DumbFox: GOP Clowns Bash Biden for Vacationing While He’s Working at a Military Facility

This weekend the situation in Afghanistan took a disastrous turn as the Taliban successfully advanced on the capitol in Kabul. There is blame enough to go around for this debacle that begins with the father of the conflict, George W. Bush. President Biden’s role is limited due to the missteps by Donald Trump, whose negotiations virtually handed Afghanistan to the Taliban. Then he left Biden with a deployment of only 2,500 American troops, far too few to take on the Taliban terrorists’ newly empowered by Trump’s prior agreement.

Joe Biden, Tweet

In the wake of the Taliban’s progress, Fox News rushed out one of their standard propaganda pieces that cast a negative spin on Biden. It was titled “Biden hammered for spending time at Camp David while Taliban take over Afghanistan.” The opening sentence read…

“Republican members of Congress criticized President Biden on Sunday for spending time at the Camp David presidential retreat instead of the White House as the Taliban fought to finalize a takeover of Afghanistan.”

This is typical of how Fox News avoids any effort to produce legitimate journalism. First of all, it isn’t exactly news that Republicans criticized President Biden. What else do they ever do? More importantly, the entire premise of the article is nonsense. It seeks to demean Biden for going to Camp David as if it were some kind of vacation. And that theme was present throughout the article and the quotes from ultra-partisan, right-wing Republicans like Jim Jordan, Tom Cotton, Lauren Boebert, Elise Stefanik, and Jim Banks:

Jordan needs a refresher course on apostrophes.

Biden isn’t hiding. He’s working. But Republicans can be forgiven for not understanding that since they never do it.

Most people wouldn’t consider Afghanistan reverting to where it’s been for decades a “crumbling” world

There’s that “vacation” BS again.

This, coming from an apologist for the January 6th domestic terrorists.

What every single one of them fails to recognize is that Camp David isn’t a summer camp. It’s a military facility. In fact, according to the White House website it is “Known formally as the Naval Support Facility Thurmont,” and is run by the U.S. Navy. It is fully equipped for secure communications and has been the site of historic conferences with both domestic and international leaders.

Anyone portraying Biden as anything other than fully engaged in current events is simply injecting their partisan biases into the matter. But what else would you expect from the Republican hacks and Fox News shills who seem to be rooting for American defeats? Just like their Dear Leader Trump who tweeted by proxy (a violation of Twitters rules against circumventing a ban) that…

“It is time for Joe Biden to resign in disgrace for what he has allowed to happen in Afghanistan, along with the tremendous surge in COVID, the Border catastrophe, the destruction of energy independence, and out crippled economy, It shouldn’t be a big deal, because he wasn’t elected legitimately in the first place!”

That deranged, lie-riddled message hardly needs a reply. So let’s just leave it at noting that Trump is the one who allowed this to happen. And it is Trump who, along with Fox News, is responsible for the “tremendous surge” of the COVID pandemic. And the remaining bits of his whining rant are simply flagrant lies.

However, the most loathsome part of Trump’s alt-tweet is where he opines about the legitimacy of the election. It was that “Big Lie” that led to the deadly insurrection on Capitol Hill on January 6th, and threatens to fuel even more violence. But then, that’s precisely what Trump, the GOP, and Fox News are aiming for.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Trump Dishonestly Blasts Biden in an Ego-Drenched Defense of His Own Afghan Failures

As the Taliban completes its brutal military takeover Afghanistan, Donald Trump is predictably seeking to absolve himself of any responsibility, while casting blame on others. This time, once again, it’s President Joe Biden, who repeatedly has had to finish the hard jobs that Trump either left undone or irreparably botched. Whether it’s the COVID pandemic or the nation’s infrastructure or the economic recovery, Biden has been forced to clean up Trump’s failures.

