Fox News and the Instigator of the Trump Insurrection Say Biden is ‘Destroying Our Country’?

On Tuesday evening Donald Trump made a return appearance on his former Ministry of Propaganda network, Fox News. He was treated to a twenty minute, primetime tongue-bath by Fox’s Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, for whom no sycophancy is too extreme.

Fox News, Donald Trump, Maria Bartiromo

Naturally, Trump spent most of the segment consumed with unwarranted bragging about everything from creating the COVID-19 vaccine to the stock market to taxes. But Trump and Bartiromo devoted a significant portion of their lovefest to maligning President Joe Biden and immigrants. In fact, immigration has become the dominant issue on Fox News (not counting Dr. Seuss) since their failure to ignite an insurrection over Trump’s Big Lie about the election being “stolen.”

Trump pontificated tediously on this with flagrant lies that immigrants are “coming in by the hundreds of thousands,” and that Biden is “destroying our country.”

“Today, they are coming in. You take a look. They are coming in from all foreign countries. I see they are coming in from Yemen. They are coming in from the Middle East. They are coming in from everywhere. They are dropping them off and they are pouring into our country. It is a disgrace. They are going to destroy our country if we don’t do something about it.”

There is absolutely zero evidence of any migrants “coming in from the Middle East.” And the numbers aren’t anywhere near “hundreds of thousands.” But reality has never been an impediment to Trump’s lies before, so why stop now? Biden has only been in office for two months and his immigration agenda has yet to be implemented. So the current policy is still largely that which was put in place by the Trump administration. To the extent that there is a border “crisis,” it’s the result of migrants recognizing the difference between Trump’s lawless cruelty and Biden’s far more humane and compassionate approach that complies with U.S. and international law.

Despite the abundance of preposterous declarations by Trump and equally ludicrous affirmations by Fox News, it is still startling to hear them assert that Biden is destroying the country. Especially since that assertion comes after Trump incited an actual insurrection by violent thugs who invaded the Capitol. And after Trump rejected the election results confirmed by all fifty states. And after Trump maligned the Supreme Court for not capitulating to his demands to upend the Constitution.

Add to those atrocities Trump’s presiding over the deaths of more than half a million Americans from a pandemic that was exacerbated by his negligence and incompetence. Yeah sure, Biden is the one destroying the country. We’re lucky we have a country left for Biden to restore after Trump got through with it. And by the way, here is Biden’s press secretary, Jen Psaki, articulating the Biden policy in response to a question from Fox News:

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News: Take Kids Out of School Because They Teach Hating White People

It’s must be getting awfully difficult for the Fox News cult disciples to figure out what they are supposed to be doing. Ever since the election of Joe Biden, their tele-ministry has become cognitively dysfunctional, even as its CEO admitted publicly that it is anti-Biden. It can’t seem to settle on which phony scandal to promote, so they are cycling between piddling idiocies that range from Dr. Seuss to Mr. Potato Head.

Fox News, KKK

On Sunday Fox’s Senior Trump-fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, hosted Candace Owens, the right’s designated Black racism denier and racial disinformation dispenser. Bartiromo primed the discussion by relating a story told to her by a friend, and parlayed it into a universal assertion that at all schools “They are assuming that every kid is a racist.” Owens took that baton a ran with it saying that…

“I know that Megyn Kelly pulled her kids from school for similar reasons. This is a big topic that I cover extensively. I truly believe that it’s time for us to pull our kids out of school. And I know people say, ‘Not all of us can afford to do that.’ But the country wasn’t built on people having a lot of money when they were homeschooling.”

For several months now, many schools have shifted to online platforms due to the risk of exacerbating the COVID-19 pandemic. However, Republicans have been furiously demanding that schools be reopened throughout the country regardless of the danger it represents to students, their families, and their communities. But now Owens is adamant that kids must be removed from the schools that she and her right-wing confederates insist must be open. And it’s notable that she cites notorious racist, Megyn Kelly, to support her ludicrous rant. She continued with her explanation for why kids must be removed from the reopened schools:

“We’re starting to see this more and more. It’s indoctrination that’s happening They’re trying to fuel racism in this country. They’re trying to teach us Marxist ideology. And the bad thing is, Maria, that they’re replacing hard academics. These kids are not learning science. They’re not learning mathematics. They’re learning how to hate white people and they’re learning how to hate their country.”

Really? Owens didn’t provide any evidence of her allegation that schools are teaching kids to hate white people. Then she concluded by complaining that schools are trying to “guarantee that they have an ignorant group of people that vote based on emotion.” But all of her wholly unsupported arguments are pure projection. They precisely describe the conservative curriculum that eschews science in favor of faith and rightist political doctrine.

