Laura Ingraham’s Hysterical Dumbassery Shows Why Fox News Can’t Ever Be Taken Seriously

If there is one thing that Fox News has always failed at miserably, it’s comedy. Well, intentional comedy. They have actually been a fairly reliable source of unintentional laughs. That’s pretty easy with such mockable figures as Tucker Carlson (admitting that he doesn’t know WTF he’s talking about), or “Judge” Jeanine Pirro (competing with SNL for humor), or Peter Doocy (routinely humiliating himself).

Laura Ingraham, Fox News, Goofy

Now Laura Ingraham has elevated herself to the top of the spit(take) pile with a segment wherein she demonstrated how cognitively vacuous she is. Ingraham was hosting her frequent sidekick/guest, Raymond Arroyo, who is the “news” anchor of the Eternal Word Television Network. So right away you can expect a laugh riot. The subject was COVID vaccine mandates and Arroyo sought to make a point using a popular television program when hilarity ensued. Here is both the transcript and the video, but you’ve got to watch the video:

Arroyo: “I was watching an episode of “You” where measles came up.”
Ingraham: Wait, when did I mention measles?
Arroyo: I don’t know. It was on “You.”
Ingraham: What was on me? What are you talking about?
Arroyo: The measles and the vaccine episode was on “You.”
Ingraham: We never did a measles and the vaccine episode. Is this a joke?
Arroyo: I know. It was on “You.”
Ingraham: I’ve never had measles. What are you talking about?
Arroyo: It was an episode of a show.
Ingraham: What’s it called?
Arroyo: “You.” “‘You.” It’s called “You.”
Ingraham: I’ve never had measles. I just completely give up.
Arroyo: It’s a show called “You” on Netflix.
Ingraham: There’s a show called Laura Ingraham on Netflix?
Arroyo: Never mind. I’m moving on.

Is this Ingraham and Arroyo’s version of “Who’s on First”? Abbott and Costello must be rolling over in their graves – in hysterics.

While this video is comedy gold, it is also a reminder that Fox News should never be taken seriously. After all, if Ingraham is incapable of grasping the simple notion of a television show called “You,” how can she possibly be trusted to give a worthwhile analysis of epidemiology, or critical race theory, or economics, or foreign affairs, or climate change, or anything else?

Truth be told, Ingraham’s capacity to understand in this clip isn’t any worse than her understanding of any other subject she’s discussed on her show. And the same is true of Carlson, Sean Hannity, and the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends. They all have the intellectual depth of Fox’s designated clown, Greg Gutfeld, and he isn’t exactly a candidate for Mensa membership.

Fortunately for Fox, their viewers are even lower on the scale of comprehension. That explains why they vote for Trump and Republicans like wannabe comedian Ted Cruz. It also explains why they are dying from COVID in far higher numbers than Democrats. So while there is humor in all of of this, there is also tragedy. What Fox News is doing to America isn’t really funny at all.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Crybaby Trump Throws Tantrum Over McConnell Plan to Nix Him from Biden Inauguration

Donald Trump has to regard the last couple of years as among the worst of his life. Not only was he impeached twice, an unprecedented achievement, but he also suffered a humiliating loss to Joe Biden for the presidency. Biden, you’ll recall, is the candidate that Trump maligned as a senile communist, but still couldn’t beat him.

Donald Trump, King

As it turns out, 2021 got off to a horrible start to Trump. In the very first week he incited a hostile insurrection in Washington, D.C., sending his StormTrumpers to assault the Capitol and threaten the lives of America’s representatives in Congress as they sought to carry out their constitutional duties.

It was a day that Trump cherished, describing it in the new book, Betrayal, by Jonathan Karl as “a very beautiful time with extremely loving and friendly people.” Indeed, it was the same “beautiful time” when fanatical Trump rioters broke through doors, shattered windows, and left more than 140 officers injured. They were the same “loving and friendly people” that Trump embraced rapturously, even as they were committing violent crimes against people and historically treasured property.

