Newsmax Lies that FBI Planted Evidence at Mar-a-Lago – Trump Posts it and Misspells His Own Name

Two years ago the FBI executed a legal search warrant at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago bunker, seeking classified materials that he stole when he left the White House. The warrant was served after more than a year of haggling with Trump who blatantly lied to the FBI about the documents he still had.

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Donald Trump

Somehow, Trump is still obsessed with what he calls a “raid” at his home, despite the fact that the FBI recovered hundreds of top secret items that Trump said he didn’t have. So on the day before the much anticipated debate with President Biden, Trump leans on a new story by the propaganda purveyors at Newsmax, the MAGA-fied network that recently sought to dox the jurors at Trump’s “Hush Money” trial…

SEE THIS: Newsmax Host Berates Jurors for Not Exposing Themselves to Deadly Threats From the Trump Cult

The story that Newsmax reported was based on the release of new photographs that the FBI took during the Mar-a-Lago search. They showed the boxes of highly sensitive materials strewn out in disarray with the contents spilling onto the floor and mixed in with personal items such as golf shirts and diet soda cans.

Newsmax host Greg Kelly was appalled. But not because of the breach of national security or Trump’s violation of the law. He launched into a preposterous rant accusing the FBI of planting the classified documents. Never mind that he had no factual basis whatsoever for that accusation. He went to say that the FBI is “a thoroughly corrupt organization,” and he recklessly slandered special counsel Jack Smith for “CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR.”

Kelly’s tirade caught the attention of Trump who shortly thereafter posted it on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. But he was so frazzled with fury that the “stable genius,” who isn’t at all mentally failing, actually misspelled his own name

Greg Kelly, Newsmax: “This is out and out corruption. It’s the worst thing the FBI can do. The FBI BROUGHT IN papers in order to take out President Trump. They BROUGHT IN scandalous looking material TO TRY TO GET DONALD TTUMP IN TROUBLE, FALSELY. There is no doubt, the FBI is a thoroughly corrupt organization, which cannot be trusted.”

Newsmax ought to be more careful about slinging obviously defamatory lies around. They have already been sued for having done so previously. And they are clearly nervous about getting caught doing it again. They recently conducted a phone interview with Trump wherein they displayed a chyron that read “Newsmax Accepts the 2020 Election Results as Legal and Final.” That was in anticipation that Trump would again peddle his “Big Lie” about having lost in 2020.

For some reason Newsmax was concerned about not being held liable for that falsehood. But they are apparently not concerned about falsely accusing the FBI agents who conducted the search of serious criminal activities.

The fact that Newsmax would put out a story like this without a shred of evidence to support it confirms that it is not really a news network at all. And Trump hyping the fake story confirms that he is scared witless of the potential consequences he faces for all of his pending criminal cases.

While none of that really seems sufficient to justify the stupidity of both Newsmax and Trump for clinging to such a crackpot conspiracy theory, it is sufficient to establish the degree of desperation that they are suffering. Just the notion that they believe that this benefits them in any way is pathetic in the extreme. But then, it’s all they have left.


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Trump and His MAGA Minions are ‘Working the Refs’ for the CNN Debate. Will CNN Fall for It?

The pre-game banter in advance of the big Biden/Trump debate has begun and is consuming an inordinate amount of airtime on every news network. For the most part that time is spent with partisans and pundits speculating wildly about how they think the debate will unfold and who will emerge victorious.

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Biden, Trump Debate

The Biden team has been conspicuously quiet throughout this promo extravaganza. That’s because the President is too busy being President for such games. And when he isn’t performing his duties as Leader of the Free World, he is preparing for the debate in a responsible manner by studying the issues and polishing his message. Meanwhile, Trump and his team are preparing by reenacting his rally rants, engaging in puerile propaganda, and demonstrating just how truly terrified they are of facing Biden.

SEE THIS: CNN Bumps Flaky Trump Flack, Giving Steve Bannon and Trump Another Excuse to Dump Biden Debate

Much of the focus of Trump’s tirades is aimed at the debate hosting network, CNN. That should come as no surprise as Trump has been attacking them for years as “fake news” and has relentlessly predicted their failure. Which, like every other Trump prediction, has not come to pass.

As debate night approaches, Trump and company are furiously laying the groundwork to explain why Trump is going to lose the debate to Biden. Among other things, they are accusing him of using performance enhancing drugs. Although if there were drugs that could improve a person’s intelligence and communication skills, shouldn’t we all be using them? Certainly every president should be required to use them.

