WHUT? Trump Issues Threat to Reopen Schools That He Says Indoctrinate Students

No one is going to be surprised that Donald Trump says things that are patently absurd. His grasp of the facts on any subject is minimal at best and, more often than not, utterly fictional. And he has a difficult time displaying an ability to express thoughts with simple logic or any semblance of coherence.

Donald Trump, Immigrant, Child

On Friday morning Trump provided an outstanding example of his cognitive confusion. While rage-tweeting about resistance to his reckless intention to have schools open this fall, Trump employed his customary method of persuasion: vicious, albeit impotent, threats. And the proprietor of the fraudulent Trump University is unwise to bring up academics at all following the recent news that he cheated on his SATs (as reported in the new book by his niece, Mary Trump).

Never mind that the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic is surging throughout the nation and Trump would be putting students, teachers, administrative and support staff, vendors, security, and the families of them all at risk of deadly infection. Since Trump and his family don’t fall into any of those categories, he couldn’t care less. So he tweeted that…

This is so very like Trump. First of all, it’s another quid pro quo threat to withhold crucial funding unless his unreasonable, and possibly illegal, demands are met. It’s identical to his attempted extortion of Ukraine in order to coerce them to dig up dirt on Joe Biden. He was impeached for that.

Additionally, Trump wraps his mob-style shakedown in a brazenly partisan harangue that falsely accuses the entire institution of academia of being a bastion of “Radical Left Indoctrination.” Which is ironic considering that the whole of Trump’s presidency has been dominated by indoctrination, gaslighting, and outright lying for three and half years.

The consequences for not obediently complying with Dear Leader’s decree will supposedly be the loss of tax-exempt status and federal funding. The only problem with Trump’s ultimatum is that he doesn’t have the authority to carry out either of those penalties. Congress is responsible for appropriating funds for schools, and the president cannot unilaterally overrule them. The same is true for the tax code which is passed into law by Congress and, once signed by the president, can only be amended by Congress.

So as usual, Trump is talking tough out of his asinine misunderstanding of the law. But even worse, he is admitting that the proposed sanctions be applied due to what he says is left-wing political discourse in the schools. That is plainly unconstitutional. He is openly asserting that the government should have the ability to punish schools on the basis of the content of speech. Trump obviously hates liberal politics, but he cannot use federal funds to suppress speech that he doesn’t like.

Finally, Trump’s threat makes so little sense that it could only have come from someone suffering from severe mental infirmities. He is so determined to force schools to reopen that he is making bizarre and improper threats in order to achieve his goal. But he also believes that these same schools are hopelessly tainted by leftist politics. So he’s actually trying force students into the academies of radical indoctrination that he despises. Seriously, Trump is not running on all cylinders. But then, you all knew that.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Supreme Court Rulings Against Trump Trigger His Paranoid, Delusional Reality

Watching the spectacular and accelerating mental decline of Donald Trump is becoming more disturbing with each new day’s revelations. And the shove off of the cliff of sanity was especially profound following Thursday morning’s news that the Supreme Court ruled against Trump on two major cases involving access to his financial records.

Donald Trump Red Face

In short, the cases concluded by a 7-2 vote that Trump may not shield his finances from law enforcement or congressional inquiries. In the former case the ruling was clear that no president is above the law and that subpoenas by District Attorney of New York are proper and enforceable. In the latter case the court agreed that Congress also had authority to demand such records, but required their subpoenas to be less broadly stated. It remains uncertain whether this information will become public before election day, but just the pending prosecutions will be a political albatross around Trump’s neck for the next four months.

Immediately following these rulings, Trump went on a Twitter tirade attacking the courts, the justices, the law, and even his own judicial appointees. Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh both voted with the majority on both cases. Trump’s tweets were additional evidence that he suffering from severe psychological trauma that is aggravated by this sort of devastating news. He began with a tweet saying that…

We have a totally corrupt previous Administration, including a President and Vice President who spied on my campaign, AND GOT CAUGHT…and nothing happens to them. This crime was taking place even before my election, everyone knows it, and yet all are frozen stiff with fear.”

