, to embark on a mission to malign Cuomo. And on Tuesday morning she appeared on Fox and Friends First to spew her hostility and biased disinformation. The crux of her complaint was exhibited in this exchange:

Griff Jenkins: Janice, you have been waging a war for accountability for [Gov. Andrew] Cuomo, and now this [Emmy award]. Your thoughts this morning?
Janice Dean: It’s really hard to watch. He does look like an actor, like all of his buddies in Hollywood. And I’ve been saying “if you want to be a celebrity, Gov. Cuomo, by all means move to Hollywood.” Because we need real leadership in this town. Not a governor who goes around congratulating himself by writing a book during a pandemic and going on every radio and TV show to promote it while missing 17 meetings at the White House to talk about coronavirus and the pandemic.

First of all, Dean’s reference to missed meetings are those of the phony task force which didn’t invite Cuomo, nor would it have been productive for him to attend. What’s more, Trump himself didn’t attend those meetings for six months. Secondly, her animus toward Hollywood is burning with irony considering the extent to which Trump relies on celebrities to buttress his public image. The same morning that she was ranting on Fox News, Trump posted multiple tweets of marginal “celebrities” including James Woods and Jon Voight. Among them were also five (5!) tweets featuring crackpot Randy Quaid, including this psychedelic reading of Trump’s own tweets:

More to the point, Dean’s indignation with self-congratulatory politicians manages to ignore the most egomaniacal self-promoter that ever occupied the White House. Trump spends the majority of his public addresses, and his Twitter comments, shamelessly lavishing praise on himself. And he speaks in hyperbolic tones wherein everything he does is the “greatest” of whatever he happens to be talking about at the moment.

Specifically regarding COVID-19, Trump regularly insists that he has performed with unimaginable perfection that no other human being could have achieved. Never mind the 260,000 fatalities and more than 1.2 million infected, many contracting disabilities that are permanent.

As if to validate the point, Trump held a press conference Tuesday morning that lasted all of 45 seconds and wherein he took no questions. He just took credit for recent advances with coronavirus vaccines (which some Fox News bootlickers want to name for him) and then bragged about the stock market. Of course, the vaccines were developed without any help from Trump. And the stock market’s rise – 3,000 points since election day – could just as easily be attributed to the nation’s collective relief due to Biden’s victory.

Dean and Fox News have a glaring blind spot that approaches the scale of a black hole. They can’t see that Trump suffers from a dangerous form of malignant narcissism. His sociopathic tendencies threaten the nation and the world. But they will always find a way to ignore the obvious and find fault with Trump’s critics. That is, after all, their job. And what’s truly pitiful is that they do it so poorly.

Here is the video of Cuomo receiving the Founder’s Award at the Emmys, with guest appearances by real celebrities like Robert De Niro, Rosie Perez, Billy Crystal, and Ben Stiller.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

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Trump’s ‘Miracle’ Coronavirus Vaccine is Another Lame Attempt to Exalt Himself

The nauseating spectacle of Donald Trump bragging about things that he had nothing to do with is sadly symbolic of his egomaniacal reign as the accidental occupant of the White House. That’s especially true with regard to anything related to the coronavirus pandemic that, due to Trump’s negligence and incompetence, has already taken the lives of more than 260,000 Americans.

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Donald Trump, coronavirus

Despite his record of failure and mismanagement, Trump stubbornly insists that he’s done everything perfectly and deserves unqualified praise. The American people, though, are not fooled, and that is one of the reasons he lost reelection, which he also insists didn’t happen. Trump’s debilitating madness has kept him out of the public eye for three weeks now as he nurses his humiliation and self-pity. But it hasn’t kept him from tweeting feverishly about his delusional belief that he won reelection in a landslide.

Interspersed among his flagrantly false victory tweets, Trump has tried to take credit for the current state of the pandemic. Apparently he doesn’t know that it is marking higher peaks than at any time since it first appeared. On Saturday he posted a tweet that lashed out at his critics for not believing his rosy projections for the future:

And on Monday morning his daughter Ivanka backed him on on Twitter with her own undeserved praise:

What’s interesting about both of these tweets is that the alleged “miracle” was nothing but an affirmation of projections by experts from months prior. In fact, the article that Trump cited actually confirmed the scientific community’s assessment of the situation. It was published in May of 2020 and predicted that a vaccine would not be available to the public until approximately May of 2021. Which is what the Trumps are now touting as a miracle that no one could have foreseen. The article stated last May that…

“…experts say that the development, testing and production of a vaccine for the public is still at least 12 to 18 months off, and that anything less would be a medical miracle.”

