Grifter Girl Lara Trump Says When She is RNC Chair ‘Every Single Penny Will Go to Donald Trump’

The corruption and self-dealing of the Trump family has been well documented over many years (decades). And their brazen disrespect for the law has been proven in numerous court judgments, including the ones that resulted in multimillion dollar penalties and shuttered Donald Trump’s fake university and his phony charity.

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Trump Baby on Cash Pile

However, in the past seven years Trump has turned his grifting operation to politics, raising millions of dollars from billionaires seeking favors from government, extorting funds from foreign countries, and fleecing his deluded MAGA disciples.

SEE THIS: GRIFTER EXPOSED: Trump Campaign Scam Defrauds Hundreds of His Supporters

Expanding that criminal outreach into political scams, Trump is now proposing that his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump (Eric’s girl), be made co-chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC). She would serve along side devoted Trump flunky and election denier, Michael Whatley, and Trump’s campaign manager Chris LaCivita. The elevation of that trio of toadies to run the RNC is further evidence that the party has devolved into a true cult that is blindly obedient to the will of its Dear Leader.

Lara Trump has zero experience in managing an electoral organization. So putting her in charge of the RNC in this profoundly significant election year is something that should be extraordinarily helpful – to Democrats. And she has already demonstrated how much help her leadership will be in a recent interview on Newsmax, the network that employed her as a guest host and contributor after her termination from Fox News. She told her colleague Rob Schmitt that…

“If I am elected to this position I can assure you there will not be any more $70,000 – or whatever exorbitant amount of money it was – spent on flowers. Every single penny will go to the number one, and the only job of the RNC. That is electing Donald J. Trump as president of the United States.”

The rest of the Republican candidates for office must be happy to hear that. The RNC is supposed to be a neutral enterprise that advances the prospects of all GOP candidates. But in the Era of Trump “the only job of the RNC [is] is electing Donald J. Trump.” For some reason Lara’s allegedly billionaire Sugardaddy-in-Law doesn’t think that he has enough money, or access to donors, to finance his own campaign. And that may be true because Trump has had to spend millions of his donors dollars on his legal fees and incompetent lawyers.

SEE ALSO: Trump Whines that His Lawyers are Overpaid, But Considering What They Go Through, They’re Cheap

So now Trump has to appropriate all of the donations made to the RNC that were intended to benefit the party nationally. And even that may not be enough, considering that the Party’s current leadership under chair Ronna McDaniel has been so inept that the party has little to show for it’s efforts. They have raised record low amounts in the past year and have far less available cash on hand than their Democratic opponents.

But not to worry. With Trump’s daughter-in-law at the helm of the RNC, there will be no more wasteful expenditures on things like flowers. Now it will just be lawyers, Trump rallies, golfing, and portraits of Trump. Plus they will be able to introduce the tactics that Trump has used for decades to fill his pockets.

SUCH AS: Trump is Running a Mob-Style Protection Racket Whose Victims Include NATO and Taylor Swift

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The GOP’s Pathetic ‘Research’ Unit Posts Endless, Bogus Clips of Biden Supposedly ‘Confused’

The Republican Party has been working tirelessly on their 2024 campaign for president of the United States. But if you think that means drafting policies or communicating with constituents, or developing strategies, you don’t know today’s Trump-obsessed, MAGA-infected, Republican Party.

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Joe Biden, GOP, Elephant

The modern day GOP is a schizoid disaster area. They have an entirely unique perspective of how to advance their political prospects. The issues that they pretend to care about – from abortion to immigration to foreign conflicts to the economy, etc. – are merely after thoughts that take a back seat to Donald Trump’s agenda of “retribution,” imaginary “witch hunts,” and compulsive blathering about past elections being “rigged and stolen.”

SEE ALSO: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

The official Twitter account for the Republican National Committee’s research unit (RNCResearch) is awash in the obtuse mangling of reality that has become the core of the GOP’s campaign blueprint for 2024. And a quick perusal of the page tells the whole story.

Among their posts just the past couple of days are two dozen that aim to malign President Biden as mentally deficient and confused. However, the problem with their efforts is that the video clips they post to prove their points invariably show Biden as knowledgeable and engaging. And some of the posts are just head-scratchers that show only how desperate the GOP is to bash Biden. For example…

After ludicrous comments like that, Republicans still want to be taken seriously? And that was just for starters. Here a few more “zingers” that the GOP seems to think will destroy any hopes that Biden has for victory in November…

“Biden’s staff isn’t letting him read his typical rambling speech today, so he’s shuffling in and out of a few local businesses instead.”

This was accompanied by a video that shows Biden making a routine stop on the campaign trail.