Here Trump sets the tone for his message of the day. It amounts to a non-defense that rests on making baseless accusations against others. But not only is there no evidence of wrongdoing by President Obama, Joe Biden, or Trump’s other mortal enemies from the past, it doesn’t deny a single allegation against him. In effect, it’s the “I’ll whine until you forget all the crap I did wrong” defense. He went from there to this…

No Republican Senate Judiciary response, NO ‘JUSTICE’, NO FBI, NO NOTHING. Major horror show REPORTS on Comey & McCabe, guilty as hell, nothing happens. Catch Obama & Biden cold, nothing. A 3 year, $45,000,000 Mueller HOAX, failed – investigated everything.”

Of course, all those who Trump is convicting in his tweet have not been found to be guilty by any court. This guilt lies only in the deranged mind of Trump. And he is reverting to his old standard of calling anything that reflects poorly on him a “hoax” (Russia, Ukraine, coronavirus, etc.) It’s notable that the targets of his wrath here are his GOP confederates in the Senate, his own Justice Department, and an FBI run by his hand-picked appointees. Then he continues…

Won all against the Federal Government and the Democrats send everything to politically corrupt New York, which is falling apart with everyone leaving, to give it a second, third and fourth try. Now the Supreme Court gives a delay ruling that they would never have given for any other president.”

First of all, Trump’s assertion that he “won all” can only be described as demented. Even the Fox News senior legal analyst says that Trump lost both cases. And once again, Trump identifies his foe as “the Federal Government” that he is at the helm of. Furthermore, his swipe at New York’s legal establishment is a desperately wild swing that fails miserably to advance any goal he might have. But he’s still not through…

This is about PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT. We catch the other side SPYING on my campaign, the biggest political crime and scandal in U.S. history, and NOTHING HAPPENS. But despite this, I have done more than any President in history in first 3 1/2 years!”

Needless to say, there never was any spying on Trump’s campaign. However Trump’s claim that he’s “done more than any President in history” would be correct if he just added the word “harm” after the word “more.” Then Trump closes this harangue with the all-caps, classic whine, “POLITICAL WITCH HUNT!”

What this all amounts to is further proof of how rapidly Trump is spiral downward. His psychoses have been well documented and their effects long predicted. And as more revelations of his crimes are exposed, these episodes of derangement will continue and intensify. BE AFRAID! Here’s a few previous articles that addressed Trump’s failing mental state:

For more confirmation, see The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President.” And then there’s this…

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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WOW! Trump Cheated on His SATs, then Demanded Obama’s College Transcripts

Excerpts from the latest book offering chilling revelations about Donald Trump have been released to the press. And like the books that came before, this one by his niece Mary Trump, is chock-full of noxious details of Trump’s acute psychological flaws, including paranoia, delusions of grandeur, sadism, and malignant narcissism.

Barack Obama, Donald Trump

The back cover of the book, Too Much And Never Enough, contains a concise description of the broken man who currently occupies the White House. “Today, Donald is much as he was at three years old:” she begins, “incapable of growing, learning, or evolving, unable to regulate his emotions, moderate his responses, or take in & synthesize information.” And among the nuggets of information she provides is one that has a distinct link to Trump’s psychoses. She reveals that Trump paid someone to take the SAT test for him because he was afraid he couldn’t score high enough to qualify for admission to the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania.

Trump has a notable obsession with how people perceive him, particularly as regards his intellect. He has described himself as a “stable genius,” to the hysterical laughter of nation that knows better. He insists that he knows more about war than generals, and more about economics than economists, and more about healthcare and epidemics than doctors. But his tragically incompetent mangling of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic is evidence of his delusional perspective.

Ironically, Trump used to criticize President Obama (a magna cum laude graduate of Harvard Law) in a distinctly racist manner that suggested that a black man could not possibly have gained admission to Ivy League schools legitimately. Compounding his “birther” conspiracy allegations, Trump mounted a campaign to pressure Obama into releasing his college transcripts. He told the Associated Press that “I heard he was a terrible student, terrible. How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard? I’m thinking about it, I’m certainly looking into it. Let him show his records.”

