January 6th Hearing Ratings are Burning Up Trump and His Right-Wing Media Liars

On Thursday evening the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection incited by Donald Trump held its first public hearing in primetime. The opening session disclosed never before seen video of the Capitol Hill riots, as well as testimony from a police officer who was injured and a documentary film make who was embedded with the seditionist StormTrumpers, the Proud Boys.

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Flaming Trump

Most of this debut outing was spent providing an outline of the crimes committed by insurrectionists and Trump’s role in undermining democracy and orchestrating an attempted coup. It was a compelling presentation that included numerous revelations of Trump’s criminal complicity, stomach-churning clips of violence, and incriminating commentary by Trump insiders such as Attorney General Bill Barr, Ivanka Trump, and even some Fox News hosts.

The criminal culpability of their program hosts is surely one of the reasons Fox News refused to air the hearings live. They certainly don’t want their audience to see their biggest stars being implicated in Trump’s crimes. That would only add to the humiliation of exposing how the network has been lying about the insurrection for the past year and a half. It would make it ever more evident that Fox is not – and has never been – a news network.

RELATED: Fox News Commits to Keeping Their Viewers Ignorant By Refusing to Air the January 6th Hearings

Prior to this historic event, Republicans on Fox News tried desperately to suppress it. In one segment Fox interviewed Rep. Jim Banks (R-Insurrectionist) who confidently predicted that the telecast would be a big flop. “The American people have already dismissed it,” he lied. “They’re tuning out. They’re gonna flip the channel.”

That’s coming from the guy who was bounced from the Committee because he is an accomplice to Trump’s crimes. Banks also employs Tucker Carlson’s son, Buckley, as his communications director. The following day Banks attested to his own failed prediction saying that “Last night’s hearing was a primetime dud. Nothing came out of it.”

On Friday morning Nielsen’s ratings were released. And despite Banks’ and Fox’s efforts to sabotage and deviously counterprogram the broadcast (Tucker Carlson ran his show commercial free in order to prevent people from switching channels), the numbers reflect solid interest by the American people:

“ABC took the largest haul of viewers, earning 4.8 million of them, while NBC and CBS carried 3.5 million and 3.3 million, respectively.

“On cable, MSNBC pulled in a whopping 4.1 million viewers during the hearings, nearly four times what the network averages on a typical weeknight.

“Usually dominant Fox News Channel came in second place on cable on Thursday night, averaging 3 million viewers from 8 to 10 p.m. CNN came in third place with 2.6 million.”

That’s a combined 18.3 million viewers, and still doesn’t include a few other networks that carried the hearings (i.e. CSPAN, Fox Business, etc.). For comparison, Game two of the NBA Finals averaged 8.2 million viewers on Wednesday, and Fox’s MasterChef got 2.1 million. Fox News averaged 2.6 million across prime time on Wednesday.

So these numbers for Thursday’s hearings show the networks performing better than the top rated cable news channel. Furthermore, there will be a lot more viewers due to streaming, social media, and coverage by news programs in the days to come.

Consequently, the loss of Fox News will be less than irrelevant. Their 2-3 million glassy-eyed viewers aren’t persuadable anyway. So who needs them? The vast majority of the American people are going to be better informed by the end the hearings, and the legal foundation for indictments will be stronger than ever. The Trump junkies will remain irredeemably deranged.

RELATED: Now Trump is Calling the January 6th Insurrection ‘a Hoax…Just Like Russia Russia Russia’

UPDATE: True to form, Trump is attempting to gaslight his dimwitted cult disciples by claiming that the ratings for the hearings are “really BAD…far lower than anticipated.” Which is 180 degrees from reality. He also calls it a “Witch Hunt” because – isn’t everything he doesn’t like either a witch hunt or a hoax in his diseased mind?

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Jimmy Kimmel Hysterically Mocks Fox News for Whining About Biden Doing His Show

These are challenging times for President Biden and the Democratic Party as they face midterm elections that could see the Republicans winning majorities in one or both houses of Congress. And even though the economy is showing strength and jobs are being created at a record rate, many people are struggling with high inflation and gas prices, which no president has any control over.

Fox News, Sean Hannity, Jimmy Kimmel

In the face of these challenges, Biden is working hard to communicate with the American people a message that reflects the very real progress that has been made in the past year and a half. When people are aware of the stark differences between the current administration and the last one, they lean much more heavily toward Democrats.

