Judge Rules that Fox News Acted With ‘Actual Malice’ By Spreading Trump’s Election Fraud Lies

The hearings of the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection incited by Donald Trump have been effectively exposing the role of Trump and his confederates in politics and the press. It is now an inescapable fact that they knew that their attempts to undermine democracy and overturn the election were illegal and they just didn’t care.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, Lies

On Tuesday a judge confirmed that Fox News was among those who knowingly spread lies and disinformation regarding the 2020 presidential election. The ruling came in a lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems who allege that Fox News (and Newsmax and One America News Network) defamed them with blatantly false reports of election fraud. The ruling rejected Fox’s motion to dismiss the case, and explicitly cited the network’s owners as justification to allow the suit to proceed. According to Bloomberg News

“Fox News’s parent company can be sued by a voting-machine maker because Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch may have acted with “actual malice” in directing the network to broadcast conspiracy theories alleging the 2020 presidential election was rigged against Donald Trump. […]

“Dominion cited in its suit a report that Rupert Murdoch spoke with Trump a few days after the election ‘and informed him that he had lost,’ the judge noted.”

The judge further noted that…

“‘These allegations support a reasonable inference that Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch either knew Dominion had not manipulated the election or at least recklessly disregarded the truth when they allegedly caused Fox News to propagate its claims about Dominion.””

The evidence that Fox News purposefully maligned Dominion is overwhelming and irrefutable. The flagrant falsehoods promulgated on Fox include bizarre allegations that Dominion was created by deceased Venezuelan leader, Hugo Chavez; that their machines were rigged to switch votes from Trump to Biden; that Dominion was run by a George Soros associate; that Jewish space lasers operated by China altered the voter database.

Okay, that last one was not alleged in the lawsuit, but has been alleged by other Trump cult disciples. And the fact that it fits right in with the other real allegations says something all by itself.

In another defamation lawsuit filed by voting software company, Smartmatic, actual malice – exemplified by Tucker Carlson – was also cited when Fox’s motion to dismiss that case was rejected.

RELATED: Judge Cites Tucker Carlson as Validation of ‘Actual Malice’ in Defamation Suit Against Fox News

There’s a reason that these ruling keep going against Fox News. The network’s deliberate distortions of the truth have been a core part of their propaganda crusade to advance the “Big Lie” that Trump has been whining about for more than a year and a half. He has lost more than sixty cases challenging the election results, primarily because he has never produced a shred of evidence to support his charges.

Unfortunately, the efforts by Trump, aided and abetted by Fox News, have led to numerous episodes of violence, including the January 6th insurrection on Capitol Hill. And even that was predicted by a judge in a related case…

SEE: Judge: Trump’s ‘Frivolous’ Lawsuit is ‘The Stuff of Which Violent Insurrections Are Made’

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Stephen Colbert Hysterically Mocks Tucker Carlson’s ‘Comedy’ on the Arrest of His Staff in D.C.

Last week Senior Fox News Blow Hard, Tucker Carlson, went completely off the rails with a ludicrous segment accusing Stephen Colbert of having “committed insurrection” at the Capitol when members of his staff were detained during production of comedy routine featuring Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog. Carlson bizarrely asserted that it was “exactly like what happened on January 6th.”

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Fox News. Tucker Carlson

Sure. It was “exactly” like the deadly insurrection by hundreds of hostile thugs incited by Donald Trump to break through barricades, injure more than 140 police officers, five of whom died, shatter windows and bust through locked doors, threaten to kill or hang government officials, and cause $30 million dollars in damages.

RELATED: Trump is Covertly Recruiting More Violent Insurrectionists With Promises of Future Pardons

On Monday night Colbert responded to the preposterous ravings of Carlson with both humor and insight. In his opening monologue, Colbert was noticeably shocked by the pure idiocy of Carlson’s take on the incident. He allusively referred to Carlson’s latest harangue saying that…

“… a couple of the TV people claimed that my puppet squad had “committed insurrection” at the U.S. Capitol building. First of all…What? Second of all…Huh? Third of all, they weren’t in the Capitol building. fourth of all – and I am shocked that I have to explain the difference – Insurrection involves the lawful actions of Congress and howling for the blood of elected leaders all to prevent the peaceful transfer of power. This was first degree puppetry. This was hijinks with intent to goof.” […]

“Drawing any equivalence between rioters storming the Capitol to prevent the counting of electoral ballots, and a cigar-chomping toy dog is shameful and a grotesque insult to the memory of everyone who died. And it obscenely trivializes the service and courage of the Capitol Police showed on that terrible day. But who knows. Maybe there was a vast conspiracy to overthrow the United States with a rubber Rottweiler.”

