Trump is Terrified of Being Blamed for Extending the Debt Ceiling – That He is Trying to Extend

Donald Trump is a walking encyclopedia of psychoses. He suffers from a mind-boggling array of mental maladies ranging from malignant narcissism, to paranoid personality disorder, to delusions of grandeur, to sadistic sociopathy, to substance use disorder, to pathological lying, to generalized anxiety, to senile dementia, to the dreaded Cartoon Brain Syndrome.

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Trump Fear

A common characteristic of many of these disorders is a crippling fear of events that trigger exaggerated defensive responses. The result is that the sufferer is in a near constant state of terror that something awful has occurred, or is about to. Consequently, Trump is perpetually on guard against imaginary threats and lashes out with wild preemptive strikes against his perceived foes.

SUCH AS: LOLOL: ‘Feds Hijacked Truth Social’ According to Trump Post. And He Wants it Checked Out, NOW!

Trump supplied a prime example of this behavior in a post to his failing Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, on Sunday evening. He threw a hissy fit because Congress had passed a bipartisan Continuing Resolution to keep the government from shutting down that included an extension of the debt ceiling until the beginning of next year. He raged in part that…

“The extension of the Debt Ceiling by a previous Speaker of the House…will go down as one of the dumbest political decisions made in years. There was no reason to do it – NOTHING WAS GAINED, and we got nothing for it. […] The Democrats must be forced to take a vote on this treacherous issue NOW, during the Biden Administration, and not in June. They should be blamed for this potential disaster, not the Republicans!”

Trump’s rant began with a swipe at former GOP speaker Kevin McCarthy for agreeing to a compromise bill that relied on Democratic support to pass. Without the Democrats there would have been no bill and the the government would have had to shutdown, causing millions of people – especially seniors and soldiers – significant hardship. The avoidance of that hardship is what Trump calls “one of the dumbest decisions made in years.” Trump went on to complain that “we got nothing for it,” because everything in Trump’s mind is transactional. To heck with the American people. If he isn’t paid some sort of tribute, it wasn’t worth doing.

In closing, Trump demanded that a new vote be held immediately to extend the debt ceiling so that the bill and the blame would be recorded during President Biden’s term. Notice that Trump’s argument has nothing to do with what is in the best interests of the nation or the people. The only thing he cares about is the appearances and who he thinks will get the blame. And he is mortified that he will be blamed for the debt ceiling extension.

Let that sink in. Trump is afraid that he will be blamed for extending the debt ceiling that he himself is insisting be extended as soon as possible. Which must make perfect sense if you have the ghastly psychological profile described above.

To make matters worse, the criticism that Trump is casting is actually falling on his fellow Republicans who are in the majority in the House of representatives. And his attack on former Speaker McCarthy is comically hypocritical. Because in another insanely long, rambling, and grossly dishonest Sunday evening post, Trump shows that he is a profoundly deranged sore winner.

In that post, and nearly two months after his narrow victory, Trump is still whining about the election. He’s also lying, saying that he won by a landslide when, in fact, it was one of the closest races in modern history. And he alleges that there was “large scale voter fraud” without a shred of evidence. Then he closes with his trademark “Complete & Total Endorsement” of Speaker Mike Johnson, whose prospects of being reelected to the post are hanging by a thread.

Never mind that Johnson also pushed through a Continuing Resolution, with the help of Democrats, that was similar to the one McCarthy negotiated. But in Trump’s mind, McCarthy’s bill was “one of the dumbest” in years, while Johnson’s earned him a hearty endorsement. You figure it out.

Clearly Trump is frightened that he will be saddled with responsibility for the debt ceiling increase that he himself is actually demanding. And he’s clinging to Johnson as Speaker because he’s afraid of igniting another Speaker battle that goes on for three weeks into his next term. And if this is how his next term is starting, it’s going to be a long four years.


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Trump Confesses to Bouts of Rage and Gluttony After Liz Cheney Reports His Reaction to January 6

It’s uncanny that the best source of damaging information about Donald Trump is frequently Donald Trump. He never seems the least bit hesitant to engage in rhetoric that others would find offensive, and his psychoses are so ingrained that he is either unaware when he is validating them or, considering his inflated ego, he’s downright proud of them.