SEE ALSO: WATCH: Trump’s ‘Doctor’ Ronny Jackson Tells Fox News What Kinds of Drugs Trump Could Be Taking

However, that isn’t the only objective of the StormTrumpers. They are also “working the refs.” They believe that by accusing moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash of being biased against Trump before a single question has been asked, they can influence (i.e. intimidate) the moderators to alter their questions so that they can’t be criticized for allegedly favoring one candidate over the other.

What that means in practice is that they would formulate questions that are overtly hostile for Biden. In order to project a phony sense of “balance” they might require Biden – but not Trump – to comment on whether he is too old to serve. Or they might ask him about the conviction of his son Hunter, which has nothing to do with the presidency or the welfare of the American people. And again, they won’t seek any comments from Trump about his corrupt family that has been found liable for running a fraudulent charity, university, and for receiving billions of dollars from a Saudi prince.

Other biased questions that CNN’s moderators could be coerced into asking might involve Biden’s possession of classified documents, or his alleged profiteering from his White House position, or the flagrant lie that he supports open borders. Never mind that it is only Trump who deliberately stole and lied about having classified documents, willfully profited by extorting funds from foreigners, and brags about having killed a bipartisan immigration bill.

In light of all of that, it is patently absurd for Trump’s team to be working so hard to disparage the fairness of the journalists at CNN. Particularly when they have a virtual Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) covering for them 24/7. Although, they are not even satisfied with that level of glassy-eyed sycophancy. If Fox fails to behave with unflinching adoration, they get hit by Trump…

SEE THIS: TRUMP IS RIGHT! In a Mad Rage, Felon of Foy Declares that ‘Nobody Can Ever Trust Fox News’

One thing that can be relied on is that Trump, if he bothers to show up, will whine petulantly when he loses. He will blame everyone but himself. He will assert that the whole debate was “rigged” against him, just like the election, the polls, the trials, etc. That’s an argument that they are already planting in the press. GOP Speaker, MAGA Mike Johnson recently complained that he “expects that CNN is going to rig it as much as possible and make it as favorable as they possibly can for President Biden.” See? Everything is rigged. Trump isn’t is a loser. He’s a victim. And that’s something we’re supposed to want as a president?

CNN must resist these attempts to coerce them into skewing their moderation of the debate. It is perfectly acceptable to ask both candidates tough questions and seek responsive answers with directed follow-ups. But it is not acceptable to come down harder on one candidate because the other is a big, orange-hued baby who orders his cohorts to try to slant the playing field. Can CNN hold steady? We’ll see on Thursday.


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CNN Bumps Flaky Trump Flack, Giving Steve Bannon and Trump Another Excuse to Dump Biden Debate

One of the most destructive aspects of modern media has been its casual tolerance of flagrant dishonesty by deliberately deceitful politicians and pundits. They justify their submission to liars as a commitment to “balance,” a phony objective that obscures a proper journalistic commitment to truth.

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Donald Trump, CNN

On Monday morning, Donald Trump dispatched his campaign press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, to unfurl a litany of lies on CNN. In her typical fashion, Leavitt attempted to dodge every substantive question and replace coherent answers with infantile insults.

SEE THIS: HYPOCRISY UNCHAINED! Trump Flack Whines that Biden’s Campaign is Making Trump’s Trial Political

Since the Trump team has no reality-based criticisms of President Biden, they have to rely entirely on childish personal attacks and wholly manufactured controversies that invariably complain that poor crybaby Trump is a victim of vast cabals that are “rigging” everything from elections to trials, and now to debates. On this occasion, Leavitt griped that Trump is…

“…knowingly going into a hostile environment on this very network, on CNN, with debate moderators who have made their opinions about him very well known over the past eight years and their biased coverage of him.”

So why did Trump agree to this debate, with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash as moderators, and all the rules, when he’s convinced that they are all aligned against him? He can’t claim that he’s bravely entering the lion’s den if he does nothing but whine about it. Which is all that Leavitt was doing. To her credit, Hunt replied, “Ma’am, we’re going to stop this interview if you’re going to keep attacking my colleagues.”

Leavitt did not budge from her mission to malign Tapper and Bash. And true to her word, Hunt ended the interview. That’s exactly how a credible journalist should deal with determined liars. They should do it more often. In fact, they shouldn’t even invite people known to dispense blatant lies on their programs in first place.

This so outraged Leavitt that she scampered off to the safety of Steve Bannon’s “War Room” Internet show to unburden herself of the unpleasantness she endured on CNN. And Bannon provided precisely the sort of sympathy and consolation that Leavitt was seeking in the following exchange

Leavitt: CNN showed their hand with me on their network this morning. The fact that they cut off my microphone simply for repeating words that Jake Tapper himself has said. Lies about President Trump. […]

Bannon: CNN owes you an apology today. And if we don’t get that apology to Karoline Leavitt and to the Trump campaign and to MAGA today, President Trump should cancel this.

