The Daily Show Hysterically Highlights the Hatred of Trump by Those Who Know Him Best

The 2024 Republican National Convention has officially wrapped with the certification of convicted felon Donald Trump as the Party’s presidential nominee. And few observers will dispute that it was everything that it promised top be: A festival of angry, racist, cult followers devoted to an aspiring authoritarian and make-believe messiah.

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Donald Trump

Trump’s closing speech was notable for its interminable 90 minute length (the longest ever), it’s abundance of lies, its overt bigotry, and it’s extraordinary sedative effect. Convention delegates were seen nodding off or leaving early as the speech extended until past midnight without offering a single policy proposal or any solutions to real problems that the American people care about. And home viewers, the ones who stayed up, were similarly unimpressed…

SEE THIS: Trump’s MAGA RNC Convention Suffers Sharp Ratings Decline From Prior Years and Biden Speech

Instead, Trump spent an hour and half tearing down the country, denigrating the institutions that provide benefits to its citizens, and exalting himself with delusional portrayals of his term in office that is best remembered for COVID mortality, tax cuts for the rich, job losses, and hate speech.

Jordan Klepper of the The Daily Show was among those who noticed just how awful this convention was. He focused part of his monologue on the roster of speakers for the affair. But even more significant, were the people who were prominent in the Trump administration who didn’t bother to show up. And not because they were otherwise engaged. Klepper noted that…

“The campaign for president is basically one big job interview. The convention is where America checks the candidate’s references. And to be sure, there were plenty of people willing to vouch for Donald Trump. He’s got ex-cons, domestic abusers, fake wrestlers, fake friends, his children, people sleeping with his children, and of course, the esteemed mayor of Whoville.

“But if this is a job interview, it’s worth noting who we didn’t see: Most of the people that actually worked with him at the White House. And if American is gonna do our due diligence, we might as well call our references to hear what they have to say about him.”

Whereupon, Klepper played a montage of some of the top appointees in the Trump administration who are repulsed by him and regard him as a danger to democracy. For instance…

  • Mike Pence: Anyone who puts themselves over the Constitution should never be president.
  • Mark Esper (Secretary of Defense): I think he’s unfit for office.
  • John Bolton (National Security Adviser): Richard Nixon looks like a choir boy next to Donald Trump.
  • Ty Cobb (Trump attorney): The greatest threat to democracy that we’ve ever seen.
  • Mick Mulvaney (Chief of Staff): He failed at being the president when we needed him to be that.
  • Gen. Mark Milley (Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff): A wannabe dictator.
  • Bill Barr (Attorney General): He shouldn’t be anywhere near the Oval Office.
  • Gen. John Kelly (Chief of Staff): A person with nothing but contempt for for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law.
  • Gen. Jim Mattis (Secretary of Defense): The president has the understanding of a 5th or 6th grader.
  • Rex Tillerson (Secretary of State): He’s an F’ing moron!

These are not the criticisms of partisan Democrats. They are warnings from the people that Trump had chosen to staff his White House and Cabinet. They know him well and worked closely with him during the tumultuous times of Trump’s troubled tenure. And they are adamant that he not be returned to any position of authority.

Yet somehow, his glassy-eyed cult disciples remain transfixed. They are unmoved (or perhaps aroused) by his two impeachments, his 34 felony convictions, his 54 still pending felony charges, his judgement for nearly half a billion dollars for financial fraud, or his adjudication as a rapist. They aren’t worried about his explicit promise to be a “dictator on day one,” or his “Project 2025” handbook for fascism. Because, after all, his opponent, President Biden, is three years older than he is.

Equally as concerning as the list of people who despise Trump, are those who Trump admires. Along with the convention speakers (i.e. Tucker Carlson, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ted Cruz, Peter Navarro, etc.), Trump bragged about having the support of Kim Jong Un and the Taliban during his speech. And with friends like that, who needs enemas?


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Jon Stewart Hysterically Tramples Trump’s MAGA Cult Crackpots for Calling Themselves Patriots

The 2024 presidential election is a stark departure from those that have preceded it for the past couple of centuries. It is not merely a choice between two competing political parties or ideologies. It is quite literally a choice between the preservation of democracy and American principles, or the autocratic tyranny of Donald Trump and his MAGA cult movement.