With another revelation from Karl’s book we now learn that Trump was not especially welcome at the inauguration for President Biden. Karl writes that Sen. Mitch McConnell had other plans for Trump:

“The then-Senate majority leader sought to have Trump disinvited from Joe Biden’s presidential inauguration on Jan. 20 […] According to Karl, McConnell ‘felt he could not give Trump another opportunity to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.'”

Karl goes on to disclose that only after Trump heard about McConnell’s intentions did he fire off a tweet (the very last one before his Twitter account was permanently suspended) saying that he had decided not to attend.

Trump tweet

Naturally, Karl’s account of these events sent Trump into near hysterics. He rushed to post a tweet (via his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill) to refute Karl’s version of what took place. And of course, Trump reimagined it all in a way that put him in a more favorable, albeit fictional, light:

“From Election Day, November 3rd, the day I realized that the 2020 Presidential Election was rigged, I would never have agreed to go to Joe Biden’s Inauguration. This decision was mine, and mine alone. The old broken-down Crow, Mitch McConnell, had nothing to do with it. According to third-rate reporter Jonathan Karl of ABC Fake News, McConnell unsuccessfully tried getting a letter signed by others for me not to go. This was nothing I ever heard of and actually, if he ever did get it signed, I probably would have held my nose and gone. The Election was rigged, the facts are clear, and Mitch McConnell did nothing. He was probably too busy working on deals with China for his wife and family!”

So Trump is, in effect, validating “old broken-down Crow” McConnell’s concerns about Trump being likely to “disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.” He’s admitting that he didn’t regard the election as valid, so his presence could only serve to fuel more violence. And he further implied that, were he to go, it would only be to spite McConnell, not to respect the principles of democracy as enshrined in the Constitution.

Everything that Trump has done and said since then affirms his disgust for democracy and the rights of free people to govern themselves. To the contrary, Trump has been an avid advocate of the authoritarianism that he aspires to attain for himself. The American people better make sure that he fails – again.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Ted Cruz is Humiliated in Hysterical Twitter Feud with Cheney, Kinzinger, and Swalwell

The Republican Circus has more than it’s share of clowns. With people like Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Louis Gohmert, the laughs keep flowing like an avalanche. But despite the tough competition, Cancun Ted Cruz has managed to maintain his status among the most mockable GOP Bozos.

Ted Cruz, Cancun

On Sunday Cruz was busy watching CNN where Jake Tapper was leading a discussion about wayward Republican Liz Cheney and her prospects politically in the future. The question asked by Tapper was “Is there a lane for Liz Cheney in New Hampshire in 2024?”

It was during that segment that inspiration struck Cruz and he was compelled to express his comedic genius in a tweet answering Tapper’s question. “Yes,” Cruz quipped, “It’s called the Democratic primary.”

Have you stopped laughing yet? Cruz’s heckling is supposed to be funny because Cheney has had the courage to criticize Donald Trump and hold him accountable for his criminal behavior. That’s the sort of fortitude that has escaped Cruz for the pat five years. Cruz has been a devoted Trump-fluffer even after Trump insulted his wife as ugly and accused his father of assassinating JFK. And apparently Cruz is unfamiliar with Cheney’s 96% conservative congressional voting record, according to the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation. So, yeah, she’d be right at home in the Democratic Party.

However, that isn’t where the entertainment ends. Cruz then engaged in a Twitter war with Cheney, GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger, and Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell. It began with Cheney responding to Cruz’s tweet (which you can follow back from here):

Cheney: I know you’re posturing for the secessionist vote, Ted. But my party, the Republican party, saved the Union. You swore an oath to the Constitution. Act like it.
Kinzinger: Damn son, Liz brought the heat on you!
Cruz: These two need to hurry up and get their bottom-rated @msnbc show.
Kinzinger: Senator, you’ve been given a huge position to lead and tell people truth. Yet you have squandered it on lies and abused the patriotism of those who trusted you. I will have zero regrets… will you?
Swalwell: Adam, if you want @tedcruz’s support you’re going to have to attack his wife.

Indeed, Cruz did suggest the possibility of Texas seceding from the U.S. (which it cannot legally do) if Democrats continued to rack up legislative successes that actually improved the lives of the American people. As opposed to the carping by Republican sore losers who have nothing to offer but bitterness and threats of violence.

