Fox News Ignores Biden’s Infrastructure Plans to Obsess Over His Wearing a Face Mask

President Biden has really been causing trouble for Fox News. For the past four months he has demonstrated a high level of competency and compassion as a leader. That is driving the folks at Fox nuts. And Biden, the swine, is probably doing it on purpose. Likewise he is striving to be “boring” as another means of tormenting the Foxies. Worst of all, Biden is achieving verifiable progress on the nation’s most critical issues such as the economy and the COVID pandemic. His success is evident in his high approval polling and the popularity of the Democratic agenda.

Joe Biden, Donald Trump Baby, Fake News

Consequently, fox News has had to struggle to come up with derogatory story lines on the President. You might think that they would be pretty good at this considering how much “news” they make up themselves. But their record is pretty sad. It consists mainly of trivialities like blaming Biden for sauce shortages at Chick-fil-A, and his fiendish plot to “take down America.” That’s when they aren’t dispensing flagrant racism or hyping abstract and artificial notions like “cancel culture” and “wokeness” that nobody really understands.

On Tuesday morning Fox News assigned their intrepid White House correspondent, Peter Doocy, to tag along with the President to a Ford plant in Dearborn, Michigan. While there, Fox News chose not to broadcast any of Biden’s speech (full video below) that covered salient portions of his infrastructure agenda, as well as plans to address the climate crisis and job creation. Instead, Doocy delivered this breaking news exclusive report:

“The President is saying a lot by showing us what he’s wearing. We have some new video. You can see at an electric vehicle plant in Dearborn, Michigan, he has got a face mask covering his mouth and nose. Which conflicts with the CDC guidance that you don’t have to do that, or socially distance indoors or outdoors as long as you are vaccinated. Which the President has been since before taking the oath of office.”

Doocy is also “saying a lot by showing us” what he regards as newsworthy reporting. Never mind that Doocy didn’t bother to ascertain whether or not there was a company policy at the plant that required masks. That appears likely since everyone else in the video was wearing them. Doocy also didn’t address whether the other people in the video had been vaccinated. And Doocy misrepresented the CDC guidance which actually says that masks should be worn indoors with people who aren’t vaccinated.

This is what happens when a propaganda network is incapable of concocting “scandals” to denigrate their ideological foes. It’s a pathetic spectacle of futility that will fall flat for everyone except for their loyal and gullible regular viewers. But to what end? Fox already has them convinced that Biden is a radical socialist dictator. Does is it really make any difference if they also think he’s one of them mask wearing libruls?

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
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HOLY SHHH: Trump’s Baseball Boycott Babble on Newsmax is Totally Incoherent

The current news cycle is bursting with critical issues that are important to the American people. We are still in the midst of a deadly pandemic. Congress just passed a $1.9 trillion stimulus bill and is considering infrastructure legislation that could run up another $2.2 Trillion. A nationally significant trial is in progress in Minneapolis deciding the fate of the police officer accused of murdering George Floyd. But right-wing media has other priorities.

Donald Trump, Insane, Straight Jacket

Naturally networks like Fox News, Newsmax, and OANN are only concerned with matters that they can spin to bash President Biden and other Democrats. So their top stories aren’t any of those itemized above. Instead, they are obsessed with the notion that Biden might have had something to do with Major League Baseball moving their All-Star Game from Atlanta to Denver. That relocation was wholly the decision of the MLB, due to Georgia passing a bill designed to suppress the voter rights of Democrats in general, and people of color in particular.

In an especially revealing example of the intellectual vacancy of the conservative position, Trump called in to Newsmax to rant about his displeasure with America’s pastime. Which led to this bizarre exchange:

Heather Childers: So, should we boycott baseball?
Trump: Well, I am just not interested in baseball for the last number of years. It’s just not appropriate. You want to find a game. It’s on every channel, and yet you can’t find anything. It’s the weirdest thing. It used to be a nice easy thing to follow. And you know what I mean by that. It was on one network and it was nice and good and beautiful. Today you don’t even know what the hell you’re watching. So I would say “Boycott baseball?” Why not?

