OH NO! Fox News Frets About Government Shutdown Because it Might Stall the Biden Impeachment

There is less than one week to go before the Republican Congress throws the U.S. government into yet another costly shutdown. In that time the GOP will likely continue debating against itself and making threats aimed at Democrats that will ultimately result in harm to the American people.

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GOP House Squeaker, Kevin McCarthy, has totally lost control of his caucus, Twice he failed to advance a rule allowing the pending appropriations bills to be debated. All of the opposition is coming from within his own party, who seem to believe that a shutdown would actually be beneficial. Sure it is. So long as you don’t ask the millions of Americans who rely on services related to everything from building permits, to interstate and international travel, to financial aid, to veterans benefits, to tax information and filing, and so much more.

SEE THIS: GOP Wants a Government Shutdown Because ‘Most of What We Do is Bad, Hurts the American People’

On Sunday morning GOP Sen. Mike Lee was interviewed on Fox News by their Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo. During their chat Bartiromo and Lee expressed their deep concern as to the potential disruptions that a shutdown would cause. And in this segment they revealed what they regard as the most pertinent matter facing the nation…

Bartiromo: If we see a government shutdown does the investigation of President Biden stop? We’ve learned so much about what he and his family have been doing in the last decade.
Lee: And those allegations are very troubling. They need to be investigated. And I applaud Speaker McCarthy for launching this inquiry. I am aware of no reason, Maria, why that inquiry could not continue if the government were to shut down temporarily. There is nothing suggesting to me that Congress can’t do its work if that happens. In any event, we shouldn’t use that as an excuse unilaterally to disarm and to accede to whatever the Democrats want.

So with vital government services at risk of being curtailed, the top priority for Bartiromo and Lee is a bogus impeachment inquiry into baseless allegations against President Biden. And Bartiromo’s claim that “We’ve learned so much” about alleged Biden wrongdoing is patently false. To the contrary, every attempt to manufacture some pseudo-scandal actually resulted in proof that Biden and his administration have been extraordinarily honest and ethical.

As for Lee’s reassurance to Bartiromo that the shutdown wouldn’t impede the ill-considered inquiry, he is either placating her wingnut anxieties, or he is woefully ignorant of congressional business. While Congress can continue to operate during a shutdown, each member would make decisions as to which staffers would be considered “essential” and keep working. The others would be furloughed. And while the member would continue to be paid, none of the remaining staff would be until the shutdown was over.

What’s more, offices in other branches of government would be closed or reduced in staff during a shutdown. So any requests made by the GOP’s investigating committees would not be able to be answered. Which would, in effect, shut down their work, other than to whine about how the administration is allegedly stonewalling them.

It’s notable that Lee’s position contradicts that of McCarthy, whose post as House leader is more directly responsible for these considerations. And on this matter McCarthy made it clear that a shutdown would indeed impact any pending House investigations. As reported by Reuters

“The looming U.S. government shutdown that some hardline Republicans, including Donald Trump, are cheering for could slow one of their other priorities: the recently launched impeachment inquiry of Democratic President Joe Biden. […] ‘If we shut down, all of government shuts it down, investigation and everything else,’ McCarthy said in an interview with Fox News.

As usual, the GOP is a cesspool of chaos and lies. And it shouldn’t surprise anyone that what worries Republicans should a shutdown occur does not seem to include the loss of critical services that Americans rely on, including housing and food programs for low-income families and seniors, learning and education assistance for students, job training and placement for veterans and the un- and under-employed.

Their only concern is that a shutdown could stall their brazenly partisan political attacks on Biden and his family. Which is further evidence – as if it were necessary – that Republicans couldn’t possibly care less about the American people. They only care about advancing their lust for profit and power. And to hell with the needs of their constituents. It’s an old story that just gets more repulsive with each retelling.


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Trump’s Cult Cheers His Hope that Americans Suffer a ‘Great Depression’ While Biden is President

The glassy-eyed devotion of Donald Trump’s cult disciples has long been a fixture of his public profile. From his beginning as a fake real estate billionaire and reality TV game show host, to his abominable occupation of the White House, Trump has nurtured his tabloid celebrity and the inbred hostility of his followers to corral them into a pseudo-spiritual revival movement.

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The shared animus of the Trump cult is a powerful glue that bonds the weak and ignorant together into a foreboding faith-like community focused on their fetish for all things Trump. Like all cults, there is only one source of knowledge and truth: the Dear Leader. And Trump followers are deeply indoctrinated into that worshipful state.

SEE THIS: IT’S A CULT! Poll Shows Republicans Trust Only Criminal Messiah Trump to Tell Them the Truth

On Friday night, Trump presided over another one of his traveling salvation shows. For the most part it was a tedious rehash of everything he has been yammering about since he lost the 2020 election to President Biden. He whined about the election being “rigged and stolen” from him; the false depictions of Biden as corrupt; the ‘witch hunts” and “election interference” being orchestrated by Democrats and wayward Republicans; and his relentless self-exaltation as America’s savior.