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Trump in Bed, Eating, Sad

This tendency by Trump to put his own deficiencies on display has manifested itself in heinous outbursts that reveal his racism, his misogyny, his corruption, his megalomania, his seething hatred for anyone or anything that isn’t unwaveringly worshipful, his aspirations for tyrannical power, and his admiration of tyrants who wield it.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Uber-MAGA 2024 Campaign Message Reeks of the 3rd Reich Rhetoric of the ‘Final Battle’

Case in point: Early Monday morning (about 1:00 AM) Trump was wide-eyed and raging over excerpts from the new book by Liz Cheney, Oath and Honor: A Memoir and a Warning.” The particular excerpt that was keeping Trump awake was one where Cheney recounted how Trump’s people sought Kevin McCarthy’s help after the January 6th insurrection and coup attempt that Trump incited because “They’re really worried. Trump’s not eating, so they asked me to come see him. […] he’s really depressed,”

Let’s set aside how preposterous McCarthy’s story is. Why would Team Trump seek McCarthy as a comforting influence so soon after he condemned Trump for inciting the storming of the Capitol? Not to mention the absurdity of any such event diminishing Trump’s ravenous appetite. He was probably scarfing down KFC when he posted the following attack on Cheney on his failing social media scam, Truth Social

“Crazy Liz Cheney, who suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome at a level rarely seen before, writes in her boring new book that Keven McCarthy said he came to Mar-a-Lago after the RIGGED election because, ‘the former president was depressed and not eating.’ That statement is not true. I was not depressed, I WAS ANGRY, and it was not that I was not eating, it was that I was eating too much.”

There’s a lot to unpack in that spiel. Starting with the fact that Trump couldn’t possibly know whether Cheney’s book was boring because he surely didn’t read it. He also misspelled Kevin McCarthy’s name, twice. And he seems incapable of making any statement without including a reference to the “RIGGED” election that wasn’t rigged.

However, the most ludicrous part of Trump’s tantrum was his denial of the account as reported by Cheney. In the process of refuting the allegation that he was depressed and not eating, Trump confessed instead that he was “ANGRY” and “was eating too much.” How is that better? While it is more more believable that Trump was grouchy and gluttonous, than that he was glum and glutted, he is still affirming that he had a psychotic reaction to the events that took place on January 6th, and the days that followed.

Trump could be diagnosed as suffering from a combination of Explosive Anger and Binge Eating Disorders. So a visit with “Doctor” McCarthy was in order to stabilize him. Apparently it didn’t work, because Trump remained irrationally upset, and still does to this day. That might explain his subsequent post wherein he lashed out at Robert De Niro, calling him “a ‘mental midget’ whose mind is shot, and whose life is a total train wreck [and] can’t put two sentences together.” Funny, that sounds more like Trump himself. Projection?

Trump’s fury over what Cheney said isn’t likely to subside any time soon. Especially if she continues giving interviews like the one she gave on NBC’s “Today Show” on Monday morning wherein Cheney gave a chilling warning about the prospect of a second Trump term and his yearning to be president-for-life. It’s something that Trump will surely remember for a long time. And so should all Americans who love their country.


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GOP Speaker Admits the Purpose of the Biden Impeachment Inquiry is to Hurt Biden Politically

Ten months ago the Republican Party assumed a sliver-thin majority in the House of Representatives. That entitled them to choose the Speaker of the House and control all of the business that is conducted, including what legislation is considered and passed. Performed responsibly, it’s an opportunity to shape the direction of the country and to serve the people’s interests.

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Joe Biden, GOP, Elephant

Unfortunately, expecting Republicans to perform responsibly is just too much to hope for. After an unprecedented fifteen votes to elect Kevin McCarthy as Speaker, they spent eight months of aimless meandering during which they achieved nothing of substance. They barely kept the country from a devastating default on its debt. And they merely delayed a government shutdown because they are unable to pass routine appropriations bills. The only thing they seem to be any good at is holding partisan hearings designed to smear President Biden and the Democrats.

SEE THIS: New GOP Subcommittee Chair Openly Admits His Only Purpose is to ‘Make Life Hell’ for Democrats

More recently, Republicans ousted Speaker McCarthy and spent three weeks trying to elect a replacement. Finally, they settled for MAGA Mike Johnson, perhaps the most extreme right-winger to ever sit in the Speaker’s chair. Now the Washington Post is reporting that Speaker Johnson has had a preconceived agenda to weaponize Congress in order to damage Biden’s prospects for reelection. The Post found that…

“In a closed-door meeting with House GOP moderates this week, [Johnson] indicated that there is insufficient evidence at the moment to initiate formal impeachment proceedings, according to people who attended the meeting. [But] Johnson appeared to agree with Republican lawmakers who argued that since Biden’s polling numbers have been so weak, there is less of a political imperative to impeach him.”