WUT? So now Trump thinks that baseball is “not appropriate”? And he can’t find a game on TV because it’s on every channel? It’s abundantly clear that Trump doesn’t know what the hell he’s saying. But he still concludes that the sport must be boycotted in order to make it “nice and good and beautiful” again. This is the same guy who has been demeaning Biden as struggling cognitively. (although even a Fox News poll shows that most voters say that Trump is the one who is mentally unsound).

[NOTE: Heather Childers is a former Fox News presenter who once wondered in a tweet whether Obama threatened To kill Chelsea Clinton.]

As for Fox News, their White House correspondent, Peter Doocy, was the victim of yet another “Psaki Bomb” after he asked Biden’s press secretary, Jen Psaki about the MLB situation:

Doocy: Is the White House concerned Major League Baseball is moving their All-Star Game to Colorado, where voting regulations are very similar to Georgia?
Psaki: Well, let me refute the first points you made. First let me say on Colorado, Colorado allows you register on election day. Colorado has voting by mail where they send to 100% of their people in the state who are eligible. […] I think it’s important to remember the context here. The Georgia bill is built on a lie.

The right-wing press is not the least bit concerned about the voting rights aspect of this story. They are only worried about whether the corporations, that conservatives used to regard as reliable sources of support and donations, are now cowering under the weight of supposedly fearsome Democratic bullies. Consequently, people like the GOP Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell, are lambasting corporations and threatening to revoke the tax benefits that Republicans have showered on them for decades.

Donald Trump has even weighed in to direct his cult followers to boycott not just baseball, but Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, JPMorgan Chase, UPS, Merck, and numerous other companies that had the audacity to stand up for voting rights when their customers demanded it.

Nevertheless, conservatives are adamant that somehow all of this is Biden’s fault. The Republican National Committee even tweeted that Biden ordered the MLB to move the All-Star Game. But the funny thing about that is that the video they posted proved that he did no such thing. He merely expressed his support for a decision that they were making themselves. But right-wingers have never let themselves be bogged down by reality before. Why should they start now?

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
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Poor Peter Doocy Whines that Biden Didn’t Let Him Ask a Loaded Fox ‘News’ Question

The fact that Fox News continues to wonder why they aren’t respected as a journalistic enterprise is actually further evidence of why they aren’t respected as a journalistic enterprise. A real news organization would recognize how far removed they are from credible journalism. But Fox seems to be either completely unaware of it, deliberately dishonest about it, or desperately in denial.

Fox News, Peter Doocy

On Friday Fox News demonstrated perfectly why no one takes them seriously as a news source. Following President Biden’s press conference on Thursday, which suffered Fox News’ predictable, knee-jerk criticism, the right-wing propaganda network focused intently on the most significant news produced by the event: Mean Mr. Biden didn’t call on Fox’s pouting Peter Doocy for another one of his petty inquisitions. But Doocy wasn’t having it. So he complained to the manager (press secretary Jen Psaki), who promptly ate his lunch:

Doocy: Any time that the President has an event where he’s given a list of reporters to call on, Fox is the only member of the five networks in the TV pool that has never been on the list in front of the President. And I’m just curious if that is an official administration policy.
Psaki: We’re here having a conversation, aren’t we? And do I take questions from you every time you come to the briefing room? Has the President taken questions from you since he came into office?

Psaki responded to Doocy like he was wayward child, which was entirely appropriate. Any other news organization would have been embarrassed by such a petulant display of hurt feelings. What’s worse is that Doocy wasted his time in the White House Briefing Room to register his self-serving complaints, rather than asking substantive questions that might actually address important issues. He could have saved his whining for a private conversation with Psaki. But he wasn’t through yet. He later made the same lament on air:

“The President would have a list, usually of about five people, and those are the ones that he would call on […] If he decides to just stick to the list, then we are left out.”