Bartiromo heartily agreed with Owens, declaring that “This has got to stop.” Then she veered off to an entirely different subject, the Democratic legislation to protect and enhance voting rights (H.R. 1), that the GOP has deemed demonic. Without flinching, Owens slid right along and insisted that there is no voter suppression in America, despite the fact that just this year Republicans have drafted more than 250 bills in 43 states explicitly aimed at suppressing voter turnout, specifically among Black and Latino voters.

Don’t hurt yourself trying to find any logic in any of this. The position of Fox News and its professional outrage generators isn’t based on either reason or facts. It is an enterprise built from its inception to manufacture anger, fear, and the cult-like devotion that those feelings produce. And Fox News clearly intends to continue that mission into the post-Trump era.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

WTF? Lindsey Graham Threatens to Impeach … VP Kamala Harris?

The madness of the Republican Party is skidding off the trail and over a cliff. Despite having just lost the legal debate over the impeachment of Donald Trump, and resorting to “cancelling” their own members for daring to vote their conscience, the GOP’s top spokesmodels are exhibiting signs of severe mental collapse.

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Lindsey Graham, Donald Trump

Sen. Lindsey Graham visited with Fox News’ Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, Sunday morning to defend his unconscionable vote to acquit Trump for inciting an insurrection. He ignored a mountain of evidence in order to obediently comply with the demands of his Dear Leader. But during the segment on Fox News, Graham trotted out the most ludicrous allegation imaginable as a means of diverting attention from his own detestable behavior:

“The trial record was a complete joke. Hearsay upon hearsay. And we’ve opened Pandora’s box to future presidents. If we use this model I don’t know how Kamala Harris doesn’t get impeached if Republicans take over the House. Because she actually bailed out rioters and one of the rioters went back to the streets and broke somebody’s head open. So we’ve opened Pandora’s box here, and I’m sad for the country.”

Graham is not the only one who is sad for the country. So are the majority of Americans who supported the conviction of Trump and are looking forward to his being held accountable in criminal and civil courts.

More to the point, Graham’s suggestion that Vice-President Kamala Harris could be subjected to impeachment if Republicans take control of Congress is the best argument for voting against every Republican in 2022 and beyond. He is shamelessly conceding that it would only be done as brazen political vengeance. Not that this shady motive hasn’t been evident in everything that Graham, and most of his Republican confederates, have done for years.

In addition to his craven politicization of impeachment, Graham is also lying about Harris. She never bailed out anyone, especially not rioters or other violent lawbreakers. The thread that Graham is dangling from concerns a tweet wherein Harris expressed support for the Minneapolis Freedom Fund (MFF), an organization that raised money to bail out peaceful protesters in Minnesota who were arrested following the police murder of George Floyd.

The MFF did provide bail for others who were charged with more serious crimes, but had nothing to do with the protests or those Harris was seeking to help. Even so, there is no evidence that any protester, or any other beneficiary, committed any crimes after being bailed out. Graham’s statement that Harris “actually bailed out rioters” and that “one of the rioters went back to the streets and broke somebody’s head open,” is a bald-faced lie.

This is a demonstration of how desperate Graham and the GOP are. They know that Trump is guilty of inciting a deadly riot, and they know that they are culpable for aiding and abetting his treason. That’s why they will only show up on Fox News where they know that they won’t be challenged by partisan suck-ups like Bartiromo. However, they also won’t stem the tide of disgust that is rising against them as they continue to engage in pathetic and desperate displays like this preposterous attack on VP Harris.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

WTF? Trump Flunkies on Fox News Blame Pelosi for Plot to Assassinate Herself

The second Senate impeachment trial for Donald Trump will commence next Tuesday. And the approaching spectacle is driving up the anxiety levels of Trump’s apologists in Congress and the right-wing press. Consequently, their arguments in defense of the “former social media influencer” (h/t Colin Jost of SNL) are becoming ever more bizarre and downright hysterical.

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Fox News, Nancy Pelosi

Trump knows that he has no plausible defense. That’s why he is too afraid to accept the Senate’s invitation to make the case for his own innocence. He knows that there is too much evidence against him in the form of videos and the testimony of his cult disciples. And much of the evidence that Democrats will present at the trial is Trump’s own words. So at his lawyers’ direction, he is remaining sequestered in his Mar-a-Lago bunker imagining what he would be tweeting if he were still able to.

