The Biden-Harris Campaign Trolls Trump and Fox News on Truth Social with ‘Blowout’ Jobs Report

Last week the evidence that Bidenomics is working spectacularly well was revealed in the monthly jobs report that far exceeded expectations. That performance has become routine during President Biden’s term in office as his agenda of building the economy from the middle out, and from the bottom up, has delivered blockbuster results.

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The success of the measures executed by Biden and the Democrats is in stark contrast to those employed by Republicans and Donald Trump. During Trump’s occupation of the White House he devotedly advanced the interests of corporations and the wealthy, to the detriment of average Americans. And the outcome proved to be devastating as he left office with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover. That contrast recently seeped into a segment of Fox News’ “The Five”

SEE THIS: On Fox News Jessica Tarlov Summarizes the Success of Bidenomics that the Media Refuses to Cover

The Biden administration’s stellar employment stats also made it into Fox News reporting. Although their reception of what is unarguably good news was something less than celebratory. For the most part they tried to downplay the news or find negative crumbs they could chew on. But in the end, the positivity of the numbers was hard to suppress and/or disguise.

The glad financial tidings were so tremendous that they were even recognized by Trump’s former director of his National Economic Council, Larry Kudlow, who now works for Fox News. Kudlow’s commentary on the matter was surprisingly complimentary. So much so that the Biden-Harris campaign featured it in their social media posts, including their account on Trump’s failing Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, along with a few other entertaining messages.

[Note: The following posts all appeared on Truth Social, but these are the same posts on Twitter, so as to avoid making people dirty themselves by visiting Trump’s website]

“We had a blowout jobs report. More than twice the consensus expectations. Now, I know many of my conservative friends are trying to drill holes in this report. But you know what, folks? It is what it is. It’s a very strong report. Not every economic stat should be viewed through a political lens. […] 353,000 gained in non-farm payroll – a very big number. Prior two months revised up by 126,000 – another big number. And the bottom line here is more Americans are working. And that’s a good thing no matter what your party registration is.”

The 2024 presidential year is bound to feature more of Trump’s madness, hostility, and failure, as well as Biden’s competence, compassion, and success. Biden has already been focusing his campaign on substantive issues that the American people care about, such as jobs, abortion, climate and environment, healthcare, gun reforms, tax equity, diplomacy, and saving democracy.

Meanwhile, Trump has been ranting feverishly about “witch hunts,” “election interference,” and scary brown immigrants. His entire campaign is consumed by two issues that have zero significance to the American people: 1) His “Big Lie” that the 2020 election was “rigged and stolen” from him. And 2) His relentless whining about his legal tribulations, such as the 91 criminal charges he faces, and his civil litigation that has already found him liable for defamation and rape.

Therein lie the factors that voters must consider when choosing who to vote for in November. And if anyone is having any trouble with that decision, then they have been hopelessly devoured by the Trump cult. Let them go. They are lost to us.

Thankfully, there are way more Americans who are sane, reachable, and love their country. Many who have not voted before, or not voted for Democrats. And they should be the targets of Democratic campaign efforts going forward.


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On Fox News Jessica Tarlov Summarizes the Success of Bidenomics that the Media Refuses to Cover

The record of the first three years of President Biden’s administration has been remarkably productive. Even with tight margins in the Congress, Biden was able to get legislation through that boosted the economy, expanded healthcare, mitigated climate change, created jobs, and much more. All while reducing the deficit.

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By contrast, Republicans focused squarely on matters of such profound importance as personal political vendettas, fighting among themselves, and running defense for Dear Leader Donald Trump. They held countless hearings on whether to impeach Biden for crimes they couldn’t name or provide any evidence for. In their spare time they threatened to throw the nation into economic turmoil by failing to raise the debt ceiling or pass the appropriations bills necessary for the government to function.

SEE THIS: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

Despite the successes of Biden and the Democrats, they are not getting the credit they deserve for their efforts. That’s largely due to the failure of the media to report accurately about the abundant good news. They seem determined to distort reality in favor the Republicans, either because of their inherent conservative biases, or their belief that close races and conflict – even if it’s manufactured – make for better ratings.

