Fox News Ranter Dan Bongino Was Bumped From His Radio Show – Over Vaccine Mandate?

The Great Vaccine Mandate Debate rages on – exclusively on Fox News! Ever since President Biden proposed a plan to save more American lives from the ravages of COVID-19 by getting more people vaccinated, Fox News has engaged in a brazenly dishonest campaign to portray it as tantamount to tyranny. Never mind that Fox News imposed their own stricter mandate prior to Biden’s initiative.

Fox News, Dan Bongino

Among the most hyperbolic blowhards on Fox News making a fuss of this issue is the weekend host of Unfiltered, Dan Bongino. He has recently joined with his Fox colleagues in doubling down as a giant middle finger to Joe Biden’s tyranny.” It was an explicit admission that their opposition to vaccines is rooted in politics, not science or humanity.

Bongino has also babbled his anti-vax banter on his radio show. He even went so far as to pick an on-air fight with his syndicator, Westwood One/Cumulus Media, over their corporate vaccine mandate. Bongino virtually dared Cumulus to fire him for not being vaccinated. And while he is basking in the faux-tough guy image he wants to present, he is still too cowardly to give Fox News the same ultimatum.

Now it is being reported that Bongino has been removed from the schedule this week. Neither Westwood One nor Cumulus is commenting on why they have replaced his show, but Bongino, as is typical of right-wing gasbags, is clucking about it himself:

“Several affiliates have told Radio Ink that Westwood One has put The Dan Bongino Show into ‘best of’ mode for the remainder of the week. His program was not on the radio yesterday. Bongino has been ranting on his show about Cumulus’ vaccine mandate.”

No one has bothered to explain what would constitute the “best of” Bongino. Some one would say that dead air would do the trick. But this is what Bongino had to say about it:

“They didn’t consult with us content providers. I strongly object to the mandate. The fight with them is having a real impact. Behind the scenes it’s getting a little ugly here. I wasn’t on the radio today. I don’t know what they did, played the ‘best of’ or whatever. You don’t treat people this way. You don’t let people go because they insist their body is theirs.”

Bongino has every right to decline to get vaccinated. But he doesn’t have the right to become a potential deadly danger to others. Upwards of 90% of all new coronavirus infections – and deaths – are among the unvaccinated (and most of them are among Fox News viewers). What’s more, corporations have the right and obligation to maintain a safe work environment and provide for the welfare of their employees.

So if Bongino doesn’t want to get vaccinated, he can make that choice. But he must be prepared to accept the consequences. And if he had any integrity he would resign from both his radio gig and his program on Fox News out of a commitment to his “principles,” warped and selfish as they might be.

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Fox News Displays its Deadly Hypocrisy on Vaccinations in Two Contradictory Commentaries

In case you haven’t heard it by now, Fox News has been yammering for weeks about the “tyranny” of President Biden, and other rational politicians and pundits, advocating for the wildly popular (according to a Fox News poll) COVID vaccine mandates. They are doing that despite the fact that Fox News has imposed an even stricter mandate on their employees.

Fox News, Vaccine

Last week Fox News host Neil Cavuto revealed on his program that he had tested positive for the coronavirus. He noted that he was vaccinated, but that he had health issues that made him more vulnerable to infection and severe outcomes. His situation was not mentioned again by anyone on Fox News after that until Sunday morning when he appeared on Fox’s MediaBuzz, where he made an impassioned appeal for people to get vaccinated for the sake of others:

“We’ve lost five million globally to this. We’ve lost nearly 800,000 in the U.S. Take the political speaking points and toss them for now. I’m begging you. Toss them. Think of what’s good, not only for yourself, but for those around you. If you don’t want to do it for yourself, if you think it’s a pain in the ass, I get that. But think of others around you. I dare say that people who experience this and see loved ones who’ve been affect by this or, heaven forbid, died from this, are not judging the wisdom of Band-Aids. They’re wishing they got vaccinated. And they didn’t. Don’t let that happen.”