RELATED: Voters are More Likely to Support Democrats When Told They are Running Against Trump, MAGA

Consequently, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that Biden chose to appear on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” Wednesday night to reach out to a broad sector of the public that may not be narrowly focused on politics. And as Kimmel noticed, “not everyone is thrilled” about that (video below). Kimmel shared that…

“It’s kind of exciting having the President come visit you at work. But not everyone is thrilled about his appearance here tonight. The folks over at Fox News, and the wannabe Fox News juniors, are very upset that the President is doing an interview with, of all people, me while he’s in town for the Summit of the Americas.”

Whereupon Kimmel played a supercut of Fox News shills babbling about how unspeakably horrendous it is for Biden to do what virtually every other president in the TV age has done: Appear on a late night talk show. The clip featured Laura Ingraham, who was livid that Biden might look “cuddly.” And then there was Newt Gingrich, who was furious that the show might make people laugh when they should be quivering in fear over gas prices and being raped or killed.

They were followed by a stream of similar doom-and-gloom mongers like Kayleigh McEnany, Brian Kilmeade, Bill Hemmer, and more, all complaining bitterly that an optimistic Biden chose to talk to the American people on a popular program that they watch and enjoy. Apparently Fox News thinks that people should only watch politics on programs that foment fear and spread lies. In other words, only Fox News. Kimmel’s response to that hysteria was to say that…

“I get what they’re saying. The President needs to be held accountable. You can’t just hide from the people who criticize you. The President needs to get in the box, and take the heat, and field the tough questions from real, hard hitting journalists like these.”

Then Kimmel played another supercut of sucking up by Fox News sycophants like Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro, Shannon Bream, Lou Dobbs, Laura Ingraham, and the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends. What’s truly funny is that Fox can complain, with a straight face, about others not asking tough questions, when their whole shtick is fawning over Dear Leader Trump and other Republican hacks.

Kimmel also noted that Fox News announced that they would not be airing the House Select Committee’s January 6th hearings live so that they wouldn’t have to preempt shows like “Tucker Carlson Presents a Racist Cow Meows Confederate Battle Hymns.” How could Fox News carry one of the most historically significant congressional hearings in modern times when their own program hosts are likely to be featured among the accomplices who incited the Capitol Hill riots?

RELATED: Fox News Commits to Keeping Their Viewers Ignorant By Refusing to Air the January 6th Hearings

As it turns out, Kimmel asked much more relevant and probing questions than any of the Trump-fluffers on Fox News ever did. And Biden responded with intelligence, relevance, and yes, some humor. Which is why Fox News is so perturbed about the whole thing. The last thing they want is for the American people to see their President behaving like a decent, compassionate, knowledgeable, human being. They might contrast that with the obnoxious, ignorant, narcissistic, sociopath who preceded him.

UPDATE: Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has distinguished herself with commentaries about “Gazpacho Police,” “Peach Tree Dishes,” and “Jewish Space Lasers,” has added to her humiliations with a rant about “fragrantly” violated rights. She is also known for having claimed to have reported Kimmel to the police for brandishing humor:

SEE: Comedy Cop Marjorie Taylor Greene Reports Jimmy Kimmel to Capitol Police for Telling a Joke

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Video of Jimmy Kimmel’s smackdown of Fox News:

Video of President Biden on Jimmy Kimmel Live:

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Voters are More Likely to Support Democrats When Told They are Running Against Trump, MAGA

As the midterm election approaches, President Biden and the Democratic Party continue face challenges in their quest to retain majorities in the House and the Senate. While the economy is strong, wages are growing, and job creation is booming, many people are struggling with inflation and higher gas prices, neither of which is controlled by any president.

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Donald Trump Walking the Plank

The importance of maintaining – and even expanding – the Democratic caucus in Congress is critical to a wide array of issues including gun regulation reform, reproductive choice, fair taxation, health care, and the environment. What’s more, congressional probes into the criminal activities of Trump and his cronies would be summarily halted if Republicans were to seize power. And GOP leaders have already promised to initiate persecutorial probes of Biden and other Democrats.

Consequently, the need to persuade voters to back Democrats and cast ballots in the midterm election could not be more crucial to advancing the interests of the American people, and to democracy itself. The question is how best to achieve that goal.