For his part, Carlson spent the entire A-block of his show blasting Colbert and his “seven saboteurs” who Carlson said had “breach[ed] the Capitol grounds” on “a hunt for sitting members of Congress.” And if you think he was kidding – because Carlson’s delivery always seems too asinine to take seriously – he followed up those allegations by affirming that “That happened, ladies and gentlemen!” That, in fact, did not happen .

Carlson went on to call the Colbert comedy routine “a meticulously planned coup … under the direct control of an extremist called Stephen Colbert.” He claimed that Colbert’s team “trashed the place, committing violence against our democracy.” Which is an absurd distortion of reality. Then he mocked the trauma experienced by journalists and members of Congress who were terrorized by the hundreds of StormTrumpers who were marauding through the Capitol calling for their deaths.

Was Carlson joking? It hardly matters. So much of what he said was uttered with a straight face and followed by a statement of affirmation. If it was satire it was executed so badly that its alleged humor was totally lost. And if it were his perverse attempt at comedy, it was a nauseatingly callous display that belittled the serious physical and emotional injuries suffered by the victims of Trump’s seditionists on January 6th.

But then, does anyone expect anything from Carlson other than malicious dishonesty and crackpot conspiracy theories? His whole raison d’etre is to spread ultra-rightist propaganda and divide the American people with flagrant lies. Pretty much exactly what his Dear Leader Trump is best known for. After all, he was actually defended in a defamation lawsuit by Fox News lawyers who told the court that “no reasonable person” would believe anything he said.

RELATED: Fox News Court Ruling: No ‘Reasonable Viewer’ Takes Tucker Carlson Seriously

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Trump’s Twitter Ripoff (TRUTH Social) Has Lost 36% of its Value Since He Began Posting On It

The myth of Donald Trump’s popularity is rapidly unwinding. Sure, he may still hold a few braindead cult disciples in a hypnotic trance, and he continues to recruit more violent insurrectionists with unethical and unfulfillable promises of future pardons, but the rest of the nation is increasingly anxious to be rid of him.

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Recent polling shows that voters are more likely to support Democrats when they are told that the alternative is Republicans who are beholden to Trump and his Ultra-MAGA agenda. And the hearings being held by the House Select Committee investigating the deadly January 6th insurrection incited by Trump are turning public opinion against him. Those hearings are only at the half way point, with many more witnesses and incriminating revelations to come. Meanwhile, nearly 6 in 10 Americans say that Trump should charged criminally for his role in the Capitol Hill riots.

RELATED: The January 6th Hearings are Driving Public Opinion – And Trump’s Latest Delusional Meltdown

In the midst of his crumbling congregation of crackpots, Trump is frantically posting on his Twitter clone, TRUTH Social, to try to shore up support and garner some of the infatuation that his fetid ego feeds on. Unfortunately for Trump, that miserably failing social mess isn’t going to provide the blind idolatry that he craves. It has failed to attract much of an audience, and the financial foundations underpinning its operation are rotting to the core.

TRUTH Social was announced in October of 2021, and Trump posted on it one time, then disappeared for months. More recently he declared that he would never return to Twitter, even if Elon Musk’s bid to acquire it were successful (which is doubtful).

At the beginning of June Trump finally began to patronize his website and the lonely Deplorables who reside there. His postings were typically festering with rage and riddled with lies. But his presence seems to have had an adverse affect on the site’s fortunes, or lack thereof. Since Trump began posting regularly, the shell company, Digital World Acquisition Corporation (DWAC), that was expected to take the business public, has declined in value by 36%. That’s just in the two weeks that Trump has been posting.

Apparently Trump’s dimwit-icisms didn’t do much to boost interest in this debacle. Not that it was especially prosperous before. It has declined by more than 80% since its high mark last October. And the reasons are pretty obvious. For one thing, the company is being investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission for possible fraud.

What’s more, with Trump posting his tedious whines about having lost the 2020 presidential election, and his infantile insults directed at anyone who is less than worshipful, how could anyone stay interested for long? For instance, his last posting exemplifies the problem…

“I have sooo many witnesses to everything good, but the highly partisan and one sided Unselect Committee of political hacks has not (sic) interest in hearing or seeing them. This Witch Hunt could all be ended quickly if they did!”

For the record, the Committee is not only interested in hearing from Trump’s witnesses, they subpoenaed many of them. Most refused to comply. They include his White House and campaign staffers Peter Navarro, Dan Scavino, Mark Meadows, Stephen Bannon, and Rudy Giuliani. Also Trump supporters in Congress Kevin McCarthy, Andy Biggs, Jim Jordan, Scott Perry, Ronny Jackson, and Mo Brooks. Of the Trump insiders who did show (Bill Barr, Bill Stepien, Greg Jacob, and Michael Luttig), they offered testimony that mainly contributed to the abundant evidence of Trump’s guilt.