For the record, Trump defines election interference as anything that is critical of him. It could be the 91 felony counts pending against him, or inquiries into his constitutional eligibility to run, or fact-checking his innumerable lies. Merely running against him is election interference, because it interferes with his aspirations of authoritarian dictatorship.

At Friday’s cult rally in South Dakota, Trump delivered his moldy oldies to an enrapt audience of true believers. Never mind that nearly everything he said was a flagrant, provable lie. Particularly his remarks about the U.S. economy and Biden’s success at salvaging it after the abysmal Trump term. But Trump ventured just a little farther out on the limb of lunacy with a dire, dystopian prediction…

“The fact is we’re probably heading into a Great Depression…I don’t believe I’ve ever said that before, and it’s a hell of a statement to make, and I hate to make it. The only question is whether or not it will be during the remaining months of the Biden administration. If it’s going to happen, let it happen then. If it’s going to happen, let it be during Joe. And then we’ll come in and we’ll straighten this sucker out.”

Trump’s analysis is firmly rooted in grade A, unadulterated bullshit. Under Biden’s stewardship, the American economy has flourished. He presided over the creation of more than 13 million jobs. Unemployment is at a record low. Wages are higher and exceeding inflation. And while there was a global spike in inflation last year, it has been declining in the U.S. for the past twelve consecutive months.

Biden and Democrats in Congress – with no help from Republicans – passed an infrastructure bill that is not only creating jobs, it is rebuilding and modernize the nation’s roads, bridges, airports and communications. They also passed a bills that brought technology manufacturing back to the U.S. and funded critical climate change mitigation. And all of this and more was done while providing aid to struggling families and reducing the deficit.

For his part, Trump left office with fewer Americans working than before he started. He accelerated off-shoring of manufacturing. He imposed tariffs that raised the cost of goods for American consumers, and triggered retaliatory tariffs on U.S. products. Not to mention his incompetence and negligence that resulted in more than a million COVID fatalities. And now he wants people to believe that he will “straighten this sucker out?” Puleeze!

In light of that, Trump told his cultists that he not only believes that a “Great Depression” is coming, but that he hopes it comes soon. As in within the next year while Biden is president. Trump is actually saying aloud that he wants the American people to suffer in order to boost his electoral prospects next year.

That’s a pretty repulsive campaign strategy. And what makes it even worse is that his cult disciples are all for it. They cheered excitedly as he proposed this sickly desire. Apparently they are willing to suffer themselves in order to return to the White House someone who obviously doesn’t care about them, and may be a felon at the time.

What’s more, it isn’t just the “Deplorables” in Trump’s audience who are comfortable with his criminality and the notion of putting a felon in the White House. At a recent GOP primary debate almost all of the candidates supposedly challenging him pledged to support Trump even if he is convicted. So the insidious influence of the cult has infected the whole of the Republican Party. Which makes it all the more imperative that every Republican be defeated at the polls next year. They must not have an ounce of authority, and they must be sent an unmistakable message that their hatred for America and its principles will not be tolerated.


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Fox News is OUTRAGED at Biden for Raising Taxes on the Wealthy and Spending on Climate Change

The 2024 campaign for the presidency is shaping up to be one of the most contentious in modern times. While neither party has officially chosen their candidates, it appears likely that it will be a rematch between the current President, Joe Biden, and the whining loser, Donald Trump.

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Republicans are intent on lowering the character of the political debate to infantile name-calling, and vengeance for the perceived persecution of Dear Leader Trump. They are falling in line with Trump’s campaign slogan, “I am your retribution.” Which they apparently believe is what the American people are clamoring for.

RELATED: LOL: Fox News Defends Trump By Admitting that He’s a Lying, Narcissistic, Anti-Democratic, Loser

Democrats, on the other hand, are preparing to run on Biden’s record of accomplishments that include guiding the nation out of a deadly pandemic, and restoring the economy that was in a shambles after COVID and Trump’s tenure of incompetence and catering to right-wing extremists, corporations, and the 1% upper-crusters.

Fortunately, Republicans and their sycophantic media minions are proving to be among the best surrogates for President Biden’s reelection. Not only are they sabotaging their own prospects by embracing unpopular policies like abortion bans and impeaching Biden and half his Cabinet, but they are also tying themselves inextricably to Trump’s tedious “Big Lie” about election fraud and his obsession with relitigating the 2020 election that resulted in his humiliating defeat.