RELATED: BIDEN: Americans Have a Choice Between Two Very Different Sets of Values: Ultra-MAGA or Sanity

A new poll by Priorities USA, a Democratic SuperPAC, is shining some light onto a path forward for Democrats. They surveyed “persuadable” voters in swing states and found that…

“Democrats would lose narrowly to Republicans among targeted voters when people were simply asked if they wanted a Democrat or a Republican in office. On that generic ballot question, Republicans got 44% of the surveyed – which include battleground state persuadable voters and those who are at least somewhat unmotivated to vote this fall – while Democrats got 41% support. That small difference could be pivotal in Senate and gubernatorial races in those states.”

However, “when Trump and his Make America Great Again [MAGA] agenda are brought into the picture, it brightens for Democrats, the polling found” that when…

“Asked if they’d prefer a Democrat who supports Biden or a Republican who supports Trump, those polled preferred the Democrat to the Republican, 41% to 31%. On that question, the hypothetical Democrat got 11% of GOP voters who picked the Republican in the generic ballot question and 32% of third-party voters who initially went with the GOP contender.”

This is affirmation of America’s aversion to the twice-impeached reality TV game show host and failed real estate huckster. His repugnant personality, inflated ego, callous insensitivity, incessant lying, overt bigotry, and unrepentant criminal tendencies, have clearly had an effect on the population at large. And Democrats would be well advised to make note of those “qualities” in their campaigns between now and November.

For his [part, Trump continues to exhibit symptoms of his malignant narcissism in posts to his failing social media website. On Wednesday he delusionally ranted that “It is being stated by almost all that Joe Biden is the worst President in history.” Naturally, Trump offered no support for that wildly fictional claim, because there isn’t any. The truth is that, according to a survey of presidential historians, Trump is the 4th worst president in history. And according to several other rankings, Trump came in either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd worst.

RELATED: Trump’s Irrelevance is Increasing, as are His Pitifully Delusional Attempts to Pretend it’s Not

All of this drives home the point that Trump is a dead weight around the neck of the GOP. And that should be featured prominently in ads supporting Democratic candidates. However, giving Trump the whacking that he so richly deserves should not be done to the exclusion of positive portrayals of Democrats and the Democratic agenda.

Voters still need to have an affirmative reason to go to the polls. And if Democrats can balance the Trump bashing with affirmations of Democratic accomplishments, they might just avoid the typical losses that occur for the party in power during the midterms.

RELATED: For Those Wondering What Biden and Democrats in Congress Have Been Doing the Past 16 Months

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Fox News Commits to Keeping Their Viewers Ignorant By Refusing to Air the January 6th Hearings

This week the bipartisan House Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection incited by Donald Trump will hold public hearings. They are expected to reveal evidence that documents the seditious attempt by Trump and his comrades to undermine democracy by preventing Congress from certifying the election of President Biden.

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Donald Trump Insurrection

The riots on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021, were the result of Trump’s relentless lying that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged” and “stolen” from him. Five law enforcements officers died, and more than 140 were injured in what Trump and most Republicans say was a “peaceful” protest.

The House Committee spent ten months probing the insurrection and its causes, reviewing millions of documents and conducting more than a thousand interviews. Now they are prepared to make the case to the American people that Trump and his cronies were actively staging a coup to illegally seize power and install Trump as America’s first dictator.

RELATED: Now Trump is Calling the January 6th Insurrection ‘a Hoax…Just Like Russia Russia Russia’

The hearings are going to be aired live on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC. Notably missing from that list is Fox News. Because they are afraid of the truth and devoted to keeping their viewers ignorant, Fox News has decided not air one of the most historically significant congressional hearings of modern times. Instead, Fox will stick with their regular primetime Trump-fluffing consisting of Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity.

This is more confirmation that Fox is not – and never has been – a news network. They were created to advance an ultra-conservative agenda and to promote Republican politics. And while the actual news organizations are informing the public, Fox News will be serving their master, Donald Trump, with counterprogramming that is nothing more than right-wing propaganda. It’s what Trump ordered his minions to do, and they are obediently complying.

