Donald Trump Shares His Special Bond With Vladimir Putin: Hatred For Obama – Plus Other Assorted Idiocies

The growing contingent of Republicans and pundits who think that Donald Trump is a Democratic plant dispatched to embarrass the GOP and clear a path for Hillary Clinton to the White House is getting harder to dismiss. The combination of Trump’s bombast and ignorance is just too much to be believable. Here are a couple of eruptions that popped up this weekend.

Donald Trump Vladimir Putin

Trump posted a tweet bragging that he is already having an effect on foreign relations, particularly with respect to his confidence that he would have a great relationship with Russian oligarch, Vladimir Putin. The tweet said that “Russia and the world has already started to respect us again!” It also included a link to an article titled Putin loves Donald Trump that supported that assertion. The article outlined the fondness that Putin has for Trump, and vice versa, citing sources that were friendly to the Kremlin. In fact, the primary source was described as a “Kremlin mouthpiece […] a propagandist arm of the Putin government machine.” And Trump was quoted saying…

“I think that I would at the same time get along very well with him. He does not like Obama at all. He doesn’t respect Obama at all. And I’m sure that Obama doesn’t like him very much,” Trump added. “But I think that I would probably get along with him very well.”

So the special bond that Trump and Putin share (along with most of the GOP) is hatred of the man that Americans elected twice to be their president. Isn’t that romantic (and patriotic)? Although it’s no wonder that Trump would fall hard for Putin. They are both wealthy narcissists – megalomaniacs with aspirations of world domination. And many other GOP figures, including Ben Carson, have fallen for Putin.

Also on Sunday, Trump was interviewed by Chris Wallace of Fox News and failed to answer any question directly, as usual. However, in one of his bumbling dodges he managed to demonstrate, again, how woefully ignorant he is about pretty much everything. Wallace attempted to get Trump to clarify his recent comments implying that George W. Bush was responsible for the World Trade Center attack on 9/11. [For the record, Al Qaeda was responsible, but Bush did fail to heed warnings from Richard Clarke, his counter-terrorism coordinator for the National Security Council, as well as the Presidential Daily Briefing entitled “Bin Laden determined to strike in US.”] Instead, Trump diverted to a preposterous explanation for why 9/11 would not even have happened if were president:

“Well, I would have been much different, I must tell you. Somebody said, well, it wouldn’t have been any different. Well, it would have been. I am extremely, extremely tough on illegal immigration. I’m extremely tough on people coming into this country. I believe that if I were running things, I doubt those families would have – I doubt that those people would have been in the country. So there’s a good chance that those people would not have been in our country.”

That’s all well and good, except for on little thing: None of the 9/11 terrorists entered the country illegally. Every single one of them entered with legal visas. The fact that Trump doesn’t know this, but still uses the issue to advance his xenophobic campaign against immigrants, while pretending that he could have prevented a catastrophe about which he doesn’t even know the facts, is more proof that he couldn’t win a race for village idiot.

In addition to these moments of moron, crybaby Trump also whined about needing Secret Service protection due to all the bad guys out to get him. But just two weeks ago he was bragging that he is an armed mofo and that if “Somebody attacks me, oh they’re gonna be shocked.” He also whined about the length of an upcoming debate, threatening to take his ball and go home. If he can’t answer some questions for three hours how can he take on ISIS?. He also called Bernie Sanders a communist, proving that he doesn’t know what the word means. And, finally, he bashed the Wall Street Journal after being told about some criticism that they published. He said that…

“The Wall street Journal was bought for $5 billion. It’s now worth $500 million. They don’t have to tell me what to do. The Wall Street Journal has been wrong so many different times about so many different things.”

The thing is, he said that to Chris Wallace of Fox News, which is owned by the same media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, who owns the Journal. And Wallace didn’t say a word about that connection.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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And finally (for real this time), the news that Saturday Night Live has invited Trump to host the program has been receiving well-deserved criticism. It is unprecedented for the program to allow an active candidate for president to host the show. Hillary Clinton was given only a brief guest appearance. And the invitation came after NBC had broken business ties with Trump due to his “derogatory statements” about immigrants, which NBC said was contrary to their values. What’s more, Latino groups are appalled that the show would allow an overtly racist hate monger like Trump to appear as host, despite the fact that there are zero Latinos in the current SNL cast, and only two in the whole forty-one year history of the program. There is a petition to urge NBC to rescind the invitation here.