SEE ALSO: YEAH, RIGHT! Trump Promises an ‘Irrefutable,’ ‘Completely Exonerating’ Report on Election Fraud

On Friday’s episode of Fox News’ “Outnumbered” they offered up some more reasons why the American people should vote for Biden in 2024. They came during a segment wherein Fox contributor “Doctor” Janette Nesheiwat surely thought she was crushing Biden with righteous criticism. She said that…

“I took a look at Bidenomics. I wanted to see what exactly was in it. My takeaway? Higher taxes, especially on the wealthy and corporations, and massive spending especially when it comes to climate change. And then they want to dump more money into COVID? Hello? I saw maybe three or four cases of COVID this entire week. So they’re just spending money, and they’re spending it recklessly.”

OMG! Biden is raising taxes on billionaires, who currently pay little or nothing. And he’s providing funds to mitigate climate change, which is threatening the lives and livelihoods of millions around the country and the world. Impeach him now! Never mind that broad majorities of Americans support these policies.

Nesheiwat went on to complain about spending on COVID, because she has only seen “maybe three or four cases of COVID this entire week.” Keep in mind that she is more of a TV commentator than a practicing physician. Still, she considers her personal observations a valid statistical sample. The CDC, however, using more credible methods, reports COVID hospitalizations of 10,320 for the past week, an increase of 14.3%.

What’s more, the Fox News analysis of Bidenomics couldn’t be more off target. There is ample evidence that Bidenomics is benefiting most Americans and especially the working-class. It is improving the U.S. economy, which is leading the world. The Biden administration is responsible for the nation’s record job growth, restoration of domestic manufacturing, inflation that has been declining for the past twelve consecutive months, expanding healthcare and making it more affordable, and much more. All while reducing the deficit.

So if Fox News wants to complain about Biden making the rich pay their fair share, or saving the environment, let them have at it. It’s reminiscent of a recent episode where GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-QAnon) tried to take a swipe at Democrats, but wound up starring in a Democratic campaign advertisement. The ad replayed video of her complaining about Biden and his…

“…government programs to address education, medical care, urban problems, rural poverty, transportation, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps and welfare […] And he still was working on it, the largest public investment in social infrastructure and environmental programs that is actually finishing what FDR started, that LBJ expanded on and Joe Biden is attempting to complete.”

SEE ALSO: President Biden Trolls Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Hysterically Lame Swipe at Democratic Successes

Heaven forbid that Democrats would help Americans with education, healthcare, infrastructure, the environment, and more. Democrats better be careful or they will fall behind on the issues that Republicans are working so hard on, such as banning books, restricting reproductive healthcare, enriching corporations, and suppressing democracy.

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GOP Wants a Government Shutdown Because ‘Most of What We Do is Bad, Hurts the American People’

The mission of the Republican Party to eviscerate the economy has been evident for months. Their intention is to cause the American people to suffer painful hardships in order to boost GOP electoral prospects in 2024. It’s an immoral and insensitive tactic that exposes their commitment to cruelty as a political weapon.

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Just two months ago, Republicans tried to hold the nation hostage with threats of defaulting on the national debt, which would have thrown the country – and the world – into a severe recession or worse. President Biden masterfully guided them into a negotiated compromise that avoided the devastating default. In the process he also got an agreement to fast-track the spending bills that would shortly be coming up for votes in the House.

RELATED: Squeaker McCarthy Desperately Lies About the Debt Ceiling Deal to Save His Shaky Speakership

All of that has apparently now been abandoned by Republicans. In a press conference on Tuesday, GOP House leaders appeared to be reneging on their prior agreements in order to squeeze Democrats for concessions on contentious, non-financial issues such as abortion, immigration, and equality.

Setting aside the GOP’s flagrantly bad faith in breaking previous promises, they also admitted to the sort of heinous intentions that would ordinarily never be mentioned out loud. Rep. Bob Good is a member of the ultra-MAGA House Freedom Caucus and chairman of the Health, Environment, Labor and Pensions Subcommittee. He came to the podium to discuss the prospect of a government shutdown, and to let the nation know precisely what Republicans think of the work they are doing allegedly on behalf of the American people…

“We should not fear a government shutdown. Most of what we do up here is bad anyway. Most of what we do up here hurts the American people, when we do stuff to the American people while promising to do things for the American people.”

Really? This is a leader of the Republican Party in the House confessing that the GOP is affirmatively (purposefully?) hurting people. They are the majority party, albeit by a small margin, and it is their policies that are brought up for votes on the House floor. But in Good’s opinion, those policies are detrimental and the country would be better off without them. It’s hard to disagree with him on that.

This is Good’s explanation for why a government shutdown should not be feared. He went on to say that “Essential operations continue,” and that “Most Americans won’t even miss if the government is shut down temporarily.” Sure, if you aren’t counting the millions of Americans who rely on government services related to everything from building permits, to interstate and international travel, to financial aid, to veterans benefits, to tax information and filing.