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Jon Stewart, Donald Trump

Trump has embraced some of the most brazen dictators in the world, including Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and Kim Jong Un. He praises them effusively and isn’t shy about showing his envy for their strongarm styles of ruling their respective countries. Trump himself has promised to rule as a dictator. And while he says it would be for just one day, when has a dictator ever voluntarily relinquished his power once he’s obtained it?

SEE THIS: Fox News Downplays Trump’s Flagrantly Fascist Remarks and Overtly Authoritarian Aspirations

The tyrannical tendencies of Trump are frightening in and of themselves. But the devotion of his glassy-eyed cult disciples may be even more disturbing. Trump will one day be gone. But his minions could linger to latch onto the next wingnut messiah who persuades them that they are the “real Americans” who are the rightful inheritors of the fatherland.

It was just that threat that Jon Stewart addressed in his opening segment of the Daily Show on Monday night. He warned about the “Republican mythology” that these right-wing extremists are “somehow more Americany” that the rest of us. Then he played a video compilation of StormTrumpers at his cult rallies embracing the notion of Trump becoming a dictator, and even pledging to support him if he committed murder “on the front steps of the White House.” In response, Stewart delivered a monologue that was both profound and hilarious. The whole thing is worthy of your time, but in the last two minutes it concludes with the following insight…

“This is it. The Thomas Nast cartoon. Patriots festooned in American flags, cosigning dictatorship. Remember ‘We the people’? You know, there’s more words after that, right? Smaller font, still binding. Look, if you want to love Trump, love him. Go to the rallies, buy the sneakers. You want to give him absolute power? You want him to be the leader über alles? You want him to have the right of kings? You do you.

“But stop framing it as patriotism. Because the one thing you cannot say is that Donald Trump is following the tradition of the founders. He is advocating for complete and total presidential immunity. His words, not mine. That is monarchy shit, and it’s your right to support it. But just do me a favor for historical accuracy. Next time you want to dress up at the rallies, wear the right f**king colored coats.”

DAMN RIGHT! The meatheads that profess to love Trump despite his anti-constitutional cravings for unchallenged dominion over everyone and everything are, by definition, not American patriots. They are traitors who acquiesce to the fascism favored by Trump’s totalitarian heroes. And if they get their way there is no longer anything resembling a constitutional republic in America.

So the next time you hear Trumpists declare that they are patriots, remind of what they really are: American Hate-riots. And they can take their MAGA movement (Make America a Groveling Autocracy) to Russia where it will fit right in.


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Jon Stewart Mercilessly Shreds Tucker Carlson’s Vile Veneration of Vladimir Putin and Russia

The return of Jon Stewart to “The Daily Show” is proving to be a stark reminder of just how much the world of media satire has been missing for the past nine years. His ability to wrap fact-filled commentaries in a humorous package with biting deliveries is unparalleled in contemporary comedy.

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Jon Stewart, Donald Trump

Monday night’s episode was a perfect example of this as Stewart refocused his attention an old and pitiful adversary, Tucker Carlson. Stewart frequently creamed Carlson’s ivory tower white nationalism when he was a Fox News Trump-fluffer. And even before that, when Carlson co-hosted CNN’s Crossfire. On Monday Stewart referenced an infamous exchange from that era saying that “I know I’ve said this before, but you’re such a dick.”

WATCH THE ORIGINAL: Fox News Hack Tucker Carlson Lamely Tries to Insult Jon Stewart, Gets Another Brutal Beat Down

Stewart was not swayed by Carlson’s worshipful propaganda (video below). He reviewed Carlson’s lapdog interview of his hero, Vladimir Putin, describing his enrapt facial expression throughout as “like you’re constipated while jerking off to a Sears catalog.” Carlson spent most of his two hour audience with Putin gazing adoringly at him as he disseminated flagrantly self-serving disinformation and outright lies. None of which were challenged by Carlson.

SEE THIS: Tucker Carlson Snuggles Up to His Master, Vladimir Putin, in a Humiliating Parade of Propaganda

Stewart brutally took apart Carlson’s slobbering adoration of Russia’s subway stations and grocery stores, including his feigned surprise that the value of groceries there had “radicalized” him against U.S. leaders, whom he apparently believes set the prices for groceries. Stewart mocked Carlson saying…

“And it will radicalize you! Unless you understand basic economics. See, $104.00 for groceries sounds like a great bargain unless you realize Russians earn less than $200.00 a week. But that’s the kind of context that a — what did you call yourself earlier? — a “journalist” would have provided.

