Fox News Recklessly and Purposefully Puts the Life of an Indiana Abortion Doctor at Risk

Last week a heart wrenching news story broke about a ten year old girl in Ohio who was raped and became pregnant. Making the ordeal that she and her family were facing even more traumatic, the family had to take the girl to Indiana because law in Ohio would force her to carry the baby of the rapist to term.

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Fox News, Bullshit Factory

True to form, Fox News falsely asserted that the story of of the girl was fake. Tucker Carlson flatly said it was “not true.” Jesse Watters interviewed the Indiana attorney general who said that he’s investigating the Indiana doctor for unspecified misconduct. Pedophile-enabler, Rep. Jim Jordan, tweeted (and later deleted) that the story was “Another lie.” Fox’s view across the board was was that the story was a hoax aimed at “promoting” abortion and criticizing the recent Supreme Court decision that reversed Roe vs Wade.

RELATED: Jon Stewart Nails It: The Supreme Court is Now the Fox News of Justice

This week the alleged rapist was apprehended and pleaded guilty. Consequently Fox News shifted their coverage to feature assertions about the suspect’s immigration status, and attacks on the Indiana OB-GYN to whom the girl was referred.

In both cases they demonstrate that they are fixated only on the politics of the issue and have zero concern about the welfare of the child. They issued no apologies or retractions for any of the prior claims that the story as fake. Even worse, Fox News has now been identifying the doctor by name and photo, a reckless act that could put her life at risk.

There is a long history of violence against doctors and reproductive healthcare clinics. Reporting by Fox News has certainly contributed to these horrific statistics. Fox knows this, and yet they still engage in this sort of irresponsible and dangerous so-called journalism. Forbes reports that it’s getting worse…

“Abortion providers have been subject to thousands of criminal incidents since abortion became legalized in the 1970s, according to the National Abortion Federation, including 11 murders, 42 bombings, 196 arsons and 491 assaults since 1977.”

Indeed, it will get worse if Fox News gets its way. Their coverage of the issue is inciting radical right-wingers to commit more crimes, just as their coverage of Trump’s “Big Lie” does. And they are pushing those hostile themes even as they falsely accuse Democrats of promoting violence.

RELATED: Ted Cruz Lies to Fox News that Democrats are ‘Encouraging Violence’ After Roe v Wade Ruling

Democrats need to expose the callousness of Fox News and the Republican Party’s intent to encourage violent opposition to the rights of women and families. And a good start was made when Rep. Eric Swalwell righteously dressed down Jim Jordan, who was among those vilifying both the ten year old victim and her doctor…

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REPORT: Trump is ‘Fixated’ on the January 6th Hearings and Obsessed with How He is Coming Across

The House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection has produced an abundance of documents and testimony incriminating Donald Trump and many of his seditious co-conspirators. And most of what they have discovered was provided by Republicans who worked for Trump in the White House and his campaigns. No wonder Trump is scared witless about what his former staffers are saying.

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Donald Trump, Snowflakes

Throughout the past several weeks that the hearings have been conducted, Trump, and the MAGA media that fawns over him, have dismissed the proceedings as a pointless waste of time that is full of lies and that no one is watching. You might ask how they know about the alleged lying if they aren’t watching.

The truth is that the American people are paying close attention to the hearings. The ratings have been through the roof, with CNN and MSNBC frequently beating Fox News, where the hearings are often ignored. And the resulting change in public opinion is also showing up in recent polling that shows majorities believing that Trump is guilty of inciting the riots on Capitol Hill, and other crimes.

RELATED: Cassidy Hutchinson Testimony for the January 6th Committee Breaks TV Viewing Records

Among the viewers who pretend not to be interested is Trump himself. Never mind that he has been relentlessly whining about what the hearings are revealing. As proof of his emotional retardation, he has labeled the congressional panel the “Unselect Committee” and posts goofy nicknames for its members. It won’t be long before he’s calling them “poopyheads.” But it is clear that he is paying attention. As reported by CNN (video below)

“Former President Donald Trump, who has repeatedly downplayed the significance of the hearings by the House select committee investigating January 6, 2021, has regularly asked those around him in recent days when the televised hearings are going to end — underscoring his private fixation on the damning revelations revealed by some of the committee’s witnesses.

