Why Elon Musk Restoring Trump’s Twitter Account is Ignorant, Dangerous, and Hypocritical

Nearly two years ago Twitter suspended Donald Trump’s account due to his reckless and relentless lies about election fraud. Twitter imposed the ban on January 8th, two days after Trump’s deadly insurrection on Capitol Hill, saying that “we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence.” Now Elon Musk has personally intervened to restore the account.

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Musk has contradicted his prior promise not to restore Trump, or anyone else, until after his “content moderation council” (whatever that is) met. But this reversal is wrong for many reason: 1) It’s pitifully ignorant. 2) It’s predictably dangerous. And 3) It’s flagrantly hypocritical. Let’s drill down into each of these reasons…

Musk tweeted that Trump’s account would be restored because “The people have spoken.” He was referring to a poll that he previously posted asking whether the account should be reinstated. The results were pretty close, with “Yes” besting “No” 51.8% to 48.2%. However, it is extraordinarily idiotic to take such a poll seriously. For one thing, Musk knows that the votes could be rampant with bots.

In addition to that, it isn’t a scientifically valid survey with a representative sampling of either Americans or Twitter users. It is merely the opinion of people who happened to come across Musk’s tweet and chose to click on a response. And with only 15 million votes, it isn’t even a representative sample of Musk’s 117 million followers. If Barack Obama (who has 5 times the followers of Musk) posted the same poll, you would have a completely different outcome. So for Musk to revive Trump’s account on the basis of this poll proves that he doesn’t have even the most basic grasp of what it means in reality when “the people have spoken.”

When Twitter suspended Trump’s account, they did so in recognition of the imminent threat that his tweets posed to the country and the American people. He was openly and repeatedly inciting violence and encouraging the hostile tendencies of his cult followers. His toxic rhetoric contributed to the anti-American riots on Capitol Hill on January 6th that resulted in more than 140 law enforcement officers being injured.

Trump’s advocacy of such violence continued on other platforms after he was booted from Twitter. Apparently Musk believes that fomenting violence is acceptable free speech and protected by the Constitution. It isn’t. And given Trump’s predilection for sedition and bigotry, Musk clearly doesn’t care who gets hurt.

Musk pretends that his intention is to bring free speech back to the masses by relaxing the moderation policies of Twitter. However, it’s notable that the only accounts Musk has seen fit to restore are those of well known politicians, celebrities, and others in the elite class. He is demonstrating that his true intent is to pander to wealthy right-wingers, like himself. So while he reinstates only privileged conservatives like Trump (and Kanye West, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Babylon Bee, Jordan Peterson, Andrew Tate, and James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas), the accounts of all the non-aristocrats remain shuttered. That’s hardly a restoration of free speech for the masses.

[Full Disclosure: News Corpse is one of the banned commoners. And another appeal to be reinstated was denied just prior to this article being published]

Adding more soap to this opera, is the fact that Trump has stated repeatedly that he would not return to Twitter even if his account were restored. Earlier this year Trump told Fox News that “I am not going on Twitter, I am going to stay on TRUTH.” That’s his shorthand for his own floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social. He reiterated his rejection of Twitter as recently as yesterday in post wherein he linked to Musk’s poll and said “don’t worry, we aren’t going anywhere. Truth Social is special!”

Trump’s animosity toward Twitter is complex and extends way beyond his stated reluctance to rejoin the platform. That’s partly because he has an obligation to promote Truth Social. Although it’s hard to imagine that Trump wouldn’t jump back into the Twitterverse where he had 80 million followers. He has only about four million on Truth Social. His ego would compel him to reconcile, despite having previously raged that “Twitter is a disgrace to democracy. They shouldn’t be allowed to do business in this Country.” And he has sued Twitter, albeit without any legal basis or coherent allegation to support his case. Which is why it was so quickly thrown out of court.

This is the guy that Musk is going out of his way to suck up to. Perhaps it’s because Musk is so badly managing Twitter that he is desperate for the (intensely negative) attention that Trump would produce. Since his acquisition of Twitter a couple of weeks ago, Musk has fired half its staff. Hundreds more have resigned. Advertisers are fleeing in droves. Hate speech has skyrocketed. And the operation is struggling just keep from falling of its own weight.

Meanwhile, Musk has been posting some bizarre and offensive tweets, including one that promoted a callous conspiracy theory about the attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband. So, good work, Elon. You’re doing a great job of proving how superior you upper-crusters are to the rest of us.

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House Republicans Openly Promise to Abuse Power and Impose One-Party, Totalitarian Rule

As the Trump Republican Party prepares to assume control of the House of Representatives with the barest of a majority, they are plotting unrealistically ambitious plans for how they will govern. And almost none of their priorities align in any way with what the American people want, or even with what they campaigned on.