“But here’s the reality: You f*cking know all this. Because you aren’t as dumb as your face would have us believe. Perhaps if your handlers had allowed, you would have seen there was a hidden fee to your cheap groceries and orderly streets. Ask Alexei Navalny or any of his supporters.”

Whereupon Stewart played a video of Navalny mourners being harassed and arrested by Russian police, observing that “The difference between our urinal-caked, chaotic subways, and your candelabra, beautiful subways, is the literal price of freedom.” Stewart concluded by noting that to today’s right-wing Trump MAGA cult, Putin is an ally and a friend, saying “I mean liberty is nice, but have you seen Russia’s shopping carts?”

Carlson appears to be determined to prove that he is as much a Russian asset as Donald Trump. But it isn’t because of any principles that he adheres to. It’s out of the desperation that comes from being a washed up pseudo-pundit whose puerile perspectives have gotten him fired from CNN, PBS, MSNBC, and even Fox News.

So like the rest of the MAGA Republicans scrambling to avoid the inevitable anguish of irrelevancy, he’s clinging to Trump and the futile hope that such pathetic toadyism will save him. Yeah, that’ll work. Just keep hanging on and maybe you can share an apartment in Moscow with him. Or a prison cell.


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Eric Trump Spills to Newsmax that His Father is Guilty of Paying Hush Money to Stormy Daniels

The family of Donald Trump is not known for having a particularly notable ration of intellect. After all, Papa Don’s beliefs include that stealth fighters are actually invisible, that windmills cause cancer, that we should nuke hurricanes, that George Washington’s Army took over airports, and that injecting bleach will cure COVID. That’s not exactly the thinking of a “stable genius,” as he refers to himself.

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Fox News, Stormy Daniels

In the wake of his indictment by the Manhattan District Attorney’s office, Trump has gone into a rabid attack mode, going after D.A. Alvin Bragg and anyone associated with the indictment. He has posted dozens of comments on his failing Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, mostly linking to sycophantic supporters sucking up to his eminence. And he hasn’t been above inciting violence as a means to “protest” his being brought to justice.

SEE THIS: Trump Warns of ‘Death and Destruction’ if He is Indicted for Crimes that He Actually Committed

Meanwhile, Trump’s son Eric is making the rounds of MAGA media to proclaim that his father is just the helpless victim of the cabal of “Deep State,” “Radical Left,” “Communists,” dispatched by George Soros to destroy him. On Friday Eric “Fredo” Trump was interviewed by Greg Kelly on Newsmax. And he was none too pleased with the news that his sugar daddy had been indicted. So he whined petulantly that..

“They go after my father for what? A non-disclosure agreement which every company in the world, every person in the world does? Thousands of these happen every single day. Stop it. No one buys it.”

Really? “Every person in the world” does non-disclosure agreements? That means there are nearly eight billion NDAs out there. Who knew?

More troublesome for Daddy Trump is that Eric is effectively conceding that his father is guilty. Non-disclosure agreements are generally drawn up in business situations wherein one party seeks to prevent the other from disclosing factual, private information. They are not used as responses to falsehoods. That’s what defamation lawsuits are for. So Eric is effectively admitting that Donald’s “arrangement” with adult film star Stormy Daniels was intended to keep the actual facts concealed.

Furthermore, NDAs are generally entered into voluntarily by both parties, even though one party usually has some leverage over the other (i.e. employer/employee). And there isn’t a payment associated with such a contract. That’s what we usually refer to as a “bribe,” or as in this case, “hush money.” Trump’s payment of #130,000 to Daniels is therefore more accurately described as a financial incentive to buy her silence in order to prevent the harm of the scandal from damaging his electoral prospects.

Finally, Eric’s assertion that there was an NDA is not borne out by any evidence. Neither he nor his father has produced a contract or other legal document attesting to the agreement. The only proof that we have of it are the checks Trump wrote to his then-attorney, Michael Cohen, reimbursing him for the payoff to Daniels. And they don’t spell out any terms.