“The six public hearings held thus far have been more effective than many in Trump’s orbit anticipated, including when a former White House aide testified publicly about his behavior the day of the Capitol insurrection.”

According to CNN, sources close to Trump say that he, “has been unable to look away from the hearings,” and has lashed out in profanity-laced tirades because “no one is on the dais defending him.” However, the absence of his defenders is due to GOP minority leader Kevin McCarthy’s pigheaded stubbornness. He refused to appoint any non-compromised Republicans to the panel.

What’s more, Trump’s allies have all refused to show up and testify under oath, even when compelled by subpoenas. That is likely because they are afraid of incriminating themselves and/or their Dear Leader. And of course, Trump could defend himself before the Committee if he weren’t such a coward and so obviously guilty.

The sad truth for Trump is that there is no defense for his treasonous acts. And more evidence is being uncovered daily that should lead to indictments and prosecution. Trump knows this and is sweating it out and badgering his friends privately, while making a fool of himself publicly with his tedious yammering about nonexistent election fraud. It’s a pathetic display that is only bound to get worse going forward.

RELATED: The Crimes Trump Can (Should) Be Indicted For Now, According to Watergate Prosecutor and Others

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Newsmax (and Trump) are Still Obsessed with (and Afraid of) Cassidy Hutchinson’s Jan 6 Testimony

Two weeks ago, Cassidy Hutchinson, the aide to Trump’s former chief of staff, Mark Meadows, testified before the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection that was incited by Donald Trump. And ever since then Trump has been noticeably agitated and frantically determined to malign her in the most grotesquely personal manner.

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Donald Trump, Twitter

Trump’s fear and animosity, while hateful and dangerous, was understandable considering what Hutchinson revealed. Her testimony affirmed that Trump was aware that weapons were present at his January 6th rally speech, and that he “didn’t f—ing care” because “they aren’t here to hurt me.” She also disclosed Trump’s seething anger had erupted into food flinging temper tantrums. And she told the Committee that White House lawyers were worried about criminal charges, and that several members of Congress had sought pardons from Trump.

RELATED: The Crimes Trump Can (Should) Be Indicted For Now, According to Watergate Prosecutor and Others

The fact that Hutchinson’s testimony was so broadly viewed by record TV audiences is also likely a source of intense dread for Trump, as well as the Trump-fluffing media that worships him. For instance, Newsmax host and fawning Trump sycophant, Greg Kelly, attacked Hutchinson Monday night saying that…

“Cassidy Hutchinson … They are still obsessed with her. I think quite frankly, one of the reasons why they’re talking about her testimony so much is based on her appearance. I do. She’s an above average person when it comes to looks. but very below average in other ways, I am told.”

It’s hysterical that Kelly says that some ambiguous “they” are obsessed with Hutchinson, when clearly he’s the one whose fixation is so unrelenting. And like a lovesick – albeit misogynistic – adolescent who can’t admit his infatuation, he demeans her by reducing her impact to merely her appearance. Even in that regard, he can’t simply say that she’s pretty, only “above average.” Then he concludes by insulting her intelligence, which he attributes to some other unnamed source.

Which brings us to Trump, who the following morning posted a slanderous comment about Hutchinson on his pitifully failing Twitter clone website, TRUTH Social. It was the sixth time he’s attacked her since she testified, despite repeatedly insisting that he “barely knew or even recognize” her. He ranted…

“Can you imagine the Unselect Committee, which was formed solely for the purpose of bringing down my ‘numbers, or worse, relying on the fake and made up stories, already largely debunked, of a female scam artist, Cassidy Hutchinson, who desperately wanted to go with the Trump Team to Florida long after January 6th, and went ‘crazy’ when she was told no. They called her a ‘leaker’ and worse, didn’t want her.”