There are two disturbing revelations in this. First, Johnson doesn’t actually believe his prior insistence that Biden is likely guilty of impeachable crimes. He’s just been saying that to satisfy his rabidly anti-Biden House GOP caucus. And secondly, Johnson is admitting that the real purpose of the impeachment inquiries that he has supported were to hurt Biden, but that since Biden’s polling has declined, so has the “political imperative to impeach him.”

This is reminiscent of former GOP Speaker McCarthy bragging on Fox News that the Benghazi probe’s purpose was to politically hurt Hillary Clinton. In May McCarthy’s lackey, James Comer, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, made similar boasts on Fox News about the current Biden/Trump match up saying that…

“You look at the polling, and right now Donald Trump is 7 points ahead of Joe Biden and trending upward, Joe Biden’s trending downward. [because] the American people are keeping up with our investigation.”

What is abundantly clear is that everything that Republicans have been doing with regard to investigations of Biden has been solely to denigrate Biden’s character and record. And they are arrogant enough to actually confess their ethically-challenged tactics on national television. They couldn’t care less about alleged “high crimes and misdemeanors,” which they haven’t been able find any of anyway.

SEE ALSO: Fox News and GOP Impeachment Chair Seek ‘Damning Evidence’ Against Biden, But Can’t Find Any

Even after acknowledging their nefarious motives, Republicans are persisting in their campaign of slander against the President. Comer just issued subpoenas for Hunter Biden and James Biden, and requested voluntary closed-door interviews with other Biden family members. Never mind that they have no evidence whatsoever of any wrongdoing by any member of the family.

This is just the latest effort to defame Biden and, ultimately, to help Trump, for whom there actually is ample evidence of criminal activity (four indictments on 91 felony charges). No wonder Republicans in Congress are so obsessed with disparaging Biden. Look at who their candidate is, and what his problems are.


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Shadow GOP House Speaker, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Outlines the Malodorous MAGA Agenda

You have to hand it to the Republican members of the House of Representatives. At a time of global crisis they have chosen to jettison their own leader, now ex-Speaker Kevin McCarthy, and they are utterly incapable of electing his successor or performing any of the other duties of the Congress that they allegedly control.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, QAnon

Prior to McCarthy’s unprecedented and humiliating banishment from his post, he presided over a caucus of extremist MAGA reps who sought to cast the nation (and the world) into an economic collapse by allowing the U.S. government to default on its national debt. That was quickly followed up with another stab at financial disaster with their failure to pass the necessary appropriations bills to prevent a government shutdown. Which may have been their plan all along.

SEE THIS: GOP Wants a Government Shutdown Because ‘Most of What We Do is Bad, Hurts the American People’

As the GOP’s internal battle for a new Speaker rages, their unofficial “Shadow” Speaker, Marjorie Taylor Greene, has emerged from the muddy swamp bridge under which she resides to present her list of priorities for the MAGA mob in Congress. And it’s just as bountifully bonkers as you might have imagined…

As a public service, here is a MAGA-to-English translation for each of Marge’s “red lines”

  • “Stop funding a proxy war with Russia in Ukraine.”
    Permit Putin to continue massacring innocent Ukrainians in his quest to reunite the old Soviet Union.
  • “No money for COVID anything.”
    Allow more American to get sick and die from a virus that is treatable and for which there is a safe and effective vaccine.
  • “Stop the weaponized government.”
    Cease to hold Donald Trump accountable for the 91 felonies (so far) that he has been charged with.
  • “Stop transgender surgeries on kids.”
    Prohibit families from making free choices concerning their personal lives and their own mental and physical health.
  • “Secure our border.”
    Waste time, energy, and money pretending that the border isn’t already secure, while simultaneously disparaging refugees and fomenting racism.
  • “Put America First!”
    Sputter mindless slogans that trigger hateful xenophobes and that were first coined by American Nazis.

And there you have it. Greene has helpfully elucidated the repugnant policies that the Republican Party will pursue as long as they hold any power. Notice that none of it provides any tangible benefits to American people. To the contrary, they completely neglect the priorities that the American people are actually interested in, such as creating jobs with livable wages, mitigating climate change and preserving the environment, providing aid for the poor, expanding and improving education and healthcare, passing common sense gun reforms, strengthening foreign relations and national security, and advancing civil and voting rights.