This week, however, a bit of truth slipped through the filters in the most unlikely of places, Fox News. Jessica Tarlov, the designated liberal who alone faces four snarling conservatives on Fox’s “The Five,” was given a brief opportunity to present the case for the Democrats. And even though it was introduced with a snide dismissal by wingnut Tom Shillue, sitting in for the execrable Greg Gutfeld, it was the sort of factual summation that every news network should be reporting…

Shillue: Where do we go from here? Twenty seconds to defend the indefensible.
Tarlov: We go right back to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue because we do have good economic news, but the media doesn’t want to cover it. He is correct. He shouldn’t just say you’re looking at the wrong thing. They need to communicate this better.

But we got revised third quarter GDP growth up to 4.9 percent. Unheard of. Consumer confidence went up 14 percent. Largest jump in a decade. Inflation is running at an annualized rate below Powell’s target, which is why he’s talking about a rate cut. Personal income is up. Grocery and energy prices down last month.

In the Quinnipiac poll – this part of it is really important – they did a forward-looking question, what do you think 2024 is going to be like? 48 percent said the economy is going to be better, and 62 percent think that they are going to be better off in the next year. When is the election? November 2024. Democrats, make your case. There is a case to be made.

The initial subject of the segment was Fox’s complaint that Biden made a polite request that the media report honestly about the economy. Fox’s on-screen graphics exposed their biases reading “Biden Scolds Media Over Economy” and “Biden Snaps at Media.” In reality, he good naturedly encouraged them to “Take a look” at the economy and to “Start reporting it the right way.”

Perhaps they could use as a model the way they reported economic issues during the Trump years. Here’s an example from 2017 when Trump was bragging about his abysmal record and received zero pushback from the press…

With the economy performing far better today than when Trump occupied the White House, the media continues to downplay the positive stories that the public needs to make their electoral decisions next year. Consequently, Biden is having trouble getting his approval ratings up. But this election is important for reasons that exceed the economy.

Today the nation is literally facing a choice between preserving our democracy or succumbing to the authoritarianism openly promised by Trump and the Republicans. So any aid and comfort that the media gives to Trump et al, makes them complicit with their march toward dictatorship. That’s an editorial path that the press really needs to reconsider.


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Fox News Host Asks Democrat What Biden Did to Create Jobs, Then Cuts Him Off When He Tells Her

The success of President Biden’s economic policies is evident by almost every major indicator. The Biden administration is responsible for the nation’s record job growth, restoration of domestic manufacturing, inflation that has been declining for the past fifteen consecutive months, expanding healthcare and making it more affordable, and much more. All while reducing the deficit.

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So naturally Republicans and their Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) have embarked on a campaign of lies and smears in order to deceive the American people and inflame their MAGA-tized supporters. They are so determined to spread their brand of disinformation that they are even putting critical aid to our allies in Israel and Ukraine at risk on behalf of wealthy corporations and tax cheats.

SEE THIS: Republicans in Congress are Holding Israelis Hostage to Aid for Wealthy American Tax Cheats

Democrats are making valiant efforts to counter the Republicans’ fictional dystopian fantasyland. For example, Rep. Ro Khanna of California ventured into the lion’s den of Fox News on Friday to try to expose their viewers to a few facts. He was met by a blatantly biased host who was clearly opposed to truthful information and was determined to prevent any from getting out.

Khanna: Let’s just look at some basic facts. Since the President has come into office almost 14 million jobs were created. Now 70% of those were jobs that were recovered. I grant that.
Smith: Can I just get in there, and I try not to interrupt [as she is interrupting[. “Created” is a very interesting word. Can you tell me what specific policy under this president created those jobs?
Khanna: Yes, I actually can. The American Rescue Plan, which put in money into infrastructure and helping people to stay employed in small businesses. The infrastructure bill, which has led to a boom in construction jobs. The Chips Act, which has led to a boom in manufacturing.
Smith (interrupting again): The reason I ask is because a lot of that was a rebound from the COVID pandemic, correct? [Khanna already said that]
Khanna: Seventy percent of those jobs were recovered from the COVID pandemic. I’m acknowledging that. But here’s the point. You know, it was recovered within two years because of the American Rescue Plan. We could have been in a Great Depression. Give the President credit for the recovery and the creation of new jobs. And the reality is that this was the policy of the American Rescue Plan, of the CHIPS Act, of the Infrastructure, of the Inflation Reduction Act. Four percent unemployment used to be considered full employment in this country. The inflation in this country at 3.7 percent is less than inflation anywhere else in the world.
Smith: I got it.

So Smith pretended that she wanted to know what policies President Biden had implemented that benefited the economy. But when Khanna surprised her by actually responding with the facts, she stopped him and asked him to concede a point that he had already made himself. Either she wasn’t listening or she didn’t care, because she was more focused on a “gotcha” moment that never came.