Donald Trump, Joe Biden

Afghanistan can now be added to the list of Trump’s fumbles. But even as the Taliban is advancing on Kabul, Trump is trying to pin his mistakes on Biden. In a statement that was on posted Twitter by his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington, (whose proxy Trump tweeting is violating Twitter’s rules against circumventing a ban), Trump displayed his penchant for slathering himself in undeserved praise that invariably ignores reality. He wrote that…

“Joe Biden gets it wrong every time on foreign policy, and many other issues. Everyone knew he couldn’t handle the pressure. Even Obama’s Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, said as much. He ran out of Afghanistan instead of following the plan our Administration left for him—a plan that protected our people and our property, and ensured the Taliban would never dream of taking our Embassy or providing a base for new attacks against America. The withdrawal would be guided by facts on the ground.”

Setting aside Trump’s tiresome, knee-jerk insults, his claim that Biden disregarded his “plan” presumes incorrectly that he had a plan. Trump’s entire approach to Afghanistan was evolved from a meeting in Doha, Qatar in 2020, where he agreed to lift all sanctions on the Taliban and release 5,000 Taliban prisoners, in exchange for a three month cease fire. Trump expressed his misplaced trust in the Taliban terrorists saying that “I really believe the Taliban wants to do something to show we’re not all wasting time.” The Afghans were not even included in those negotiations.

Trump went on to brag falsely that he “took out ISIS.” Then he closed with another ad hominin insult, projecting on Biden his own “weakness, incompetence, and total strategic incoherence.” Which is interesting considering his initial praise for Biden’s withdrawal as “a wonderful and positive thing to do.” Although he still criticized Biden saying that “we can and should get out earlier. Nineteen years is enough, in fact, far too much and way too long,”

For his part, Biden responded to Trump’s baseless criticisms in his announcement of the troop drawdown, saying that…

“Over our country’s 20 years at war in Afghanistan, America has sent its finest young men and women, invested nearly $1 trillion dollars, trained over 300,000 Afghan soldiers and police, equipped them with state-of-the-art military equipment, and maintained their air force as part of the longest war in US history, One more year, or five more years, of US military presence would not have made a difference if the Afghan military cannot or will not hold its own country.” […]

“When I came to office, I inherited a deal cut by my predecessor — which he invited the Taliban to discuss at Camp David on the eve of 9/11 of 2019 — that left the Taliban in the strongest position militarily since 2001 and imposed a May 1, 2021 deadline on U.S. Forces. Shortly before he left office, he also drew U.S. Forces down to a bare minimum of 2,500.”

That’s right, Trump actually wanted to leave Afghanistan months sooner. He proposed rewarding the Taliban terrorists with a visit to Camp David. And he left Biden with a skeleton deployment of 2,500 troops. Trump virtually handed Afghanistan to the Taliban. That’s the same Taliban who were in charge in 2001, and were harboring Osama Bin Laden as he was plotting the 9/11 attack.

However, now Trump thinks he should get credit for his “weakness, incompetence, and total strategic incoherence”? No thanks. The only thing Trump should get is a prison sentence for his innumerable crimes against America.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

HUH? GOP Chair Touts DeSantis Plan to Let People Get COVID as ‘Smart Leadership’

If you’re having trouble figuring out what the Republican agenda for America is, don’t worry. It’s not you. Other than tax cuts for the rich and deregulation, the Republican Party has not had an affirmative agenda for years. Their focus has been devoted almost solely to opposing the progressive policies of the Democratic Party and obstructing the popular initiatives that Democrats have proposed.

Republican Virus

As the “Party of No,” Republicans have proven that they couldn’t care less about what the people want. The latest legislative goals of the Democrats (including the $1 trillion infrastructure bill and $3.5 trillion budget bill) are broadly favored by significant majorities of the American people. But Republicans refuse to serve the interests of their own constituents, preferring to mislead them into believing flagrant falsehoods and crackpot conspiracy theories.

The same perverse political philosophy is being pursued by the GOP with respect to managing the COVID pandemic. They have adopted Donald Trump’s position of declining any constructive action because it might benefit President Biden or upset their cult followers. And to that end, the chairwoman of the Republican Party, Ronna Romney McDaniel, expressed her approval for Florida’s governor Ron DeSantis and his strategy for addressing the pandemic surge that has made Florida the world’s top COVID hot zone. McDaniel tweeted that…

“This is smart leadership. Instead of pushing for mandates, Republican governors are getting people the treatments and resources they need.”