First of all, Leavitt was not simply repeating Tapper’s words. She was purposefully mischaracterizing them and sanitizing Trump’s noxious adoption of Hitlerian rhetoric. Surprisingly, an excellent example of this was posted by White nationalist Jack Posobiec…

Furthermore, Bannon’s threat that Trump should back out of the debate with Biden if MAGA doesn’t get an apology is a transparent excuse for Trump to chicken out. And the frequency with which Trump’s sycophants keep coming up with these excuses is the best evidence that he is scared witless and is desperately searching for an escape clause, or at least an explanation for why he’s going to lose. For instance…

WATCH: Trump’s ‘Doctor’ Ronny Jackson Tells Fox News What Kinds of Drugs Trump Could Be Taking

Trump’s Fear and Desperation Show as He Says Biden is Both ‘The Worst’ and ‘A Worthy’ Debater

SCAREDY TRUMP? Sean Hannity Concocts an Excuse for Trump to Chicken Out of Debate with Biden

Adderall J. Trump Thinks He Can ‘Demand’ Biden Take a Drug Test Before the Debates – Or What?

Fox News Floats Conspiracy Theory that Biden is Plotting to Assault Trump to Avoid Debating Him

Trump Calls Biden ‘the WORST Debater’ Despite Biden Crushing Him in the 2020 Debates and Election

Sean Hannity of Fox News is Already Making Excuses for Why Trump Will Lose Debates to Biden

That’s a pretty thorough campaign of complaining and excuse-making for someone who wants to present himself as a strongman taking on a senile commie. And it’s equally notable that Biden is the one who appears to be confidant and strong and mentally stable. He doesn’t need to do any of this pathetic whimpering because he knows his stuff. And he knows that Trump has always been a coward and weakling and he will be seen as such by the nation on Thursday’s debate.

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WATCH: Trump’s ‘Doctor’ Ronny Jackson Tells Fox News What Kinds of Drugs Trump Could Be Taking

Donald Trump and his sycophants in Congress and the MAGA media are working feverishly to explain why Trump is going to lose the upcoming debate with President Biden. They are apparently aware – and terrified – at the prospect of Trump engaging with the President for 90 minutes without a TelePrompTer.

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Donald Trump

Considering the performances Trump has been delivering at his recent cult rallies, the fears of his handlers and supporters are fully justified. His rambling raves have included musings about being killed by electrocution or sharks, telling his devotees that he has more than enough votes and doesn’t need theirs, claiming to have more “wounds” than any president ever (e.g. Kennedy and Lincoln), and repeatedly praising “the late, great, Hannibal Lector.” That’s not exactly a promising prelude to the big debate on Thursday.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Fear and Desperation Show as He Says Biden is Both ‘The Worst’ and ‘A Worthy’ Debater

Joining the Trumpsters who are pre-conceding that Biden is likely to prevail in the debate, is his former White House “doctor” Ronny Jackson, who is now an ultra-MAGA congressman from Texas. Jackson rushed over to Fox News for some emergency rehabilitation of Trump’s sagging public profile. And in an interview with Fox’s Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, he offered the following diagnosis of a candidate “jacked up” on drugs that sounds very much like Trump…

“Those drugs are out there. They treat the cognition part of it. They try to make it where he can think straighter and he’s not lost and confused as much. And then there’s drugs that actually treats alertness like Adderall and other amphetamine type drugs. Maybe Provigil and things like that. And then there’s a host of drugs that try to take the agitated edge off most of these cognitive disorders.

“So I feel like they’re probably giving him a little bit of all of this. They just have to get a little bit of distract. They all have different times of onset. They have different durations. They interact with each other. So it’s a challenge. But they have no choice with what they’re working with. They don’t have much to work with.”

Absent any identification of the subject to whom Jackson was referring, it could easily be assumed that he was talking about Trump. Every word of that rant describes Trump’s psychoses: his cognitive decline, his waning alertness (he kept falling asleep at his own criminal trial), and his constant state of hostile agitation. And without the deceitful editing of “cheap fake” videos, Biden exhibits none of those problems.

Jackson may not be the best surrogate for Trump on these matters. After all, he was known as “The Candyman” for the way he freely dispensed prescription drugs while working in the White House. He was also alleged to have prescribed drugs for himself. And he was demoted by the Navy from Rear Admiral to Captain for similar misconduct.

What’s more, Jackson is the “doctor” who allegedly administered the infamous cognitive test that Trump keeps bragging that he “aced.” You know, the one where he was asked to identify an elephant and count backwards. And despite being Trump’s doctor in the White House for four years, Trump couldn’t even remember his name, calling him Ronny “Johnson” twice at a recent rally.

