Tucker Carlson Goes Full Insurrectionist: Promotes AR-15’s to Use Against Government

It’s on people! Tucker Carlson, the Senior White Nationalist at Fox News, is openly advocating violent insurrection. He is justifying his support for the ownership and use of military-style weapons by fear mongering about a tyrannical government that must be brought down by the same sort of paranoid seditionists that attacked the Capitol on January 6th.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Q Shaman

Fox News and its Republican benefactors have been known to exploit the 2nd Amendment issue extraordinarily hard whenever there is a mass shooting. In the past week they have made it their mission to ignore the recent incidents that took the lives of 18 people. They preferred to cover petty distractions like President Biden walking up stairs. They care more about suppressing voters than suppressing killers.

On Carlson’s program Tuesday night he interviewed ammosexual Colion Noir, who once hosted a “show” on the now defunct NRA-TV. The two of them belittled the tragedy that just took place in Boulder, Colorado, while glorifying the weapon that produced the carnage. Their discussion was steeped in extremist rhetoric that sounded like the ravings of a deranged, dystopian, apocalyptic prophet (video below). For instance…

Carlson: “Why, if somebody does something horrible in Boulder, does that mean you should strip from people the single most popular sporting rifle in America? The one that commits relatively few crimes. More people are killed by a factor of five by knives than by rifles in this country. Why are they so intent on taking this one firearm away?”
Colion Noir: “Because honestly, if you really look at it, a lot of people like to undervalue what the 2nd Amendment was actually written for. It was designed to be a check against the government. A lot of people don’t like to talk about that aspect. Of course it was also there to allow us to defend ourselves. But if you think about it, the AR-15 symbolically and literally is the best defense against a tyrannical government.

Carlson starts off by dismissing the “horrible” thing that happened in Boulder as something forgettable that deserves no response. He euphemizes the AR-15 as a “sporting rifle,” despite it’s intended purpose as a human meat grinder. Where’s the sport in that? And he downplays the brutal deaths of hundreds of innocent people as a “relative few.” So long as they weren’t his relatives. Carlson also doesn’t bother to address the fact that 26% of the last 80 mass shootings were done with AR-15s.

Noir goes even further to demonstrate his utter contempt for and ignorance of the Constitution. The 2nd Amendment says absolutely nothing about a “defense against a tyrannical government.” In fact, it explicitly refers to a “well regulated Militia” that would be assembled for the benefit of the state. It’s purpose was to be prepared to fend off foreign invaders, not George Washington’s troops.

Noir went on to assert the tiresome trope that regulating assault weapons was merely a slippery slope to confiscating all firearms. And he didn’t seem to be the least bit disturbed about “another shooting that happens, which it will.” He just viewed that as the left’s opportunity to “justify further restricting our rights again.” Never mind the shattered families grieving for their dead loved ones.

What neither Carlson nor Noir understand is that their warped fantasies of battling the U.S. government would end very badly for them. Their assault weapons wouldn’t protect them very long from the Army’s drones, grenade launchers, missiles, tanks, and bombers. You have to wonder if Carlson and Noir believe citizens should be allowed to own those as well. You also have to wonder what happened to their sloganeering about “Blue Lives Matter” and “Supporting the Troops”? Because that is who these phony “patriots” are fantasizing about going to war against.

This whole discussion came dangerously close to a televised conspiracy plot for treason. It exposes these crackpots as anti-American poseurs who have orgasms dreaming of wartime adventures they’re too cowardly to ever engage in. And it is more of the insanity that drove hundreds of Trump supporters to attack Congress in an attempt to overturn an election. If they get their way, there will be further attempts to stage authoritarian coups. And the blood will be on the hands of Carlson, Noir, and Fox News.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Republican Senator Proposes ‘Idiot Control’ Initiative on Idiot TV (aka Fox News)

There’s a certain burst of irony whenever Fox News attacks something that it is notorious for doing itself on a daily basis. It’s a syndrome often referred to as “projection,” but with the fervor with which Fox deploys it, it’s more like hyper-hypocritical gaslighting. And it’s a tactic Fox uses to both malign their foes and inoculate themselves from well-deserved criticism.