Cavuto’s remarks are commendable and moving, and they are coming from someone whose personal experience could be persuasive. He is speaking for millions of Americans who are at risk themselves, and for their families and friends as well. There’s just one problem with this pleading. Virtually everything else on Fox News contradicts his point of view, an editorial mandate that has made COVID the Pandemic of Fox News. For example, shortly before Cavuto’s heartfelt remarks, Lisa Boothe, another Fox squawking head, told her Fox confederate, Dan Bongino, that this is why she was refusing to get vaccinated:

“I’m doubling down as a giant middle finger to Joe Biden’s tyranny, because now it’s a fight for freedom. Now it’s a fight against tyranny in America and that’s what this is all about.”

That’s right. She isn’t considering the health risks for herself or those around her at all. She couldn’t care less about the human toll of the pandemic or how her obstinance will contribute it. She is just making a hyper-partisan political statement against her deranged impression of what constitutes tyranny. And Bongino nodded along approvingly throughout.

How is what Cavuto has to say on this subject ever going to break through to the audience of Fox News cultists when people like Boothe are spewing such hateful, ignorant nonsense? And it isn’t just Boothe. Cavuto’s commentary won’t be seen by the people who need to see it most. MediaBuzz doesn’t have nearly the audience as Fox’s weekday, primetime programs where anti-vaccine messaging is rampant. Fox’s top rated host, Tucker Carlson, is a rabid anti-vaxxer, as are his colleagues Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham.

So while Cavuto is demonstrating compassion for his fellow Americans in the midst of a deadly pandemic, Boothe and the rest of the Fox News roster are flipping them a “giant middle finger” in order to stir up more partisan rancor, regardless of the cost in human lives. That has been Fox’s mission all along. They are convinced that whatever they lose in viewers dying from this virus will be made up by the blind devotion of the survivors. And, of course, the gratitude of America’s most fervent anti-vaxxer, and most divisive hate and fear monger, Donald Trump.

Watch the full segment of Cavuto on MediaBuzz here:

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Fox News Corrects Confused GOP Senator Who Forgets Their Anti-Biden, Pro-COVID Narrative

It’s not as easy as it might seem to be steadfastly obedient to the right-wing doctrine of Fox News and Republican Trumpism. Considering all of the blatant hypocrisy and flip-flips of Donald Trump and his Foxian Pharisees, their befuddled cult followers should be forgiven if they fall off the wingnut wagon every now and then.

Fox News, Bullshit Factory

An example of this inadvertent heresy occurred during an interview of GOP Senator Marsha Blackburn on Fox Business Network. She was asked by Trump-fluffing host Stuart Varney about the current state of the coronavirus in America. That inquiry led to this exchange:

Blackburn: What we have to realize, the left is desperate to continue the pandemic until the 2022 midterm elections, and we’ve got to find ways to say, ‘Oh no you don’t.'”
Varney: You think he’s trying to continue the pandemic, extend the pandemic. I would have thought he’s losing ground because of his not great understanding or performance with the pandemic.
Blackburn: Well, you’re right.

First of all, Biden’s performance with the pandemic is responsible for getting nearly 80% of the nation’s adults vaccinated. That said, Blackburn’s initial commentary was clearly a departure from rightist orthodoxy. They have been insisting for over a year that Democrats were being too aggressive in fighting to end the pandemic and return the nation to some semblance of normalcy. Now Blackburn is asserting that Democrats want the pandemic to persist.

Not only has the right accused Democrats of over-hyping COVID, but Trump has repeatedly claimed that the pandemic was a hoax that Democrats were temporarily exploiting for political purposes. He insisted that “on November 4th everything will open up.” He said that the shutdowns were “only being done to hurt the economy” until after the election when “the talk will be how low the death rate is.”

So obviously Blackburn was off script with her claim that Democrats want to hold on to the pandemic. And Varney told her so in no uncertain terms. She had to be quickly steered back into the conservative corral where Biden was a “failure” for not waving a magic wand and making the virus disappear. And it had to be done on the air where everyone could witness it. After which Blackburn immediately straightened up and conceded that Varney’s take was the correct one, without acknowledging that she had just said the exact opposite.

This is an object lesson in how Fox News disseminates its propaganda. They have pre-approved ideological mandates that must be adhered to by every faithful follower. Even if they change from day to day, or hour to hour. It’s how they justify attacking Biden’s vaccine mandates, even though Fox News imposes mandates that are even more strict. Or how Tucker Carlson can criticize the White House parental leave policy, while ignoring his own colleagues who enjoy the same policy at Fox. Or how Trump can whine that his free speech is being abridged as he calls for banning free speech. It’s just how Fox News operates and, fortunately for them, their viewers are too dimwitted to notice.