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Fox News ‘Psycho’ Analyst Comes To The Defense Of Deviant Scum Rupert Murdoch

Earlier this week Rolling Stone published an article by Matt Taibbi that brilliantly chronicles the decline of Fox News mogul Rupert Murdoch and how his empire is showing signs of crumbling due in part to the Frankenstein monster he created, Donald Trump. News Corpse reviewed the article here.

Keith Ablow

In response, Fox News dispatched their resident “psycho” analyst, Keith Ablow, to defend the deviant scum who runs Fox with an op-ed on the Fox News website. The headline of Ablow’s article asks “Does Matt Taibbi hate Rupert Murdoch or hate himself?” The article pretends to be concerned with Taibbi’s mental health while attempting to portray him as consumed by self-hatred.

Ablow starts off by digging up some historical and personal dirt on Taibbi that has nothing to do with his current writing career for which he has garnished widespread respect. And like any quack psychiatrist, Ablow used it against him. He then admits that he isn’t qualified to diagnose Taibbi, but damn if he doesn’t do it anyway before the paragraph is over:

“I have never evaluated Matt Taibbi and have never even met him. But it doesn’t take a psychiatrist to theorize why anyone would have such intense antipathy for men who believe deeply in individual autonomy and possibilities and would resort to grotesque jokes about them. […] He must be disconnected enough from his own real self.”

No it certainly doesn’t take a psychiatrist to do what Ablow does, which is to dispense vitriol disguised as medical advice. Ablow says that he would like to have coffee with Taibbi “not as a psychiatrist, but as a fellow man,” to help him find himself. And that magnanimous gesture is driven by his deeply held principles and his desire to save lost souls like Taibbi. Ablow writes that…

“I believe that even someone who hates greatly — starting, no doubt, with himself and then projecting that antipathy toward others — retains the possibility to heal and to realize his greatest possibilities.”

Well, that’s a relief. Because there isn’t anyone who hates greatly more than “doctor” Keith Ablow. His prior unofficial and unprofessional diagnoses have included openly hostile attacks, mostly on President Obama and other liberal or Democratic targets. For instance, he charged that President Obama was waging psychological warfare on the American people; he accused Obama of wanting Ebola to spread in America; he declared that it is time to immunize our sons and daughters against the president’s psychologically toxic rhetoric,” and that Obama “long ago severed himself from all core emotions;” And my personal favorite, Ablow actually had praise for the Unabomber’s sociological philosophy.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

With all of that hatred, Ablow surely needs someone to provide the sort of care that he thinks Taibbi needs. It is a classic case of projection wherein Ablow sees in others the things he fears most within himself. His quackery is overflowing his distraught and inadequate brain. And it’s bad enough that he would compose a ludicrous pseudo-diagnosis like this, but it’s much worse that a so-called “news” enterprise would publish it.

Donald Trump Is A Punk-Slash-Ignoramous Who Fears Bernie Sanders And Debates

Billionaire crybaby Donald Trump is once again showing severe signs of his true character (or lack thereof). It has been obvious since he began his delusional campaign for the Republican nomination for president that he was an egomaniac obsessed with whining and hurling childish insults at anyone who hurt his tender feelings. Every day he embarrasses himself further with demonstrations of ignorance and conceit. And yesterday was a treasure trove of typical Trumpian nonsense.

Donald Trump

First up, Trump appeared at a rally in Virginia where he revealed just how scared he is of Bernie Sanders, and how little he knows about, well anything. He launched into a rabid tirade aimed at Sanders’ description of himself as a Democratic socialist, a term that Trump couldn’t define if his life depended on it.

Trump: “This socialist-slash-communist – OK? Nobody wants to say it. […] Nobody’s heard the term communist, but you know what, I call him a socialist-slash-communist. OK? Cause that’s what he is.

No, that’s actually not what he is. But I can form trite couplets that are far more descriptive of Trump and more accurate. For instance, Trump is a wuss-slash-narcissist, or an idiot-slash-racist, or a dad-slash-pervert, or a fatcat-slash-fascist. He seems so proud of himself for daring to call Sanders something only a total fool would think is applicable. He is, therefore, proud of his ignorance, which shouldn’t surprise anyone. Trump has no idea what a communist is, but he’s pretty sure that he could build a wall to keep them from taking our jobs, raping our daughters, and sapping and impurifying all of our precious bodily fluids (h/t Dr. Strangelove).

