Trump’s Rabid Response to Biden’s January 6th Speech is Just as Deranged as You’d Expect

On the anniversary of Donald Trump’s January 6th insurrection in Washington, D.C., both the White House and the Congress presented solemn observances to mourn the victims, honor the heroes, and memorialize the event for history.

Donald Trump, King

President Joe Biden delivered a speech that spoke passionately to American unity, while demanding that the perpetrators of the violent and treasonous coup attempt be brought to justice. Biden’s address (video below) began by noting that…

“For the first time in our history, a president had not just lost an election, he tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power as a violent mob breached the Capitol. But they failed. They failed. And on this day of remembrance, we must make sure that such an attack never, never happens again.”

Biden called Trump out for advancing “lies conceived and spread for profit and power.” He elaborated saying that Trump lies…

“…because he values power over principle, because he sees his own interests as more important than his country’s interests and America’s interests, and because his bruised ego matters more to him than our democracy or our Constitution. He can’t accept he lost.”

In the meantime, Trump took to Twitter (via his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill) to double-down on the flagrant falsehoods he’s been flinging for more than year. This tweet tantrum is in lieu of the “news” conference that he previously scheduled, then chickened out of. But Trump’s perversion of reality is just the latest of his infantile outbursts that serves no purpose other than to viciously malign his enemies and exalt himself. He began with a particularly hysterical lie, saying that…

“Biden, who is destroying our Nation with insane policies of open Borders, corrupt Elections, disastrous energy policies, unconstitutional mandates, and devastating school closures, used my name today to try to further divide America.”

Trump accusing others of “destroying our nation” and being “insane” is peak irony. And of course he is lying about Biden’s record. But that isn’t news. He’s also whining that Biden “used my name,” in speech where his name was not mentioned even once. Perhaps that’s what the malignant narcissist is really upset about. And he surely doesn’t like being labeled by Biden as the “defeated former president.”

Trump continued with his litany of lies about alleged Biden failures. He said that “Our Country no longer has Borders, has totally and completely lost control of Covid (record numbers!), is no longer Energy Independent, Inflation is rampant, our Military is in chaos.” All of which is demonstrably untrue. Not that that matters to Trump.

The remainder of his tweet focused solely on his fixation about the 2020 election. And he closed with the bizarre assertion that “The Democrats want to own this day of January 6th so they can stoke fears and divide America. I say, let them have it.” Really? Trump is gifting the day of violence and treason that he orchestrated to Democrats. Isn’t that generous of him?

In a follow-up tweet, Trump reiterated his rant that the “real insurrection” was on Election Day, November 3rd, 2020. Biden masterfully addressed that preposterous claim in his speech saying that…

“The Big Lie being told by the former president and many Republicans who fear his wrath is that the insurrection in this country actually took place on Election Day — November 3rd, 2020. Think about that. Is that what you thought? Is that what you thought when you voted that day? […] Can you think of a more twisted way to look at this country — to look at America?”

Trump is desperate to deflect from his culpability for the insurrection and to evade the consequences of his criminality. In addition to his role in plotting the assault, his purposeful neglect for three terrifying hours was unarguably dereliction of duty. That’s something else that Biden addressed as well, noting that Trump was…

“…sitting in the private dining room off the Oval Office in the White House, watching it all on television and doing nothing for hours as police were assaulted, lives at risk, and the nation’s capital under siege.”

That disgusting scenario was affirmed by Trump’s former White House communications director, Stephanie Grisham, who told CNN that “All I know about that day is that he was in the dining room gleefully watching on his TV as he often did, [saying] ‘Look at all the people fighting for me,’ hitting rewind, watching it again.”

How sick is that? And yet it is precisely what anyone who has observed Trump for the past few years (decades?) would expect. As nauseating as his behavior was and is, it is still not particularly surprising. And that says more about what a low-grade, sub-species specimen Trump is, and how important it is to make certain that he is never again anywhere near the seat of power in this country.

