Are Trump’s Nazi Videos and Hateful Posts Why Truth Social Lost $327 Million and 19% of Users?

The bad news for Donald Trump is piling up as his trial for falsifying business records and election interference (sometimes known as the “hush money” trial is winding down. On Tuesday Trump’s defense counsel rested their case after calling only two witnesses, one of which was immensely beneficial – to the prosecutors.

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Donald Trump calls for a "Unified Reich"

Compounding Trump’s troubles is the quarterly financial report from his Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG), the company that operates his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. The report notes that…

“Trump Media & Technology Group lost more than $300 million during the first quarter and generated very little revenue, the owner of Truth Social announced in a press release Monday. The results will raise additional questions about the multi-billion dollar valuation on the newly public company, which is majority owned by former President Donald Trump.” […] “The company generated just $770,500 of revenue, marking the second-straight quarter where its revenue totaled less than $1 million.” […]

“In April, the conservative-friendly social network experienced a 19% year-over-year drop in average daily active US users on iOS and Android to just 113,000, according to market research firm Similarweb. Rival X (formerly known as Twitter) had more than 34 million users on iOS and Android.”

In the just first quarter of 2024 TMTG lost $327 million on revenue of less than $1 million. Which makes its stock valuation of $6 billion something of a joke. What’s more, Truth Social lost nearly 20% of their active users in the past year. That loss comes during an election year when interest in Trump by his cult followers ought to be at a peak.

So what would account for these significant losses of cash, advertisers, and users? Perhaps it has something to do with Truth Social’s primary (only) reason for existing, Donald Trump. He posts relentlessly every day to his glassy-eyed disciples. And those posts are generally hostile attacks, infantile insults, and forecasts of doom, sprinkled with a hefty dose of narcissistic self-exaltation and hero worship. Maybe that isn’t the best sort of content to sustain an audience.

An example of the messaging that Trump regularly engages in was a video he posted Monday that asked the burning questions: “What’s next for America?” and “What happens after Donald Trump wins?” The video (now deleted) answered those questions with images of newspaper headlines including one that heralded the Trumpian future as being “DRIVEN BY THE CREATION OF A UNIFIED REICH.”

Trump has often exhibited his affinity for Nazi principles and rhetoric. He famously dined at his Mar-a-Lago bunker with the avowed neo-Nazi, Nicholas Fuentes. He praised racist Nazi protesters in Charlottesville, Virgina, as being “very fine people.” He uses language taken from Hitler’s speeches that refers to immigrants as “vermin” who are “poisoning the blood” of America.

Trump’s response to having been criticized for this video never bothered to condemn it’s vile views. He just blamed it on an anonymous staffer. Here is that response, along with with the thoughts of President Biden’s spokesperson, as reported by Politico

Trump spokesperson Karoline Leavitt: “This was not a campaign video, it was created by a random account online and reposted by a staffer who clearly did not see the word, while the President was in court.”

Biden spokesperson James Singer: Donald Trump is not playing games; he is telling America exactly what he intends to do if he regains power: rule as a dictator over a ‘Unified Reich.'”

You’ll notice that Trump didn’t apologize for or renounce the video. He just slithered out of taking any responsibility for it. Because he doesn’t disagree with its content. He’s just afraid that getting caught might hamper his authoritarian aspirations to reoccupy the White House. That’s all he cares really about. Which is why it is imperative that he be soundly defeated in November. He needs to be as big a failure as a politician as he is as a tech mogul.


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Trump’s Legal Weasel Waffles on Whether Trump Will Testify at His ‘Hush Money’ Trial

Donald Trump’s criminal trial for falsifying business records and election interference (sometimes known as the “Hush Money” case) may be approaching the end as attorneys on both sides begin to wrap up their witness examinations. The judge has tentatively scheduled Tuesday, May 28, for closing arguments.

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Donald Trump Sweating

Among the most eagerly anticipated events in this trial has been the question as to whether or not Trump would testify in his own defense. Most legal experts have held that it would be highly unlikely that Trump would take the oath and expose himself to potentially damaging cross-examination and perjury. For his part, Trump has wavered between contradictory statements insisting that would testify because he has nothing to hide, and whining, falsely, that he would not be able to testify due ot his gag order.