To his credit, Khanna rolled right over Smith’s interruptions, and finished laying out the record of Biden’s achievements. He made the salient point that, even though many of the jobs created during Biden’s term had previously been lost due to COVID, there was no guarantee that they would have been restored without the thoughtful and astute management of Biden and Democrats in Congress. In fact, nearly all Republicans voted against nearly all of the legislation that produced such positive results for the American people.

After Khanna had itemized some of Biden’s accomplishments, Smith cut him off again with a smug “I got it,” intended to short-circuit Khanna’s effective recitation of the economic realities. This is how Fox News works to keep their audience ignorant. And sadly, it works all too well too often. But then, it’s easier when the audience is eager to be lied to and swallows the most preposterous falsehoods without question.

Democrats need to continue to get out the message that Bidenomics is working. Maybe Fox News isn’t the best place to do that, but between now and the election next year they have to convince people that it is Biden and the Democrats who are working on their behalf – and succeeding.


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Trump’s Latest Infantile Rant is Chock-Full of Cheap Shots that Expose His Pathetic Weakness

With only a few hours to spare, the House of Representatives passed a stop-gap measure to delay a potential government shutdown for forty-five days. Despite it being a Republican bill, it got more votes from Democrats than Republicans. Ninety Republicans voted to shutdown the government, but only one Democrat did so.

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This confirms that it is Republicans who favored throwing the nation into economic chaos and significantly hurting the American people. It’s a position that they adopted on behalf of their Dear Leader, Donald Trump, who had been pressing hard for Republicans to reject any bipartisan agreement. The stubborn opposition by members of his own party seemed to surprise GOP House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

SEE THIS: Squeaker McCarthy Laments Learning that the GOP’s Mission is to ‘Burn the Whole Place Down’

Meanwhile, Trump was posting more of his hostile diatribes on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. The tenor of his tirades was typically juvenile as he sought to ridicule Congress, including his own party’s leaders, for not submitting to his demands. In a late attempt to sabotage the deal, Trump wrote that…

“I hear that Old Crow Mitch McConnell, together with his small band of weak and ineffective RINOS like Mitt Romney and ‘Hopeless’ John Cornyn, are, as usual, trying to cobble together a series of massive concessions for Cryin’ Chuck Schumer and the Lunatic Left, in order to ‘bail out’ Crooked Joe Biden, THE WORST & MOST CORRUPT PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. The Old Crow, and his group of ten (plus) COWARDS, have savaged our Country by approving Trillions of Dollars for Green New Deal Insanity, and the Weaponization of our System of ‘Injustice.’ Don’t do it!!!”

There has been a lot of speculation as to whether Trump is suffering from cognitive decline. And there has been some compelling evidence of it as well. But what seems unarguable is that he has reverted to the emotional maturity of an eight year old with his recent remarks. In the short comment above Trump lashed out with profound immaturity at…

  • Old Crow Mitch McConnell
  • Weak and ineffective RINOS like Mitt Romney
  • ‘Hopeless’ John Cornyn
  • Cryin’ Chuck Schumer
  • The Lunatic Left
  • Crooked Joe Biden

This is the sort of presidential diplomacy and stature that impresses the glassy-eyed MAGA cult. However, the rest of the American population is repulsed by such demonstrations of prepubescent posturing. Particularly when it is employed to undermine policies that the people support.

The two policies cited by Trump were, in his demented words, “Green New Deal Insanity” and “Weaponization of our System of ‘Injustice.” However, broad majorities of the American people favor efforts to mitigate the climate crisis. And they likewise support efforts to hold Trump and his accomplices accountable for inciting a violent insurrection and attempting to stage an anti-democratic coup and overturn an election.

SEE ALSO: Post-Mugshot: Trump’s Phony Bravado Falls Apart as Poll Shows Most Americans Say He’s Guilty

Trump addressed the question of his guilt at a California GOP conference on Friday. He whined that “When they indicted me — and then again and again and again — I was never indicted, now I’m setting records. Al Capone was not indicted so much.”

Which is a peculiar defense. Trump is comparing himself to mobster Al Capone, and complaining that he was indicted more than Capone was. Which only serves to remind people of two things. First, that Trump is a bigger criminal who broke more laws. And second, that he wasn’t as smart as Capone, who managed to conceal most of crimes and avoid prosecution.