“A confused Biden caresses the flag before shuffling into the next business — and as hecklers call him a ‘loser.'”

This was accompanied by a video showing Biden walking into a building. He didn’t look the least bit “confused,” and there appeared to by only one heckler in the crowd, which is common for any candidate.

“Biden has one mode: confused.”

This was accompanied by a video showing Biden greeting customers in a cafe and, again, not appearing to be “confused” at all.

“Biden brings out his creepy whisper in Pennsylvania: ‘When you wanna call and check the balance on your account, they charge $30!.”

This was accompanied by a video showing Biden speaking about his progress in eliminating the “junk fees” that companies impose on consumers.

BIDEN: “You’ve got the best economy of any economy in the world right now. And that literally is true, but people turn on the television and what do you hear? Everything’s negative! Even the good stuff ends up negative! And a lot of it is negative!”

It’s hard to determine what the RNC is even upset about with this one. But it was accompanied by a video showing Biden affirming the successes of his administration, while acknowledging that there are still “negatives,” like hurricanes and war in the Middle East. He concluding by expressing his belief in “the heart and the guts of the American people.”

Leaving out the RNC’s biased and awkward captions, these video are more helpful to the Biden campaign than harmful. They show him interacting pleasantly with ordinary Americans and highlighting the work he is doing on their behalf. And by contrast, they reveal how little Republicans are doing and, therefore, have nothing to run on but silly videos like these.

In light of that, the Democratic National Committee might want to consider sending them a “thank you” note. They are already brilliantly trolling Trump on his failing social media scam, Truth Social


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Upcoming Republican Primary Debates May Have Only Two Candidates – But Still No Cowardly Trump

The race for the Republican Party’s nomination for President in 2024 has been a laughably lame affair that appears to be modeled after a third rate reality TV show. It’s “Apprentice – White House” without the boorish board room finale where the playacting potentate pretends to fire one of the contemptible contestants.

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From the start of election season the Republican National Committee (RNC) assumed dictatorial control of the production of these debates with a series of decrees that sought to establish their supreme authority over the process and the candidates. For instance, they prohibited all candidates from participating in any debate not sanctioned by the RNC. They also demanded that all candidates sign a pledge to support whoever the eventual GOP nominee was. As if Trump would keep such a promise.

SEE THIS: RNC Chair Thinks Trump Would Honor a Pledge to Support the GOP Nominee if it Isn’t Him

Apparently the RNC is softening their stance. They are now saying that they will waive their demands to boycott non-RNC sponsored debates. Perhaps that’s because the debates they have produced so far have been fiascos that featured infantile tantrums while avoiding any matter of interest to voters. They have also resulted in sequentially lower ratings for each broadcast. Consequently, CNN has just announced that they will sponsor two debates prior to the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary.

CNN’s announcement said that “The events will provide Republican voters an opportunity to hear the governing philosophies of the leading candidates.” But that seems like a lofty goal that they are unlikely to achieve. After all, the previous debates were hardly forums for learning about the candidates “governing philosophies.” And that isn’t likely to improve considering the conditions they have set for participation…

“To qualify for participation in the Iowa debate, candidates must receive at least 10% in three separate national and/or [Iowa/New Hampshire] state polls.”

By that criteria, the only candidates, other than Donald Trump, who currently qualify for the Iowa debate are Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley. And the only non-Trump candidates who currently qualify for the New Hampshire debate are Nikki Haley and Chris Christie. There is still time for others to meet the criteria prior to the debates, but there are no guarantees that they will succeed.

Should the debates wind up being the head-to-head matchups noted above, they might actually be more interesting. And the absence of the obnoxious blowhard,” Vivek Ramaswamy, would be a welcome relief.

For his part, Trump has declined to participate in any of the four debates already held. And given his increasingly severe psychological slippage, that’s probably a wise decision on the part of his handlers. These days Trump spends most of his time posting either hostile attacks on his perceived enemies, or cultish adoration of himself on his failing Truth Social scam. And his conspicuous cowardice, along with his mental maladies, keep him from sharing the debate stage with his primary challengers, which would only embarrass him and his party further.

So even as the roster of Republicans is reduced with each week that goes by, Trump can be expected to cower in his Mar-a-Lago bunker launching spitballs at his foes, who will deftly avoid any criticism of Dear Leader. And the RNC will continue to prop him up as their inevitable nominee, despite his unmistakable cognitive decline and authoritarian aspirations. This is the state of the Trump Era Republican Party.


