Blame America First: Trump Says if Putin Goes Nuclear in Ukraine ‘It’s Because of the U.S.’

One of the most predictable and ironic traits of Donald Trump and his cult followers is that they pretend to be passionately patriotic, while actually acting adversely to American interests and finding fault with everything the nation does if it isn’t in direct alignment with the whims of Trump.

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Trump himself demonstrated this crackpot quirk during an interview with Fox News Trump-fluffer, Brian Kilmeade. The topic was the Russian war against Ukraine. The entire Western alliance of free nations is united in supporting Ukraine against Russia’s aggression. So is President Biden and the Democratic Party. So naturally, Trump has taken a knee-jerk opposition to the pro-Ukraine stance and is, as usual, backing his hero, Vladimir Putin.

RELATED: Trump’s ‘Solution’ to the War in Ukraine is to Appease Russia and Quash Any Criticism of Putin

The conversation Trump had with his media minion Kilmeade revealed once again that Trump’s sympathies lie with America’s enemies. He has proven, as he invariably does, his devotion to the “America First” doctrine that he rants about incessantly. To clarify, that’s the “Blame America First” doctrine. He began by exposing his pitiful ignorance of world affairs…

Trump: Ukraine is a much smaller military, you have to remember. And now they’re using tactics and don’t forget those tactics are going to get a lot worse. And importantly – I call it the “N” word – the nuclear word. People get a little angry when I say that. Don’t get angry. It’s the biggest threat in the world today.
Kilmeade: Do you think he’d uses them. There’s a story that Putin wanted to use them and his inner circle stopped it. Do you think Putin would use nuclear weapons?
Trump: Well, I don’t think he’ll stand for losing. So in some form, maybe limited form – but to think we’re even having this conversation. You know, you never mention the “N” word. Either one. You never mention the “N” word or the “N” word. The nuclear “N” word never was supposed to be mentioned. Now I’m reading every day – as an example, today I’m reading somewhere that there’s at least a 40% chance that he’ll use nuclear weapons. How the hell did this happen? And it’s because of the United States.

First of all, Trump is apparently unaware that Ukraine’s much smaller military is winning this war against Russia. What’s worse is that he is almost sanctioning the prospect of Russia using nuclear weapons. Trump’s infantile speech patterns have him repeatedly referring to the “N” word, as if it were naughty. And he thinks that people have a problem with discussions about nuclear weapons, that he thinks should never be mentioned.

Trump also told Kilmeade about something that “I’m reading somewhere,” that said “there’s at least a 40% chance that [Putin will] use nuclear weapons.” Notice that he didn’t say where he allegedly read that. Suffice to say that it was either in the QAnon Daily News, or on a cocktail napkin handed to him by his chief foreign affairs advisors, Michael Flynn and Steve Bannon.

The most repulsive part of Trump’s comments, however, were his closing remarks where he said that the threat of Russia escalating the war into a nuclear conflict was “because of the United States.” Because blaming America is always Trump’s first inclination. And he has worshipfully demonstrated for the past six years that he would never attribute anything negative to his Moscow messiah.

RELATED: Trump Doubles Down on His Treasonous Putin Puffery While Continuing to Insult Biden and America

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Trump Threatens to Sue Pulitzers Over ‘Russia Hoax’ and for Not Giving Awards to Sean Hannity

On Saturday Donald Trump and His Traveling Salvation Show made another stop to put on yet another performance of his tediously repetitive Moldy Oldies Extravaganza. This time he visited Robstown, Texas, to dispense his familiar fallacies about non-existent election fraud (aka the “Big Lie”), his supremacy over every other mortal, complaints about Democrats plotting to destroy America, and myriad whining about what a pathetic victim he is.

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Donald Trump

Featured in this outing, as always, was Trump’s unending outrage over having been caught colluding with Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign. For some reason Trump can’t address the subject without repeating the name of his foreign partner three times (“Russia, Russia, Russia”), as if he were attempting to summon his demon master, Vladimir Putin, in the manner popularized by Beetlejuice.

In the midst of his surly sermonizing, Trump took a short detour to whine about the New York Times and the Washington Post receiving Pulitzer Prizes for their reporting on Trump’s unsavory associations with Russia (video below). This isn’t the first time he’s focused his fixation on this subject. In fact, he has been ranting about it for more than a year.

SEE (October 3, 2021): Trump Whines to Pulitzer Board that Awards for Russian Collusion Stories Should Be Rescinded

During his harangue, Trump announced that he would be filing a lawsuit against the Pulitzer board within the next two weeks. Which is precisely the same amount of time that he promises everything from healthcare plans to border walls to infrastructure bills. he yammered that…

“They gave out the Pulitzer Prize for reporting on the Russia hoax. For reporting on Russia, Russia, Russia. So you have reporters from the Washington Post and the New York times get Pulitzer Prizes, and they reported the exact wrong thing. So within the next two weeks, we’re suing the Pulitzer organization to have those prizes taken back. We’ll be doing that over the next two weeks. I think it’s a very good lawsuit, but we’ll see.”

Apparently dotard Trump has forgotten his previous threats to sue the Pulitzers over this. Including this threat just three months ago. He has also forgotten – or failed to understand – the response by the Pulitzer board, who detailed their exhaustive process for reviewing and validating their awards. The board explicitly addressed Trump’s complaint, then dismissed it because two separate reviews found that…

“…no passages or headlines, contentions or assertions in any of the winning submissions were discredited by facts that emerged subsequent to the conferral of the prizes.“

For the record, there is abundant evidence of the Trump campaign’s numerous unsavory connections to Russia. Much of it is catalogued in the book Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump, by Michael Isikoff and David Corn.

What’s more, the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller found that Trump and his campaign “welcomed and encouraged” Russian interference, and that there was sufficient evidence to indict Trump. Even Putin admitted, with Trump standing next to him, that he wanted Trump to win and had helped him do so.

However, Trump added a new wrinkle to his whining this time. He was not only incensed that the Pulitzer board gave awards to the Times and the Post, he was also furious that his friends at Fox News weren’t honored instead:

“Think of it. They got the Pulitzer Prize for wrong reporting. But other people should have gotten the Pulitzer Prize because, frankly, they got it right for years. And they don’t do Pulitzer Prizes for guys like Sean Hannity, but they should, by a different name. And Tucker Carlson, and Jeanine Pirro, and Laura [Ingraham], and so many different people. But they don’t get anything.”

So Trump thinks that people like Hannity and Carlson and Ingraham should get awards (by a different name?) for their ass-kissing lies and propaganda. And he is determined to right this imaginary wrong by suing the Pulitzer board:

“Remember this… By allowing these people that got Russia, Russia, Russia wrong, they’re actually libeling me because they’re saying they got it right and it turned out to be a hoax. And everybody now has admitted that it was hoax. Even the Times, and even the Washington Post, they said it’s a hoax. So if it’s a hoax then let them give the Pulitzer Prizes back, or take them back. They shouldn’t be allowed to keep them.”

Reality check: Neither the Times nor the Post ever “admitted” that their reporting on Trump and Russia was a hoax. In fact, investigations by U.S. intelligence agencies, Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and even the GOP-led Senate Intelligence Committee, found that Russia had an extensive program aimed at disseminating disinformation intended to benefit Trump and to harm Hillary Clinton. And the Trump campaign was well aware of Russia’s efforts, and encouraged and exploited them.

So we’ll see in two weeks if Trump finally gets around to carrying out this old threat to sue the Pulitzers. But if it’s anything like his past lawsuits, he’s just going to wind up humiliating himself even more.

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