Trump is FREAKING OUT Over Arizona Fraudit Results that Prove Biden Won

The sham audit that Arizona Republicans have been hyping for several weeks is coming to an ignominious end. The Cyber Ninjas have released the results of their phony “forensic review,” and will now skulk back into the shadows from whence they came. Meanwhile, Joe Biden will ignore it all and just continue being President.

Donald Trump

On the other hand, Donald Trump and his contemptible confederates are not ignoring it all. Instead, they are focusing on preposterous accounts of utter nonsense so they can keep pumping out their “Big Lie” BS to his dimwitted disciples. The highly disreputable Cyber Ninjas were ultimately unable to manufacture any voting irregularities. In fact, their end count actually showed a wider margin of victory for Biden, with more votes for him and fewer for Trump.

This state of affairs has sent Trump into a ferocious frenzy as he feebly tries to fit the facts into a constructed reality that he, in his narcissistic stupor, can comprehend. And, true to form, his main method for doing that is to flood the zone with wild, nonsensical outbursts that serve no purpose other than to satiate his mammoth ego and to inflame his followers.

To that end Trump had his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington (whose proxy Trump tweeting is violating Twitter’s rules against circumventing a ban) post a statement asserting that the subpoenas of four of his closest associates (Mark Meadows, Dan Scavino, Steve Bannon, and Kash Patel) were merely a diversion from the the Cyber Ninja fraudit report.

One of Trump’s tweets on Thursday forewarned that “everybody will be watching Arizona tomorrow to see what the highly respected auditors and Arizona State Senate found out regarding the so-called Election!” That tweet didn’t age well. On Friday the report validating the original vote count was released with none of the “proof” of corruption that he and his minions had promised.

But it didn’t stop there. Trump, via Harrington, pounded out a manic maelstrom of 55 tweets alleging election fraud, in spite of the results in the official review. He hasn’t had a Twitter tirade like that since before he was banned. It was a bizarre hodge-podge of unsupported claims with no factual basis or verifiable evidence.

For instance, in one tweet Trump delusionally claimed that the “Lamestream Media are feeding large-scale misinformation to the public about the Arizona Audit. The Audit was a big win for democracy and a big win for us.” In another tweet he simply demanded that “Arizona must immediately decertify their 2020 Presidential Election Results.” He recently made the same demand of officials in Georgia.

It only got worse from there. It just doesn’t matter to Trump – or his cult followers – if the evidence matches his assertions. It doesn’t even matter if his blathering has any resemblance to reality. Trump just lets his rhetorical rambling pour out with the confidence that his simple-minded pawns will obediently buy into it. And he hits them with wave after wave of muddled meanderings to keep them off balance and incapable of noticing that none of it has any intelligible meaning. And, sadly, for some small, pathetic portion of the populace, it’s actually working for him.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Trump Turns to Notorious Right-Wing Fake ‘News’ Website to Push His Election Fraud Lies

America is undergoing a trifecta of tribulations. In the midst of a deadly pandemic, we have also had a category 4 hurricane, and we are struggling to extricate ourselves from a twenty year long war in Afghanistan. But leave it to Donald Trump to awkwardly shift the topic back to his own delusional and narcissistic self-interests.

Donald Trump, Fox News, Fake

That’s right. Trump has waived off COVID (which he never really cared about), Afghanistan, and Hurricane Ida, to whine about his having lost the 2020 presidential election to Joe Biden eight months ago. On Monday afternoon Trump released a statement via his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington (whose proxy Trump tweeting is violating Twitter’s rules against circumventing a ban), asserting yet another bogus claim of election fraud. It’s just another branch of his “Big Lie” that incited the January 6th insurrection in Washington, D.C.

In Trump’s latest claim he yowls that “Georgia has been caught,” covering up some utterly unfounded discrepancy with 43,000 mail in ballots. As usual, there is no credible evidence of anything improper with the vote in Georgia that has been recounted three times under the supervision of all Republican officials, including the Governor and Secretary of State.