Let’s just set aside Trump’s pathetic whining about the Committee’s purpose, and his ludicrous assertion that anything revealed to date has been debunked. Trump eventually got to his main point, petulantly disparaging Hutchinson as “a female scam artist.” Never mind that he couldn’t cite a single example of anything she said that was untrue. And like every other critic that has come out of his own administration, he portrays her as a low-level, incompetent, bent on betraying him for some reason.

You have to wonder why Trump hired so many people who were disloyal losers. But the answer may just be that he is projecting the two most prominent components of his narcissistic, so-called personality. In the the opening statements of Tuesday’s Committee hearing, vice-chair Liz Cheney said that…

“President Trump is a 76-year- old man. He is not an impressionable child. Just like everyone else in our country, he is responsible for his own actions and his own choices.”

That’s an exceedingly generous characterization of Trump. While he is certainly “responsible for his own actions and his own choices,” and he must be held accountable for them, it’s also painfully obvious that he is, in fact, “an impressionable child,” at least in his emotional maturity, or lack thereof. And we can expect more of these infantile outbursts going forward in his appearances with the suck-ups on Newsmax, and in his own comments on TRUTH Social, if it isn’t shut down first.

RELATED: LOCK HIM UP: Trump’s TRUTH Social Scam is Being Criminally Investigated By a Federal Grand Jury

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Trump’s AG Bill Barr Has Been Subpoenaed in Billion Dollar Dominion Lawsuit Against Fox News

The billion dollar defamation lawsuit against Fox News by Dominion Voting Systems continues to build steam. And Dominion’s case keeps getting stronger. The core complaint is that Fox News hosts and guests relentlessly made baseless charges that Dominion voting machines were used to “rig” the election. And there’s a mountain of evidence to support Dominion’s case.

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William Barr, Donald Trump

The latest twist to the increasingly compelling plot is that Dominion has subpoenaed Donald Trump’s former Attorney Genuflect, Bill Barr. According to ABC News

“Former Attorney General William Barr has been subpoenaed as part of an ongoing 2020 election defamation lawsuit against Fox News brought by voting machine company Dominion Voting Systems, according to the court docket in the case.”

This shouldn’t come as surprise considering that Barr has already affirmed that Trump’s efforts to undermine democracy were wholly without merit, and that Trump was told that repeatedly. In the book Betrayal, by ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent Jonathan Karl, there were some choice quotes by Barr regarding Trump’s “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him. Barr told Karl that…

“My attitude was: It was put-up or shut-up time. If there was evidence of fraud, I had no motive to suppress it. But my suspicion all the way along was that there was nothing there. It was all bull—-.”

And specifically commenting on allegations that the Dominion voting machines were rigged to switch votes from Trump to Biden, Barr said that…

“We realized from the beginning it was just bull—. It’s a counting machine, and they save everything that was counted. So you just reconcile the two. There had been no discrepancy reported anywhere, and I’m still not aware of any discrepancy.”

RELATED: AG Bill Barr on Trump’s Big Lie: We Realized From the Beginning it Was Just Bull****

Barr’s testimony enhances the already airtight case case against Fox News. In several pre-trial hearings Fox has tried unsuccessfully to get the suit dismissed. That’s gone so badly for Fox that in one of those hearings the judge remarked that Fox had acted with “actual malice” in their crusade to advance Trump’s “Big Lie” that the election had been “rigged” and “stolen” from him.

Barr is fortunate that he’s only being called as a witness at this time. Also named as defendants in Dominion’s lawsuit are Trump attorneys Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell. And in a similar lawsuit by Smartmatic, Fox News hosts Maria Bartiromo, Jeanine Pirro, and Lou Dobbs are named as defendants. More defendants could be named in both suits going forward, including Trump. Which seems like an obvious addition considering that he is the instigator of the entire mess.

RELATED: Read Smartmatic’s Gripping Introduction to Their 2.7 Billion Lawsuit Against Fox News

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LOLOL: Trump Waives Privilege He Doesn’t Have So Bannon Can Lie to the January 6th Committee

Poor Donald Trump. He is still wallowing in the delusion that he has presidential prerogatives that were thrown out at the same time that he was thrown out of the White House by the American People. There is nothing more pitiful than a wannabe dictator acting out his imaginary authority and issuing decrees that he has no power to enforce.