However, Swalwell takes the Gold for Shade Throwing with his sly observation on how best to get Cruz’s support. And it seems to have silenced Cruz, at least temporarily. But don’t get excited. He will surely recover and be back to form with more of his guffaw inducing witticism. Until then you can substitute the feeling you get from the humor he provides by chewing on broken glass.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Fox News Edits Out White Nationalists in Article Pitting Fictional Antifa Against Trump’s America First

Last Friday Fox News deliberately and deceptively edited a video of President Biden to make it appear as if he made a racially insensitive remark. He didn’t. Fox News purposefully removed the part of Biden’s speech that provided the context and left the false impression. That’s not an uncommon tactic used by Fox to slander their political foes. And it happened again just one day later.

Fox News, KKK

On Saturday there was a protest at Gracie Mansion, the official residence of the Mayor of New York City, ostensibly in opposition to COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Naturally, Fox News covered this event without disclosing that they impose vaccine mandates on their employees. But that wasn’t the worst part of this pseudo-journalism.

The story, as it currently appears on the Fox News website, features the headline, “Antifa members clash with anti-vaccine protesters outside NYC’s Gracie Mansion.” It’s opening sentence states that “Antifa radicals and anti-vaccine protesters appeared to clash Saturday night outside Gracie Mansion, the mayoral residence in New York City.”

However, that is a significantly different presentation from the story as it appeared when it was first published. Originally the article’s title was “Antifa members clash with White nationalists over COVID vaccine mandate outside NYC’s Gracie Mansion.” The URL for the article still reflects its original title referencing the organizers as White nationalists.

That wasn’t the only undisclosed edit. The original article began quite differently, stating that…

“Antifa protesters and a White nationalist group appeared to clash at an anti-vaccine mandate protest held outside of Gracie Mansion in New York City on Saturday night.”

“Far-right activist Nick Fuentes organized the protest against vaccine mandates outside of Gracie Mansion on Saturday night, where Antifa groups also showed up to confront his group, the “Groyper Army. The Anti-Defamation League considers the “Groyper Army” as a white supremacist group.”

None of that is the article in its current state. In fact, the words “white nationalist” are not in the current article at all. Nor is the reference to the “Groyper Army,” a group described by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as “a loose network of alt right figures who are vocal supporters of white supremacist and “America First” podcaster Nick Fuentes.” The White nationalist language also was preserved in an early tweet that Fox News posted to promote the article.

It’s also notable that the photo Fox News used in their promo was not taken at the Saturday protest. It is a stock photo that they have used many times when referring to Antifa.

Fox News, Antifa

The specter of Antifa is mentioned throughout the story. Never mind that Antifa does not exist. There is no such organization. There are no members, or leaders, or headquarters, or agenda, or logo-adorned hoods. At best it’s a loose affiliation of Americans who oppose fascism, like most Americans.

The original article cites the counter-protesters as being from “United Against Racism and Racism NYC.” That, however, was entirely removed from the story. Although the article does mention that Fox News attempted to get an official response, but that “A representative for Antifa did not respond to Fox News.” Perhaps that’s because it doesn’t exist or have any representatives.

This is a blatant example of Fox News manipulating their story, after the fact, to make it consistent with their editorial mission and their right-wing propaganda narrative. The original version connecting anti-vaccine activists – and Donald Trump’s America First thugs – to White supremacists could not be allowed to stand. But they apparently aren’t aware that the Internet preserves everything, including their dishonesty and disinformation.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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New York Times: The Republican Party is Mainstreaming Menace as a Political Tool

Ten months ago Donald Trump sent his StormTrumpers to Capitol Hill with instructions to prevent Congress from carrying out its constitutional duty to certify the results of the 2020 presidential election. He instigated the violence against members of Congress and even his own vice-president, Mike Pence. He ignored the pleas for help from the besieged representatives. He deliberately delayed the deployment of law enforcement.

Donald Trump Rally, Sieg Heil

When Trump finally addressed the insurrectionists, he didn’t condemn their hostilities. He told them that he loved them. And nearly a year later he has not wavered from his position condoning and inciting further violence in an unlawful and futile attempt to hijack democracy and anoint himself America’s Dictator.