Sure, Trump was looking into it just like he had people in Hawaii looking into Obama’s birth certificate. His research consisted primarily of Twitter posts making baseless assertions. There were at least 34 of them dating back to May 2012. Here are a few examples:

  • When will @BarackObama release his college and law school transcripts?
  • I want to see @BarackObama’s college records to see how he listed his place of birth in the application
  • For the sake of transparency, @BarackObama should release all his college applications and transcripts–both from Occidental and Columbia.
  • Isn’t it time that Obama release his college records and applications? Boy would that create a mess! He is not who you think.
  • Trump Offers To Donate $5 Million To Charity If Obama Releases College Transcripts
  • Attention all hackers: You are hacking everything else so please hack Obama’s college records (destroyed?) and check “place of birth”

Those last two are of particular interest. The offer to donate $5 million was an absurd publicity stunt that made no sense and that no one took seriously. And his attempt to recruit hackers was just more proof of the criminal and amoral tendencies that became more apparent throughout his campaign and presidency.

Trump’s interest in Obama’s college records provides an ironic twist to his own reluctance to reveal anything about himself. After three and a half years he has still refused to release his tax returns. And not only would he not release his own college records, he sent his henchmen out to threaten anyone at those schools who might have considered it.

More recently, Trump is now trying to pressure schools across the country to reopen this fall despite the still surging coronavirus pandemic. He is clearly more concerned with political appearances, as he tries to persuade the nation that there is no problem at all, than he is with the lives of the students, the teachers, and their families back at home. And in a Wednesday morning extortion tweet he threatened to cut funding to any state that didn’t obey his command. Which is eerily reminiscent of his threat to Ukraine to withhold funds if they didn’t help him dig up dirt on Joe Biden. And he got impeached for that.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

After Russia Put Bounties on U.S. Troops, Trump Struck Back – At WH Leakers

Among the criticisms most often leveled at Donald Trump is that he has been a negligent president who spends the bulk of his time on self-serving trivialities like golf, Twitter, and watching Fox News. As it turns out, that may be an unfair analysis. Trump isn’t nearly as lazy as the past three and half years of his slothful lethargy and dereliction of duty would indicate (and he calls Joe Biden “Sleepy”?).

Donald Trump Vladimir Putin

There are certain activities that Trump engages in with a surprising vigor. The aforementioned tweeting and his ego-stroking cult rallies are both good examples. But now there is another undertaking that puts a real bounce in his step, bone spurs and all. As reported by Politico

“The Trump administration has opened an internal investigation to try to uncover who leaked intelligence about Russians paying the Taliban bounties to kill American soldiers. The administration maintains the story is overcooked and the leaks cherry-picked despite a steady stream of follow-ups from media outlets across the globe. The administration has interviewed people with access to the intelligence, and believes it has narrowed down the universe of suspects to fewer than 10 people.”

Really? So Trump learns that Russia is paying bounties to kill American troops and, after repeatedly denying that he was ever briefed on the matter (a flagrant lie), he decides that he’s going to do something about it after all. But what he’s going to do is not to repudiate or punish Russia for its assault on U.S. soldiers. He is too beholden to Vladimir Putin for that. Nope. It’s to initiate a search within his own White House to find anyone who might have played a part in the story being made available to the American people. Because betraying the armies for which you are Commander-in-Chief is okay, but informing the public of the truth is something that Trump simply cannot abide.

Trump’s latest obsession with ferreting out traitors on his staff is troubling for another reason. Since the Russian bounty story was published, Trump has insisted that it was made up by the “fake news” media in order to hurt him and his reelection prospects. He tweeted that…

If Trump actually believes that, then how could he have found ten suspects who he now thinks might have leaked a made up story to the press? Surely the press wouldn’t need a source at all if they invented the whole thing, as Trump alleges. But in Trump’s diseased brain everything his is a hoax if it casts him in a bad light (impeachment, climate change, racism, the coronavirus, etc.). Yet he still demands that the perpetrators of the thing that never happened be punished.

This is further evidence that Trump is suffering from severe psychological impairments. His malignant narcissism and paranoia are devouring what remains of his cognitive faculties. Trump has been exhibiting these symptoms for quite a while. In March News Corpse reported on his tweet that whined that all I see is hatred of me.”