Fox News, Idiot Control

Then again, there are times when the irony meter just spins wildly off the scale. Such moments aren’t particularly rare on Fox News. One occurred this week when they preempted coverage of the Colorado mass murder to run stories mocking President Biden walking up stairs instead. Another occurred when a Fox News host falsely announced that the Secretary of Homeland Security had resigned during a live phone-in with Donald Trump.

Another such moment came on Tuesday when Republican Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana was interviewed on Fox News by Sean Hannity. The topic was the latest mass murder in Colorado and the subsequent debate over gun control. Consistent with the long-held conservative position on the matter, both Hannity and Kennedy expressed their knee-jerk opposition to any of the reforms that the American people are overwhelming in favor of, including Republicans. But Kennedy wasn’t satisfied with merely bucking the national tide on the issue:

“You don’t stop drunk drivers by getting rid of all sober drivers. Which is what many of my Democrat friends want to do with respect to the 2nd Amendment. In my judgment, we don’t need more gun control, we need more idiot controls.”

This is wrong on so many levels. First of all, there are numerous laws that address the problem of drunk drivers, none of which involve getting rid of all sober drivers. But they do require that all drivers, sober and otherwise, be accountable for irresponsible behavior that endangers themselves and others due to excess alcohol consumption.

What’s more, all drivers must comply with regulations that require driver training, testing, registration of vehicles, licensing, and insurance. Is Kennedy suggesting that gun owners be held to similar standards? There is no question that guns are at least as dangerous, potentially, as cars. and they require at least as much training to operate safely.

Secondly, Kennedy is imagining things when he claims that his Democratic “friends” want to get rid of all legal gun owners. Either he’s lying through his tooth, or he doesn’t really have any any friends. There isn’t a single Democrat who has ever proposed anything that remotely resembles a ban on all firearms.

Finally, Kennedy’s proposal for “idiot control” as an alternative to gun control is interesting. It could be a real solution to many of our nation’s problems. Although it might be difficult to implement it. Would Kennedy have the government round up designated idiots and place them in monitored facilities where they wouldn’t pose a risk to the rest of us? Would he require that idiots be registered and identified by visible patches on their clothing or tattoos? Would idiots be prohibited from owning guns, or cars, or scissors in case they decide to run? And speaking of running, would Trump have been allowed to run for president?

Furthermore, how would the government differentiate between idiots and “normal” citizens? Some might think that would be the most difficult problem with implementing idiot control. But there is already an indicator available that provides a foolproof method of idiot detection. Just ask them is they watch Fox News.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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The Republican (and Fox News) Agenda for 2021: Less Voting, More Guns

Every political party displays their priorities in the initiatives they choose to pursue. And voters get to decide which party is more closely aligned with their vision for the nation. That’s the essence of democracy and the concept of government of, by, and for the people.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, Gun

Today’s Republican Party is doing their part in providing voters with a look at what they hope to achieve were they in the majority. And, as usual, it isn’t a pretty picture, nor one that represents the views of most Americans.

In the wake of yet another horrifying mass shooting, Republicans are once again showing their preferences for a society that permits such atrocities to occur. It’s a preference that is in direct conflict with what the American people want. Every poll shows that common sense gun reforms are popular across a broad spectrum of the electorate. Unfortunately, the GOP’s devotion to guns continues to result in ever more bloodshed. Republicans are telling us loud and clear what they want for America. Most of their agenda is focused on curtailing the rights and privileges of the American people. For instance, Republicans want less…

  • Healthcare. They have been been trying for years to sabotage Obamacare, a program that has gained the support of a majority of the people.
  • Wages. They oppose a living wage of $15.00 an hour, which is popular even among GOP voters.
  • Taxes on the rich. They have repeatedly cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans whose fortunes have increased, while the rest of the nation has struggled.
  • Environmental protection. They are staunchly opposed to advancing green energy and mitigating the climate crisis.
  • Pandemic relief. They lobbied fiercely to reduce the benefits of the recently passed American Rescue Plan, then every one of them voted against it.
  • Voting. Republicans are currently trying to pass more than 200 bills in 40+ states to make it harder to vote.