So the truth is that the current schedule was foreseen by experts. Trump’s reality TV-style sloganeering with his “Operation Warp Speed” was as phony as Mexico paying for his fake border wall. Yet somehow the Trumps interpret this as being the culmination of a miraculous effort by a chief executive who was so obviously disengaged and more concerned with his golf game than saving lives.

Trump has been sulking in his White House bunker for the past three weeks. His time has been devoted to tweeting, watching Fox News (and Newsmax and OANN when Fox wasn’t sufficiently worshipful), and conspiring to overturn the election and undermine democracy. On the latter, he has managed to make an utter fool of himself and his pathetic legal team. He currently has a win/loss record in the neighborhood of 1 in 34.

However, Trump’s negligent ignorance of the coronavirus pandemic is the most troubling aspect of his behavior in these final days. He couldn’t care less about the loss of life or the suffering of those who survive but contract permanent disabilities. All he cares about is stealing credit that he hasn’t earned and lavishing himself with undue praise. And that display of rank narcissism will follow him into his civilian life and taint his legacy for whatever remains of his loathsome existence.

NOTE: News Corpse was notified by Twitter recently that its account would be suspended for repeated violations of their rules. Which is strange because it has never been cited for a single violation in 11 years and they didn’t even identify this alleged violation. They just bounced the account and its 7,000 followers. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from this website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Apocalypse Wow: Trump Lawyer Threatens Election Fraud Case ‘Will Be Biblical’

There has been an alarming escalation in Donald Trump’s war on democracy. Three weeks after election day, Trump is still trying to overturn the votes of a decisive majority of the American people. It’s the desperate act of a power hungry authoritarian seeking to evade the indictments that will surely follow him into civilian life, and to continue fleecing his cult followers and taxpayers.

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Flaming Trump

Ironically, in 2016 Trump complained that any challenge of election results was a direct threat to our democracy.” But like so much of what he says, that is subject to contradiction whenever it serves his purposes. Consequently, Trump is pulling out all the stops to manufacture bizarre conspiracy theories to support his flagrantly dishonest assault the American election processes. He’s attacking both Democrats and Republicans and even his own Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News. Which, to the delight of honest journalists, is working pretty well.

What is most definitely not working is Trump’s legal battle to undo the reality of President-elect Joe Biden. In fact, Trump currently has a win/loss score of 1 in 25 (at least). But never fret, according to Rudy Giuliani, losing is all part of his master plan.

Now Sidney Powell, an attorney on Trump’s election fraud team, is channeling even more lunacy into Trump’s legal circus. She was interviewed by the wingnut Newsmax network on Saturday where she alleged all manner of criminality on the part of election officials that she accused of being in cahoots with the Biden campaign. Powell even claimed that the Justice Department, headed by Trumpian super-sycophant Bill Barr, is part of the anti-Trump cabal. As usual, she didn’t offer a sliver of evidence (which got her into some hot water with Tucker Carlson of Fox News.

Powell is among those who allege that a voting machine company (Dominion) planted malicious software in their devices in order to switch hundreds of thousands of votes from Trump to Biden. This theory also stipulates provably false nonsense about the company’s software being developed in Venezuela with the help of the late Hugo Chavez, and votes being tabulated in Germany and Spain. Next we can expect her to claim that the vote counters are captive children working in the basement of a pizza parlor.

However, in this interview, Powell never provided any proof of anything she alleged. She just kept pounding out ever more preposterous poppycock. But she couldn’t explain how millions of votes could be diverted in a nationwide conspiracy that she claimed would require thousands of people to implement. Nor could she explain how it could all be pulled off without detection. But that failure didn’t stop her from turning the crazy up to eleven:

“Georgia is probably going to be the first state I’m going to blow up. Mr. Kemp [Georgia’s GOP governor] and the [GOP] Secretary of State need to go with it cause they’re in on the Dominion scam with their last minute purchase or reward of contract with Dominion worth a hundred million dollars. The State Bureau of Investigations for Georgia ought to be looking into financial benefits received by Mr. Kemp and the Secretary of State’s family about that time.

“And another benefit Dominion was created to reward is what I’d call ‘election insurance.’ That’s why Hugo Chavez had it created in the first place. I also wonder where he got the technology. Where it actually came from. Because I think it’s hammer and scorecard from the CIA.”