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Gone is any discussion of inflation, crime, immigration, or abortion. They have been replaced by a singular focus on phony probes of President Biden, his administration, and his family. Republicans have been fanning out on Fox News and other conservative media outlets promising to impeach the President, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security, just for starters.

RELATED: Marjorie Taylor Greene Goes on Berserk Impeach Everybody Rant and Challenges Biden to a Debate

Let’s set aside the fact that they have no chance of succeeding with any that. Nor do they have any intention of doing so. It’s a brazenly political parade of stunts aimed damaging Democrats while ignoring the welfare of the nation, and wasting untold millions of dollars.

But it’s also something much worse. It’s an embrace of totalitarianism that seeks to suppress their political foes. Republicans are determined to rule unimpeded by protocol, decency, or the Constitution. For example, Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) was asked on Newsmax if GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy intends to strip Adam Schiff of his committee assignments if he becomes Speaker. He replied…

“Yeah, absolutely. Kevin McCarthy has said that. Along with him will be Eric Swalwell will also be removed from the Intelligence Committee.”

Indeed, McCarthy said that last year. According to NBC News

“McCarthy named Reps. Eric Swalwell of California; Ilhan Omar of Minnesota; and Adam Schiff of California as Democrats he’d remove from their committee assignments.”

Never mind that there is no reason other than ideological disagreement for these punitive actions. This is the sort of fascistic behavior that the GOP has been trending toward for several years. What they didn’t mention was the fact that any such committee removals would require a vote of a majority of the House. The Republicans will have a small majority, but because of that, McCarthy wouldn’t have a vote to spare if he intends to carry out this oppressive threat. And if he manages to get away with it, the blowback will be brutal.

In addition to that, Republicans are up in arms about Attorney General Merrick Garland appointing an independent Special Counsel, Jack Smith, to investigate the crimes of Donald Trump. Garland justified the appointment as a measure to separate the Justice Department from the politics. Needless to say, Trump was mortified, as well as terrified.

RELATED: Trump’s Response to the Appointment of a Special Counsel is Predictably Outraged and Schizoid

Trump-fluffer Marjorie Taylor Greene weighed on in this with a threat of her own. On Steve Bannon’s webcast, she told him that she intends to defund the Special Counsel, saying that…

“I just wanna tell Jack Smith he’s not going to get much of a paycheck. Because I’m gonna do everything I can to make sure there is zero American taxpayer dollars appropriated for Merrick Garland’s special counsel, which is nothing but the Democrat Party’s campaign against president Trump […] We’re not going to do this again. That’s it. We’re gonna stop them and we’re gonna do it through the power of the purse.”

Once again, Greene (who said, in the best tradition of fascists, that she would “rule with an iron fist”) and her Republican confederates don’t have the power to unilaterally defund anything. Even if they passed a bill in the House, it would never get through the Democrat-controlled Senate, or be signed by Biden. What’s more, why on Earth would she want to do that? Would she prefer that the investigation be done by the Justice Department attorneys who report to Garland? This is one of those things that Republicans typically fail to think through. Naturally, Greene got concurrence from both Bannon and Laura Ingraham of Fox News.

McCarthy has been cutting deals with folks like Greene in order to secure their votes for Speaker, which he still doesn’t have. Consequently, he is on board with these crackpot schemes that they can’t actually do. And he has also revealed his own priority for the next session of Congress, insisting that the “GOP will repeal Biden’s 87,000 new IRS agents on day one.”

Of course, there is no such initiative. It is just another Republican lie based on an appropriation of funds to recruit IRS employees to replace those who leave over the next five years. And most of them are not agents, but administrative staff.

RELATED: Fox News Fear Mongers that Biden’s IRS Agents Will ‘Hunt Down and Kill Middle Class Taxpayers’

This is what America has to look forward to after the GOP assumes control of the House. On the one hand, it will be a nightmare as Republicans carp endlessly about fake “scandals” and contrived conspiracy theories. On the other hand, it will only further alienate the American people from the GOP, because they are repulsed by their self-serving political antics.

The GOP is proudly anti-American. They have pledged to sabotage the U.S. (and world) economy by refusing to increase the debt ceiling in order to force cuts in Social Security and Medicare. As a result, it is fairly safe to assume that the GOP majority in the House isn’t going to last longer than the next session of Congress. And the Republican’s march toward irrelevancy will advance the Democrat’s prospects for elections in 2024. And they’ll have Marjorie and Kevin to thank.

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Trump’s Response to the Appointment of a Special Counsel is Predictably Outraged and Schizoid

Earlier this week Donald Trump announced his intention to seek the Republican nomination for president of the United States in 2024. Trump’s announcement address was a frenzied mess of anger, paranoia, fear mongering, and lies. In other words, it was identical to the rants he has been delivering at his traveling cult rallies for several years.