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LOLOL: Mike Lindell is Ready to Lead the Republican National Committee if Asked By Trump

The 2024 presidential election will be profoundly consequential for the nation. It will be a choice between Joe Biden, a senior statesman who has proven that he works for the people and respects the Constitution, and Donald Trump, a 78 year old megalomaniac who is facing 91 felony charges, assaulted women, incited a violent insurrection, stole and disseminated classified documents, and who undermined democracy and aspires to reign as a tyrant.

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Donald Trump, Mike Lindell, MyPillow

That ought to be an easy choice. But given the media’s fixation on ratings-driven, horserace politics, and their attachment to covering trivialities such as Biden’s age, rather than Trump’s openly fascist aspirations, the decision appears to be closer than any sense of rationality – or sanity – can explain.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Uber-MAGA 2024 Campaign Message Reeks of the 3rd Reich Rhetoric of the ‘Final Battle’

With Election Day still about a year away, Trump has already succeeded in turning the campaign season into a nightmarish version of a circus sideshow. When he isn’t sitting and scowling in a courtroom, he’s bellowing bombastically at one of his cult rallies. And with every unhinged outburst, Trump affirms his unfitness for office.

However, the freak show produced by Trump and his obedient flunkies in the Republican Party has only just begun. And one of the signs that the worst is yet to come is Trump’s recent souring on Ronna McDaniel, the chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC). Like everything else in Trump’s mind, it is “rigged” against him. He is upset that the party is continuing to hold primary debates – all of which he has chickened out of – when he believes that they should just crown him the “King of the GOP,” despite the fact that not a single vote has yet been cast.

In this swirling political chaos, former Trump advisor Steve Bannon chatted with the MyPillow huckster, Mike Lindell, and posed what he thought was a serious question…

Bannon: Would you volunteer to take over the RNC if the president so asked you?
Lindell: A hundred percent I would. Then I would have all the tools I need to secure these elections immediately. We’ve already got everything in place. We just need resources and their blessing behind us. Absolutely.”

REALLY? Lindell has been insisting for years that he has irrefutable proof that the 2020 election was rife with fraud. He has promised to reveal his proof several times, but for some reason has never done so. And this election-denying, conspiracy crackpot thinks that he would be a reasonable chairperson of the Republican Party? That is a patently absurd notion.

Although, in comparison to the current state of the GOP, it’s not as absurd as it might seem. The RNC is already a full-on farce. Last year they announced that they had withdrawn from the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), which has organized the general election debates since 1987. They accused it of being biased and prohibited any GOP candidates from participating in CPD debates.

SEE ALSO: RNC Doubles Down on Cowardice, Cancels Debates to Shield Snowflake Trump From More Humiliation

There are good reasons for Trump to decline these debates. He will not participate in any event that he doesn’t control or isn’t run by a certified Trump-fluffer. He knows that he would just humiliate himself were he to do so. His ravings are becoming more and more bizarre and unintelligible.

In just the past few weeks Trump has suggested that top American generals should be executed. He proposed mass deportations of migrants and refugees. He promises to build concentration camps for his political opponents. He accuses the media of treason. He even called for the termination of the Constitution. And then there are these cringeworthy clues of cognitive collapse…

  • Trump thinks that he ran against Obama in 2020.
  • Trump said that North Korea has 1.4 billion people. That’s China.
  • Trump praised Viktor Orbán as the leader of Turkey. He’s the leader of Hungary.
  • Trump wrongly said that Hungary shares a border with Russia.
  • Trump warned that Biden would lead the country into World War II.
  • Trump boasted that he was the first person to notice that U.S. spells “us.”
  • Trump repeatedly stated that purchasing bread requires a photo ID

With evidence of psychological disfunction like that, no rational person would vote for Trump. Although he did get the approval of his doctor, an osteopath who isn’t qualified to perform physical examinations. Trump released a suspiciously vague note from his “doctor” that declares that he is in “excellent” health. Most suspicious are the claims that he has “reduced his weight,” has an “improved diet,” and engages in “daily physical activity.” Yeah, right. Recall that Trump’s last doctor’s note was written by Trump himself.

Considering all of the above, how could it hurt to have Lindell chair the RNC? Can we really say that McDaniel is any better? At least it would be entertaining, if you’re into horror stories.

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The Republican Party’s Lies About Biden Are So Blatant that Even Fox News Had to Rebut Them

These are uncommonly hectic times for America and world. With political crises unfolding at home, and terrorist attacks on our allies abroad, the nation and its leaders are being stretched thin as they attempt to deal with all of it.

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Donald Trump, Republican, GOP

It doesn’t help matters that the United States Congress is crippled by the ineptitude and ego of its Republican “leaders” in the House of Representatives. They still can’t manage to select their own Speaker after having ousted the one that took them fifteen votes to elect just nine months ago. In the process the GOP is embarrassing themselves and grasping at preposterous excuses for why their incompetence is all the fault of Democrats.