For the record, Al Capone was convicted on five of twenty-three counts contained in two indictments for tax evasion. Trump is awaiting trial on 91 felony counts in four criminal indictments. So yeah, Trump can legitimately brag that he is “setting records” for criminal and ethical malfeasance. He is leading everyone else by levels never seen before. Congratulations!

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OH NO! Fox News Frets About Government Shutdown Because it Might Stall the Biden Impeachment

There is less than one week to go before the Republican Congress throws the U.S. government into yet another costly shutdown. In that time the GOP will likely continue debating against itself and making threats aimed at Democrats that will ultimately result in harm to the American people.

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GOP House Squeaker, Kevin McCarthy, has totally lost control of his caucus, Twice he failed to advance a rule allowing the pending appropriations bills to be debated. All of the opposition is coming from within his own party, who seem to believe that a shutdown would actually be beneficial. Sure it is. So long as you don’t ask the millions of Americans who rely on services related to everything from building permits, to interstate and international travel, to financial aid, to veterans benefits, to tax information and filing, and so much more.

SEE THIS: GOP Wants a Government Shutdown Because ‘Most of What We Do is Bad, Hurts the American People’

On Sunday morning GOP Sen. Mike Lee was interviewed on Fox News by their Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo. During their chat Bartiromo and Lee expressed their deep concern as to the potential disruptions that a shutdown would cause. And in this segment they revealed what they regard as the most pertinent matter facing the nation…

Bartiromo: If we see a government shutdown does the investigation of President Biden stop? We’ve learned so much about what he and his family have been doing in the last decade.
Lee: And those allegations are very troubling. They need to be investigated. And I applaud Speaker McCarthy for launching this inquiry. I am aware of no reason, Maria, why that inquiry could not continue if the government were to shut down temporarily. There is nothing suggesting to me that Congress can’t do its work if that happens. In any event, we shouldn’t use that as an excuse unilaterally to disarm and to accede to whatever the Democrats want.

So with vital government services at risk of being curtailed, the top priority for Bartiromo and Lee is a bogus impeachment inquiry into baseless allegations against President Biden. And Bartiromo’s claim that “We’ve learned so much” about alleged Biden wrongdoing is patently false. To the contrary, every attempt to manufacture some pseudo-scandal actually resulted in proof that Biden and his administration have been extraordinarily honest and ethical.

As for Lee’s reassurance to Bartiromo that the shutdown wouldn’t impede the ill-considered inquiry, he is either placating her wingnut anxieties, or he is woefully ignorant of congressional business. While Congress can continue to operate during a shutdown, each member would make decisions as to which staffers would be considered “essential” and keep working. The others would be furloughed. And while the member would continue to be paid, none of the remaining staff would be until the shutdown was over.

What’s more, offices in other branches of government would be closed or reduced in staff during a shutdown. So any requests made by the GOP’s investigating committees would not be able to be answered. Which would, in effect, shut down their work, other than to whine about how the administration is allegedly stonewalling them.

It’s notable that Lee’s position contradicts that of McCarthy, whose post as House leader is more directly responsible for these considerations. And on this matter McCarthy made it clear that a shutdown would indeed impact any pending House investigations. As reported by Reuters

“The looming U.S. government shutdown that some hardline Republicans, including Donald Trump, are cheering for could slow one of their other priorities: the recently launched impeachment inquiry of Democratic President Joe Biden. […] ‘If we shut down, all of government shuts it down, investigation and everything else,’ McCarthy said in an interview with Fox News.

As usual, the GOP is a cesspool of chaos and lies. And it shouldn’t surprise anyone that what worries Republicans should a shutdown occur does not seem to include the loss of critical services that Americans rely on, including housing and food programs for low-income families and seniors, learning and education assistance for students, job training and placement for veterans and the un- and under-employed.

Their only concern is that a shutdown could stall their brazenly partisan political attacks on Biden and his family. Which is further evidence – as if it were necessary – that Republicans couldn’t possibly care less about the American people. They only care about advancing their lust for profit and power. And to hell with the needs of their constituents. It’s an old story that just gets more repulsive with each retelling.


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Trump’s Cult Cheers His Hope that Americans Suffer a ‘Great Depression’ While Biden is President

The glassy-eyed devotion of Donald Trump’s cult disciples has long been a fixture of his public profile. From his beginning as a fake real estate billionaire and reality TV game show host, to his abominable occupation of the White House, Trump has nurtured his tabloid celebrity and the inbred hostility of his followers to corral them into a pseudo-spiritual revival movement.