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Trump spoke, as he often does, about how awful America is, describing it as a nation plagued by “blood-soaked streets” in “cesspool cities.” And he declared that he has “no doubt that it’s going to get worse.” How inspiring!

RELATED: Fox News Lauds Trump as ‘Unbeatable in 2024’ Following His Dystopian Campaign Announcement

With that uplifting kick-off speech, Trump introduced a complicating factor for Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Justice Department that is investigating Trump’s criminal activities related to the January 6th insurrection that he incited, and his theft of national security materials that he hoarded – and lied about having – at his Mar-a-Lago resort/home.

Garland has now determined that there is sufficient conflict of interest and political considerations to warrant appointing an independent special counsel to continue the probe. It’s a debatable decision with credible arguments for and against. In Garland’s view a special counsel will take the politics out of the investigation. However, Trump sees it only through the lens of his malignant narcissism, and he gave Fox News an exclusive response to the appointment. It will surprise no one that it is rife with hysteria, outrage, and fear…

“I have been going through this for six years – for six years I have been going through this, and I am not going to go through it anymore. And I hope the Republicans have the courage to fight this. I have been proven innocent for six years on everything – from fake impeachments to [former special counsel Robert] Mueller who found no collusion, and now I have to do it more? It is not acceptable. It is so unfair. It is so political. I’m not going to partake in this.

When you’re finished laughing, let’s dig a little deeper into Trump’s meltdown. First of all, he doesn’t get to decide whether he is “going to go through it anymore.” The suspects in crimes don’t get to tell the investigators what to do. And Trump’s pleading for Republicans to rescue him from his legal nightmare is downright pitiful. There is no role for the GOP to assume here, and that would just be reinserting politics into a matter that should be avoiding it.

Furthermore, Trump is lying when he claims that he has “been proven innocent.” There has been no such adjudication. As for Robert Mueller, his report explicitly stated that Trump was not exonerated and it enumerated several instances of alleged obstruction of justice. Mueller told the House Intelligence Committee that Trump’s campaign had “welcomed and encouraged Russian interference,” in the 2016 election, and then lied to cover it up. So let him partake in that. But he wasn’t through whining…

“I have never heard of such a thing. They found nothing. I announce and then they appoint a special prosecutor, They found nothing, and now they take some guy who hates Trump. This is a disgrace and only happening because I am leading in every poll in both parties. It is not even believable that they’re allowed to do this. This is the worst politicization of justice in our country. Hunter Biden is a criminal many times over and nothing happens to him. Joe Biden is a criminal many times over – and nothing happens to them. It is unfair to the country, to the Republican Party, and I don’t think people should accept it. I am not going to accept it. The Republican Party has to stand up and fight.”

So Trump is upset that a special counsel was named after he announced his candidacy. This makes no sense. Would he prefer that the attorneys in the Justice Department conduct the investigation? Of course not. He’s been yammering about that for months. The truth is that he will complain no matter what happens, other than a complete dismissal.

Also, Trump thinks he’s leading in the polls of Democrats? He really has lost all connection to reality. That’s why he babbles about this being “unbelievable,” and that it shouldn’t be allowed. Although he would allow it if it were aimed at Hunter and/or Joe Biden? Perhaps the reason that “nothing happens” to President Biden is that there is no evidence of any crime.

What’s more, Trump has already branded the special counsel, Jack Smith, as “some guy who hates Trump.” There is no way that Trump knows anything about him. For the record, this what Fox News wrote about Smith…

“Attorney General Merrick Garland on Friday appointed former Justice Department official Jack Smith to the role of special counsel to investigate the entirety of the criminal probe into the retention of presidential records held at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home. […] Smith will also oversee the DOJ’s investigation into Jan. 6, a senior Justice Department official told Fox News. […] Smith is a former assistant U.S. attorney and chief to the DOJ’s public integrity section. Since 2018, Smith has been a prosecutor with the International Criminal Court tasked with investigating and adjudicating war crimes in Kosovo.”

Smith gave a statement on Friday saying that he intends…

“…to conduct the assigned investigations, and any prosecutions that may result from them, independently and in the best traditions of the Department of Justice. The pace of the investigations will not pause or flag under my watch. I will exercise independent judgment and will move the investigations forward expeditiously and thoroughly to whatever outcome the facts and the law dictate.”

Sounds like a real radical, liberal, communist, Trump hater, huh? This is the typical reaction by Trump to any event that is less than a celebration of his self-perceived magnificence. But whether he knows it or not, the spell is wearing off for many former Trump supporters. In fact, he is now issuing threats in order to secure their continued support. And while Trump got the context wrong above, he was right that “it’s just going to get worse” – for him.

