Fox News Admits that the GOP is Demanding Tapes of Biden So They Can Mock Him for Stuttering

Among the tediously repeated lines that Trump delivers in his traveling cult rallies is a new one wherein he declares that the 2024 presidential election is “the most important election in the history of the United States.” And for once, he isn’t wrong. But he also isn’t right for the reasons that he thinks.

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Fox News, Joe Biden, Fake News

On November 5, 2024, the American people will choose between President Joe Biden, a dedicated, patriotic, statesman, and family man, or Donald Trump, a twice impeached, serial adulterer, who has been adjudicated as a rapist and fraudster, and been convicted of 34 felonies. Inexplicably, there is still a small but noisy contingent of Trump cultists who remain irredeemably devoted to their Dear Leader despite all the evidence of his moral decrepitude. The good news is that most voters won’t have a particularly difficult time making their decision.

SEE THIS: LOCK HIM UP: After Guilty Verdicts, Poll Finds that More Americans Say Trump Should Go To Prison

In the meantime, the Trump-fluffers at Fox News are hard at work spreading lies, right-wing propaganda, and malicious insults that would embarrass an eight year old. Which is what they’ve always done, so that isn’t exactly news. A recent example of this comes from Kayleigh McEnany, a former Trump press secretary who is now doing essentially the same job, but with a bigger paycheck from Fox.

In a segment of Fox’s Sean Hannity show, McEnany addressed a wholly contrived controversy over Attorney General Merrick Garland, who has declined to turn over some audio tapes of Biden to the rabidly biased Republicans in the House of Representatives. Garland advised the GOP that such requests violate precedent when there is an objection on the basis of executive privilege. But in a fit of petulant rage, the GOP voted to hold Garland in contempt of Congress anyway.

To the surprise no one with a functioning cerebellum, Garland decided not to prosecute himself. Not out of personal interest, but because there is no crime to prosecute. This exacerbated the already unhinged anger of the GOP and Fox News. McEnany lashed out saying that…

“This is of great public interest. As congressmen have pointed out, the transcripts were edited to keep out the ‘ums,’ the ‘ahs,’ ‘the stutters. The American people deserve to hear this President in long form.”

So McEnany is admitting that the only purpose of releasing the audio tapes would be to embarrass the President who has had a lifelong problem with stuttering. It’s a sickening request that seeks only to mock an otherwise irrelevant speech impediment. What she is asking is akin to demanding the videotapes of the President’s colonoscopy because the American people “deserve” to see the President’s long intestine.

The tapes do not provide any substantive information that would be useful for any legislative purpose. Congress has the full transcripts of the tapes, and such transcripts always remove extraneous pauses and fillers. But McEnany and her confederates at Fox News don’t have any coherent criticisms to make of Biden, so they are desperate for petty things like this that they can exploit to attack him.

McEnany is not alone on this. The Republican Speaker of the House, MAGA Mike Johnson, is also weighing in on the matter. He has announced that Congress is going to sue the Justice Department in an attempt to get the tapes. Johnson is, once again, proving that he believes the role of Congress is to serve as Trump’s private law firm. Rather than pass any bills that actually benefit the nation or its citizens, Johnson focuses entirely on partisan political attacks on behalf of Trump. That’s why this session of Congress has been the least productive in decades.

SEE ALSO: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

What’s more, the goal of disparaging Biden’s mental acuity by Fox News and the MAGA GOP, is one that fails miserably in contrast to Trump’s own cognitive problems. Trump provides frequent evidence of his Acute Psychobabble Disorder (APB). It ranges from rants about succumbing to electrocution or sharks, to ridiculously inflating the size of the crowds at his cult rallies, to claiming to have the solution to every world problem that he can only reveal if he’s elected.

However, the pièce de résistance is Trump’s alleged proof that he is mentally superior to most mortals because he supposedly “aced” a cognitive test given to him by a disgraced former doctor, now Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson, wherein he was asked to identify an elephant and count backwards. However, in Trump’s latest attempt to brag about this “accomplishment,” the “stable genius” couldn’t even remember the doctor’s name…

So it is with the backdrop of Trump’s inability to retain information that he refers to frequently, along with his Bizarro World yammering that no one can decipher, that Fox News and the GOP want to get their hands on some tapes of Biden stammering during a five hour long interview, in order to prove that he’s unfit for office. That is how pitifully desperate they are to find anything to dirty up Biden with.

While this might work on the already indoctrinated Trump disciples, it is going to fall flat for everyone else. And the best forum within which to prove that is the upcoming Biden/Trump debate. That is, if Trump doesn’t chicken out.


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WARNING: Lara Trump Swears to Track Down and Prosecute Election Cheaters – Like Donald Trump?

Ever since Donald Trump lost the presidential election in 2020, he has been obsessed with disseminating his “Big Lie” that there was massive voter fraud on a national scale that was successfully orchestrated by the evil genius, President Biden, who Trump says “can’t put two sentences together.”