Meanwhile, Trump sycophants marched off to defend the dishonor of the Insurrectionist-in-Absentia. Two of them bravely faced the barrage of softballs pitched by Fox News’ Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo. Although her network colleague Lou Dobbs was unceremoniously dismissed for disseminating flagrantly defamatory lies, Bartiromo, for the moment, still has a job. And on Sunday she exploited her platform to feature a pair of shameless mouthpieces for Trump.

There appears to have been some message coordination between the Trump spokes-weasels. Or else both of them just independently decided to launch the same ridiculous attacks on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The gist of the synchronized assaults was that Pelosi secretly plotted the Capitol riots that place the lives of her congressional colleagues at risk. And even worse, they allege that she was complicit with the conspiracy to assassinate herself.

For instance, Bartiromo interviewed Wisconsin Senator and alleged Russian agent, Ron Johnson. in the seemingly scripted segment, Johnson addressed Trump’s impeachment and the charges that Trump incited the violence that took place in his name:

“We now know that forty-five Republican senators believe that it’s unconstitutional. Is this another diversionary operation? Is this meant to deflect away from potentially what the Speaker knew and when she knew it? I don’t know, but I’m suspicious.”

First of all, there is no constitutional prohibition to the impeachment of Trump (which occurred while he was still in office), or the Senate trial, which the Constitution actually mandates. The fact that forty-five cowardly and biased Republicans voted to exonerate their Dear Leader is legally irrelevant.

Secondly, Johnson’s insinuation of some sort of “diversionary operation” is nonsense on steroids. He doesn’t bother to say what it’s diverting from. Nor does he explain what Pelosi could have known that would make her seek a diversion from the criminal attack on Congress by Trump cultists who were screaming their intention to kill the Pelosi, as well as Mike Pence.

If that weren’t bad enough, Johnson was followed by Trump’s former Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows. Bartiromo pressed Meadows to address the inadequate law enforcement response to Trump’s Seditionist Brigades. And in doing so, he attempted to shift the blame to Pelosi saying that the problem rested on some bad decisions:

“Some of those decisions weren’t made appropriately in my opinion. And those decisions did not come from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. They came from the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue.”

The record shows that Pelosi and her staff had tried repeatedly to support the Capitol Police and provide back up with National Guard troops. Those efforts were stymied by Trump. And, once again, it wouldn’t make any sense to suggest that Pelosi wanted to cripple the law enforcement personnel who were there to protect her. However, Meadows and Johnson” remarks perfectly fit the character (or lack thereof) of the Republican hypocrites who are now maligning the police who were among the victims.

One of things we’ve learned since the emergence of the Trump cult is that making sense is very low on their priority scale. And the result is appearances like these on Fox News, a network that long ago abandoned any pretense of offering objectivity or even the barest hint of truth. And while the regular viewers of Fox won’t – or more accurately, can’t – critically assess what they see and hear on Fox, the rest of the nation cringes in disgust at the fatuous fabrications that emanate from these craptacular cretins. But that’s the good news. Most Americans see right through the bull. and with some luck, enough senators will alos and Trump will finally be held accountable.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Read Smartmatic’s Gripping Introduction to Their 2.7 Billion Lawsuit Against Fox News

Following his decisive loss to Joe Biden last November, Donald Trump orchestrated a brazenly dishonest and dangerous campaign to stir the passions of his cult disciples. He sought to persuade them that the presidential election was stolen from him, that he won in a landslide, and that the rigged election was aided abetted by corrupt media and voting technology firms.

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Fox News Sad

Of course, none of those allegations were supported by evidence or reality. Trump’s efforts to malign the press, Democrats, and even Republicans who declined to embrace his lies, grew more intense as he repeatedly lost cases in court after court challenging the election results. He turned a common electoral defeat into a humiliating spectacle. And in the process, his accomplices found themselves in legal peril of their own.

The voting technology company Smartmatic has now filed a lawsuit against the proponents of Trump’s election fraud fictions. They include Fox News, Lou Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo, Jeanine Pirro, and Trump attorneys Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell. The introduction to the lawsuit reads like a captivating tale of political intrigue and depravity that rivals any great work of literature. So without further ado, here is that intro unabridged:

1. The Earth is round. Two plus two equals four. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the 2020 election for President and Vice President of the United States. The election was not stolen, rigged, or fixed. These are facts. They are demonstrable and irrefutable.

2. Defendants have always known these facts. They knew Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the 2020 U.S. election. They knew the election was not stolen. They knew the election was not rigged or fixed. They knew these truths just as they knew the Earth is round and two plus two equals four.