RELATED: Wannabe Dictator Trump Resorts to Threatening Weak Republicans to Get Pledges of Support

UPDATE: Trump posted a six minute video with a more elaborate rant about the special counsel appointment. He was speaking at an America First Policy Institute event. The AFPI was founded by Larry Kudlow, to whom Trump refers to several times. Kudlow is a former Trump economic advisor and current Fox News host. What follows are a few excerpts that reveal that Trump is merely recycling the same old grievance and victimhood nonsense that he’s been disgorging for years.

  • “I wanted to address the appalling announcement today by the egregiously corrupt Biden administration and their weaponized Department of Justice.”
  • “This horrendous abuse of power is the latest in a long series of witch hunts.”
  • “the corrupt and highly political Justice Department just appointed a super radical left special counsel.”
  • “Lisa Monaco, a major trump hater … She is totally controlled by Andrew Weissman … bad guy. And he’s an even bigger Trump hater.”
  • “the Mueller scam, which ended up as you know, no conclusion.”
  • “This is a rigged deal, just as the 2020 election was rigged.”
  • “Hunter, who is a corrupt drug addict and implementer for his father.”
  • “I’ve proven to be one of the most honest and innocent people ever in our country.”
  • “We went through two of them. Wouldn’t this be like double jeopardy?”

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Wannabe Dictator Trump Resorts to Threatening Weak Republicans to Get Pledges of Support

Last week the American people resolutely rejected the MAGA movement led by former reality TV game show host, Donald Trump. And despite his dishonest claims to the contrary, almost every candidate that Trump endorsed in a contested race was defeated.

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Undeterred by the nation’s resounding repudiation, Trump went forward with his prescheduled declaration of candidacy for the 2024 presidential nomination of the Republican Party. His speech was roundly criticized as boring, even though it was heavily steeped in apocalyptic imagery. It drew dreadful Nielsen ratings, indicating a lack of interest by the public. And with the exception of some Fox News hacks, it was received with abject indifference by most observers.

RELATED: Fox News Lauds Trump as ‘Unbeatable in 2024’ Following His Dystopian Campaign Announcement

This may explain why Trump has had to issue direct threats in order to secure endorsements from his prior army of acolytes and apostles. According to reports

“In the days running up to the election, Trump made a series of phone calls to GOP lawmakers and other elected officials, demanding that they endorse him before he announced he’s running — or at least right after, according to two sources with knowledge of the conversations. The president said he was tracking who endorsed him early, adding that ‘those who waited too long’ were ‘not gonna like’ what happens when he wins.”

First of all, most of the American people would not like what happens if Trump should manage to win in 2024. But more to the point, these threats are evidence that Trump’s support is weaker than ever, and that he is desperate to force his straying flock back into their pens. However, the reports go on to note that…

“Trump’s efforts to extort Republicans into supporting his third presidential campaign are not going well. He’s secured endorsements from diehard loyalists, but the party’s heavy hitters – even some who have previously been quick to stand behind him – have been hesitant to hop on board.”

Indeed, many former stalwart StormTrumpers have been briskly backing away, including Mike Pence, Chris Christie, Mike Pompeo, and Rupert Murdoch. In fact, Murdoch’s newspapers have published stinging rebukes. The Wall Street Journal called Trump the GOP’s “biggest loser,” and the New York Post’s front page pictured him as “Trumpty Dumpty.” Another staunchly conservative outlet, the National Review, featured a Trump photo and just the word “NO!”

What’s worse for Trump is is that some of his biggest, wealthiest donors have declared that they won’t be backing him in 2024. That led Trump to rage that they are “owned by China.” Even once devoted evangelicals are turning away. They accuse him of using them to get elected, and acting “like a little elementary schoolchild” who should keep his mouth shut.

To be sure, there are still worshipful Trump cultists, and he has been posting their endorsements on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social. They include such MAGA luminaries as Matt Gaetz, Elise Stefanik, Ken Paxton, Kari Lake, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ronny Jackson, Paul Gosar, and Diamond and Silk. There were at least 18 such posts, many mimicking Trump’s own phrasing that they were giving their “complete and total” support. Because that’s how cult members behave.

The fact that Trump has to coerce his constituents into committing to him is a clear indication of his political impotence. He is at the weakest point of his public stature at the moment that he needs strength. And that weakness extends to the general public as well. Recent polls show that majorities of the American people don’t even want him to run.

SEE THIS: As Trump Prepares to Lose Another Presidential Race, Most Americans Say He Shouldn’t Run

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Trump’s Dreary Campaign Announcement Speech Drew Dismal TV Ratings

On Tuesday Donald Trump delivered a speech announcing his entry into the 2024 presidential race. The speech itself was typically riddled with lies, self-exaltation, and infantile insults. And despite the massive dose of melodrama, it was painfully dull.

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Trump’s speech was so boring that even Fox News cut away after forty interminable minutes so that Sean Hannity and his guests could try to rescue the night by slobbering all over him with preposterous praise. They actually gushed that Trump was “in as good a form as you have ever seen him,” and that “If he keeps on like this tonight, he is unbeatable in 2024.”