SEE THIS: Fox News Dangles Dopey Spin that Hakeem Jeffries Lost the Speaker’s Vote ’17 Times in a Row’

Lacking any coherent explanation for their humiliating failures, Republicans are struggling to shift attention away from themselves and unto President Biden. The problem with that strategy is that they haven’t got any rational criticisms of Biden either. Consequently, they are stuck with having to invent complaints that bear no resemblance to reality. For instance, the Republican National Committee (RNC) just tweeted that “Americans are still being held hostage by Hamas terrorists — and Joe Biden is at the beach.”

The GOP tweet seeks to portray Biden as neglecting his presidential duties at a time of dire circumstances. Never mind that Biden just returned from a historic diplomatic mission to Israel. And that’s not all. The RNC’s tweet is so dishonest that even Fox News was compelled to rebut it with the facts. Their reporter, Alexandria Hoff, noted that…

“The President has been anything but off the grid while here in Delaware. [In addition to speaking with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu] the President also spoke with his national security team this morning. Pope Francis as well. Plus the leaders of Germany, France, Italy, the UK, and Canada too. So the President’s line then, here in Delaware, was very busy today. Even on that breezy beach walk you were just talking about, the President was on his cell phone during a portion of that.”

So Biden, according to Fox News, was actually hard at work on behalf of our Israeli allies and the American hostages in Gaza. Meanwhile, what were Republicans in Washington doing while “Americans are still being held hostage by Hamas terrorists”? Well, they called a recess and left town. But even before that they weren’t getting anything done for the hostages or anyone else because they are too incompetent to govern. Consequently, the House of Representatives is going on three weeks without a Speaker. Which means that nothing is being accomplished and they might as well be at the beach.

Yet somehow, the RNC is upset about Biden spending a few minutes strolling with his wife after a hard day of complex and sensitive negotiations with world leaders. But they don’t seem the least bit concerned that the GOP in Congress is in a self-imposed vegetative state.

What’s more, their Dear Leader, Donald Trump, is busying himself with similar memes of Biden at the beach, along with pertinent messages about Mitt Romney being a loser (four of those), and fake video of Trump hitting a golf ball that knocks Biden down several times. All while “Americans are still being held hostage by Hamas terrorists.” Trump also posted a flagrant lie saying that…

“The fight in GAZA is ‘coming home’ to the USA. The tens of thousands of strong young men from the Middle East, that have already ‘invaded’ our Country, and are continuing to come, totally unchecked, will become a problem the likes of which we have never seen before. Crooked Joe Biden is a very ignorant (STUPID!) man, who has NEVER been right on a foreign policy issue in his life. CLOSE OUR BORDER, NOW. STOP THE ONSLAUGHT, STOP THE INVASION!”

Trump doesn’t reveal where he got the “news” that “tens of thousands” of scary Middle Easterners “have already ‘invaded’ our Country.” Probably from the same place that he’s presently sitting on, rather than doing anything constructive for the American people. And he has the gall to malign Biden’s intelligence? All of which makes him the perfect leader for Republicans who are likewise engaged in infantile hostilities and exercising nothing but their lying tongues.


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The Republican Party’s Desperate Smears of President Biden are Getting Even More Pathetic

It is getting harder and harder to be a lying Republican propagandist these days. The success of Bidenomics is narrowing the field of criticisms that the GOP can purposefully twist into perversions of reality. Inflation is down, Gas prices are down. Wages are up. Unemployment is at record lows. The trade deficit is declining. Manufacturing is booming.

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Joe Biden, GOP, Titanic

What’s a Republican spinmeister to do? Their efforts to malign President Biden and other Democrats have not only failed to unearth the slime they have hoped for, they have actually wound up sliming themselves.

SEE THIS: Fox News and GOP Hack Launch Feeble Attack on Biden’s Family Values that Backfires Abominably

As the indictments for their Dear Leader, Donald Trump, continue to accumulate, Republicans are venturing ever farther into an abyss of crackpottery. Recall that Trump previously insisted that any candidate under felony indictment “has no right to be running.” Among the cretins who have sought to cast aspersions on Biden is Fox News Senior Trump-fluffer, Sean Hannity. Having nothing of substance with which to attack the President, Hannity resorted to playing a video of Biden walking spritely up an airplane stairway. But Hannity augmented the clip with his comically absurd, “Whoopsie daisy” narration saying that Biden had tripped, when he obviously did not…

Elsewhere at Fox News, the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends tried to belittle Biden’s impressive fundraising as something less than the profound success that it is…

Will Cain: There’s been a bit of a coronation! I think that’s fair to say. Coronation may be the right word, but there is no debate. There will literally be no debate over who the Democratic nominee for president will be.