Green’s agenda is diametrically opposed to that of the majority of Americans. Not that she cares. She shares the totalitarian aspirations of her hero, Donald Trump. Ironically, Greene recently went on a rant wherein she thought she was maligning the objectives of Democrats, but which turned out to be a pretty solid pro-Democratic ad, which President Biden took full advantage of…

SEE THIS: President Biden Trolls Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Hysterically Lame Swipe at Democratic Successes

This, nevertheless, is where Greene and most of her party are today. And she is actually proud of it. But then again, this is the same woman who has carved out a profile for herself in modern politics as a QAnon conspiracy theorist and a kooky crackpot who once sought to have Jimmy Kimmel arrested for telling a joke. And it speaks volumes that none of that has hindered her becoming the public face of the GOP.


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Fox News Floats Inane Theory that Every Democrat Would Vote for Trump for House Speaker

In the continuing soap opera that is the Republican Party in the House of Representatives, the aftermath of the ouster of Squeaker McCarthy has ignited a firestorm of intramural fury within the GOP. They have commenced their circular firing squads and set a near certain course for the minority in 2024.

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Donald Trump TV Set

The animosity between the establishment McCarthy supporters and the MAGA fringe faction is boiling over. The latter regard the former as RINOs, and the former regard the latter as traitors. Even as McCarthy has begun to walk back his promise not to seek a return to the speakership, his minions are reportedly plotting to banish the lead instigator of the Speaker’s coup, Matt Gaetz, from Congress.

SEE THIS: GOP-ers Ponder Expelling Matt Gaetz for Ethics Violations After His Failed Shutdown Scheme

Terrified of being ignored for a nanosecond, Donald Trump has waddled into the debate with fantasies of his own promotion from political loser to House Cat Herder. And the Senior Trump-Fluffer on Fox News, Sean Hannity, was quick to jump on board with support for this preposterous notion. However, the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends have some even nuttier notions. On Monday morning, co-host Steve Doocy dropped this slice of silliness…

“Donald Trump can’t be Speaker right now because there is a House rule that restricts people with felony indictments from House leadership, and because he is facing all those charges. The House certainly could change it, but I was talking to somebody down in DC yesterday.”

Let’s interrupt Doocy here to note that he is correct about the Republican Conference rule prohibiting any member from serving in a leadership post if they have been “indicted for a felony for which a sentence of two or more years imprisonment may be imposed.” But if you’ve only been indicted for a felony with a one year sentence, you’re cool. And, yeah, they could change that rule if they don’t mind the optics of embracing leaders with even more serious pending felonies. Like Trump, who has 91, so far. Then Doocy went to say…

“Just imagine if somebody put Donald Trump’s name into nomination. Every Democrat would vote for Donald Trump because, if you look at X (Twitter) right now, the White House and the DNC, they are talking about all the chaos on the Republican side with the Capitol coup. They would love the chaos to continue. So if Donald Trump were in nomination, every Democrat in the House would vote for him. And he only needs five Republicans. He could be – if they change that rule – the next Speaker. That would be crazy!

The idea that Democrats would vote en masse to make Trump Speaker of the House is beyond absurd. Democrats are not needed to help Republicans produce chaos. Republicans do that quite well all by themselves. And while Doocy is correct that Democrats – and everyone else in Washington – are aware of the chaos created by GOP incompetence, Democrats are not in favor of chaos. They would prefer it if Congress could behave like adults and pass bills that benefit the American people.

What’s more, if Democrats don’t want Trump to be president, what makes Doocy think they would want him to be Speaker? That would be – as Doocy aptly describes it – “crazy!” And that should go for Republicans too. If there is any plausible chance for a Trump speakership, it would only be by a majority of Republicans voting for him, along with a handful of prankster Democrats. And even that is highly unlikely.

If any party is angling for chaos, it’s the Republicans. They are the ones who orchestrated this Speaker debacle. They are the ones who nearly pushed the nation, and the world, into an economic collapse by threatening to default on the debt. They are the ones who wanted a devastating government shutdown. For Fox News to suggest that it’s the Democrats who are the chaos agents is just plain dishonest and/or idiotic. In other words, it’s business as usual at Fox News.