The one thing that Republicans are fervently in favor of having more of is access to guns and the dangerous ammo clips and accessories that adorn them. It’s a rather ironic contrast that the GOP is for more guns but less voting. However, that’s precisely the mindset that produced the violent Trump Insurrection in Washington. The rioters were pro-gun extremists who were intent on invalidating the votes of millions of citizens.

It’s not surprising that Republicans are so afraid of voters having easy access to the polls. They know that the more people that vote, the harder it will be for Republicans to win. They have said so explicitly. Senate GOP minority leader, Mitch McConnell, has threatened a “scorched earth” response to Democratic efforts to help people vote. Donald Trump told Fox News that it “doesn’t work out well for Republicans.” He went on to complain that Democrats were “crazy” for supporting vote-by-mail, saying that “They had levels of voting, that if you ever agreed to it you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.”

And of course, Fox News is backing up the GOP’s pro-gun, anti-democracy agenda. They regard easier access to voting as invitations to election fraud, despite a complete lack of any evidence of it. They promote the Republican positions on allowing anyone with a heartbeat to open-carry anywhere they want. They book GOP politicians and pundits to push the NRA’s wish list that includes unhindered access to assault weapons, cop-killer bullets, and the revocation of all regulations, including those that prohibit gun ownership for the violent mentally ill and domestic abusers.

The reason that Republicans are so scared of people voting is that the demographics of the nation are not friendly for them. This is no longer a country that caters to a white supremacist majority. In an op-ed for NBC News Lee Drutman, of the New America think tank, noted that…

“[D]emocracy reform has become a deeply partisan exercise. A Republican president has won the popular vote only once in the last 28 years (2004), and Republican senators have represented a majority of Americans only once in the last 40 years (1996-97). Republicans have increasingly pegged their political future to aggressive partisan gerrymandering and targeted voting restrictions.”

The only way that Republicans have been able to continue winning elections is by cheating. They have drawn bizarrely gerrymandered voting districts. They have passed laws that unfairly burden voters and remove them from the voting rolls. And they benefit from archaic practices like the electoral college and the Senate filibuster. Both of which give political minorities the ability to suppress the will of the majority. It’s why the half million residents of Wyoming have the exact same representation as the 40 million residents of California. That’s hardly democratic.

Significant reforms are urgently needed. The electoral college must be abolished. Senate voting procedures need to be more population-based. Congressional districts must be drawn by independent panels. And statehood must be considered for at least the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. These reforms would begin to guide the nation to a more fair model of self-government, and to restore the promise of a democracy that can truly produce liberty and justice for all.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox ‘News’ Downplays Colorado Mass Shooting to Mock Biden Walking Up Stairs

Can we finally put to rest the question of whether or not Fox News is actually a news network? For an allegedly journalistic enterprise, their presenters are mostly ultra-conservative propagandists rather than experienced reporters. They don’t break stories. They have never won any awards from their professional peers (Emmys, Pulitzers, etc.). And their guests are predominantly Republican shills.

Fox NOT News

Other than that Fox News is a textbook example of journalistic junk food, seasoned generously with manufactured outrage, racist tropes, and appeals to cult mentality.

As affirmation of the above, on Monday Fox News made some particularly odious editorial decisions. While every other legitimate news network was covering the heinous mass murders in Boulder, Colorado, Fox chose to go a different way. All of their primetime programs conspicuously avoided reporting on the shootings.

Tucker Carlson featured an anti-trans segment about “the end of girls’ sports.” Laura Ingraham discussed how masks and social distancing don’t work to mitigate the COVID pandemic with disgraced “doctor” and herd immunity advocate, Scott Atlas. Sean Hannity spent the entire first half of his show on President Biden walking up stairs. He spent most of the second half on spring break.

All three programs, and most of the rest of Fox’s coverage throughout the day and night, focused narrowly on immigration – specifically that of unaccompanied minors – as means to attack Biden for a problem that he inherited from Donald Trump.