Then Newsmax asked Powell to clarify that she was asserting that Kemp, a longtime ally of Trump, was directly involved in the conspiracy. Powell reiterated that she “has been told there is evidence of that.” And at that point she said that she could not give any more information about that. But when Newsmax asked if she could provide any new information about the filing of her case in Georgia, Powell said that…

“I can’t say that yet. But hopefully this week we will get it ready to file. And it will be biblical.”

For the record, the phrase “It will be biblical,” is generally used to indicate a divine catastrophe on the scale of Armageddon, the battle prophesied to usher in the “End Times.” It has come to be used as a generic reference to any “end of the world” scenario. Which makes it a curious choice of words for the President’s lawyer. Even more troubling, the phrase has also been adopted by the QAnon conspiracy crackpots who believe there is a broad-based Washington confederation of cannibal child molesters. So you have to wonder about Powell’s sympathies.

What this tells us is that Trump’s case for election fraud is grounded in the same fantastical mythology of Revelations. While many Christians believe it literally, there is no material proof. And you can’t go into a court of law and ask the judge to accept your arguments on faith. But that’s where Trump and his band of theocratic lawyers have taken us. So don’t be surprised when they call on the wrath of GAWD to rain down on America if they don’t get their way.

UPDATE: Hmmm. What brought this on (she was previously identified as a member of the legal team)? The whole screwball gang is joke.

NOTE: News Corpse was notified by Twitter recently that its account would be suspended for repeated violations of their rules. Which is strange because it has never been cited for a single violation in 11 years and they didn’t even identify this alleged violation. They just bounced the account and its 7,000 followers. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from this website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

CANCEL CULTure: Turning the Trump Driven Outrage at Fox News Up to Eleven

Look out Fox News. The MAGAts are coming for you and they are boiling mad. For much of his presidency Donald Trump has been blowing hot and cold over Fox News. He would whine pitifully whenever they published a poll showing how much America despised him, or if they dared to interview a Democrat. The next moment he would post a half dozens videos of his favorite hosts dutifully praising him or maligning his critics.

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Donald Trump, Fox News

This schizophrenic dysfunction by Trump must have been confusing for his simple-minded but adoring cult followers. Trump was simultaneously directing them to watch Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham, while ordering them to switch to Newsmax or OANN because “Fox News Sucks.” The mental toll of this contradictory guidance has resulted in an exodus of viewers from Fox News. For much of the post-election viewing, CNN has risen to the top of the cable news heap and Newsmax has tripled its audience.

Meanwhile, long time Fox News fanatics have been vowing never to watch the network again, with the notable exception of Tucker Carlson, the only one they still trust to articulate their exclusionary (i.e. racist) views. But Carlson’s immunity has been eradicated by a recent segment wherein he dared to ask a Trump lawyer, Sidney Powell, for proof of her ludicrous and unfounded accusations of election fraud:

Carlson has been getting some undeserved credit for taking on Powell after her hysterical press conference with Rudy Giuliani. The two of them floated some of the most ridiculous allegations of election “irregularities,” including fringe conspiracy theories about votes being tabulated in Germany and Spain with software made in Venezuela. No doubt they will eventually tie in George Soros and Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Update: Powell has been thrown under the Trump bus due to her crazy talk, which isn’t really any crazier than anything Giuliani or the rest of these goofballs have said.

But Carlson’s request for proof was half hearted at best. He meekly asked her to come on his show and present evidence of her allegations, which she refused to do. But that didn’t stop him from continuing to push the very same baseless theories for which he faulted her. In fact, on his program the following night he went a step further. Carlson asserted that he and anonymous sources (which apparently Fox News now approves of) in the White House are in agreement about imaginary election fraud:

“Like us, they have concluded that this election was not fair. Like us, they are willing to believe any explanation for what happened. Like us, they have not seen any single piece of evidence showing that software changed votes. Doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. It might have happened. It means they haven’t seen any evidence that it happened. And by ‘they’ we are including other members of Donald Trump’s own legal team.”

The entirety of Carlson’s argument is that the absence of any evidence of fraud doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen. By the same logic, the absence of any evidence that Carlson is not the reanimated corpse of Adolf Hitler doesn’t mean that he isn’t. He might be. There just isn’t any evidence of it (well, except for his arrogant demagoguery and noxious white supremacism). What Carlson wants his dimwitted viewers to believe is that anything, no matter how preposterous, can be true if there isn’t explicit evidence to refute it. By extension, he’s arguing that the absence of evidence of fraud is proof of fraud.