Friday’s New York Times published an article that delved into the increasingly hostile tendencies of today’s Republican Party. It recognized the growing potential for harm and the ever more brazen calls for violent action by the right against fellow Americans with whom they have political disagreements.

The article began by reporting on a question asked by an attendee of the ultra-conservative Turning Point USA conference. “When do we get to use the guns?” he said as the audience applauded. “How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people?” Whereupon Charlie Kirk, the group’s leader, replied that he had to denounce the question. But his reason for doing so was because it allegedly “played into” the nefarious plot of liberals. He didn’t denounce it because it was a disgusting endorsement of political assassination and murder. In other words, his denunciation was purely political, and not remotely moral.

The article went on to describe additional examples of how the right embraced violence. For instance, referring to government health experts advocating wearing masks and getting vaccinated to mitigate the spread of the COVID pandemic, Ohio senate candidate, Josh Mandel, said “When the Gestapo show up at your front door, you know what to do.” And this attitude is becoming more common on the right. According to the Times:

“Polling indicates that 30 percent of Republicans, and 40 percent of people who ‘most trust’ far-right news sources, believe that ‘true patriots’ may have to resort to violence to ‘save’ the country — a statement that gets far less support among Democrats and independents.”

The malevolency of the right was also spelled out in the Times’ article with a particularly appalling section that featured three Republican candidates for office who were endorsed by Trump. Each of them have pending allegations of spousal abuse:

“Herschel Walker, the former professional football player running for Senate in Georgia, is accused of repeatedly threatening his ex-wife’s life, but won Mr. Trump’s endorsement.” [and…]

“Trump also backed the Ohio congressional campaign of Max Miller, who faces allegations of violence from his ex-girlfriend, the former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham.” [and…]

“Sean Parnell, a Senate candidate in Pennsylvania who was endorsed by Mr. Trump, appeared in court this week in a custody fight in which his estranged wife accuses him of choking her and physically harming their children.”

These are the sort of people that Trump and his cult disciples find appealing as representatives. They are also fond of Rep. Paul Gosar who recently “tweeted an anime video altered to show him killing Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and swinging two swords at Mr. Biden.”

This repulsive behavior isn’t limited to Trump and his Republican confederates. Fox News has been excusing and exalting violence as well. And The Times closed their article with an incident directed at Democratic Rep. Debbie Dingell. The article said that she…

“…was threatened by men with assault weapons outside her home last year after she was denounced by Tucker Carlson on his Fox News show. […] ‘They ought to try you for treason,’ one caller screamed in a lengthy, graphic voice mail message. ‘I hope your family dies in front of you. I pray to God that if you’ve got any children, they die in your face.'”

If Democrats don’t manage to shore up their support across the country, Republicans could take control of Congress and fill it with people like those described above. They could continue their efforts to undermine democracy, and find a way to coronate Trump. And if they can’t do it by gerrymandering and suppressive legislation, they obviously have no qualms about resorting to violence.

Democrats have a great deal of accomplishments to pitch themselves to the American people. They have successfully rolled out the coronavirus vaccinations. They have passed an infrastructure bill that is an investment in the nation’s future. They are advocating more policies that are broadly popular with majorities of the populace. So they have a positive case for support to make. They better start doing it, and keep it up for the next couple years.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Ignores Steve Bannon Indictment to Run Jen Psaki’s Response to ‘Let’s Go Brandon’

The Department of Justice has finally announced that Donald Trump’s former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, has been indicted by a grand jury for contempt of Congress. The contempt referral was sent to the DOJ three weeks ago. So this indictment shows that, while the wheels of justice may turn slowly, they are turning.

Fox News, Jen Psaki

According to the release by the Justice Department…

“Stephen K. Bannon was indicted today by a federal grand jury on two counts of contempt of Congress stemming from his failure to comply with a subpoena issued by the House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol.

“Bannon, 67, is charged with one contempt count involving his refusal to appear for a deposition and another involving his refusal to produce documents, despite a subpoena from the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol.”