SEE THIS: Trump Fixates on Fox News Phonies While Lying that a Gag Order Prohibits Him from Testifying

On Monday morning Trump’s legal spokesperson, Alina Habba, was interviewed on Fox News, where she seems to have more airtime than any of their hosts. Sandra Smith raised the matter of Trump’s testimony with Habba, but as is often the case, she got a vague response.

Smith: What would be in the thought process to testify or not testify on the part of the former president?
Habba: He’s got to listen to his attorneys. It’s not as much what he wants to do. We know Trump wants to testify. He’s willing, he’s able, he… nothing to hide all. He’s absolutely ready to tell the truth. Frankly, I think his truth has already spoken. He was in the White House while somebody in accounting booked a legal fee payment as a legal expense. It’s pretty quick and it would be a pretty short testimony as far as the questions that would need to be asked, because he had no part in it.

If Trump were “ready to tell the truth” it would be a first for him. And if he had nothing to hide he would jump at the chance to take the stand. He has said repeatedly that he would do so. But now, according to Habba, he needs to consult with his attorneys. Which would actually be the smart thing for him to do. Because if his testimony was anything like what Habba told Fox News, he would be sliced and diced by the prosecutor.

Habba’s defense argument is that Trump, a notorious micromanager, wasn’t a part of the decisions surrounding his payment of hundreds of thousands of dollars to a porn star. And if Trump told the court under oath that he didn’t know how the payments were booked, or that he thought they were booked properly as legal expenses, he would be committing perjury. So yeah…he better listen to his lawyers, and keep his mouth shut.

Habba herself went on to lie about the prosecution of Trump, saying that…

“We have a D.A. that has been politically motivated since the minute he decided to run for office [and] the only time he decided to bring this case was after president Trump announced that he would be running for reelection.”

For the record, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg filed the 34 felony charges against Trump on April 4, 2023, after a grand jury issued the indictments. That was five months after Trump officially announced his campaign for 2024. Although Trump had informally stated almost immediately after President Biden was inaugurated that he would be running again. Either way, the charges were clearly not in response to Trump’s electoral ambitions.

On the same Fox News program, Habba complained that Trump was “limited as to what he can speak to,” and that “A witness can come up and say things that he knows are untrue, and he can’t say anything back.” Which is also patently false. Trump can, of course, testify under oath, just like the other witnesses that he says are lying.

So, will Trump exercise his rights to defend himself and forthrightly refute the testimony of the other witnesses, who are almost all his former close associates and/or employees? Don’t hold your breath. While his ego-driven inclination may be to do so, his lawyers will likely revolt if he refuses to take their advice and clam up. And it’s notable that Trump has promised to testify in other trials, but ultimately chickened out then as well.

That’s Trump’s standard operating procedure, and there is no reason to assume that it isn’t in effect now. So what we will see from Trump, rather than testimony on the witness stand under oath, are flagrant lies in the hallway outside the courtroom. And even after a conviction we’ll have to endure his yammering about the “rigged” trial and appeals processes. But hopefully an electoral landslide for Biden in November might actually zip Trump’s pie hole. That will be up to the American people to deliver. So you know what to do.


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Trump VP Hopeful, Stefanik, Goes Whacko When Fox News Reminds Her She Called Him a ‘Whack Job’

The race for who will be Donald Trump’s vice-presidential running mate is getting more heated as the election cycle proceeds. Names like Kristi Noem, Tim Scott, Marco Rubio, Vivek Ramaswamy, Byron Donalds, Kari Lake, and JD Vance, have all been floated. And every one of them have been less than subtle about their craving to be chosen to be the next Mike Pence, whose loyalty to Trump nearly got him hanged.

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Donald Trump, Woman, Fear

That sort of unflinching fealty to Dear Leader Trump is on full display by the prospective veeps. And for the most part, Fox News is playing its role in helping Trump to decide which contestant will get the rose. One Fox News host, Mark Levin, has gone so as far to deliver a blatant ultimatum to Trump himself with regard to who he might select…

SEE THIS: Blurring the Lines: Fox News Host Warns Trump: Do Not Choose a VP Who Won’t Appear on My Show

On Sunday, Fox News host Shannon Bream interviewed one of the top tier candidates, Elise Stefanik (NY-MAGA), about her aspirations to be Trump’s running mate (video below). Bream noted that Stefanik was among the Republicans who had abandoned their duties in Washington to join Trump’s cheering section at his criminal trial in Manhattan. Then Bream brought up a New York Times article wherein Stefanik was revealed to have been a harsh Trump critic when he first announced his candidacy. Bream said that…

“They say you called him a whack job at one point. They added this: ‘In August 2015 she told a New York radio station that he was insulting to women and that his candidacy would hurt the party’s efforts to attract female voters. According to her former friends,’ they continue, she thought ‘Mr. Trump was too awful and ridiculous to be taken seriously.'”