It is not unusual for Trump to publicly incriminate himself. His big mouth is often the source of the best evidence against him. For example…

SEE THIS: On Fox News Trump Confesses that He Stole Classified Documents, Despite Hannity’s Coaching

And even his attorney can’t be depended on to refrain from damaging his legal status…

SEE THIS: Trump’s Attorney Admits that Trump Lied About Making Hush Money Payments to Stormy Daniels

Nevertheless, according to Eric the Dread, his father’s victimhood is devastating. And it is not only impacting Donald, but an array of the – let’s say “ring” kissers devoted to his MAGA cult. Sadly, they are all on the verge of collapsing from the weight of their depression, as noted by Daily Show correspondent, Desi Lydic…

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Trevor Noah is Leaving the Daily Show – And Creating a Huge Opening for Media Satire

Late night TV comedy is getting significantly shaken up with the news that Trevor Noah is quitting as host of “The Daily Dhow” after seven years. He made the announcement on Thursday night in an emotional statement (video below) that recalled his unexpected selection to take over from Jon Stewart, and his early days in the anchor chair.

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Trevor Noah

There was no timetable given for his departure, and no indication of who might succeed him. Noah thanked his staff and crew and audience saying that…

“I’ve loved hosting this show. It’s been one of my greatest challenges. It’s been one of my greatest joys. I’ve loved trying to figure out how to make people laugh even when the stories are particularly shitty on the worst days.”

Noah was never in an easy position as the guy who had to follow in Jon Stewart’s footsteps. He had some hits and some misses during his tenure. But he eventually put his own stamp on the show and connected with a new audience. His focus leaned more heavily on racial politics and international affairs. He said early on that he didn’t want to continue doing jokes about Fox News and other media. That was unfortunate in my view.

Jon Stewart’s Daily Show was not, as many people assumed, political satire. It was media satire. The whole premise was one of a fake news show with a fake anchor and fake correspondents, who mocked the failures and absurdities of the corporate television press. Naturally, Fox News was a frequent target given its abundance of material to ridicule. It is a feast of bias and lies and propaganda. But much of the mockery of that has receded during the Noah years. Which is too bad because there isn’t any other program on TV that is dedicated to media satire.

When Comedy Central selects its next Daily Show host, here’s hoping that they return to those roots and take on the media again. There is more reason to do so now than ever. Fox News has veered much farther into the fringy far right with their embrace of the loopy cult of Donald Trump and his QAnon-flecked following. Add to that Newsmax, the One America News Network, and an emerging crop of wingnut streaming and podcasting, and you have a severely unbalanced press pool that is screaming out for satirical spankings. Even CNN with new owners is lurching to the right.

So who are the most promising prospects to take over the Daily Show? There is actually a pretty deep a bench. It includes inspired comics like Jordan Klepper, Amber Ruffin, Samantha Bee, Roy Wood Jr., Desi Lydic, and Hasan Minhaj. However, it isn’t certain that Comedy Central will even continue the program. That would be a shame. In the meantime, we still have Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel and, of course, Jon Stewart, to lighten the load.

UPDATE: Trump weighed in on Noah’s announcement with a typically asinine comment saying that “Trevor Noah was a waste of time, no talent, no anything. Jon Stewart was only slightly better, but highly overrated.” He went on to advise Comedy Central not to do political comedy. But if they do, it should be all conservative. Sure, because Dennis Miller is cracking them up in whatever comedy graveyard he’s working in.

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4REAL! GOP Senators Oppose Ketanji Brown Jackson for Supreme Court Because She’s Too Qualified

The Republican Party has for decades devoted itself to a platform of nothing more substantive than obstructing the good faith efforts of Democrats to advance the interests of the American people. They are proudly anti-government, which makes them a dreadfully poor choice for holding any position of power in the service of the public.

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Donald Trump, Republican, GOP

The GOP (Greedy One Percent) is a party that is defined mainly by what they are against. They oppose taxes, immigration, the environment, consumer protections, and the rights of voters, minorities, women, and workers.

Now, as President Biden’s nominee for the Supreme Court, Ketanji Brown Jackson, is being confirmed by the Senate, the Republican members of the Judiciary Committee have revealed themselves to be steadfastly against justices who have the “drawbacks” of being experienced and qualified.