RELATED: Fox News Lauds Trump as ‘Unbeatable in 2024’ Following His Dystopian Campaign Announcement

Trump was at his dystopian worst, warning of an America that is plagued by “blood-soaked streets” in “cesspool cities.” It was precisely the sort of dreadful dialogue that resulted in his losing in 2020. It’s why 65% of registered voters don’t want him to run in 2024. And it’s why he failed to produce the fabled “red wave” in 2022.

Nevertheless, Trump posted comments on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, bragging about the ratings for his apocalyptic address. One of the comments linked to the ultra-rightist Trump-fluffing website, Breitbart, where the headline lied “At Least 12.5 Million Watched Trump 2024 Announcement Live.” About four million of the viewers that Breitbart counted were reported by an unverified video webcaster. The other link was to a more reputable source, Mediaite, where the exaggerated headline read “Fox News and CNN Soar in Ratings During Trump’s Announcement.”

The actual ratings per Nielsen Media were 5.16 million on Fox News, and 2.43 million on CNN. MSNBC and the broadcast networks did not air the speech. So that’s a total of about 7.59 million viewers, not counting smalltime players like Newsmax and OAN.

For the record, the three major cable news networks drew 6.3 million the day before Trump’s speech, and 5.7 million the day after. So there wasn’t a particularly big spike for Trump. What’s more, the previous Tuesday the nets pulled in 13.8 million for election night. And for comparison, CBS’s “FBI” had 7.1 million viewers opposite Trump’s speech.

Another relevant comparison would be the televised hearings of the House Select Committee investing the January 6th insurrection that Trump incited. On the day that former White House aide, Cassidy Hutchinson, testified, the ratings soared to more than 13 million. And that was during the daytime. The Committee’s first hearing, that was held in primetime, drew about 20 million viewers, more than twice what Trump’s speech did.

RELATED: Cassidy Hutchinson Testimony for the January 6th Committee Breaks TV Viewing Records

At some point you would think that Trump might get the message and stop humiliating himself. Then again, a malignant narcissistic is not likely to accept the reality that he is widely despised. And of course, this is still the only way he has to fleece his flock and support himself. So even with these embarrassing stats, expect Trump to continue performing before his glassy-eyed cult disciples for as long as they shell out.

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It’s Hunter Time: GOP Leaders are Putting Fox News First By Implementing the Hannity Agenda

The Republican Party is giddy over having just barely won a majority in the House of Representatives. And like children, their euphoria is blinding them to the challenges that are integral to the responsibilities of leadership that they must assume. The GOP is accepting their new position of legislative authority in a state of dimwitted delirium.

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In a series of post-election interviews, Republican leaders have articulated an agenda that most closely resembles the blather excreted nightly on Fox News. Just as their Dear Leader, Donald Trump, did before them, they are taking their political advice from the hacks and blowhards that populate Fox’s primetime schedule. And first among the GOP’s priorities is to initiate investigations into President Biden’s son, Hunter.

RELATED: Trump’s GOP is Morphing Hunter Biden Into an Evil Cartoon Villain to Deflect From January 6th

Never mind that this is a matter that has undergone the equivalent of a political prostate exam by Republican politicians and right-wing media for several years. And that it was a consuming fixation of Trump and his pseudo-Justice Department. And that throughout all of that they found no evidence of wrongdoing to pin on Hunter or his father.

The Republicans moving into the executive suites in the Capitol are now explicitly targeting the phony Hunter story as their top priority. During a press conference shortly after the House majority was established, GOP honchos gathered to lay out their plans to conduct congressional investigations. They began with Jim Jordan, incoming chair of the House Judiciary Committee, quoting from a letter signed by a bipartisan array of 51 former intelligence officials, saying that…

“The arrival on the U.S. political scene of emails purportedly belong to Vice-President Biden’s son, Hunter, has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation. We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails provided to the New York Post are genuine or not, just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case.”

First of all, it should be noted that Jordan edited a portion of that quote that actually referred to “the emails provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani.” Why do you suppose Jordan cut that part out?

More to the point, Jordan is deliberately misrepresenting the content of the letter. He and his GOP confederates have long been asserting that there was a claim that the emails, and the stolen laptop from which they were taken, didn’t exist. That was never the case. The letter only addressed the fact that Russia was exploiting the story to foment distrust in American democracy. Which is precisely what was in the quote read by Jordan, even though he continued to pretend that there was something more.