So this is the clearly the overarching issue in America today, at least on Fox News. It must be resolved before considering any discussion of the COVID pandemic, immigration, voting rights, or mass murders. And Doocy’s confederates at Fox agree. Media Matters reports that “Eleven different programs have combined to mention how Biden did not call on Fox White House correspondent Peter Doocy at least 24 times.” They included Jesse Watters calling Biden “chicken,” and Sean Hannity complaining that Doocy didn’t get to ask his “important” questions. Even Donald Trump brought it up in his “interview” with Laura Ingraham.

No one at Fox News bothered to mention that the New York Times didn’t get called on either. And they didn’t whine about it afterward. And Fox conveniently forgets that, if anyone was chicken it was Donald Trump. He never once gave CNN or MSNBC an interview in four years as president. And he’s already done four phone-ins with Fox News from his Mar-a-Lago bunker since leaving office.

The real question isn’t why Biden didn’t call on Fox News. It’s why would he ever do so? You’re only supposed to call on journalists during a press conference. In a world where journalistic integrity was honored, Doocy and his ilk wouldn’t even be allowed on the press room. And the fact that he and his Fox gripers are making such a big deal of this is only further proof that they don’t deserve to be treated as bona fide reporters.

Biden’s press team recently articulated certain principles that, if followed, would result in having to ban Fox News from White House briefings. Which would surely make them more informative. In the meantime, enjoy this video where the Daily Show “FOX-splains” Biden’s 37,268 scandals so far in his two months of being president:

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
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DumbFox: Press Secretary Psaki Torpedoes Doocy of Fox News – Again!

The best evidence that Fox News is not a credible news enterprise is the fact that they don’t have any actual journalists on staff or news bureaus. They never break stories, just disgorge biased commentaries about stories from other sources. Their programs are hosted by entertainers and opinion mongers.

Jen Psaki

One of the worst examples of “reporting” comes from Fox’s Peter Doocy. Not only does have no journalism education or training at all, he’s a product of nepotism, being the son of Fox and Friends co-host Steve Doocy. And Fox News named this low achiever a White House correspondent following the election of Joe Biden.

Doocy has has attended the daily White House press briefings that have been reinstated by Biden’s press secretary Jen Psaki after the Trump administration halted them. His performance there has been, to be generous, underwhelming. His questions are purposefully loaded, but poorly constructed and easily rebutted. And there is no better example of that than his question on Wednesday that resulted in this exchange (video below):

Doocy: You’ve been telling migrants for a month now that now is not the time to come. But they are coming in bigger numbers every day. So do you have a messaging problem?
Psaki: I would say that in the last administration we had a morality problem. Children were being pulled from the arms of their parents and kids were being sent back on a treacherous journey. That’s not the approach of this administration.

Nice try Doocy. Psaki’s instant response effectively defused Doocy’s attempted gotcha. And she did it by reminding people of the “morality problem” that was integral to virtually everything Trump did.

The notion that an American president has a “messaging” strategy of any kind with migrants is bizarre. They are not the audience for presidential communications and can’t be expected to comply with advice or demands that emanate from the White House. They didn’t during the Trump administration, and they won’t now. They are often desperate people driven by fundamentals of humanity like fear, poverty, and hopes for a better life. Doocy doesn’t comprehend that. But Psaki does. She elaborated saying that…

“We made a policy decision that that was the right, humane step to take. But I think it’s also important for people to understand that the vast majority of people who come to our border are turned away, are sent back to their country. We’re talking here about unaccompanied children. What our focus is on is ensuring that there are safe places for these kids to go where they have access to educational resources, health and medical attention, legal assistance as needed, and that we can expedite the vetting so that they can get to families and sponsors where they have their cases adjudicated.”