So why would Fox News so flagrantly dodge such an important story as a mass shooting? Three reasons. First of all, the shooter was thought to be white. Had they known otherwise Fox would have been all over it. [NOTE: Now that the suspect has been identified as Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, Fox briefly covered the story, despite still not knowing the motive]. Second, a story about gun violence is antithetical to Fox’s editorial mission to advance right-wing politics and the interests of their benefactors like the NRA. Third, there is nothing in this story with which Fox can bash Joe Biden, so Fox considers it a waste of valuable anti-Biden airtime.

It’s not as if Fox needed to conserve time for other important news events. Their top stories for the past week have been devoted to such critical issues as canceling Dr. Seuss, Mr. Potato Head gendering, imaginary immigrant caravans, and Grammy porn. They already downgraded the last mass shooting in Atlanta saying that it was an over-hyped ploy by Biden (whom they have also been maligning as boring). Fox News is also tired of hearing about the half million people who died from the coronavirus. However, they were right on top of the “news” that the Secretary of Homeland Security had resigned (which didn’t actually happen).

Which brings us back to the question that opened this article. Can we finally put to rest the question of whether or not Fox News is actually a news network? Anyone who has any trouble answering that question in the affirmative is hopelessly indoctrinated into the Fox cult and, consequently, knows little about this shooting or any other matter of importance to the American people.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Lawyer Moves to Dismiss Defamation Lawsuit Because Only Fools Would Believe Her

Let’s take a trip down memory lane all the way back to January of this year, when Dominion Voting Systems announced that it was suing Sidney Powell for $1.3 billion dollars. Powell was one of the attorneys (along with Rudy Giuliani) that Donald Trump recruited to litigate his “Big Lie” that the presidential election had been “stolen” from him.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, QAnon

Powell had made countless appearances in the press to peddle her allegations of corruption and rampant election fraud. She was among those who claimed that Dominion planted malicious software in their devices in order to switch hundreds of thousands of votes from Trump to Biden. This theory also stipulates provably false nonsense about the company’s software being developed in Venezuela with the help of the late Hugo Chavez, and votes being tabulated in Germany and Spain. None of that was true.

Now Powell has responded to the Dominion lawsuit with a motion to dismiss. However, the case she makes on her own behalf is hardly persuasive. In fact, She’s painting herself as a lying kook who can’t be trusted.

Powell’s motion to dismiss makes the remarkable claim about her own public statements that “No reasonable person would conclude that the statements were truly statements of fact.” She argued that “the language of the political arena … is often vituperative, abusive, and inexact.” Powell further argued that because the plaintiffs said her statements were “wild accusations” and “outlandish claims” that they were therefore not actionable.

Huh? That is precisely what makes them actionable. If they weren’t wild and outlandish what would be the cause to sue? Powell concludes her motion saying that…

“Such characterizations of the allegedly defamatory statements further support Defendant’s position that reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact, but view them only as claims that await testing by courts through the adversary process.”

In short, Powell’s entire defense rests on her assertion that only fools would believe her bullpucky and therefore she can’t be held liable for spreading it. She may be right in the former, but woefully wrong in the latter. The problem with arguing that “no reasonable person” would believe you is that it doesn’t exempt the likelihood that those devoid of reason will totally buy in. And there is an abundance of such people, particularly associated with Trump and his QAnon Cult.

Additionally, Powell is contradicting herself by saying that her statements are “claims that await testing by courts.” If so, then she is asserting that they are true and can’t be exempted as political rhetoric. But if it isn’t true, she is confessing that she is using the courts to pursue an action in bad faith, which could get her disbarred.

It’s notable that this is the same argument that Fox News used to escape liability for defamatory comments by Tucker Carlson. Fox’s lawyer’s successfully argued that, given his reputation, no reasonable person would take him seriously. It’s hard to argue with that. But you have to be pretty desperate and disreputable to adopt the Tucker Carlson Defense.

The damage done by purposefully misleading those millions of dimwits is extensive and quantifiable. Powell is practically making Dominion’s case by admitting that her statements were false. Her motion fails to absolve her of responsibility. Instead, she places the responsibility on those who heard her admittedly factless remarks. That’s like blaming the consumers of Snake Oil for not realizing that the Snake Oil salesman was a con artist. In the end, the Snake Oil salesman is going to jail.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Mucks Up: Falsely Says DHS Secretary Resigned During Trump Interview

The devotion that Fox News has demonstrated for Donald Trump over the years has apparently not waned in the least in the two months since his ouster from the White House. On Monday morning the former reality TV game show host made his third post-prezidunce appearance on his former propaganda network and Ministry of Disinformation.