RELATED: Crybaby Trump Slams the January 6th Committee For Nixing His Witnesses – Who Refused to Testify

If Trump really wants the Committee to hear his side of the story, he could direct his supporters to stop obstructing and agree to testify. He won’t. Better yet, he could volunteer to testify himself. The Committee would welcome him and give him as much time as he wants. But that would require him to have the courage to show up and tell the truth – two personality traits that he has never had.

However, Trump can be expected to keep whining to his followers online, because that’s a trait that he acknowledged is one of his best when he bragged that “I am the most fabulous whiner.”

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GOP Senator Tells Fox News that Support for Gun Reform in Polls is Because People are Stupid

This year there have been an appalling number of horrific mass shootings that have weighed heavily on the hearts of the nation and brought untold grief and loss to the communities in which they occurred. These tragedies are even more gut wrenching when children are the victims, as they were in Uvalde, Texas.

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Yet somehow America’s representatives in Washington can’t manage to take affirmative action to address this epidemic of senseless bloodshed. And the fault lies squarely on Republicans who are beholden to the NRA-theists, and unwilling to even compromise on reforms that they agree on in principle.

RELATED: POLL: 44% of ‘Law and Order’ Republicans are Totally Cool with All the Mass Shootings in America

This resistance to advancing common sense solutions is ingrained in the GOP despite the overwhelming support for reforms in the populace at large. And that dichotomy was painfully illustrated in an interview on Fox News Sunday wherein Sen. Mike Lee of Utah degenerated into a babbling bowl of jelly as he struggled to justify his betrayal to his constituents. Fox’s Shannon Bream asked Lee about recent Fox News polling that “shows that there is a lot of strength behind some of these proposals at this time.” Bream then displayed a graphic of the poll’s findings…

Then Bream gave Lee an opportunity to respond, pointing out that “There is a lot of momentum, at least among the public sphere,” and asking “Are you out of step with your constituents?” Lee awkwardly dodged the question with a reply that was even worse than merely being out of step. He said that…

“First of all, what’s important is that we look out for the rights of constituents. Constituents are asked poll questions, they are not asked questions about specific language within legislative text. It’s the job of the lawmaker to look out for the interest and the rights of the law-abiding citizens they represent. And so with each of those provisions — I understand how they can get high popularity readings when they don’t define them. For example, you talk about banning assault weapons. There is no universal definition of what an assault rifle is. […] So that text does matter here, because it is that text that will determine whether we are intruding unduly on the rights of the American law-abiding citizen.”

To summarize Lee’s response, he believes the legislator’s job is to disregard what the public wants because they are too stupid to answer simple, straightforward questions in a poll. He even provides an example of how idiotic he thinks people are by asserting that they can’t form a coherent opinion about “assault weapons” because they don’t know what they are. Really?

Lee’s tortured doubletalk is just an attempt to evade the fact that he and his Republican confederates are purposefully betraying their constituents. The American people know what assault weapons are. They also know that legislation is written in legalese, but that that doesn’t make their opinions on these issues invalid. And they know that Lee is an arrogant horse’s ass who thinks he’s smarter than the dimwitted deplorables that he purports to represent.

For the record, the Fox News poll covered several aspects of the gun reform debate. And nearly every question revealed that significant majorities of the American people want substantive reforms. Here are a few of the poll’s findings…

  • “In general, a 56% majority believes that having tougher gun laws would reduce mass shootings in the United States, while 39% do not.”
  • “On specific gun proposals, voters are most supportive of requiring background checks on all gun buyers (88%) and improving enforcement of existing gun laws (84%).”
  • “Another 8 in 10 favor raising the legal age to buy assault weapons to 21 (82%), passing ‘red flag’ laws that allow police to take guns from people shown to be a danger (81%), background checks on buying ammunition (80%), mental health checks (78%), and raising the legal age to buy any gun to 21 (78%).”
  • “Seven in 10 favor banning high-capacity ammunition clips (70%), while slightly less (63%) support banning assault weapons.”
  • “The only proposals tested that lack majority support are allowing teachers to carry guns at schools (48%) and encouraging more citizens to carry a weapon (45%).”

With poll results like this – and from Fox News yet – the smug superiority of Republicans like Lee, who think that they know better than the people, is all the more repugnant. And it’s all the more obvious that their allegiance is to the gun industry lobbyists and the ammosexual perverts, rather than their own constituents.

RELATED: Ted Cruz Babbles that if All Firearms in America Were Eliminated there Would Be More Murders

Until that bond is broken, the United States will continue to suffer the most mass shootings of any nation on the planet. And the most effective way to break that bond is to vote out every Republican at every level of government. Hopefully voters will recognize that that is the only way they are ever likely to get true representation on this issue, as well as so many others, including healthcare, the environment, fair taxation, reproductive choice, civil liberties, and even the right to vote at all.