There’s a shipload of derp in that twantrum. First of all, he’s confessing that he compulsively consumes news on six television networks and two newspapers that he feverishly disparages as “enemies of the people.” However, the most unambiguous sign of a psychotic breakdown in Trump’s paranoid assertion is that, if hatred is all he sees, then he doesn’t see any of the facts about the crises in the U.S. and internationally. He doesn’t see any of the people’s economic distress. He doesn’t see any of the consequences of a surging pandemic. He doesn’t see the crushing anguish of victims or the inspirational acts of heroes or any of the human stories that define us as a people. He sees only what he perceives as hatred directed solely at him.

It’s a painfully narrow tunnel through which Trump’s vision is constricted to only what impacts his own welfare. And he has a debilitating fear that his welfare is threatened by everything and everyone around him. Trump is plainly unwell, as many of his close associates have attested to. And his paranoid delusions are accelerating.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Apologizes for ‘Mistakenly’ Cropping Trump Out of Epstein Photo

The mission of Fox News from its inception has been to unreservedly promote right-wing propaganda and the agenda of the arch-conservative Republican Party. When Donald Trump was elected, Fox News saddled up and transformed itself into Trump’s official Ministry of Disinformation. The network’s programming unabashedly reflects and defends Trump’s hostility, dishonesty, and pompous ignorance.

Donald Trump, Fox News, Fake

In pursuit of their mission, Fox News occasionally crosses a line that even they regard as over the top. When that occurs their standard reaction is to pretend it never happened and decline to comment. Any contrition, or even deference to journalistic integrity, is viewed, in the Trump mold, as weakness.

However, on Sunday Fox News aired a segment about the arrest of Jeffrey Epstein associate, Ghislaine Maxwell. The video that played during the segment included a photo of Maxwell, Epstein, and the future Melania Trump. Missing from the picture was Donald Trump himself, who was standing next to Melania. This deliberately deceptive edit could only have been done to protect Trump from being connected to Epstein and Maxwell. It was a brazenly deceitful action on the part of Fox News who know all too well that Trump and Epstein were pals.

The fraudulently edited picture was quickly exposed by online observers who were familiar with the famous photograph in its original form. This was apparently embarrassing enough that Fox News issued a rare apology:

“On Sunday, July 5, a report on Ghislaine Maxwell during FOX News Channel’s America’s News HQ mistakenly eliminated President Donald Trump from a photo alongside then Melania Knauss, Jeffrey Epstein and Maxwell. We regret the error.”

There are two blatant misrepresentations in that rather disingenuous apology. First of all, there is precisely zero chance that Trump was edited out of this photo “mistakenly.” The cropping is so precise and focused on only the excision of Trump that it’s impossible to escape the conclusion that it was deliberate. And the segment ran this altered photo three times.

Secondly, Fox’s expression of regret is the least they could do – the very least. If they had any real regrets they would put them on the air with the same priority that the fake photo was given. But of course, to do that would mean giving the story about Trump’s long and unsavory friendship with Epstein more exposure. And that would go against the mission of Fox News and their Trump-fluffing hosts, editors, and executives. So, don’t hold your breath.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

REALLY? Trump is Afraid that Electing Biden ‘Would Lead To Disaster’

The United States of America is currently undergoing one of the most troubling and turbulent times in its short history. The American people are suffering hardships that have not been imagined for decades. The list of leadership failures under “president” Donald Trump are almost too numerous to mention. But the consequences are far too too painful to ignore.

Trump Fear

An international pandemic has hit the U.S. especially hard, resulting in the deaths of 130,000 people, many of which would have been avoidable if we had competent leadership. The economy is in recession, and 20 million people are unemployed. Our allies are either laughing at us or pitying us, while our adversaries are gladly exploiting opportunities to achieve hostile objectives they have long sought. And in the midst of these calamities, Trump has the unmitigated gall to tweet that the policies of President Joe Biden…

Seriously? This makes you wonder just where Trump thinks his policies have led us. If we are not already in the throes of an epic disaster, then what would one look like? Biden would somehow have to put the Earth in the path of massive asteroid to satisfy Trump’s idea of disaster.