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Donald Trump

On Saturday Trump wrote a letter (posted below) to his former campaign boss and White House aide, Steve Bannon, waiving executive privilege so that he can testify before the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection that Trump incited. Never mind that Trump has no power to either grant or waive executive privilege, a determination that was affirmed by the Supreme Court that has a conservative majority, including three Trump appointees.

RELATED: Jon Stewart Nails It: The Supreme Court is Now the Fox News of Justice

However, Trump’s letter was a hot mess for so many other reasons. His language was reflective of the rage-fueled rants that he has been disgorging for years. And he offered no legal argument to support his position. What follows are a few choice excerpts of the clownish idiocy that Trump was not embarrassed to commit to paper:

“I write about the Subpoena that you received in September 2021 from the illegally constituted Unselect Committee, the same group of people who created the Russia Russia Russia scam, Impeachment hoax #1, Impeachment hoax #2, the Mueller Witch-Hunt (which ended in no “Collusion”), and other fake and never-ending yarns and tales.”

First of all, Trump is invalidating his whole waiver by writing that the it applies to a subpoena from “the illegally constituted Unselect Committee.” There is no such thing a an “Unselect Committee.” So there is nothing to waive. Also, the actual Committee was lawfully formed by Congress. And Trump’s regurgitation of his childish chants about “Russia Russia Russia,” his two impeachments, and the Mueller probe (which did find cooperation with Russia’s election interference, as well as obstruction of justice on Trump’s part) is just a reprise of the lamest hits he plays for fans at his cult rallies.

The letter continues…

“When you first received the Subpoena to testify and provide documents, I invoked Executive Privilege. However, I watched how unfairly you and others have been treated, having to spend vast amounts of money on legal fees, and all of the trauma you must be going through for the love of your Country, and out of respect for the Office of the President.”

In addition to deploying his fictional invocation powers, Trump empathizes with Bannon’s tribulations and praises his patriotism. Recall that Bannon was a key figure in the insurrection who said the day before that “All hell is going to break loose tomorrow.” He was also indicted for conspiracy to commit mail fraud and money laundering in connection to his fake “We Build the Wall” campaign. He received a pardon from Trump for that plot to ripoff Trump supporters.

RELATED: Lock Him Up: Trump’s Ties To Steve Bannon and the Border Wall Fraud

The letter continues…

“Therefore, if you reach an agreement on a time and place for your testimony. I will waive Executive Privilege for you, which allows for you to go in and testify truthfully and fairly, as per the request of the Unselect Committee of political Thugs and Hacks, who have allowed no Due Process, no Cross-Examination, and no real Republican members or witnesses to be present or interviewed. It is a partisan Kangaroo Court.”

Here Trump is opening a Grand Canyon sized gap for Bannon to slither through and avoid testifying. He is not entitled to determine the “time and place” for testimony. If he refuses on the basis of not arriving at an agreement, he is still in contempt of Congress. What’s more, Bannon’s response to the “waiver” included his willingness to testify in public. But the Committee routinely holds all of the initial depositions in private, and Bannon would not be treated any differently. This may be Bannon’s attempt exploit his testimony in order to create a media circus, which the Committee will never agree to.

Furthermore, Trump’s complaint that there has been “no Due Process, no Cross-Examination, and no real Republican members or witnesses,” is illustrative of both his ignorance and dishonesty. Due process and cross examination are elements of a court trial, which a congressional committee is not. And literally every witness that has testified publicly to date was a Republican hired by Trump.

The letter continues…

“Why should these evil, sinister, and unpatriotic people be allowed to hurt and destroy the lives of so many, and cause such great harm to our Country?

“It has been, from the time I came down the escalator at Trump Tower, a political hit job against the overwhelming majority of Americans who support the concept and policy of Making America Great Again and putting America First. Good luck in all of your future endeavors.”

If anyone is being hurt by these hearings, it is those who chose to violate the law on behalf of a seditious and criminal, former reality TV game show host. And as for the “overwhelming majority of Americans,” every poll shows that they favor Trump being held legally responsible for his treasonous activities. That’s just another fact that Trump has surrendered to his delusions and/or lies.