What’s more, according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, the last government shutdown cost the country $11 billion. But fortunately, not a single member of Congress lost a dime. Their salaries and perks were paid throughout the shutdown.

It will be interesting to see if House Squeaker Kevin McCarthy goes along with the radical right-wing fringe of his party. He has done so almost entirely in the few months that he has been in his post. That’s because he’s so afraid that his own members will turn on him and vote him out of the speakership if he is less than wholly submissive. He’s even hinting that he’ll go along with efforts to impeach President Biden, despite the total absence of any evidence of wrongdoing.

SEE ALSO: GOP Rep Tells Fox News He Would ‘Probably’ Impeach Biden for – Um – Zero Evidence of Any Crime

All the GOP has left at this point are threats to tank the economy, attacks on the Biden family, and boycotts of Barbie, Mickey Mouse, and light beer. Because that’s what they think the public wants from their representatives in Washington. That should work out well for them in next year’s elections.

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Squeaker McCarthy Desperately Lies About the Debt Ceiling Deal to Save His Shaky Speakership

The morning after it was announced that President Biden and Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy reached a deal to avoid a catastrophic debt default, McCarthy began almost immediately misrepresenting the terms of the deal.

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McCarthy’s speakership – which took a historic 15 votes to achieve – is on thin ice, and any perception by his caucus that he compromised with Biden and the Democrats – a mortal sin in GOP World – could result in his being voted out as Speaker by his own colleagues.

RELATED: Squeaker McCarthy’s Debt Default Deceit is Wrecked By WH Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

Consequently, McCarthy is spinning like a top as he makes the morning rounds on the Sunday talk shows. However, true to form, he is lying about what the debt ceiling deal entails in order to deceive his fellow Republicans and stave off a revolt that would cost him his job. An interview of Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries by Margaret Brennan on CBS’s Face the Nation revealed just how desperate McCarthy is.

Brennan: Speaker McCarthy predicted this morning he can get a majority of Republicans he says some Democrats he thinks will vote for it. But he also quoted something he says You told him. Listen.
McCarthy (video): I think there’s gonna be a lot of Democrats who vote for it too. Right now, the Democrats are very upset. But one thing Hakeem told me, there’s nothing in the bill for them. There’s not one thing in the bill for Democrats.
Brennan: Did you say that? And how do you convince Democrats?
Jeffries: I have no idea what he’s talking about, particularly because I have not been able to review the actual legislative text, all that we’ve reached is an agreement in principle.

So according to Jeffries, the conversation that McCarthy says took place never happened. Which is easily the more believable version of events considering how flagrantly McCarthy twisted his assertions about the reception by Democrats to the proposed deal. In fact, McCarthy actually contradicted himself in consecutive sentences, saying first that Democrats will vote for the deal, followed immediately by saying that “Democrats are very upset.”

McCarthy goes on to assert that Democrats are going to vote for the deal despite allegedly believing there is “nothing in the bill for them.” None of what McCarthy is saying makes any sense. And he doesn’t offer a single example of an “upset” Democrat.

On the other more reality-based hand, the evidence of upset members appears to be much more prominent among McCarthy’s Republicans. The grossly misnamed GOP “Freedom” Caucus is already promising to scuttle the deal. Republicans Lauren Boebert, Ken Buck, Bob Good, Ralph Norman, and Chip Roy, are among those who quickly came out publicly to announce their opposition, accusing McCarthy of caving in to the radical, socialist Democrats.

For the record, the deal has pluses and minuses for both sides, which is the nature of compromise in a democracy. But the most significant features include putting off any future debt ceiling debates for two years, well past the 2024 elections. So Republicans won’t be able to hold the nation hostage again in order to hurt Biden’s reelection and boost their own electoral prospects. The deal also protects most of the funding for social safety net programs (i.e. Medicaid, Medicare, food assistance, etc.), climate change mitigation, student loan deferrals, and IRS enforcement against wealthy tax cheats.

That isn’t exactly an agreement that can honestly be portrayed as having “not one thing in the bill for Democrats.” McCarthy’s spin is nearly delusional in its distortion of reality. But then, that’s typical for Republicans who feel compelled to always cast themselves as either glorious winners or pathetic victims.

And speaking of victims… Donald Trump! He has lobbied fiercely for Republicans to embrace the disaster of default, but hasn’t said a single word about this deal. Although he did take time to trash Disney and congratulate his “friend” and fellow aspiring dictator Erdogan of Turkey on his reelection. But fear not. Trump is probably just dusting off his caps lock and preparing to go ballistic over how the weak RINOS failed to kneecap the Democrats by pushing the nation into a severe recession or worse.


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Squeaker McCarthy’s Debt Default Deceit is Wrecked By WH Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

As the deadline for avoiding a catastrophic economic default rapidly approaches, the dishonest rhetoric of Republicans – led by GOP House Squeaker, Kevin McCarthy – escalates to absurd proportions as they remain steadfast in refusing to honor the full faith and credit of the United States by raising the debt ceiling, as previous Congresses have done.