Donald Trump, Fox News, Lies

True to form, the interview was a lovefest wherein Fox and Friends co-host Harris Faulkner prefaced every question with gushing praise while feeding Trump a prompt for his canned responses. However, on this particular occasion, no one could have anticipated the magnitude of the foul-up that was about to ensue. It went a little something like this:

Faulkner: This just happened now and I want to double check this with our producers. The DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has resigned, Mr. President.
Trump: I’m not surprised. Good. That’s a big victory for our country.
Faulkner: Hold on. Let me stop. Let me stop. Let me listen to my team one more time. Forgive me … That has not happened. I apologize.
Trump: Okay, cross out that victory.

Faulkner then proceeded to her next question for Trump reiterating that he (and the notorious, ever-present, unnamed “others”) called for Mayorkas to resign and considers him incompetent. Which might be the perfect description of Faulkner’s work as a “journalist.” It is truly mind-boggling how she could have paused her show to get breaking news from her producers, but screwed it up so atrociously. And then, after being forced to make an embarrassing apology (rarely seen on Fox News), her attempt to recover included an insulting characterization of the man she just falsely dismissed.

For the record, prior to being appointed by President Biden to be Secretary of Homeland Security, Mayorkas had decades of public service in the Justice Department, Immigration Services, and as a deputy secretary at DHS. That’s the man that Trump and Fox News regard as “incompetent.”

Throughout this interview, Faulkner gave Trump opportunities to rant in his customary incoherent fashion. He played all his “greatest hits,” including his Big Lie that “We won the election as far as I’m concerned.” Then he leapt into this smorgasbord of babble:

“When China looks at ‘woke’ and see the biggest problem we have is Dr. Seuss. In the meantime they’re building factories and trying to kill us in so many different ways. They laugh at us and they think we’re so – frankly, they think our country is stupid. When they look at this – when our competitors look at what’s going on in our country, taking down the statues to great heroes and so many other things. I do it because I want to do what’s right and they are destroying our country.

First of all, Trump’s complaint that China might disapprovingly look at the U.S. and see its preoccupation with Dr. Seuss is a direct slam on Fox News, who over-hyped that non-story for days (along with Mr. Potato Head gendering, imaginary immigrant caravans, and Grammy porn) because they found Biden too “boring.”

More to the point, Trump’s self-serving observation that our international foes are laughing at our stupidity is wholly attributable to Trump himself. The world knows who “America’s Most Wanked” is, and isn’t Joe Biden, whom they know and respect. If there’s one message regarding Trump that most Americans wish they could convey to the world it’s “Forgive me, that has not happened.”

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

QWITTER? Trump Said to Be Returning to Social Media with His Own Alt-Twitter App

There is new hope for all of the lost souls who are wandering aimlessly since their cult leader, Donald Trump, was banished from social media. According to Trump advisor Jason Miller, the former reality TV game show host, who temporarily occupied the White House, is plotting his return to the InterTubes on a platform built by, and featuring, himself. Is this the dawn of Qwitter?

Donald Trump

There are reports that Trump was more crushed by his ouster from Twitter than from the presidency. That’s easy to believe considering the magnitude of his ego. As a malignant narcissist, Trump likely reveled in the instant feedback Twitter gave him for his pompous ponderings. And since his expulsion he has been uncharacteristically quiet. He has retreated to his Mar-a-Lago bunker with his tail between his legs to sulk and mutter under his breath about “fake” news “rigged” elections.

Or so we thought. Miller was interviewed by Howard Kurtz on his Fox News MediaBuzz program Sunday morning. And he had some news to break for forlorn StormTrumpers who have been nursing their wounds for the past four months. Not surprisingly, Miller chose to lead off with a lie (video below):

Kurtz: Donald Trump has obviously been booted off Twitter and Facebook and Instagram which were a great mega phone for him. Does he plan to try to get back on social media, perhaps with some new outfit?
Miller: You know Howard, this is really interesting.