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LOLOL: Fox News is Already Hyping Trump for Speaker of the House, and He is Open To It

The chaos emanating from the Republican Party as they endeavor to demolish the foundations of their own congressional caucus is nothing new. To the contrary, it is a familiar pattern of incompetence and a tunnel-blind fixation on hoarding power at the expense of advancing the interests of the American people.

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Donald Trump Fox News

Nothing better exemplifies that than the way they banished their Speaker, Kevin McCarthy, for the sin of making concessions to Democrats in order to prevent a devastating government shutdown that most Republicans seemed to have been hoping for. And now that McCarthy is gone, there are factions in the party that are anxious to oust Rep. Matt Gaetz, the guy who led the McCarthy coup.

SEE THIS: GOP-ers Ponder Expelling Matt Gaetz for Ethics Violations After His Failed Shutdown Scheme

No rational person thinks that this is the way that government should operate. But to the GOP, it’s the only way they know. So it should come as no surprise that some of them are plotting to make a bad situation monstrously worse.

Since there is no apparent heir to McCarthy’s throne, desperate members of the disgruntled GOP caucus are floating a name from outside the House: Donald J. Trump, the twice impeached former White House occupant who is currently awaiting trial on four criminal indictments consisting of 91 felony charges.

Trump’s name will likely be put into nomination by someone like Marjorie Taylor Greene or Troy Niels, who have both already expressed their support. However, advocates for a Trump speakership are also coming from his Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News. On Tuesday night during an interview of Jim Jordan on Fox News, Sean Hannity revealed that…

“Sources telling me at this hour that some House Republicans have been in contact with – have started an effort to draft former president Donald Trump to be the next speaker and I have been told that president Trump might be open to helping the Republican party at least in the short term if necessary.”

That’s right! It didn’t take Hannity – Fox’s Senior Trump-fluffer – but a few hours to promote his favorite soon-to-be felon to assume control of the People’s House. As if Trump would have the slightest idea what the job entails. And Jim Jordan was open to it too. Except for the minor problem that he announced Wednesday morning that he is running for the post himself.

Hannity said that he thinks that the “stable genius” Trump could be both president and speaker. That would be quite a feat. He would have to squeeze it in between his court hearings and potential periods of incarceration. But what Hannity and the GOP Trumpists appear to be ignorant of are their own rules that prohibit criminals like Trump from serving as speaker.

Rule 26(a) of the Republican House Conference Rules: “A member of the Republican Leadership shall step aside if indicted for a felony for which a sentence of two or more years imprisonment may be imposed.” [So you’re cool if you’re a Republican who has been indicted for a felony with only a one year sentence]

Trump himself is ignorant of this rule as well. On Wednesday morning he was asked by reporters if he would take the job of House Speaker. He replied that…

“A lot of people have been calling me about speaker … If I could help them during the process, then I’d do it.”

It’s hard to imagine Trump being helpful during this or any other process. He would be a worst case scenario for Republicans in the House or, for that matter, America. Trump knows even less about the administration of Congress than he does about the White House. And even after four years in office he has proven that he knows nothing about that. But then again, do Republicans have any better candidates? Do Jordan, or Gaetz, or Steve Scalise, or Elise Stefanik, or anyone else, stir their passions? Not so far.

If we’re lucky, Democratic Majority Leader Hakeem Jeffries will be elected Speaker. He would only need four or five Republicans to stay home in order to prevail. There are at least eighteen Republicans who are either fed up with their party or nervous about being reelected in Democratic districts. And Jeffries could offer them perks to encourage them to sit out the vote. Then he could maintain his position by proposing some form of power sharing. It’s a long shot, to be sure. But it’s way more likely than Trump – aka Cadet Bone Spurs – riding to the rescue.


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Trump Weighs in on the Ouster of Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy In the Most Trumpian Way

The now former Republican Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, suffered through a brutal and unprecedented fifteen vote marathon before securing his position a mere eight months ago. In the time since he failed to produce a single piece of meaningful legislation. He proved himself to be the weakest House Speaker in modern times

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Donald Trump, Kevin McCarthy

However, McCarthy succeeded on a couple of matters. First, he nearly collapsed the national and international economies via his dreadful mismanagement of the debt ceiling. And second, he fumbled the passage of appropriations bills necessary to keep the government from a devastating shutdown.

Consequently, McCarthy has now been removed from the Speakership by his fellow GOP members who are apparently searching for a leader who will fail at an even higher level. And that has launched an intra-party war among the GOP’s radical fringe and their somewhat less radical fringe.