McDaniel’s tweet linked to an article on Fox News that described how DeSantis “mobilized a ‘rapid response unit’ this week to administer monoclonal antibody treatments to state residents infected with COVID-19.” So what McDaniel thinks is “smart leadership” is to make an attempt to provide treatment for people who have contracted the deadly virus, rather than to prevent them from getting sick to begin with. After all, DeSantis has been fiercely fighting any efforts to deal with coronavirus transmission via tried and true methods such as masks and vaccines. Now he, and McDaniel, think it would be better just to treat them after they get sick.

There are numerous problems with that plan. First of all, Those who contract the virus will still be carriers who can infect others and exacerbate the pandemic’s spread. They will also be subject to the possible long-COVID health problems that could produce permanent disabilities.

What’s more, the monoclonal antibody therapy is less effective at mitigating the pandemic than vaccines and masks, and not effective at all after severe symptoms develop. Additionally, it is far more expensive to administer. It costs about $1,500 per dose, compared to $20.00 for the vaccine and $2.00 for a good K95 mask. Plus it requires hospitalization and medical staff to insert and monitor the IV delivery that it requires. All that to avoid getting a ten second poke in the arm.

Last week Florida reported 151,415 coronavirus cases, 15,441 hospitalizations, and 1,070 deaths. If the state were to treat all those infected with monoclonal antibodies, it would cost over $227 million dollars. However, vaccinating them would have cost only about $3 million. Plus, it would have the added benefit of preventing transmission, long-term illnesses, and possible deaths.

Republicans believe that people should have the freedom to decide whether to wear a mask or get vaccinated. Fine. But communities at large should have the freedom to decide whether those ignorant, irresponsible, and selfish louts should be permitted to mix with and endanger them in public places. The vaccine resistors complain that they aren’t comfortable getting a shot when they don’t know what’s in it or the long term effects. But they don’t know any of that about monoclonal antibodies either, yet they’re happy to get sick and shoot that up their veins.

This is what McDaniel regards as “smart leadership”? To the contrary, this is what Republicans regard as exploitable politics. All they care about is stirring up fear and inciting anger with which to attack their political foes. And if thousands more Americans die because of it, that’s just the cost of retaining power for a party that is totally devoid of ideas – or morals.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Fox News Hate Monger Accuses Democrats of ‘Cheering the Extinction of White People’

The 2020 census made news this week when it found that the white population in the United States declined for the first time ever. It didn’t take long for the racial alarmists on the right to start banging the drums about the end of western civilization. It’s a path they have been tramping for years, and now they have data to fuel their paranoia.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Bullshit Factory

Topping the list of race-baiting fear hustlers is the Senior White Nationalist on Fox News, Tucker Carlson. He has been feverishly pushing the Nazi inspired “White Replacement Theory” for months, and recently enhanced it with his perverse view that Democrats are purposely trying to destroy the country for no reason other than to prove that they can do it. That’s a comic book super villain level of analysis that a seven year old would think is stupid.

On his program Friday night, Carlson delivered a maniacal tirade that concluded with his panic-stricken accusation that there were “non-white people cheering the extinction of white people” (video below). That, of course, was all in his diseased mind. But his hateful lunacy was littered with similar rhetorical garbage:

“Democrats are intentionally accelerating demographic change in this country for political advantage. So rather than convince people to vote for them – that’s called democracy – they’re counting on brand new voters. That’s what we said on this show. Immediately after we said that they became completely hysterical. They tried to pull us off the air. They said we were espousing something called the ‘Great Replacement Theory,’ a well known racist fantasy.”

In fact, the ‘White Replacement Theory” is a very real obsession among professional bigots like Carlson. He even admitted it earlier this year when, in the same sentence, he mocked “hysterical” Democrats for criticizing his replacement theory rants, but then concluded by saying that “that’s what’s happening, actually.”