Nicole Saphier: Let’s actually put it into context. Sure. Joe Biden has raised $72 million to this point, but in 2019, Trump raised 105 million at this point.”

First of all, rarely does an incumbent president have a primary opponent or debate. And the only Democratic names that have surfaced to date are new age guru, Marianne Williamson, and Steve Bannon’s meat puppet, RFK Jr. So that’s a manufactured controversy that Fox News is obsessing over.

Notice that the Foxies aren’t saying anything about the fact that Trump has been hinting that he may not participate in any Republican primary debates, even though he has at least a dozen challengers, including senators and governors and even his own former VP. And Trump isn’t an incumbent. He’s just a straight up coward.

SEE ALSO: Trump Previews His Excuses for Chickening Out of the Fox News Republican Primary Debate

What’s more, Biden’s fundraising totals that Fox News is cavalierly dismissing are twice what Trump has raised. But Fox tries to compare that to what Trump raised three years ago, as if that has some relevance here. The only point that they have succeeded in making is that Trump’s fundraising has declined 30% since 2019. Nice work Fox.

Finally, the Republican National Committee joined in the desperation parade of ludicrous Biden complaints. They tweeted a video of Biden boarding his helicopter for a trip to Camp David.

The RNC was apparently bothered that, unlike Trump, Biden doesn’t have a diseased ego that requires him to be in the media 24/7, and taking questions every time he leaves the White House. The RNC also complained that Biden didn’t salute the Marine stationed at the helicopter. Of course, presidents are civilians. They have no military rank and are not required or expected to return salutes.

The RNC also brazenly lied about the purpose of Biden’s trip and his vacation schedule. Camp David is not a summer camp. It is a Navy military facility that is fully equipped to conduct any presidential business. Biden has spent far less time on “vacation” than Trump, and the few times that he has vacationed, he wasn’t enriching himself with taxpayer dollars at his own golf resorts.

The Frenzy of farcical fiction by the GOP is off the charts ridiculous. But it isn’t surprising. They have demonstrated that they couldn’t care less about the issues that matter to the American people, and they are wholly devoted to advancing asinine assertions that emanate from their sickly psyches. They are frantically ignoring the vast improvements made in the past two years, because they are rooting for America to fail. Their entire mission is to harass Democrats and lie to their cult followers. They have pretty much admitted it explicitly.

SEE THIS: New GOP Subcommittee Chair Openly Admits His Only Purpose is to ‘Make Life Hell’ for Democrats

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RNC Chair is ‘Very Disconcerted’ that Biden Can’t Get Republicans to Support Trump’s Indictments

The Cult of Donald Trump – aka the Republican Party – is proving once again how devoted they are to their Dear Leader despite the voluminous record of his legal and ethical misconduct. The party is signaling that it will remain loyal to Trump no matter what crimes he has committed, even if he is convicted by a jury of his peers.

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Ronna McDaniel, the chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC), was interviewed by Kaitlan Collins on CNN Friday. The topics of conversation naturally included the recent indictments of Trump on 37 felony counts ranging from obstruction of justice to violations of the Espionage Act. Trump’s response to being indicted was a predictable emotional meltdown attacking President Biden and the the special counsel, Jack Smith.

SEE ALSO: Utterly Deranged Trump Calls Special Counsel a ‘Radical Right Lunatic’ Who ‘Planted’ Evidence

Somewhat less predictable was the position McDaniel took when Collins asked her about whether the GOP would still insist that all of their candidates pledge to support the eventual nominee, if that person had been convicted of felonies. At first, McDaniel shamelessly dodged…

Collins: Why should Republicans be asked to support someone who could potentially be convicted of a felony?
McDaniel: There is no convicted felon in the Republican field right now

That’s technically true. There is just a candidate that has been indicted on 71 counts in two different cases. Nevertheless, McDaniel is adamant that the loyalty oath be enforced if candidates want to participate in GOP primary debates. That doctrine is in effect even though there is little hope that Trump would comply with it. Why should he? He never did before.

RELATED: RNC Chair Thinks Trump Would Honor a Pledge to Support the GOP Nominee if it Isn’t Him

The interview actually went downhill from there. Collins sought to press McDaniel on the issue of Trump’s indictments and the GOP’s gutless and amoral toleration of his lawlessness and corruption. But her justifications were pitifully weak and disassociated…

McDaniel: Republicans feel like there’s one system of justice for them and a different for Democrats. There’s one standard for Hillary Clinton and a different for Donald Trump.
Collins: But the allegations are not the same for Hillary Clinton.
McDaniel: Because she never was investigated.
Collins: She was investigated.
McDaniel: She had a BleachBit server. She destroyed phones.