That’s an opinion that was shared by many Republicans (e.g. Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, etc.) prior to their becoming indoctrinated into the Trump cult. Shaken by being confronted with her own views, Stefanik led her response by lashing out at Bream for having the gall to quote actual associates of Stefanik to whom she revealed her aversion to Trump. Stefanik raged that…

“This is a, this is a false smear. And let me tell you a fact. In 2016, I was attacked as the only elected Republican from the Northeast who voted for President Trump. Democrats spent hundreds of thousands of dollars attacking me for that fact. So to say that I didn’t support him is just false. I have been proud to be one of his strongest supporters.”[Adding that] “It’s a disgrace that you would take a New York Times article and just read negative quotes.”

That’s right! How dare Bream ask Stefanik to account for things that she actually said. Especially since Stefanik is such a proud, unquestioning, glassy-eyed disciple of the Trump cult, whose support is all consuming and never ending.

Bream then asked Stefanik about whether she had said that Trump was “insulting to women,” and that his candidacy would hurt the party’s efforts to attract female voters. Stefanik admitted that she had said it, but complained that it had been “leaked out” by Democrats. Which doesn’t change the fact that she said it at all. She went on to say that she, nevertheless, stood by him, despite his grossly misogynistic insults.

It’s a rare phenomenon to see a Republican get grilled by Fox News. But when it happens it generally winds up with the Republican whining about being treated unfairly by the notoriously GOP friendly network. They never seem to be able to take responsibility for their own prior remarks or behavior. Which is a character trait they may have picked up from Trump, whose entire public life has served as a masterclass in dodging responsibility, denying reality, and lying about his own past. And in that respect, Stefanik is good learner.


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Adderall J. Trump Thinks He Can ‘Demand’ Biden Take a Drug Test Before the Debates – Or What?

This week President Biden challenged Donald Trump to a couple of debates, which forced Trump to agree, despite complaining about the hosting networks, and whining about conditions that would hamper his reality TV style grandstanding, such as the absence of a live audience, and the ability of moderators to cut the microphone if the candidate exceeded his allotted time.

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Donald Trump Angry

The Trump camp, however, is pretending not to be satisfied with the two debates now scheduled. Trump’s daughter-in-lawlessness, Lara, who he put in charge of the Republican National Committee, has asked for a total of five debates, despite insisting that that are all somehow “rigged” in favor of Biden. Just like the elections and the trials, and everything else that Trump is afraid that he’s losing. Also, it is common for the candidate who is behind to want more debates. So that tells us something about where Trump really thinks he stands.

SEE THIS: Lara Trump Tells Fox News that She Wants 5 Debates with Biden – That She Says are All Rigged

On Friday Trump left his son’s high school graduation early to give a speech before the Minnesota Republican Party. The speech was typically littered with the same lies and infantile insults that comprise every speech he gives. But this one also included an especially repugnant remark that he regards, in his perverse perspective, as proper political commentary. He raged that…

“We have Fake Tapper, but, you know, I just want to debate this guy. But you know, I’m going to demand a drug test too, by the way. I am. No, I really am. I don’t want him coming in like the State of the Union, he was high as a kite. I said, ‘Is that Joe up there?’ And by the end of the evening, he’s like, well, he was exhausted, right? No, we’re going to demand a drug test.”

Indeed, Trump did accuse Biden of being under the influence during his State of the Union speech. That’s because, after spending weeks insisting that Biden “can’t put two sentences together,” Biden delivered a speech that was universally well received and described as “fiery” and “forceful.” So Trump and his confederates had to shift gears from taunts of “Sleepy Joe” to malign the President as “Jacked-Up Joe.” Which is actually a much cooler name.