It is unquestionably a major news event when one of the closest associates of a former president is indicted for multiple felonies. And that is apparent by the fact that every broadcast news network (ABC, CBS, and NBC), as well as the cable news networks (CNN and MSNBC), and even Newsmax, have all placed this breaking story at the top of their websites. The only exception to this is – you guessed it – Fox News. In fact, the story didn’t even appear on the Fox News website for more than an hour after it was reported by other news sites. And when it did appear, it was pushed way down the page and consisted of a single line of text with no accompanying graphic.

Instead of this explosive legal and political development, Fox News placed a story at the top of their page about White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki responding to a question about the childish and veiled vulgarity, anti-Biden chant of “Let’s go Brandon.” The headline read “HEARING THIS, ‘BRANDON’? WATCH: White House reveals Biden’s reaction to viral rallying cry sweeping the nation among his critics. Immediately below that were two related stories on the same subject.

The entire story consists of NBC News White House correspondent Peter Alexander asking Psaki what the President thought about the phrase that is wingnut code for “F**k Joe Biden.” Psaki’s reply was a succinct “I don’t think he spends much time focused on it or thinking about it.” Fox News characterized that as a “meltdown.”

Apparently, Fox News doesn’t want their audience to know that Bannon was indicted. But the best distraction that they could come up with was a trivial exchange about a silly, derogatory, partisan slogan. Consequently, Fox is just displaying their impotence as a propaganda outlet. Only the most ignorant consumers of media could be moved by this lame diversion. Fortunately for Fox, that’s exactly who makes up their audience.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Maliciously Edits Biden Video to Falsely Portray Him as Racist

The obsessive compulsions of Fox News to viciously malign Joe Biden at every opportunity often results in shameless acts of flagrant dishonesty. And when they aren’t lying, some of their attacks are downright hysterical. For instance, their ludicrous criticism that Biden lacked stamina compared to Donald Trump because he rides bikes.

Fox News, Bullshit Factory

In yet another demonstration that Fox News cannot be regarded as a legitimate journalistic enterprise, the network’s morning show, Fox and Friends, ran a video clip that sought to slander President Biden as a racist (video below). The clip showed Biden delivering a Veterans Day speech. During the speech Biden took a moment to wish Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s father (a veteran) a happy birthday.

The “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends were taken aback at what co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy said was “President Biden facing backlash for a comment during his Veterans Day address.” Then she introduced the clip showing Biden saying that…

“I have adopted the attitude of the great Negro at the time pitcher … name was Satchel Paige.”

This sent shivers of horror through the Fox News studio, and then across the right-wing mediaverse that disseminated it far and wide. The problem, however, is that the video Fox News aired was purposefully edited to create a false and derogatory impression. What Biden actually said was that…

“I’ve adopted the attitude of the great Negro — at the time, pitcher in the Negro Leagues — went on to become a great pitcher in the pros, in the Major League Baseball after Jackie Robinson. His name was Satchel Paige.”

So it’s clear that Biden was not referring to Satchel Paige. He was referring to the what was once called “the Negro Leagues” of baseball. Well, it’s clear to anyone who saw the unedited clip. And it’s notable that what Fox cut out was taken from the middle of the quote without any acknowledgement of the edit. So they can’t simply excuse themselves by claiming that they truncated the quote for time. Even Sean Hannity played the unedited clip (although still applying the same dishonest framing), which makes the Fox and Friends fabrication even worse.

Their intent is unmistakable. They are trying to create a thoroughly contrived impression that Biden is a racist. And they are providing their phony “reporting” so that it can be adopted by the rest of the Republican confederacy of mudslingers.

That’s working to some extent as it has already been adopted by Greg Kelly of Newsmax, who accused Biden of using “an old fashioned version of THE N WORD.” And Lavern Spicer, a GOP congressional candidate, told the same lie in a fundraising pitch. And Texas congressman and former Trump White House physician, Ronnie Jackson, joined in. So did many of the right’s Internet propagandists such as Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller, Breitbart News, and Townhall.