RELATED: Tucker Carlson of Fox News Says Biden Chose Ketanji Brown Jackson to ‘Destroy’ the Supreme Court

This characterization of Republican obstructionism is not hyperbole. It can be heard in their own words as they announce their intentions to vote against Judge Brown. The Daily Show has helpfully complied the statements of opposition by the Committee’s GOP blockaders, who shamelessly maligned Judge Jackson during the hearings, along with their utterly unreasonable reasons for doing so:

For the record, the Republicans featured in this video are John Cornyn, Josh Hawley, Mike Lee, Marsha Blackburn, Thom Tillis, Chuck Grassley, and Lindsey Graham. And they all delivered remarks that at first effusively praised Jackson’s qualifications and integrity, before announcing that they would vote against her. It’s almost as if Jackson’s qualifications and integrity were the reasons for their “no” vote. And in a sense that’s true.

Republicans are scared witless of intelligent and accomplished people like Jackson because it blows apart their malicious mission to portray them all as moochers, criminals, and degenerates. And they are so averse to the notion of confirming an admirable Black woman who was nominated by a Democratic president that they have allowed whatever measure of rationality, principle, or patriotism to leak out of their tiny, partisan, racist minds.

RELATED: Fox News Floats Ludicrous New Criteria For Confirming Biden’s Supreme Court Nominees

To date the vast majority of Republican senators are planning to vote against Jackson. Only three have have indicated that they will vote to confirm her (Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, and Mitt Romney). And what they get for their bipartisan integrity is rancid animosity from fellow Republicans like Marjorie Taylor Greene who tweeted…

That sort of repulsive defamation is standard operating procedure for the GOP. It’s also not surprising coming from the party of QAnon that has been so obsessed with crackpot conspiracy theories about child abuse and sex trafficking run out of pizza parlor basements. That’s seriously the devolutionary state of today’s Republican Party. And while The Daily Show is adept at ridiculing it, the comedy only goes so far when the reality is even worse.

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Fox News Celebrates 25 Years of Ripping America Apart with Propaganda, Lies, and Racism

In 1996 Rupert Murdoch, an immigrant to the United States via England, via Australia (neither of whom would take him back), joined with a professional Republican propagandist, Roger Ailes (who was later fired due to his serial sexual harassment), to launch a cable “news” network with the express purpose of advancing ultra-rightist policies and promoting neo-fascist politicians.

Fox News, Fake News

Twenty-five years later Fox News continues to sow discord and turn the American people against one another. Most recently Fox News has contributed (along with Donald Trump) to the demise of hundreds of thousands of Americans by dispensing disinformation about the deadly coronavirus. They have fractured democracy by buttressing Trump’s “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged” and “Stolen” from him. They have defended the domestic terrorism of Trump’s January 6th insurrection. And they have exacerbated racial hatred by promulgating the “white replacement theory”

Notwithstanding that resume of ill-repute, the “Curvy Couch” potatoes at Fox and Friends were anxious to honor their employer with platitudes that bore no resemblance to reality. Co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy embraced a fairy tale worldview when she gushed that…

“Don’t you wish you had a dime for every time someone said to you, ‘what would happen to America if we didn’t have Fox News.’ We’d have no alternative information at all. Think about that. Democracy, essentially, would die. Because you can’t have a democracy like that.”

Really? Campos-Duffy is lauding Fox News for its commitment to “alternative information,” a close cousin to the infamous alternative facts contrived by Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway. And her conclusion that such manufactured falsehoods are required for democracy to continue is downright laughable.

Speaking of laughable, Desi Lydic of the The Daily Show had a much better tribute to what Fox News has contributed to the nation and the world for the past twenty-five years. Her homage includes such gems as…

“Without Fox News I wouldn’t know that Hillary Clinton showered in baby blood or that Planned Parenthood invented Benghazi with George Soros and the Teletubbies at the Venezuelan BET Awards.”


“Fox News, you should be proud of yourself. For the past 25 years you brought half this country together – against the other half.”