So Republicans are promising that this investigation will be among the first actions they take as the majority party. They don’t even want to talk about anything else. During the press conference, when a question on another subject was asked, James Comer, incoming chair of the House Oversight Committee, chastised reporters saying that “This is kind of a big deal. If we can keep it about Hunter Biden, that would be great.” And the GOP’s official Twitter account demonstrated their Hunter fetish…

Notice that they have already drawn their conclusion that the Bidens are guilty. So what is the need for the hearings? Well, like everything else that Republicans do, it’s to spread lies about Democrats and seek to prejudice future elections with their propaganda. Which is also what Fox News is for. In fact, on Wednesday night both Comer and Jordan were guests on Sean Hannity’s program dispensing the very same lies that they told at their press conference. Notice that Hannity actually spends most of the time talking as he outlines the legal points for his GOP plebes…

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Fox News Lauds Trump as ‘Unbeatable in 2024’ Following His Dystopian Campaign Announcement

The “big announcement” that Donald Trump has been teasing for several weeks was unveiled Tuesday night before an audience of glassy-eyed cult devotees at Mar-a-Lago. It was a decidedly anti-climactic affair given that everyone knew what he was going to say, they’d all heard it many times before, and it was delivered with the energy of a sedated sloth.

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Nevertheless, the Trump-fluffers on Fox News were exhilarated by his tedious performance. Dispelling the notion that Trump had lately fallen out of favor with the Fox News fascistas, the reaction to his campaign kick-off speech was drenched with unabashed adulation.

RELATED: Crybaby Trump Lashes Out at ‘Fake News’ for Reporting Accurately that He’s the Biggest Loser

Trump’s speech was reminiscent of his inaugural “American Carnage” address that painted the nation in a starkly depressing hue. It’s the same spectrum of hellishness that colors almost all of Trump’s visions of America, other than the utopian autocracy with him at the helm. And it was that vision that excited the Fox News crew.

While Fox News carried the first forty minutes of Trump’s hour-plus long speech, they broke into it so that Sean Hannity and his guests could tell their audience just how magnificent what they were watching was. It began with the co-host of Fox and Friends, Pete Hegseth, gushing that “This looks like Trump in as good a form as you have ever seen him.” That was followed by Hannity regurgitating an extended segment of the speech wherein he asserted that “Americans are suffering pain, hardship, anxiety, and despair.” Then he threw it to Fox News contributor, Mike Huckabee, for this mushy commentary…

“Sean, the construct of the speech is pitch perfect. If he keeps on like this tonight, he is unbeatable in 2024. Nobody can touch him. Not a Republican, not a Democrat. […] I’m telling you, this was an absolutely brilliant speech, the best I’ve heard him give in a long time. And he stays on this message, I agree with Pete, he stays and keeps it between the ditches, and this focus, he’s unbeatable.”

Seriously? If these people really think that this Trump speech is going to propel him to electoral victory in 2024, they are terminally delusional. This is precisely the sort of dreadful dialogue that resulted in Trump losing in 2020. It’s why 65% of registered voters don’t want him to run in 2024. And it’s why he failed to produce the fabled “red wave” in 2022.

RELATED: Trump’s Truthless Temper Tantrum Over the Midterm Election Results is Just So Trumpy

Trump’s speech was just more of the same tiresome bombast that he excretes incessantly at his cult rallies. He bragged about accomplishments that never occurred (border wall, jobs, economy, foreign policy). He falsely claimed success in the midterms. He floated a new conspiracy about his having lost in 2020, saying that “Many people think that China played a very active role in the 2020 election.”

Of course, Trump also ranted about how Democrats have destroyed the imaginary utopia that he thinks he left behind. He even repeated his paranoid delusions of being spied on by the FBI.

For some reason Trump left out any mention of the many crimes he committed, and the ongoing criminal and civil investigations (so helpfully enumerated by Hannity here). He didn’t mention the deadly insurrection he incited at the Capitol. He didn’t acknowledge the litigation against him for tax fraud in New York and election interference in Georgia.

However, in his whining about how awful America is, he noted that it was plagued by “blood-soaked streets” in “cesspool cities.” And he declared that he has “no doubt that it’s going to get worse.” That’s the same line he recently used at his cult rally where he fear mongered that “the streets of our once great cities are drenched in the blood of innocent victims.”

RELATED: Trump’s Fear Mongering Lies About ‘Streets Drenched in Blood’ Reach New Depths of Depravity

And all of that is what the cretins at Fox News regard as the sort of inspiring oratory that will guarantee Trump’s return to the White House. But only if he can stay on message. Which is not a skill that he is known for, to put in mildly.

The Foxies think that because Trump didn’t dwell on his “Big Lie” that the 2020 election was “rigged” and “stolen” from him, as he usually does, that he’s abandoned it. But rest assured that he will return to that theme before long. He can’t help it.

UPDATE: The Results Are In…
Trump’s Dreary Campaign Announcement Speech Drew Dismal TV Ratings

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Trump Compares Himself to Galileo in Crazy Court Filing Contesting His Twitter Ban

The madness of Donald Trump has often manifested itself with delusions of grandeur wherein he regards himself as an aspiring dictator, a revered cult leader, or a deified messiah. His self-exaltation has been a hallmark of his psychosis for the many decades he has been in public life.