Carlson’s assertion that Democrats are “intentionally accelerating demographic change” is preposterous on its face. Democrats don’t control the party registration of the demographic groups that Carlson is so afraid of. Likewise, his claim that Democrats are “counting on brand new voters” ignores the fact that every generation produces brand new voters. So he’s complaining that the American people are procreating. Well, to be precise, he’s just complaining about the “darkies” procreating. And if anyone is subverting democracy it’s the Republicans, whose voter suppression bills are proof that they know they can’t win without cheating.

Carlson then segues to the results of the 2020 census and what he considers Armageddon for the white population in America. He was clearly upset about this. He asks plaintively “Why did this happen? Where did all those people go?” Then he asserts that Democrats were “celebrating” the census results. As evidence he plays a clip from CNN that doesn’t show anyone celebrating.

Rather, the clip showed a Black commentator’s opinion that Donald Trump and his Confederate, Stephen Miller, were “throwing up” upon hearing this news. That was followed by a Latina commentator pointing out the poetic irony that the White House offices of Miller and Ivanka Trump were now occupied by people of color. That isn’t celebrating the decline of the white majority. It’s acknowledging America’s progress toward a more inclusive society that values its diversity.

To Carlson, what that amounts to is racial treason. He described “these people” as being “completely out of control, They are dangerous,” he said. And he characterized them as “gloating” over the decline of the white race. But in reality it’s just Carlson inciting the Klan types who watch his show religiously to embrace their racist fears. He is overtly exploiting rank bigotry for ratings and the blind adoration America’s most hateful. And he’s doing it with the full support of his bosses at Fox News, where spreading contempt, division, and racial phobia is all part of its corporate and political mission.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

On Trump Reinstatement Day the Befuddled Former Guy Asks ‘Do You Miss Me Yet?’

It was a long time coming. After months of such political prognosticators as the MyPillow headcase Mike Lindell and the QAnon Qrusaders insisting that August 13th would usher in the re-inauguration of Donald Trump, the day has finally arrived. And Washington is buzzing with anticipation as – – – oh wait. Trump is still holed up at his Bedminster golf bunker dictating alt-tweets, and Joe Biden is still president.

Donald Trump, King

The industrial strength lunacy required to believe that Trump might return to Washington as anything other than a convicted felon is impossible to measure on conventional scales. And yet, a disturbingly large minority of cultists were convinced that the resurrection of Trump was as certain as the sun rising from the eastern edge of the flat Earth. And even though that prophesy has gone unfulfilled, they will likely sign on to whatever new date is proposed by the potentates of Trumpism.

In the meantime, Trump is issuing decrees via his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington (whose proxy Trump tweeting is violating Twitter’s rules against circumventing a ban). On Friday Trump lashed out President Biden with a pile of lies and a hysterical question (linked here in case you want to report it):

“Tragic mess in Afghanistan, a completely open and broken Border, Crime at record levels, oil prices through the roof, inflation rising, and taken advantage of by the entire world—DO YOU MISS ME YET?”

For the record, the exit from Afghanistan was planned long ago, during the Trump administration. And while refugees are anxiously migrating north, the borders are not by any stretch of the imagination “open.” Any knowledgeable law enforcement professional will tell you that crime is not at record levels. The only reason that oil prices and inflation have risen is because the economy has improved significantly from the peak pandemic days of the Trump era. And what Trump thinks is the world taking advantage of the U.S. is actually what it looks like when they are showing respect, rather than the laughter that Trump received.

However, for pure oblivious hilarity, nothing beats Trump asking if we’ve missed him. There are really only two answers to that ego-drenched question.

The first is “No f**king way, you sanctimonious cretin.” Why would anyone miss the guy whose negligent and incompetent mismanagement of the COVID pandemic led to the loss of more than 600,000 American lives? Why would anyone miss an idiot who gave corporations and the wealthy massive tax cuts, abandoned the international efforts to mitigate the climate crisis, alienated America’s allies, and embraced its enemies? Why anyone miss a malignant narcissist who placed his own greed and lust for power above the welfare of the nation?