SEE THIS: GOP-ers Ponder Expelling Matt Gaetz for Ethics Violations After His Failed Shutdown Scheme

Not to be left out, Donald Trump inserted his unique brand of “wisdom” into the debate over McCarthy’s fate. And true to form, Trump contributed a predictably dishonest and pitifully vacant comment that he posted on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. He whined that…

“Why is it that Republicans are always fighting among themselves, why aren’t they fighting the Radical Left Democrats who are destroying our Country?”

Seriously? No Republican has more bitterly fought his comrades in the party than Trump. He calls the GOP minority leader in the Senate “Old Crow” Mitch McConnell, and his wife “Coco Chow.” During the January 6th insurrection, he blasted McCarthy saying, “I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are.” He is viciously attacking his Republican challengers in the GOP presidential primary with infantile nicknames such as “Ron DeSanctimonious,” “Sloppy Chris Christie,” “Bird Brain” Nikki Haley,” and “Liddle'” Mike Pence.”

If that’s not enough, Trump has also repeatedly bashed any Republican who was insufficiently worshipful as a “RINO” (Republican in name only). That includes senators, governors, state and federal legislators, and media pundits. He recently lashed out at his Ministry of Propaganda saying that “I call Fox News the RINO Network, and their DOWN BIG Ratings accurately reflect the name.”

Of course, Trump’s definition of a RINO is anyone who disagrees with Trump. So it will be interesting to see whether he embraces whatever supplicant succeeds McCarthy in the days (weeks? months?) to come, and if he or she is satisfactorily subservient the Dear Leader Trump. In fact, it will be interesting to see if the GOP can even manage to elect a new speaker.


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GOP-ers Ponder Expelling Matt Gaetz for Ethics Violations After His Failed Shutdown Scheme

This week Republican House Speaker, Kevin McCarthy, demonstrated his legendary incompetence as a leader with his mismanagement of legislation to avert a government shutdown. After weeks of making impotent demands to slash popular programs that would harm millions of Americans, he ultimately agreed to a compromise with Democrats that included none of his stated priorities.

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Matt Gaetz

McCarthy’s concession to work with Democrats was driven by the opposition he encountered from his GOP confederates, Particularly the ultra-rightist MAGA faction led by Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida. It must be especially embarrassing to be beaten by a notorious numbskull whose only notable skill is scoring hits on Fox News and other wingnut media.

SEE THIS: Matt Gaetz Guest Hosts Show on Newsmax, Affirming that Both are Unethical Propagandists

In a summary of the events that led to McCarthy’s humiliating legislative defeat, CNN published an article that sought to retrace the road McCarthy took to achieve virtually nothing for his party or himself. It said in part that…

“McCarthy took the only option on the table to avoid a government shutdown, relying on Democratic votes to pass a continuing resolution Saturday to keep the government funded until mid-November. But in so doing, McCarthy opened up a fight with the right wing of his conference, which had warned him for weeks that taking this step could mean the end of his speakership.”

Indeed, McCarthy’s speakership was, and is, in jeopardy. Gaetz appeared on CNN’s “State of the Union” the morning after the continuing resolution vote to announce that…

“I do intend to file a motion to vacate against speaker McCarthy this week. I think we need to rip off the band aid. I think we need to move on with new leadership that can be trustworthy. Look, the one thing that everybody has in common is that nobody trusts Kevin McCarthy. He lied to Biden. He lied to House conservatives.”

However, the article later noted what it seemed to regard as a tangential matter. It reported that many of Gaetz’s colleagues are unhappy with his tactics and grandstanding. And some appear to be anxious to be rid of him…

“Gaetz’s threat of ousting McCarthy has also rankled some inside the GOP conference. One Republican lawmaker pointed to the ongoing Ethics Committee investigation into Gaetz, warning if he wasn’t cleared, he could get expelled by those who want him gone. ‘We want him out,’ the member said.”

What this member is referring to is the Ethics Committee probe into misconduct by Gaetz that includes allegations of sex trafficking of minors, illicit drug use, misuse of campaign funds, and accepting a bribe. The Justice Department declined to indict Gaetz on any of those charges, but that doesn’t preclude the Congress from taking action. And even reporting from Fox News reveals that the GOP is tiring of Gaetz’s antics

“House GOP members are seeking to quickly expel Gaetz if the ethics report comes back with findings of guilt. Following threats to vacate McCarthy, one tells me ‘No one can stand him at this point. A smart guy without morals.'”