Not really. In fact it’s rather dull. Miller prefaced his bombshell news with a long-winded tribute to Trump’s “elegant” rhetoric. He made the preposterous claim that Trump’s press releases were getting “more play than he ever did on Twitter,” but without revealing how he arrived at that mythical statistic:

“His press releases, his statements have actually been getting almost more play than he ever did on Twitter before. I’m not sure if that’s because the length of them are a bit longer. We even had one reporter say that she thought it was much more elegant, the way that the president was able to communicate his thoughts and very much looked more presidential in that longer form.”

You have to wonder if the “reporter” Miller referenced was a member of Trump’s cult. How else could anyone regard this sort of incoherence as “presidential?” But then Miller got to the main event:

“I do think that we’re going to see President Trump returning to social media in probably about two or three months here with his own platform. And this is something that I think will be the hottest ticket in social media. It’s going to completely redefine the game and everybody is going to be waiting and watching to see what exactly President Trump does. But it will be his own platform.”

Yeah, right! Trump, who has zero experience in technology enterprise, is going to produce “the hottest ticket in social media.” Trump, whose prior businesses have suffered at least six bankruptcies; whose Atlantic City casino was just demolished; whose “university” was shuttered due to fraud and corruption, and was ordered to pay restitution exceeding $25 million; whose private jet is in mothballs; whose hotels and golf courses are bleeding in debt; whose Mar-a-Lago resort is a COVID hot zone; and who is being pursued by prosecutors from Washington, New York, Florida, and Georgia.

Miller went on say that Trumps Alt-Twitter (Qwitter) “will be big once he starts,” because “everyone wants him. He’s gonna bring millions and millions, tens of millions of people to this new platform.” Trump will undoubtedly bring some people to the platform. Which will be helpful to law enforcement as they continue to investigate the insurrectionists and violent militias that Trump has inspired. They will be the core of his user base and conveniently corralled there.

What’s more, since everything Trump does is a veiled effort to enrich himself, we have to ask how much he will be charging his cult followers to use this new scam. And we can’t help but notice that Trump will be competing with his partners in political crimes, Dan Bongino (Parler), and pillow guy, Mike Lindell, who has also announced his intention to launch a social media app.

The notion that Trump could make a success of any venture like this is a joke. He was unable help bootlicking “news” outlets like Newsmax and One America News Network (OANN) become successful for more than a few weeks. And the projected timeline for Trump’s Qwitter of two to three months is another punch line. It’s reminiscent of his perpetual “Infrastructure Weeks” that never came to pass, and his better, cheaper, healthcare plan that was always two weeks away. Consequently, it would be advisable to refrain from holding your breath while waiting for this swindle to surface.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News ‘Judge’ Jeanine Pirro ‘Cancels’ Guest for Saying Biden is ‘Making America Great Again’

Fox News is at it again. The network that virtually created the scandalous concept of “Cancel Culture” is, ironically, the most prolific purveyor of it. Over the past couple of decades they have feverishly “canceled” hundreds of people, products, and ideas that conflict with their ultra-conservative political and social doctrine.

Fox News, Joe Biden, Jeanine Pirro

This hypocrisy was glaringly evident again on Saturday’s episode of the hilariously misnamed “Justice with Jeanine Pirro.” The program began with an extended rant about immigration problems that she insisted were all the fault of Joe Biden who has been President for all of two months, and whom Fox News regards as both boring and diabolical.

Pirro then brought on immigration attorney David Leopold who, when he wasn’t being interrupted by Pirro, had the temerity to tell her to her face that “Very few things that I hear on this show tonight have been facts.”

Leopold was referring to Pirro’s wildly inaccurate data on immigration. He correctly stated that 150,000 migrants came across the southern border in 2019, during Donald Trump’s term. Pirro wrongly contradicted him saying that this February’s numbers of 100,000 migrants were the highest in fifteen years. But the official statistics from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency proves that Pirro was wrong and Leopold was right. That disparity led to this hostile reaction by Pirro to being corrected:

Leopold: President Biden kept his promise. He’s putting COVID relief out there. He’s making America better. He’s making America great again…
Pirro: I’m stopping you right there. I don’t tolerate lies on my show. He is bringing COVID into this country

First of all, anyone who has watched more than ten minutes of her program knows that Pirro not only tolerates lies, she is the most frequent source of them. Pirro would have been more correct if she had said that she didn’t tolerate lies by anyone other than herself and her rightist confederates.