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Donald Trump, Woman, Fear

Never mind that Trump and his confederates went to court more than sixty times trying to prove their crackpot conspiracy theories, and they lost every case. That’s mainly because they were never able to present a shred of evidence of any fraud. He was so humiliated by the decisive defeat that he suffered, that he just can’t accept the fact that American voters soundly rejected him. And neither can his cult followers in Congress, the MAGA media, and what remains of the Republican Party base. That rests in stark contrast to the majority of the American people…

SEE THIS: LOCK HIM UP: After Guilty Verdicts, Poll Finds that More Americans Say Trump Should Go To Prison

Undeterred by reality, Trump’s daughter-in-lawlessness, Lara Trump, persists in her family’s delusional disinformation campaign. Although her Sugardaddy-in-law installed her as the co-chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC), she spends most of her time on Fox News, and other extremist propaganda outlets peddling flagrant falsehoods and gaslighting the gullible. To that end, Lara appeared with white nationalist provocateur, Charlie Kirk, to advance the lie that the 2020 election was “rigged and stolen.” And in the process she delivered a sharp warning to aspiring ne’er-do-wells…

“I also want to send a loud and clear message out there to anyone who thinks about cheating in an election. If you cheat in an election, we will find you. We will track you down. We will prosecute you to the full extent of the law.”

Your hear that, you election cheaters? There is nowhere to run or hide from Lara the Law Giver. Let’s just set aside the fact that after four year she hasn’t tracked down a single case of election fraud by Biden or any other Democrat. And where she gets the idea that she has the authority to prosecute anyone is a mystery that will remain securely locked in her bleached blond head.

However, that doesn’t mean that there weren’t some cheaters that were discovered and brought to justice. And they were all Republicans. Which gives Lara’s warning new meaning. Was she threatening her own father-in-law, the MAGA ring leader, with prosecution? The list of those indicted also extends to some of Trump’s closest associates including Rudy Giuliani, Mark Meadows, Jenna Ellis, Sidney Powell, Jeffrey Rosen, Kenneth Chesebro, Jeffrey Clark, and John Eastman. They had all better watch out because Lara is on the case now.

Ironically, Lara may have to prosecute herself. In the same event with Kirk, she proposed illegally buying votes. She told the audience that “take everyday up until Election Day taking somebody to vote. Drive them in your car if you have to. Buy them a sandwich if you have to after.”

You would think that the chair of the RNC would know that enticing people to vote with money or other gifts is against the law. It is, in fact, cheating. So while she isn’t personally buying the sandwiches (so far as we know), she is suborning a crime by encouraging others to do so.

All of this should make Lara’s promise to track down and prosecute election cheaters a lot easier. She doesn’t even have to leave Mar-a-Lago. She can find most of the cheaters there, including herself and and the already convicted felon, Don the Con. And if she tells what she knows to Attorney General Merrick Garland, we can get some of these prosecutions going.


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Trump Horribly Bungles His ‘Horrible City’ Swipe at Milwaukee with Help from a Fox News Flunky

It is universally agreed that Donald Trump has always run an unconventional campaign for the White House. He never engages in any of the customary meet and greets with prospective voters, or base building efforts to attract new supporters.

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Donald Trump, Fox News

Trump prefers instead to hold cult rallies where he keeps his distance from the unclean masses that worship their Dear Leader, or consorts with the upper-crusters from whom he wrangles millions of dollars in bribes…er…donations that are spent mostly on his legal fees and billion dollar judgments. And heaven forbid he ever pass any of those funds on to his GOP confederates, from whom he demands unflinching loyalty that is never reciprocated.

SEE THIS: IT’S A CULT! Lara Trump Tells ‘Anyone Who is Not On Board with Donald Trump’ to Leave the GOP

Consistent with his unconventional style, Trump has added a new tool to his campaign bag of tricks. In a private meeting with congressional Republicans, Trump expressed his visceral distaste for Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the city that will be hosting the Republican National Convention where next month, barring any unforeseen liberation from the grip of Felonious Punk, he will officially be nominated as the GOP’s candidate for president. Trump didn’t mince words, calling Milwaukee a horrible city.”

This shouldn’t surprise anyone who has observed Trump over the past few years. He frequently maligns America as a “failed nation” that is overrun by communists, criminals, and “corrupt radicals and thugs” who are determined to destroy the country and, more importantly from his perverse perspective, him. So why should Milwaukee get a reprieve?

As usual, Trump’s true feelings were recognized as repulsive and damaging by his pals in the press and political realm. They immediately set about to deny that any such insult was uttered. But true to form, Trump was too dense to realize himself that he might have been capable of making a mistake. So when Aishah Hasnie, a Fox News “reporter,” attempted to provide him an escape path, Trump flubbed it and ended up admitting that he made the grotesque comments.