MORE HERE: Trump’s Live-Bleating of Biden’s State of the Union Address Was Predictably Petty and Pathetic

However, Trump’s promise to “demand” that Biden be given a drug test is just another display of his pathetic impotence. On what authority does he think he can issue such a demand? And how exactly does he think he can force it to be carried out? And what are the consequences when Biden refuses? Will the notoriously cowardly Trump use that as excuse to back out of the debates himself? Just as he did from all of the GOP primary debates.

Trump doesn’t bother to address any of that in his asinine ultimatum. Nor does he mention anything about whether he would also submit to a drug test. After all, he is the one who recently confused Nancy Pelosi with Nikki Haley, and thought that he was running against Barack Obama, and rambled incoherently about the fictional cannibal Hannibal Lector.

Not to mention that Trump has been caught falling asleep several times at his own criminal trial. Which makes one wonder if he could remain awake throughout a debate with Biden.

Never mind that Trump also said that “Crooked Joe Biden is the WORST debater I have ever faced!” Which is a curious thing to brag about after losing two prior debates with Biden, as well as the 2020 election. But maybe Trump will demand next that all future debates be hosted by Fox News or Pravda. That should help to win something.

UPDATE: Trump also wanted Hillary Clinton tested for drugs in 2016. He’s regurgitating his moldy oldies. What’s next? Will he demand Biden’s birth certificate?


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Fox News Blames a MAGA Meltdown in the Republican Controlled Congress on President Biden

This week the nation was treated to the spectacle of a throng of Republican members of Congress abandoning their duties in Washington to cheer in the bleachers for their Dear Leader, Donald Trump, in New York. He is there being tried for election interference, falsifying business records, and paying hush money to a porn star. And Republicans in Congress had to be there to give him emotional support. These are your tax dollars at work, America.

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Fox News, Joe Biden, Fake News

Upon their return to D.C., these prodigal congresspersons were called into a late night hearing of the House Oversight Committee to consider a preposterous motion to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress. His “offense” is refusing to give the Committee some audio tapes that they intended to exploit for political purposes. They would have been better off staying in New York, fawning over Trump, and trying to intimidate the court.

SEE THIS: MAGA Mike Johnson Announces His Intention to Interfere with the Criminal Investigation of Trump

It didn’t take long for the hearing to devolve into the sort of chaos one would expect from irascible juveniles. The verbal melee began when Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-MAGA) made a derogatory remark about the appearance of Democratic Rep. Jasmine Crockett. It escalated from there as Crocket moved to have Greene’s words stricken from the record, which caused Greene to insult her intelligence. And throughout the ruckus chairman James Comer demonstrated that he has absolutely no ability to manage the proceedings.

As embarrassing as all of that ought to have been for Comer and his GOP confederates, he got a total reprieve from Fox News, where the blame for it all somehow rested squarely on the shoulders of President Biden. Of course, Biden had nothing whatsoever to do with it. But that didn’t stop Fox’s Emily Compagno from pointing her fingers at Biden, saying…

“Why shouldn’t it be that the highest standard, the highest decorum, exists in this most sacred building, that they claim was breached on January 6th in the most horrific and atrocious of crimes. Will they represent the sacred and the sanctity that that building deserves? Honor that.”

“I see this as reflection of the complete erosion that our entire legislative body has become. You can wear what you want. You can say what you want. You can trash each other. You can drink. You can have sex on the dais. You can bring coke into the…This entire thing has become an absolute devolved zoo, heightened under this administration that promised us on the way in there would be unity. “

Compagno is clearly upset at the disrespect shown for the institution by this imbroglio. And it was particularly notable that she referenced the January 6th insurrection that was incited by Trump. Never mind that she and her colleagues at Fox News have relentlessly defended the insurrectionists that they call “hostages,” and characterized the riots as peaceful protests by patriots.

However, Compagno wasn’t through humiliating herself. She went on to assert that the blame for the bickering in Congress belonged to Biden, whose aspirations for unity were unfulfilled because Republicans are boorish crybabies who can’t behave like adults.

Not only was Biden completely unassociated with the fracas that went on in the House, the responsibility for the “complete erosion” of the body into “an absolute devolved zoo” rests entirely with the the Republican Party. They have held the majority for the past year and half and, based on their record, what took place Thursday night was completely predictable. After all, they can’t find bipartisan unity because they can’t even be unified within their own caucus.

The Republicans have been fighting among themselves non-stop. They took 15 votes to elect Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Then they ousted him nine months later. And some of them are now trying to oust the new Speaker Mike Johnson. In the meantime, they have succeeded in becoming the least productive Congress in decades.