More to the point, Pirro was parroting false assertions from right-wing propagandists including Texas governor Greg Abbott who falsely claimed that “The Biden administration was releasing illegal immigrants into our communities who had COVID.” The truth is that immigrants were actually testing positive for COVID at half the rate of native Texans as a result of Abbott’s flaunting CDC guidelines.

On the same episode, Pirro hosted right-wing rage-aholics Tomi Lahren and Leo Terrell to attack Biden’s mental acuity (video below). Lahren started off with her conspiracy theory that “The left is going to dump Joe Biden in five months, maybe six months. Put Kamala in, as we all knew. We were never supposed to talk about this.” Which is odd because they talk about it all the time.

Lahren then goes on to explicitly malign Biden as “mentally unstable.” Never mind that the American people had an opportunity last November to assess that and they voted for Biden in overwhelming numbers (8 million more votes than Trump). Polls (including a Fox News poll) even showed that voters considered Donald Trump as being the mentally unsound candidate.

Lahren continued with a flagrant lie about an alleged attempt by Democrats to take the nuclear codes away from Biden. What she dishonestly distorted was a letter sent to Biden by House Democrats suggesting that the power to launch a nuclear attack should not rest in one person (the president).

However, the letter wasn’t a critique of Biden’s mental acuity and never mentioned that. Quite the opposite. It specifically referred to Trump who recklessly taunted foreign leaders with threats of his nuclear prowess. “Past presidents,” the letter said, “have threatened to attack other countries with nuclear weapons or exhibited behavior that caused other officials to express concerns about the president’s judgment.” So it was Trump who prompted the suggestion that the president shouldn’t be the sole possessor of that authority. The letter even cited a Trump tweet from January of 2018, that bragged maniacally that his “Nuclear Button” was “much bigger & more powerful than” North Korea’s Kim Jong Un:

Pirro then turned to Terrell who ranted hysterically that Biden was “an embarrassment” because Vladimir Putin challenged him to a debate. Huh? That actually suggests that Biden appropriately rankled Putin who never needed to debate Trump because they were on the same side. Trump was Putin’s lapdog, so what would be the point of a debate?

This is the sort of fringe crackpottery that is routinely dispensed on Pirro’s program, as well as most of the rest of Fox’s schedule. It is wholly dedicated to advancing a radical conservatism that is utterly out of line with the American people. Unfortunately, it continues to disinform enough dimwitted viewers, some of whom resort to violence in pursuit of their Fox-inspired, fantastical delusions. It’s up to the rest of us to keep setting the record straight and supporting reality-based news sources. Yeah, it’s a dirty job, but someone’s gotta do it.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Deranged Trump Statement About ‘Trump’s Biggest Fabrication, Election Fraud’ – NYT

Donald Trump may not be able to tweet anymore, but he does have sycophantic, right-wing, media bootlickers to disseminate his whining lies and outrages. On Sunday Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller did just that with a statement from the ex-prez that was jam-packed with moldy oldies from his tedious repertoire.

Donald Trump, Insane, Straight Jacket

The message that Trump found so compelling he had to reach out to MAGA Land was just another of his “Big Lie” rants. It proves that he’s still obsessed with misleading his glassy-eyed disciples. It also proves that he reads the New York Times despite insisting maniacally that it is “fake news”:

“The New York Times did a story today saying that various Republican groups, many of them outstanding, are rallying on false claims that conservative activists are finding that the best way to raise money and to keep voters engaged is to make Donald J. Trump’s biggest fabrication, Election Fraud, their top priority.”

That’s the beginning of the run-on rant. And I defy anyone to figure out what the heck it means. He seems to be agreeing that the claims endorsing him as the best way to raise funds are false. It also sounds like he’s accepting the Times’ characterization of his election fraud lies as valid.