Trump’s Sanders-phobia continued with an Instagram video wherein Trump offered the asinine and racist comparison of #BlackLivesMatter to ISIS. The video ended with a graphic reading “Bernie can’t even defend his microphone, how will he defend the country?” Trump seems to think that a confrontation with peaceful protesters advocating justice at a political rally is the same as the military battle against international terrorists. If that’s an indication of how he would respond to dissent in America, everyone should be terrified of him having any power greater than a tollbooth attendant.

Finally, Trump has been throwing another of his patented tantrums over the proposed terms of a GOP debate. He’s complaining that CNBC is stretching the debate to three hours so they can make more money. Even if that’s true, since when does a right-wing Republican object to businesses exercising their rights in a free market? He said that a three hour debate would be unfair to viewers. Does he think that just because he has to stand there the whole time that everyone watching at home is prohibited from changing the channel or walking the dog any time they want? A longer debate gives people more information, even if they view it in parts over the next few days.

Viewers are not burdened by the running time of the debate, but apparently Trump is. Clearly he doesn’t have either the energy to stand for three hours, or the intelligence to answer questions. With ten candidates on the stage three hours only provides about fifteen minutes of questions each (minus commercials and opening and closing statements). That’s not really very much time for deciding on who should become the leader of the free world. Cutting the debate to two hours leaves about nine minutes each. Trump is also insisting that opening and closing statements be part of the format because then he can deliver prepared politispeak rather than having to show that he understands any real issues.

Bonus whining: Trump has resumed his Twitter war with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly. In a fevered blast of tweets he called her a liar and said that he “can’t stand to watch her” and her “two really dumb puppets,” Chris Stirewalt and Marc Thiessen. I wonder if Fox CEO Roger Ailes will take this latest assault on his network and staff laying down. He has previously shown that he is more than willing to be Trump’s bitch.

Trump’s petulant hissy fitting is at once pathetic and entertaining. It illustrates the worst aspects of the inherited wealthy elitists who presume themselves to be entitled to special privileges and unwavering attention. This video shows exactly the mindset that Trump has had his whole life:

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Propagandist Caught And Arrested, Charged With Fraud

Wayne Simmons has been a frequent guest on Fox News for many years, providing what they said was expert analysis of intelligence and military issues from an experienced professional. Fox often relied on his commentary to inform their audience about serious national security issues as they arose in the news. But as it turns out, Simmons had lied on his resume to the federal government when seeking employment and contracts, and now he is under indictment for “major fraud against the United States, wire fraud, and making false statements to the government.”

Fox News

The FBI arrested Simmons and released a statement alleging his unlawful conduct, including misrepresenting his experience in the CIA and other intelligence services. From the FBI statement:

“According to the indictment, Simmons falsely claimed he worked as an “Outside Paramilitary Special Operations Officer” for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from 1973 to 2000, and used that false claim in an attempt to obtain government security clearances and work as a defense contractor, including at one point successfully getting deployed overseas as an intelligence advisor to senior military personnel. According to the indictment, Simmons also falsely claimed on national security forms that his prior arrests and criminal convictions were directly related to his supposed intelligence work for the CIA, and that he had previously held a top secret security clearance. The indictment also alleges that Simmons defrauded an individual victim out of approximately $125,000 in connection with a bogus real estate investment.”

Simmons’ appearances on Fox News were fairly routine bits of rightist propaganda, exactly the sort of thing you would expect to see on Fox. In one of his most recent bookings he was on “Your World with Neil Cavuto” where they had this paranoid exchange:

Simmons: We’ve got at least nineteen paramilitary Muslim training facilities in the United States. Are you kidding me? What are they gonna do, go hunt deer during deer season? No! They’re using paramilitary exercises to plan and execute these type of operations all over the United States. And when it happens it’ll just be you and I saying “I told you so.”
Cavuto: Well, I hope you’re wrong my friend, but you’ve been uncannily prescient on a lot of this stuff.

Simmons went on to assert that…

“We are in a global war against an Islamic jihad. Until they get rid of these ‘no-go zones,’ you go out and put razor wire around them, turn off the water, and catalog them as they come out.”

Simmons probably loved the WWII Japanese interment camps, too. Of course, there weren’t any “no-go zones” in the U.S., but his remarks were delivered shortly after another Fox News “expert,” Ryan Mauro, had made similar false assertions about no-go zones on Bill O’Reilly’s show. Simmons even mentioned Mauro’s claims in his discussion with Cavuto. Those same claims were later cited by a domestic terrorist who was arrested for plotting an attack against a community of peaceful Muslim-Americans in upstate New York.