RELATED: WTF? Trump Brags that 67% of Americans Say He’s Responsible for the Violent January 6th Insurrection

UPDATE: Adding another twist to the plot, Trump’s attorney, Justin Clark, told the Justice Department that “at no point did Trump ever invoke executive privilege over Bannon’s testimony.” More proof that the whole charade is a fraud.

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Trump Suffers Severe Cognitive Collapse, Claims that ‘Everyone Was Happy’ When He Was in Office

Only the most brainwashed disciples of his cult still believe that Donald Trump is mentally competent. He never was the “stable genius” that he laughably called himself. But his psychological decline appears to be picking up steam as his legal peril intensifies in conjunction with his rapidly deteriorating prospects for a return to the White House.

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Donald Trump, Insane, Straight Jacket

On Friday Trump delivered a campaign speech in Las Vegas for a couple of Republican candidates in Nevada. It was typically rife with lies and unbridled outrage triggered by figments of his overactive imagination. He regurgitated his delusional election fraud claims and flung infantile insults at his political foes.

RELATED: The Crimes Trump Can (Should) Be Indicted For Now, According to Watergate Prosecutor and Others

In addition to his standard narcissistic rambling and psychotic sermonizing, Trump also unleashed the following hysterical observation pulled directly out of his asinine recollection of a warped version of the past:

“We have to stop fighting with each other and unify. That was happening during the greatest period, I believe, in our country’s history in many ways. Just before COVID came in from China – and that’s where it came from, Wuhan. It came from Wuhan. It can happen again. We were more unified just before that. Everybody was happy.”

Trump is right if what he means by “everybody” is his dimwitted followers and the rage-fueled voices in his head. However, a reality-based remembrance of the Trump years reveals a nation that was more unified in hatred of Trump than happiness. After all, there were unprecedented, massive protests from the very beginning of his term. He had record low approval ratings that never reached 50%. He lost the lost popular vote twice. He lost reelection by over seven million votes. And how could he forget that he was impeached twice? A recent poll shows that even 49% of Republicans don’t want him to run in 2024.

Does that sound like a nation that was happy and unified? Trump himself was never happy. He exhibited a constant state of outrage, throwing temper tantrums almost daily. And his animus was not reserved for Democrats. He regularly lashed out at Republicans who he deemed insufficiently worshipful.

Trump’s seething anger has never waned in the months since he was deported back to Mar-a-Lago. He is still spewing the furious tirades that embody the whole of his public life. Also in his Las Vegas address, Trump launched a bizarre attack on New York Attorney General Letitia James:

“In many cases, however, racist prosecutors should also be vigorously investigated for their brazen violation of federal civil rights laws. It’s happening to me with a racist attorney general in New York who campaigned solely on the fact that she would get Donald Trump. ‘I’m gonna get him.'”

James happens to be Black. So Trump regards her as racist because she’s investigating the crimes of a White, former reality TV game show host, who cheated on his taxes, lied about his real estate properties, and tried to overthrow the U.S. government. And his complaint that James campaigned on “get[ting] Donald Trump” doesn’t help his case. After all, she won. Which proves that it was a smart and relevant campaign issue, and that voters are also anxious to “get Trump.”

RELATED: WTF? Trump Brags that 67% of Americans Say He’s Responsible for the Violent January 6th Insurrection

These are just two of the most recent examples of Trump’s descent into madness. Calling a Black Attorney General racist, and recalling his contentious term in office as a time of unity, are about as far removed from reality as one can get. The only worse mental afflictions would be the ones that infect anyone who continues to support Trump.

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Fox News Hack Peter Doocy Gets Stuck in Ludicrous Loop About Protesting Supreme Court Justices

The daily White House press briefing is supposed to provide an opportunity for the media to get information about the administration and inquire about matters of consequence to the public. Unfortunately, some reporters often seem more interested in contriving “gotcha” questions and trying to stump the press secretary.