The other answer to his question is “How can we miss you if you won’t go away?” The election was eight months ago, but Trump is still making us suffer through his relentless whining about having lost decisively to someone he disparaged as a senile communist. His “Big Lie” tirades led to the deadly insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th. And by continuing to pound on that nonsense he is veritably insuring further violence.

So “NO,” Donald. We do not miss you. Polls show that the American people want to move on. Most say that a Trump candidacy in 2024 would be bad for America. We never wanted you in the first place. You lost the popular vote by seven million votes. You never reached 50% approval in the four years of your presidency. That’s a distinction no other president can claim.

The only thing that the American people look forward to more than Trump leaving the public stage, is his entering a federal prison. And the sooner that happens the better. This nation cannot heal from the sickness that Trump spread without full legal accountability for his crimes. When that happens it will be remembered as Reinstatement Day for American democracy.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Tucker Carlson of Fox News Hurls a Nauseating Trivialization of Rape and Sexual Violence

With the highest rated program on the network, Tucker Carlson has become the undisputed face of Fox News. And it’s a decidedly repugnant face that routinely embraces racism, relentlessly unleashes deranged conspiracy theories, endangers people’s lives with COVID vaccine lies and disinformation, and adoringly cozies up to fascist dictators.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, STFU

Not content to rest on his wretched laurels, Carlson coughed up a new and more noxious commentary on his nightly hate-fest. The subject was Donald Trump’s deadly insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th. But Carlson found an angle that only someone with his inbred psychoses could muster (video below). He began by disparaging Democratic representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with a nickname intended to belittle her:

“Occasionally ‘Sandy’ Cortez tells us about her ‘lived experience’ on January 6th. during a recent special on CNN, Sandy Cortez – does she ever stop talking about herself by they way? – She explained she wasn’t just afraid of being murdered by Ashli Babbitt, she also was worried about being raped.”

Naturally, Carlson is lying about what worried Ocasio-Cortez. She wasn’t concerned about being assaulted and raped by Ashli Babbitt (the right’s newly minted martyr who was actually a domestic terrorist bent on overthrowing the government). It was the rioters sent by Trump who had invaded the Capitol that worried the congresswoman. Those are the same rioters who Carlson has characterized as as peaceful protesters (just like Trump did), but whose purposeful hostilities resulted in the deaths of at least three police officers and injuries to more than 140 others. Carlson then played a video of Ocasio-Cortez from a CNN interview:

Ocasio-Cortez: There’s a lot of sexualizing of that violence. And I didn’t think that I was just going to be killed. I thought other things were going to happen to me as well.
Dana Bash: So it sounds like what you are telling me right now is that you didn’t only think that you were going to die. You thought you were going to be raped.
Ocasio-Cortez: Yeah. Yeah, I thought I was.

Carlson’s reaction to this entirely rational and gut-wrenching account of a horrifying ordeal was callously insensitive to the painfully realities that women often face. He literally laughed at Ocasio-Cortez’s traumatic experience:

“Sexualizing? Get a therapist, honey. This is crazy. These people were mad because they thought the election wasn’t fair. Now, you may disagree with that, but it wasn’t about you, surprise, surprise! [in a mocking voice] ‘Sexualize the violence, I thought I was gonna be raped by Ashli Babbitt!'”

“Honey?” While violence of the sort that Carlson endorses is never the answer, someday someone is gonna slap that arrogant smirk off of his face. And what’s “crazy” is Carlson’s ceaseless efforts to portray the marauding insurrectionists as merely “mad” about their delusional view that the election was “stolen” from Dear Leader Trump. Not only does Carlson celebrate the rioters as “patriots,” the chyron on screen through much of this segment read “The Left is Treating Dissidents Like Terrorists.” Talk about a reversal of reality.