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The determination of Republicans to tank the economy has been evident for months. They hope to use the suffering that they would create to boost their political prospects in 2024. It’s a cynical and callous strategy that exposes their insensitivity to the hardships it would impose on the American people. And they are supported in this sinister scheme by right-wing media, especially Fox News.

SEE ALSO: Sean Hannity and Marjorie Taylor Greene Conspire to Blackmail America with Debt Ceiling Default

The latest example of the GOP’s disinformation campaign was contained in a tweet by McCarthy that completely misrepresented reality to blame the current chaos on President Biden. Fortunately, Biden’s press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, was there to set the record straight in the most succinct and devastating way…

McCarthy thought he could just brush aside the fact that it was Donald Trump who contributed the most substantial portion of the nation’s current outstanding debt. But Jean-Pierre’s observation provided a stark contrast between the $800.00 that McCarthy is whining about and the $20,000.00 that he’s ignoring.

What’s more, McCarthy is making an utterly false assertion that the increased debt that he is misattributing to Biden actually ends up as funds that Americans have to pay each month. In reality, nobody’s monthly expenses go up as a result of this. It is just tacked onto the accumulated national debt and paid for by future tax revenue. Which, by the way, McCarthy refuses to discuss increasing by revoking the tax cuts that Trump and the GOP gifted to America’s corporations and the wealthy. He won’t even entertain closing tax loopholes or auditing tax cheaters.

However, the cuts that McCarthy is holding the nation hostage for, in order to force his broadly unpopular agenda down the country’s throat, actually do cost people real money in reductions to benefits for Social Security, Medicare, veterans aid, food assistance, infrastructure improvement, education costs, and much more. That amounts to thousands of dollars for millions of Americans, rather than the $800.00 that McCarthy is babbling about.

If McCarthy was truly interested in reducing the debt, he would do what Biden and the Democrats have been doing that resulted in the deficit declining by $1.4 trillion last year. And for the record, Trump increased the debt by nearly $8 trillion dollars – much of that due to his tax cuts that benefited his Mar-a-Lago guests – and ne’er a word of criticism was heard from the GOP or Fox News.

But then again, if McCarthy was truly interested in anything that the American people want, he and his party wouldn’t be so reviled by so many.

SEE THIS: Americans are Unsatisfied with Politics in General, But Specifically Despise Trump and the GOP

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Sean Hannity and Marjorie Taylor Greene Conspire to Blackmail America with Debt Ceiling Default

On January 19, 2023, the United States officially hit the debt ceiling established in the previous session of Congress. As a result, the Treasury Department must now start taking extraordinary measures to continue to meet the nation’s prior obligations and avoid a catastrophic default. It is estimated that those measures will only delay a fiscal nightmare for a few months.

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With that economic disaster looming, Fox News is predictably siding with the forces of evil who support crashing the U.S. economy, particularly during the Democratic presidential term of Joe Biden. To that end, Sean Hannity invited Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-QAnon) on to plot out their plan to hold the nation hostage in order to slash the safety net programs that many Americans rely on (video below). That would risk a severe economic meltdown. Not that Hannity or Greene care. It’s what they and their Dear Leader, Donald Trump, have been hankering for.

RELATED: HOLY CRAP: Trump’s Debt Ceiling Dumbassery Threatens Global Economic Catastrophe to Own the Libs

Hannity’s harangue began with his ludicrous assertion that Democrats are only “ginning up” the debt ceiling issue because they “desperately want to distract from the issue of the president and the classified top secret documents.” Really? You mean it’s not because Democrats recognize that the GOP is purposefully risking the full faith and credit of the United States in an effort to extort a few items on their right-wing wish list? And does Hannity really believe that Democrats want to distract from the issue of stolen classified documents, an issue for which Trump is far more vulnerable? Hannity went on to display his pitifully ignorant “understanding” of this issue, saying that…

“My understanding is that really won’t be an issue for a number of months. But when it is an issue, what will Republicans do? Will they be united? What are the things that they will demand in exchange for going along with the debt ceiling because the hyperbole, I’m sure, will be out of control.”

So Hannity is deliberately downplaying the consequences of the U.S. government defaulting on its debt, which would result in a government shutdown that would cripple the country and tank the economy worldwide. And he admits that all he’s interested in is what Republicans can get for their sabotage. He falsely claims that checks for Social Security and Medicare, and military operations and many more vital government services would still proceed without interruption. Republicans have brought us to this brink before, so he knows that isn’t true.