3. Defendants did not want Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to win the election. They wanted President Donald Trump and Vice President Michael Pence to win re-election. Defendants were disappointed. But they also saw an opportunity to capitalize on President Trump’s popularity by inventing a story. Defendants decided to tell people that the election was stolen from President Trump and Vice President Pence.

4. Defendants had an obvious problem with their story. They needed a villain. They needed someone to blame. They needed someone whom they could get others to hate. A story of good versus evil, the type that would incite an angry mob, only works if the storyteller provides the audience with someone who personifies evil.

5. Without any true villain, Defendants invented one. Defendants decided to make Smartmatic the villain in their story. Smartmatic is an election technology and software company. It was incorporated in Delaware and its U.S. operations are headquartered in Florida. In the 2020 U.S. election, Smartmatic provided election technology and software in Los Angeles County. Nowhere else. Smartmatic had a relatively small, non-controversial role in the 2020 U.S. election.

6. Those facts would not do for Defendants. So, the Defendants invented new ones. In their story, Smartmatic was a Venezuelan company under the control of corrupt dictators from socialist countries. In their story, Smartmatic’s election technology and software were used in many of the states with close outcomes. And, in their story, Smartmatic was responsible for stealing the 2020 election by switching and altering votes to rig the election for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

7. Having invented their story, and created their villain, Defendants set about spreading the word. In November and December 2020, Fox News broadcasted thirteen (13) reports stating and implying that Smartmatic had stolen the 2020 U.S. election. They repeated the story in articles and social media postings. Night after night, publication after publication, Fox News reached out to its millions of viewers and readers around the world with a story: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris did not win the 2020 election; Smartmatic stole the election for them.

8. Defendants’ story evolved over time as they claimed evidence had come to their attention supporting the story. The story came to consist of eight themes:

  • Smartmatic’s election technology and software were widely used in the
    2020 U.S. election, including in six states with close outcomes;
  • Smartmatic’s election technology and software were used by Dominion
    Voting Systems Corporation (“Dominion”) during the 2020 U.S. election;
  • Smartmatic’s election technology and software were used to steal the 2020
    U.S. election by rigging and fixing the vote;
  • Smartmatic’s election technology and software sent votes to foreign
    countries for tabulation and manipulation during the 2020 U.S. election;
  • Smartmatic’s election technology and software were compromised and
    hacked during the 2020 U.S. election;
  • Smartmatic was previously banned from being used in U.S. elections;
  • Smartmatic is a Venezuelan company that was founded and funded by
    corrupt dictators from socialist and communist countries; and,
  • Smartmatic’s election technology and software were designed to rig and fix

9. Defendants’ story was a lie. All of it. And they knew it. But, it was a story that sold. Millions of individuals who saw and read Defendants’ reports believed them to be true. Smartmatic and its officers began to receive hate mail and death threats. Smartmatic’s clients and potential clients began to panic. The company’s reputation for providing transparent, auditable, and secure election technology and software was irreparably harmed. Overnight, Smartmatic went from an under-the-radar election technology and software company with a track record of success to the villain in Defendants’ disinformation campaign.

10. Smartmatic’s loss was Defendants’ gain. Fox News used the story to preserve its grip on viewers and readers and curry favors with the outgoing administration – one of their anchors was even able to get a pardon for her ex-husband. Ms. Powell used the story to raise money and enrich herself. Mr. Giuliani used the story to guarantee himself a flow of funds from the sitting President and to sell products. Defendants knew the story could not change the outcome of the election. It could, and did, make them money.

11. The story, of course, did more than just make Defendants’ money and jeopardize Smartmatic’s survival. The story undermined people’s belief in democracy. The story turned neighbor against neighbor. The story led a mob to attack the U.S. Capitol. Defendants started a fire for selfish and financial reasons and they cared not the damage their story caused to Smartmatic, its officers and employees, and the country.

That just about says it all. Fox News and the other defendants should be worried. The facts of the case are pretty airtight. And other defendants could be added as the litigation proceeds. Perhaps even Trump himself. Although he may also be busy untangling himself from his second impeachment trial where Democrats are asking that he testify under oath. And for Trump, that’s perjury waiting to happen.

UPDATE 1/20/2022: MyPillow guy, Mike Lindell is now also being sued by Smartmatic for defamation.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fascismo Trump Shill Whines To Fox News About the ‘Erosion of Freedom’

The foremost personality trait of right-wing politcos is their unreserved devotion to shameless hypocrisy. They will start a sentence and manage to contradict themselves before they reach the period. It’s a skill that requires practice and commitment, but then what else do they have to do? It’s not like they ever do research or fact-checking.