Hasnie: Democrats are also hitting you on this comment that you made about Milwaukee, the host city for the RNC. And they seem to believe that you said that it was a horrible city. Can you just nip this in the bud and clarify what you meant?
Trump: It was very clear what I meant. I said, we’re very concerned with crime.

Note the Fox News Trump-fluffer’s characterization of the problem. She portrayed it as merely something that Democrats “believe that [Trump] said.” Never mind that it was exclusively Republicans who attended the meeting where Trump made the remarks. So it had to have been a Republican who leaked it to the press. Note also that the Foxie did not simply seek a comment from Trump, but she framed it as an opportunity for him to “nip this in the bud.” The Fox shill was virtually holding Trump’s hand to lead him to absolution. But Trump shook it loose and gave his own answer that served as a confession.

“I love Milwaukee, I have great friends in Milwaukee, but it’s as you know, the crime numbers are terrible. We have to be very careful. But I was referring to also the election, the ballots, the way it went down, it was very bad in Milwaukee. Very, very bad. And the people understand that and they agree with me. Everybody agrees. No, that was a fake story that came out.”

Did you catch the rosy chyron in that video clip editorializing that “TRUMP LOVES MILWAUKEE.” Yeah, right! More to the point, Trump does not deny that he made the disparaging remarks about Milwaukee. He just tries to pretend that he was talking about something else. But even in that attempt, he struggles with his own feeble excuse. He rambles first about the comment having something to do with crime. But then he quickly swerves to claim instead that it was related to imaginary allegations of election fraud. And as always, in Trump’s decaying cranium, “everybody agrees” with him about everything all the time.

For the record, crime in Milwaukee has been on a steep decline during President Biden’s term in office, and while both the city and the state are run by Democrats. And those facts were actually reported by the Fox News affiliate in Milwaukee.

“With the first quarter review, Milwaukee police say homicides have decreased 39% – down to 23 from 38 this time in 2023. Property crime is down 11%. Auto thefts are down 10% – down to 1,295 from 1,431 this time in 2023.”

Undeterred by reality, Fox News continues to gaslight their glassy-eyed audience. For instance, Sean Hannity asked GOP House Speaker, MAGA Mike Johnson, (a completely impartial source) about the Milwaukee maligning…

Hannity: Can we just settle one thing once and for all here? President Trump, it’s been attributed to him that he took a shot at Milwaukee. did he do that?
Johnson: No. I didn’t hear it and I was sitting right next to him.

Well then. That settles it. Johnson is either acutely hard of hearing, or is outright lying. Because he is disagreeing with Trump as to whether or not he said it. Perhaps Johnson is accusing Trump of lying. Hannity never bothered to mention what Trump said to his Fox News colleague above. Considering how long Fox News has been in the deception business, it’s astonishing how bad they are it.

UPDATE: Trump is now lying (again) that he never said Milwaukee is a “horrible city,” even though he previously admitted that he said it. Now he’s saying that “They lie and they make up a story that I said something bad about Milwaukee. […] I just ask you this, who would do that? Who would say something bad about a place that you want to win?” Trump, of course, frequently says terrible things about many cities, and repeatedly disparages the whole country as a “failing” “banana republic.”


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Marjorie Taylor Greene is OUTRAGED at Being Called ‘Fringe’: ‘It’s Not Me, It’s Rachel Maddow!’

Last week the unofficial chair of the House MAGA Fringe Caucus, Marjorie Taylor Greene, proposed a bill to defund the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), an alliance that has protected much of the world from aggression by Russia for 75 years. Greene’s opposition is rooted in her animosity toward Ukraine, President Biden, and democracy.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, Vladimir Putin

Greene is notorious for her bizarre antics in and out of Congress. She is an unflinching disciple of the Cult of Trump. She attacks her Fellow Republicans with unbridled hatred. She is leading the fight to remove MAGA Mike Johnson as Speaker. She has drafted numerous motions to impeach members of the Biden administration simply because they are Democrats. Recently she sought to deny all federal funding for the state of New York because a jury in Manhattan found Trump guilty of 34 felonies.

SEE THIS: Trump Verdict Triggers Marjorie Taylor Greene to Call for Banning All Federal Funds to New York

Any rational observer of of politics would describe Greene as a fringe operative. Although, these days her views have been embraced by most of the Trump GOP. Following the failure of her NATO defunding bill, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow noted that many Republicans voted to withhold critical funds from America’s allies in Europe.

“A fifth of the Republicans in Congress just voted that we should leave our allies all together. That we should break up the big Western alliance. That we should defund NATO. And I think nobody really paid attention to this vote because this legislation was put forward by a very fringe member of Congress. A member of Congress who is known for her publicity stunts, and therefore she is easy to ignore. But it wasn’t just her. forty-six Republicans voted for this thing.