The spark that triggered Trump’s latest tantrum was an article in the ultra-rightist Washington Examiner. The article reported on remarks that Biden made to high-dollar donors at a recent fundraiser:

“In a donor meeting Monday evening, Biden said he was ‘going to to get rid of the bulk of Trump’s $2 trillion tax cut.’ He added about President Trump’s 2017 tax law, enacted with a Republican Senate and a House then under Republican control, ‘A lot of you may not like that, but I’m going to close loopholes like capital gains and stepped-up basis,’ mentioning the numerous wealthy people in attendance virtually.”

Naturally Trump regards this as a disaster since it would adversely affect him and his upper-crust pals in the GOP (Greedy One Percent). But you have to give Biden credit for telling prospective donors – and the very people whose taxes would be raised – that this is what he intends to do. Fortunately, there are some in the high income group who understand the need to raise taxes in order to “promote the general Welfare” (as the Constitution says), and that they are the ones who can best afford it. In the end, the reduction of the deficit, and the benefit to the overall economy, will serve the interests of the wealthy as well. It’s working people who drive economic prosperity. Without consumers the corporations will wither and die.

Trump’s Tax Scam was never a good idea. It was intended to further enrich the already wealthy, and to entice them to contribute to Republican campaigns. The benefits of the tax cuts were distributed overwhelming to the rich. But in the wake of Trump’s catastrophic negligence, incompetence, and even deliberate malfeasance, many of the most reliable right-wingers are abandoning ship.

Biden’s pledge to reverse Trump’s tax cuts include raising the top corporate tax bracket from 21% to 28%. Which is still below the 35% it was at prior to Trump’s cuts. However, it would help to bring the budget closer to balance and, of more immediate concern, raise funds to help the American people, small businesses, and local governments weather the pandemic storm. It’s exactly the sort of progressive agenda that’s needed at this critical juncture.

As for Trump’s priorities, they remain precisely what they’ve been since the day he announced his candidacy by disparaging Latinos as criminals and rapists. His recent Independence Day speeches were littered with racist dog whistles, or more accurately, foghorns. Judging by the content of his speeches, the most pressing national problems are protecting the statues of Confederate traitors and suppressing the First Amendment rights of citizens protesting injustice and systemic racism. On these matters Trump believes that the if the people are allowed to exercise their rights…

It’s unclear who Trump thinks would be “calling the shots” in the Biden administration, but his list would surely include Hillary Clinton, George Soros, and the ghost of Osama Bin Laden. For the record, Kimberley Strassel, a Trump-fluffing Wall Street Journal columnist, misrepresented Biden’s remarks. Biden was not asked if he would “condemn” the protesters, only what he thought should be done about the offensive monuments. And only a seriously deranged mind could interpret Biden’s answer to be the ominous foreshadowing of “the beginning of the end.” Luckily for Trump, that’s exactly the kind of mind he has. And it has led us unarguably to the disaster that he now says he fears.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Trump’s Dark and Divisive Diatribes Defile Independence Day

It’s the 4th of July and Donald Trump has taken this solemn occasion to produce the sequel to his inaugural address: “American Carnage.” This follow up can be called “American Mayhem,” because that’s the dominant narrative that Trump exuded throughout the speech. It was a spasm of hostility and alienation on a day that is meant to embrace unity. If anything it affirmed speculation as to Trump’s obvious and worsening mental infirmity.

Donald Trump Hugs Flag

The event should never have been held in the first place. It required people to defy all of the guidance of health experts to maintain physical distance and wear face masks. And this defiance occurred while the COVID-19 pandemic was spiking to record highs. Even close associates of Trump have recently tested positive for the coronavirus, including Don Jr’s girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle (who is also a Trump campaign official and former Fox News shill).

None of that, however, was sufficient to dissuade Trump from going forward with his ego-stroking cult rally. His selfish and narcissistic needs outweigh the welfare of the American people. And this is not merely a personal choice by those who wished to attend the event, because they will return to their homes and spread the virus in those communities to people who didn’t want anything to do with Trump’s festival of bombast.