But Trump wasn’t finished. The rest of the statement was equally as incomprehensible. He included all his favorite and baseless complaints about “illegitimate elections,” “gutless” judges, and of course “rigged” elections. As usual, he didn’t provide any speck of evidence to prove any of his wild assertions. He’s just repeating the same bullpucky that he’s been peddling for months, and that resulted in a violent insurrectionist attack on the Capitol.

Trump may be pleased that a lot of money is being raised over this issue, but he’s not mentioning his efforts to prevent those funds from going to the Republican Party. That’s because he’s only interested in how much he can scam his ignorant cult followers for to fatten his own bank account.

And with everything else that’s going on in the country, it’s telling that this is the only issue that motivated him to have an aide compose an incoherent statement. Look for more of this sort of petty nonsense in the days ahead. It’s all that Trump has left since leaving the White House, and his businesses failing, and prosecutors getting ever closer to indictments.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Chinese Guest on Fox News Says Atlanta Murders are an Over-Hyped Ploy By Biden

Fox News has the clout and resources to book knowledgeable, credentialed guests to provide commentary on current events. Instead, they predictably seek out fringe characters with little to no qualifications, but who will obediently peddle Fox News propaganda.

Fox News, Joe Biden, Fake News

Quite often Fox’s bookers glom onto guests with specific ethnic identities, but with opinions that are diametrically opposed to those of the ethnic group they are allegedly representing. And that’s despite Fox’s incessant and disingenuous condemnations of what they call “identity politics.”

On Friday Fox News hosted Ying Ma, a conservative columnist and the author of the novel, Chinese Girl in the Ghetto,” to discuss the spa murders in Atlanta (video below). Naturally, she began by immediately criticizing the Biden administration for “over-hyping” the massacre of eight innocent people, as if that’s possible. And while acknowledging that there is “real concern about racist attacks,” she diminished that concern because “it’s not the case that everybody is living in fear.” Okay, so let’s just move on and get back to important matters like Mr. Potato Head.

She continued with a rather bizarre set of recommendations for President Biden and Vice-President Harris that utterly sidestepped the issue:

“I would say there are two things the Biden administration can do. One is send Kamala Harris to Oakland, which is the city where she declared her candidacy for president, and ask her to just denounce loud and clear Black-on-Asian violence.”

Of course. Because the first thing a Fox News guest has to do after a white man murders multiple Asian women is to shift the topic to a completely unrelated crime story that ignores the subject she was brought on to discuss, but which conveniently maligns Blacks, a group that is at the top of the Fox News enemies list. She continued saying that…

“The second thing is actually to encourage all Chinese-Americans to come out and denounce China for the role that it has played in infecting the world with COVID-19. And along with that the Biden administration needs to be very firm in holding China accountable for having done this to America and having done this to the world.”

Curiously, Fox News has never demanded that all Caucasians denounce white America for the rapidly increasing violence against Asians. Or for the violent insurrection in Washington on January 6th. Or for the Oklahoma City terrorist bombing. Or for the multitude of mass shootings across America for decades. But for some reason, American-born citizens of Chinese descent are responsible for COVID-19 if they don’t denounce a country they may have never been to.

It’s also preposterous to suggest that the Biden administration needs to hold China accountable for how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the United States. It wasn’t China that downplayed the pandemic as either a hoax or the flu. It wasn’t China that ignored it as it spread across the U.S. It wasn’t China that fatally mismanaged efforts to mitigate transmission and distribute protective gear and vaccines. That was all Donald Trump – and, of course, Fox News.

This segment on Fox featured chyrons that attacked Biden and Democrats. One said falsely that “Biden Paints Dystopian Picture of Life for Asians.” And that was immediately followed by one that flagrantly politicized the matter saying that “Dems Exploit Atlanta Tragedy for Politics.” All of which affirms that the role that Fox News played in infecting Americans, resulting in more than 540,000 deaths so far, is undeniable.

Studies have proven that watching Fox News increases coronavirus fatalities. And sadly, they are still doing it. And in the process they are recruiting racially-based spokespersons who will blame the atrocities of white males on Democrats and other targets of Fox’s biases. It’s what they do.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.