Buckle up and enjoy the rest of the fantastical accolades Lydic has compiled for the Fox News anniversary. It’s funny because it’s true.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Poor Peter Doocy Whines that Biden Didn’t Let Him Ask a Loaded Fox ‘News’ Question

The fact that Fox News continues to wonder why they aren’t respected as a journalistic enterprise is actually further evidence of why they aren’t respected as a journalistic enterprise. A real news organization would recognize how far removed they are from credible journalism. But Fox seems to be either completely unaware of it, deliberately dishonest about it, or desperately in denial.

Fox News, Peter Doocy

On Friday Fox News demonstrated perfectly why no one takes them seriously as a news source. Following President Biden’s press conference on Thursday, which suffered Fox News’ predictable, knee-jerk criticism, the right-wing propaganda network focused intently on the most significant news produced by the event: Mean Mr. Biden didn’t call on Fox’s pouting Peter Doocy for another one of his petty inquisitions. But Doocy wasn’t having it. So he complained to the manager (press secretary Jen Psaki), who promptly ate his lunch:

Doocy: Any time that the President has an event where he’s given a list of reporters to call on, Fox is the only member of the five networks in the TV pool that has never been on the list in front of the President. And I’m just curious if that is an official administration policy.
Psaki: We’re here having a conversation, aren’t we? And do I take questions from you every time you come to the briefing room? Has the President taken questions from you since he came into office?

Psaki responded to Doocy like he was wayward child, which was entirely appropriate. Any other news organization would have been embarrassed by such a petulant display of hurt feelings. What’s worse is that Doocy wasted his time in the White House Briefing Room to register his self-serving complaints, rather than asking substantive questions that might actually address important issues. He could have saved his whining for a private conversation with Psaki. But he wasn’t through yet. He later made the same lament on air:

“The President would have a list, usually of about five people, and those are the ones that he would call on […] If he decides to just stick to the list, then we are left out.”

So this is the clearly the overarching issue in America today, at least on Fox News. It must be resolved before considering any discussion of the COVID pandemic, immigration, voting rights, or mass murders. And Doocy’s confederates at Fox agree. Media Matters reports that “Eleven different programs have combined to mention how Biden did not call on Fox White House correspondent Peter Doocy at least 24 times.” They included Jesse Watters calling Biden “chicken,” and Sean Hannity complaining that Doocy didn’t get to ask his “important” questions. Even Donald Trump brought it up in his “interview” with Laura Ingraham.

No one at Fox News bothered to mention that the New York Times didn’t get called on either. And they didn’t whine about it afterward. And Fox conveniently forgets that, if anyone was chicken it was Donald Trump. He never once gave CNN or MSNBC an interview in four years as president. And he’s already done four phone-ins with Fox News from his Mar-a-Lago bunker since leaving office.

The real question isn’t why Biden didn’t call on Fox News. It’s why would he ever do so? You’re only supposed to call on journalists during a press conference. In a world where journalistic integrity was honored, Doocy and his ilk wouldn’t even be allowed on the press room. And the fact that he and his Fox gripers are making such a big deal of this is only further proof that they don’t deserve to be treated as bona fide reporters.

Biden’s press team recently articulated certain principles that, if followed, would result in having to ban Fox News from White House briefings. Which would surely make them more informative. In the meantime, enjoy this video where the Daily Show “FOX-splains” Biden’s 37,268 scandals so far in his two months of being president:

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Has Trump’s Influence on Fox News – and America – Dwindled to an Impotent Trickle?

It’s been two months since Joe Biden was inaugurated as President of the United States. In that time of national celebration and relief, Donald Trump has retreated to his Mar-a-Lago bunker, emerging only briefly for a speech at the Conservative Political Action Cult (CPAC), and a phone-in to Senior Fox News Trump-fluffer, Maria Bartiromo.

Donald Trump, Toilet, Bathrobe

Trump is either suffering a severe depression at having been rejected by millions of voters, or he’s he’s hiding from legal process servers and state prosecutors. And while he’s cowering in near obscurity, unable to tweet his pent up outrages, his grip on the political world is slipping away. This shift to irrelevancy is evident in how the media covers his recent remarks about the COVID-19 vaccine.