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FINALLY! Fox and Friends Host Acknowledges the Strict Vaccine Mandate at Fox News

Last month President Biden announced his plan to relieve the suffering and tragic loss due to the COVID pandemic. The plan included proposals aimed at getting more Americans vaccinated in the workplace, in schools, and in government agencies.

Fox News, Cov-Aid

Biden’s plan was received with overwhelming popular support by the American people. That popularity was even affirmed in a poll by Fox News, the nation’s most staunchly pro-COVID network.

Ever since Biden’s plan was made public, and in stark contrast to the results of their own poll, Fox News doubled down on their anti-vaccine rhetoric. They went particularly hard on the concept of mandates, which they maligned as communist decrees and instruments of tyranny. Never mind that the corporate policy at Fox News contained an even stricter mandate than the one in Biden’s plan.

Undeterred by reality, the squawking heads at Fox News lashed out Biden and any of the companies that were implementing vaccine mandates ahead of his initiative, which has not yet gone into effect. But for some reason, they never bothered to mention the “oppressive” mandate under which they themselves were forced to toil. It was always some other enterprise that was abusing its employees.

Well, that error of omission officially ended on Wednesday morning when the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends brought up the subject. Co-hosts Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade had a bit of a testy exchange:

Doocy: Our company, like a lot of companies have vaccine requirements. We either had to have gotten the shot or get tested every day. And when we’re in common areas everybody needs to wear a mask. There are a lot of companies coast to coast – I was just looking at brand new ones, General Electric, Union Pacific – are requiring their employees to get the shots. They joined Tyson Food, Walmart, Boeing, IBM, Raytheon, already on board.
Kilmeade: So they’re saying get the shot or you’re fired.
Doocy: Essentially.
Kilmeade: Fantastic. Be prepared to lose 10 to 15 percent of your workforce. I hope that’s okay.
Doocy: Well, people are getting accommodations in certain circumstances.

Setting aside Kilmeade’s counterfactual alarmism (there haven’t been any reports of any significant workforce resignations due to vaccine mandates), Doocy’s belated acknowledgement that Fox News has a corporate mandate is a milestone for the network. It comes as his primetime colleagues are still disseminating disinformation, such as Tucker Carlson’s false proclamation that vaccines don’t work.

Carlson tops the list of those at Fox who have attacked mandates at other companies, while demonstrating their cowardice by ignoring the one that he is silently obeying. Dan Bongino is another, who recently pretended to threaten to quit his radio network because of its vaccine mandate. Although he hasn’t had the guts to say anything about quitting Fox.

It will be interesting to see if any other Fox hosts admit that their employer has a vaccine mandate. But either way, we can rest assured that Fox will continue to deprive their viewers of honest information about the pandemic that is literally a matter of life and death.

As an example, Fox host Neil Cavuto announced yesterday that he tested positive for COVID and is taking precautions due to health conditions that increase his risk. He strongly encouraged viewers to get vaccinated. However, Cavuto’s disclosure and advice has not been mentioned at all on Fox News ever since, although it has been reported on MSNBC and CNN. That should tell everyone something about Fox News’ commitment to the welfare of their audience.

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Fox News Exploits Colin Powell’s Death to Fear Monger About Breakthrough COVID Cases

America’s most notoriously pro-COVID cable “news” network, Fox News, is demonstrating just how grossly callous they can be in pursuit of their reprehensible political agenda. There’s a reason that the current state of the coronavirus in the United States can be accurately called the Fox News Pandemic.

Fox News, Covid

On Monday morning it was announced that former Secretary of State Colin Powell had died. The cause of death was revealed by his family as complications from COVID-19. Sec. Powell is now another tragic statistic of a viral plague that has resulted in more than 700,000 deaths and brought grief to millions of American families.

So leave it to Fox News to leap on this announcement in a way that manipulates it in order to bleed some smarmy partisan gain out of it. On Monday’s episode of Fox and Friends, the “Curvy Couch” potatoes couldn’t let this personal misfortune go by without profiting from it politically. Co-host Will Cain offered a perverse eulogy that furthered Fox’s mission to increase the death toll from COVID (video below). After reporting Powell’s demise, Cain said that…

“There will also be conversations about the fact that he was fully vaccinated according to his family and he died from complications from COVID. We are beginning to see statistics like this grow in frequency. We know that the vaccine does wane over time and its ability to protect you from, not just transmission and infection, but from severe complications and hospitalization, and obviously death as well.” [adding that] “all of us are at potential risk.”