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Big Liar Donald Trump Lies Bigly that CNN Has Prohibited Saying the Phrase ‘The Big Lie’

For more than a year and a half America’s biggest crybaby, Donald Trump, has been whining petulantly about having lost the 2020 presidential election to Joe Biden. Trump’s humiliation is surely compounded by the fact that he couldn’t even defeat a man that he tried unsuccessfully to portray as a senile socialist.

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Donald Trump, CNN

Consequently, Trump’s obsession has led him to incessantly peddle his ludicrous and unsupported allegations that the election was “rigged” and “stolen” from him. Despite not being able to produce a shred of evidence, and undeterred by having lost more than sixty court cases, Trump persisted with his fantastical distortions of reality. Eventually his flagrant deceit was referred to simply as “The Big Lie” by the press, presumably to differentiate it from the thousands of other lies he’s told since he commenced his calamitous political career.

RELATED: Pathological Liar Trump Says He is ‘the Most Honest Human Being God Ever Created’

Now, in an Olympian feat of irony, Trump is actually lying about the use of the phrase “the Big Lie.” During a speech before his worshipful disciples at the ultra-rightist “Faith and Freedom” conference, Trump boldly blasphemed before the evangelical audience saying that…

“They know the Big Lie is actually the Big Lie in reverse. And they have great liability, and they don’t wanna use it. But they came down with an edict – they came down with a statement it was announced yesterday – that CNN is prohibited from ever using the term the ‘Big Lie’ again. I wonder why? We’re getting closer, but we have to fight some very sick and very evil people.”

To no one’s surprise, Trump is once again strangling the life out of the truth. What he’s referring to is a report that CNN’s new president, Chris Licht, expressed his preference that the use of the phrase “the big Lie” be discouraged. According to Mediaite, Licht said that “he preferred that staff avoid the term. He made clear this was a preference, not a mandate.”

So Licht is not opposed to the phrase because it is inaccurate, but because he thinks it hews too closely to the branding by Democrats, and he doesn’t want the network to be perceived as partisan. But in Trump’s cartoon brain there is some sort of “liability” on CNN’s part. Never mind that Trump’s legal acumen is notoriously lacking in any recognizable form of logic. Mediaite’s reporting added that Licht “encouraged producers to instead use the terms ‘Trump election lie’ or ‘election lies’ in banners and graphics.” So plainly his editorial position remains that Trump is lying about the election and that it’s permissible to say so.

RELATED: Trump Posts ‘Foolproof’ Evidence that the Election Was ‘Rigged’ But it’s Only Proof for Fools

Trump’s deliberate misrepresentation of Licht’s remarks is just the latest lie he has let loose, though not the biggest. And he continues to excrete his warped view of the world, even as his treasonous criminality is being probed by Congress. In the same speech Trump dropped another self-incriminating outburst wherein he literally confesses to how he pressured Mike Pence to illegally obstruct Congress from carrying out its constitutional duty to certify Biden’s victory:

“So they say we lost. don’t believe it. So they said [yelling] ‘Mike Pence can’t do anything.’ Then right after this whole event, they started working so they could make what they said true. Because the truth is he could have sent it back to the state legislature. […] So I said to Mike, ‘If you do this, you can be Thomas Jefferson.'”

Of course, every credible constitutional expert agrees that Pence had no legal authority to reject the results of the election that had been certified in all fifty states by both Democratic and Republican officials. And Trump’s efforts to bully him into doing so constitute a violation of federal law. Yet, in his desperation and ignorance, he keeps admitting his malfeasance in public. And worse, he’s acting out in conspicuously unlawful ways.

RELATED: Trump is Covertly Recruiting More Violent Insurrectionists With Promises of Future Pardons

Trump better be careful. The House Select Committee investing the January 6th insurrection is uncovering abundant evidence of his crimes. And Attorney General Merrick Garland recently said that he and the Justice Department prosecutors are watching the hearings. Trump’s past knack for evading accountability may finally be running out of steam.

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Watch Tucker Carlson’s Insane Accusation that Stephen Colbert’s Staff ‘Committed Insurrection’

Holy Shih Tzu! When Fox News Senior Bullshucking correspondent, Tucker Carlson, devolves into unbridled hysteria he really holds nothing back. And on Friday night he was so incensed by late breaking news that he interrupted his regularly scheduled schizophonic schtick to report on a matter that would surely alter the course of humanity.