In the same interview with Bartiromo, Jackson said that has sent five letters asking that President Biden submit to a cognitive test. According to Jackson they were all ignored by whoever he sent them to (he doesn’t say). And now he says he is sending another letter to the current White House physician “demanding” that Biden “submit to a drug test before and after the debate.” Or what? He has no authority to make any demands. And notice that his impotent demands don’t apply to Trump. Perhaps Jackson knows something about Trump that he doesn’t want to become public.

Not to be left out, Trump himself is joining the throng of Trumpists slandering Biden. And true to form, he is doing it in the most noxious and profane way possible. But could we expect any else from Trump?


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Trump’s Legal Slush Fund PAC Has Barely Enough Cash to Cover One Month of His Legal Bills

The 2024 presidential race is off to a roaring start as candidates for both parties secured their nominations unusually early. As the incumbent, President Biden didn’t have any notable opposition. And the former reality TV show host, and convicted felon, Donald Trump, ignored his challengers and chickened out of every Republican primary debate.

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Trump Baby on Cash Pile

Consequently, even before the parties hold their nominating conventions, the candidates are running at full steam. Their fundraising operations are pulling in tens of millions of dollars. And campaign offices are opening across the country, particularly in the critical swing states. Well, at least the offices for Biden. The Trump campaign, on the other hand, “has been slow to staff up in key states” while “the Biden team has been using the funds to build out a massive ground-game across the country.” And Trump hasn’t been helping himself. In fact, he’s his own worst enemy…

SEE THIS: Trump Horribly Bungles His ‘Horrible City’ Swipe at Milwaukee with Help from a Fox News Flunky

The funds being raised by the candidates are also being spent differently. While Biden just announced the 1,000th staffer for his swing state campaign efforts, Trump is draining his campaign Super PAC to pay off his lawyers and other expenses related to his multiple civil and criminal trials.

“The political account that former President Donald Trump has been using to pay his sizable legal bills has dwindled to less than $4 million in the bank, after accounting for its debt, according to new federal election filings.

“So far in 2024, Trump is averaging nearly $5 million per month in spending through his political action committee, which is called Save America, with an overwhelming share going to legal bills. That means that as of the end of May, Trump had barely enough cash left to cover a single month of legal bills.”

[And] “Overall, Trump has spent more than $100 million on legal and investigation-related bills since leaving the White House in early 2021.”

The glassy-eyed cult followers who are contributing to Trump’s legal slush fund must be thrilled that their hard-earned money is going toward defending his fraudulent and/or salacious activities, rather than toward electing him and other MAGA Republicans.

As a result of Trump’s extraordinarily expensive, unlawful, and immoral behavior, his stash of cash is now likely to run out before the Republican National Convention at the end of July. To be sure, he can still raise more money between now and then. He has billionaires like Timothy Mellon on call, who just made a bribe…er…donation of $50 million to a Trump PAC. But just as surely, Trump won’t be using that money to advance his electoral prospects. After all, his legal bills are still mounting up.

Trump believes that his traveling salvation shows are all that he needs to win the election. Never mind that they do nothing to expand his voter base, which was way to small to win in 2020. And he is reluctant to spend any money on anything but his personal desires. While the utterly undemocratic Electoral College still puts the election in play, Trump’s selfishness, ego, and greed are only going to benefit Biden and down-ballot Democrats. Maybe we should send him a thank you note.


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Trump’s Fear and Desperation Show as He Says Biden is Both ‘The Worst’ and ‘A Worthy’ Debater

As the first presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle approaches, the candidates are preparing for their epic battle in strikingly different ways. President Biden is studying policies and holding mock debates with experienced colleagues. While Donald Trump is cramming on his cult rally rants and scrambling for defenses of his felony convictions.

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Donald Trump, Joe Biden

One of the problems that Trump is going to face is that he has been maligning Biden for years as a senile commie who “can’t put two sentences together.” As a result, he has set a very low bar for Biden, who now only has to show up and express him himself without drooling in order to claim victory. Knowledgeable debaters know not to lower expectations for an opponent. But Trump doesn’t just lower expectations, he demolishes them…

SEE THIS: Trump Calls Biden ‘the WORST Debater’ Despite Biden Crushing Him in the 2020 Debates and Election

So according to Trump, “Crooked Joe Biden is the WORST debater I have ever faced.” Which is a curious way to brag about the guy who beat you the last two times you debated him (debate one poll – – debate two poll), as well as in the general election that followed.

However, it appears that somebody on Trump’s team was able to cut through his ego and convince him that disparaging a debate opponent is a terrible strategy. So Trump has reversed course in his typically clumsy way. He now says that

“I assume he’s going to be somebody that will be a worthy debater. I don’t want to underestimate him.”