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Fox News, Stephen Miller

On Sunday morning’s episode of Maria Bartiromo’s Fox News Trump-Fluffing Hour, the host welcomed longtime Donald Trump mouthpiece and Senior White Nationalist Advisor, Stephen Miller. Like his führer, Miller still hasn’t figured out that he lost the election. And like so many other whiny conservatives, he believes that he’s a victim of a massive, invisible, liberal cabal that is suppressing him and censoring his speech. They generally make this complaint while on one of the most watched cable news networks or in the pages of national newspapers.

Despite Miller’s acute hatred for Democrats in general, and President Joe Biden in particular, he had the gall to offer Biden some typically self-serving and utterly useless advice (video below):

“President Biden has missed an historic opportunity to make good on his pledge to be a president for all Americans and to stand up and say the censorship must stop. The blacklisting must stop. We have to listen to and respect all viewpoints in America. But he has not done that.”

Never mind that even though Biden has only been in office for eleven days, he has repeatedly reached out to Republicans who snubbed him and continue to deny that he’s really president. And if Biden hasn’t called for an end to Republican censorship, it might be because he isn’t suffering from the delusions of victimhood that the Trump cultists are consumed by.

What’s more, Miller’s insistence that “We have to listen to and respect all viewpoints in America,” could not be more ridiculous. We most assuredly do not have to respect the opinions of QAnon crackpots who claim that Democrats are sex-trafficking baby-eaters. We do not – must not – respect the opinions of GOP cranks like Marjorie Taylor Greene, who believes that the mass murders of children were staged. And no sane person should respect the opinions of Rudy Giuliani, who blames the Trump Insurrection on Antifa. And we must never show respect for Fox News seditionists like Tucker Carlson who are openly advocating for a violent civil war.

But Miller wasn’t through whining yet (video below). Miller, who is best known for his affinity for the Third Reich, was compelled to deliver a lecture on “freedom” to Biden and the Democrats. “Freedom is a way of being,” he blurted out as if he were proud of his insightfulness. Then he elaborated…

“If we as Americans get to the point where we’re willing to discriminate against people based on their point of view, being whether they’re Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal, we have fundamentally abandoned our core values. And you’re right, it’s gonna lead to we’re not gonna bank with you; we’re not gonna give you a mortgage; we’re not gonna lease you a car; we’re not gonna represent you in a court of law.

Miller might have extended that to say “We’re no not gonna bake you a wedding cake; we’re not not gonna rent you an apartment; we’re not gonna admit you to college.” But, of course, those are all things that he wants to prohibit people who don’t look like him from doing. His hypocrisy is like an avalanche barreling down the side of Bigotry Mountain. And Bartiromo just sits there and gawks at him adoringly. This is what it’s come to. The oppressors are complaining about being oppressed on their national television networks. Poor things. Don’t ya feel so sorry them?

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Primetime Doubles Down on Crazy After Trump Seditionists Assault Congress

So where does an ultra-conservative television network go after the loathsome president they propped up for four years is cast out of office by a decisive majority of the American people? Well, if you’re Fox News you go shopping for programming that is even more radically right-wing and overtly offensive.

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Fox News, Maria Bartiromo, Donald Trump

That’s the path that was recently announced by Fox’s management following the humiliating loss by Donald Trump to Joe Biden last November. Fox News struggled to maintain their support for the twice-impeached Trump with brazenly dishonest propaganda. They aided and abetted his relentless attempts to spread blatant lies about election fraud, despite having no evidence. Even after Trump was caught provoking a seditionist assault against Congress, and aligning himself with the conspiracy crackpots who orchestrated and carried out the assault, Fox News continued to back him up. That’s what he gets for favoring them with nearly exclusive rights to his softball interviews for four years.

Now Fox News is pondering its future in the wake of a season of ratings declines. For the first time in years, Fox finds itself in third place after CNN and MSNBC. And this isn’t a fleeting moment in the cable news game. Fox’s ratings have been in freefall since the November 3rd election. Along with the audience’s dissatisfaction, Fox has also picked some competition from newcomers, Newsmax and One America News Network (OANN). So the patriarch of the Fox media empire, Rupert Murdoch, has retaken the reins from his son Lachlan to reimpose the extremist wingnuttery that he believes put Fox at the head of the cable news class.

NOTE: Murdoch’s other son, James, is not exactly on board. He recently released a public statement condemning the “toxic politics” and “disinformation” of “propagators of lies.” He didn’t actually cite Fox News, but his description made the connection unavaidable.