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The shared animus of the Trump cult is a powerful glue that bonds the weak and ignorant together into a foreboding faith-like community focused on their fetish for all things Trump. Like all cults, there is only one source of knowledge and truth: the Dear Leader. And Trump followers are deeply indoctrinated into that worshipful state.

SEE THIS: IT’S A CULT! Poll Shows Republicans Trust Only Criminal Messiah Trump to Tell Them the Truth

On Friday night, Trump presided over another one of his traveling salvation shows. For the most part it was a tedious rehash of everything he has been yammering about since he lost the 2020 election to President Biden. He whined about the election being “rigged and stolen” from him; the false depictions of Biden as corrupt; the ‘witch hunts” and “election interference” being orchestrated by Democrats and wayward Republicans; and his relentless self-exaltation as America’s savior.

For the record, Trump defines election interference as anything that is critical of him. It could be the 91 felony counts pending against him, or inquiries into his constitutional eligibility to run, or fact-checking his innumerable lies. Merely running against him is election interference, because it interferes with his aspirations of authoritarian dictatorship.

At Friday’s cult rally in South Dakota, Trump delivered his moldy oldies to an enrapt audience of true believers. Never mind that nearly everything he said was a flagrant, provable lie. Particularly his remarks about the U.S. economy and Biden’s success at salvaging it after the abysmal Trump term. But Trump ventured just a little farther out on the limb of lunacy with a dire, dystopian prediction…

“The fact is we’re probably heading into a Great Depression…I don’t believe I’ve ever said that before, and it’s a hell of a statement to make, and I hate to make it. The only question is whether or not it will be during the remaining months of the Biden administration. If it’s going to happen, let it happen then. If it’s going to happen, let it be during Joe. And then we’ll come in and we’ll straighten this sucker out.”

Trump’s analysis is firmly rooted in grade A, unadulterated bullshit. Under Biden’s stewardship, the American economy has flourished. He presided over the creation of more than 13 million jobs. Unemployment is at a record low. Wages are higher and exceeding inflation. And while there was a global spike in inflation last year, it has been declining in the U.S. for the past twelve consecutive months.

Biden and Democrats in Congress – with no help from Republicans – passed an infrastructure bill that is not only creating jobs, it is rebuilding and modernize the nation’s roads, bridges, airports and communications. They also passed a bills that brought technology manufacturing back to the U.S. and funded critical climate change mitigation. And all of this and more was done while providing aid to struggling families and reducing the deficit.

For his part, Trump left office with fewer Americans working than before he started. He accelerated off-shoring of manufacturing. He imposed tariffs that raised the cost of goods for American consumers, and triggered retaliatory tariffs on U.S. products. Not to mention his incompetence and negligence that resulted in more than a million COVID fatalities. And now he wants people to believe that he will “straighten this sucker out?” Puleeze!

In light of that, Trump told his cultists that he not only believes that a “Great Depression” is coming, but that he hopes it comes soon. As in within the next year while Biden is president. Trump is actually saying aloud that he wants the American people to suffer in order to boost his electoral prospects next year.

That’s a pretty repulsive campaign strategy. And what makes it even worse is that his cult disciples are all for it. They cheered excitedly as he proposed this sickly desire. Apparently they are willing to suffer themselves in order to return to the White House someone who obviously doesn’t care about them, and may be a felon at the time.

What’s more, it isn’t just the “Deplorables” in Trump’s audience who are comfortable with his criminality and the notion of putting a felon in the White House. At a recent GOP primary debate almost all of the candidates supposedly challenging him pledged to support Trump even if he is convicted. So the insidious influence of the cult has infected the whole of the Republican Party. Which makes it all the more imperative that every Republican be defeated at the polls next year. They must not have an ounce of authority, and they must be sent an unmistakable message that their hatred for America and its principles will not be tolerated.


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Fox News is OUTRAGED at Biden for Raising Taxes on the Wealthy and Spending on Climate Change

The 2024 campaign for the presidency is shaping up to be one of the most contentious in modern times. While neither party has officially chosen their candidates, it appears likely that it will be a rematch between the current President, Joe Biden, and the whining loser, Donald Trump.

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Republicans are intent on lowering the character of the political debate to infantile name-calling, and vengeance for the perceived persecution of Dear Leader Trump. They are falling in line with Trump’s campaign slogan, “I am your retribution.” Which they apparently believe is what the American people are clamoring for.