Fox’s decision to blackout the hearings is not merely due to their blatant biases. It is also self-protection. That’s because their primetime hosts are more than just mouthpieces for Trump. They are also accomplices in his criminal activities. Consequently, they could be featured in the hearings when testimony is given about what took place as the insurrection was in progress. For instance, they were texting Trump during assault:

Hannity wrote: Can he make a statement, ask people to leave the Capitol?
Kilmeade wrote: Please, get him on TV. Destroying everything you have accomplished.
Ingraham wrote: Mark, the president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home. This is hurting all of us. He is destroying his legacy.
Even Donald Trump Jr wrote: He’s got to condemn this shit ASAP. The Capitol Police tweet is not enough.

Never mind that within hours of these texts, the Foxies had retreated to their standard positions fawning over and covering for Trump. As for Carlson, no one has lied more about the insurrection than he has. He even produced the “Patriot Purge” crocumentary wherein he charged that the whole sordid affair was a “false flag” operation orchestrated by the FBI.

RELATED: WTF? Trump Brags that 67% of Americans Say He’s Responsible for the Violent January 6th Insurrection

So Fox News has several dishonest and self-serving reasons for suppressing the news rather than reporting it. First, they don’t want to air anything that so clearly contradicts what they’ve been lying about for a year and a half. Secondly, they are devoted to keeping their glassy-eyed audience as ignorant and artificially outraged as possible. And finally, they aren’t about to give airtime to hearings that will reveal their own participation in Trump’s lawless scheme.

The result will be an expansion of the gap between the viewers of Fox News and the rest of the reality-based American people. And that could exacerbate rising tensions and lead to more violence on the part of the StormTrumpers. Which is exactly what Trump wants. And Fox News is, once again, aiding and abetting his treasonous aspirations.

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POLL: 44% of ‘Law and Order’ Republicans are Totally Cool with All the Mass Shootings in America

To any of those who still refuse to acknowledge that unfettered access to guns are an existential threat to American society, they should let this fact sink in: There have been thirty-three mass shootings in the United States just since the massacre in Uvalde, Texas, two weeks ago. And 246 mass shooting so far this year.

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Donald Trump, Republican, GOP

These horrific crimes have resulted in untold pain and grief. Many of the victims have been children. The vast majority of the American people have had enough and are disgusted by the failure of their representatives to do something about it.

RELATED: Ted Cruz Babbles that if All Firearms in America Were Eliminated there Would Be More Murders

However, let’s be clear about who is obstructing the path to common sense solutions that most Americans support. A new CBS News poll has affirmed what every previous survey has found to be gumming up the works. When asked if mass shootings are “something we have to accept,” 44% of Republicans say that it is. Contrast that with only 15% of Democrats and 27% of Independents who believe that such slaughter is tolerable.

What’s more, a huge majority (72%) of Americans believe that mass shootings are preventable. But again, the partisan divide shows that that is broken up into 85% of Democrats and only 56% of Republicans. Meanwhile, 60% of voters overall say that laws covering gun sales should be more strict. And 46% say that the U.S. would be safer with fewer guns. And when asked why the U.S. has so many more mass shootings than many other countries, a majority (54%) say it’s due to the greater availability of guns.

So why on Earth would 44% of Republicans say that mass shootings are an acceptable part of living in America? They are, in affect, advocating tolerance of domestic terrorism. Would they say the same thing about other crimes. Are rapes just a “something we have to accept”” What about child abuse? Bank robberies? Crashing jets into office towers?

Obviously Republicans are not so hostile to laws addressing those crimes. Nor do they object to laws prohibiting reproductive choice, or immigration, or banning books about race or slavery. So what’s the difference? Is it that they only want to avoid laws that regulate gun ownership?

The GOP has a perverse interpretation of “law and order.” They have a distinctly political criteria for when it should be observed. For instance, when it comes to Hillary Clinton, Republicans want to “lock her up,” despite the fact that they can’t identify a single law that she has broken. But the same Republicans want to set free the January 6th insurrectionists who violently stormed the Capitol to help Donald Trump overturn the 2020 presidential election.

RELATED: POLL: Half of Republicans are Psycho Trump Cultists Who Believe Capitol Riots Were ‘Peaceful’

While 44% of mass shooting tolerant Republicans is a significant chunk of the GOP, they are a miniscule portion of the American population. Registered Republicans are a mere 27% of the electorate. Which means that they are less than 13% of the U.S. population at large. And yet, due to the preposterous, and wholly undemocratic idiosyncrasies of American politics (i.e. the electoral College, senatorial representation, gerrymandered congressional districts), they have an oversized influence on what laws can be passed.