Greene weighed in with a bizarre reference to the number of years that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have served in Congress. First of all, she’s conveniently leaving out the longest serving members, such as Mitch McConnell and Chuck Grassley in the Senate, and Hal Rogers and Chris Smith in the House – all Republicans. The she adds…

“It’s a serious issue and the spending in Washington that’s happened for decades now with both parties is the reason why we’re in this terrible place. And Republicans are committed to work on the budget. We want to get it under control, we want it to be balanced and we want to reduce the national debt. […] I, for one, will not sign a clean bill raising the debt limit.”

Who wants to tell Greene that members of Congress do not “sign” bills, clean or otherwise? Does she think she’s the President? However, she appears to be willing to sign a dirty bill, which is a good description of the muddy legislation that the GOP is likely to produce.

Greene knows, or ought to know, that raising the debt ceiling has no impact whatsoever on spending. If she’s serious about being “committed to work on the budget,” there is nothing stopping her from doing so after voting to increase the debt limit, which applies only to financial obligations made in the past.

Greene can also continue her pursuit of the perennially preposterous idea of a balanced budget. It’s funny that Republicans have long insisted that the government should be run like a business, but don’t seem to know that businesses do not have balanced budgets. They operate on credit, just like the government and most American households.

If Hannity and Greene were truly interested in reducing the debt, they would do what Biden and the Democrats have been doing that resulted in the deficit declining by $1.4 trillion last year. And for the record, Trump increased the debt by nearly $8 trillion dollars – much of that was due to his tax cut that benefited corporations and the wealthy – and ne’er a word of criticism was heard from the GOP or Fox News. And Republicans still haven’t proposed any spending cuts, except to programs that benefit middle and lower income Americans, and law enforcement agencies such as the FBI and Homeland Security.

RELATED: The GOP’s Not-So-Secret Plot to Sabotage the Economy if They Gain Control of Congress

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SRSLY? House Squeaker McCarthy Brags on Fox News About the ‘Diversity’ of the Republican Party

The spanking new – and precariously narrow – Republican majority in the House of Representatives is off to an entirely predictable stumbling start. After taking a historic fifteen votes to crown their so-called leader, Kevin McCarthy, they immediately passed a rules package that neutered him, insuring that he will be a weaker Speaker than any of his modern predecessors.

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Kevin McCarthy, House Speaker (Squeaker)

Naturally, the first priority of a Republican politician intent on pedaling positive propaganda, is to book a visit with Sean Hannity of Fox News. Which is precisely what McCarthy did Tuesday night. He brought along twenty of his closest comrades to turn the Capitol into a Fox News studio annex. And even though McCarthy had previously showered his lord and savior, Donald Trump, with gratitude, Trump was apparently too busy spinning lies about President Biden to join them.

RELATED: Trump and His GOP Toadies Furiously Spin Bogus Nothingburger Story About Biden Documents

Undeterred, McCarthy took full advantage of the platform that Hannity provided to disseminate Republican ignorance and lies. And true to form, McCarthy exhibited his utterly shameless ability to put into, what marginally passes for English, a perspective of the world that bears no resemblance to reality. For instance, he sat proudly in silence as Hannity praised him for expanding the “diversity” of the Republican Party.

“One of the things I’d like to see and am seeing is more diversity in the Republican Party. To me the Democratic Party is the party of coastal elites.”

Elaborating on that, McCarthy’s chair of the House Republican Conference, Elise Stefanik, said to…

“Take a look around at these wonderful members. This is the most diverse class of Republicans ever elected in the history of the United States Congress.”

Go ahead. Take a look around. The members gathered to celebrate “the most diverse class of Republicans ever elected” are all white, and with just three exceptions, men. In fact, the 117th session of Congress had 58 Black members, of whom 56 were Democrats. Republicans just doubled their Black members in the new 118th session to four. And they’re proud of that?

As for Hannity’s boasting about this pitiful representation by people of color, his lament about “coastal elites” is painfully hypocritical. Hannity divides his residency between his homes in New York and Florida. And he’s whining about these nefarious coast dwellers to McCarthy, who represents a district in California.

For good measure, Hannity invited McCarthy to further embarrass himself by bringing up the issue of the debt ceiling, which Republicans have promised to exploit in order to blackmail Democrats into acceding to GOP demands to cut Social Security and Medicare. That led to this exchange…

Hannity: Now let’s get to the issue of finances and money and spending. Why don’t explain how this process now will be different, and we’re coming up against the debt ceiling vote and what that’s gonna mean. That might be the first test of how committed the Republican Party in the House is to really holding the line on spending. Am I wrong on that?
McCarthy: No, you’re not wrong on that. One of the greatest threats we have for this nation is our debt. It makes us weak in every place that we can. We have never been at this high of debt to GDP except during World War II. And what are we funding? Wasteful Washington spending much of the time.