RELATED: LOL: Fox News Defends Trump By Admitting that He’s a Lying, Narcissistic, Anti-Democratic, Loser

Democrats, on the other hand, are preparing to run on Biden’s record of accomplishments that include guiding the nation out of a deadly pandemic, and restoring the economy that was in a shambles after COVID and Trump’s tenure of incompetence and catering to right-wing extremists, corporations, and the 1% upper-crusters.

Fortunately, Republicans and their sycophantic media minions are proving to be among the best surrogates for President Biden’s reelection. Not only are they sabotaging their own prospects by embracing unpopular policies like abortion bans and impeaching Biden and half his Cabinet, but they are also tying themselves inextricably to Trump’s tedious “Big Lie” about election fraud and his obsession with relitigating the 2020 election that resulted in his humiliating defeat.

SEE ALSO: YEAH, RIGHT! Trump Promises an ‘Irrefutable,’ ‘Completely Exonerating’ Report on Election Fraud

On Friday’s episode of Fox News’ “Outnumbered” they offered up some more reasons why the American people should vote for Biden in 2024. They came during a segment wherein Fox contributor “Doctor” Janette Nesheiwat surely thought she was crushing Biden with righteous criticism. She said that…

“I took a look at Bidenomics. I wanted to see what exactly was in it. My takeaway? Higher taxes, especially on the wealthy and corporations, and massive spending especially when it comes to climate change. And then they want to dump more money into COVID? Hello? I saw maybe three or four cases of COVID this entire week. So they’re just spending money, and they’re spending it recklessly.”

OMG! Biden is raising taxes on billionaires, who currently pay little or nothing. And he’s providing funds to mitigate climate change, which is threatening the lives and livelihoods of millions around the country and the world. Impeach him now! Never mind that broad majorities of Americans support these policies.

Nesheiwat went on to complain about spending on COVID, because she has only seen “maybe three or four cases of COVID this entire week.” Keep in mind that she is more of a TV commentator than a practicing physician. Still, she considers her personal observations a valid statistical sample. The CDC, however, using more credible methods, reports COVID hospitalizations of 10,320 for the past week, an increase of 14.3%.

What’s more, the Fox News analysis of Bidenomics couldn’t be more off target. There is ample evidence that Bidenomics is benefiting most Americans and especially the working-class. It is improving the U.S. economy, which is leading the world. The Biden administration is responsible for the nation’s record job growth, restoration of domestic manufacturing, inflation that has been declining for the past twelve consecutive months, expanding healthcare and making it more affordable, and much more. All while reducing the deficit.

So if Fox News wants to complain about Biden making the rich pay their fair share, or saving the environment, let them have at it. It’s reminiscent of a recent episode where GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-QAnon) tried to take a swipe at Democrats, but wound up starring in a Democratic campaign advertisement. The ad replayed video of her complaining about Biden and his…

“…government programs to address education, medical care, urban problems, rural poverty, transportation, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps and welfare […] And he still was working on it, the largest public investment in social infrastructure and environmental programs that is actually finishing what FDR started, that LBJ expanded on and Joe Biden is attempting to complete.”

SEE ALSO: President Biden Trolls Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Hysterically Lame Swipe at Democratic Successes

Heaven forbid that Democrats would help Americans with education, healthcare, infrastructure, the environment, and more. Democrats better be careful or they will fall behind on the issues that Republicans are working so hard on, such as banning books, restricting reproductive healthcare, enriching corporations, and suppressing democracy.

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GOP Wants a Government Shutdown Because ‘Most of What We Do is Bad, Hurts the American People’

The mission of the Republican Party to eviscerate the economy has been evident for months. Their intention is to cause the American people to suffer painful hardships in order to boost GOP electoral prospects in 2024. It’s an immoral and insensitive tactic that exposes their commitment to cruelty as a political weapon.

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Just two months ago, Republicans tried to hold the nation hostage with threats of defaulting on the national debt, which would have thrown the country – and the world – into a severe recession or worse. President Biden masterfully guided them into a negotiated compromise that avoided the devastating default. In the process he also got an agreement to fast-track the spending bills that would shortly be coming up for votes in the House.

RELATED: Squeaker McCarthy Desperately Lies About the Debt Ceiling Deal to Save His Shaky Speakership

All of that has apparently now been abandoned by Republicans. In a press conference on Tuesday, GOP House leaders appeared to be reneging on their prior agreements in order to squeeze Democrats for concessions on contentious, non-financial issues such as abortion, immigration, and equality.