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Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Bullshit Factory

As usual for Fox “News,” they were regurgitating a story that they picked up other from credible news organizations. Fox doesn’t actually do journalism. The story that titillated Tucker on this occasion was one that has international consequences. ABC News reported that several staffers for Stephen Colbert’s Late Show on CBS had been arrested for being in a congressional office building without proper authorization:

“In a statement to The Hollywood Reporter, CBS said the production team was at the Capitol Wednesday and Thursday to record a comedy segment featuring Triumph [the Insult Comic Dog].

“‘Their interviews at the Capitol were authorized and pre-arranged through Congressional aides of the members interviewed,’ the network said. ‘After leaving the members’ offices on their last interview of the day, the production team stayed to film stand-ups and other final comedy elements in the halls when they were detained by Capitol Police.'”

So this was essentially a case of having stayed beyond the period of time that had been previously approved. But to Tucker Carlson it was the same sort of domestic terrorism that was committed by Donald Trump’s shock troops on January 6, 2021. Carlson raged that…

“This is almost beyond belief, but just before this show aired we learned that last night producers for Stephen Colbert’s show on CBS committed insurrection at the United States Capitol. Adam Schiff, the congressman from California who spent the last year and a half telling you that unauthorized violations of Capitol space are a coup – Adam Schiff illegally gave producers from CBS access to the Capitol.

Then the group, which includes the show’s senior producer, director, comedian and writer, remained in the Longworth House office building after hours. And the point of them being there was for them to harass sitting members of congress. […] It’s exactly like what happened on January 6th, So, we’ll take a close look at what the punishments are.””

WOW! that is one heck of a deranged outburst, even for Carlson who is known for them. For him to equate what these seven comedy professionals were doing with the deadly insurrection by hundreds of hostile thugs incited by Trump is spectacularly preposterous. Colbert’s crew did not break through barricades and, in the process, injure more than 140 police officers, five of whom died. They did not shatter windows or bust through locked doors. They never threatened to kill or hang anyone. They didn’t vandalize the premises causing $30 million dollars in damages.

Carlson’s tirade also accused Rep. Adam Schiff of “illegally” giving producers from CBS access to the Capitol. That’s a lie. Carlson claimed that the purpose of the visit was “to harass sitting members of congress.” That, too, is a lie. The only thing that Carlson accomplished with his histrionics is to reveal that he doesn’t know the difference between a violent insurrection and a harmless overstay of a permitted visit by a few funny people.

Then again, it is never Carlson’s intent to provide honest accounts of anything. He is always focused on spreading disinformation that advances his ultra-rightist agenda. And this harangue is no exception. It’s his way of belittling the actual insurrection on January 6th, which he has previously tried to pass off as a pleasant tourist outing where “not a lot happened.” He works overtime to disinform his already dimwitted viewers with blatant falsehoods covering a wide array of subjects. For example…

There’s much more where that came from. But listing every asinine thing Carlson has said would break the Internet. It will be fun to see what Colbert has to say about this on Monday.

UPDATE: As expected, on Monday Colbert had something to say about Carlson’s ludicrous blathering. See Colbert’s response, as well as another excretion of absolute idiocy by Carlson…

HERE: Stephen Colbert Hysterically Mocks Tucker Carlson’s ‘Comedy’ on the Arrest of His Staff in D.C.

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Trump is Covertly Recruiting More Violent Insurrectionists With Promises of Future Pardons

On January 6, 2021, deadly riots took place on Capitol Hill that were purposefully instigated by Donald Trump. They were intended to undermine democracy by obstructing Congress from carrying out its constitutional duty to certify Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election. It was an unprecedented act of domestic terrorism that was fueled by a wannabe dictator who was unwilling to concede that he lost.

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Donald Trump Rally, Sieg Heil

While Trump and his Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) belittled the carnage, more than a 140 law enforcement officers were injured, and millions of dollars of damage was done by the StormTrumpers. This insurrection is currently being investigated by a bipartisan House Select Committee that is finding abundant evidence of criminality on the part of Trump and his seditious confederates.

RELATED: Trump’s ‘Big Ripoff’ is Also Revealed in the January 6th Committee’s Probe of His ‘Big Lie’

So what is a treasonous, twice-impeached, pathologically lying, former reality TV game show host to do when confronted by indisputable proof of his treachery? Well, for Trump it is to deliver yet another lie-riddled, self-exalting speech before an audience of glassy-eyed cult disciples. And that’s precisely what Trump did at the “Faith and Freedom” in Tennessee on Friday night.

Trump’s harangue was mostly consumed by the tedious repetition of his relentless and totally false whining that the 2020 election was “rigged” and “stolen” him. It was a pathetic outpouring of self-pity that has only become more intense as the House Committee’s case of against him progresses, with the American people watching and learning of his depravity, by the millions.