This is typical behavior from Fox News. They know that they can’t make substantive arguments based on facts to advance their extremist agenda. So they manufacture pseudo-scandals to achieve their nefarious goals. And if that means deliberately falsifying video or other documents in order to make a point, they have no ethical resistance to doing so.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

WTF? Fox News Traitor Tucker Carlson Takes Russia’s Side Against Democracy and America

Anyone who has been paying attention to the Fox News Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson, for any length of time, may have thought that he had already achieved peak assholiness. He recently produced a crocumentary asserting that the January 6th insurrection was “false flag” operation orchestrated by the FBI. He has argued against critical race theory, even while admitting that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. And he has been a staunchly pro-COVID voice, spreading blatant lies about the virus and vaccines.

However, Carlson is not one to rest on his loathsome laurels. And he proved it on Wednesday night’s episode of his Fox News Hour of Sour Demagoguery. Carlson conducted an interview with Republican Rep. Mike Turner wherein he twisted U.S. diplomacy and American principles entirely out of shape (video below). He questioned why the U.S. would stand with Ukraine against the threat of Russian aggression. Carlson asked Turner…

“Why would we pick Ukraine’s side and not Russia’s side? It’s a sincere question. If you’re looking for the American perspective, why? Who’s got the energy reserve? Who’s the major player in world affairs? Who’s the potential counterbalance against China, which is the actual threat? Why would we take Ukraine’s side? Why wouldn’t we have Russia’s side. I’m totally confused.”

Whereupon, Turner had to remind Carlson that…

“Ukraine is a democracy. Russia is an authoritarian regime that is seeking to impose its will upon a validly elected democracy in Ukraine. And we’re on the side of democracy. […] We’re for democracy. We’re for liberty. We are not for authoritarian regimes coming in and changing borders by tanks. Russia isn’t showing up on the border with ballot boxes. They’re showing up on the border with tanks. And that’s why we need to make certain that we’re on the side of democracy.”

Carlson had a pitifully unconvincing response, saying that, “Yeah, I guess I’m for democracy in other countries. I guess.” Then he stuck with his original answer anyway. It’s good to know that Carlson’s lukewarm appreciation for democracy doesn’t interfere with his anti-Americanism. Especially coming from someone who recently embraced the tyrannical dictator of Hungary, Viktor Orban. And Carlson has also been a avid believer in Donald Trump’s “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged” and “stolen” from him. So he is clearly no fan of valid elections.

So why would Carlson leap to Russia’s defense in this debate? Well, remember that Russia eagerly helped the Trump campaign in 2016 and 2020. Ukraine, on the other hand, was threatened by Trump with the loss of military aid if they didn’t try to dig up dirt on Joe Biden. Trump was impeached for that. But Ukraine declined to help Trump steal another election.

So it isn’t hard to see why Carlson is pro-Russia and anti-Ukraine. Never mind that Russia is a totalitarian foe and Ukraine is a democratic ally. Since Russia provided Trump with assistance, while Ukraine maintained their independence and integrity, that was all that Carlson needed to choose to back Russia and Trump’s BFF Vladimir Putin. It’s just further evidence of the treasonous acts of Carlson and his confederates at Fox News.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

As Usual, Trump’s Veteran’s Day Message is an Anti-America Rant that is All About Himself

Donald Trump (aka Cadet Bone Spurs) has a long history of disparaging America’s Armed Forces and the people who serve in them. It goes back to his own record as a five-time draft dodger during the Vietnam War. And it was revealed during his presidential campaign in 2015 with his insulting denial that John McCain, and every POW, were not war heroes, because Trump “likes people who weren’t captured.”

Donald Trump, Saving Cadet Bone Spurs

On this Veteran’s Day Trump posted a video (via his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill) that reaffirms his callous disregard for the people who serve in the U.S. military. In a brief recorded statement the malignant narcissist couldn’t help but turn his message into an anti-America rant with allusions to his deranged belief that he is going to be restored to power (video below):

“On this Veteran’s Day I’d like to pay tribute to all of the incredible people – and you are indeed incredible people – who served so well and so strong and so powerfully in the United States Armed Forces. We love you, our nation respects you, the world respects you, and we will come back. Our country has gone through a lot. The last period of time has been very, very tough, watching what you had to watch. But our country will be back and will be back stronger than ever. Happy Veterans Day.”