Aside from being profoundly disrespectful to the passing of Powell, this is nothing but pure scare tactics to create more of the doubt and hesitancy about vaccines that Fox News has been disseminating since they became available. It is servile conformity to Donald Trump’s anti-vax alt-facts.

Fox News is lying that “statistics like this grow in frequency.” The truth is that deaths from breakthrough cases are extremely rare. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention there have been about 7,000 such fatalities out of more than 187 million vaccinated Americans. That’s about 0.0037%. Not exactly a threat that suggests that “all of us are at potential risk.” To the contrary, it underscores how effective the vaccines are.

Fox also failed to mention that Powell, who was 85 years old, was also diagnosed previously with multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer that weakens the body’s ability to protect against infections. These are conditions that put him at greater risk. But Cain wasn’t finished with his dishonest fear mongering. He continued with what he falsely said were “the implications on everyday Americans…”

“The family has made a point on their post on Facebook this morning that Colin Powell was fully vaccinated. And as Americans out there wonder what lies ahead for them and they search and they need truth moving forward, we’re seeing data from across the world. We’re seeing data from Europe, from the United Kingdom, the fully-vaccinated people are being hospitalized and fully-vaccinated are dying from COVID. And here we have a very high-profile example that is going to require more truth, more truth from our government, from our health leaders as well.”

Once again, Cain is repeating the deceitful implication that “fully-vaccinated people are dying” in order to frighten Fox’s already panicky viewers. He also baselessly implies that government and healthcare leaders are being insufficiently truthful. And he goes even further to criticize rational measures to mitigate the pandemic, including mandates for vaccination such as the one that is place at Fox News.

Fox News couldn’t wait even a single day before launching this political exploitation of Powell’s death. They are single-mindedly focused on telling tales of terror to keep their audience shivering and glued to their rancid rhetoric. Consequently, they weren’t about to miss out on this fleeting opportunity to stir dread and doubt among their dimwitted devotees.

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WHUT? Tucker Carlson of Fox News Boldly Refuses to Verify that His Disinformation is Reliable

The Olympic grade hypocrisy at Fox News continues to shine through everything they do. And nowhere is that more evident than with matters related to the coronavirus and the tragedies it has wrought on America, largely attributable to the lies and disinformation disseminated by Fox and Donald Trump. Studies show that the nation is currently suffering through what can accurately be described as The Fox News Pandemic.

Fox News. Tucker Carlson

Leading the way down to the depths of viral hell is Fox’s Senior Deceiver, Tucker Carlson. He has already peddled dangerous and flagrant falsehoods such as his promotion of quack cures, his paranoid conspiracy theories that the vaccines don’t work, his support for the unlawful use of fake vaccination cards, and his urging of viewers to make false police reports of child abuse against parents whose children wear face masks.

Despite that record of deliberate and deadly deception, Carlson is now complaining about social media sites trying to encourage the accurate and honest sharing of information upon which lives may depend. Because who would want that? On Wednesday night’s episode he delivered a diatribe against Instagram for what he falsely said was censorship. He was triggered by a message he received when he tried to post a video that was lousy with lies:

“When we put that video on Instagram the following message appeared: “Make sure the information is reliable before sharing!” And then it attempts to redirect you to a site, “Get Vaccine Info.” From some approved site. I guess info about policies at a company they don’t work at? So if you’re not allowed to explain information that you have first hand, credible knowledge of, like your own employer’s own policies, then what rights do you have?”

So Carlson is outraged that Instagram politely asked that he be certain of the reliability of what he was about to post. How dare they care about the accuracy of critical health data? Especially when they are asking someone who is so renowned for spreading lies that his employer, Fox News, argued in court that he couldn’t be guilty of defamation because “no reasonable person” would believe him.

Carlson falsely characterized Instagram’s message as censorship, claiming that he was not allowed to post his dishonest video. He also put his complaint in a chyron that read “Big Tech Tries to Censor this Show Once Again.” However, there was no censorship because Instagram allowed him to click through the message and post his video, which he did.