That’s right! Trump doesn’t want to underestimate Biden, who he regularly slanders as so cognitively impaired that he doesn’t even know where he is. And if Biden happens to present himself as a vigorous, articulate leader, Trump and his MAGA media minions attribute it to pharmaceutical enhancements. Never mind that there are no drugs that can transform a dementia patient into an eloquent and effective communicator. If there were, everyone would be using them.

Trump’s flip-flop on Biden’s mental acuity is evidence that he is scared witless about the upcoming debate. He knows that he was crushed in the past. And he knows that Biden, despite a lifelong problem with stuttering, can deliver passionate oratories that most people find compelling and relatable. Consequently, Trump now needs to frantically restructure his whole approach to attacking Biden. He can no longer deride him as “Sleepy Joe.” Especially after Trump was repeatedly caught falling asleep at his own criminal trial.

SEE ALSO: Trump Finally Wakes Up Long Enough to Deny that He’s Been Sleeping During His Criminal Trial

In addition to this backhanded acknowledgement of Biden’s debating skills, Trump is testing out other feeble themes to put a more positive spin on losing the debate next week. In one post to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump demonstrated his infamous false bravado saying that that “I look forward to seeing him at the Fake Debate on Thursday.” So now it’s a “fake” debate? That’s likely the first step to it officially becoming a “rigged” debate. Followed shortly by it being tagged a “stolen” debate.

Rest assured that Trump and his propaganda purveyors at Fox News and elsewhere will declare the he won the debate, no matter what happens. But in the preceding days they will try to make excuses for a pitiful defeat. They will accuse Biden of being on drugs. Sean Hannity has already been throwing around the name “Jacked Up Joe,” which actually sounds kind of awesome. And that’s not the worst of it…

MORE HERE: Sean Hannity of Fox News is Already Making Excuses for Why Trump Will Lose Debates to Biden
“If he does debate, we will see jacked up Joe 2.0. Whatever Red bull that he drank, or caffeine pills that he took, or whatever he might have taken, I promise you they’ll give it to him again.”

EVEN WORSE: Fox News Floats Conspiracy Theory that Biden is Plotting to Assault Trump to Avoid Debating Him
“It will probably be a Nancy Kerrigan situation too, where right as Trump is walking out…I’m sure it will be something…sabotage.”

All of these allegations are, of course, the sort of projection that Trump and the MAGA cult routinely engage in. They accuse Biden of what they are doing, or what they wish they could do. And they all illustrate Trump’s fear of actually getting on a stage with the formidable “Dark Brandon.” Which, in the end, may result in Trump chickening out altogether. Which is also something that is being spoken about out loud in Trump Land.

SEE THIS: SCAREDY TRUMP? Sean Hannity Concocts an Excuse for Trump to Chicken Out of Debate with Biden

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From Hush Money to Flush Money: Trump’s Felony Convictions Trigger ~50% Truth Social Stock Flop

It has been nearly a month since Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in order to cover up his affair with adult film star, Stormy Daniels. Trump and his team have been frantically reacting to his being the first former president ever to be convicted of felonies by alternately whining that the system is “rigged” against him, and/or bragging that it’s all going to be a huge benefit for him. Which means that he doesn’t really believe either of those scenarios.

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Donald Trump, Stock Market

In the wake of his convictions, Trump has been shaken by the reality that he is facing potentially severe consequences when his sentencing is handed down next month. He’s behaving like a desperate reality TV show character who is scared witless and is grasping at any notion that will relieve his fears. He is even lashing out at supporters, including his Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News…

SEE THIS: TRUMP IS RIGHT! In a Mad Rage, Felon of Foy Declares that ‘Nobody Can Ever Trust Fox News’

However, Trump’s problems are not confined to his legal dilemmas. In the few short weeks since he was convicted, his financial fortunes have taken a significant hit. The stock for his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, has lost nearly 50% of its value, declining from about $52.00 on the day his verdict was announced, to about $27.00 now. The most recent drop came after early investors unloaded their shares on the first day they were allowed to by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

“The share price of Truth Social owner Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) slid by more than 17 percent in after-hours trading on Tuesday, showing that investors were wary of additional shares being approved for resale by the Securities and Exchange Commission and possibly diluting their holdings — and more generally that there’s just not a very strong business case for the outfit’s once-soaring share price.”

That decline is just what has occurred since Trump was convicted. The stock is down even more (66%) from its $80.00 high three months ago. All of this means that the value of the enterprise to Trump is shrinking by the day. And he is subject to a share lock-up that prohibits him from selling any stock until late September. By then it could – and should – be essentially worthless.