That’s the difference between an administration that has compassion for people in distress, and the Trump model that was based on fomenting hatred and division. It’s the difference between understanding the value of immigration versus an America First xenophobia. It’s the difference between seeking solutions rather than political wedge issues. And Psaki is masterfully demonstrating how a competent, caring, knowledgeable press secretary does her job. Something we haven’t seen for four long years.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Fox News is ‘Working the Refs’ to Whip Up Negative News Coverage of Biden

Never let it be said that Fox News isn’t wholly dedicated to their founding mission of denigrating Democrats at all times regardless of how deeply they have to descend into dishonesty. It’s a skill they’ve honed for twenty-five years, and they aren’t resting on their laurels.

Fox News, Sean Hannity, Joe Biden

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Joe Biden has been president for two days. But in Fox World that’s an eternity of dread. Consequently, they are already accelerating their notorious and irrational outrage with a barrage of utterly preposterous attacks that would make any credible journalist cringe. Luckily for Fox, they don’t have any credible journalists to worry about.

Which explains how they can run stories about “Biden’s Disastrous First Week” before the first day has gone by. That was the theme of Sean Hannity’s Hour of White Nationalism on Thursday night. Hannity dared to approach such subjects as Biden “begging for a break” when a reporter asked if his 100 vaccinations in 100 days was too low a bar. What Biden actually said was “When I announced it, you all said it was not possible. C’mon, gimme a break, man.” To Hannity, that familiar Biden phrase was “begging” and proof that “Apparently only one serious question from a reporter was a little too much for him to handle.”

Apparently Hannity has severe cognitive problems. But he was just getting started. Hannity went on to inadvisedly raise the question of Biden’s cognition in the same nauseatingly infantile manner that his fallen hero Donald Trump did. In a tirade against the bipartisan impeachment of Trump, Hannity lashed out saying that…

“At this point, a trial serves absolutely no purpose but to inflame the tensions of this country. It’s the swamp theater and it’s at its worst. The country should be asking tonight, Mr. Unity, Mr. Frail, Weak, Cognitively Struggling Joe, I know this is past your bedtime. Maybe you will consider standing up to the radicalism in your own party and put an end to the charade right now. I doubt that will happen. Joe and his fellow Democrats don’t seem to care about unity. All they want is revenge.”

Someone needs to educate Hannity about the purpose of impeachment. It is not just to slap the wrists of treasonous presidents. It is also important to establish a record of the crimes, prohibit the criminal from serving in federal office in the future, nullify perks such as pensions, office and travel allowances, security, and to deter future wrongdoers. And Hannity’s disingenuous remarks about unity land with a thud when they are said in the same breath as his insults.

Hannity was not alone in the Fox News rush to malign Biden. Fox’s newly minted White House correspondent, Peter Doocy, invented a bizarre and utterly false narrative about Biden violating his own mandate to wear masks. Brian Kilmeade wanted to know “Where in Joe Biden’s speech did he condemn Antifa?” Which is an organization that doesn’t actually exist. Tucker Carlson was concerned about Biden “opening the borders and crushing our country’s last remaining economic sector.” Neither of which Biden has advocated. And Laura Ingraham accused the Biden administration of “uniting behind lawlessness.” Which is a charge that is far more applicable to Trump and his confederates at Fox News. In fact, dozens of Trump’s associates have actually been indicted and/or convicted. For Biden the number of criminal cohorts is precisely zero.

There is a method to this madness by Fox News. It is their objective to whine about fake assertions that Biden and Democrats are neck deep in criminality and that the mainstream media is giving them a pass. Never mind that there is no evidence of the alleged crimes that Fox says are rampant. They are only interested in pushing the press to ramp up their negative coverage of Biden. Fox thinks that by inventing crimes, they can shame other reporters into covering them, or complain if they don’t.

Some news organizations may fall for this in order to avoid being accused of a bias in favor of Biden. But it isn’t biased to refrain from reporting intentionally fabricated allegations. And the media needs to be vigilant that they don’t wind up amplifying lies in the name of a fake standard of balance. Balance has never been a legitimate standard for journalism. Truth is the standard. You don’t interview a flat-earther to “balance” your coverage of a scientist who said the Earth is round. But that’s the goal of Fox’s knee-jerk attacks on Biden after only two days as President.