Another good indicator of the illegitimacy of this claim is Trump’s source, the Georgia Star News. National Public Radio investigated this organization in February and reported that

“[The Georgia Star News] looks like a regular news website [but] It’s part of the Star News Network — an expanding network of pro-Trump sites seeking to influence local politics with conservative opinion by mimicking the look and feel of local newspaper sites.”

In other words, it’s a sham run by right-wing propagandists to put out politically partisan disinformation. They have a track record that already includes a fact check by Georgia Public Broadcasting that found a previous article about allegedly missing ballots was entirely false. Another article asserting problems with ballot drop boxes was given 4 Pinocchios by the Washington Post. Trump thanked and praised the Georgia Star News for that pack of lies in a tweet at the time.

Trump routinely links to articles by disreputable news manglers like Newsmax, OAN, Breitbart, Daily Caller, and Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post (all of which he did today). But the Georgia Star News is a new low in shameless media hackery. It is literally “fake” news. And it says something about the level of desperation that Trump is sinking to in order to continue peddling his lies.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Trump Exploits the Terrorist Attack in Afghanistan to Whine About Losing the 2020 Election

In the wake of the tragic terrorist attack in Afghanistan, Republicans wasted no time engaging in rank politicization of the loss of life and wantonly blaming President Biden. This despite the overwhelming evidence that Donald Trump bears the most responsibility due to his having negotiated a “surrender agreement” with the Taliban (according to his own National Security Advisor), and his lethal failure to plan for the withdrawal.

Donald Trump, Snake Tongue

For his part, Trump is behaving predictably as he frantically absolves himself of any responsibility, baselessly castigates his critics, and incoherently rambles from subject to subject in an effort to land on something that he thinks casts him in a favorable light.

Trump’s most recent babbling in this regard took an especially rancid turn as he conflated the casualties in Afghanistan with his “Big Lie” rhetoric about the 2020 presidential election having been “stolen” from him. In a tweeted statement by his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington (whose proxy Trump tweeting is violating Twitter’s rules against circumventing a ban), Trump ranted that…

“If the Democrats could fight wars as well as they execute Election Fraud, we would have obliterated all of our many enemies throughout the World, and would have nothing to worry about!”

Really? First of all, Trump is sort of complimenting Democrats with his admission that they outsmarted him by decisively defeating him the 2020 election. Although outsmarting Trump isn’t a particularly high bar to get over. But worse, Trump is noxiously exploiting a human tragedy in order to continue propagating the same proven lies about election fraud that led to the deadly January 6th insurrection in Washington, D.C.

What’s more, Trump is accusing Biden and the Democrats of failing to “win” the war in Afghanistan after being in office for only seven months. If that’s a failure on Biden’s part, what does it mean that Trump had four years during which he could have “obliterated all of our many enemies throughout the World,” but failed to either achieve victory or to complete a withdrawal?

On at least three occasions in the past two days Trump has made made similarly repulsive remarks. He told radio right-winger Hugh Hewitt that Democrats “used COVID in order to cheat, cause they cheat fantastically. If they could fight wars like they cheat in election, we would have had that war won in one day.” And he released a pure propaganda video on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program wherein he exalted himself saying that “This tragedy should never have taken place. It should never have happened. and it would not have happened if I were your president.”

Trump’s assertions that the world would have been a peaceful utopia had the American people reelected him is an absurdity borne out by actual facts. Not only were 80 service members killed in Afghanistan on Trump’s watch (most of which he callously ignored), but there were multiple attacks on military bases in the United States, resulting in 12 fatalities. Trump has also conveniently forgotten the terrorist attack by ISIS in New York City that killed eight civilians.

By using the deaths of American soldiers to regurgitate his election fraud conspiracy theories, Trump is affirming his unfitness for any office of public service. He is disqualifying himself from inclusion in civil society. And he is putting his well known narcissism, indecency, and inhumanity on public display. But then again, what else would you expect from Trump and his Republican Party?