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Consciousness of Guilt: Trump Chickens Out of His Own Phony ‘News’ Conference with Lame Excuses

On the one year anniversary of Donald Trump’s January 6th insurrection, the former reality TV game show host is revealing his abject fear of being held accountable for his flagrant crimes against America. Every day more evidence comes out exposing how Trump orchestrated an attempted coup to undermine American democracy.

Donald Trump Chicken

Both Congress and the White House planned solemn observances of the sad anniversary in order to mourn the victims, honor the heroes, and memorialize that tragic episode of our history. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters that President Biden would “speak to the truth of what happened” and “lay out the significance of what happened at the Capitol, and the singular responsibility president Trump has for the chaos and carnage that we saw.” Adding that “he will forcibly push back on the lies spread by the former president.”

True to form, Trump, the malignant narcissist and wannabe dictator, sought to make the day all about himself. So he announced that he would be holding an alleged “news” conference on the same day. It was a terrible idea both politically and morally. But it was exactly the sort of noxious behavior that is expected from Trump.

However, circumstances intervened that have resulted in Trump canceling his media circus. The circumstances include pleadings from his Republican confederates to scrap the affair, as well as shocking disclosures about his Fox News flunky, Sean Hannity, that expose his communications with the Trump team during the riots. Trump’s notice that he was backing out was typically Trumpian. He began…

“In light of the total bias and dishonesty of the January 6th Unselect Committee of Democrats, two failed Republicans, and the Fake News Media, I am canceling the January 6th Press Conference at Mar-a-Lago on Thursday, and instead will discuss many of those important topics at my rally on Saturday, January 15th, in Arizona – It will be a big crowd!”

Trump expects people to believe that he’s abandoning his news conference, where he could tell his own story, because of some unstated bias by the House Select Committee investigating the insurrection. And for good measure he threw in the tedious “Fake News” canard. That makes sense only to someone with severe brain damage. Trump more likely retreated because of the risk that no one would show up for his pseudo-news charade. Or even worse, that they would show. The truth is that Trump is scared witless of being in a position where he might face questioning about his crimes.

So Trump rescheduled his lie-fest for another of his cult rallies, where he is the sole performer before an audience of glassy-eyed disciples. That way he can brag about the attendance at his free rally for Deplorables, even though when they recently were asked to pay, they stayed away in droves.

Trump went on to disgorge wild allegations that he can’t prove. He accused House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of being responsible for the absence of law enforcement. Which is ironic since it was Trump who, as Commander-in-Chief, was the person who could have deployed protection for the Congress. But the evidence shows that he did nothing but gleefully watch the television reports of the riots for three terrifying hours, while even his allies on Fox News were begging him to call off his StormTrumpers.

Trump closed his rant by whining about what he called the “Democrats’ Great Cover-Up Committee and the Media is complicit.” But if he really wanted to correct the record, he could simply testify before the Committee and bring along whatever evidence he has to support his claims. Instead, Trump is suing anyone and everyone to keep everything hidden. He’s making accusations against Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff that he can’t prove. And he’s crying that he’s a victim (again) of the “Crime of the Century.”

It’s amazing that Trump’s devotees aren’t getting tired of these wearisome ravings. He’s spent more than a year making assertions that the 2020 election was “rigged” without providing any evidence whatsoever. He lost more than sixty court cases on the subject. And yet he comes back with the same mindlessly monotonous musings and his fans eat it up. And as has been observed many times, that is the textbook behavior of a cult.

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Jen Psaki: Biden Will Address Trump’s ‘Singular Responsibility’ for the ‘Chaos and Carnage’ on January 6th

Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of the worst attack on the United States Congress and American democracy in more than 200 years. The insurrection of January 6, 2021, by Donald Trump’s cult disciples was an abhorrent attempt to overthrow our democratic system of government by violence. It was, indisputably, a coup attempt. And it was orchestrated by Trump and his traitorous confederates in politics and the press.