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Donald Trump, Insane, Straight Jacket

Now Trump’s malignant narcissism has been formalized in legal terms. The self-described “stable genius” had his attorneys analogize him to one of history’s greatest intellects, Galileo Galilei, who is known for, among many other discoveries, documenting that the Earth revolves around the Sun, rather than the other way around. At the time that was considered heresy by the Catholic Church, and due to commitment to his scientific principle, Galileo spent his last years in prison.

So what could this possibly have to do with Donald Trump? Well, he recently sued Twitter for having suspended his account. Twitter imposed the ban two days after the deadly insurrection on Capitol Hill that Trump incited, saying that “we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence.” Trump’s lawsuit was dismissed in May, but he continues to pursue the matter in an increasingly absurd manner.

RELATED: Judge Dismisses Trump’s Loopy Lawsuit Against Twitter for ‘Failure to Plausibly State a Claim’

The latest filing by Team Trump accuses Twitter of conspiring with the U.S. government to violate his First Amendment rights by prohibiting his efforts to spread misinformation about the 2020 election. The filing is typically comprised of conspiratorial fictions and political grievances that have no basis in the law.

Trump’s argument centers on what he believes is his right to disseminate dangerous lies because, in his mind, they are true, and that in time he will be vindicated. Never mind the harm done as a result of his lying, or the right of private companies to moderate their content. As reported by Politico, the filing states that…

“’Most people once believed these to be crackpot ideas; many still do. But crackpot ideas sometimes turn out to be true. The earth does revolve around the sun, and it was Hunter Biden, not Russian disinformation agents, who dropped off a laptop full of incriminating evidence at a repair shop in Delaware,’ Trump’s lawyers wrote. ‘Galileo spent his remaining days under house arrest for spreading heretical ideas, and thousands of dissidents today are arrested or killed by despotic governments eager to suppress ideas they disapprove of. But this is not the American way.’”

We should be probably be grateful that Trump’s lawyers accept the facts regarding the orbits of planets in our solar system, and that the Earth is round. But they are also promulgating blatant disinformation about President Biden’s son, Hunter. No one has ever asserted that Russia agents “dropped off” Biden’s laptop. Only that Russia exploited the matter by distributing salacious falsehoods in order to help Trump win reelection in 2020.

What’s more, it is utterly preposterous to equate the persecution of Galileo, or that of dissidents in tyrannical regimes, with Trump being unable to post his ludicrous comments on a social media website from the comfort of his Mar-a-Lago resort. And if Trump is ever subject to imprisonment, as Galileo was, it will be because he was found guilty by a jury of his peers of violating laws such as his interference with an election, his incitement to riot, and his theft and hoarding highly sensitive national security materials at his Palm Beach hotel/home. For starters.

With this latest filing, Trump’s attorneys prove, once, again, that they are utterly incompetent and ignorant of the law. But they are the best that Trump can recruit given his reputation for ignoring sound legal advice, and for failing to pay his lawyer’s fees. So expect this filing to have the same result as most of those that have preceded it. The Judge, and everyone in the courtroom. will stifle laughter as it gets thrown out. And all over a matter that Trump doesn’t even want to resolve…

SEE THIS: Trump Declares that ‘I Am Not Going Back On Twitter’ After the Elon Musk Takeover

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As Trump Prepares to Lose Another Presidential Race, Most Americans Say He Shouldn’t Run

Former reality TV game show host, Donald Trump, has been teasing for weeks that he intends to run for president again in 2024. And he promised that he would make a “big announcement” on Tuesday, November 15, that he openly implies will be the commencement of his campaign. He is even laughably previewing it as “one of the most important days in the history of our Country!”

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Donald Trump, Presidenty

On Monday Trump dropped more than 70 self-exalting posts on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social. Most of them portrayed him as the messiah of his worshipful cult followers, with images of him hovering the heavens or sporting the regalia of a valiant warrior. Which is ironic for a perpetually whining crybaby who has demonstrated nothing but cowardice.

RELATED: Crybaby Trump Lashes Out at ‘Fake News’ for Reporting Accurately that He’s the Biggest Loser

While Trump is clearly infatuated with himself, his perverse presumption that there is a groundswell of supporters clamoring for his re-occupation of the White House is preposterous. And a new poll reveals that reality in stark terms. According to the survey…

“A Politico-Morning Consult poll showed that 53 percent of registered voters believe he definitely should not run, while 12 percent said he probably shouldn’t. Less than 20 percent of respondents said he should definitely run, while only 12 percent said he probably should.”