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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How Stupid is Trump’s Designated Twitter? Check Out Her Bogus ‘Proof’ of Election Fraud

Ever since Donald Trump was banished from Twitter nearly eight months ago “due to the risk of further incitement of violence,” his spokesperson, Liz Harrington, has been proxy tweeting on his behalf. Doing so is a blatant violation of Twitter’s rules against circumventing a ban, and should not be permitted. But Twitter is neglecting its own rules in order to placate a pathetic loser who is intent on inflaming his glassy-eyed disciples like the one who made a bomb threat in Washington, D.C. Thursday morning.

Donald Trump, Twitter

Harrington’s tweets are mostly just cut and paste regurgitations of the hostile, ignorant, and often incoherent lies issued by Trump. She has posted hundreds of them of them in the past few months. But she will occasionally post something that she thinks is important for Trump’s cult followers to know about. And that’s what she did on Thursday when she retweeted a video that claimed to be “proof” of the mythical election fraud that Trump is so obsessed with. Harrington added her own sarcastic commentary mocking the video as evidence of “The most secure election in history.”

This was clearly a triumphant discovery for Harrington. She had found what was, in her feeble mind, confirmation of Democratic shenanigans to steal another election. There was just one problem. Everything about the video smelled of horse manure. Everything from the caption alleging that two women were “stealing” ballots, to the attribution associating it with the police, were totally fabricated.

First of all, there is no time stamp on the video so it could have been made ten years ago. There is no verifiable location. There is no identification of the people, who may actually be authorized to maintain the mail facility.

What’s more, the envelopes are not recognizably ballots. And even if it were, it cannot be determined how they were voted. If anything, they would be more likely to be votes for Gavin Newsom because Democrats are more likely to vote by mail than Republicans. So maybe Harrington actually stumbled on another example of the GOP tampering with an election.

Finally, the user ID (“police-frequency”) is not affiliated with law enforcement, despite the notation that explicitly asserts that. If you go to the original source for the video you’ll find that it is just the social media account of a right wing, Trump supporting Telegram user who posts lots of links to conservative conspiracy theories and Fox News.

If this were just some random Twitter clown posting the typical nonsense that gets disseminated online it would be bad enough. But Harrington is the official spokesperson for a former president who continues to string along his sheep with hints of a future campaign to regain the White House (despite his deranged insistence that he never lost it).

It is irresponsible and potentially dangerous for Harrington to post messages like these as it adds fuel to Trump’s crusade to undermine faith in American democracy. But in addition to the possible civil unrest it could provoke, it is also pitifully stupid. It shows that she couldn’t bother to spend ten minutes to investigate the video and see what a load of bunk it was. Or perhaps she did and didn’t care. That would be routine behavior for Trump and his team of professional, albeit frightfully inept, liars.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Trump is Fired Up Over ‘Massive Evidence’ of Election Fraud that Doesn’t Actually Exist

The madness of Donald Trump has not subsided in the slightest amount since his humiliating loss to Joe Biden eight months ago. In fact, he has gotten perceivably worse. In recent days he has claimed for himself the exclusive “right” to destroy America. He has admitted to pressuring the Department of Justice to “Just Say the Election Was Corrupt.” He has doubled down on his deadly, sociopathic, pro-COVID agenda.

Flaming Trump

On Sunday afternoon Trump took another step off the ledge of sanity. In another of his public whine-fests tweeted by his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington (a flagrant violation of Twitter’s Terms of Service that prohibit circumventing a ban), Trump reiterated the “Big Lie” that he has been peddling to his dimwitted cult disciples for the past several months. His new claim combines his fantasy fiction about the 2020 election with his seething hatred for the free press. What follows is an annotated transcript of his lunacy marinated message (linked here for those who wish to report it).