Unfortunately, that means that nothing substantive will change with regard to guns (or abortion, or racism, or voting rights, or fair taxation, or the environment, etc.) until that imbalance is corrected by either reforming the political system (including the Constitution), or electing more Democrats. Let’s hope that there is some progress on the latter this coming November.

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Crybaby Trump Bashes Fox News, ‘Perverts’ and ‘RINOS’ Who ‘Didn’t Have the Guts’ to Impeach Him

As the prospects for Donald Trump facing political and legal consequences for his criminal acts continue to heat up, his behavior is becoming ever more volatile and deranged. This past week he saw his former White House trade official, and staunch ally on the “Big Lie” election front, Peter Navarro, in handcuffs and leg irons as he got arrested for contempt of Congress.

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Donald Trump, Fox News

Next week the House Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection is holding public hearings that promise to reveal new evidence against Trump and his coup-plotting cronies. So Trump is already ramping up the rabid rhetoric against the truth that he knows is about to come out.

RELATED: Now Trump is Calling the January 6th Insurrection ‘a Hoax…Just Like Russia Russia Russia’

In his determination to pre-but the documents and testimony that the Committee will release, Trump is unleashing a steady stream of vitriol and lies. He’s got his work cut out for him considering that recent polls show that 67% of the public – including 41% of Republicans – say that he “bears some or a lot of responsibility for the violence and destruction committed” during the riots on January 6, 2021.

Making matters worse for Trump, he is now facing additional criticism from fellow Republicans. Former GOP House Speaker Paul Ryan appeared at an event supporting the reelection or Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC). During his remarks Ryan had some thoughts that you know would inflame the fragile ego of Trump. Referring to Rice’s vote in favor of impeaching Trump, Ryan said that…

“There were a lot of people who wanted to vote like Tom but who just didn’t have the guts to do it. There are a lot of people who say they’re going to vote their conscience, they’re going to vote for the Constitution, they’re going to vote for their convictions, but when it gets hard to do that, they don’t do it.”

Rice is currently leading his Trump-endorsed Republican primary opponent, Russell Fry, by double digits. So Trump’s ego is not the only thing at risk in this race. The value of his endorsement is also on line. Particularly after his candidates for governor and secretary of state in Georgia both lost by huge margins. Consequently, Trump barked out this rant on his failing social media site:

“Did anyone notice that Fox News went lame (bad!) when weak RINO Paul Ryan, who is despised in the Great State of Wisconsin for being ‘a pathetic loser,’ went on the Fox Board. They won’t even talk about an obviously Rigged 2020 Presidential Election, not even a mention. That’s why our Country is going to HELL – Elections have consequences. Get Ryan off your Board and report the News as it should be reported…And stop taking negative ads from the perverts, and others!!!”

Trump is the last person who should be calling other people “despised” and “pathetic losers.” He lost the popular vote twice by millions, and he never cracked 50% in approval polling throughout his occupation of the White House, or since.

Furthermore, Trump has been bashing Fox News for a lot longer than Ryan has been a board member. Any time that Fox reported something that was less than worshipful about him, he went off. In any case, no board member has authority over Fox’s programming or editorial content. And Trump certainly has no authority to demand who is, or is not, on the board.

As for Trump’s chronic fixation about the 2020 election, he simply can’t make any public comment without whining about it (he is, after all, in his own words, “the most fabulous whiner“), And it’s cute that he thinks that “our Country is going to HELL” because Fox allegedly won’t report on it. However, the truth is that Fox has not shied away from the issue. The entirety of the Fox roster have been staunchly supportive of the flagrantly fictional assertions of fraud. What Trump is likely referring to is Fox’s reluctance to promote the new crocumentary, “2,000 Mules,” that is filled with ludicrous assumptions and blatant lies. Nevertheless, Fox has indeed mentioned it, and Carlson interviewed the principle filmmakers.

RELATED: Tucker Carlson Hysterically Hypes Bogus Election ‘Fraud’ Film By Convicted Election Fraudster

If Fox has not participated in the sort of rank promotion for a lie-riddled movie that Trump would like, it might be because the network is already being sued for billions of dollars over their election fraud lies. (See the Dominion lawsuit, and the Smartmatic lawsuit).