The result of Murdoch’s intervention is a new program anchoring their primetime schedule. It’s called simply “Fox News Primetime.” They probably paid a marketing consultant a fortune to come up with that. But that isn’t the worst of their problems.

The new program represents yet another shift of airtime to more ultra-conservative opinions. It will launch with a rotating cast of temporary hosts. The first week will have Brian Kilmeade of Fox and Friends in the anchor’s seat. He will be followed by Maria Bartiromo, Katie Pavlich, Mark Steyn, Rachel Campos-Duffy, and former U.S. Representative Trey Gowdy. What they all have in common is that they are all white wingers with an unflinching devotion to conservative politics in general and Trump in particular.

While each of them have earned their own disrepute as individuals, Bartiromo has distinguished herself as Fox’s Senior Trump-fluffer. No one on the network comes to close her drooling sycophancy. So handing her a spot in primetime signals that Fox News is determined to own the rabid wing of the Republican Party. In other words… Same as it ever was.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Clings to Trump’s Big Lie of Election Fraud that Fueled the Capitol Riots

A week ago several thousand Donald Trump cult disciples stormed the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to disrupt the constitutional duty of Congress to certify the results of the presidential election. These traitors terrorized members of Congress, their staff, and Capitol security. Five people died during the insurrection, and many more were seriously injured.

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Fox News, Terrorism

The impetus for this assault on democracy was Trump’s “Big Lie” that the election was stolen from him by some nefarious and massive Deep State cabal. Never mind that there is no evidence whatsoever of this alleged conspiracy. Just the allegation was sufficient to inflame Trump’s followers and produce a historic and tragic atrocity carried out by fatuous fools under the influence of flagrant falsehoods.

Within a week Trump was impeached for his role in inciting the riots, which he threatened would result in even more violence. He may be right. His cult is notoriously hostile and not known for their adherence to reason or facts. And it makes little difference that he posted a video asking to find common ground. With racist conspiracy crackpots? Not likely.

All of which makes what aired on Fox News Thursday morning more heinous and dangerous. Trump’s trade advisor, Peter Navarro, who has zero credentials to address these matters, appeared on Fox News for an interview with their Senior Trump-fluffer, Maria Bartiromo. The segment could only be described as a further incitement to violence (video below):

Navarro: What happened yesterday [the impeachment vote] was a travesty. The Democratic Party did violence to this country by attacking a president who I believe was legally elected on November 3. If the election were held today he’d be elected again. And if he runs in 2024 he will be elected then. And I think that’s what the Democrats fear. I’ve never been more pissed off in this place, and I think there’s 74 million Americans out there who voted for President Trump who feel exactly the same way.”

Notice that Navarro tries to linguistically associate Democrats with violence when all of the violence was caused by Republicans and Trump supporters. More ominously, he is regurgitating the very same “Big Lie” that Trump has been pushing about a “rigged” election, which is what triggered his supporters to commit terrorist crimes in the Capitol. This is a brazen attempt to incite more violence, just as Trump warned. Navarro then engaged in this exchange with Bartiromo:

Navarro: So I would say to these people on Capitol Hill, “Knock it off. Stop this.” Let the man leave peacefully with his dignity. He was the greatest jobs president, the greatest trade negotiator we’ve ever had in history. And this is just wrong what they’re doing.
Bartiromo: We know that there were irregularities in this election. We know that 70% of Trump voters have said we’re not buying this election. We think it was rigged. But get this, you cannot say that on social media. You will get banned.
Navarro: You can’t say it anywhere.
Bartiromo: You can’t use the word “irregularities.” And if you say there was fraud it’s absolutely outrageous. This feels more like communist China than it does America, that they have the ability to stomp out free speech.

First of all, suggesting that Trump has any dignity is just another big lie. What’s more, he is literally the worst jobs president ever. As for trade, he has only succeeded in imposing tariffs that have crippled American businesses.

Then Bartiromo returns to the election fraud lie, saying that “70% of Trump voters have said we’re not buying this election.” So what? Those are Trump’s dimwitted zealots whose opinions were formed by his hammering falsehoods into them. Of course they feel that way. That is not, however, the way the majority of Americans feel. They support his impeachment and removal from office.

Both Bartiromo and Navarro then make the absurd observation that you can’t say the election was rigged. Notice that they are both saying it on a national television network. Bartiromo goes further to compare her false allegations to the media in communist China. Once again, she’s making that charge on her own nationally broadcast TV show. The only plausible comparison that can be made in that regard is the comparison to how devotional and sycophantic she and her Fox News confederates are toward Dear Leader Trump.