“The New York Times, and others, always insert a clause into their stories, ‘WITHOUT EVIDENCE, that the election was decided fraudulently.’ As usual, this is FAKE NEWS.”
Appending the phrase “without evidence” is not a “clause.” It’s a statement of fact. Trump and his minions lost more than sixty court cases challenging the election due to the total absence of any supporting evidence.

“There is massive and unconditional evidence that the election was shattered with fraud and irregularities at a level that our Country has never seen before. Much of it is already public, and a great deal more is coming out in the very near future. Every time you read a statement that there is ‘no evidence of election fraud,’ about the 2020 election scam, just attribute that statement to a crooked and collusive media (they work closely together with the Radical Left Democrats) that will do anything to hide the real facts of this election fiasco.”
It is amazing how this alleged evidence is “massive” and “unconditional” (whatever that means), and occurs “at a level that our Country has never seen before,” but he can’t cite a single example of any of it. However, he instructs his devotees on how to process the fact that there isn’t any proof by simply attributing it to the “crooked” media. In other words, don’t believe lying eyes. If he really wants people to accept his claims of fraud, why doesn’t he just present some proof of it?

“After seeing the irrefutable evidence from numerous states, others are talking about doing deep forensic audits. This election was a scam and the Lamestream Media is doing everything in their power not to allow the people to see or read about what really took place. We no longer have a free and open media (they don’t cover the truth), but the word is getting out stronger than ever before.”
Once again, it is easy to refute evidence that doesn’t exist in reality. And the only states that are talking about doing audits are those with Republican legislatures who have bought into Trump’s lies. If Trump has a problem with the media not covering his alleged evidence, why doesn’t he produce it? Perhaps because it only exists in his twisted imagination?

“Even the Justice Department has no interest in the crooked and corrupt 2020 Presidential Election. They are only interested in hurting those who want to reveal how totally dishonest it was. The Justice Department should be looking at the people who rigged the election, not the Patriots of our Country who are seeking to find how our Nation was defrauded.”
For the record, Trump’s own Justice Department, with dependable sycophants like Attorney Genuflect Bill Barr, refused to validate his election fraud ranting. Barr’s opinions were eventually revealed in Jonathan Karl’s new book, Betrayal, where Barr is quoted as saying that “My suspicion all the way along was that there was nothing there. It was all bullsh**.” That, of course, triggered a Trumpian temper tantrum.

“We must also look to the future and fight for State Legislatures to reform their elections so that this will NEVER happen again. In the end, truth will WIN!”
Can’t really argue with that. Although, in Trump’s mind he’s actually proposing election “reforms” that suppress the vote, and “truths” that are flagrant distortions of reality that fit his delusional, narcissistic psychoses.

And there you have it. Trump’s tedious tirade about unprecedented levels of election fraud that doesn’t contain a single example. And yet, somehow his cult followers eat this up with a side of fries. It’s both pitiful and frightening that this can occur in a modern democratic society. We can only hope that spell wears off before the damage done is irreversible.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Corona in Arizona: Trump Shill Promotes His Latest Super Spreader Rally as Virus Surges

Donald Trump will be delivering another of his cult rally rants on Saturday in Phoenix, Arizona. It’s actually just the same speech he has been giving all along – he won the 2020 election, Democrats are communists, Trump is the Messiah, etc. How anyone can listen to him more than once or twice is a mystery. His repetitive tirades are tedious in the extreme. Only a true disciple could tolerate it.

Donald Trump Rally, Sieg Heil

However, there is a profound difference in the scheduling of this particular rally, at this time, in this place. Not that Trump cares, but there happens to be a deadly pandemic in progress. And it is currently spiking significantly in Arizona. According to the Arizona Department of Health, the number of cases on July 23 (1,528) has more than quadrupled since July 17 (364), a week ago. The number of deaths has doubled so far, but fatalities always lag infections.

In this environment Trump is gathering his flock of mostly unvaccinated sheeple to a stadium where they will congregate indoors for hours without masks while the most infectious version of the coronavirus to date is running rampant. This is a COVID friendly affair that will likely produce hundreds of new cases, hospitalizations, and fatalities.