There are a couple of truthful revelations in all of this. First, Gaetz’s statement that “Nobody trusts Kevin McCarthy.” And second, Fox’s reporter stating that “No one can stand” Gaetz. And if voters can just assimilate those truths, the nation will take a big step forward toward healing.

The next step would be accepting the obvious truth that the “leader” who looms over both McCarthy and Gaetz, Donald Trump, is a recidivist criminal, pathological liar, and aspiring authoritarian dictator, and vote against him and his GOP cohorts in November of 2024.


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OH NO! Fox News Frets About Government Shutdown Because it Might Stall the Biden Impeachment

There is less than one week to go before the Republican Congress throws the U.S. government into yet another costly shutdown. In that time the GOP will likely continue debating against itself and making threats aimed at Democrats that will ultimately result in harm to the American people.

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Fox News, Joe Biden, Fake News

GOP House Squeaker, Kevin McCarthy, has totally lost control of his caucus, Twice he failed to advance a rule allowing the pending appropriations bills to be debated. All of the opposition is coming from within his own party, who seem to believe that a shutdown would actually be beneficial. Sure it is. So long as you don’t ask the millions of Americans who rely on services related to everything from building permits, to interstate and international travel, to financial aid, to veterans benefits, to tax information and filing, and so much more.

SEE THIS: GOP Wants a Government Shutdown Because ‘Most of What We Do is Bad, Hurts the American People’

On Sunday morning GOP Sen. Mike Lee was interviewed on Fox News by their Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo. During their chat Bartiromo and Lee expressed their deep concern as to the potential disruptions that a shutdown would cause. And in this segment they revealed what they regard as the most pertinent matter facing the nation…

Bartiromo: If we see a government shutdown does the investigation of President Biden stop? We’ve learned so much about what he and his family have been doing in the last decade.
Lee: And those allegations are very troubling. They need to be investigated. And I applaud Speaker McCarthy for launching this inquiry. I am aware of no reason, Maria, why that inquiry could not continue if the government were to shut down temporarily. There is nothing suggesting to me that Congress can’t do its work if that happens. In any event, we shouldn’t use that as an excuse unilaterally to disarm and to accede to whatever the Democrats want.

So with vital government services at risk of being curtailed, the top priority for Bartiromo and Lee is a bogus impeachment inquiry into baseless allegations against President Biden. And Bartiromo’s claim that “We’ve learned so much” about alleged Biden wrongdoing is patently false. To the contrary, every attempt to manufacture some pseudo-scandal actually resulted in proof that Biden and his administration have been extraordinarily honest and ethical.

As for Lee’s reassurance to Bartiromo that the shutdown wouldn’t impede the ill-considered inquiry, he is either placating her wingnut anxieties, or he is woefully ignorant of congressional business. While Congress can continue to operate during a shutdown, each member would make decisions as to which staffers would be considered “essential” and keep working. The others would be furloughed. And while the member would continue to be paid, none of the remaining staff would be until the shutdown was over.

What’s more, offices in other branches of government would be closed or reduced in staff during a shutdown. So any requests made by the GOP’s investigating committees would not be able to be answered. Which would, in effect, shut down their work, other than to whine about how the administration is allegedly stonewalling them.

It’s notable that Lee’s position contradicts that of McCarthy, whose post as House leader is more directly responsible for these considerations. And on this matter McCarthy made it clear that a shutdown would indeed impact any pending House investigations. As reported by Reuters

“The looming U.S. government shutdown that some hardline Republicans, including Donald Trump, are cheering for could slow one of their other priorities: the recently launched impeachment inquiry of Democratic President Joe Biden. […] ‘If we shut down, all of government shuts it down, investigation and everything else,’ McCarthy said in an interview with Fox News.

As usual, the GOP is a cesspool of chaos and lies. And it shouldn’t surprise anyone that what worries Republicans should a shutdown occur does not seem to include the loss of critical services that Americans rely on, including housing and food programs for low-income families and seniors, learning and education assistance for students, job training and placement for veterans and the un- and under-employed.

Their only concern is that a shutdown could stall their brazenly partisan political attacks on Biden and his family. Which is further evidence – as if it were necessary – that Republicans couldn’t possibly care less about the American people. They only care about advancing their lust for profit and power. And to hell with the needs of their constituents. It’s an old story that just gets more repulsive with each retelling.