And while we’re on the subject of no-go zones, yet another Fox “expert,” Steve Emerson, charged that they were rampant in Paris. For that the network was forced to retract the claim and apologize. And all of it was hilariously skewered by a French TV program. However, they never retracted or apologized for the claims that nearly got a Muslim-American community massacred.

Other noteworthy appearances on Fox News saw Simmons referring to Obama’s election as “the coronation of the boy king;” claiming that the missing Malaysia Airlines MH370 had to be a sophisticated state sponsored attack; calling the Obama administration the worst administration this county will ever have known; saying that the best thing that could happen for this administration and State Department is that we are attacked because it takes all of the decision making away from Obama.

Really? The “best” thing that could happen is for us to be attacked? Sadly, that’s not the only time a Fox News guest suggested that. But perhaps the most ironic appearance Simmons made was on the November 15, 2007, episode of The Big Story with John Gibson and Heather Nauert. The segment was about a CIA/FBI agent that had just been found guilty of fraud and deception. Simmons said that …

“This has exposed the raw nerve, if you will, of a flaw in the background check, and without a background check, without knowing who we’re hiring, and who we are employing to protect our nation, we are in big, big trouble.”

No kidding, Sherlock! How Simmons could have the gall to comment on that matter knowing what he knew about himself is mind-boggling. It is the behavior of a sociopath. Keith Olbermann called it right when he made Simmons the Worst Person in the World.” way back in 2006 for using a hoax to justify government spying on American citizens.

What’s frightening about the revelation that Fox News was relying on an impostor to provide analysis of national security is that the phony analysis he provided may have been exactly what Fox News intended. That’s because Simmons was identified as a participant in the Pentagon Military Analyst Program – an initiative developed during the Bush administration to dispatch retired officers, and other alleged experts, to the media in order to push their agendas in Iraq and elsewhere. The program was revealed in a Pulitzer prize-winning article by David Barstow for the New York Times. Barstow wrote that…

“To the public, these men are members of a familiar fraternity, presented tens of thousands of times on television and radio as “military analysts” whose long service has equipped them to give authoritative and unfettered judgments about the most pressing issues of the post-Sept. 11 world.”

“Hidden behind that appearance of objectivity, though, is a Pentagon information apparatus that has used those analysts in a campaign to generate favorable news coverage of the administration’s wartime performance.”

“The effort, which began with the buildup to the Iraq war and continues to this day, has sought to exploit ideological and military allegiances, and also a powerful financial dynamic: Most of the analysts have ties to military contractors vested in the very war policies they are asked to assess on air.”

So Simmons was a covert asset in the Bush campaign to spread war propaganda. And he remained a Fox News regular long after Bush was gone. Now he’s been arrested as a fraud. In that regard he isn’t much different than anyone else at Fox News. Virtually their entire roster is engaged in the same partisan deception on behalf of an extremist right-wing agenda. They all tell the same lies and they all work hard to disinform the American people.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Now that one of their veteran liars has been caught, Fox News has not bothered to report on it at all. Which is not surprising. They surely don’t want people to know that one of their favorite commentators has been feeding them BS for years. Because once they do that, the rest of the dominoes will fall.

[Update:] Fox’s Bret Baier addressed the Simmons arrest on Special Report. In a thirty second segment he said…

“Government contractor and occasional Fox News guest Wayne Simmons has been charged with lying about his supposed career with the C.I.A. Prosecutors say Simmons broke the law by lying about his credentials on applications for consulting work. Simmons made appearances on Fox as a national security and terrorism expert. However, he was never employed by the channel and was never paid by Fox.”

Whether or not Simmons was on Fox’s payroll is irrelevant. He was a regular source of tainted information on serious subjects for which he pretended to be qualified. The glaring omission in Baier’s comment was that he did not apologize to viewers for repeatedly presenting a fraud on the air, nor did he officially retract anything that Simmons said. Baier seems to think the lack of a paycheck is absolution for engaging in disinformation. And it begs the question: If Fox wasn’t paying him, who was?