In addition to his tiresome top hits, Trump added a new number to the set list on Friday. Referring to the thugs who assaulted Congress, Trump offered his sympathies, not for the people’s representatives who were terrorized or the officers who were attacked, but for fate of the traitors who were arrested for their flagrant and savage lawlessness. But he didn’t stop at sympathies:

“Even while January 6th defendants are having their lives totally destroyed, and being treated worse than terrorists and murderers, despite most being charged with parading through the Capitol, most people should not be treated the way they’re being treated. And if I become president, someday if I decide to do it, I will be looking at them very, very seriously for pardons. Very, very seriously. They’ve been treated very unfairly.”

First of all, if the lives of the January 6th defendants are being destroyed, it’s their own fault for joining Trump’s immoral and unlawful coup attempt. Secondly, many of them have been charged with seditious conspiracy, and other felonies, which Trump fails to mention.

However, the most foreboding part of Trump’s remarks is his promise to “very, very seriously” consider pardons for his shock troops if he were to reoccupy the White House. What should send shivers down the spines of patriots is not just his interest in allowing the traitors to get off scot free, but the effect of his promise going forward.

Trump is essentially telling anyone who is contemplating committing future acts of violence that they too would be pardoned. That is a thinly veiled recruitment campaign for new insurrectionists. Trump is telling them to go ahead and assault people and institutions without fear of consequences. He is also engaging in witness tampering because his promise would encourage people with pertinent information to withhold it on the expectation that they would be pardoned for their crimes and for defying the courts.

It is rhetoric like this that makes it all the more critical that Trump never be allowed anywhere near any position of power again, and that he be prosecuted for his past offenses. Hopefully the House Committee will continue to document his malfeasances and the Department of Justice will act accordingly.

RELATED: Crybaby Trump Slams the January 6th Committee For Nixing His Witnesses – Who Refused to Testify

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Trump’s GOP is Morphing Hunter Biden Into an Evil Cartoon Villain to Deflect From January 6th

As the House Select Committee hearings on the January 6th insurrection continue its devastating exposition of Donald Trump and his treasonous role in orchestrating a violent coup, Trump and his Republican confederates are becoming ever more frantic about sweeping their assault on democracy under the rug.

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Donald Trump, GOP

Fox News, who refused to even air the first hearing live in primetime, has devoted as little time as possible to covering the extensive incriminating evidence that is being revealed. Trump himself is suffering severe and psychotic meltdowns as he watches the Committee’s blistering presentation of his overt criminality. And the American people are paying attention as millions tune in to each session.

RELATED: The January 6th Hearings are Driving Public Opinion – And Trump’s Latest Delusional Meltdown

Consequently, the Trumpian Defense League has had to work overtime to distract the nation from the damning realities that are gushing out with each new panel of witnesses, all of whom – contrary to Trump’s frenzied rants – are former Trump associates and staffers, not partisan Democrats or Trump opponents. And topping the list of the Trump absolutionists is Rep. James Comer, ranking member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Comer stands to become chairman of the Oversight Committee if Republicans seize the majority in November. And he is openly revealing his agenda for the country under GOP leadership. During an interview on the ultra-rightist propaganda network, One America News (OAN), Comer said…

“I promise you this, and I don’t make many promises, we will have Hunter Biden hearings in the House Oversight Committee. We believe Hunter Biden is a national security threat. We believe Hunter Biden’s bad shady business dealings are influencing some decisions that Joe Biden are (sic) making. So, in other words, we think that Joe Biden is compromised because of Hunter Biden’s shady business dealings.”

So Hunter Biden, who is not now – and has never been – a government official in any capacity, is somehow a “national security threat”? Comer, like all Republican shills, doesn’t explain how that could be possible. He also has zero evidence of any allegedly “shady business dealings.” Therefore, his allegations of “influencing” President Biden are just being pulled straight out of his asinine imagination.

On the basis of that flimsy fiction, Comer is promising to waste the time Congress with blatantly partisan hearings that are strictly motivated by politics and revenge on behalf of Trump. And that’s the GOP platform for the American people in 2023 should the GOP assume majority power.

Adding to the demonization of Hunter Biden is a harangue excreted by Donald Trump Jr on Newsmax.

“Our press won’t even ask ‘Do you think like us being on the verge of World War III, do you think our decision making could be being influenced by the fact that there’s plenty more out there that we don’t even know about.’ I mean, there doesn’t seem to be an enemy country of the United States that doesn’t somehow have a Hunter Biden laptop.”

WHUT? Let’s just set aside Donnie’s six year old speaking ability and his schizoid fantasies of World War III. His unsupported assertions of Hunter Biden’s influence over his father make no sense whatsoever. What decisions does he think have been altered due to anything that has been found on the suspect laptop? Donnie doesn’t say.