Jen Psaki, Donald Trump

In observance of that nightmarish day, both Congress and the White House have scheduled events to mourn for the victims, honor the heroes, and memorialize this chilling episode of our national history. As a preview of the proceedings, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki provided a brief summary of what President Biden will say in his remarks. Her description of the President’s address should give hope to the nation that the crimes of the last administration will not go unpunished (video below):

“The President is going to speak to the truth of what happened – not the lies that some have spread since – and the peril posed to the rule of law and our system of democratic governance. He will also speak to the work we still need to do to secure and strengthen our democracy and our institutions; to reject the hatred and lies we saw on January 6th; and to unite our country. I’d also note that President Biden has been clear eyed about the threat the former president represents and how the former president constantly works to undermine basic American values and rule of law.

“President Biden has, of course, spoken repeatedly about how the former president has abused his office, undermined the Constitution, and ignored his oath to the American people in an effort to amass more power for himself and his allies. He sees January 6th as a tragic culmination of what those four years under president Trump did to our country. And they reflected the importance to the President of winning the battle for the soul of our nation.

“So just as you heard him say on January 6th of last year, I would expect that President Biden will lay out the significance of what happened at the Capitol, and the singular responsibility president Trump has for the chaos and carnage that we saw. And he will forcibly push back on the lies spread by the former president in an attempt to mislead the American people and his own supporters, as well as distract from his role in what happened. He will, of course speak to the moment, to the importance in history of the peaceful transfer of power, of what we need to do to protect our own democracy and be forward looking. But he will also reflect on the role his predecessor had.”

If Biden lives up to this preview, the country can be proud and satisfied that the perpetrators of the insurrection – including Trump – will be brought to justice. But if justice is not served, the insurrection last year will just have been a trial run. Time will tell.

It’s notable that Trump had scheduled a competing public event for the anniversary. He announced that he would stage a “news” conference to further disseminate his flagrant falsehoods. However, he subsequently chickened out and canceled that affair after revelations about how Sean Hannity had been involved with the Trump White House during the riots. But that won’t end Trump’s campaign of lies. So continued vigilance will be required to preserve American democracy.

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Select Committee on January 6th Seeks Testimony From Senior Fox News Trump Flunky Sean Hannity

The House Select Committee investigating Donald Trump’s role in the deadly January 6th insurrection in Washington, D.C. has confirmed reports that it has asked Sean Hannity to voluntarily come before the Committee and reveal what he knows about Trump’s behavior leading up to, and during, the Capitol riots.

Donald Trump Sean Hannity

There is already abundant evidence of Trump’s flagrant dereliction of duty as he spent three hours watching the his StormTrumpers invading Congress before he took any action to stop it. And even then he only delivered a gushing outpouring of love for the violent, criminal, seditionists.

It was revealed last month that several Fox News hosts had emailed Trump’s Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, begging him to get Trump to call off his rabid disciples as they were breaking doors and windows, beating police officers, and threatening the lives of members of Congress. Hannity was one of those emailing Meadows, imploring “Can he make a statement, ask people to leave the Capitol?” However, according to Zoe Lofgren, a member of the Committee, there is more where that comes from:

“He is a fact witness. We have in our possession dozens of texts that [Hannity] sent to Mark Meadows and others in his role as an apparent political operative. Indications of his communication with the president and others on strategy. And it’s that that we would like to talk to him about.

“I want to make sure that everyone knows that this isn’t a subpoena. We’ve asked him to cooperate with us as a fact witness out of his sense of patriotism, and we hope that he will respond because we have so many of these texts and pieces of evidence indicating that he was outside of his role as a press person, acting as a political operative.”

Indeed, Hannity was far more than a Fox News host during the Trump occupation of the White House. He served Trump as an adviser, and even campaigned with him What’s more, Hannity’s response to the news that the Committee is requesting his appearance came from his attorney, Jay Sekulow, who has also represented Trump. Naturally, Sekulow jumped to an absurd conclusion that “any such request would raise serious constitutional issues including First Amendment concerns regarding freedom of the press.” Of course, that’s not remotely true considering that the request is for a voluntary appearance and doesn’t involve any of Hannity’s activities on Fox News.

We can expect that Hannity will decline this offer to discuss what he knows about Trump and the January 6th insurrection. And Lofgren’s appeal to Hannity’s “sense of patriotism” was a long shot at best. Hannity isn’t the least bit concerned about the welfare of the nation. He’s too concerned with sucking up to, and defending, Dear Leader Trump, and filling his own pockets with ill-gotten gain from Trump Grifting Enterprises. It remains to be seen if a subpoena will follow Hannity’s refusal to cooperate. Regardless, his complicity is irrefutable.