Headline Of The Year: Rupert Murdoch Is Deviant Scum (Rolling Stone)

Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi has penned a thought provoking article that examines the fading glory of one of the world’s most prominent media barons, Rupert Murdoch. He begins above the fold with a no-holds-barred headline declaring that Rupert Murdoch Is Deviant Scum.” And he has the reasoned analysis to back it up.

Murdoch Trump

Taibbi carefully constructs a case for how Murdoch is losing either his empire or his mind, or both. At the outset is the observation that his crown jewel, Fox News, is at risk of being strangled by its own monstrous creation, Donald Trump. He notes that Murdoch “must be petrified at the prospect of losing his hard-won viewership at the end of his life.” The public feuding that has been ongoing between Fox and Trump threatens to sap the network of its previously loyal viewer base. Trump’s followers are incensed by what they feel is unfair treatment of their superhero and have pledged to boycott the network. Or as Taibbi deliciously puts it…

“Donald Trump is the fallen angel in the Fox story, a traitor who’s trying to tempt away Murdoch’s lovingly nurtured stable of idiot viewers by denouncing their favorite ‘news’ network as a false conservative God.”

Taibbi proposes that Murdoch’s fear of mogul emasculation is the impetus for his ludicrous tweet extolling Ben Carson, another former Fox News contributor, as potentially “a real black President who can properly address the racial divide?” And who could be a better gauge of real blackness that old Rupert? [For the record, along with Trump and Carson, the current GOP field of candidates includes three more ex-Fox employees, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, and John Kasich.] But it’s Obama’s suspect blackness, in Murdoch’s view, that Taibbi focuses on. He notes that Fox’s standard profile of Obama is one of “a mongrel, a kind of Manchurian President, raised in madrassas and weaned on socialism, who hates white people and yearns to euthanize them.” Or when race was a part of the discussion, Obama was reduced to being a “secret street hood,” or a “skinny, ghetto crackhead.” Taibbi summarizes saying that…

“Rupert Murdoch has spent seven to eight years finding every conceivable way to say that Barack Obama isn’t one of us. The president is forever described as a kind of malevolent animal, unable to control his irrepressible urge to take and redistribute the white man’s property.”

The whole article is well worth the read. It contains rational insight, pertinent facts, and luminous prose. And I find it particularly relevant in light of an article I wrote three years ago positing that Murdoch was even then showing signs of losing it. On several pressing issues there were emerging stark difference between the powerful Murdoch of the past and the more impotent version of the present. On gun control, immigration, and climate change mitigation, all of which he viewed favorably, Murdoch’s views were contradicted by his Fox News subordinates. He was also being supplanted as the GOP kingmaker by his lieutenant Roger Ailes, CEO of Fox News. As I wrote at the time…

Politicians around the world were once obliged to pay their respects to the “Dirty Digger” if they hoped to succeed electorally. […] However, in recent months the Murdochian monarchy seems to have been sapped of its power. There has been none of the reverential genuflecting to the man whose anointment was once compulsory. There has been scant evidence of his presence in the political backrooms where influence is administered.

The usurpation of the Fox News agenda is obvious and disturbing. Roger Ailes is installing himself at the top of the pile in opposition to his boss on some of the most important issues of the day. This can only lead to trouble. Visceral, personal, gut-wrenching, back-stabbing, explosive trouble. In other words: FUN!

Suffice to say that it hasn’t gotten better for Murdoch since then. And Taibbi’s profile illustrates just how much his situation has deteriorated. He notes that Murdoch “senses his beloved audience of idiots drifting away.” It becomes a question of whether Murdoch is willing to sink as low as Trump in order to get them back. It’s a tough call, but if anyone can descend to the most putrid levels of human indecency it’s Rupert Murdoch – the man whose British newspaper hacked the phone of a murdered schoolgirl. Let Trump top that.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Still Licking Donald Trump’s Ferragamos – NBC Too

Wherever Donald Trump goes he seems to leave the smoldering ashes of bridges behind him. Yet the lure of cash and the greed of his adversaries often results in awkward reconciliations. For instance, earlier this year NBC cut ties to Trump due to his “derogatory statements” about immigrants, which NBC said was contrary to their values. Well, they just announced that he will be the host of the November 7th episode of Saturday Night Live. Even Shepard Smith of Fox News couldn’t resist skewering NBC’s hypocrisy (video below):

“NBC, of course, ended its relationship with Trump earlier this year because he said Mexican immigrants are rapists and that they bring drugs and crime, and NBC and everything Comcast did not want to be associated with Donald Trump. […] No more Trump on NBC. It’s what he said, no more Trump. So what’s he doing? He’s going back to NBC. Good job. Nice job, NBC. You made a stand. You stood for your values.”