SEE ALSO: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

Compagno lamented that she is “deeply disappointed” in the Congress, and that “They have not earned my respect.” But she can’t acknowledge that it is her own party that has failed so pitifully. So she tries to deflect the blame in the most awkward and irrational manner imaginable.

Which is precisely what one would expect from today’s MAGA Republicans. It is no longer a political party. It is a cult. Therefore, reality must be rewritten to conform to the cult’s perceptions and doctrine. And that bastardization of reality is the purpose of Fox News, where allegiance to Trump and “alternative facts” rule the day.


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Lara Trump Tells Fox News that She Wants 5 Debates with Biden – That She Says are All Rigged

This week President Biden accepted two offers to debate Donald Trump. Shortly thereafter, Trump accepted Biden’s challenge, although not without griping about the hosting networks and some of the rules. The debates will take place on June 27 on CNN, and September 10 on ABC, providing ample time for voters to observe the candidates as they face off on live TV.

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Joe Biden, Donald Trump

It is customary for presidential candidates to have a couple of debates, and another between the vice-presidential candidates. This year however, we have a unique situation wherein both candidates have already occupied the White House and, thus, are not exactly unknown quantities who require more exposure in order to be recognized or to unveil their political platforms. These two candidates have been sparring publicly non-stop for four years already.

SEE THIS: Trump Calls Biden ‘the WORST Debater’ Despite Biden Crushing Him in the 2020 Debates and Election

Nevertheless, Trump’s daughter-in-lawlessness, Lara Trump – who was also appointed to head the Republican National Committee (RNC) by her Sugardaddy-in-law – isn’t satisfied. And she made her objections known to Sean Hannity on Fox News, where she spends most of her time, rather than performing the duties of an RNC chair. Lara whined to Hannity that…

“What Donald Trump has said is that he wants more debates. […] Let’s do one every single month leading up to this election cause we need these two men on a stage. […] We need to hear from Donald Trump about his vision for the future of this country. […] It’s rigged so heavily in Joe Biden’s favor, but everything always is.”

That’s right! Lara wants at least five debates between Biden and Trump. Even though she believes that that they are all rigged in Biden’s favor. It’s hard to imagine what she thinks would be accomplished by that, other than providing more airtime for Trump to lie and rant incoherently, while boring the crap out of viewers. Does she really think that Trump needs more time to lay out his alleged “vision for the future,” which consists mainly of exalting himself as a cult leader who demands the unflinching loyalty of dictators like his heroes Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un?

And let’s face it, with more airtime Trump would only engage in more attacks on Biden and more infantile insults on his other perceived enemies. He doesn’t actually have a “vision” that is based on policies that could positively impact the American people. Lara didn’t even present any in her spiel to Hannity. She just complained that Hollywood, and the music industry, and the media, and the judicial system, are all against Trump. Do we need five debates to make those annoying complaints more apparent?

Another curious part of Lara’s plea for more debates is that ordinarily the candidates who are leading want fewer debates. That was even Trump’s reasoning for refusing to participate in any of the Republican primary debates. He insisted that because he was beating all of his challengers, he didn’t have to show up to debate them. Apparently it wasn’t necessary then for him to reveal his alleged vision, or to contrast it with his opponents.

So does Trump’s craving for more debates against Biden indicate that he is afraid that he is losing to Biden? Does he have internal polling that shows him behind or losing ground? Or is he just posturing for effect and doesn’t intend to show up for those, or any of the debates? It would not be the first time that he has chickened out. In fact, it’s pretty much his standard operating position. Lying, whining, and chickening out are the Trump brand.


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Trump Calls Biden ‘the WORST Debater’ Despite Biden Crushing Him in the 2020 Debates and Election

The 2024 election season has just hit another milestone with the candidates both agreeing to a couple of debates. The first will be on CNN on June 27, in Atlanta, Georgia, where Donald Trump is currently awaiting trial for election interference. The second will be on ABC on September 10, location to be determined.

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Biden, Trump Debate

These debates will be a departure from the traditional events that have been hosted by the non-partisan Commission on Presidential Debates for the past thirty years. However, the hosting networks have agreed to some rules that President Biden – and most viewers – will appreciate, and that Trump will whine about.