On the heels of the midterm election Trump is descending to new lows. Historically the party in the White House loses dozens of seats in Congress. That didn’t happen this time. And there is widespread agreement that Trump was the single biggest reason that voters abandoned him and the parade of deplorable clown candidates that he endorsed. Even many Republicans spent the post-election week blaming Trump and trying to pretend that they weren’t part of his crusade.

Despite the American people’s overwhelming revulsion of Trump’s MAGA movement, he still suffers under the delusion that he is a beloved leader whose efforts on behalf of the phalanx of GOP losers were a smashing success. Not only is that irrefutably false, but the poll also found that Trump’s support among his own party is pitifully weak…

“A majority of Republican respondents in the Politico-Morning Consult poll said they wanted Trump to run, with 61 percent saying he definitely or probably should. But 35 percent said he should not run.”

So a third of the Republican Party doesn’t merely prefer a different candidate. They don’t even want Trump in the race. They know that his presence will be a drag on the rest of the Party’s candidates for every office from the presidency to the sanitation department. Consequently, the most avid advocates for a Trump candidacy are an odd combination of his most glassy-eyed disciples, and Democratic campaign consultants.

Trump may have some reservations about running himself. In fact, his “big announcement” may actually be a head fake that just reveals a 50% off sale of all MAGA merchandise at the Mar-a-Lago gift shop. After all, he already lost the presidency once. He lost the popular vote twice. He lost the 2022 midterms. His notoriously fragile ego couldn’t survive another rejection. So he might be laying the groundwork for an alternative career. But it’s one that is just as likely to result in a humiliating failure as another White House run: Trump TV?

SEE THIS: Trump’s Ego Erupts with Pitch for New TV Network that Airs Only Trump 24/7 – No, REALLY!

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MAGA Marge (Taylor Greene) Blames Imaginary Voter Fraud, not GOP Losers, for Midterm Losses

The post-midterm election analysis is going to go on for the next few weeks, maybe months. Democrats were expected to lose dozens of seats in Congress according to historical precedent and the low favorability of President Biden. That didn’t happen.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, QAnon

The surprising strength of Democratic candidates around the country is a welcome relief to Democrats, and a stinging wound for Republicans. Under the circumstances, the losing party would ordinarily commence a political autopsy to ascertain what went wrong and how to fix it. But, true to form, the Trump Republican Party refuses to behave rationally, even in their own interest.

RELATED: Rep. Raskin: Donald Trump is the Problem of the Republican Party and He May Destroy Their Party

On Monday morning GOP grouch, Marjorie Taylor Greene, was a guest on Steve Bannon’s “War Room.” And her post-election postmortem was as predictable as pestilence at a trash pile. As usual, Greene displayed the hallmark Republican aversion to taking responsibility for anything, when they can just shift blame to others. On that score, Greene summed up the GOP’s electoral defeats thusly…

“We lost in 2020 because of the mail-in ballots and because it was ripe for election fraud. And now we’re watching it again, especially in Kari Lake’s race over in Arizona. This shouldn’t be this way. Everyone was calling for a “red wave.”

“Either all the pollsters were wrong and they need to be fired – and that’s Republicans, Democrats, and every media pollsters saying that we were going to get a red wave, or we have to finally acknowledge the fact – or at least we have to get the other side to acknowledge the fact and admit the truth – that mail-in ballots is the biggest problem in our election and it is going to be a major factor going forward into 2024.”

Greene began her harangue by reaching back to the 2020 presidential race that Donald Trump lost decisively by more than seven million votes. For the past two years Greene and her Republican confederates, led by Trump and his “Big Lie” lie, have failed to produce a shred of evidence that there was any significant election fraud. And they have likewise proven no fraud in 2022 either.

Nevertheless, Greene is outraged by the pollsters she alleges contrived a deliberately false narrative of a massive Republican victory. Bear in mind that Republicans have been bashing pollsters since way before this year’s election. So it’s curious that she is now singling them out for criticism when she has never accepted them as reliable sources before.

What’s more, Greene’s undermining of democracy by casting false doubts on mail-in voting is a preview of where Republicans will be going in the next few months as they continue their crusade to suppress the vote by making it harder to participate.

Now Greene is calling for pollsters and other alleged perpetrators of that “red wave” rhetoric to be fired. Okay. In that case Greene is advocating for the mass termination of everyone at Fox News…

Firing the notoriously dishonest partisans at Fox News would just be the start of the house cleaning that the media requires. Media outlets such as Newsmax, OAN, Breitbart, even Greene’s host this morning, Steve Bannon, should be next on the firing line. Bannon predicted that Republicans could pickup 100 seats this election. He was only off by about 100.

Greene is among the most extreme members of the GOP caucus in Congress. And her refusal to accept reality with regard to the race is typical of her party peers. Which is good news for Democrats. The more delusional Republicans are about what happened this week, the lees able they will be to correct course. Which could pave a the path for another Democratic rout of the GOP in 2024. All thanks to the madness of Greene et al.

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