Trump’s Truth Social has never been a a good business or investment. It has been unable to attract or maintain a significant user base. It has failed to produce sufficient revenue to remain in business. It has been horribly mismanaged by incompetents and criminals. What follows are some of the reasons that anyone succumbing to the scam was foolish and destined for disaster…

Are Trump’s Nazi Videos and Hateful Posts Why Truth Social Lost $327 Million and 19% of Users?
In the just first quarter of 2024 TMTG lost $327 million on revenue of less than $1 million. Which makes its stock valuation of $6 billion something of a joke. What’s more, Truth Social lost nearly 20% of their active users in the past year.

Trump’s Truth Social is Revealed to Be Another Terribly Risky Trump Scam – By Its Own Prospectus
A quick look at the company’s prospectus should frighten off any astute investors. It is exposed as “a high-risk, speculative operation with few hard numbers behind it. It’s already the subject of subpoenas, from regulators and a grand jury, even though it’s barely off the ground.”

Trump’s Truth Social Reports Massive Losses and Warns that it Could Go Out of Business
A Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing by the company reveals its financial frailty. The report paints a pitiful picture of the enterprise’s prospects going forward and reveals that it has lost $31.5 million since it opened for business just two years ago.

Trump Crime Syndicate: Investors Arrested for Insider Trading in Failing Truth Social Scam
Trump’s associates in his truthless, anti-social media venture were arrested and charged with insider trading. Reports indicate that “the three individuals together made more than $22 million in illegal profits.”

Truth Social Disease: Ads on Trump’s Twitter Ripoff are Mostly Scams and Trump-Fluffing Merch
Advertisers are afraid of their ads being juxtaposed with hate speech and other noxious content. Consequently, the only advertisers who are willing to shell out are sketchy scammers, conspiracy theorists, and junk peddlers.

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TRUMP IS RIGHT! In a Mad Rage, Felon of Foy Declares that ‘Nobody Can Ever Trust Fox News’

It must be exhausting to be Donald Trump, who somehow manages to maintain a near constant state of outrage 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If he isn’t unloading his perpetual fury at President Biden or some other unwitting Democrat for respectably serving the public, Trump is blasting his fellow Republicans for failing to be sufficiently worshipful.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, Lies

The anger that emanates from Trump is like carpet bombing that indiscriminately destroys anything within its blast range. And he couldn’t care less if the victims are friend or foe. The only thing that matters to Trump is that some damage was done to whatever or whoever was on his list for retribution at the time. For instance, he recently lashed out at the city of Milwaukee, where the Republican convention will be held next month…

SEE THIS: Trump Horribly Bungles His ‘Horrible City’ Swipe at Milwaukee with Help from a Fox News Flunky

On Wednesday Trump fired wildly at a slew of his perceived enemies in an especially noxious tirade that he posted on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. The brief assault threw rhetorical shrapnel in every direction. He ranted that…

“Nobody can ever trust Fox News, and I am one of them, with the weak and ineffective RINO, Paul Ryan, on its Board of Directors. He’s a total lightweight, a failed and pathetic Speaker of the House, and a very disloyal person. Romney was bad, but Paul Ryan made him look worse. As a team, they never had a chance. Rupert and Lachlan, get that dog off your Board – You don’t need him. ALL YOU NEED IS TRUMP. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

Trump’s opening attack is one that is difficult to argue with. Indeed, “Nobody can ever trust Fox News.” It is an ultra-rightist disseminator of pure propaganda in service to Trump and his MAGA cult. So why, then, would Trump be blasting it?

It’s hard to say for sure, but it’s likely that Trump was triggered by a recent interview on Fox News of former GOP Speaker Paul Ryan, who now serves on Fox’s board of directors. Among other things, Ryan had the audacity to tell the truth about Trump to host Neil Cavuto. Which is all that was necessary to incur Trump’s seething wrath. Ryan said that…

“He has cost us a lot of seats…He cost us the Senate twice. He cost us the House because he is pushing through the primaries people who cannot win general elections but pledge fealty to him…We need legislators, not entertainers.” [And that] “If you put yourself above the Constitution, as he has done, I think that makes you unfit for office.”

Still, it’s ridiculous for Trump to react so viciously considering how much blind adulation he gets from almost everyone else on the network. The entire primetime lineup (Jesse Watters, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity), and much of the daytime programming (Fox & Friends, Outnumbered, and The Five), are unfailingly devoted to Trump. It is, after all, the network that settled a massive $787 million dollar lawsuit due to their flagrant lies and defamation on Trump’s behalf.