Setting aside the GOP’s flagrantly bad faith in breaking previous promises, they also admitted to the sort of heinous intentions that would ordinarily never be mentioned out loud. Rep. Bob Good is a member of the ultra-MAGA House Freedom Caucus and chairman of the Health, Environment, Labor and Pensions Subcommittee. He came to the podium to discuss the prospect of a government shutdown, and to let the nation know precisely what Republicans think of the work they are doing allegedly on behalf of the American people…

“We should not fear a government shutdown. Most of what we do up here is bad anyway. Most of what we do up here hurts the American people, when we do stuff to the American people while promising to do things for the American people.”

Really? This is a leader of the Republican Party in the House confessing that the GOP is affirmatively (purposefully?) hurting people. They are the majority party, albeit by a small margin, and it is their policies that are brought up for votes on the House floor. But in Good’s opinion, those policies are detrimental and the country would be better off without them. It’s hard to disagree with him on that.

This is Good’s explanation for why a government shutdown should not be feared. He went on to say that “Essential operations continue,” and that “Most Americans won’t even miss if the government is shut down temporarily.” Sure, if you aren’t counting the millions of Americans who rely on government services related to everything from building permits, to interstate and international travel, to financial aid, to veterans benefits, to tax information and filing.

What’s more, according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, the last government shutdown cost the country $11 billion. But fortunately, not a single member of Congress lost a dime. Their salaries and perks were paid throughout the shutdown.

It will be interesting to see if House Squeaker Kevin McCarthy goes along with the radical right-wing fringe of his party. He has done so almost entirely in the few months that he has been in his post. That’s because he’s so afraid that his own members will turn on him and vote him out of the speakership if he is less than wholly submissive. He’s even hinting that he’ll go along with efforts to impeach President Biden, despite the total absence of any evidence of wrongdoing.

SEE ALSO: GOP Rep Tells Fox News He Would ‘Probably’ Impeach Biden for – Um – Zero Evidence of Any Crime

All the GOP has left at this point are threats to tank the economy, attacks on the Biden family, and boycotts of Barbie, Mickey Mouse, and light beer. Because that’s what they think the public wants from their representatives in Washington. That should work out well for them in next year’s elections.

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Squeaker McCarthy Desperately Lies About the Debt Ceiling Deal to Save His Shaky Speakership

The morning after it was announced that President Biden and Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy reached a deal to avoid a catastrophic debt default, McCarthy began almost immediately misrepresenting the terms of the deal.

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Kevin McCarthy, Deep State

McCarthy’s speakership – which took a historic 15 votes to achieve – is on thin ice, and any perception by his caucus that he compromised with Biden and the Democrats – a mortal sin in GOP World – could result in his being voted out as Speaker by his own colleagues.

RELATED: Squeaker McCarthy’s Debt Default Deceit is Wrecked By WH Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

Consequently, McCarthy is spinning like a top as he makes the morning rounds on the Sunday talk shows. However, true to form, he is lying about what the debt ceiling deal entails in order to deceive his fellow Republicans and stave off a revolt that would cost him his job. An interview of Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries by Margaret Brennan on CBS’s Face the Nation revealed just how desperate McCarthy is.

Brennan: Speaker McCarthy predicted this morning he can get a majority of Republicans he says some Democrats he thinks will vote for it. But he also quoted something he says You told him. Listen.
McCarthy (video): I think there’s gonna be a lot of Democrats who vote for it too. Right now, the Democrats are very upset. But one thing Hakeem told me, there’s nothing in the bill for them. There’s not one thing in the bill for Democrats.
Brennan: Did you say that? And how do you convince Democrats?
Jeffries: I have no idea what he’s talking about, particularly because I have not been able to review the actual legislative text, all that we’ve reached is an agreement in principle.

So according to Jeffries, the conversation that McCarthy says took place never happened. Which is easily the more believable version of events considering how flagrantly McCarthy twisted his assertions about the reception by Democrats to the proposed deal. In fact, McCarthy actually contradicted himself in consecutive sentences, saying first that Democrats will vote for the deal, followed immediately by saying that “Democrats are very upset.”

McCarthy goes on to assert that Democrats are going to vote for the deal despite allegedly believing there is “nothing in the bill for them.” None of what McCarthy is saying makes any sense. And he doesn’t offer a single example of an “upset” Democrat.