First of all, there will be no live audience. That is generally a distraction that interrupts the flow of the discourse with the predictable and useless outbursts of the candidates’ invited supporters. Trump has already complained about that provision saying that he preferred an audience “for excitement purposes.” So as usual, he is behaving like the reality TV game show host that he is, and a narcissist who craves constant adoration.

Secondly, there will be strict adherence to time limits and an ability by the moderator to cut the microphone when a candidate exceeds his time. Once again, that’s a rule that is likely to bother Trump who is incapable of controlling himself. During debates with Biden in 2020, he had to be told repeatedly to stop interrupting, including by Biden who eventually was so annoyed he just told Trump “Shut up, man!”

After Biden announced his acceptance of these debates, Trump responded in a manner that is typical for him. His response was littered with lies and insults. And most of it was a tedious repetition of the same lies and insults he has been disgorging for years. Which says more about Trump’s defective mental state than anything else.

For instance, Trump started off regurgitating his old line that “Crooked Joe Biden is the WORST debater I have ever faced – He can’t put two sentences together!” Which raises some interesting questions. Such as why, then, did he lose to Biden in both of the 2020 debates (debate one poll – – debate two poll), as well as the general election? Is Trump bragging that he lost to someone who can’t put two sentences together?

Trump also said that “Crooked is also the WORST President in the history of the United States, by far.” But a recent poll of presidential historians puts Biden at #14, and Trump dead last. Then Trump unleashes a flurry of falsehoods about Biden’s record as President, including the flagrant absurdity that Biden has an “open border” policy and favors inflation and high taxes.

In point of fact, Biden’s stewardship of the economy has resulted in lowering inflation more than any of the other major economies of the world. And while he does want to restore the higher tax bracket to corporations and the wealthy, he has proposed lowering taxes for middle and lower income households.

The contrast between how Biden and Trump addressed the matter of forthcoming debates could not be more revealing. Trump is consumed by hostilities and delusions. And the deficiencies that he attributes to Biden are more likely projections of what he fears in himself. So although he has called Biden “Sleepy Joe,” it is Trump who has been slumbering during his criminal trial. Could he remain awake for the duration of a debate?

Biden, meanwhile, is calm and possesses a good sense of humor, even in the face of Trump’s animosity. Which was apparent in the video he posted challenging Trump to the debates…


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MAGA Mike Johnson Announces His Intention to Interfere with the Criminal Investigation of Trump

For most of the last month, Donald Trump has been a seen as a pathetic and lonely (and sleepy) crybaby as he attended his criminal trail in New York. During the hearings he sits with his lawyers scowling as the evidence of his crimes is revealed by one witness after another. Then he unleashes his wrath at the press in the court’s hallway with his tediously repetitious complaints of victimhood and the torture of a “freezing” courtroom.

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Donald Trump, Congress, Mike Johnson

That changed this week, however, with the sudden appearance of some of Trump’s congressional bootlickers. They have apparently decided that the duties they have been neglecting in Washington because they have no interest in the people’s business, must now be neglected in order to prop up their Dear Leader being tried on 34 felony charges.

SEE THIS: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

Among the attendees is GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson, who showed up with a coterie of congressional Trump-fluffers, and wannabe VP candidates. Trump praised them as his “surrogates” who were there speaking “beautifully” on his behalf. Although he still hasn’t managed to convince his wife Melania to stand by his side. The only thing the presence of these MAGA reps accomplishes is to affirm that Trump is using the trial as a political stunt. He has done almost no other campaigning since the trial began, despite having all his weekends and evenings free.

For his part, Johnson regurgitated the rote Trump complaints that the trial is persecution, election interference, and tainted by alleged biases of the judge and prosecutors. At one point he effectively conceded that Trump is guilty…

In addition to his toadyism for Trump, Johnson also took the opportunity to announce that he intends to exploit his position in Congress to obstruct justice on Trump’s behalf. He told the gathered media that…

“I’m working with chairman [Jim] Jordan of the House Judiciary Committee, and chairman [James] Comer of the Oversight Committee, on measures to rein in the abuses of special counsel Jack Smith.”