This criticism of of the Republican betrayal of our allies struck Greene for decidedly personal reasons. She didn’t care so much about Maddow calling out the GOP for “leaving our allies.” Nope. What bothered Greene was the part where Maddow referred to her as “a very fringe member of Congress.” So Greene scampered off to Steve Bannon’s podcast to complain about Maddow

“”Well, of course, she’s not happy. Rachel’s never accomplished anything real in her entire life. She’s only lied on television for a living. And NATO, all these European countries, they don’t pay their fair share. So why should America continue to pay for the defense of all these other countries when they are unwilling to even pay their fair share?”

REALLY? Most people would consider having graduated from Stanford, becoming a Rhodes Scholar, and getting a doctorate in Political Science from Oxford, something of an accomplishment. Plus, she’s won three Emmys, a Grammy, and written best-selling books. Greene’s resume, on the other hand, consists of little more than managing a small construction company in rural Georgia, and failing to produce anything of substance as a member of Congress. But Greene wasn’t through defending herself from the allegations of fringiness…

“It’s not fringe at all. It’s also not fringe because most Americans also agree that the United States should not be funding a war in Ukraine.”

Greene is, as usual, lying. Polls show that a majority of American actually support funding for Ukraine. But Greene, like her Republican confederates, never lets facts get in the way of a good rant. She continued saying that…

“When we’re going to talk about the question, we’re going to ask the question, who is fringe? It’s actually Rachel Maddow is the fringe person in this story. It’s not me. It’s Rachel Maddow.”

Here Greene is adopting the age-old debate strategy of “I know you are, but what am I?” However, her “rubber/glue” tactic falls short due to the fact that even 157 of her fellow Republicans voted against her bill, along with every Democrat. Although she did get 46 Republicans to join her.

That’s a pretty good affirmation that Greene and her band merry cranksters are indeed the fringe. And no matter how hard she tries to deny that reality, it remains true. Nevertheless, we can expect her to continue attacking her betters, such as Maddow, because glassy-eyed narcissists like Greene are incapable of recognizing their own failures. No matter how glaring.


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HUH? Fox News and GOP Rep Think Democrats Will Draft Michelle Obama Due to Hunter Biden Verdict

As the 2024 presidential election cycle unfolds, one thing is becoming clearer with each passing day. The Republican Party is descending ever deeper into an abyss of desperation and unqualified madness at the heels of their convicted felon nominee for president. Donald Trump’s prospects are rapidly declining, and he is doing absolutely nothing to broaden his base of support beyond the MAGA cult clan that he caters to.

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Michelle Obama, Fox News

In response to this dilemma, Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda – aka Fox News – has leapt into action to buttress his sagging aspirations to reoccupy the White House and impose an authoritarian regime. In addition to embracing his convictions on 34 felony charges of falsifying business records and election finance fraud resulting from his “hush money” payoff to porn star Stormy Daniels, Fox News is clutching feverishly to some of the most bizarre and preposterous rationales to continue supporting their Dear Leader.

SUCH AS THIS: Trump and Fox News Legal ‘Experts’ Call for a Mistrial After Falling for an Obvious Hoax

On Wednesday morning Fox News Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, interviewed GOP representative, Andy Ogles (TN-MAGA). Their discussion led to the following exchange that reveals just how far out on the limb of sanity they are willing to crawl.

Andy Ogles: I think that also creates an opening for Democrats to slip someone like Michelle Obama in here. The Biden family can say “Hey, we’re gonna take care of our house. We’re gonna take care of our son.” And allow Michelle Obama to come in and run. Because, again, Joe Biden can’t win this election, and they know that. And they are desperate for another candidate.
Bartiromo: I gotta tell you. I am increasingly thinking that Joe Biden withdraws from this race by the time November 5th comes along. I am buying into what you’re saying there because I agree that the Democrats are desperate right now. They are very worried.

That’s right. Bartiromo and Ogles have somehow twisted their perception of reality into one that accommodates an especially extreme crackpot conspiracy theory. They assert that the finding that Hunter Biden improperly filled out a form when he purchased a gun six years ago will somehow doom his father’s candidacy for reelection. They don’t explain why that would happen, but then they don’t have to. Their audience is comprised of cult followers who will believe whatever they are told to believe.

SEE THIS: HUH? Fox News and GOP Rep Think Democrats Will Draft Michelle Obama Due to Hunter Biden Verdict

For the record, these are the same brilliant analysts who claimed that President Biden rigged the justice system to prevent Hunter from being convicted. After the guilty verdict they claimed that the system was rigged to convict Hunter as a distraction from bigger imaginary crimes. In effect, they are now claiming that Biden rigged the system to push himself out of the race because he can’t simultaneously love his son and serve as President. And their assertion that Democrats are desperate is pure projection.

But Bartiromo and Ogles weren’t finished spinning their fantastical fairy tale of political intrigue. After dumping President Biden, these two MAGA-nauts went on to predict that Democrats would nominate Michelle Obama in his place. Never mind that Obama has repeatedly insisted that she has no intention or desire to run for office. The suggestion that she would do so is based solely on their fears that Trump is likely to lose again to Biden, just like he did in 2020. However, this isn’t the first time that this suggestion has been floated by nervous Republicans.