UPDATE: Trump has chickened out of holding his “news” conference. Presumably because he is too scared that he might be asked questions. So he’s going to unload the same bullpucky at his next cult rally where no one can challenge him:

“In light of the total bias and dishonesty of the January 6th Unselect Committee of Democrats, two failed Republicans, and the Fake News Media, I am canceling the January 6th Press Conference at Mar-a-Lago on Thursday, and instead will discuss many of those important topics at my rally on January 15th, in Arizona.”

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Trump Orders His Cult To ‘Drop Off of Twitter’ and Calls For It To Be Outlawed

The brazenly anti-American and anti-democratic compulsions of Donald Trump continue to be exhibited with each new public pronouncement he issues. His aspirations for authoritarianism, and his affinity for brutal dictators, was recently affirmed with his “endorsement” of Hungary’s fascistic Viktor Orbán.

Donald Trump, Twitter

On the heels of that gushing embrace of tyranny, Trump is now giving voice to another of his noxious notions that negates the liberties that define America. In a tweet reacting to Marjorie Taylor Greene’s well deserved suspension from Twitter, Trump lashed out in his typically incoherent and infantile fashion, saying that…

“Twitter is a disgrace to democracy. They shouldn’t be allowed to do business in this Country. Marjorie Taylor Greene has a huge constituency of honest, patriotic, hard-working people. They don’t deserve what’s happened to them on places like low-life Twitter and Facebook. Everybody should drop off of Twitter and Facebook. They’re boring, have only a Radical Left point of view, and are hated by everyone. They are a disgrace to our Nation. Keep fighting, Marjorie!”

If you had to catalog everything that Trump has said is a “disgrace” it would require a bookshelf that spanned the length of Great Wall of China. Which would be convenient because he’s also a big fan fan of Xi Jinping. Due to his pitifully limited vocabulary, Trump has overused the word so much that is has ceased to have any meaning. And as for “democracy.” we’ve already established that that word has no meaning to Trump.

Moving on, Trump grumps that Twitter “shouldn’t be allowed to do business in this Country.” How he proposes to outlaw it isn’t explained. But it’s something that he regretted not doing when he was still occupying the White House. He is currently suing Twitter and other Internet services because that’s just what you’d expect from the King of Cancel Culture. But he is too mentally feeble to grasp that calling for a ban on the constitutional rights of social media platforms that he doesn’t like contradicts his intended, albeit disingenuous, message of free speech.

Defending Greene and her constituency of like-minded Trump cultists, Trump commands his glassy-eyed disciples to “drop off of Twitter and Facebook.” Because surrendering opportunities to express oneself is Trump’s idea of open discourse. He wants his klan to be free of any contrary opinions that might contain some kernal of truth. More likely, he just wants to harm Twitter and Facebook for not kowtowing to his supreme dictates.

However, as usual Trump is lying about Twitter having “only a Radical Left point of view, and are hated by everyone.” All of the objective studies show that these platforms actually favor conservatives. As reported by the Guardian

“Republicans including Donald Trump have raged against Twitter and Facebook in recent months, alleging anti-conservative bias, censorship and a silencing of free speech. According to a new report from New York University, none of that is true.

“Disinformation expert Paul Barrett and researcher J Grant Sims found that far from suppressing conservatives, social media platforms have, through algorithms, amplified rightwing voices, ‘often affording conservatives greater reach than liberal or nonpartisan content creators’”.

These findings have been confirmed by repeated studies including this one by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, and this one by the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Finally, if Twitter is “hated by everyone,” then everyone has a funny way of showing it. The platform currently has more than 200 million users. That’s far more than anything Trump will ever have on his yet to be launched (and bona fide scam), TRUTH Social. Although if Trump wants to herd his devotees into his own disease-ridden corral, we’re all for it. A study conducted after Trump was banned from Twitter showed that “online misinformation about election fraud plunged 73 percent.” So the departure of Trump and his crackpot crusaders can only make the Internet better.