Furthermore, is the Trumpy spawn really peddling the notion that it’s no longer just one laptop that was abandoned at a computer repair shop in Delaware? Now there are actually dozens of reproducing laptops scattered around the world that once belonged to Hunter, and are now in the possession of America’s enemies? And all of them have some sort of compromising data on them?

If this is the depths that Trump and the GOP are sinking to in order to deflect from the January 6th hearings, then you know that they are desperately afraid of the information that is being accumulated and made available to the public. They know what they have done, and what could soon be revealed. And they know that it’s so bad that imaginary caravans of Mexican immigrants are no longer sufficient diversions. They have had to go nuclear with what Newsmax’s chyron calls “New Revelations Come From Hunter’s Evil Laptop.”

RELATED: LOL: Donald Trump Jr is Peddling Mail-Order Meat in a Pathetic Reprise of Trump Steaks Debacle

See? No longer merely an inanimate object, the laptop itself is possessed by demons. And Hunter is the messenger of Satan. It makes you wonder what the congressional hearings that Comer is threatening would be like. Would they have an exorcist testifying? Or would they just leave that sort of fear mongering to Tucker Carlson?

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Crybaby Trump Slams the January 6th Committee For Nixing His Witnesses – Who Refused to Testify

Poor Donald Trump. It must be terribly difficult for him to watch the House Select Committee conduct a thorough investigation of his treasonous crimes without anyone there to stand up for him or tell his side of story. And it can’t help knowing that millions of Americans are tuning in and being swayed. Unless, of course, they’re watching Fox News where it is either being ignored or followed up with sycophantic slobbering.

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Donald Trump Pacifier Fox

So what is a seditious, coup-plotting, aspiring authoritarian, and pathological liar to do when forced to sit through hour after hour of incriminating evidence? Well, naturally he rants incoherently on his own miserably failing social media website about how he is such a victim of Democratic meanies.

RELATED: Trump Rants Hysterically as His PRAVDA Social Bans Users Who Post the Truth About January 6th

The whiny complaints that Trump is posting on his hysterically misnamed “TRUTH” Social are typical of a severely damaged malignant narcissist whose tender ego has been wounded. They are drenched in self pity and festering falsehoods. Beginning with

“The Unselect Committee has been unable the answer, or in any way refute, the detailed statement, put out yesterday, of voter fraud and irregularities in numerous states that took place in the 2020 Presidential Election. They don’t answer because they have no answer. […] The Committee is a SCAM!”

Actually, the Committee has effectively refuted Trump’s tedious tantrums about the allegedly “rigged” 2020 presidential election. And unlike Trump, they have done so with documentary evidence and corroborating testimony. What’s more, many Trump administration officials have debunked his utterly unsupported allegations of election fraud.

What Trump is referring to in the comment above is his deranged twelve page hissy fit that produced nothing that he hasn’t already been manically excreting for the past year and a half. Much of that trumped up treatise rested on the crocumentary “2,000 Mules” by Dinesh D’Souza, the convicted election fraudster who Trump pardoned. But Trump was just getting started. He continued raging that

“The Fake News Media won’t challenge the so-called “Big Lie” because they have NO AMMUNITION to do so. They and their Radical Left Democrat Partner, the same people that perpetuated the now fully debunked Russia, Russia, Russia HOAX, are using their standard DISINFORMATION Con to bring our Country down!”

Actually, the media has repeatedly and exhaustively challenged Trump’s “Big Lie.” And it hasn’t been especially difficult considering that he doesn’t have a shred of evidence, which explains why he has lost more than sixty court cases wherein he attempted to challenge the election results. Trump’s argument has devolved into the same repetitive babbling about a “HOAX” that he makes against his well documented collusion with Russia:

RELATED: So It Wasn’t a Hoax After All: Tucker Carlson Admits that Russia Got Trump Elected

But Trump still had more to disgorge, whereupon he unleashed this seething squeal

“Why don’t the Unselects put up the many witnesses who are for our Country and fully agree that the Election was Rigged and Stolen, instead of the weak and frightened Losers that very FEW people have been watching so far??? WITCH HUNT!!!”

This is perhaps the most ludicrous of Trump’s outbursts. First of all, Trump knows very well that millions of people have been watching these hearings. More than 20 million tuned in to Thursday’s primetime session, and more than 10 million during Monday’s morning session. These are numbers that exceed all regular programming and most major sporting events, awards shows, and other popular specials.

Secondly, the “weak and frightened Losers” who testified, and to whom Trump is referring, are all veterans of his administration. Every witness so far has been a Trump associate or staffer. And Trump’s complaint that the Committee hasn’t put up witnesses who “agree that the Election was Rigged and Stolen,” isn’t the Committee’s fault. Nevertheless, Trump lashed out in his twelve page harangue several times saying…

  • “If they had any real evidence, they’d hold real hearings with equal representation.”
  • “They have refused to allow their political opponents to participate in this process, and have excluded all exculpatory witnesses.”
  • “The American public has a right to know the truth and see every witness.”
  • “What are the members of this treasonous ‘Committee’ afraid of? Why can’t they let the countervailing opinion be heard?”