So Trump couldn’t just praise veterans on this day set aside to celebrate their service and their sacrifice. He had to add his self-serving criticisms of the current state of the military and his not-so-thinly-veiled references to “coming back” like the wingnut messiah he believes himself to be. Trump can never let anything or anyone steal attention from his assholiness.

For the record, Trump has spent much of his time in political life bashing the military. Just last month he declared that “Everything is falling apart, our military is in shambles [and that] The USA “is very sadly going to hell!” And after a tragic accidental killing of Afghan civilians, Trump blamed “our incompetent Generals,” who were the same generals in charge during his term.

Trump also insinuated that soldiers suffering from PTSD were weak and “couldn’t handle” the hardships of war. And he famously ripped them off with a phony telethon staged as a flimsy excuse to chicken out of a presidential debate.

Perhaps worst of all was his attempt to get out of a visit to the Aisne-Marne cemetery in France where Americans soldiers were laid to rest. “Why should I go to that cemetery?” Trump whined. “It’s filled with losers.” He later added that the 1,800 plus marines who died at Belleau Wood were “suckers” for getting killed. “What’s in it for them?” he asked. “They don’t make any money.”

All of this displays the character – or lack thereof – of Donald Trump. And it establishes his disdain for veterans and service members. The video he posted was utterly disingenuous and exploitative. Like everything else he does, it was intended only to advance his own egomaniacal interests. That’s unfortunate for the veterans he is maligning. They deserve so much more on this Veteran’s Day.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Liz Cheney Rips Trump and his GOP Cult as ‘Willing Hostages to this Dangerous and Irrational Man’

There is, perhaps, no better representative of rock-ribbed conservatism in the United States Congress than Liz Cheney. She is a staunch advocate for the farthest right wing of the Republican Party, and just within the past week she voted against the Biden infrastructure bill and the John Lewis Voting rights Act.

Donald Trump, Fox News, QAnon

However, to her credit, she has resisted the lure of the cult of Donald Trump and his anti-American, authoritarian aspirations. Cheney had the courage to appear on Fox News and denounce Tucker Carlson as a purveyor of lies. and yesterday she gave a speech at a GOP fundraiser that was as good, or better, than any trouncing of Trump by the most fervent Democrat (although Adam Schiff sure scores points here). It was so good that it hardly needs any commentary. So enjoy (video below)

“At this moment, when it matters most, we are confronting a domestic threat that we have never faced before. A former president who’s attempting to unravel the foundations of our Constitutional Republic, aided by political leaders who have made themselves willing hostages to this dangerous and irrational man.

“Just last night, former president Trump was invited by House Republican leaders to be the keynote speaker at our annual large fundraising dinner. At the dinner, he reportedly said once again that the insurrection was on November 3rd, and that the events on January 6th – when a violent mob invaded the Capitol in an effort to overturn the will of the American people and stop the constitutional process of the counting of electoral votes – that those events were a protest. That they were justified.

“Political leaders who sit silent in the face of these false and dangerous claims are aiding the former president who is at war with the rule of law and the Constitution. When our constitutional order is threatened, as it is now, rising above partisanship is not simply an aspiration. It is an obligation. An obligation of every one of us.

“I love my party. I love its history. I love its principles. But I love my country more. I know this nation needs a Republican Party that is based on truth. One that puts forward our ideals and our policies based on substance. One that is willing to reject the former president’s lies. One that is willing to tell the truth. But millions of Americans have been tragically misled by former president Trump, who continues, to this day, to use language that he knows provoked violence on January 6th.”

What she said. Cheney’s righteous condemnation of Trump and her Republican colleagues is both laudable and troubling. It’s laudable for its honesty and clear sightedness about Trump and the threat that he posed and continues to pose. It’s troubling because it exposes the depths to which the Republican Party has fallen.

The Republican Party is morally bankrupt and irredeemably corrupt. They are worse than “willing hostages.” While they may feel pressure to succumb to Trumpism, they are actually active accomplices.

Cheney acknowledges that when she says that they are “aiding the former president who is at war with the rule of law and the Constitution.” And she is spot on when she observes that he continues to “use language that he knows provoked violence.” And if he isn’t brought to justice he will get his demented wish for even more violence, and worse, an end to the American experiment in democracy.

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