Another chyron in this segment told another lie regarding the video that he did, in fact, post on Instagram. This one read “There is no Vaccine Mandate at Fox News.” The truth is that Fox News has a policy that does mandate that their employees get vaccinated. It’s a conditional mandate that requires them to be tested daily if they are not vaccinated. That’s almost exactly the same as the policy that President Biden recently announced, except that Biden’s policy is actually less strict. requiring only weekly tests for the unvaccinated.

Apparently Carlson doesn’t know the Fox News position on vaccinations, despite having “first hand” knowledge of his “own employer’s own policies.” And in his ignorance he has slandered Biden as a tyrant for “forcing” people to get vaccinated. But if Biden is “waging war” on the American people, than Fox News has escalated it. Yet, as was scathingly pointed out by MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, Carlson is too cowardly to call out his bosses, or demonstrate an iota of integrity by quitting. And that goes for the rest of the Fox News roster of hypocrites who are nearly as bad as Carlson.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Jen Psaki Bats Down Fox News Reporter and ‘World Renowned Expert’ Ted Cruz in One Swing

Last month President Biden announced an initiative to get more Americans vaccinated, the surest method of controlling the COVID pandemic and returning to some semblance of normalcy. The core of the plan would require vaccinations or weekly testing for federal employees, school staff, and private businesses with 100 or more employees.

Jen Psaki

The Biden plan was overwhelmingly popular according to a Fox News poll. So naturally, Fox News immediately came out against the proposal. Never mind the fact that their own corporate policy is even more strict than Biden’s, requiring daily testing for the unvaccinated. The narrative at Fox news was that the Biden “mandates” would be a drag on business and employment. And to support that baseless notion, Fox ran stories about flight cancelations at Southwest Airlines being caused by the mandates. Which, by the way, have not been implemented by the federal government, but have been by private businesses.

At Tuesday’s White House press briefing, the subject was raised by Fox News correspondent Jacqui Heinrich. Perhaps Peter Doocy was staging a sickout. Heinrich asked Press Secretary Jen Psaki a “people say” question (without mentioning that it was only people at Fox News and partisan Republicans saying anything) about the effect of mandates on the nation’s workforce. Psaki’s reply managed to silence Heinrich, as well as one of the previously unnamed people making the false claims:

Heinrich: What’s the White House response to people who say that vaccine mandates have reduced the workforce and contributed to this problem?
Psaki: Well, I know world renowned business travel and health expert, Senator Ted Cruz, has made that point, but I wouldn’t say that that is widely acknowledged or echoed by business leaders who have implemented these mandates, by health experts who have conveyed that the way to get out of the pandemic is to ensure that we are doing exactly the steps the President has announced and we are working to implement. It doesn’t mean that this isn’t hard and challenging. Of course it is. We are in the middle of a global pandemic. But ultimately, the job of the President is to lead.

OUCH! In one powerhouse swing, Psaki put to rest the falsehoods about what right-wingers have dubbed the “Freedom Flu” (which presumably is treated with Freedom Fries). She went on to note that the false reporting about flight cancelations at Southwest Airlines were not caused by any reaction to policies by the Biden administration or Southwest’s own efforts to protect the health of their employees and customers. “We now know,” she said, “that some of those claims were absolutely false and actually the issues were completely unrelated to vaccine mandates.” Then she reiterated that “this is the way to save lives, create more certainty, it’s good for the economy, and it’s something we’re looking forward to implementing.”

Predictably, Fox’s Tucker Carlson was also lying about the Southwest situation. But for the record, the president of the Southwest Pilots Union was actually on Fox News and told them that “It’s absolutely false that our pilots are engaged in any sort of job action.”

The jab at Ted Cruz for promoting the falsehoods about vaccine-triggered sickouts at Southwest, and his callous betrayal of his constituents in Texas during a deadly winter freeze, were just icing on the cake. Ms. Psaki has a way of gently dispensing some devastating snark just when it’s needed most.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Righteous CNN Media Analyst Scolds Fox News Anti-Vaxers for ‘Helping to Kill People!’