The speech itself was purposefully composed to create more conflict and animosity within the American family. Trump focused heavily on his defense of Confederate traitors and the monuments erected to undeservedly honor them. It comprised the majority of his remarks, while the surging pandemic was reduced to a few words at the outset, then forgotten. Trump’s harangue took shape with this heinous rant:

“The violent mayhem we have seen in the streets and cities that are run by liberal Democrats in every case, is the predictable result of years of extreme indoctrination and bias in education, journalism, and other cultural institutions. Against every law of society and nature, our children are taught in school to hate their own country and to believe that the men and women who built it were not heroes but that were villains.”

First of all, the protests that spontaneously erupted in the wake of George Floyd’s murder by police were overwhelmingly peaceful, and the participants included a broad array of America’s populace. And it’s simply a flagrant lie to say that these demonstrations were limited to “cities that are run by liberal Democrats.” They took place in over 250 cities, including many with Republican mayors (i.e. San Diego, Jacksonville, Fort Worth, Omaha, Miami, and many more). In fact, estimates show that up to 26 million people joined this Black Lives Matter movement, making it the largest in American history.

Trump’s wild and baseless assertions about “indoctrination” in education and journalism are rehashes of his relentless whining about Americans having the audacity to engage in independent thought that doesn’t idolize him. As usual, Trump offered no evidence of his preposterous claim that “children are taught in school to hate their own country.” Although, he did rattle on about the actual villains of the Confederacy that he has taken into his withered heart. But he was just getting started.

“In our schools, our newsrooms, even our corporate boardrooms, there is a new far-left fascism that demands absolute allegiance. If you do not speak its language, perform its rituals, recite its mantras, and follow its commandments, then you will be censored, banished, blacklisted, persecuted, and punished. It’s not going to happen to us. Make no mistake. This left-wing cultural revolution is designed to overthrow the American Revolution.”

Once again, Trump is alleging disciplinary measures that are simply fabrications from his own diseased imagination. If anything, it’s the Trump administration that engages in that punitive behavior. He has literally conducted purges of Justice Department attorneys, inspectors general, and even his own personal picks for his top White House aides, when they were less than totally obedient. What’s more, Trump’s references to “far-left fascism” and “left-wing cultural revolution” are not only bizarre distortions of reality, they are unabashedly partisan attacks during what is supposed to be a non-partisan event.

If Trump wants to turn this into another campaign rally, then he, not the American people, should be paying for it. He is using taxpayer dollars to advance his political aspirations (pathetic as they are). It’s en encouraging sign that the only cable news network that carried Trump’s speech live was, of course, Fox News. So Trump is getting less exposure than he surely must have been hoping for.

It’s notable that Trump has been avoiding the media lately. In the past he would use these trips to hold impromptu “Chopper Talks” on the lawn of the White House, or going to and from these affairs. But in the wake of the surging pandemic, civil unrest, and news of his betrayal of American soldiers by permitting Russia to put bounties on their heads without repercussions, Trump is apparently afraid to face questions from the press. And while it’s a relief to have a respite from his incoherent bellowing, he still needs to be held accountable to the people.

UPDATE: On July 4th Trump doubled down on his racism and hostility in a speech in Washington, D.C. He made brazenly partisan attacks on what he called the “radical left,” comparing them to Nazis and terrorists. So in one broad sweep he’s trivializing the acts of history’s actual genocidal murderers, while offending the millions of Americans who took to the streets last month, and the Democratic patriots who support them.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

DementiaDon: Trump Volunteers to Lose Cognition Contest to Joe Biden

The reelection campaign of Donald Trump just keeps getting more bizarre and desperate with every passing day. His ludicrous diversions from viable political strategy have caused many Republicans to question whether Trump actually wants to win at all. His own aides are worried that he’s engaging in “self-sabotage” with his “incendiary behavior” in public and on Twitter. Even Fox News has speculated that he might just drop out of the race to avoid the humiliation of a landslide defeat.

Donald Trump, Joe Biden

Trump’s campaign has become a laughable parody of a candidate in distress. There’s no doubt that he is frightened by the universally dreadful polling showing Joe Biden crushing him nationally by double digits, as well as leading in every crucial swing state. So Trump has converted that fear into a raging hostility that is only making things worse for him.