Nevertheless, Trump has been promoting the rally with the help of his spokeswoman, Liz Harrington. Harrington regularly tweets Trump’s “statements” that have taken the the place of his Twitter babbling since he was banned “due to the risk of further incitement of violence.” And he needs all the help he can get since his cult rallies are now only carried by cheesy, wingnut, wannabe networks like Newsmax and OAN:

It should not go without notice that Harrington’s postings are blatant violations of Twitter’s terms of service that prohibit attempts to circumvent a suspension. (more on that here). She has posted Trump’s pseudo-tweets at least 60 times in just the past three weeks. Harrington’s account should be reported and suspended for her repeated breach of Twitter rules.

In addition to the public health hazard that this pandemic party represents, the location was surely chosen in part because it is where crackpot conspiracy driven Republicans are conducting a fraudulent audit (aka fraudit) in order to “prove” that Trump scored a historic – albeit delusional – victory.

That effort, though, is going so badly that the Cyber Ninjas performing the fraudit just blocked the Arizona Senate’s GOP audit liaison from entering the site because he disclosed that there have been no discrepancies or irregularities found. That, of course, would contradict the lies that the Ninjas plan to tell whenever they finally complete their sham audit. But then, what’s another flurry of falsehoods after the tsunami of lies that have already blown through?

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

HYSTERICAL: Trump Slams Fox News in Massive Meltdown Over His Absurd Election Lies

The downward spiral of Donald Trump continues to spin uncontrollably into the depths of madness. The evidence is impossible to ignore. He recently filed a laughably ludicrous lawsuit against Twitter, Facebook, and Google. He posted plagiarized plugs for books by Fox News flunkies. And on Saturday morning crybaby Trump whined pitifully that the British Open snubbed his money-losing Turnberry golf course.

Donald Trump Circling the Drain

However, that wasn’t the worst of Trump’s emotional malfunctions this week. His months long mental breakdown over having decisively lost the 2020 presidential election to Joe Biden has consumed his every waking moment. Never mind that it was that lunacy that led to the deadly insurrection in Washington, D.C., on January 6th, and is likely to incite further violence on the part of his Crackpot Crusaders. Trump persists in peddling the “Big Lie” despite having no proof whatsoever.

On Friday Trump had his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington, post his latest temper tantrum on Twitter, since he’s been banned for repeated, and potentially harmful, lies. The message began with a wild swing at his own Ministry of Disinformation (aka Fox News):

“Fox News and other media outlets incorrectly side with the outdated and terrible Maricopa County Election Board to report no fraud found in the Presidential Election. They spew the gross misinformation purposefully put out by the county and the Associated Press.”

Trump is referring to an article published by the Associated Press and tweeted by Fox News anchor Brett Baier. The article revealed the results of a comprehensive study of alleged election fraud in Arizona and concluded that there wasn’t any to speak of (fewer than 200 “possible” cases out of 3.4 million votes). Trump went on to make what he presented as “factual” assertions of fraud, but for which there is zero basis in the real world:

“[They] IGNORE the very important Arizona Senate’s hearing yesterday, which showed 168,000 fraudulent ballots printed on illegal paper (unofficial ballots), 74,000 mail-in ballots received that were never mailed (magically appearing ballots), 11,000 voters were added to the voter rolls AFTER the election and still voted all the access logs to the machines were wiped, and the election server was hacked during the election.”

All told, Trump’s utterly unfounded claims assert that there were more than a quarter of million fraudulent votes tallied in a race that he lost by about 11,000. All of the allegations were drawn from Republican conspiracy theorists in the Arizona Senate and their hired hoaxsters, the Cyber Ninjas.