It has been well documented that Fox News is the most prominent promoter of pro-COVID propaganda in America today. They have adopted an across the board editorial mission to belittle the deadly consequences of the coronavirus, while simultaneously dismissing the benefits of the vaccine. Along with Donald Trump, Fox News is convincing untold thousands of dimwitted cult followers to unnecessarily put their lives at risk.

Fox News, Vaccine

Most of the commentaries on Fox News adhere strictly to the network’s politically driven anti-vax agenda. However, by far the most offensive vaccine opponent is Tucker Carlson. He has repeatedly advocated the use of quack cures, spread paranoid conspiracy theories that vaccines don’t work, praised people who unlawfully used fake vaccination cards, and even urged his viewers to file false police reports of child abuse against parents who choose to have their children wear face masks.

Carlson, sadly, isn’t alone. His confederates Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and the rest of the Fox roster are equally as liable for the serious harm the network causes. And on Sunday’s broadcast of CNN’s Reliable Sources they addressed this subject with a panel that included David Zurawik, a professor of communications and media studies at Goucher College, and former TV critic for the Baltimore Sun. Host Brian Stelter began the discussion by accurately noting that the anti-vaxers at Fox News are “essentially are prolonging the pandemic.” This led into Zurawik’s impassioned response:

“It’s like it’s not real to them. It’s like it’s a game. They’re playing for viewership. They’ve got a core that will listen to this and wants to hear this, apparently, and that they’re reinforcing.

“But how do you live with yourself when you know what you’re doing in the media can cause deaths for people? How do you live with yourself? I don’t understand that. There’s a lot of sins we have, and I’ll confess to some of them as a journalist. But I don’t know how people in right-wing media – with the science that we have out there and with all the videos and all the personal tragedies we’ve witnessed of people dying – you go and do anti-vax stuff on television.

“It’s not a game! You walk out on the street, you’re part of the community, you’re part of this country, you’re part of the global community. And you’re contributing to killing people. That’s unconscionable. There is no forgiveness. There is no forgiveness for these people. Go ahead, cash your checks now. You’re helping to kill people. Think of that tomorrow when you go in before the cameras.”

This righteous rant would surely resonate with millions of Americans who also don’t understand how Fox News cretins can live with themselves after disseminating so much demonstrably dangerous advice. They are indeed “helping to kill people” by the thousands. And they couldn’t care less.

It is, for them, about viewership, about a paycheck, and about politically embracing the Trump Doctrine of division and knee-jerk opposition to the common sense solutions offered by his perceived enemies. That group includes Democrats, scientists, academics, and citizens who yearn for a return to some form of normalcy. In short, it is success that Fox News opposes. But only because President Biden might get some of the credit for it. And to Fox News and Trump, avoiding that is worth thousands of Americans dying.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes Exposes Fox News’ Tucker Carlson for the Slimy Little Coward that He Is

The commitment that Fox News has shown for advancing the spread of the coronavirus has been evident from the outset of the pandemic. When they weren’t outright dismissing the threat as a flu or a hoax (in conjunction with Donald Trump), they were disparaging efforts to mitigate the harm, such as wearing face masks and getting vaccinated. The result is that the nation is now suffering from what can accurately be called the Fox News Pandemic.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Bullshit Factory

The most offensive objector to the science-based solutions to COVID has been Fox’s Tucker Carlson. He has relentlessly promoted the use of quack cures, espoused paranoid conspiracy theories that the vaccines don’t work, supported the unlawful use of fake vaccination cards, and even exhorted his viewers to make false police reports of child abuse against parents whose children wear face masks.

On Tuesday Carlson was called out on MSNBC’s All In with Chris Hayes. Clearly Hayes was fed up with the blatant hypocrisy Carlson exuded every time he broached the subject of the pandemic. That was especially true when Carlson sought to malign President Biden’s efforts to actually save lives and return the country to some semblance of normalcy.

Most recently, Biden announced an initiative to get more Americans vaccinated. It included having federal agencies and large companies encouraging their employees to either get the shot or be tested weekly. and it was received with overwhelming support, even in a survey by Fox News.

Undeterred, Carlson persisted with his tunnel-vision, knee-jerk, pro-COVID positions. And he did so despite the fact that his employer had already implemented its own policy that is even stricter than Biden’s, requiring daily testing for the unvaccinated. Which led to Hayes unloading on Carlson and his hypocrisy:

“Tucker Carlson has even launched a personal campaign against the horrible, tyrannical employers out there who require their employees to get vaccinated. He has been giving sympathetic interviews to people who have taken the – in my mind – rather extreme step of quitting their job rather than getting vaccinated.”