Johnson never bothered to reveal what those alleged abuses might be. And he surely doesn’t care that the cases Smith is prosecuting are indictments that were handed down by citizens serving on grand juries. But his intention to assign these tasks to representatives Jordan and Comer couldn’t be a better scenario – for Democrats. The two of them have been uniquely incompetent in their pursuit of President Biden for imaginary crimes and baseless impeachment probes. Their own witnesses often exonerated Biden, or wound up being arrested themselves for lying to legal authorities.

More to the point, Johnson doesn’t seem to realize that he has no jurisdiction whatsoever over an independent counsel appointed by the Attorney General. The most he could do is try to pass legislation to defund the entire Justice Department, which would cripple law enforcement on other matters such as drug trafficking, civil rights, and terrorism. What’s more, his efforts to defund the police would never get through the Senate.

The only purpose that Johnson has here is to prove to Trump that he is willing to help him to avoid accountability for the crimes he has committed. If he really thought that Trump was innocent, he would let the jury determine that and acquit him. But Johnson – like Trump – knows that he’s guilty and his only hope is some sort of get-out-of-jail-free card, or the phony and unconstitutional “presidential immunity” that Trump is trying to get from the Supreme Court.

SEE ALSO: Felonious Punk Trump Demands ‘TOTAL IMMUNITY’ – Even for Acts that ‘CROSS THE LINE’

What’s abundantly clear is that Johnson, and the MAGA GOP that he leads, have abandoned entirely any pretense of working on behalf of the American people. They have only one constituent now. And that’s Donald Trump. Unfortunately for them, their one constituent may soon be a felon who is prohibited by law from voting. And a fair portion of Republican voters are likely to resent being neglected and choose not to vote themselves. And if that comes to pass, the majority of the American people would ironically owe Trump and Johnson and the Republican Congress a debt of gratitude. Strange times indeed.


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Fox News Breaks the Hush Money Trial Wide Open By Reporting that ‘Trump is a Really Nice Guy’

Week five of Donald Trump’s trial for election interference and campaign finance fraud has begun with a bang. The week is beginning with perhaps the most anticipated witness, after Stormy Daniels, of the whole sordid affair. Michael Cohen was Trump’s attorney and “fixer” for ten years before his role in the “hush money” payoff to buy the silence of Daniels prior to the presidential election.

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Donald Trump, Wah

Throughout the first four weeks of the trial, the prosecution has effectively built the case against Trump with documentary evidence and testimony affirming his intention to keep his tryst with Daniels secret so that it wouldn’t cause further harm to his campaign. Trump’s defense team, on the hand, has failed to do any damage to the witnesses who have taken the stand so far. And the only thing Trump himself has done is to whine in the hallway outside of court.

SEE THIS: Trump Fixates on Fox News Phonies While Lying that a Gag Order Prohibits Him from Testifying

Meanwhile, Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News, is playing its part in this melodrama, which is to whitewash the most wretched aspects the story as they unfold. Unfortunately, there is little that they can do to erase the harm resulting from Trump’s noxious and unlawful behavior. So they are resorting to lame depictions of Trump as a beneficent figure who is a candidate for sainthood. For example, on Fox and Friends First they gushed…

“Listen to what the witnesses say about Trump and their time working for him. Madeline Westerhout. ‘A very good boss. Very enjoyable to work for.’ Hope Hicks: ‘A very good time.’ Rona Graff: ‘He was fair. I don’t think I would have been there 34 years if he didn’t respect me.’

And then let’s bring in Michael Cohen, the star witness of the prosecution. He said: ‘It was fantastic working for him for those ten years. Was an amazing experience. There were great times. There were less great times, but for the most part, I enjoyed the responsibilities given to me.’” And the Fox News host then added that “By and large Donald Trump is a really nice guy. If you get to know him he’s a friendly, nice, gregarious, human being.”

Seriously? The best that Fox News can do is to peddle the nonsense that Trump – a notoriously noxious individual who is filled with hostility and a penchant for vengeance – is “nice”? Well then, in that case they should throw the whole case out. The appraisals of Trump above are all by his former loyal employees who have already appeared as witnesses for the prosecution. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that they have fond memories of the many years they worked for him. But that only makes their consistently incriminating testimony all the more credible – and detrimental to Trump – because they can’t be dismissed as enemies.

It’s also notable that Fox’s most reliable Trump-fluffers couldn’t come up with any coherent legal defenses that actually argued for his innocence. And neither, by the way, can Trump. So they focus on these irrelevant personal characterizations instead. Never mind that there are innumerable examples of people who have worked for Trump who were later cast out as “stupid, incompetent, liars,” and worse when they were of no further use to him. Further proof of his niceness.