“So we think if you had a child and you gave him a credit card, and they kept hitting the limit, do you just increase the limit, or do you change their behavior? This is our moment to change the behavior to make sure that hard working taxpayer, that we’re not wasting their money. Do you mean to tell me there’s not waste out there? So we’re gonna look at every single dollar spent. We’re gonna audit. We’re change our behavior so we can balance our budget and make us stronger.

The child with a credit card analogy is flat out ridiculous. Raising the debt ceiling does not impact in any way whatsoever how much money congress can appropriate. It only makes it possible for the Treasury to pay debts already incurred. If the U.S. defaults on those debts it would send the nation – and the world – into a severe recession or worse. If McCarthy were truly interested in reducing the debt, he would do what Biden and the Democrats have been doing that resulted in the deficit declining by $1.4 trillion last year.

For the record, Trump increased the debt by nearly $8 trillion dollars. Much of that was due to his tax cut that benefited corporations and the wealthy. And now McCarthy and the GOP are proposing to defund the IRS and deprive the agency of necessary resources to audit high income individuals and businesses. That is estimated to cost more than $114 billion dollars.

What’s more, Republicans don’t seem eager to “change their behavior.” They aren’t proposing any serious spending cuts, other than those for the safety net programs that middle and lower income Americans rely on. Meanwhile, they continue to push for even more tax cuts and for maintaining subsidies for wealthy, multinational corporations – who don’t pay taxes.

Then, after running up the debt, Republicans want to default on those obligations after the fact. It almost seems like they are deliberately trying to crash the economy during Biden’s presidency and prior to the 2024 presidential election. Now why do you suppose they would want to do that? and for whom?

SEE THIS: HOLY CRAP: Trump’s Debt Ceiling Dumbassery Threatens Global Economic Catastrophe to Own the Libs

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SCARY: Trump Posts Infantile Mauling of Fox News for Daring to Interview a (GASP) Democrat

On this All Hallows Eve there are armies of ghouls and goblins wandering the streets of America searching for brains. You can recognize them by their red hats and confederate flags. And it’s abundantly clear why they are so fixated on finding brains: They have an acute deficiency of them in their own hollow skulls.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, Halloween

The leader of the zombie pack is their cult messiah Donald Trump. And on the day before Halloween he took to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, to terrorize his already fearful glassy-eyed disciples. Amongst a barrage of dozens of posts exalting his own self-proclaimed divinity, Trump included one that was specifically crafted to foment the foreboding fright that he regularly injects into their tortured souls.

RELATED: MAGA ‘Patriot’ Trump Says that America is ‘Crooked and Evil’ and its ‘Next Stop, Communism’

Trump’s complaint centered on his morbidly obsessive need to insure that everyone in politics and the press agree with his utterly ignorant and unrealistic views, or be chastised for their betrayal. So Trump whined

“Why would Fox News have SleazeBall Congressman Al Green on to spew his stupidity? It’s time to get back to basics. Let him, and other Slime like him, continue to ruin MSDNC & CNN, which are dying. Keep them off Conservative Media, if that’s an accurate definition of what Fox has become?”

Uh-Oh. The sleaze and slime squads are swarming the TV screens of America with their dire debunking of Republican propaganda. That’s what Trump was so triggered by in his pseudo-tweet. Democratic Rep. Al Green was interviewed by Mike Emanuel on Fox News (video below) and had the audacity to reveal the truth about both the economy and the crime rates, two issues that top voters’ interests, and that have been exploited by the GOP. Green began by stating the facts about higher gas prices, a key factor inflation…

“Let’s talk about what has really created inflation. This inflation is caused by oil companies not wanting to increase refinery capacity. They don’t want to increase refining capacity because they are making huge profits by not doing so, […] the oil companies are making huge profits. Why would they want to bring prices down? That’s not an incentive. They want to keep prices high.”

Fox’s Emanuel had no response for that exposition of truth, so he just segued to a different topic: crime. And on this subject Green was equally prepared with the facts. He started out by noting that crime rates were higher in Republican Kevin McCarthy’s Bakersfield, California district than they were in Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco district. Then he elaborated saying that…

“I think we ought to compare states as well as cities. My colleagues are very good at creating alternative facts. But the truth is, according to statistical information, in 2020 the per capita murder rates were 40% higher in states won by Donald Trump, than those won by Joe Biden. Empirical evidence. Eight of ten states with the highest murder rates in 2020 voted for the Republican presidential nominee in every election in this century.”

Clearly Democrats have been better stewards of the nation with regard to both crime and economics. And Fox News couldn’t even dispute those facts. But that didn’t stop Trump from throwing the sort of childish tantrum that has become his hallmark. And, of course, Fox helped Trump to distort the record that shows the superiority of the Democrats, who also favor democracy over the authoritarian tyranny that Trump and his minions are trying to impose.