SEE ALSO: Trump and Fox News are So Scared Of Biden, They’re Switching in Gavin Newsom and Michelle Obama

Fox News and their Republican confederates have good reason to be afraid. Biden has presided over a booming economy. He has championed issues that the American people care about, including reproductive healthcare, tax equity, job creation, voting rights, adherence to democratic and constitutional principles, and support for international allies.

In the meantime, Trump had four disastrous years that left the nation poorer, sicker, more in debt, and more divided than ever. Then he left the White House kicking and screaming about election fraud, stole classified documents and lied about it to the FBI, tried to instigate a violent insurrection, and sought to strongarm state officials into altering election results. Since leaving office he has been adjudicated as a rapist, ordered to pay judgements of half a billion dollars, and has been convicted of multiple felonies.

The contrast between Biden and Trump could not be clearer. And that clarity is why Fox News and the Republican Party are inventing absurd scenarios that they think will deflect from the positive outlook for Biden and other Democrats. But even their manufactured “horror” stories are hysterically off base. Because Michelle Obama is among the most popular Americans of modern times, If she were actually a candidate, she would crush Trump. So you really have to wonder what Fox News is thinking. Or IF they’re thinking.


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SCAREDY TRUMP? Sean Hannity Concocts an Excuse for Trump to Chicken Out of Debate with Biden

In about two weeks (June 27) the first debate between President Biden and convicted felon Donald Trump is scheduled to take place in Atlanta, Georgia. Regardless of what happens during the debate, it will be a historic event due to the fact that it will be the first time that a convicted felon is a participant, thanks to the weakness and cult worship of the Republican Party.

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Donald Trump Chicken

There has been a great deal of speculation as to the expected performance of both candidates. Republicans are certain that Biden will display the ravages of age and its cognitive consequences. Never mind that he is only three years older than Trump, and that Trump has shown far more evidence of declining mental faculties. But even if Biden is vigorous, thoughtful, and informed, Republicans will dismiss it and accuse him of being on performance enhancing drugs.

SEE THIS: Adderall J. Trump Thinks He Can ‘Demand’ Biden Take a Drug Test Before the Debates – Or What?

Despite the GOP’s confidence that Trump is a “stable genius” (in his own words) who will slaughter Biden, who they contend is a senile communist, they are not as anxious to meet Biden in a debate as they pretend to be. On Monday night Fox News Senior Trump-Fluffer, Sean Hannity, moderated a discussion about the upcoming debate wherein he proposed that Trump ought not to show up at all.

“There are some even saying that Donald Trump might be wise to just pass on the first debate, wait until he’s nominated, then debate him.”

For the record, when Hannity says that “some” are saying, he means someone on his or Trump’s staff. Perhaps Trump himself. After all, Trump failed to show up for any of the Republican primary debates. And he surely recalls being soundly beaten by Biden in the 2020 debates.

SEE ALSO: Trump Calls Biden ‘the WORST Debater’ Despite Biden Crushing Him in the 2020 Debates and Election

What Hannity is doing is presenting a pre-fab excuse for Trump to chicken out and avoid debating Biden altogether. Hannity could not help but notice the bizarre behavior by Trump at his recent cult rally in Las Vegas where Trump revealed his fears of electrocution and/or shark attacks; his outrage at stage hands who sabotaged his TelePrompTers; his praise of the traitorous January 6th “warriors”; and other assorted buffoonery. Consequently, Hannity felt compelled to provide Trump with an escape hatch in order to prevent a monumental humiliation.

Hannity’s excuse doesn’t even make any sense. What difference would it make to wait until after he’s nominated? What’s he afraid of? And this isn’t the first time that Hannity has speculated about Trump blowing the debate to “Jacked up Joe,” who Hannity claimed – with zero evidence – would be on pharmaceutical boosters.

Sean Hannity of Fox News is Already Making Excuses for Why Trump Will Lose Debates to Biden
“If he does debate, we will see jacked up Joe 2.0. Whatever Red bull that he drank, or caffeine pills that he took, or whatever he might have taken, I promise you they’ll give it to him again”

What’s more, Fox News went even farther with their conspiratorial crackpottery alleging that Team Biden was plotting a physical assault on Trump in the debate hall just prior to it beginning.

Fox News Floats Conspiracy Theory that Biden is Plotting to Assault Trump to Avoid Debating Him
“It will probably be a Nancy Kerrigan situation too, where right as Trump is walking out…”

This is not the sort of rhetoric that is espoused by people confident of success or the capabilities of their candidate. They are clearly afraid of a brewing catastrophe. And that fear is likely to have originated with the candidate himself. Trump is a notorious coward who tries to cover up his fears with false bravado. But these feeble excuses floated by his Fox News flunkies is only going to make things worse for him should he end up weaseling out. Which at this point appears to be an increasingly likely scenario.