As an example of how flagrant their fallacies are, the AP fact check debunked the claim of 168,000 allegedly fake ballots on the wrong paper, noting that they were ordinary provisional ballots that were printed and cast on election day. It’s something anyone with election experience would know. Also easily debunked was the 74,000 mail-in ballot claim, saying that the Ninjas were simply using the wrong data files and that “the claim isn’t true and represents a misunderstanding of how early voting works in Arizona.” In other words, the Ninjas, who have no experience in election audits, are idiots who don’t have the slightest idea what they’re doing.

The same failure to grasp the assignment they’ve been given taints all of the other claims in Trump’s harangue. But that didn’t stop him from accelerating the crazy. He quoted a few blatantly partisan GOP state senators to support his babbling rant. None of them offered any proof of fraud either. Just like Trump’s crack legal team that lost more than 60 cases because they couldn’t produce a scrap of evidence. This is all he has to cling to. And it only confirms just how detached from reality he and his glassy-eyed cult followers are.

It should also not go without notice that Harrington’s posting of these statements by Trump are violations of Twitter’s terms of service that prohibit attempts to circumvent a suspension. (more on that here). She has posted Trump’s pseudo-tweets 48 times in just the past two weeks. Harrington’s account should be reported and suspended for her repeated breach of Twitter rules.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Wait, What? Did Trump Just Concede that Reports of ‘No Evidence of Voter Fraud’ is a Fact?

Donald Trump continues to be fixated on his “Big Lie” that incited the January 6th insurrection in Washington, D.C. His obsession with these dangerously inflammatory allegations that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him remains the focus of his public commentaries. It’s the same insanity he’s been dispensing for months. And the madness that he’s spreading is almost certainly going to lead to further violence.

Donald Trump, Insane, Straight Jacket

On Saturday Trump issued another of his ego-soaked press releases. And his spokeswoman, Liz Harrington, obediently posted it on Twitter, a violation of Twitter’s terms of service for which she should be suspended. The message was a tedious reprise of the very same tantrums Trump has been throwing for months but which, for some reason, his glassy-eyed cult followers never seem to tire of.

However, this statement began with an awkwardly phrased assertion that serves as an inadvertent admission. Trump wrote that it’s…

“Very interesting, funny, yet sad, that every time I read or hear a story in the Lamestream Media about the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, it always is preceded by the fact that, “while no evidence of voter fraud is available,” or statements to that effect, this could not be more incorrect or “fake.” Massive evidence has been accumulated which shows voter fraud at a level that is virtually beyond comprehension.”

So Trump is now conceding that all of these stories about alleged election fraud are “preceded by the fact” that, “no evidence of voter fraud is available”? That’s good to know.

Of course, Trump isn’t really acknowledging reality. Just like he stubbornly fails to accept the reality of his humiliating election loss to Joe Biden. He’s just incapable of forming a coherent thought. And that is evident in the rest of this press release that purports to show that “Massive evidence has been accumulated which shows voter fraud at a level that is virtually beyond comprehension.” He must be keeping all of that “massive evidence” locked up at his Mar-All-Ego resort on Florida. And what is “beyond comprehension” is that anyone would believe his ravings.

Right off the bat Trump claims that there was something amiss with 35,000 votes in Georgia. But while says to “check out the recent story,” he doesn’t bother to provide a link or even cite the publisher. That may be because it comes from a single – and utterly disreputable – source, the ultra-rightist Federalist. And then Trump says to “watch what is happening in Arizona, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania,” where there is nothing notable happening at all, other than some Kool-Aid drinking Trumpists trying unsuccessfully to manufacture “proof” of election fraud.

Following that, Trump whined about “Republicans in name only (RINOS)” who he believes are deliberately covering up the “corruption” of Democrats, for which he is still unable to offer even a sliver of evidence. Nevertheless, he babbles about the “fake” “Mainstream Media” and insists that “People and facts are coming out at a level which can only be called ‘fast and furious.'” But the only actions coming out “fast and furious” are investigations into criminal election interference by Trump and his anti-democracy minions. Those probes are currently ongoing in Arizona, Michigan, and Georgia, so far.