RELATED: Fox News Covers Positive GDP Report as a Dystopian Debacle By Democrats in ‘Dire Straits’

Along with his comment whining about Green and Fox News, it’s notable that Trump posted 90 other comments since the assassination attempt intended for Pelosi, but still made no mention of the attack, nor any condemnation, nor any expression of sympathy. However, it may be better that Trump says nothing about that than risk making yet another stupid remark that reflects badly on his subservient Republican comrades.

UPDATE: Trump posted 18 more self-exalting, messianic comments including one with the QAnon slogan, WWG1WGA (where we go 1, we go all), and one that labels President Biden “PedoHitler.” He also raged some more about Fox News saying that…

“Fox News treats “TRUMP” every bit as badly as they did in 2015, before I later won the Election. Fox was brutal then, and not too good now. This lightweight failure in the Obama Administration, Fox News Contributer Marie Harf, is allowed to say anything she wants, without rebuttal – and others likewise. I beat Crooked Hillary Clinton, and then beat Biden by much more. Fox is afraid to say what REALLY happened in that farce of an Election – IT WAS RIGGED AND STOLLEN. Get tough Republicans!!!”

So Trump thinks that Fox News slobbering all over him, and airing all of his rallies in 2015 and 2016 uninterrupted, was bad treatment? And he’s still lying that he beat Biden? He lost the popular vote to both Clinton (by 3 million) and Biden (by 7 million). Trump was upset because of this segment with Harf on Fox News, where she was not only rebutted, but repeatedly interrupted. And if Republicans had any toughness they would help to prosecute and punish Trump. But they’re weak and scared and corrupt.

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Fox News Covers Positive GDP Report as a Dystopian Debacle By Democrats in ‘Dire Straits’

Nothing is more predictable than Fox News spinning a positive news story as a catastrophic calamity if they can find a way to blame it on President Biden or the Democrats. In fact, Fox News actually favors America failing during Democratic administrations so they can use it as a political cudgel.

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Fox News, Joe Biden, Fake News

On Thursday morning Harris Faulkner, a Fox News host that they pretend is a “straight news” journalist, reported on the announcement that the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) unexpectedly rose more than anticipated for the third quarter of 2022. The 2.6% growth was welcomed by President Biden who said in a statement that…

“For months, doomsayers have been arguing that the US economy is in a recession and Congressional Republicans have been rooting for a downturn. But today we got further evidence that our economic recovery is continuing to power forward.”

RELATED: Fox News Blatantly Lies that Biden ‘Praised’ High Gas Prices When He Actually Criticized Them

Despite the unambiguously good news, Faulkner sought to portray it as evidence of an economic apocalypse. She began by regurgitating conservative media “concerns for the liberal political party that President Joe Biden just spent too much time talking about abortion last week.” It is unlikely that the majority of Americans who favor reproductive choice think too much time was spent on the issue.

Faulkner then segued to her criticism of Democrats for supposedly switching gears and “trying to go all in on the economy.” Of course, she can only assert that by ignoring the fact that Democrats have been viscerally engaged in economic issues for months, but that Republicans have been obstructing them at every turn. The GOP voted almost in lock-step against Democratic initiatives to lower drug prices, reduce child poverty, extend unemployment benefits, raise the minimum wage, prohibit gas price gouging, limit the cost of insulin, go after rich tax cheats, expand baby formula production, make the wealthy pay their fair share, and more.

But Faulkner wasn’t finished. She also complained that inflation and interest rates were “robbing people of any chance to realize the American Dream.” Never mind that her party and network stood in the way of resolving those matters. And she had the audacity to say that Democrats were “finally now trying to convince voters that they care about the economy.” Again, she simply wasn’t paying attention. Or more accurately, she was lying.

But Faulkner still wasn’t finished. She also said that the new GDP numbers were “not much for [Democrats] to work with,” and that they were just a “slight uptick in the third quarter.” That allegedly slight uptick actually wiped out the negative numbers posted in the previous two quarters combined.

But Faulkner still wasn’t finished. She concluded with remarks that didn’t even make sense…

“If Democrats truly believe that Americans would not understand or care about this, then why are they suddenly trying to convince the voters that the economy is all the Republicans fault? They are in dire straits, Democrats are, with voters. And they know it.”

Huh? She prefaces that comment with a bizarre assertion that Democrats “believe that Americans would not understand or care” about the economy. Where she gets that from is a complete mystery. But her inference from that non sequitur somehow leads to Democrats faulting Republicans for the economy. Well, considering the GOP’s deliberate efforts to prevent any solutions, Democrats would be quite right in assigning that blame.

That would be bad enough if it stopped there. But Republicans are openly promising to sabotage the economy in order to improve their electoral prospects in the midterms and in 2024. Thay have said so explicitly. Funny, Faulkner never mentioned any of that.

RELATED: The GOP’s Not-So-Secret Plot to Sabotage the Economy if They Gain Control of Congress

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