Fox News seems to be doing everything in its power to exacerbate an already volatile situation. An analysis by Media Matters shows that Fox News has cast doubt on the results of the election nearly 800 times in the two weeks since Fox itself called the election for Joe Biden. They seem to be purposefully antagonizing Trump’s terrorist brigades. There just isn’t any other plausible explanation for their persistent dissemination of Trump’s lies. And if they keep it up, they will make sure that Trump’s prediction of more violence comes true.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. And you can follow this surrogate Twitter account here. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Shill on Fox News Concedes that Republicans Will Lose Georgia and the Senate

It’s been seven weeks since Donald Trump was humiliated by becoming the first reality TV game show host to lose reelection as president to a “sleepy” opponent who commanded an army of thousands running a “rigged” election. And Trump continues to whine daily that he was “robbed,” while posting laughably phony “evidence” of fraud that he declined to present in any of the nearly sixty lawsuits he’s lost.

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Fox News Sad

On Monday morning Fox News Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, invited Trump’s alleged trade advisor, Peter Navarro, on her show to discuss allegedly corrupt election systems, a subject that Navarro has zero expertise in (video below). The resulting conversation was predictably preposterous as Navarro dodged and weaved to make points that were either incoherent or contrary to his own narrative. For example…

Bartiromo: Do you believe that this was organized in big cities by somebody in Washington?
Navarro: So there’s a couple of things to unpack here. First of all, one of the findings in our report is that there’s no silver bullet. There’s no single thing that did it. Death by a thousand cuts. Death by these six dimensions of election irregularities.

And finally getting to the answer to Bartiromo’s leading question…

Navarro: Yes. It was coordinated in the Democratic Party with respect to things like relaxing rules in Georgia with that consent decree, or going into Pennsylvania and having them change guides, or going into Wisconsin and having them change the definition of involuntarily confined voters. Brass knuckle stuff. And this all should have been fought out in the legal process cause it’s clearly breaking the law.

But despite not identifying any law that was broken, or supplying any evidence of illegality…

Navarro: So yes, it was coordinated just like a page out of Lee Atwater’s book. It’s like “get it done, stuff the ballot box, by any means necessary.” And we need that investigated because we can’t go forward and have for … I strongly believe that that election in Georgia needs to be postponed till February, till we sort that out. Georgia, of the six states I looked at, is a cesspool, a cesspool of these election irregularities. And if the people in Georgia and this country can’t have confidence in their elections, and we wind wind up with these irregularities putting in two Democrat (sp) senators … Elections have consequences. We all know what’s gonna happen after that.

No, we don’t all “know what’s gonna happen.” What exactly is Navarro implying? For the record, Atwater was a Republican dirty trickster who repented for his vicious brand of politics on his deathbed. More to the point, Navarro is virtually conceding that Republicans Kelly Loeffler and David Purdue are bound for defeat by their Democratic challengers, Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. Navarro certainly wouldn’t want to postpone an election if he thought his side was winning. What’s more, Navarro’s characterization of Georgia – a state with a GOP governor and Secretary of State managing the election – as a “cesspool” is only going to dissuade more Republicans from voting at all in the January 5th Senate runoff.

Navarro went on to advocate for a “a special counsel that we put in place before inauguradation (sp) day to get to the bottom of this.” He also said that he wanted “to seize a lot of these voting machines.” Even Fox News is walking back their preposterous allegations of election fraud, although they are doing so under threat of a lawsuit by the companies they’ve been slandering for the past few weeks.

And never mind that the election in Georgia has already been certified by the Republicans in charge and can’t be changed. Navarro is totally on board with Trump’s delusional notion that he can orchestrate a coup and retain power indefinitely. It’s becoming downright pathetic as Trump and his minions cling to ever more ludicrous threads of conspiracy theories and the ravings of crackpot Internet trolls. You really have to wonder if there is any bottom that these losers will sink to.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Laugh Along as Comrade Bartiromo Fluffs Dear Leader Trump on Fox News

It’s hard to imagine a more pathetic final curtain for the low-brow, reality TV presidency of Donald Trump. After having lost decisively to Joe Biden, Trump continues to shake his tiny fist belligerently at the clouds while shouting delusionally at his cult followers that “I won the election by a lot!” Sadly, his glassy-eyed disciples will eat up his impotent protests.

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Fox News, Maria Bartiromo, Donald Trump

Trump must be suffering tremendously knowing that he made history by becoming the first television game show host to lose the White House to a candidate that he maligned as a mentally deficient commie. If you can’t beat someone you honestly believe is that unfit, you must be picking up wood splinters on your behind from scraping it on the barrel bottom. Trump acknowledged the scope of this defeat a few weeks ago when he speculated that he would have to leave the country if he lost. Can he be legally held to that?