Trump has decided to focus his reelection efforts on a few of the most divisive issues imaginable. He begins with “law & order” rhetoric that condemns the millions of Americans who have taken to the streets to protest police injustice and systemic racism. Then he extends that to include advocating for Confederate traitors and the monuments paying tribute to them. When he bothers to address the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, he continues to dismiss it as a trivial annoyance that will soon disappear by magic. Yet he still lavishes praise on himself for his success in conquering the “invisible enemy” that has taken the lives of nearly 130,000 Americans. Trump also touts the economy, despite the fact that the U.S. is in recession and 30 million people are unemployed.

What’s more, Trump is mired in yet another scandal involving his supplication to Russia and Vladimir Putin. The news that Russia is paying Taliban militants bounties to kill American soldiers has been met by Trump with lies about never having been briefed about it, And even more troubling, assertions that the well-documented story, corroborated by many news organizations and White House insiders, is a hoax.

All of this might seem to the average citizen like an insane strategy going into the 2020 presidential election cycle. And they would be right. Trump’s psychoses are clearly building up into a severely debilitating state of acute anxiety and paranoia. And a former Harvard psychiatrist regards Trump as mentally unwell in the extreme.” So naturally, Trump is responding by accusing Biden of the very thing Trump is suffering from. Projection is his goto defense mechanism.

However, while Biden is subject to making occasional verbal gaffes (he has suffered from stuttering since childhood), there is actual evidence that Trump is psychologically compromised. In fact, there was a conference at Yale University that featured testimony from numerous psychiatric professionals attesting to Trump’s unfitness for office. And an analysis of Trump’s behavior fits the diagnosis of senile dementia. For more confirmation, see The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President.” And in the midst of all this, Trump tweets this challenge:

First of all, the test that Trump says he “aced” asked him to identify a lion and count to ten. That, along with his demonstrated inability to drink water, walk down a ramp, and read, are among his latest reasons that he deserves your vote. Biden replied to Trump’s challenge by saying that he’s looking forward to the upcoming presidential debates where their cognitive faculties can be compared in real time. That duel of wits should scare Trump even more. It’s painfully obvious that Trump isn’t fit to run a lemonade stand. And if you need some proof of that, here’s a video that not only displays Trump’s mental infirmity, but exposes the biases of Fox News:

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Chicken Trump Flees Fake News Conference For Fear of Being Asked Questions

The character (or lack thereof) of Donald Trump is on display every day, and it isn’t a pretty picture. In addition to his pathological lying, infantile name-calling, flaming racism, and malignant narcissism, Trump also flaunts his unabashed weakness and cowardice. He is the first American “leader” who has actually bragged about being the most fabulous whiner.”

Donald Trump Chicken

On Thursday morning Trump held something that he called a “news” conference to announce the details of the latest jobs report. However, it was nothing but a self-serving public statement wherein he spoke for a few minutes, then left without taking a single question. The reasons for that were obvious after a quick analysis of his remarks.

First of all, the jobs report had some surface level good news that 4.8 million people had returned to work in June. But looking just slightly below the surface reveals that this report is not at all encouraging. None of those jobs were newly created. They were all just a small fraction of workers being called back from furloughs. More troubling is the fact that there are still more than 30 million people unemployed. The unemployment rate of 11.1% is still higher than at the peak of the Great Recession. And there were 1.4 million new unemployment filings. That’s likely to increase significantly next month reflecting that more than half the country has reinstated lockdown rules due the surging coronavirus pandemic.

Trump’s phony fifteen minute press conference may be the shortest of his presidency. And no wonder. He was clearly afraid to face questions from the free press that he maligns in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the people.”. He was afraid he would be asked about coronavirus deaths nearing 130,000, and cases exceeding 50,000 in a single day for the first time. He was afraid he would be challenged on his lies about Russia paying bounties to Taliban militants to kill American soldiers. And Trump was surely scared about having to field specific questions about this jobs report. He’d rather just unload his spin, waddle off the stage, and get back to satisfying his Twitter and Fox News addictions.