Finally, Trump’s admonition that “Elections have consequences” is rather bizarre considering that he has refused to honor the 2020 election in which Joe Biden received seven million votes than he did, and a landslide Electoral College victory. It was an election that even Republican election officials said was the most secure in history. And Trump’s opposition to “negative ads from perverts” sounds like his promise not to produce any ads in the future. Not that he can be expected to ever keep a promise.

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So It Wasn’t a Hoax After All: Tucker Carlson Admits that Russia Got Trump Elected

For the past five years Donald Trump and his Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) have been whining petulantly about what they refer to as the “Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax.” It has been a well coordinated effort to refute the documented collusion between Trump and Russia to advance his campaign for president in both 2016 and 2020.

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Fox News, Tucker Carlson

On Friday the crusade by Fox News to absolve Trump of any liability for colluding with Russia to undermine American democracy hit a snag. Fox’s Senior Trump-fluffer, Tucker Carlson, made a surprising admission during a segment in which he intended to smear President Biden’s record on the economy in general, and gas prices in particular. Carlson embarked on a series of flagrant lies saying that…

“The White House is doing all it can to keep fuel prices high. Biden has just pushed the EU to stop buying Russian oil. It’s payback for getting Trump elected. But the effect is to guarantee higher prices on the international oil market. That means higher prices for you. So this is not an accident. They’re doing it on purpose. This is the “Green New Deal” they couldn’t get through Congress.

First of all, the entire free world has been shunning Russian oil in response to Vladimir Putin’s brutal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. That isn’t Biden’s fault. It’s Putin’s. And if Biden has supported that effort to stop funding Russia’s aggression, then he should be commended for taking the principled and moral position.

RELATED: Biden Brilliantly Debunks the Lies By Trump and Fox News About Energy Production in America

More to the point, Carlson’s statement that “It’s payback for getting Trump elected,” is an explicit admission that the so-called “Russia Hoax” was not a hoax after all. Carlson is finally conceding that Russia deliberately interfered in American politics on Trump’s behalf.

Of course, this is something that every well informed American already knew. Trump himself spoke of it during the infamous Helsinki Summit. Even Putin said so when asked “did you direct any of your officials to help” Trump? With Trump standing next him he replied, “Yes, I did.”

What’s more, a bipartisan report from the GOP-led Senate Intelligence Committee found that “The Trump campaign’s interactions with Russian intelligence services during the 2016 presidential election posed a “grave” counterintelligence threat [and] detailed how associates of Donald Trump had regular contact with Russians and expected to benefit from the Kremlin’s help.”

That is, by definition, collusion. And it’s also what the Mueller Report concluded, and was testified to by Robert Mueller before Congress. More details on this were documented in the studiously researched book “Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump,” by Michael Isikoff and David Corn.

RELATED: Exoneration? Collusion? Obstruction? Trump’s Fate is Sealed By 3 Brief Exchanges with Mueller

As for Carlson’s wholly dishonest assertions regarding the high price of gas, he is unjustifiably blaming Biden for a problem that is occurring worldwide. No president has the ability to control the price of oil. It’s an international commodity. However, if the Biden administration were “doing all it can to keep fuel prices high,” would he have ordered the release of 90 million barrels from the Strategic Oil Reserve? Would he be promoting the expansion of renewable energy (which Carlson also took a shot at in his rant)? Would he have supported the “Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act” that just passed in the House of Representatives?

If Carlson is looking for someone to blame for the continuing high gas prices, he might want to take note that every single Republican in the House voted against the bill to stop greedy oil companies, who are currently raking in record profits, from gouging the American people. And it’s also the Republicans who are opposed to alternative fuels.

So the GOP is happy to allow oil companies to exploit struggling Americans. Just as they were happy to allow Trump to collude with Russia. And Tucker Carlson – the perversely infatuated Putin puppet – is likewise happy to cover for them when they do it.

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LOL: Fox News Complains that Liberal Media Accurately Reports the News – Liberal Media Replies

If there is one thing that Fox News really hates, it’s actual journalists who dare to report the news accurately. That’s conceptionally foreign to Fox News. An honest presentation of facts about current events exposes how Fox lies so doggedly in pursuit of their ultra-rightist mission.

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A good example of Fox’s mangling of reality is how they reported the acquittal of Michael Sussmann, a former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer who was prosecuted – make that persecuted – by special counsel and Bill Barr flunky, John Durham. The not guilty verdict was a major black eye for Durham and his efforts to discredit the legitimate investigations into Donald Trump’s myriad criminal activities and unsavory connections to Russia. After wasting three years and millions of dollars, Durham’s fake scandal factory has succeeded only in humiliating itself.