McDaniel has apparently BleachBitted her brain. Clinton may be the most investigated public official in modern times. Republicans held dozens of hearings about everything from her emails to Benghazi and back. FBI director James Comey was investigating her in the final days of the 2016 campaign, which was a significant factor in her loss. And failing in that argument, McDaniel decides to draw a comparison between Clinton and Trump, asserting falsely that she had 22 classified documents to his 17. In reality, Clinton had zero documents that were classified when she obtained them, and Trump had hundreds.

Collins points out that Trump had taken documents with nuclear secrets and confidential information about our allies. To which McDaniel replied that “He hasn’t had a chance to defend himself.” Seriously? He has been ranting non-stop about his indictment since even before it was announced. The problem is that his rants have all been incoherent tirades filled with lies and insults. He deliberately avoids any factual refutation of the charges against him. He has had plenty of opportunities to defend himself, he just never does so. Perhaps because he has no defense. Which may be one reason why his defense attorneys keep quitting. Along with his noxious personality and refusal to pay them.

RELATED: Crybaby Trump is Panicking Over the Likelihood that He is About to Be Criminally Indicted

McDaniel then complains that Clinton didn’t get indicted or have her home raided, but Trump did. That’s only because Clinton always cooperated with law enforcement. And every investigation, including those by Republicans, concluded that she had not broken any laws. McDaniel closed by whining that…

“We also know we have a President in Joe Biden who isn’t addressing the American people in a time of crisis. A deeply divided country. I think a former president being indicted is a time of crisis. And to not hear from our president, to have Joe Biden hiding again and not bringing people together is very disconcerting.”

Indeed, it is a time of crisis when a former president is indicted. But that’s Trump’s fault for being such an unrepentant criminal. It isn’t Biden’s responsibility to salve the tender feelings of Trump’s cult followers. To the contrary, it would be wholly inappropriate for Biden to comment on the pending charges against Trump. He respects the wall between the White House and the Justice Department. Unlike Trump, whose virtual campaign slogan, referring to Clinton, was “Lock Her Up,” And Trump recently promised to appoint a special prosecutor to “go after” Biden and his family. What’s “very disconcerting” is that after all this time, Trump is still so ignorant that he thinks a president has that authority.

McDaniel spent most of her time in this interview talking over Collins. She deflected with irrelevant detours to the Nothingburger Durham Report, and the Steele dossier. Just like every other Republican who has commented on this, including Trump himself, she clearly doesn’t have a rational response to the facts that led to Trump’s indictment.

Consequently, it is now official Republican policy that candidates and office holders who have committed felonies, including breaches of the Espionage Act, are acceptable and even welcome. In fact, it mandatory to support them in order to be a Party member in good standing. That’s something that all citizens should consider when they vote.

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Anticipating Failure? Fox News is Already Gaslighting About Imaginary Election Fraud in 2024

The 2024 election cycle has barely begun. There has not yet been a single primary. Many expected candidates haven’t officially announced their plans. No debates have been scheduled. In fact, it hasn’t even been established if there will be debates or who will participate.

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Fox News Sad

However, the Republican National Committee has been preparing the field for an utterly useless debate season. For instance, RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel has decreed that GOP presidential candidates will be prohibited from participating in the RNC’s debates if they agree to any debates sponsored by the non-partisan Commission on Presidential Debates. She is also demanding that all candidates sign a pledge to support the eventual GOP nominee. And she actually believes that Donald Trump would honor such a pledge, which he has broken in the past.

RELATED STORY: RNC Chair Thinks Trump Would Honor a Pledge to Support the GOP Nominee if it Isn’t Him

In light of this emerging melodrama, Fox News is leapfrogging the debates, primaries, and general election campaigning, and starting early to invalidate whatever the results of the 2024 election might be. Fox has apparently determined that there is no reason to wait until they’ve already lost next November before starting to whine about election fraud and stirring up future violent insurrections?

To that end, Fox News Senior Trump-fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, invited Newt Gingrich on her Sunday morning propaganda program to gaslight their viewers and set the stage for another effort to undermine democracy. Which led to the following exchange…

Bartiromo: Are the Republicans doing enough to ensure a free and fair election in 2024?
Gingrich: Well, I think it’s almost impossible, under current law, to ensure an accurate election. And I think the only Republican strategy in the long run is to pick issues and win by margins so big that they can’t steal them. If you have a very close election Democrats have a passion for stealing them.”