In addition to Saturday’s press release, Trump also called in to Fox News for his regular tongue-bathing by Maria Bartiromo. The shamelessly sycophantic Bartiromo let Trump ramble on about the shooting of violent insurrectionist Ashli Babbitt. Naturally, Trump suggests that the shooting was a Democratic assassination plot of an “innocent, wonderful, incredible woman.” that originated in the office of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer:

When the subject came up about the House Select Committee that is being assembled to investigate his January insurrection, Bartiromo approached it tenderly, leaving out any remnant of context or facts:

Bartiromo: It may very well be that Kevin McCarthy is called to testify under oath. Do you want to tell us what took place on that phone call?
Trump: No, I don’t have to because Kevin will speak and I’m sure Kevin will be very good from that standpoint. But I will tell you this: If they’re gonna do this very partisan investigation because they couldn’t get support to do a straight investigation, a big part of that investigation is the reason people went to Washington, and that’s because of the fraudulent presidential election of 2020. And that has to be a part of it.

And everybody that got there, I think, those people want to talk about the reason they were there. Because to me, that’s the biggest crime of all. We had a corrupt election. We had a rigged election. We had a stolen election. And that’s why you had over a million people march to Washington.

Notice that Trump, who ordinarily won’t shut up for two seconds, doesn’t want to talk about what happened in his phone call with McCarthy. That was McCarthy’s call for help during the Capitol siege that Trump refused saying that, “I guess these people are more upset about the election then you are.” And McCarthy wasn’t particularly interested in talking about it either when asked by Chris Wallace of Fox News.

What’s more, Trump correctly observed that the Select Committee was only established “because they couldn’t get support to do a straight investigation.” To be clear, it was Republicans who refused to support the bipartisan commission, despite the fact that Democrats agreed to all of their requests.

Finally, Trump goes into his all-fiction song and dance about the “rigged, corrupt, stolen” election. And to add some new spice, Trump is now applying his infamously deficient math skills to claim that “over a million people” participated on Insurrection Day. Which is another inadvertent admission that the rioters were his supporters, not Antifa or Black Lives Matter, as Trump and his Fox News apologists have been trying so desperately to spin.

All of this contributes to the “massive evidence” that Trump and Fox News are depraved and unrepentant liars. Although on Trump’s part there may also be some measure of metal illness producing his hysterical delusions and paranoia. And their brazen dishonesty is creating an environment of peril for democracy and America. Not that they care. They have already killed more than 600,000 American with their purposeful lies about the COVID pandemic. So what’s a little nation destroying after that?

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Goes Totally Bonkers Berating Bill Barr Over the ‘Bullsh–‘ Bombshell

Donald Trump’s wrath is as predictable as the sun setting in the west. And on Sunday night the sun set on Trump whining petulantly about reports that his Attorney Genuflect, Bill Barr, confessed that “We realized from the beginning it was just bullsh–.” He was talking about the “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was rife with fraud and had been stolen from Trump, Never mind that Barr was an active participant in that campaign of self-serving and evidence-free lies. And now, his futile attempt to rehabilitate his shattered reputation has triggered his former boss.

William Barr, Donald Trump

Trump issued a statement (posted below) lambasting “RINO former Attorney General Bill Barr” because he “failed to investigate election fraud, and really let down the American people.” Trump cited as an example Barr’s neglect to do anything about “the scam that took place in Georgia of ballot stuffing on camera.” Which, of course, never happened, and for which no video exists.

Trump also wondered why, “If there was no fraud, why are Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and other States spending so much time and effort on exposing the fraud?” The all-too-apparent answer is that it’s only delusional and ultra-partisan Republicans wasting time on such nonsense. And they have, to date, exposed precisely nothing. Although Trump and his disgraced attorney, Rudy Giuliani, have lost some sixty court cases attempting to materialize his phantom claims of fraud.