Consequently, Trump said nothing about the Russian bounty story that is, without a doubt, the most flagrantly treasonous conduct ever alleged against a U.S. president. As for the pandemic that is reaching new and tragic heights of cases and fatalities, Trump dismissively referred to them as “hotspots,” continuing to downplay the peril that he still thinks will “disappear” by magic. “Now we’re opening it up,” Trump boasted, “and it’s opening up far faster than anyone even thought possible. And more successfully.” If this is his idea of “success,” let’s hope we never see what he would call failure.

It would be an understatement to say that things are going badly for Trump lately. His standing in the polls is lower than any incumbent president in modern times. Speculation is growing that he might choose to drop out of the race, even on Fox News. His cherished cult rallies aren’t drawing the throngs of adoring disciples that he requires to satiate his ravenous ego. So it’s likely that he will continue to be ducking out of the public eye for the foreseeable future. If there’s one thing that we can rely on, it’s that Trump is a coward who would rather skulk in his bunker than face the prospect of accountability for his failures and crimes.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

HUH? Trump Celebrates Fox News Ratings, the Network He Says is ‘Terrible’

Apparently the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic is over. And the nation is no longer in recession. And the 40 million unemployed Americans have all gone back to work. And there is no more civil unrest in the streets due to systemic racism. And Russia has revoked their bounties on American soldiers in Afghanistan. This is what you’d have to assume based on what Donald Trump has made his priorities.

Donald Trump Fox News

On Wednesday morning Trump was busily conducting his presidential Twittery. He was taking a break from his other main duties, golfing and watching Fox News. However, Fox wasn’t far from his wobbly consciousness. Prominent within his Twantrums were shout outs to the State TV network that so reliably disseminates Trump-fluffing propaganda. He tweeted that he…


It’s almost needless to say that Trump, a former reality TV game show host, is badly misrepresenting reality. As published in the Hollywood Reporter, the ratings performance for the second quarter of 2020 showed unprecedented gains across the board for the news media:

“All three major cable news networks set ratings records in the second quarter of 2020, as ongoing stories including the coronavirus pandemic and racial justice protests drove viewers to Fox News, CNN and MSNBC.

“The three channels recorded double-digit gains over the same period in 2019 in total viewers and adults 25-54. All three also delivered their biggest viewer tallies ever in both total-day averages and in primetime.”

Fox News predictably came out on top because they have no competition for the wingnut audience they pander to. However, the margin of victory was hardly worth celebrating. In the key advertiser demographic of 25-54 year olds, Fox drew 366.000 viewers. CNN was close behind with 335,000, and MSNBC was narrowly lower with 315,000. Those are the rankings for what Trump characterized (and egocentrically thanked himself) as being “so far below … that you can barely find them.”

Trump lying about ratings – or anything else – won’t surprise anyone anymore. But it’s notable that after fourteen years on television, Trump is still obsessed with the medium and even believes that ratings are a better measure of popularity than scientific polling (they aren’t). But it is interesting to note the schizophrenia poking through Trump’s already diagnosed malignant narcissism. The fact that he’s congratulating Fox News for a ratings win comes after months of attacking Fox for being just another fake news front for liberals and Democrats.

Just in the past few weeks, Trump has whined that “The @FoxNews Polls are a JOKE!” ( a familiar complaint) He raged that “Fox is terrible!” He fumed that “FoxNews is doing nothing to help Republicans, and me, get re-elected on November 3rd” (because he believes that that is their purpose). And he griped that “FoxNews is working hard pushing the Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats.” Yeah, sure they are.

Trump can’t seem to figure out whether he loves Fox or hates them. But while he has committed himself to finding another network to carry his poisoned water, he still schedules his interviews almost exclusively with Fox. To be sure, he has some justification for being perturbed with his Ministry of Propaganda. One host recently speculated that Trump might drop out of the race due to his abysmal polling. But overall, Fox News is as biased in favor of Trump and his Republican confederates as ever. The problem is that they aren’t always 100% blindly loyal to him as he demands of everyone in his sphere of sycophancy. And that’s enough for him to go careening wildly off the rails.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.