Carlson went on to say that he would consider it “great news” if evidence of election fraud emerged. He said that “no one would be more grateful for that than us.” He’s actually rooting for fraud. He’s virtually drooling at the thought of it. That’s because there is no other way for him to keep advocating for the election to be overturned and the votes of nearly 80 million people invalidated. His mission is to support Trump’s coup attempt and retain power at the expense of democracy.

So Carlson had a fleeting moment of rationality in asking for evidence of fraud. But his core state of smug and unprincipled self-interest remains in tact. As does his unflinching loyalty to Trumpism. And yet he is still the victim of glassy-eyed MAGAts who are always poised to betray anyone they think wanders too far from the reach of Dear Leader. Which, in the end, will be a good thing as their zealous adherence to the Trump cult dogma splinters their coalition and hangs former allies like Fox News out to dry.

NOTE: News Corpse was notified by Twitter recently that its account would be suspended for repeated violations of their rules. Which is strange because it has never been cited for a single violation in 11 years and they didn’t even identify this alleged violation. They just bounced the account and its 7,000 followers. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from this website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

LOL: Geraldo Rivera of Fox News Floats Naming COVID-19 Vaccine for Trump

Making a play for the 2020 Fox News Flunky Hall of Shame, Geraldo Rivera appeared on Fox and Friends Friday morning to propose what amounts to a bribe in order to get Donald Trump to admit he’s a loser. In a segment wherein Geraldo essentially concedes that Trump lost the election to Joe Biden, he proposes a solution to Trump’s stubborn refusal to accept reality.

Donald Trump Virus

It’s clear to most Americans that Joe Biden is the President-elect of the United States and will take the oath of office on January 20, 2021. But Trump is still disputing that fact and engaging in a delusional campaign to overturn the election results. His campaign consists mainly of lies and conspiracy theories dreamed up by Trump and his pathetic legal team that has lost virtually every case it has brought to court. Not to worry though because, according to Rudy Giuliani, losing is part of his master plan.

Trump’s obsession with opposing a peaceful transition is blatantly anti-democratic and un-America. That’s a position that he’s actually proud of. But the necessity of removing him from office, and allowing the orderly transition to a Biden administration is something that Trump’s sociopathic narcissism prevents him from accepting. Consequently, veteran Fox News Trump-fluffer, Geraldo Rivera, came up with a plan to reward Trump for his childish obstinance:

“I think I had an idea. With the world so divided and everyone telling him he’s gotta give up, time to leave, and time to transition, and all the rest of it, why not name the vaccine for Trump? Make it like, ‘Have you gotten your Trump yet?’ It would be a nice gesture to him, and years from now it would become just a nice generic name. Have you gotten your Trump yet? I got my Trump, I’m fine.’

“I wish we could honor him in that way because he is definitely the prime architect of this Operation Warp Speed and, but for him, we’d still be waiting into the grim winter for these amazing, miraculous medical breakthroughs.”

HOLY CRAP! First of all, America does not negotiate with terrorists. Trump shouldn’t require this sort of infantile incentive to obey the law and two and half centuries of American tradition. He needs to step aside simply because he lost and has no other choice. His defiance is causing real harm by inciting outrage among his cult followers, some of whom are advocating civil war.

What’s more, Trump doesn’t deserve any reward for the development of a vaccine for a viral pandemic that he exacerbated due to his ignorance, incompetence, and deliberate malfeasance. If Trump is concerned about what he will be remembered for, he can rest on his responsibility for the deaths of more than 250,000 Americans, and more than a million sickened, many with disabilities that are permanent.

It’s ironic that Geraldo would propose this sort of solution to lure Trump out of the White House like diseased skunk that came in through a hole in the screen door. After all, Trump loves to plaster his name on things that he had nothing to do with.

However, naming a vaccine for Trump would only be appropriate if it recognized his role in killing so many of the people he was obligated but failed to protect. His name should be synonymous with the pain and grief he caused. So we could call it the Trump Virus Vaccine. Then people could ask “Did you get Trump?” And those who weren’t idiots could reply, “No. I got vaccinated.” Then all we would need is a vaccine to prevent infections for the disease that causes the mental dysfunction evident in people like Geraldo, his Fox News cohorts, and the lost souls who fall for Trump’s bullpucky.

NOTE: News Corpse was notified by Twitter recently that its account would be suspended for repeated violations of their rules. Which is strange because it has never been cited for a single violation in 11 years and they didn’t even identify this alleged violation. They just bounced the account and its 7,000 followers. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from this website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.