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LOCK HIM UP: After Guilty Verdicts, Poll Finds that More Americans Say Trump Should Go To Prison

Even before Donald Trump was found guilty on 34 counts of felony falsification of business records (in his so-called “Hush Money” case), he and his MAGA media minions were salivating over the prospect of his conviction. That’s right. They were convinced that it would result in some sort of alternative universe backlash and that his popularity would skyrocket.

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Donald Trump, Prison

Never mind that at the same time that Trump was supposedly happily embracing the legal catastrophe he faced, he was also engaged in daily diatribes against the court, the judge, the prosecutors, the witnesses, the jurors, the Department of Justice, and the Biden administration. All of whom he sought to blame for his circumstances that he portrayed as both awesome and abominable.

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump Whines that ‘I Am a Political Prisoner,’ then Proves He Has No Idea What that Means

However, a new poll was released after the verdict was handed down that may conflict with Trump’s delusional appraisal of his situation. And the findings are not merely that Trump is guilty, but that he deserves his next term be one that is behind bars. As it turns out, the nation’s voters may not be as anxious to board the Trump train as he thinks…

“In the wake of former President Donald Trump’s felony conviction last week for falsifying business records to hide a hush money payment to a porn star, President Biden (46%) now leads his Republican rival (44%) in a two-way race for the White House for the first time since October 2023, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll” [and also that] “more Americans think Trump should get a prison sentence (43%) than think he should not (40%).”

Uh-oh! A plurality of the American people think that Trump should be sent to the Big House, not the White House. And it’s even worse than it seems. While the 43-40 split may not appear to be a significant difference, many of the 40% who did not agree that Trump should go to prison still believe that he committed a serious crime, that he should be held accountable, and that the verdict was fair…

[More people – a 51% majority] think the New York jury reached the ‘right verdict’ in Trump’s hush money case than think the verdict was ‘wrong’ (30%). Likewise, more Americans than ever (54%) now believe Trump committed the crime for which he was on trial.” [Also] “Overall, 52% say Trump’s conviction was a ‘fair outcome meant to hold him accountable for his own actions’; just 35% who say it was ‘an unfair outcome meant to damage him politically.'”

So Trump still maintains his base – and ceiling – of cult disciples at about 30%. Everyone else thinks he’s guilty and that some sort of punishment would be appropriate to hold him accountable. And that’s just with regard to the just concluded case in Manhattan. It doesn’t take into consideration the three other indictments he’s facing in Washington, D.C. (for inciting an insurrection), in Florida (for stealing and lying about classified documents), and in Georgia (for election interference).

Trump apologists on Fox News and elsewhere are at a loss for any rational explanations to arrive at some form of exoneration for him. They all sing from the same hymnal that their Dear Leader is a victim of nefarious forces bent on destroying him and America. For example, Jonathan Turley, the Trump-fluffing law professor who frequently waxes idiotic on Fox News, had this to say…

“It would be absurd to sentence him to jail. He is an elderly first offender. Non-violent crime. In a very controversial prosecution.”

First of all, the only thing controversial about Trump’s prosecution is that he has become the first former president to ever be convicted of felony crimes. The jury voted unanimously 34 times to convict him. Apparently it wasn’t controversial to the people who saw all of the evidence and swore to uphold the law.

Secondly, many first offenders are sentenced to prison. And that includes Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer. And Cohen’s conviction and sentence were for crimes related to the very same ones that Trump was convicted for and, in fact, initiated.

Finally, Turley’s assertion that Trump shouldn’t get a prison sentence because he is “elderly” is especially telling. If Trump is unfit to serve time for crimes he committed, how can Turley – or any voter – regard him as fit to serve in the White House?

In the meantime, Trump is continuing behave as if he’s daring the judge to incarcerate him. In a speech to his cult followers at a Las Vegas rally on Sunday, Trump spoke out in defense of his fellow criminals that assaulted Congress on January 6, 2021. He said that…

“Those J6 warriors. They were warriors, But they were really more than anything else — they’re victims.”

Just as a reminder, we’re talking about violent mobs that put 140+ police officers in the hospital, battered down doors, broke windows, vandalized the seat of American democracy, and threatened the lives of members of Congress and their staffs. And Trump has variously described them as FBI operatives, Antifa agitators, and hostages. But now he says that they were “warriors.”

Which makes them, in fact, an army of insurrectionists who had declared war on the United States with an invasion of its government facilities. And it was all at the direction of now-convicted felon Donald Trump. So do you think he should be sentenced to prison? That shouldn’t be a controversial question for most Americans.