Trump spent months promoting the vaccine development and bragging about accomplishments that exist only in his mind. After which he clammed up and refused to encourage his cult followers to get vaccinated. This week that changed after prodding from politicians, the press, and even Dr. Fauci. “I would recommend it to a lot of people that don’t want to get it,” Trump told Bartiromo. “And a lot of those people voted for me, frankly.” For some reason Trump seems to be proud that his voters are uniquely ignorant about the wisdom of being immunized.

Despite Trump’s sudden interest in endorsing the vaccine, his former confederates in the media are not falling in line. Tucker Carlson is doing extended segments casting doubts on the safety, efficacy, and necessity of vaccinations. Sean Hannity immediately began having doubts about the vaccine after Biden was inaugurated. Laura Ingraham, in a reference to public health experts, told her audience that “it’s time to retire or just ignore the control freaks.”

This was all summed up nicely in a clip from The Daily Show that revealed how “Fox News isn’t explicitly telling its viewers not to get vaccinated, it’s just questioning whether they should over and over again”:

Trump’s waning influence was clearly displayed in how Fox News reported his vaccine recommendation. Media Matters reports that…

“Trump’s remarks will have an impact only if his supporters hear them. And while his comments originally aired on Fox, that network — by far the most popular and influential among Trump voters — has largely ignored them since.

In the 36 hours following Trump’s vaccine endorsement, Fox devoted only about six and a half minutes to the remarks. Only a handful of programs covered the remarks; flagship ‘straight news’ broadcast Special Report and popular opinion shows The Five, Tucker Carlson Tonight, and The Ingraham Angle are among those that have not referenced the comments.”

By contrast, in the 36 hours after Biden’s commentary about “Neanderthal” Republicans who prematurely lifted mask mandates, Fox News ran about 1 hour and 20 minutes of coverage about the phony “scandal.” That’s twelve times as much coverage as allotted to Trump’s weak vaccine plug.

So apparently Fox isn’t jumping on Trump’s bandwagon on this life-or-death subject. And his formerly reliable suck-ups aren’t sucking quite as vigorously. Does this mean anything with regard to Trump’s forward prospects as a politician or a public figure. Who knows? But it surely doesn’t bode well for a former president and future felon who was never particularly well liked or respected in the first place.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

The Daily Show’s Depiction of Drooling, Doting Trump Disciple Lou Dobbs is Delicious

Last week Fox News abruptly canceled Lou Dobbs Tonight, featuring their Senior Donald Trump Bootlicker and Fawning Fanboy, Lou Dobbs. It was the number one show on their low-rated Fox Business Network. They bounced Dobbs from the Friday broadcast without notice or even an opportunity to thank or say goodbye to his production team and viewers. That is unheard of except in cases of severe misconduct, such as the cancelation of Bill O’Reilly over multiple sexual harassment allegations.

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Fox News, Lou Dobbs

The explanation by Fox News was pitifully vague and insufficient. They claimed that they were planning programming changes for months. But if that were true, there would have been plenty of time for Dobbs to sign off gracefully and a replacement program would have premiered the next day. What Fox isn’t talking about is the lawsuit brought by Smartmatic, the voting systems software company that is suing Fox for $2.7 billion, and for which Dobbs is a named defendant despite a lame attempt to avoid liability.

Meanwhile, the Daily Show produced a touching video farewell to “Lou Dobbs, the most North Korean broadcaster America has ever seen.” It revealed his embarrassingly sycophantic worship of Dear Leader Trump. And it’s a hilarious presentation of just how madly Dobbs adored the twice impeached former reality TV game show host. See and enjoy for yourselves:

For the record, here are a few of the choice excerpts that expose Dobbs’ undying devotion to the love of his life:

  • “We have a president who is a true leader in my opinion. One I happen to believe will be regarded as one of our country’s greatest presidents, indeed, the greatest.”
  • “Have you ever seen a man as strong?”
  • “He’s already set a standard for presidents that most mortals won’t be able to meet.”
  • “I think he’s doing God’s work … God sent this president.”
  • “It will be century after century of veneration for this president.”
  • “Have a great weekend. The President makes such a thing possible for us all.”

And whiping the drool off his chin, Dobbs signs off the air. He will likely be be seen again on One America News Network (OANN), or some other weak Fox News wannabe. Meanwhile, Fox will probably slip former Trump advisor Larry Kudlow into the Dobb’s time slot. Which means that nothing will really change.

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