RELATED: Crybaby Trump FREAKS OUT Over the Durham Nothingburger Resulting in Acquittal of Clinton Lawyer

On Thursday Fox News reacted to the acquittal by compiling a montage of video clips from what they call the “liberal” media, but which in their view is actually all media except for Fox News. They headlined their montage “MSNBC, CNN, ABC and more pan ‘asinine’ Durham probe after Sussmann verdict: ‘A flop’” Which is uncharacteristically accurate.

However, Fox’s intention was to malign the media as being aligned against Durham, and therefore conservatives, simply because there was rational agreement in the reporting of the trial’s outcome. Their story began by saying that “Left-leaning media personalities, reporters and guests of MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC and The Washington Post gloated” following the verdict. Ironically, the montage only served to publicize the intelligent analyses of the allegedly liberal press:

Nice work, Fox. Although Fox didn’t bother to rebut a single comment by any of the pundits and legal experts in the video. Perhaps that’s because there is no rebuttal to essentially factual commentaries. The only thing that Fox can do is try to create a false narrative by lying to their audience, and even turning failure into victory. Which is precisely what they did.

RELATED: Bill Barr Tells Fox News that Durham’s Failure to Railroad Clinton Lawyer Was a Victory

For contrast, Media Matters compiled a montage of their own. It contained some of the wholly counterfactual outrage that was unleashed by a variety of Fox News hacks. They struggled to find reasons to dismiss the verdict and to disparage the judge, the jury, and the entirety of the justice system. Because tearing down American institutions is what Fox News was designed to do:

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Bill Barr Tells Fox News that Durham’s Failure to Railroad Clinton Lawyer Was a Victory

Fox News is well known as a brazenly partisan and dishonest purveyor of propaganda that exists only to serve the political interests of the Republican Party and that panders to Donald Trump and his cult disciples. It was never intended to be a legitimate “news” enterprise, and in that respect it has lived up to its mission.

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William Barr, Donald Trump

Among the skills that Fox News has honed over the years is one that facilitates turning bad news into some ludicrous reimagining of reality that better fits their preordained narratives. And on Wednesday there was a textbook example of their mastery of that method of mangling the news during an episode of Jesse Watters’ program. Watters invited Trump’s former Attorney Genuflect, Bill Barr, on for a segment of misinformation regarding the acquittal of Michael Sussmann, a Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer who was hounded by Barr’s special counsel, John Durham.

Durham’s mandate was to invent legal distractions in an effort to vindicate Trump by fabricating phony charges of misconduct related to his unsavory connections to Russia. Durham never had a shred of evidence to justify his probe, which the jury recognized and quickly found Sussmann not guilty.

RELATED: Crybaby Trump FREAKS OUT Over the Durham Nothingburger Resulting in Acquittal of Clinton Lawyer

The typically softball interview of Barr allowed him paint a preposterous picture of the outcome of the trial. In the retelling of the story by Watters and Barr, Durham was actually victorious:

Watters: Do you feel in any way responsible for how this Durham situation is unfolding, and are you disappointed in John Durham?
Barr: No, I’m very proud of John Durham and I do take responsibility for his appointment. And I think he and his team did an exceptionally able job both seeking out very important facts and presenting a compelling case to the jury. And while he did not succeed in getting a conviction from the D.C. jury, I think he accomplished something far more important. Which is he brought out the truth in two important areas.

First, I think he crystalized the central role played by the Hillary campaign in launching as a dirty trick the whole Russia-gate collusion narrative, and fanning the flames of it. And second, I think he exposed really dreadful behavior by supervisors in the senior ranks of the FBI who knowingly used this information to start an investigation of Trump, and then duped their own agents by lying to them, and refusing to tell them what the real source of that information was.

It’s nice that Barr takes responsibility for the debacle that he so terribly mismanaged. However, his assessment of the results is purely delusional. If losing the most important case that the special counsel has brought to trial is representative of “an exceptionally able job,” you really have to wonder what Barr’s notion of failure is.

What Barr is arguing is that it isn’t important that his prosecutor’s case was entirely dismissed by the jury. What’s important in Barr’s view is that, in the process, a bunch of lies were propagated that he believes will have a negative effect on Clinton specifically, and Democrats generally. He’s outright admitting that the entire Durham probe was just a scam to harm his political foes.