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Trump Endorses the Fascist Wannabe Dictator Viktor Orbán of Hungary Because – Of Course He Does

One of the most disturbing and destructive skid marks of Donald Trump’s ghastly occupancy of the White House was a foreign policy devoted to alienating America’s allies and embracing its enemies. He had a particularly perverse affinity for brutal tyrants such as Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and Kim Jung Un, whose interests he always seemed to be pursuing.

Donald Trump

Now in exile from Washington for the past year, Trump is demonstrating that nothing has changed. He is still in awe of the authoritarians whose unchecked dominance he so envied. On Monday Trump released a statement (via his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill) officially endorsing the Hungarian fuehrer, Viktor Orbán. Trump gushed that…

“Viktor Orbán of Hungary truly loves his Country and wants safety for his people. He has done a powerful and wonderful job in protecting Hungary, stopping illegal immigration, creating jobs, trade, and should be allowed to continue to do so in the upcoming Election. He is a strong leader and respected by all. He has my Complete support and Endorsement for reelection as Prime Minister!”

The reasons Trump gives for his noxious endorsement are chillingly reminiscent of his praise for Putin and other oppressive strongmen. These despots are always portrayed by Trump as loving their country. Presumably it’s the same sort of love expressed by the insurrectionists sent by Trump to assault Congress on January 6, 2021. And naturally Trump is approving of the racist immigration policies of Orbán. However, he couldn’t be more wrong about the respect that he says Orbán enjoys. Quite the opposite. Orbán has antagonized and estranged his European neighbors.

What’s more, according to Human Rights Watch, Hungary’s parliament gave Orbán rights that allow him to rule “with unlimited power for an indefinite time.” He has the power now to strike down and/or implement laws by decree. And democratic elections have been suspended.

And if that isn’t bad enough, Orbán has consolidated control over the country’s judiciary and media. Reporters Without Borders has noted that oligarchs close to Hungary’s ruling Fidesz party control more than 80% of the media in the country, while private media is discriminated against and characterized as publishing “fake news.” No wonder Trump adores him.

It is not surprising, though, that Trump would pay tribute to Orbán. He is very likely taking his queues from Tucker Carlson of Fox News. Last August Carlson made a pilgrimage to Hungary to curtsy obediently before Orbán. Why wouldn’t he? The targets of Orbán’s hostility and lies are often the same as those that Trump and Fox News go after. CNN’s Jim Acosta reported on Carlson’s trek to the totalitarian dystopia.

So Trump is once again affirming that he is an anti-democratic, freedom-hating, friend to flagrant fascists. He even said so explicitly during his recent “Sexual Predators Tour” with Bill O’Reilly. Both Trump and O’Reilly had moments wherein they displayed their utter disgust for America. While discussing his record on foreign relations, Trump admitted that the world leaders he “got along best with were tyrants. For whatever reason, I got along great with them.”

“For whatever reason?” We know the reason. It’s because they are the people he relates to and most hopes to emulate. God forbid he ever gets another chance to. As the Republican co-chair of the House Select Committee investigating January 6th, Rep. Liz Cheney recently warned: Trump “clearly can never be anywhere near the Oval Office ever again.”

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Twitter Suspends Marjorie Taylor Greene, but Allows Trump’s Shill to Keep Posting His Lies (?)

In the first week of January 2021, Donald Trump was banished from Twitter due to his reckless and relentless lies about election fraud. Twitter imposed the ban on January 8th, two days after Trump’s deadly insurrection on Capitol Hill, saying that “we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence.”

Donald Trump

Now, almost exactly a year to the day, Twitter has also suspended Trump’s congressional lickspittle, Marjorie Taylor Greene. In Greene’s case the reason given for her suspension was “repeated violations of our COVID-19 misinformation policy.” Naturally Greene is fuming that “Twitter is an enemy to America,” and promises to “show America we don’t need them.” Presumably she will move over to one of the failing alt-Twitter sites like Gab, Parler, Gettr, or maybe Trump’s allegedly forthcoming TRUTH Social. Which is hysterically misnamed for an Internet site run by a documented pathological liar.