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Fox News, Peter Doocy

Peter Doocy of Fox News is perhaps the most prominent example of a partisan shill who thinks it’s his job to manufacture political melodrama. His line of questioning is almost always focused on trivialities and serves as a diversion from serious matters.

RELATED: HAH! Jen Psaki Says Doocy’s Fox News Questions Would ‘Make Anyone Sound Like a Stupid S.O.B.’

On Friday Doocy seemed to get himself stuck in a loop wherein he wouldn’t stop asking the same question over and over. And despite Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre answering it clearly the first time, it didn’t stop Doocy from flinging it back at here as if he was a dog playing fetch.

The subject on Doocy’s mind was a report that protesters showed up outside of Morten’s Restaurant in Washington, D.C. after learning that Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was dining there. This act of exercising the First Amendment apparently offended Doocy and resulted in the following exchange (video below):

Doocy: It’s okay if a justice is out to eat at a restaurant, that they can go and protest as long as they are what you consider peaceful?
Jean-Pierre: We have said that we want to see peaceful protests. That’s what we have said. We want to see the protests be peaceful. But when it comes to intimidation, that is something that we have condemned.

Jean-Pierre repeated several times that the administration condemns any intimidation or violence, and that the difference between that and peaceful protests is clear. She also noted that President Biden recently signed bipartisan legislation to protect justices.

Undaunted, Doocy kept rehashing the same question in slightly different forms. He already knew what the answer was, so his only purpose was to badger Jean-Pierre and score points with his viewers and his bosses at Fox news. He regurgitated…

“So where’s the line? If these protesters can go to a justice’s house, and they can go to a restaurant, where is it that you don’t think it’s appropriate for a group of protesters to go?”


“Really? So these justices, because protesters do not agree with an opinion that they’ve signed onto, have no right to privacy, is what you’re saying?”


“Is that creating a potentially really bad situation when there are people, even if they’re being peaceful at the time, they’re angry. And that’s why they would be there, right?”

Doocy is suggesting that there are only certain public places where it’s “appropriate” to protest. Perhaps he’d like to confine protesters to garbage dumps outside of town. Although you have to wonder if Doocy would approve of protesting at women’s health clinics and harassing their patients. And why does Fox News consider it “appropriate” for protesters (aka violent insurrectionists) to break into Congress and threaten its members.

RELATED: Jon Stewart Nails It: The Supreme Court is Now the Fox News of Justice

It is also ironic that Doocy introduces the concept of “privacy” in this context, since that’s the Constitutional right that Kavanaugh and his radical rightist colleagues took a way with their irrational decision reversing Roe vs Wade.

Finally, Doocy is very concerned that protesters might be angry. Because obviously you should only be allowed to protest things that make you happy. And his complaint about “potentially really bad situations … even if they’re being peaceful,” is another assault on the Constitution that violates the standard of prior constraint.

Jean-Pierre exhibited profound patience with Doocy’s relentless inquisition. And while she eventually told him that “I’m done here, Peter,” she should have cut him off sooner. His childish antics should not be tolerated. They are irrelevant to the important matters that need to be discussed, and they just waste everyone’s time.

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Trump is Terrified that WH Counsel Cipollone Will Tell the Truth to the January 6th Committee

Donald Trump is a severely disturbed individual in desperate need of intense psychotherapy. But being too debilitated by his malignant narcissism to seek the help he so obviously needs, he has been using his failing social media website, TRUTH Social, as his personal, online, cathartic release valve. He employs it almost exclusively to vent about whatever happens to be outraging, depressing, or frightening him at the moment.

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Donald Trump Sweating

In a recent post, Trump ranted incoherently about the wholly imaginary fears that are consuming his warped state of mind. The triggering event this time is the pending testimony of Pat Cipollone, his former White House counsel, before the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection that Trump incited.

Previous testimony by Cassidy Hutchinson, the former aide to Trump’s chief of staff, Mark Meadows, revealed that Cipollone warned Trump that his participation in plots to overturn the election, including his encouragement of the insurrection, were unlawful. “Please make sure we don’t go up to the Capitol, Cassidy,” Cipollone implored Hutchinson. “We’re going to get charged every crime imaginable if we make that movement happen.”