SEE ALSO: The Fox News 3/4 Billion Dollar Dominion Defamation Settlement is Also a Judgment Against Trump

Somehow, in light of all of that, Trump still abhors Fox and thinks that he can demand that Rupert Murdoch remove “that dog” Ryan, from the board because, in a toxically twisted paraphrase of a famous Beatles lyric, “ALL YOU NEED IS TRUMP.” Yet despite his condemnation of Fox News as wholly untrustworthy, Trump himself appears to trust it a great deal. A recent analysis of his comments on Truth Social reveals that he relies more on Fox News for support than any media enterprise…

“Donald Trump can’t quit Fox News. The Republican presidential candidate may lash out in strong terms at the right-wing channel for supposedly not being sufficiently loyal to him, but a fresh analysis of the content posted on his Truth Social page shows that he promotes the outlet more than any other. […] In the month of May, Trump posted 56 videos from Fox News, dwarfing the volume of content he posted from any other outlet, according to the analysis conducted by The Righting, a website that monitors right-wing media.”

Trump is exhibiting a fair measure of contradictory anxieties with his simultaneous love and hatred for Fox News. We can add that psychological diagnosis to previous assessments that he is a malignant narcissist who is suffering from severe cognitive decline. All of which should be sufficient to persuade decent, patriotic Americans to vote for Joe Biden, who has demonstrated in his first term as President that he is intelligent, effective, and compassionate.

We can forget about the MAGA cultists. Unfortunately for them and their families, they are lost to us now. But fortunately, there are many more Democrats who didn’t vote, and independents who are persuadable, and even Republicans who haven’t abandoned reality, to still achieve a landslide victory for Biden-Harris. So long as we all work hard to achieve that goal and to preserve the principles enshrined in the Constitution and, ultimately, American democracy.

UPDATE: Trump has another reason to be upset with Fox News. Their new poll has Biden beating him by two points. And he isn’t taking that very well.


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WANNABE DICTATOR Trump Demands that All Business Execs Be FIRED If They’re Not 100% Behind Trump

The overtly fascistic facets of Donald Trump’s warped character, and that of his malicious MAGA movement, have been apparent from its inception. Like any aspiring authoritarian, Trump has insisted that his cult disciples obey his every command, believe his every lie, and ignore the evidence of their own eyes and ears that reveal his aversion to democracy and the principles enshrined in the Constitution.

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Donald Trump Tyrant Dictator

The stubbornness of reality has never been a deterrent to Trump’s determination to mislead his glassy-eyed followers. He is a relentless disseminator of flagrant falsehoods aimed at exalting himself and maligning his foes. And he has no qualms about exploiting his lies in order to incite violent retribution for perceived wrongs.

SEE THIS: Trump Threatens that His Cult Followers ‘Won’t Stand for It’ if He is Sentenced for His Crimes

On Tuesday morning Trump provided another example of his tyrannical tendencies. In a comment posted to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump issued a decree to the world that he imagines is attentive to his crackpot ravings. He demanded that…

“Business Executives and Shareholder Representatives should be 100% behind Donald Trump! Anybody that’s not should be FIRED for incompetence!”

The blustery idiocy of that demand is exceeded only by its repudiation of economics in a free society. Where Trump gets the idea that servitude to him is a precondition for business management can only be explained by a severely acute case of malignant narcissism and delusions of grandeur. In a free country no one is required to pledge blind loyalty to any political hack that pops up.

Trump’s post was likely a response to a blisteringly critical report that the CEOs with whom he recently met were less than impressed with him. They reportedly came away saying that Trump “doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” was “remarkably meandering,” “could not keep a straight thought,” and “was all over the map.” Which are all traits that many people have seen in him for a long time.

So naturally, Trump’s massive yet fragile ego was hurt. But the depravity of his decree goes farther than that. He quoted from a Wall Street Journal article something that he apparently thought supported his preposterous premise…

“THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: “President Biden’s plan for a 28% rate would reverse half of Republicans’ 2017 rate cut. [But Trump’s] 15% rate would match the lowest level since 1935, boosting profits and rewarding shareholders.”

OH MY! So Biden’s proposal of a 28% tax rate would merely restore some of the irresponsible tax rate cut that Trump and the Republican Party granted as a gift to the wealthy and corporations. While Trump’s proposed cut to 15% would further benefit those corporations and their shareholders. That is not a plan that would help America’s low and middle class families. And the WSJ even noted that it would return to a tax rate that was in place in the midst of the Great Depression.

What’s more, Trump is not someone that any sane person would rely on for business advice. He has bankrupted at least six of his companies. He has been found liable for financial fraud for which the state of New York ordered him to pay a judgment of $454 million. His Trump Media and Technology Group has lost 40% of it value since he was convicted of 34 felonies for falsifying financial records to cover up his affair with a porn star. And his real estate business, his charitable foundation, and his university, were heavily fined and/or shuttered due to fraudulent mismanagement.