“Tucker, buddy, I’ve got news for you: The call is coming from inside the house. Your own bosses are doing this. And I’ve got to ask, Why don’t you have the courage of your convictions? The very lowest level of that courage, which of course he’s failed to show, would be to simply use your platform to actually criticize your own bosses who are making this requirement. You could go on air and say ‘Hey, my bosses are doing this and I don’t agree with it.’

“But that would require the tiniest little sliver of moral integrity. You’d have to take some little, slight risk to your bottom line, and your paycheck, and your stature. You’re probably not going to do that. You certainly wouldn’t do the thing that you’ve celebrated in in others, which is to just quit and walk away rather than be subject to this tyranny.”

There are a couple of points in those remarks that Hayes might need to rethink. First of all, to ask Carlson why he doesn’t have the “courage of his convictions” you would have to assume that he has any convictions. And the same thing goes for any questions regarding Carlson’s alleged “moral integrity.”

Not only would Carlson never give up his Fox News gourmet meal ticket over something as principled as integrity, he will never even admit to his audience that Fox News has adopted the very policies that he is so petulantly whining about. Because to Carlson, none of this is about honor or honesty. It is simply about profit, power, and propaganda.

That goes for all of his confederates at Fox News as well. They are happy in the safety of their vaccinated corporate cocoon, while they simultaneously and deliberately frighten their dimwitted, vulnerable viewers away from the proven things that will protect them, their families, and their nation from illness and death. And somehow they still manage to sleep at night.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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GOP Senator Lies to Fox News that the Pfizer COVID Vaccine is Not FDA Approved

In case anyone was wondering whether or not Fox News was still promulgating lies about the coronavirus and rational, science-based methods of dealing with it, you can set your curiosity aside. The aggressively pro-COVID network is continuing its corrosive crusade to kill as many Americans – mostly their own viewers – as possible.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Coronavirus

On Monday evening’s episode of The Tucker Carlson White Power Hour, the histrionic host invited Wisconsin’s Republican Senator and conspiracy crank, Ron Johnson, to infect viewers with his deceitful disinformation. On that score, Johnson didn’t disappoint. He began by agreeing with Carlson that the renowned epidemiologist, Dr. Anthony Fauci, is a fraud who should be banished from civil society.

Johnson goes on to complain that the pandemic policies of Democrats haven’t worked, resulting in over 700,000 deaths. Of course, most of those occurred during the Trump administration. It wasn’t until President Biden took office that there actually were well-received policies to mitigate the spread of the pandemic. And even after Trump left the White House, his anti-mask, anti-vaccine positions continued to poison the minds of his cult followers.

Undaunted, Johnson recklessly maligned vaccines and proven treatments while plugging quack cures like Ivermectin, a medication mostly used to deworm livestock. But he reached his climax with a blatantly false assertion about the proven safe and effective Pfizer vaccine:

Johnson: These mandates are driven by the bait and switch of the FDA that we now have an approved vaccine. We do not have an approved vaccine in America. They did it for the Comirnaty. It’s available, I guess, in Europe, but the Pfizer vaccine available in the U.S. is not FDA approved. It’s got an emergency use authorization.
Carlson: Someday we are going to learn the depths of the lies, and I think it’s going to be shocking to everyone. Even those of us who have a low opinion of the people making these decisions.

Carlson is right. People will be shocked to learn the depths of the lies that he and Johnson and their ilk are telling. It’s shocking – albeit not surprising – that they can go on TV and say things that are so demonstrably untrue. They have been disparaging the FDA’s Pfizer approval from the start. For the record, back on August 23, 2021

“[T]he U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty (koe-mir’-na-tee), for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older.”

This isn’t the first time that Johnson has uttered this flagrant falsehood. Nor is it the first time that Fox News has let him get away with it. Johnson said the same thing the day before on Fox and Friends. So there has been plenty of time for him to have been corrected before excreting this bullpucky on Carlson’s show. But let’s face it – – they aren’t interested in what’s correct, only in what advances their twisted, right-wing narrative. It’s what Fox News was created for, and what cretins like Johnson exploit to spread their lies.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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