Biden addressed the “lies for profit” industry in his inaugural address. It was an unusually profound commentary that isn’t often brought up in inaugural speeches. Meanwhile, the Daily Show picked up on the nefarious intentions of Fox News and posted this enlightening video compilation:

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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OBAMA SCARE: Fox News Finds Imaginary Threat On ObamaCare Website

Fox News has been engaged in a massive disinformation campaign against the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare) for going on three years now. After all that time, and having exhausted the considerable creative resources that came up with twelve “Pants on Fire” lies about the program, Fox’s desperation is showing.

Recently Fox News went apoplectic over a phony allegation that millions of Americans will be victimized by hackers if they try to enroll in a new health care plan. Then they fear mongered over the horror of Americans voting due to the Affordable Care Act website providing users with an opportunity to register. Then they trembled at the thought of ACORN zombies helping people to get health care coverage. And now they think they have uncovered an ominous threat lurking in the website.

And this is the Fox News mothership, not their rabidly dishonest Fox Nation community site.

Fox News Obama Scare

Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy (son of Fox & Friends Curvy Couch Potato, Steve Doocy) posted an article on the Fox News website that purported to have ferreted out what he called a “privacy threat” hidden in the ObamaCare source code. He wrote that “buried in that website’s blueprint (known as ‘source code’) lies an alarming warning.” He further stated, without any documentation, that unnamed security experts worry that “the U.S. government is ill-equipped to handle identity thieves.”

None of this was supported by any actual evidence. Mini-Doocy simply cited as his source a column on the ultra-conservative Weekly Standard website that said…

“Now comes another example of why the website’s reputation is in tatters. Buried in the source code of is this sentence that could prove embarrassing: ‘You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system.’ Though not visible to users and obviously not intended as part of the terms and conditions, the language is nevertheless a part of the underlying code for the ‘Terms & Conditions’ page on the site.”

This is another situation where you have to wonder whether these people are embarrassingly stupid or brazenly dishonest. There is a reason that this language was not visible. It was deliberately removed with the use of HTML comment tags by the site’s programmers. It was undoubtedly edited out because it was not an accurate expression of the site’s privacy policy. It does not mean that users are agreeing to a secret clause permitting the government to spy on them as Fox News implied. If any of these “reporters” had a fourteen year old at home they could have learned what this is about.

In all likelihood, one of the programmers probably copied a block of text from a privacy policy somewhere else and then edited it by taking out the parts that don’t apply. The Weekly Standard even included this possibility in their article, but then downplayed it with their deliberately ambiguous assertion that “the language is nevertheless a part of the underlying code.” Not really. It’s only a part of some inoperative text that is not a part of the privacy policy and no one is bound by it. Fox News left out this explanation entirely. Their goal is to leave Americans with the false impression that some danger lurks beneath the surface of ObamaCare.

To make matters worse, Doocy’s article on the Fox News website was accompanied by a video that had nothing to with this source code matter. The video did feature Doocy reporting on Fox News an utterly asinine conspiracy theory that the White House and the Department of Health and Human Services “Planned Obamacare Website Glitches To Curb Cost Scare.”

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The crux of this nonsense was Doocy’s assertion that the administration was afraid that citizens would be put off if they saw insurance premiums prior to being adjusted by available subsidies and tax credits. Of course they would. It’s like saying car buyers would be put off by the manufacturer’s sticker price before being told of the dealer’s actual discounted sale price. The administration wasn’t trying to hide anything. They were trying to make all of the relevant information available so the consumer could make an informed decision. But in FoxNewsLand this amounts to a conspiratorial plot by the government to hobble their own website despite the obvious negative fallout from doing so.

Once again, this is proof that Fox News is committed to frightening the American people to keep them from taking advantage of a program that will be of great benefit to them and the nation. Fox News knows that this program will be popular once the public is aware of it’s value. And Fox will do everything it can to keep that from happening – even inventing phony horror stories.