On the other more reality-based hand, the evidence of upset members appears to be much more prominent among McCarthy’s Republicans. The grossly misnamed GOP “Freedom” Caucus is already promising to scuttle the deal. Republicans Lauren Boebert, Ken Buck, Bob Good, Ralph Norman, and Chip Roy, are among those who quickly came out publicly to announce their opposition, accusing McCarthy of caving in to the radical, socialist Democrats.

For the record, the deal has pluses and minuses for both sides, which is the nature of compromise in a democracy. But the most significant features include putting off any future debt ceiling debates for two years, well past the 2024 elections. So Republicans won’t be able to hold the nation hostage again in order to hurt Biden’s reelection and boost their own electoral prospects. The deal also protects most of the funding for social safety net programs (i.e. Medicaid, Medicare, food assistance, etc.), climate change mitigation, student loan deferrals, and IRS enforcement against wealthy tax cheats.

That isn’t exactly an agreement that can honestly be portrayed as having “not one thing in the bill for Democrats.” McCarthy’s spin is nearly delusional in its distortion of reality. But then, that’s typical for Republicans who feel compelled to always cast themselves as either glorious winners or pathetic victims.

And speaking of victims… Donald Trump! He has lobbied fiercely for Republicans to embrace the disaster of default, but hasn’t said a single word about this deal. Although he did take time to trash Disney and congratulate his “friend” and fellow aspiring dictator Erdogan of Turkey on his reelection. But fear not. Trump is probably just dusting off his caps lock and preparing to go ballistic over how the weak RINOS failed to kneecap the Democrats by pushing the nation into a severe recession or worse.


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Squeaker McCarthy’s Debt Default Deceit is Wrecked By WH Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

As the deadline for avoiding a catastrophic economic default rapidly approaches, the dishonest rhetoric of Republicans – led by GOP House Squeaker, Kevin McCarthy – escalates to absurd proportions as they remain steadfast in refusing to honor the full faith and credit of the United States by raising the debt ceiling, as previous Congresses have done.

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Kevin McCarthy, House Speaker (Squeaker), Donald Trump

The determination of Republicans to tank the economy has been evident for months. They hope to use the suffering that they would create to boost their political prospects in 2024. It’s a cynical and callous strategy that exposes their insensitivity to the hardships it would impose on the American people. And they are supported in this sinister scheme by right-wing media, especially Fox News.

SEE ALSO: Sean Hannity and Marjorie Taylor Greene Conspire to Blackmail America with Debt Ceiling Default

The latest example of the GOP’s disinformation campaign was contained in a tweet by McCarthy that completely misrepresented reality to blame the current chaos on President Biden. Fortunately, Biden’s press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, was there to set the record straight in the most succinct and devastating way…

McCarthy thought he could just brush aside the fact that it was Donald Trump who contributed the most substantial portion of the nation’s current outstanding debt. But Jean-Pierre’s observation provided a stark contrast between the $800.00 that McCarthy is whining about and the $20,000.00 that he’s ignoring.

What’s more, McCarthy is making an utterly false assertion that the increased debt that he is misattributing to Biden actually ends up as funds that Americans have to pay each month. In reality, nobody’s monthly expenses go up as a result of this. It is just tacked onto the accumulated national debt and paid for by future tax revenue. Which, by the way, McCarthy refuses to discuss increasing by revoking the tax cuts that Trump and the GOP gifted to America’s corporations and the wealthy. He won’t even entertain closing tax loopholes or auditing tax cheaters.

However, the cuts that McCarthy is holding the nation hostage for, in order to force his broadly unpopular agenda down the country’s throat, actually do cost people real money in reductions to benefits for Social Security, Medicare, veterans aid, food assistance, infrastructure improvement, education costs, and much more. That amounts to thousands of dollars for millions of Americans, rather than the $800.00 that McCarthy is babbling about.

If McCarthy was truly interested in reducing the debt, he would do what Biden and the Democrats have been doing that resulted in the deficit declining by $1.4 trillion last year. And for the record, Trump increased the debt by nearly $8 trillion dollars – much of that due to his tax cuts that benefited his Mar-a-Lago guests – and ne’er a word of criticism was heard from the GOP or Fox News.

But then again, if McCarthy was truly interested in anything that the American people want, he and his party wouldn’t be so reviled by so many.

SEE THIS: Americans are Unsatisfied with Politics in General, But Specifically Despise Trump and the GOP

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