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Fox News is Steaming Mad at GOP Chairman Comer for Being an Incompetent Biden Persecutor

The Republican obsession with manufacturing criminal charges against President Biden has suffered for years from an absolute failure to find any crumb of a crime that they could pin on the President. And it is driving them crazy knowing that their failure is the a result of a combination of their incompetence and the fact that Biden has been a decent and honest public servant.

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Go Fox Yourself

Nevertheless, the GOP chairman of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer, continues in his fanatical and futile fishing expedition despite accomplishing nothing except to further embarrass himself and exasperate his Republican confederates. But undeterred by trivial considerations, like whether or not there are any facts to support his accusations, Comer persists in his malicious mission to malign Biden.

SEE THIS: GOP Rep Tells Fox News He Would ‘Probably’ Impeach Biden for – Um – Zero Evidence of Any Crime

The GOP in the House has been holding their useless and partisan hearings for years now. They somehow manage to set aside the fact that they have failed utterly in their mission to find dirt on Biden. Comer has been humiliated repeatedly by Democrats on the Committee who have pointed out how dishonest and incompetent he and his GOP colleagues are. Democratic Rep. Jared Moskowitz has even challenged Comer to call for a vote to impeach Biden, if he thinks he has the goods on him. He obviously doesn’t.

Now it appears that Fox News is getting tired of the ineffectiveness of Comer and Company. After Fox’s Maria Bartiromo challenged Comer as to why he hasn’t issued criminal referrals to the Department of Justice on an array of crimes that neither she nor Republicans have any proof ever occurred, Comer replied with a typically vague assertion that his ghost indictments are coming soon. Really, they are…

Bartiromo: Are you saying that we could expect a criminal referral against Joe Biden for money laundering? Is that what you just said?
Comer: I think it’s no secret Joe Biden’s committed many crimes, and I think that you’re going to see a report very soon. That report is imminent. That’ll probably be an interim report that updates everyone on the crimes that Biden and his administration have committed throughout this investigation and through the years of the Obama/Biden administrations.

Yeah, right! If they do file a report, it will surely contain an abundance of lies that the DoJ will quickly and appropriately dismiss. You can rest assured that if Comer had evidence that “Joe Biden’s committed many crimes,” it wouldn’t be a secret. He would have produced it long ago.

Bartiromo followed up by asking why Comer doesn’t “subpoena these people.” Which, of course, he has already done. That includes the President’s son, Hunter, his brother, James, and several business associates. They all showed up and gave testimony under oath. Comer’s problem is that that testimony produced zero evidence that comes close implicating Biden, or anyone else, in any criminal act. To the contrary, his witnesses actually absolved Biden of any wrongdoing.

It appears that even Fox News is becoming impatient with Comer and other Republicans in Congress, such as Judiciary Committee chairman Jim Jordan, who haven’t been effective enough at smearing Biden. But then, they haven’t been effective at anything else either, such as passing legislation, or selecting leadership. So is anyone surprised?


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Trump and Fox News Legal ‘Experts’ Call for a Mistrial After Falling for an Obvious Hoax

Last week a unanimous jury found Donald Trump guilty of 34 felonies affirming that he had falsified business records when he paid off a porn star to buy her silence, and covered it up in order to deceive the public just prior to an election, Since then Trump and his apologists have been frantically trying to whitewash the convictions in order to deceive the public just prior to another election.

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Fox News, Bullshit Factory

Those efforts on behalf of the Republican Party’s convicted felon nominee for president have predictably fallen flat. For the most part they have only served to remind voters that Trump is a morally vacant criminal who whines incessantly while blaming others for his problems.

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump Whines that ‘I Am a Political Prisoner,’ then Proves He Has No Idea What that Means

Proving the old adage that “when the going gets tough, the wimps get desperate,” Trump and his confederates are latching onto a preposterous “news” item that they seem to think will lead to his legal salvation. The story centers around a notice filed by Judge Juan Merchan that a comment was posted on the Court’s Facebook page that the Trump faithful believe is a lifesaver for their Dear Leader. The comment said simply that…

“My cousin is a juror. He says Trump is getting convicted.”

HOLY CRAPOLI! Stop the presses. A weird dude on Facebook made an alarming remark with no evidence that any of it is remotely true. There is no evidence that he has a cousin who is a juror. And no evidence that his alleged cousin told him anything about the trial. So obviously the Trump contingent must drop everything and obsessively promote it.

What there is evidence of, though, is that the whole affair is a hoax. And that’s straight from the person who posted the comment in the first place. This “Michael Anderson” fellow admitted the fraud, referring to himself as a “professional sh*tposter.”

That confession, however, didn’t stop Trump from embracing the bullshittery and linking to it with a hysterical and impotent demand for a “MISTRIAL!” And he wasn’t the only one. His faithful Fox News legal “experts” weighed in with their own demands to erase Trump’s conviction. Fox host Mark Levin advanced the hoax bellowing “Surprise. surprise. Crooked juror in Trump case. How many more?” And Fox legal analyst Gregg Jarrett discussed the matter with Fox’s Senior Trump-Fluffer, Sean Hannity…

Sean Hannity: I assume a motion for mistrial is being written now and going out as we speak.
Gregg Jarrett: Absolutely. If it is true – and that’s a big if – if it is true it is grounds to vacate the conviction and order a new trial.