Seeking additional details about Trump’s activities during, and leading up to, the Capitol riots, the Committee has recalled Cipollone. And that has elicited the following furor by the former reality TV game show host…

“Why would a future President of the United States want to have candid and important conversations with his White House Counsel if he thought there was even a small chance that this person, essentially acting as a ‘lawyer’ for the Country, may some day be brought before a partisan and openly hostile Committee in Congress, or even a fair and reasonable Committee, to reveal the inner secrets of foreign policy or other important matters. So bad for the USA!”

This tirade is another demonstration of how ignorant Trump is of governmental processes and law. He thinks that every conversation with the White House counsel is privileged. That’s false. Conversations that do not involve the official duties of the president are not shielded by either executive or attorney/client privilege. More to the point in this case, is that conversations that involve the commission of a crime are likewise not protected.

RELATED: Trump is Freaking Out that the January 6th Hearings are So Effectively Illuminating His Crimes

What Trump is really asking is “Why would a future President of the United States want to” discuss with his White House counsel his seditious plot to undermine democracy and overthrow the government? Which is actually an excellent question. Too bad for Trump that he didn’t think of it before incriminating himself.

Furthermore, there is nothing in the conversations that the Committee is seeking testimony for that involve “inner secrets of foreign policy or other important [official] matters.” That’s a red herring that Trump threw into the stew to make his cult disciples believe that he has a rational argument. He doesn’t.

Trump is also showing that he is ignorant of recent history. His hysterical reaction to the testimony of his White House counsel suggests that he thinks it is an unprecedented affair. However, anyone with a bit of institutional memory knows that Richard Nixon’s counsel, John Dean, testified before Congress, and was instrumental in Nixon’s downfall. Or perhaps someone did inform Trump of this fact, and that’s what he’s afraid of.

In any case, Trump’s fear is well founded. With the accumulating evidence of criminal behavior on his part, and that of his associates, he must know that there will likely be legal consequences to follow. So he’s lashing out with these pitifully ignorant outbursts in the safety of his own social media website. He obviously isn’t trying to convince the public at large that he’s an innocent victim of “deep state” persecutors.

related: The Crimes Trump Can (Should) Be Indicted For Now, According to Watergate Prosecutor and Others

In fact, Trump is just adding to his legal peril by unleashing more incendiary comments that have the potential to incite more violence. And the members of the House Committee, as well as prosecutors in the Justice Department and state offices, are surely paying attention.

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Fox News Bashes Boris Johnson for the Same Things Trump Did, But Still Fawn Over Trump

After a tumultuous tenure as Prime Minister, Boris Johnson has resigned the post amid myriad scandals and cabinet resignations. Donald Trump was a big fan of Johnson and his BREXIT crusade to remove the U.K. from the European Union. Now both have been ousted from office in disgrace.

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Donald Trump, Mask, Fox News

That, however, is not the only thing that Trump and Johnson have in common. On Fox News the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends inadvertently highlighted some of the other unsavory similarities between the two spurned politicians. The segment featured co-host Steve Doocy’s critical summation of Johnson’s departure. But with the changing of a few words, the criticism seems to fit Trump even better (video below). Doocy said that…

“What has happened for years is that the British people did not trust him. He would say one thing and then go do something else. And then pop up in the tabloids. And then with this thing, it’s a question of integrity. He has refused to go, even though people have been calling for him to hit the pavement for a while, because he would say look, ‘I have a mandate. I had an additional 14 million votes from voters who voted for me in 2019. So I’m gonna stick around.”

Just substitute “British” with “American” and you have a pretty good description of Trump. The American people never trusted him. He lost the popular vote (twice) and never reached even 50% approval at any time during his term. He was a frequent dweller in the tabloids due to his relentless lying, constant infantile outrage, and painfully ignorant remarks.