First of all, the assertion by Gingrich that current law makes it “almost impossible” to have an accurate election is based on nothing more than his reality-challenged imagination. He never bothers to cite which laws he’s referring to. And he is ignoring recent history wherein the allegations of election fraud in 2020 by Trump and his confederates (including Gingrich himself) were universally debunked in more than sixty court cases. They were never able to produce a shred of evidence that any voting irregularities occurred.

Gingrich also engages in textbook projection, wherein he accuses his foes of that for which he and his GOP cohorts are guilty. It is the Republican Party that has exhibited a “passion” for “stealing” close elections by filing frivolous lawsuits to invalidate legitimate votes and voters. And more often than not, it is the GOP that has been caught attempting to commit election fraud.

That said, Gingrich should be encouraged to promote a strategy for Republicans of picking issues with which they can win by big margins. Because he’s been so good at it before. Republicans continue to be convinced that harsh anti-abortion laws, racist immigration policies, pandering to corporations and the wealthy, befouling the planet, and manufactured outrages against buzzwords like CRT, DEI, and “wokism” are the key to their electoral triumphs going forward. Those would all be great subjects for the debates with Democrats next year If Trump doesn’t chicken out.

For his part, Trump has already questioned why he should be bothered with debating his nomination opponents. He is presenting himself as the inevitable victor whose “approval” is required before any debates can be scheduled. “I see that everybody is talking about the Republican Debates, but nobody got my approval,” Trump raged on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social.

Trump continued saying that, “When you’re leading by seemingly insurmountable numbers, and you have hostile Networks with angry, TRUMP & MAGA hating anchors asking the ‘questions,’ why subject yourself to being libeled and abused?” Which is just his way saying that he’s scared of debating and would rather continue libeling and abusing his foes from the safety of his website and his Mar-a-Lago bunker. Then, with the help of Fox News and flunkies like Gingrich, he can cry about the election being “rigged and stolen” from him again.

SEE THIS: Trump Announces that He’s Afraid to Debate Republicans for the 2024 Presidential Nomination

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Trump Announces that He’s Afraid to Debate Republicans for the 2024 Presidential Nomination

It is still nearly a year before any of the primaries for the 2024 Republican nomination for president. But that hasn’t stopped Donald Trump from engaging in the sort of dirty campaign tactics that have been the hallmarks of his political life. Trump has a “burn all bridges” approach to electoral politics, and he has started his rhetorical bombardment unusually early.

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Donald Trump Baby at Podium

The principle recipient of Trump’s wrath has been Ron DeSantis. The Florida governor is currently the only credible opponent in the GOP field, and even in his case, the term “credible” is generous. Trump has been lashing out at DeSantis with criticisms of his failed stewardship of Florida (which is hard to argue with). He accuses DeSantis of seeking to cut Social Security and Medicare, mismanaging the COVID-19 pandemic, and has even implied that he is a gay pedophile. Meanwhile, Trump has welcomed all other GOP candidates into the race with open arms. There’s a reason for that…

SEE THIS: GOP Presidential Poll Reveals Why Ron DeSantis is the Only 2024 Opponent that Trump is Attacking

With the election cycle beginning to heat up, Trump is now displaying signs of his pitiful cowardice. He posted a hysterical comment on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, threatening to refrain from participating in any Republican candidate debates scheduled by the Republican National Committee. Trump raged that…

“I see that everybody is talking about the Republican Debates, but nobody got my approval, or the approval of the Trump Campaign, before announcing them. When you’re leading by seemingly insurmountable numbers, and you have hostile Networks with angry, TRUMP & MAGA hating anchors asking the ‘questions,’ why subject yourself to being libeled and abused? Also, the Second Debate is being held at the Reagan Library, the Chairman of which is, amazingly, Fred Ryan, Publisher of The Washington Post. NO!”

First of all, “everybody” is certainly not talking about Republican debates. Hardly anyone has mentioned them at all. But more importantly, where does Trump get the idea that his “approval” is required to hold such debates. He can decline to show up if he’s too chicken to face his opponents. But he doesn’t get to decide whether there will be any debates, or to dictate the terms.

For the record, the only network that has been identified as a host for any GOP debate is Fox News. Apparently Trump believes that Fox is a “hostile network” that is filled with “angry, TRUMP & MAGA hating anchors.” That’s some nuclear-grade delusion right there. If he’s afraid that he will be “libeled and abused” by Fox News’ questions, what network could he possibly accept as a debate host? Perhaps Russia’s RT news channel?

Trump is also maligning the patron saint of the GOP, Ronald Reagan, whose presidential library has been selected as a debate site. Trump’s problem with that is that library’s board is chaired by Washington Post publisher, Fred Ryan. Trump doesn’t mention that both Rupert Murdoch and his son, Lachlan, are also board members, along with an array of hard right business and political figures. He also doesn’t explain how the physical location would influence the content of the debate.