Both Levin and Jarrett are allegedly attorneys. And they were both frequently quoted by Trump outside of the New York courtroom as proof of his innocence. Clearly they were wrong about that at least 34 times. And they are wrong about this as well. But Hannity went even further with a declaration that this phony revelation by a shameless Facebook fraudster is “HUGE!”

This mass delusion by Trump and his MAGA media minions on Fox News is emblematic of the lengths they will go to to spread flagrant lies. And despite the facts being readily available, none of these liars have bothered to issue apologies or retractions.

In fact, they have been joined by other Trump cult devotees in Congress such as Marjorie Taylor Greene and Andy Biggs. So it’s likely that there will be more to follow. This is what happens when a cult leader is threatened by reality and his desperate disciples can’t figure out how to cope.


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Trump Still Swears to Take Revenge on Political Foes Even After Lame Attempts to Walk it Back

The prospect of another four years of Donald Trump occupying the White House is a blood curdling notion that most Americans would find more nauseating than dinner with Hannibal Lector who, along with Jeffrey Epstein, has been making more frequent appearances in Trump’s stump speeches at his cult rallies.

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Donald Trump Tyrant Dictator

In most presidential campaigns, the candidates focus on detailing their proposals for advancing the welfare of the citizenry whose votes they seek. Trump, however, has been a uniquely unconventional candidate. His pitch to voters is a promise to “be their retribution,” He was even asked by Sean Hannity of Fox News whether he had “any plans whatsoever, if reelected president, to abuse power, to break the law, to use the government to go after people?” To which Trump replied that he would only be a dictator on “day one.” That’s comforting, isn’t it?

SEE THIS: Trump Cloddishly Dodges Hannity’s Softball Questions About Whether He Would Be a Dictator

More recently, Trump and his MAGA media mouthpieces have been attempting to sanitize his most appalling campaign promises to arrest, prosecute, and incarcerate his political enemies. To that end he sat for an interview with Dr. Phil McGraw who tried to give him an opening to soften his stance on vengeance, asking him specifically about his intentions to “make the people that have come after you pay.” But Trump instead replied that “Sometimes revenge can be justified, I have to be honest.”

On Thursday Trump made it clear that he still intends to lock up his critics. He posted a comment on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, wherein he maliciously and childishly attacked President Biden, the American justice system, and members of Congress…

“It is a Total and Complete American Tragedy that the Crooked Joe Biden Department of Injustice is so desperate to jail Steve Bannon, and every other Republican, for that matter, for not SUBMITTING to the Unselect Committee of Political Thugs, made up of all Democrats, and two CRAZED FORMER REPUBLICAN LUNATICS, Cryin’ Adam Kinzinger, and Liz ‘Out of Her Mind’ Cheney.”

Although that was just the beginning of an elaborate rant that was typically comprised of flagrant falsehoods and culminated with a call to indict the members of the House Committee Investigating January 6th…

“It has been irrefutably proven that it was the Unselects who committed actual crimes when they deleted and destroyed all material evidence, in a pathetic attempt to protect Crazy Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats from the TRUTH — THAT I DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG. The unAmerican Weaponization of our Law Enforcement has reached levels of Illegality never thought possible before. INDICT THE UNSELECT J6 COMMITTEE FOR ILLEGALLY DELETING AND DESTROYING ALL OF THEIR ‘FINDINGS!’ MAGA2024”

First of all, Trump’s assertion that crimes by the Committee were “irrefutably proven” have no basis in reality. There is no truth whatsoever that the Committee “deleted and destroyed all material evidence.” That’s a lie that Trump has floated before, and it has been thoroughly debunked.

SEE THIS: Trump Demands Indictments Be Withdrawn After Fox News Falsely Reports on January 6th Committee

Reality, however, has not deterred to Trump from calling for indictments and further persecution driven by his wholly fabricated allegations. And he has gotten support from his pals at Fox News. For instance, Jesse Watters did a segment in which he dismissed as a hoax accurate observations by Democrats that Trump “plans to jail opponents.” Kellyanne Conway said that not having prosecuted Hillary Clinton is proof that Trump doesn’t want revenge. Except that he tried to, but failed because his Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, couldn’t find any crime. And Trump recently told Fox and Friends that he never said “Lock her up,” about Clinton. Except that he definitely did…

So regardless of what the Trump-fluffers on Fox News and other right-wing media say, Trump is clearly on a determined course to emulate his hero, Vladimir Putin, by eliminating his opponents by any means necessary. He says so. Believe him. And then be sure to vote for Biden and every Democrat on the ballot to make certain that Trump’s nightmarish vision doesn’t come true.


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