RELATED: Crybaby Trump Bashes Fox News, ‘Perverts’ and ‘RINOS’ Who ‘Didn’t Have the Guts’ to Impeach Him

And of course, Trump refused to go. He still denies that he lost and desperately clings to utterly fictional claims of millions of votes that he never got. The Fox fiends continued saying that…

“Fifty-three government officials called it quits. The government of the United Kingdom and of England was in dire needs of somebody to run different cabinet positions and things like that. And so, apparently, his assistants were trying to fill the positions as quickly as people would quit. But they couldn’t. And they were people in charge of security, the courts, technology, education, finance.”

Many more people called it quits during the Trump administration. And many of those departures were for misconduct in office. Counting only the cabinet officials, in just four years, Trump had five times the turnover of President Obama who served eight years. Consequently, Trump often had “acting” heads of critical departments such as Defense, State, Justice, Labor, Transportation, Energy, Education, Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, the CIA, and even his White House Chief of Staff. He did this to partially to avoid having get these officials confirmed by the Senate, and partially because he couldn’t find people who were remotely qualified. But that wasn’t all. Fox and Friends co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy added that…

“His problems really started with COVID. It wasn’t clear how he was going to handle COVID. Then he got COVID. He almost died. He said it was really touch and go.”

This entire segment could have served as justification for Trump to have resigned or been impeached (which he was, twice) during his occupation of the White House. But while Fox News regards these facts about Johnson to be evidence of his failure, they still fawn over Trump, whose malfeasance was much worse. At least Johnson never fomented a violent insurrection to defile democracy and overthrow the British government.

RELATED: The Crimes Trump Can (Should) Be Indicted For Now, According to Watergate Prosecutor and Others

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Marjorie Taylor Greene Says July 4th Mass Shooting Was a ‘False Flag’ to Advance Gun Control

The Alex Jones-ification of the Republican Party continues to build up steam. What was once the purview of radical right fringe derangement is now mainstream GOP doctrine. And among the most prominent conspiracy crackpots of the wingnut faction is Georgia representative Marjorie Taylor Greene.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, Gun

On Wednesday Greene posted a video rant that was typically dishonest and grossly insensitive. She sought to miseducate her deplorable followers with a commentary on the horrific mass shooting that occurred on July 4th in Highland Park Illinois. That tragic event resulted in seven deaths and dozens of injuries. But to Greene it was nothing but a staged melodrama – a “false flag” operation – with political intent. She said that…

“Two shootings on July 4th. One in a rich white neighborhood and the other at a fireworks display. Almost sounds like it was designed to persuade Republicans to go along with more gun control.

I mean, after all, remember, we didn’t see that happen at all the Pride parades in the month of June, but as soon as we hit MAGA month, as soon as we hit the month that we’re all celebrating, loving our country, we have shootings. I mean, that would sound like a conspiracy theory, right? Of course. But what’s the definition of a right-wing conspiracy theory? Well, by the way, it’s the news, but just six months early.”

So Greene is asserting that there was no shooting and no victims on July 4th, or worse, that there were victims, but that they were purposefully planned political murders. And the intention of the alleged plotters was to “persuade Republicans to go along with more gun control.”

Greene’s “proof” of the existence of this lethal mission is that it took place in “a rich white neighborhood.” during what she called “MAGA month,” as if the StormTrumpers own July. She further validated her theory by noting that there are never any mass shootings at LGBTQ events. Who wants to tell her about the Pulse nightclub massacre in Orlando, Florida, in 2016, that killed 49 people and wounded 53 more?

Greene is a notoriously demented cretin whose antics often seem cartoonish and bizarre. For instance, she recently reported comedian Jimmy Kimmel to the police for telling a joke. And she also compared wearing face masks to the Holocaust.

However, this latest tirade is downright disgusting. The victims have not even been laid to rest. It is painfully reminiscent of when Alex Jones claimed that the mass shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut was a “false flag” operation staged by “crisis actors.” There were 20 children and 6 adults murdered at the school.

Jones is currently being sued on behalf of the Sandy Hook victims and their families. Hopefully Greene will suffer the same fate for her irresponsible lies and callous disregard for human life. Her Republican confederates must be pressed to speak out against her comments. But don’t your breath. Most of them, if not all, are just as depraved as she is.

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