It is notable that the RNC has already demanded that Republicans refuse to participate in any of the debates sponsored by the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD). This was done on Trump’s behalf to keep him from having to answer questions more difficult than “Were you the greatest president ever”?

RELATED: Cowardly Republican Party to Require Their Presidential Candidates to Boycott 2024 Debates

Some Republicans might complain of hypocrisy considering that the Democratic National Committee recently said that they don’t expect to be holding debates for the Democratic nomination. However, these are two entirely different circumstances. The RNC is expected to have many viable candidates vying for their nomination, including governors and senators. However, the DNC presently has no other serious contenders. New age oracle Marianne Williamson and Steve Bannon’s stalking horse Robert F. Kennedy Jr. certainly don’t qualify. What’s more, it was a decision made by the DNC, not President Biden. If the DNC decides to hold debates, Biden will surely be there.

What we are witnessing is just another example of Trump’s pettiness, self-importance, and abject fear. He’s looking for excuses to evade any confrontations with smarter Republicans on a national stage that he doesn’t control. Should he follow through on his threat, the RNC should hold the debates without him. Which would actually improve their usefulness.

For his part, Trump can stage another cult rally where he rambles on interminably about the same crapola he’s been whining about for the past two years (mostly election fraud and his rapidly accumulating collection of indictments). It won’t get any media coverage other than on Newsmax and OAN. And it certainly won’t expand his support beyond his base of glassy-eyed yokels who are already indoctrinated into his cult. All of which should make for a profoundly comical season of GOP politics.

RELATED: Read Trump’s Raving Arraignment Response as Foretold By His Unhinged Truth Social Rants

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Trump Threatens Republicans to Stop Using His Image to Raise Money that He Wants for Himself

If there is one quality that Donald Trump has always regarded as sacrosanct, it’s loyalty. That’s the attribute that he most fervently demands on the part of anyone wishing to associate with him. They must be 100% devoted to his interests. Unfortunately, that has also always been a one-way street.

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Trump Baby on Cash Pile

There are innumerable people who have learned the hard way that no matter how faithful they are to Trump, he will not hesitate to throw them under a fleet of buses when he decides that it’s in interest to do so. He has repeatedly attacked his Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) when they are insufficiently worshipful. And he had no problem banishing his vice-president, Mike Pence, from his good graces when Pence declined to help him undermine democracy.

RELATED: Trump Renews Whining that Mike Pence is a Deep State Traitor for Not Overturning the Election

Now Trump is turning on the Republican Party and anyone in it who dares to use his name or image in any fundraising efforts. Never mind that he has no legal grounds to enforce such demand because the Constitution protects political speech. According to Politico

“The Trump campaign has sent a warning shot to the Republican Party’s House campaign arm and some of its most prominent digital consultants: Stop using the former president’s image and likeness in your fundraising pitches or you will pay.” […]

“The threat was driven by concern that small-dollar donations that could otherwise be sent to Trump’s own 2024 campaign would instead be diverted to other Republicans.”

Naturally, what is most important to Trump is that he be the sole beneficiary of every money-making operation connected him personally, professionally, and politically. And those who any other politician would regard as an ally, are required to bend to his greed and grifting.

Among the consequences for disobeying Trump are that he would blacklist any offenders from serving in his imaginary, future administration. And firms that implement the use of his hallowed likeness without giving him his cut will be banned from doing any work for his campaign.

Trump’s threat also warned that he would refuse to endorse any candidates who misappropriated his image. Which would be a blessing in disguise since he has often proven to be more hindrance than help. In the 2022 midterm elections, his endorsement was the kiss of death. What’s more, some of the firms he’s threatening are already working for his 2024 rivals, such as Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, and Tim Scott.

Politico points out that this isn’t the first time Trump has issued this self-exalting edict. His campaign legal team sent out cease and desist orders to the Republican National Committee in March of 2021. But because his demand had no legal standing, it was an empty threat and the RNC flatly refused to refrain from using his likeness. There were, therefore, no apparent repercussions, proving once again that Trump is all mouth.

The treachery of Trump is a lesson that Republicans still fail to grasp. Because, as it turns out, experience shows that it would be more detrimental to actually acquiesce to Trump’s demands than to ignore them. As some Republicans found out when they agreed to participate in joint fundraising ventures with Trump…

SEE THIS: Grifter Trump Splits Joint Fundraising Donations 99% to Trump, 1% to His Candidate/Sucker

And yet, there are still glassy-eyed disciples who think that they will get a fair deal with Trump. Which just goes to show how powerful desperation and cult programming can be.

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