In fact, the witnesses that Trump is begging to hear, and who would be expected to support him, have stubbornly and illegally refused to testify. Some of them refused at Trump’s direction. Among those who defied the Committee’s subpoenas to appear were his former chief of staff, Mark Meadows, his social media director, Dan Scavino, his former campaign chairman, Steve Bannon, and his former trade representative, Peter Navarro. The latter two have been indicted for contempt of Congress.

If Trump really wants the Committee to hear his side of the story, he could simply tell his associates to accept the Committee’s invitation to testify. Or better yet, he could volunteer to testify himself. Then his story could be told in his own words. There are just two little problems. First, he is too big a coward, and he would rather whine than face the Committee and defend himself. And second, he knows he’s guilty.

UPDATE: Trump added another bombastic outburst

“The Fake News Networks are perpetuating lies, falsehoods, and Russia, Russia, Russia type disinformation (same sick people, here we go again!) by allowing the low rated but nevertheless one sided and slanderous Unselect Committee hearings to go endlessly and aimlessly on (and on and on!). It is a one sided, highly partisan Witch Hunt, the likes of which has never been seen in Congress before. Therefore, I am hereby demanding EQUAL TIME to spell out the massive Voter Fraud & Dem Security Breach!”

“Demanding”? He’s so funny. And once again, all it would take – as Committee member Eric Swalwell says – is “sitting your lying ass in a witness chair.” The Committee will gladly make time for him. He won’t do it. He’s too busy whining, and too scared to show up.

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Apparently Inebriated? Rudy Giuliani Countersues Over Smartmatic Suit Against Him and Fox News

Among the most egregious of the many broken promises of Donald Trump’s torturous one-term tenancy in the White House was his predictably improbable claim that he would always hire “the best people.” And Trump himself has been the best witness to the absurdity of that pledge. The list of former Trump staffers that he now says are losers and idiots who were never up to the job could wallpaper the entire exterior of Mar-a-Lago.

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Rudy Giuliani

That list includes Trump’s cabinet secretaries, his chief of staff, generals and other Pentagon officials, and legal representatives. Which brings us to his long time lawyer, the apparently inebriated Rudy Giuliani. Since heading up Trump’s legal team, Giuliani has lost more than sixty cases related to Trump’s “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged” and “stolen” from him. He has also lost his license to practice law in New York, and is being investigated in Washington, D.C. His relentless and unabashed lies even got him banned on Fox News.

RELATED: Disgraced Trump Toady Rudy Giuliani has Been Banned from … Fox News?

Giuliani has also been named in a couple of multibillion dollar lawsuits filed by election services companies that were defamed by Trump associates and Trump-fluffing media. One of the suits was filed by Dominion Voting Systems for $1.6 billion. The other one was filed by Smartmatic Software for $2.7 billion. Both explicitly cite Giuliani as a named defendant, along with Fox News and other individuals.

Now Giuliani is fighting back with a countersuit against Smartmatic. Reuters is reporting that…

“Rudolph Giuliani has sued Smartmatic to recoup legal fees as he defends against its $2.7 billion lawsuit accusing him, Fox News Network and others of falsely claiming that the company helped rig the 2020 U.S. presidential election so Joe Biden would defeat Donald Trump.

“In a counterclaim filed late Monday in a New York state court in Manhattan, Giuliani said the voting machine company’s defamation lawsuit, which he characterized as baseless, interfered with his constitutional right to speak freely on issues of public concern.”

Considering the fact that Smartmatic’s suit contains an abundance of documentary evidence to prove their claims against Giuliani and the his co-defendants, it’s hard to imagine on what grounds he is basing his complaint. Giuliani’s defamatory statements were made on national television programs where he unleashed bizarre and baseless charges asserting that Smartmatic was “formed by people close to Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and his late predecessor Hugo Chavez, and founded ‘for the specific purpose of fixing elections.'” Then again, almost all of his charges are bizarre and baseless.

RELATED: WTF? Giuliani Says He’s Stashed ‘Evidence’ Against Hillary Clinton in His Bedroom for Years

Giuliani is also asserting that his First Amendment rights are being infringed upon. But the First Amendment doesn’t shield speech that is false and defamatory. And any honest and competent lawyer would know that. Which, of course, leaves Giuliani out. The only thing he will accomplish with this suit is to bring more attention to his pathetic ineptitude, as well as the guilt of his client, Donald Trump. So bring it on, Rudy, and pass the popcorn.

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