To anyone who has seen Carlson’s show over the years, his vile misogyny is well known. But for him to express it in this way so brazenly is evidence that he’s only getting bolder and less inhibited in his determination to offend. And Fox News is totally on board with this media malignancy. To date they have never uttered a single objection to outbursts like these. Which makes the network, and its producers and executives, as culpable for Carlson’s heinous rhetoric as Carlson is himself.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

WHUT? Trump Refuses to Promote Vaccines Because it Might Help Biden or Upset His Cult

The years that America endured having Donald Trump occupying the White House made one thing crystal clear. Trump is suffering from Malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He is emotionally incapable of caring about anyone or anything other than himself. That has been affirmed via his daily obsession with drawing attention to himself, and his incessant whining about not getting his way.

Donald Trump, Coronavirus

Trump’s promulgation of the “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was “stolen” from him, and the violence that resulted during the January 6th insurrection, is further proof of his callous disregard for the welfare of others. Even worse, Trump demonstrated his devotion to only his own interests by his negligent mismanagement of the COVID pandemic and the deaths of more than 600,000 Americans. He knew early on how severe it was, but chose to downplay it in order to avoid having it reflect badly on him.

We are now facing a fourth wave of the coronavirus pandemic. Virtually every health expert has attributed this surge to the resistance of many to get vaccinated. And the data reveals that most of the resistors are Trump supporting, Republican, Fox News viewers. These are people who are less likely to be influenced by medical authorities or experts in the media. Although they could be persuaded by their Dear Leader Trump were he to speak up.

Unfortunately, a new account of Trump’s current attitude about vaccines provides additional evidence of his rancid state of mind. According to the Daily Beast

“It’s been more than six months since Donald Trump left office and, despite pleas from multiple friends and advisers, the former president has kept refusing to mount anything resembling a real effort to get his supporters vaccinated.

“As COVID-19 continues to rip through the United States, Trump has done little more than make sporadic gestures toward the vaccine, including when he said he’d ‘recommend’ people get the shot during a Fox News interview, while underscoring at the same time that he respected people’s ‘freedoms’ to not get vaccinated.”

Trump’s wavering on the issue of getting vaccinated has insured that his supporters would continue to decline the most effective method of staying healthy and progressing down the path to normalcy for the whole of society. But the Daily Beast’s sources say that Trump…

“…doesn’t want to push too hard on the subject, so as to not ‘piss off his base,'” […and that…] “he doesn’t feel he needs to do any ‘favors’ for Biden.”

And that is just about as disgusting a commentary on Trump’s perverse perspective as you’re going to find. He would literally prefer to see people get sick and die, than to offend his cult disciples or put the nation on a path to wellness because Biden might get some credit for that.

This matter was raised during a White House press briefing in July when Peter Doocy of Fox News asked press secretary Jen Psaki if Biden would consider doing a pro-vaccine event with Trump. She pointed out that the White House welcomed any positive engagement on the issue. She also noted that Trump had six months to put out his own messaging, but failed to do so.

As for Fox News, they have also had opportunities to encourage their audience get vaccinated. And despite evidence of the potentially positive impact they could have, they also declined to act responsibly. This is a pattern of behavior that is consistent among right-wingers who are focused more on maintaining power than on people. And it’s sad that everyone else has to suffer due to their pig-headed selfishness.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Poll: The Democrats’ $3.5 Trillion Budget Bill is Favored By a Whopping 18 Points

President Biden’s legislative agenda had a significant victory this week when the Senate passed a trillion dollar infrastructure bill with 19 Republicans joining every Democrat in a rare show of bipartisanship. Throughout the debate Donald Trump unsuccessfully begged Republicans to reject the popular package. All he succeeded in doing was affirming his political impotence.

Joe Biden, GOP, Titanic

The next item on the Senate calendar is a companion to the infrastructure bill in the form of a budget reconciliation bill that will likely have to pass with only Democratic votes. However, if Republicans were smart (a long shot at best) they would get behind this bill. And the proof that they would benefit came on Thursday in a Fox News poll.

The poll asked the following question: “Do you favor or oppose the U.S. Senate’s $3.5 trillion infrastructure package? The response was that a significant majority of the American people support the bill 56% to 38% – a decisive 18 point advantage. Reminder: This is a Fox News poll!