However, what Barr identified as accomplishments that are greater than conviction were figments of his imagination. Durham utterly failed to “crystalize” Clinton’s role in launching dirty tricks. At best he revealed something that everyone already knows: that political campaigns – all of them – engage in opposition research. And there is no way that Clinton’s reputation was hurt by this show trial, because the right-wingers who paid any attention to it already regard Clinton as Satan in a pant suit.

Finally, Durham failed in his prime directive to deflect from Trump’s myriad criminal activities. If anything, he reminded people that Trump is still the subject of numerous investigations that are likely to lead to indictments. And he triggered an outraged Trump, who felt compelled to vent on his failing social media website, TRUTH Social.

RELATED: Trump Baselessly Accuses Hillary Clinton of a Capital Crime and Wishes He Could Put Her to Death

In the end, the only thing that Barr and Fox News accomplished was to affirm that their motives are entirely partisan and have nothing to do with the law. It’s a deception that may tittilate Fox News viewers, but will have zero impact on the population at large. Just as Barr’s and Durham’s fictions had zero impact on the Sussmann jury.

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Crybaby Trump FREAKS OUT Over the Durham Nothingburger Resulting in Acquittal of Clinton Lawyer

BREAKING: Donald Trump’s Fragile Grasp on Reality! There is nothing more predictable than the prospect of Donald Trump throwing a temper tantrum when he doesn’t get his way. Whether it’s the presidential election that he lost decisively, or his two impeachments, or his being forced to give depositions in multiple court proceedings, Trump will lash out like a banshee on acid whenever the world fails to conform to his sociopathic narcissistic demands.

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Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton

Special Clown-sel John Durham was appointed by Trump flunky, Attorney General Bill Barr, to manufacture fake scandals in order to discredit the legitimate investigations into Trump’s myriad criminal activities. Durham never had a shred of evidence that would justify his probe, but that didn’t stop him from spending three years and millions of dollars in the effort to make up melodramatic fictions about alleged spying by Clinton and the Obama White House.

RELATED: Trump Whines that the Media Didn’t Fall for the Durham Nothingburger About Clinton ‘Spying’

Now the case that has excited the Trumpian right for months has ended with an acquittal. Durham had indicted Michael Sussmann, an attorney who worked for Hillary Clinton’s campaign, for allegedly lying to the FBI. The case had little to do with the alleged spying that had set the Trump Cult’s hearts aflutter. But even this overreach on Durham’s part concluded with a verdict that unequivocally found Sussmann innocent. You know that wasn’t gonna sit well with Trump.

RELATED: Trump Baselessly Accuses Hillary Clinton of a Capital Crime and Wishes He Could Put Her to Death

So naturally Trump busted his substantial gut whining that “our Country is going to HELL.” Which is something he says so frequently that it’s become passé. Trump’s perpetual victimhood and whining is the central feature of his psychosis. After all, he even admitted that he is the most fabulous whiner.” And his reaction to Sussmann’s acquittal, that he posted on his failing social media site, TRUTH social, said that…

“Our Legal System is CORRUPT, our Judges (and Justices!) are highly partisan, compromised or just plain scared, our Borders are OPEN, our Elections are Rigged, Inflation is RAMPANT, gas prices and food costs are ‘through the roof,’ our Military ‘Leadership’ is Woke, our Country is going to HELL, and Michael Sussmann is not guilty. How’s everything else doing? Enjoy your day!!!

WOW! Trump is bashing a legal system for which he appointed 234 judges, plus three Supreme Court Justices. But somehow they are all “compromised” and “partisan.” He is also maligning the citizen jurors who were approved by Durham and his prosecutors, and who unanimously found Sussmann not guilty.

Of course, Trump’s tirade also contained the hit parade of his psychotic obsessions: open borders, rigged elections, and whatever else he’s currently fixated on in his hysterical aversion to whatever the heck “woke” means. He disgorges these grievances like projectile vomiting of undigested conspiracy theories. And he will continue to spew for as long as his glassy-eyed disciples devour what he pukes. Hopefully that won’t be too much longer. But already it’s clear that some of Trump’s toadies are unwilling to let this go…

Clearly the “Lock Her Up” brigade is still in tact and enraged. It would be nice if these pillars of principle were as interested in bringing Trump to justice.

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