One must never underestimate Trump’s ability to sink lower from any given depth. On Saturday morning he lashed out at Fox News, the notoriously right-wing propaganda machine that put him in the White House:

Trump has been on a rollercoaster, love/hate relationship with Fox News for quite a while. Recently it became clear that his post-presidency career will be focused on “wrecking Fox News.” And many of his worshipful minions are on board with that mission. He much prefers pseudo-news networks who won’t commit the sacrilege of interviewing Democrats or other non-Trumpian heathens.

However, the day after Trump castigated daytime Fox News as “virtually unwatchable” he sat for a tongue bathing interview with Fox’s daytime host, and Senior Trump-fluffer, Maria Bartiromo (video below). Needless to say, it was a non-stop cavalcade of crackpot conspiracy theories and reality denialism. Here are a few select examples of Trump’s whining, paranoia, and deceit:

“The mail-in ballots are a disaster. They sent millions and millions and millions of mail-in ballots. I’m sure you know people that got two, three, or four. Because I do.”

That’s funny. If Trump knows people who got multiple mail-in ballots, why hasn’t he or his crack (addicted) attorneys produced any of them?

“There were a lot of dead people that so-called voted in this election. But dead people were, in some cases – many, many cases – thousands of cases, voted.”

Again, Trump hasn’t presented any evidence of these zombie voters in any of the dozens of lawsuits he’s already filed. Which may explain why he has a win/loss record in court of about 1 in 38.

“This is total fraud. And how the FBI and Department of Justice – I don’t know, maybe they’re involved. But how people are allowed to get away with this stuff is unbelievable. This election was rigged. This election was a total fraud. This is total fraud.”

Now Trump is accusing his Justice Department and FBI – run by his own hand-picked appointees (Bill Barr and Christopher Wray) of being complicit in alleged election fraud. They probably were, at his direction. They just weren’t very good at it. That’s what is really troubling him.

“And the problem we have – We go to judges and people don’t want to get involved, The media doesn’t even want to cover it.”

The judges did get involved. They just ruled against him. And the media also got involved by covering the defeats Trump suffered in court. Trump only sees what he wants to see.

“It’s a situation the likes of which – we don’t have freedom of the press in this country. We have suppression by the press. They suppress. You know you can’t have a scandal if nobody reports about it.”

You have to wonder what Trump thinks hasn’t been reported. All of his allegations have made the news. It isn’t the media’s fault that they are bogus and were correctly reported that way. Trump thinks his fake scandals should be reported as truthful despite his failure to provide any proof.

“This is the greatest fraud in the history of our country from an electoral standpoint. And I guess you could build it up bigger than an electrical – I mean what’s bigger from an electoral standpoint, what’s bigger than this? This is the essence of our country. This is the whole ballgame. And they cheated. Joe Biden did not get 80 million votes.”

It’s cute that Trump thinks he knows how many votes Biden got without counting any of them. Or more likely, he just thinks that any votes for Biden don’t count.

“I got 74 million votes. The largest in the history of a sitting president. So many millions more than anyone thought that we were even trying to get. And everybody said this is over. I’m telling you, at ten o’clock everybody thought it was over. And then the phony mail-in started coming in,”

Not everybody, Diaper Don. Trump believes that the vote counting should have stopped before all the votes were counted. Particularly the mail-in votes that included much of the military and – himself.

For her part, Bartiromo allowed Trump to disgorge his incoherent rants uninterrupted. When she did manage to squeeze in a few words they were to express her awe at how brilliant his insights were. She rarely wavered from responses like this one agreeing with Trump’s tedious repetition that the election was rigged: “This is disgusting,” Bartiromo sucked up, “And we can not allow America’s elections to be corrupted.”

Fox News is going to have make a rapid transformation after Trump is evicted from the People’s House. And now they’ll have to contend with some weak but motivated competition, perhaps including one with a Trump brand. But never fear. If the past is any indication, Fox will quickly shift from a government loving purveyor of pro-Trump propaganda to a government hating pack of anti-Biden dissenters. Their reputation for conservative bias and shameless hypocrisy will remain in tact. As will their commitment to being America’s goto source for blatant lies and its biggest stain on journalism.

NOTE: News Corpse was notified by Twitter recently that its account would be suspended for repeated violations of their rules. Which is strange because it has never been cited for a single violation in 11 years and they didn’t even identify this alleged violation. They just bounced the account and its 7,000 followers. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from this website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.