Cohen isn’t the only former Trump loyalist who is now unable to support him. His former White House Chief of Staff, Attorney General, U.N. Ambassador, National Security Advisor, Joint Chiefs Chairman, and an assortment of other administration officials, have concluded that he is a danger to the nation. Even his own vice-president, Mike Pence, has publicly announced that he won’t endorse him.

So these old and no longer held opinions of Trump by his past employees are a truly worthless exercise in distraction. Particularly when they have all now testified against him. But it’s the only thing that Fox News could come up with to counter all the bad legal news for Trump. Look for Trump’s defense to rest on feeble accusations that he is the victim of a “rigged” justice system. Because when all the evidence points to guilt, all the defendant can do is whine. Which this defendant is especially good at.


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Eric Trump Admits to Fox News that His Father is Guilty in the So-Called ‘Hush Money’ Case

One of the most striking observations about the trial of Donald Trump in New York for campaign finance fraud and election interference (sometimes referred to as the “Hush Money” case), is the absence of any support for Trump by his family. His wife Melania has not attended a single hearing. And his children have kept their distance as well.

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Fox News, Stormy Daniels

That is, until this week. Trump’s son Eric made a brief appearance in the courtroom, perhaps in response to the media reporting that none of Daddy Trump’s relatives have bothered to show up. Of course, they aren’t the only ones not showing up to offer support to Dear Leader. There has been a pitifully paltry parade of Trump’s political supporters, despite his explicitly begging for them to fill the streets outside of the courthouses.

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump is Miffed that His MAGA Cult Isn’t Storming the Courts to Protest His Persecution

Following the hearing that Trump spawn Eric attended, he made a mad dash for Fox News for a nerf ball interview with Mark Levin. Among Levin’s recent delights was being quoted by Trump, along with an array of other Fox News legal hacks who are working feverishly to convince Trump and his cult followers that he’s winning his case. Eric began the torrid tale of his time at the trial by describing the nightmare he endured (video below)

“Then I get to watch, I sit right behind my father in the first pew as they try to slander him. They try to keep him off the campaign trail. They try to waste his time. They try to destroy his reputation and his image with a nonsense case.”

There is absolutely nothing in those remarks that approach reality. First of all Eric doesn’t identify who he means when he says “they.” Is it the judge? The prosecutors? The Democrats? The Deep State agents of Antifa? Who knows?

Secondly, courts are not commonly referred to as having “pews.” Eric might be confusing it with church, except that neither he nor his dad ever go there either. Third and fourth, this trial isn’t prohibiting Trump from campaigning. He is only in court four days a week. So he has three other days, and every evening, to campaign. Although he has rarely done so. And holding people accountable for crimes is not a waste of time. It’s adherence to law and order and equal justice.

Finally, there is little that any of Eric’s perceived enemies could do to “destroy” Trump’s reputation or image. He does that effectively himself without any help. However, Eric apparently believes that Papa Trump needed some help with his pleading in this case. So he went on to say that…

“No one believes that the Democrats are going after my father for 34 felony counts for a $130,000 retainer to a lawyer that was billed as a retainer to a lawyer, from a lawyer, that was booked as a legal expense.”

Actually, many people believe that Trump has been appropriately charged with 34 felony counts (in this case alone, 88 counts in all) for trying to buy the silence of Stormy Daniels so as not to harm his electoral prospects, and then covering it up by lying about it being a legal expense. Among those who believe that are the judge, who declined to dismiss the case twice, the prosecutor, who filed the charges, the grand jury that issued the indictment, and a majority of the American people.

More to the point, Eric is, in effect, admitting that his father is guilty by claiming that the payoff was a legal expense. That is precisely the crime that he has been charged with. Documentary evidence exists (including a tape recording of Trump and his former attorney/fixer, Michael Cohen) that affirms that Trump made the payment from his personal account to kill a story that would damage his campaign.

Trump has also made similarly incriminating statements wherein he admits that he falsely recorded these payments as legal expenses. So both he and his son are now on record with virtual confessions of guilt. They aren’t denying that the law was broken. They are merely insisting that they have some sort of imperial right to break whatever laws they want. Hopefully the jury will disagree.


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