As satisfying as it is to see someone like Greene exiled from social media, it also highlights the shortcomings in how Twitter carries out the enforcement of their policies. Because if Greene is considered to be in violation of their terms of service, then how can Trump’s official spokes-shill, Liz Harrington, be allowed to continue posting his lies?

In the year since Trump’s suspension he has actually escalated his reckless rhetoric. He continues to make purposefully inflammatory comments online, at his cult rallies, and in appearances on fringe TV outlets like Newsmax and One America News (OAN). His rancid commentaries serve to encourage his glassy-eyed disciples to “stand by” for his prophesized and delusional political resurrection. It’s a prospect that even ultra-conservative Republicans are frightened by.

Nevertheless, with Harrington’s help, Trump has managed to maintain an online presence despite his exile from Twitter. That presence has been dominated by his relentless compulsion to lie and hurl infantile insults at his foes. And he continues to propagate his “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged” and “stolen” from him. All in an effort to advance his aspirations of messianic tyranny. In lieu of tweeting, Trump puts out press releases with the same lie-filled histrionics that are identical to what he used to tweet. And those messages are being relayed to the Twitter-verse by Harrington.

Harrington is posting these incendiary outbursts despite Twitter’s stated policy of prohibiting anyone from attempting to circumvent a suspension. So Harrington is in flagrant violation of Twitter policies that call for suspension of the violator. Twitter needs to enforce their rules without prejudice or preference. Otherwise the rules are meaningless. And in Trump’s case, potentially dangerous.

There is simply no excuse for permitting Harrington to aid and abet Trump in circumventing his ban. While her reach is a pittance of the cult devotees that Trump roped in, the messages are just as dishonest and dangerous as if Trump were posting them himself. Twitter knows this and needs to do their job, enforce their rules, and ban Harrington and other offenders.

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Liz Cheney Warns America that Trump ‘Can Never Be Anywhere Near the Oval Office Ever Again’

In a few days it will be the first anniversary of Donald Trump’s attempted coup and his violent January 6th insurrection in Washington, D.C. In that time Trump and his seditionist cult disciples have only become more deranged and hostile toward democracy and America. To commemorate the occasion, Trump has scheduled a “news” conference that will certainly be devoid of both news and conferring.

Donald Trump, Fox News, QAnon

Trump’s media charade was purposefully scheduled as a distraction from the more solemn observances previously announced by Congress and the White House to honor the sacrifices of the heroes who defended the Capitol and democracy. His phony affair should therefore be ignored by the press since they already know that it will be nothing but more of the same self-serving, ego-satiating lies that Trump has been disgorging for the past year. Along with some new lies wherein he is buying into Tucker Carlson’s “false flag” conspiracy theory.

In a pre-anniversary interview on ABC News’ This Week with George Stephanopoulos, Rep. Liz Cheney explicitly articulated some of the reasons that the nation needs to be concerned about Trump and his persistent authoritarian aspirations. Cheney is one of two Republicans on the House Select Committee that is investigating the January 6th insurrection, and which has Trump fulminating in fear of what he childishly calls the Unselect Committee. Cheney’s words need little elaboration (video below):

“The Committee has first hand testimony now that he was sitting in the dining room next to the Oval Office watching the attack on television as the assault on the Capitol occurred. We know, as you know well, that the Briefing Room at the White House is just a mere few steps from the Oval Office.

“The president could have at any moment walked those very few steps into the Briefing Room, gone on live television, and told his supporters who were attacking the Capitol to stop. He could have told them to stand down. He could have told them to go home. And he failed to do so. It’s hard to imagine a more significant and more serious dereliction of duty than that.”

Not only did he not immediately tell his StormTrumpers to stand down, instead he waited for three horrifying hours and then told them that they were special and that he loved them. Cheney went on to assert that Trump’s failure to act could constitute criminal negligence. And she also made the point that…

“It’s important for the American people to understand how dangerous Donald Trump was. We know, as he was sitting there in the dining room next to the Oval Office, members of his staff were pleading with him to go on television to tell people to stop. We know Leader McCarthy was pleading with him to do that. We know members of his family – we know his daughter – we have first hand testimony that his daughter Ivanka went in at least twice to ask him to please stop this violence.