With that level of support, how can Republicans oppose it? Here’s how: They are wholly committed to pursuing a brazenly partisan strategy of dragging down Biden’s approval by dragging down the wellbeing of the nation. Even if it means working against the clear interests of the American people.

They may believe that they have some political cover because Republican support for the bill is a measly 24%, while 88% of Democrats support it. But Republicans are a distinct minority of the population at large and thus, a poor demographic upon which to rest their electoral hopes. And the poll was full of additional bad news for the GOP. For instance…

  • Do you approve of the job Joe Biden is doing as president? Yes: 53 – No: 46
  • Do you approve of the way Joe Biden is handling the coronavirus pandemic? Yes: 54 – No: 42
  • Do you favor the U.S. Senate’s $1 trillion infrastructure package? Yes: 62 – No: 30
  • Do you favor proof of a coronavirus vaccine for indoor activities? Yes: 50 – No: 46
  • Have you gotten vaccinated against coronavirus? Yes: 69 – No: 29 (Biden voters: 86 – Trump voters: 54)
  • Do you think schools should be allowed to require teachers and students to either wear a mask or provide proof of a coronavirus vaccine? Yes: 54 – No: 31

With numbers like that the Republican Party is making a huge mistake with their lock-step opposition to the budget bill, as well as a host of other issues on which the people differ with them. They don’t seem to care. They appear to be more concerned about pissing off Trump than the American voters. If so, there will be a political price to pay for that. They stuck with him through two impeachments. They stuck with him through the “Big Lie” and the January 6th insurrection at the Capitol. They even stuck with him though his coup attempts.

It doesn’t appear to have done them any good. But it’s a safe bet that the GOP will continue to stick with Trump because they simply haven’t got the courage to do the right thing. They are more afraid of Trump and his cult disciples than the American people. But come next November they will learn that they should have been more afraid of voters. Well, that’s if they still have the ability to learn.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

On Fox News Tucker Carlson Drops His Sickest White Supremacy Conspiracy Theory Yet

The past few months have seen Tucker Carlson of Fox News deliver an eclectic array of noxious commentaries. The variety and extremism of his tirades seem more like the rantings of the schizophrenic on the street corner yelling at passing cars than the host of a program on an alleged “news” network. Among the heinous harangues are Carlson’s paranoid claims that the NSA is spying on him, his adoring embrace of foreign fascists, his bizarre accusation that the FBI orchestrated Trump’s January 6th insurrection, and his twisted belief that public health experts are hiding the “fact” that vaccines don’t work.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Klan

On Wednesday morning Carlson visited with the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends to one up himself on the crazy scale. It didn’t take long for him achieve that goal. The topic of the discussion was immigration, which on Fox News means hateful presentations of invading hordes of brown people intent on committing senseless acts of murder and rape for cheap thrills. And for Carlson it also offers another opportunity to peddle the overtly racist “White Replacement Theory” that he picked up from his study of 20th century Nazis. He vented viciously to his Fox friends that…

“What’s happening at the border is not a crisis. A crisis is a flood in Bangladesh. It’s an act of god. This is an intentional act. This is the administration bringing felons, violent criminals, into our country on purpose. Why would you do something like that? Only to destroy it. There’s no other explanation for this. It’s not an act of compassion. It’s an act of hostility against the United States in order to change it forever. I think this is the greatest scandal of my lifetime, what’s happening on the border right now.”

So Carlson wants us to believe that he thinks Democrats are intentionally importing violent felons for the sole purpose of destroying America. He doesn’t bother to explain why Democrats would want to do that, or how it would benefit them. It’s just his opinion that they are the equivalent of comic book super villains who have no motive other than laying waste to civilization to prove that they can. That’s the sort of small-brain thesis that a seven year old would be embarrassed to claim.

For the record, Carlson doesn’t have a shred of evidence to support any of his rancid rhetoric. There are no caravans of migrating felons marching northward. But he is parroting the psychotic ramblings of Donald Trump who has repeatedly and baselessly charged that “Other countries are emptying their jails into our country.”