That’s about as close as Fox News gets to justifiable righteous indignation. And while Smith deservedly thwacks NBC for so limply abandoning their values, he is missing the plank in his own eye. Fox News, of course, has been engaged in a bitter feud with Trump that has resulted in banning and boycotts. Yet the ruffled feathers always seem to get straightened out before Fox has lost much ratings-driven revenue. The most recent ruckus peaked with Trump saying that he would not be going on Fox for the foreseeable future. That was followed by an announcement that Trump would meet (again) with Fox CEO Roger Ailes.

Donald Trump News

As it turns out, that meeting never took place, but Trump has nevertheless resumed his position as the most featured presidential candidate on the network (or any network). Just this week Trump’s Fox News date book includes Sean Hannity, Fox & Friends, Your World with Neil Cavuto, MediaBuzz, Special Report with Bret Baier, Bill O’Reilly, and Fox News Sunday. That’s seven shows in seven days. No other candidate even comes close.

The problem arising from this, aside from the searing pain of having Donald Trump’s mug plastered across the nation’s TVs in an endless loop, is that Fox has a vested interest in keeping Trump’s campaign viable. They are clearly afraid of losing his ability to draw reality show addicted viewers. That’s why they scramble to patch up their differences every time they erupt. When has Fox ever done that for any other candidate? And there have been several who have articulated sharp complaints about Fox, but it doesn’t warrant them any face time with Ailes.

Fox News Donald Trump

So the prospect of Trump fading from the scene has to be frightening to the bean counters at Fox. Will that cause them to alter coverage in order to keep him around? Would they hype his campaign or fudge their polls? Fox has shown in the past that their top priority is ratings and profits. It’s why they signed hot commodities like Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck, and fired them when they became embarrassments.

The problem is that, with Fox’s reputation, it’s impossible to have any confidence that they wouldn’t go to artificially extreme measures to extend Trump’s campaign. And their eagerness to meet with him every time he pouts about some imagined slight is pretty good evidence that they are determined to keep him around for their own benefit.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

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Donald Trump Live-Tweeted The Democratic Debate #FAIL #PUTZ

“At the request of many, and even though I expect it to be a very boring two hours, I will be covering the Democrat Debate live on twitter!”

That’s how Donald Trump announced that he would be providing his unique insights on the Democratic debate – as it happens. His followers were predictably ecstatic, virtually drooling on their iPhone 3’s as they sped down the access road, nearly spilling their DQ Butterfinger Blizzards. And what did they get? Fifteen moronic tweets in two and a half hours (about one every ten minutes). News Corpse has compiled them here without commentary for posterity. #FeelTheDerp.

Donald Trump

  1. We will all have fun and hopefully learn something tonight. I will shoot straight and call it as I see it, both the good and the bad. Enjoy!
  2. Putin is not feeling too nervous or scared. #DemDebate
  3. Get rid of all of these commercials. #DemDebate
  4. The trade deal is a disaster, she was always for it! #DemDebate
  5. Can anyone imagine Chafee as president? No way.
  6. O’Malley, as former Mayor of Baltimore, has very little chance.
  7. Who is winning the debate so far (just last name)? #DemDebate
  8. All are very scripted and rehearsed, two (at least) should not be on the stage.
  9. The hardest thing Clinton has to do is defend her bad decision making including Iraq vote, e-mails etc.
  10. Good move by Bernie S.
  11. Sorry, there is no STAR on the stage tonight!
  12. Sanders said only black lives matter – wow! Hillary did not answer question!
  13. Notice that illegal immigrants will be given ObamaCare and free college tuition but nothing has been mentioned about our VETERANS #DemDebate
  14. Wow, I am giving a speech on OAN. Much more exciting than debate!
  15. Check out OAN and compare to what you are watching now!

Well, he called it as he saw it. And judging by the results, he must have seen it through an OxyContin haze. Apparently he faded out at the end since he quit his Twit-coverage to do an interview on the obscure wingnut-run One America Network. But the saddest part of this whole mess is that his followers on Twitter actually thought this was an awesome display of cerebral brilliance. #LOWBAR

CBS Edits Out Gun Discussion On Obama’s 60 Minutes Interview

The myth of the “liberal” media has been thoroughly debunked by volumes of evidence, and yet many people continue to believe that news operations owned and operated by giant multinational corporations still harbor a liberal bias for some unexplained, and unexplainable, reason.