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Squeaker McCarthy Laments Learning that the GOP’s Mission is to ‘Burn the Whole Place Down’

The chaos and incompetence that marks the Republican Party’s alleged management of the House of Representatives is spiraling ever downward. The GOP’s razor-thin, and likely short-lived, majority is proving that their party is utterly unfit to govern.

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Donald Trump, Kevin McCarthy

In the eight months that Republican leader Kevin McCarthy has been in charge, the GOP agenda has been narrowly focused on defending their Dear Leader Donald Trump from his dozens of pending felony charges, and on struggling to magnify Hunter Biden’s personal troubles into a monstrous political scandal. They have failed pitifully on both counts. Not that they care, since their overarching goal from the start has just been to smear President Biden and other Democrats.

SEE THIS: New GOP Subcommittee Chair Openly Admits His Only Purpose is to ‘Make Life Hell’ for Democrats

The latest example of the GOP’s flaming ineptitude is their inability to pass the defense appropriations bill. That’s usually one of the easiest congressional tasks that garners bipartisan support. And with only days before a government shutdown would be invoked if the legislation – or a Continuing Resolution – isn’t passed, the GOP stalemate persists.

Under McCarthy’s “leadership” the House has now failed twice to pass even a vote to bring up the defense bill for debate. And following the second humiliation, McCarthy vented his frustrations to the press saying that…

“It’s frustrating in the sense that I don’t understand how anyone votes against bringing the idea up and having the debate. And then you’ve got all the amendments if you don’t like the bill. This is a whole new concept of individuals that just want to burn the whole place down. That doesn’t work.”

To be clear, the “individuals” that McCarthy is referring to are members of his own caucus who are hell-bent on sabotaging the legislation unless they get their way. That means weighing down the bill with unrelated irrelevancies such as mandating single-subject appropriations bills, subpoenaing Hunter Biden, and commencing impeachment hearings. Never mind that any bill with anything like those matters in it will never pass in the Senate and the government will be forced to shutdown. Which is what many in the Republican Party actually want.

SEE ALSO: GOP Wants a Government Shutdown Because ‘Most of What We Do is Bad, Hurts the American People’

What’s curious about McCarthy’s whining is that he seems to be learning for the first time that Republicans have always been the party of government failure. Their long-time platform and campaign slogan has been that government doesn’t work. And whenever they have held any measure of power, they did their best to prove it. It is hardly, as McCarthy complained, a “new concept.”

Not to be left out, Trump made his interests known in a posting on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. After making a superfluous aside about his fabled border wall, Trump got to the point of his directive, which typically was focused solely on himself…

“A very important deadline is approaching at the end of the month. Republicans in Congress can and must defund all aspects of Crooked Joe Biden’s weaponized Government that refuses to close the Border, and treats half the Country as Enemies of the State. This is also the last chance to defund these political prosecutions against me and other Patriots. They failed on the debt limit, but they must not fail now. Use the power of the purse and defend the Country!”

So Trump is insisting that his minions in Congress “must defund” what he calls a “weaponized Government.” And if that wasn’t clear enough that he wants them to interfere with the duties of the Justice Department, he elaborated saying that this is “the last chance to defund these political prosecutions against me.”

Unfortunately for Trump, he is too self-obsessed and ignorant to know that the Office of the Special Counsel is funded independently and the House of Representatives has no authority to unilaterally obstruct its operations. So Trump’s desperate yearning to impose his will on Congress and evade accountability for his crimes is just more wistful wailing into the void.

This is the environment within which McCarthy must find a way to keep both the government and his speakership post active. And given his demonstrated impotence, it’s unlikely he can succeed. His excuse is that his majority is just too small to work with. But Nancy Pelosi had the same small majority and managed pass numerous significant bill, including the American Rescue Plan to restore the economy and create jobs; the Infrastructure Act to rebuild America’s roads, bridges, airports, and communications; the Inflation Reduction Act that also advanced projects to mitigate climate change; the CHIPS Act to bring technology manufacturing back to the U.S.; and the PACT Act to expand veterans health care.

That’s what can be achieved by a party that believes that government is there to pursue the interests of the people. And McCarthy’s moaning about his mini-majority won’t fool anyone that he’s interested in serving the people.

RELATED STORY: Kevin McCarthy Can’t Even Lie Well About His Wretched Record as Squeaker of the House

As for “Burning down the House,” here’s a more entertaining version of that notion…

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