Furthermore, Trump’s agenda for the economy is fraught with the ignorance of someone with zero knowledge of economics. He recently proposed to eliminate income taxes and replace them with tariffs on all imported goods. Reputable financial experts have warned that this would be another boondoggle that enriches his wealthy pals and places a larger share of the tax burden on average Americans. According to the nonpartisan the Peterson Institute for International Economics, “Trump’s tariff proposals would cost the typical middle-income household at least $1,700.”

It’s clear that Trump’s demand to terminate any business executive that is not unflinchingly adoring has nothing to do with economic realities. It is just another example of his messianic compulsion to be revered as a god. This is not someone that should ever hold any power in a democratic society. And it makes the necessity for his unambiguous smackdown in November all the more imperative. For the sake of the nation, for democracy, and for freedom loving Americans.


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Newsmax Host Berates Jurors for Not Exposing Themselves to Deadly Threats From the Trump Cult

Three weeks ago Donald Trump was unanimously found guilty by a fair and impartial jury of his peers on all of 34 felony charges brought against him. It was a clean sweep for the prosecution, a bitter disappointment for the defense, and well deserved comeuppance for Trump, who is now the first ever former president to have become a felon.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, QAnon

Ever since then, Trump and his mouthpieces in the MAGA media have floated a stream of preposterous excuses for why their Dear Leader was convicted. And it will surprise no one to learn that none of those excuses included the fact that the documentary evidence, and the testimony provided by his closest associates, was solidly against him. It was so solid that he didn’t even testify on his own behalf. And he isn’t doing any better in the court of public opinion…

SEE THIS: LOCK HIM UP: After Guilty Verdicts, Poll Finds that More Americans Say Trump Should Go To Prison

On Monday morning, the rabid pro-Trump propaganda outfit, Newsmax, took a break from adorations of Trump to focus on denunciations of his perceived enemies. That group now includes the citizens who served on the jury that convicted him. Newsmax host Greg Kelly launched a repulsive rant implying something nefarious was afoot because the the jurors had not granted any interviews with the press since the verdict. Kelly complained that…

“It’s been THREE WEEKS since that Jury ‘convicted’ Trump. Why aren’t they doing the TODAY SHOW? Where is the 60 Minute ‘sit-down’?? And don’t give me this ‘they’re afraid of MAGA’ nonsense. The Jurors who convicted GOTTI and Whitey Bulger gave interviews. WEIRD!”

WEIRD? Why so? What’s weird about it? Is Kelly suggesting that there is some sort of cabal by the jurors to shun the media? And what does he think their motive would be for doing that? Are the Today Show and 60 Minutes in on it?

Let’s make this simple for Kelly and the glassy-eyed Trump disciples who watch his program. The jurors are indeed afraid of disclosing their identities to the small but dangerous community of MAGA crackpots. Although Kelly dismisses that notion out of hand with a ludicrous analogy, the jurors have a great deal of justification for that fear. Felon 45 and his StormTrumpers have demonstrated repeatedly that they are capable of, and anxious for, violent retribution to avenge their messiah.

Kelly’s claim that the Trump jurors would not be legitimately afraid to give interviews because the jurors who convicted mobster John Gotti had done so is a pretty poor excuse. First of all, a google search turned up no evidence that a Gotti juror ever spoke to the press. Perhaps it requires a more extensive search, but if it occurred, it shouldn’t be that difficult to find. So it’s a fair assumption that Kelly is lying.

What’s more, whether or not a Gotti juror spoke to the press is entirely irrelevant in this case. Gotti would have gained nothing by murdering a juror or jurors after the verdict was already handed down. And he was not a populist politician with a legion of psychotically worshipful fanatics who would be hungry for revenge against private citizens who had no power over him or them. So what would be the point?

In addition to that, Gotti was convicted in 1992, 32 years ago. He never had mindless minions who could be triggered by his troubles to step out on their own to seek revenge. There wasn’t an Internet facility for anti-social media that drove doxing and other forms of violence and harassment. Trump, on the other hand, has cultivated all of that. And the results have already produced tragedies, such as the January 6th insurrection on the Capitol that Trump incited.

In short, the Trump jurors actually have a lot more to fear now than the Gotti jurors did then. But Kelly couldn’t care less. He is actively advocating for their identities to made public. Why? The only plausible reason would be so that they could be targeted for harassment or worse. Ironically, Kelly is the one who is acting as a de facto mob enforcer, who wants to crush the enemies of the crime boss he serves. And he’s using his platform on Newsmax to achieve that horrific end.


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