“Any man who would not do so; any man who would provoke a violent assault on the Capitol to stop the counting of electoral votes; any man who would watch television as police officers were being beaten as his supporters were invading the Capitol of the Unites States; is clearly unfit for future office. Clearly can never be anywhere near the Oval Office ever again.”

It wasn’t just members of his staff and family who were begging Trump to do the right thing. It was also his Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) who were sending him frantic emails as the invasion was going down. And when asked if she shared Hillary Clinton’s recent statement that if Trump were to win a second term that could be the end of our democracy, Cheney answered simply…

“I do. I think it is critically important, given everything we know about the lines that he was willing to cross – he crossed lines that no American president has ever crossed before.”

There is no question that Trump is both dangerous and criminally negligent. And there is abundant evidence of it. But it’s still good to hear a staunchly conservative Republican saying it on national television. Now all we need is for the Attorney General to get the message and issue some indictments before Trump has a chance to cause more trouble.

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Poor Crybaby Trump is Having a Terrible New Year, Trying So Hard to Blame His Failures on Biden

Congratulations America. We made it to 2022 despite the challenges and obstacles. While the COVID pandemic is still with us due to the lies of Donald Trump and Fox News, most of us who are not in Trump territory have been vaccinated and are likely shielded from severe consequences.

Donald Trump, Snowflakes

Sadly, the former reality TV game show host doesn’t seem to be sharing much joy this holiday season. although he was seen at a Mar-a-Lago Super-Spreader party, he neglected to wish his cult disciples a Happy New Year. In stead, he posted a message (via his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill) with s decidedly depressing – and typically dishonest – theme:

“The United States just set a record high for coronavirus infections. Remember when Biden said that he would quickly and easily solve this problem? How’s he doing? He now says that it is up to the states, not the Federal Government, exactly the opposite of what he said during the campaign!”

Notice that Trump is virtually rooting for the virus. He is downright gleeful that it is continuing to cause more misery and loss. The only thing he cares about is that it could cause political problems for President Biden. This isn’t the first time Trump has celebrated such suffering. And he persists in ignoring the painful reality that it is almost entirely his own supporters who are succumbing to severe sickness.

Trump asks his dimwitted devotees to “Remember when Biden said that he would quickly and easily solve this problem?” If they do, they really need to get into a drug rehab program. Because Biden never said any such thing. He said that he would fight to defeat the virus, and recognized that it would be difficult. It’s Trump who is always saying that all of things he failed to achieve would be achieved quickly and easily.

As for how Biden is doing? Well, over 240 million Americans (73%) have been vaccinated, and about 67 million (20%) have received the booster in less than a month. That is what is keeping hospitalizations and deaths down. And the only reason that there have been more deaths in 2021 than in 2020 is because 2021 started with a much higher population of infected people, and so many of Trump’s followers still refuse to get vaccinated or wear masks.

Trump is also lying about Biden saying that “it is up to the states, not the Federal Government” to resolve the pandemic problem. That’s a distortion that he picked up from Fox News. But the truth is that Biden told a conference of governors that the federal government by itself is not the solution. When Biden said that “there is no federal solution. This gets solved at a state level,” he was not dismissing any federal role. He was agreeing with the Republican governor of Arkansas, Asa Hutchinson, who said that “as you look towards federal solutions that will help alleviate the challenge, make sure that we do not let federal solutions stand in the way of state solutions.”

Biden elaborated on the need for a federal/state partnership saying that “My message to the governors is simple: If you need something, say something — and we — we’re going to have your back in any way we can.” He enumerated some of the ways that Washington was working with the states, from invoking the Defense Production Act to deploying FEMA. And he closed saying that “we’re going to get through it by working together.” So contrary to Trump’s warped misrepresentation, that is exactly in accordance with what Biden said in his campaign. And it’s just that sort of consistency and integrity that triggers Trump’s latent inferiority complex and contributes to his holiday whining.

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