The latest proof that Big Media slants their coverage away from true progressive issues comes from last Sunday’s broadcast of 60 Minutes on CBS. The twenty-four minute interview of President Obama was sufficient time to cover a variety of subjects that have a real impact on the lives of real Americans. However, one subject was left on the cutting room floor: The crisis of gun violence (video below).

60 Minutes

The fact that CBS found time in an interview of Obama for an extended discussion of Hillary Clinton’s email server, but was unable include a brief segment of the gun dialog, says something about the editorial decision making at the network. If you wanted to know what Obama thought about how guns affect our society, and what can be done about it, you would have had to search for it online. What you would have found was a three minute segment that could easily have been slipped into the CBS broadcast. And it’s fair to say that this issue holds more value for the American people than adding to the tabloid sensationalism that Fox News has been feverishly stirring up about emails that have uncovered no wrongdoing whatsoever.

This sort of bias is not new to CBS or 60 Minutes. In 2013 they ran a story about Benghazi that was so full of holes that they had to retract it and apologize for airing such an embarrassing and obvious hoax. At that time News Corpse published an explanation for how CBS could have been taken in by such a conspicuous fraud. That explanation revolves around the personalities in the network’s executive suites who are still running the newsroom. This is what I wrote in November of 2013:

The President of CBS News is David Rhodes, who assumed the post in February of 2011. His bio on the CBS website tells us something of his professional past:

“Rhodes began his career as a Production Assistant at the newly-launched Fox News Channel in 1996, where he later became Vice President of News. At the network he managed coverage of three presidential elections, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, hurricanes including Katrina, and was the channel’s Assignment Manager on the news desk the morning of September 11, 2001.”

What this tells us is that Rhodes was a top executive at Fox News during the hotly contested 2000 presidential election where Fox mistakenly called the state of Florida (and thus the nation) for George W. Bush. He was there when Fox News was cheerleading for the U.S. to invade Iraq, a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, and did not pose any threat to America. He was there when Fox was defending Bush’s disastrous response to Hurricane Katrina. He was there during the economic meltdown of 2008 to make sure that it was blamed on poor people buying homes and the Democrats in Congress. He was there when Fox was hyping electoral attacks against candidate Obama that included maligning ACORN, advancing associations with Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers, and of course, the everlasting nonsense of birtherism.

In short, Rhodes was one of the principal architects of the Fox News slant toward far-right extremism and brazen conservative partisanship. CBS News must have known what they were getting when they hired him.

So is it any wonder that CBS would focus so sharply on dramatic, but insubstantial controversies? They clearly have an editorial mission to push a conservative agenda and suppress any progressive initiatives for reform. The same sort of problems exist at other networks and news outlets. The current executive vice president of CNN, Ken Jautz, is the man who gave Glenn Beck his first job on television. Even MSNBC is heading toward the right as they remove progressive hosts and plan to expand Morning Joe another hour. Which is why I say “Liberal media my ass.”

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Donald Trump Hurls Insults And Lies At Woman Who Dared To Question Him

If you are looking for further evidence that Donald Trump is a repugnant misogynist who has a deeply rooted disrespect for women, his response to yesterday’s exchange with a woman at the bipartisan No Labels conference should suffice nicely.

Donald Trump

After a poorly received presentation, due to Trump’s masturbatory approach to politics, The Donald took a few questions from the audience. Of particular note was Lauren Batchelder, a young woman who prefaced her question by stating that “I don’t think you’re a friend to women.” Trump immediately interrupted her to swear that he “cherishes” women and would “take care of them” because his mother was “maybe the greatest [woman] ever.” That may not be what most women are looking for in the struggle for equality. Being cherished is not the same as being respected; being taken care of is condescending; and his absurd exaltation of his mother is an Oedipal irrelevancy that has anything to with women’s rights.

Batchelder continued to inquire as to whether in a Trump administration “will a woman make the same as a man, and do I get to choose what I do with my body?” Trump answered that women will “make the same if you do as good of a job,” which is inherently sexist because it implies that women’s skills are unproven so they have to be judged by the standard, which is men. Then Trump tacked on that he is pro-life, effectively telling Batchelder, “No, you don’t get to choose what you do with your body.” But it gets worse. Today Trump recalled the exchange in a tweet saying…

“The arrogant young woman who questioned me in such a nasty fashion at No Labels yesterday was a Jeb staffer!”