After getting an “Absolutely!” affirmation from co-host Steve Doocy, Carlson went on to reveal what he thinks the end game is for the evil Democrats. “The strategy,” Carlson snarls, “is to change the demographics of the country.” That’s the heart of the “White Replacement Theory” that he has been hawking on his program for months. His belief is that Democrats will gain an electoral advantage through this, saying that “Democrats are bringing them here purely to vote for them.” Carlson seems to think that these imaginary migrant felons get immediate citizenship and voting rights as soon as they cross the border. And of course, they will all register and vote as Democrats.

In case anyone missed the main point Carlson was trying to make, he conveniently spelled it out for us, warning that “we should not be bullied into silence as they take OUR country away.” The emphasis on “OUR” was entirely Carlson’s. It was his not-so-subtle nod to the white-wingers like himself who he believes are the rightful masters of America. And while it’s disgusting enough that Carlson would hold that opinion, it’s downright nauseating that he would shamelessly say it out loud on national television. But then again, this is Fox News.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fearful Trump Pressures Fox News to Spread His ‘Big Lie’ Despite Billion Dollar Lawsuits

Desperation is setting in as Donald Trump comes to realize that his whining and tantrums are not getting through to anyone but his glassy-eyed cult disciples. Having been banished from much of social media, Trump resorts to releasing statements via email that are dutifully tweeted by his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington (who is violating Twitter’s rules against circumventing a ban).

Donald Trump, Fox News

For the past several months Trump has had to rely on the low-rated, glorified video blogs of Newsmax and One America News Network. Apparently they are not achieving the results Trump hoped for with regard to building his insurrection crusade and stuffing his pockets with cash of those he’s defrauded. Meanwhile, his alternative social media efforts have been predictably disappointing.

Trump doesn’t even have Fox News to lean on anymore, as the network has refrained from their prior practice of airing everything he did or said without interruption. And it certainly doesn’t help that Trump has been bashing the Fox News Ministry of Propaganda relentlessly.

Now Trump may be having second thoughts about his seething hostility toward Fox News. On Wednesday morning he released a statement that was virtually drenched with desperation and regret at having renounced his Fox friends. He wrote that…

“Fox doesn’t understand that it is missing a rating bonanza by not covering the 2020 Election Fraud, the Crime of the Century, which is being exposed throughout many states on a daily basis. They are also doing a disservice to our Country. People have turned them off!”

Let’s be clear: What Trump is really saying is that Fox News should be helping him to disseminate his “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged” and “stolen” from him. But For Trump to criticize Fox News on the basis of ratings is laughable. Even though they have recently suffered massive declines over the past year (as have most television networks), they are still the top rated cable news network. And if running with the “Big Lie” would be such a “rating bonanza,” then why are Newsmax and OAN in the dumpster?

What’s more, Trump’s assertion that there is evidence of his preposterous claims of fraud “being exposed throughout many states on a daily basis,” is simply delusional. The only thing that is being exposed more on a daily basis is Trump’s treasonous efforts to stage a coup.

Trump may discover that Fox News is not going to be as resolutely supportive of his crackpottery, particularly with regard to voter fraud. They are currently being sued for $1.6 billion dollars by Dominion voting Systems for making unfounded allegations of tampering with the the election data. The lawyers at Fox News are so sensitive to their legal liabilities that they edited one of their own programs (Dan Bongino Unfiltered) to remove potentially defamatory content before posting it online.

Consequently, it seems unlikely that Fox is going to accede to Trump’s threats and start supporting the “Big Lie” narrative. They have too much at stake and know that the legal case against them is strong. So Trump is going to have to live with the miniscule coverage he’s getting from Newsmax and OAN (who, as of this week, are also being sued). And the thought of that is filling him with dread, because he knows that won’t be sufficient to spread his ludicrous propaganda. But he apparently doesn’t know that his feeble threats are not going to get him what he wants. His influence is waning as he spirals ever downward into insignificance.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.