Whereupon, Trump itemized a list of alleged voting irregularities that he says “we already know,” but that share the distinctive characteristic of being utterly fictional. They include the purging of “101,789 “obsolete” voters” who, by definition didn’t vote at all; “Thousands of ballots ‘wheeled in through the back door'” that exist only in his warped imagination; “Illegal alien votes” that occurred in tiny numbers and most often inadvertently; “Election law changes” that supposedly violated some imaginary clause in the Constitution; And, as Trump says “much more.” And all of it flagrantly false.

Trump implied that Barr is lying now because he previously praised Trump in his pro forma resignation letter. However, Trump doesn’t entertain the possibility that Barr is telling the truth now and was lying back then to beat a hasty retreat from a sinking ship. Either way, Barr cannot be considered trustworthy. And the same goes for GOP Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell, who Trump chastises as a “spineless RINO.”

Trump sets up his conclusion by expressing his “disappointment in every sense of the word” for the man he hired to lead the Justice Department into disrepute. Plus, Trump demonstrates that he has no idea what the job of Attorney General entails. Suggesting that he thinks the AG represents him personally, and is subject to attorney/client privilege, Trump complains that Barr “shouldn’t be speaking about the President.” Then Trump alleges that Barr, who was the most conflicted and partisan AG in modern history, had actually been working to quash the investigations that Trump wanted him to pursue when, in fact, Barr was the driving force behind such probes.

Trump finally closes saying that “Bill Barr’s weakness helped facilitate the cover-up of the Crime of the Century, the Rigged 2020 Presidential Election.” Which is actually true, but not for any of the reasons that Trump thinks it is. Barr was a proponent of the “Big Lie” that triggered Trump’s insurrection on Capitol Hill on January 6th. He advanced Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election results in defiance of the will of the people. And despite Trump’s infantile whining and insults, he and Barr will go down in history together as traitors to their nation and to democracy.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

AG Bill Barr on Trump’s Big Lie: We Realized From the Beginning it Was Just Bull****

The frantic and futile excuses being proffered by Donald Trump’s accomplices in his decimation of democracy continue to accumulate amidst the rubble of his disastrous administration. Like rats abandoning the carcass of the USS Trump, they are affecting a full retreat in the hopes of salvaging the remnants of their reputations.

Donald Trump, Bill Barr

The latest rat to run ashore is Trump’s Attorney Genuflect, Bill Barr. A new and appropriately titled book scheduled for release later this year – Betrayal, by ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent Jonathan Karl – reveals some choice quotes by Barr related to Trump’s “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him. Barr told Karl that…

“My attitude was: It was put-up or shut-up time. If there was evidence of fraud, I had no motive to suppress it. But my suspicion all the way along was that there was nothing there. It was all bull—-.”

And on allegations that voting machines were rigged to switch votes from Trump to Biden, Barr said that…

“We realized from the beginning it was just bull—. It’s a counting machine, and they save everything that was counted. So you just reconcile the two. There had been no discrepancy reported anywhere, and I’m still not aware of any discrepancy.”

Really? Then how would Barr explain his staunchly sycophantic behavior while heading the Justice Department? How would he explain his initiatives to “uncover” alleged mail-in voter fraud for which he admitted there was no evidence? How would he explain his appointment of special counsel John Durham to investigate contrived election irregularities involving Russia? And how does Barr explain his request to Fox News CEO Rupert Murdoch to “muzzle” one of the network’s few Trump critics? At what point did Barr “realize” that all of these projects were bull manure? It certainly wasn’t “from the beginning.”

While it’s interesting to see Barr confess that there was never any truth to Trump’s whining about non-existent voter fraud (which he is still doing), we must remember that Barr was fully complicit in Trump’s long and dangerous campaign of lies. He is only conceding these sins to absolve himself of the guilt that he deserves, and to try to piece together his shattered reputation. It isn’t going to work. And Trump, along with his criminal mob (including Barr) will forever be stained as traitors to America.

UPDATE: It didn’t take long for Trump to lash out at Barr saying that, “RINO former Attorney General Bill Barr […] failed to investigate election fraud, and really let down the American people.”

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.