So now if you have the audacity to confront Trump with a valid question that addresses significant women’s issues, he feels it is appropriate to dismiss you as “arrogant” and “nasty.” It’s reminiscent of the insults that Trump leveled at Fox’s Megyn Kelly after she asked him to explain his derogatory remarks about women.

Trump also brazenly lied in saying that Batchelder is a staffer for Jeb Bush. The readily available truth is that she is an unpaid volunteer who attended the No Labels conference on her own. The Bush campaign confirmed that they had no role or knowledge of her attendance or her question. In fact, the substance of her question doesn’t suggest any alignment with Bush because he has the same positions on those issues as Trump. Why would the Bush campaign plant a question that he would have trouble answering himself?

More to the point, Trump’s demeaning and offensive response affirms his hostility toward women. This is especially evident when you compare it to the response he gave to a male questioner a few weeks ago who said that “We’ve got a problem in this country. It’s called Muslims,” and that President Obama is “not even an American.” To that guy Trump said “We’re gonna be looking at that.” Trump apparently didn’t think that racist question was either arrogant or nasty. Although, some of his wingnut supporters also thought that questioner was a plant, but they were hilariously wrong.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Luckily for Trump, his followers are as repulsively misogynistic as he is, so he shouldn’t suffer any negative repercussions due this noxious behavior. He’ll go forward with the same quarter of the Republican base that he has corralled from the start of his fantasy campaign. And when the GOP field narrows, that minority bloc will leave him at the back of the pack. But his ideas, which are consistent with the Republican mainstream, will follow whoever the eventual GOP nominee is like the stink of skunk.

Obama Mocks Fox News For ‘Making Me Scary’

Just in time for Halloween, President Obama has revealed the costume that Fox News made to heighten the fears of their perpetually skittish viewers. It’s something they have been dressing up the President in for the past seven years, but it doesn’t get much attention from the President himself.

Fox News Obama

In an interview with author Marilynne Robinson, the discussion turned to the values that are found in the diversity of American life. This led the President to recall his experiences in small-town America when he first began campaigning for the White House.

“It’s interesting, because we’re talking in Iowa; people always, I think, were surprised about me connecting with folks in small-town Iowa. And the reason I did was, first of all, I had the benefit that at the time nobody expected me to win. And so I wasn’t viewed through this prism of Fox News and conservative media, and making me scary.

Indeed, Fox News has since toiled feverishly to turn Obama into a fearsome entity bent on the destruction of mankind. They have literally accused him of conspiring with our mortal enemies; of plotting to murder millions of Americans; of surrendering our liberty and land to foreign tyrants; and even taunting God so as to bring about the End Times. It’s a nightmarish vision that was constructed from nothing but their seething hatred for a dark-skinned stranger who they believed had no right to rise to leadership and reside in the White House.

For his part, Obama has been aware of the animosity that consumed his ideological foes. There was, however, little he could do about it. The more he would try, the more they interpreted it as an insidious ploy to enslave them with charm. Witness this hideously secret assault as described by Obama to Robinson:

“And the thing I’ve been struggling with throughout my political career is how do you close the gap. There’s all this goodness and decency and common sense on the ground, and somehow it gets translated into rigid, dogmatic, often mean-spirited politics. And some of it has to do with all the filters that stand between ordinary people who are busy and running around trying to look after their kids and do a good job and do all the things that maintain a community, so they don’t have the chance to follow the details of complicated policy debates.”

What a monster! How dare he try to find common ground in a democratic society while partisans in the press and politics are stirring up irrational dissent. And why does he want to close The Gap? Is he biased in favor of Urban Outfitters? Or is he just fundamentally opposed to the free market?

Later in the interview, Obama pinpoints one of the potential causes of the adversarial nature of our country. He describes it as the natural tendency of Americans to mistrust governments, which he says is “in our DNA.”

“We’re suspicious of government as a tool of oppression. And that skepticism is healthy, but it can also be paralyzing when we’re trying to do big things together.”

That’s true. And it certainly doesn’t help when you have giant media networks deliberately fomenting fear and ignorance and using the naivete of their audience to build opposition based on lies. In fact, all it does is pave the way for cartoonish demagogues like Donald Trump, and leave Grand Old Parties struggling to find anyone who actually wants to lead their parade of clowns.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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