Stephen Colbert Takes Dr. Fauci to Get His COVID Booster Shot – Or Per Fox News: Govt Propaganda

Whether or not COVID-19 is still technically a pandemic, rather than just an endemic virus such as the flu, is an open and debatable question. What is not open for debate is the fact that the virus is still with us and is still infecting tens of thousands – and killing hundreds – of Americans everyday.

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Fox News, Covid

This month a new vaccine became available that adds explicit protection from the most prominent new variants of the coronavirus. The vaccines effectiveness in preventing serious illness or death is well documented. And studies show that hundreds of thousands of fatalities can be avoided if people get vaccinated. CNN is reporting that “A new analysis suggests that if more people in the United States get their booster by the end of the year, about 90,000 Covid-19 deaths could be prevented this fall and winter.”

To that end, Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared on “The Late Show” with Stephen Colbert to discuss the benefits of the vaccine and promote its uptake. But he was surprised when Colbert invited him to go down the street and get himself vaccinated, as he had just become eligible. Watch as Colbert accompanies Dr. Fauci to his local pharmacy for some late night healthcare…

While Colbert is keeping his audience entertained and informed about critical health matters, Fox News is continuing their campaign to keep their viewers uninformed, and even worse, misinformed. Their report on Colbert’s trip with Dr. Fauci to get vaccinated was covered in a segment they framed as “Colbert Still Dishing Out Govt Propaganda.”

The gist of Fox’s message was that vaccines are unnecessary, possibly a hoax, and probably harmful. They are, once again, putting the lives of their own viewers at risk. Seniors are the group most vulnerable to sever symptoms and consequences from COVID. And the median age of Fox News viewers is 68.

The effect that Fox News has on their audience is measurable in grief. Studies show that “counties with a Republican majority had a greater share of Covid deaths through October 2021, relative to majority-Democratic counties,” and that “vaccine hesitancy among Republicans may be the biggest culprit.”

The callous and self-serving irresponsibility of how Fox News is deceiving people about the pandemic for purely political purposes is reprehensible. And they don’t seem to be the least bit concerned that the people that they hurting most are their own viewers. To Fox News, disseminating propaganda that advances their ultra-rightist views is more important than human lives. And yet, it’s Fox who accuse Colbert of “Dishing Out Govt Propaganda,” that is actually honest information that could save lives. Now, if only their were a vaccine for Fox News.

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Jesse Watters Gets a Primetime Show from Fox News After His ‘Kill Shot’ Rant Against Dr. Fauci

After Donald Trump was evicted from the White House by 81 million American voters, there were some who speculated that Fox News might moderate their fetishistic, ultra-partisan, pro-Trump evangelism, and sprinkle a few facts among their rightist propaganda. And there was a time when that sort of naivete would have been considered cute.

Jesse Watters, Fox News

It’s been more than a year and Fox News has done nothing but accelerate their rabid conservatism. Since Trump became, as Biden calls him, the defeated former president,” Fox News has done stories by Tucker Carlson asserting that Trump’s January 6th insurrection was a “false flag” operation orchestrated by the FBI; viciously and falsely attacking the women of MSNBC; and comparing America’s foremost infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, to the sadistic Nazi, Josef Mengele.

That’s a small sampling of the fringe, right-wing radicalism that is the mainstay of Fox’s programming. And among the worst offenders is former Bill O’Reilly flunky, and current Trump-fluffer, Jesse Watters, who has been a co-host of Fox’s The Five, as well as the host of his own Saturday show, Watters’ World.’ He built his reputation at Fox by being a stalker/ambush “reporter.” And he suffered no repercussions for having an affair with a much younger subordinate, who he later left his wife and children for.

Now Fox has promoted Watters to a primetime weekday slot. Watters’ new show will fit in nicely with his primetime confederates Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity, whose complicity with Trump’s criminal administration have recently been exposed.

What’s particularly nauseating about this promotion is that it appears to be a reward for what Watters said last month at the Turning Point USA conference. Watters directed the Trump cultists in the audience to seek out Dr. Fauci in public and, when they find him, to confront him aggressively saying…

“Now you go in with the kill shot. The kill shot with an ambush…deadly. Because with an ambush he doesn’t see it coming. […] BOOM! He is dead. He is dead.””

Those remarks resulted in widespread disgust from reputable journalists and concerned medical professionals, many of whom called for his immediate termination. The danger posed by crafting violent metaphors is real. There are zealots who will, and have, acted them out. But for Fox News it is cause for tribute and career enhancement. And it represents precisely the sort of ethical vacancy that Lachlan and Rupert Murdoch want their company to stand for.

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Fox News is On a Crusade Against the Women of MSNBC: Nicolle Wallace Edition

Fox News is apparently ending the year with a full court press against the women hosting programs on MSNBC. It wasn’t enough for them to have spent the year fluffing Donald Trump, by lying about the violent January 6th insurrection, and spreading deadly disinformation about the COVID pandemic.

Nicolle Wallace, MSNBC

On this last week of 2021 Fox News has already produced a hit piece on Joy Reid that was seething with hostility because she accurately reported that Fox is killing off their own audience. Then a few days later Fox posted a story attacking Rachel Maddow for being right about COVID vaccines. Both of these stories were glaringly biased and packed with ultra-conservative perspectives and flagrant lies.

At first glance it didn’t appear to be anything out of the ordinary for Fox News. Their bitter animosity toward Democratic principles and progressive politics isn’t exactly breaking news. And Fox often takes petty swipes at their cable news competitors. But it is now apparent that there has been some openly misogynistic coordination to these stories. Fox just added MSNBC’s popular daytime host, Nicolle Wallace, to their enemies list.

A new article published on the Fox News website blasted a headline that proclaimed that an MSNBC anchor was mocked as “shamelessly neurotic” and “embarrassing.” The article began saying that…

“MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace was roasted this week after referring to herself as a ‘Fauci groupie,’ in reference to her adoration of White House Chief Medical Adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci.”

Oh my heavens! Wallace had the audacity to express respect for America’s foremost infectious disease expert who has been working tirelessly to save lives. He was doing this even while Fox News hacks were comparing him to the sadistic Nazi Josef Mengele, and deploying grotesquely murderous metaphors urging people to “ambush” him in public and go in with the kill shot.”

The article by Fox News portrayed Wallace as being the object of widespread mockery for her comments. But in reality, it was only confirmed right-wing partisans who were hurling insults at her. Every single person cited in Fox’s hit piece was an unabashed wingnut. They included right-wing pundit, Ben McDonald; NewsBusters editor Tim Graham; conservative troll, Drew Holden; Daily Caller columnist, David Hookstead; conservative writer, Mark Hemingway; and right-wing actor, Nick Searcy.

It cannot be mere coincidence that Fox News has hammered out these assaults on three of MSNBC’s most prominent female personalities, all within the space of less than a week. Clearly the folks at Fox feel threatened by smart, engaging women who are effective communicators. So they are lashing out frantically to malign these intelligent, accomplished professionals. And considering the talentless hacks that litter the Fox News schedule, they are also likely writhing in jealousy. Or at least they should be.

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Fox News Host Tells Trump Cult Conference to ‘Go In With The Kill Shot’ Against Dr. Fauci

The descent of Fox News in the dystopian era of Donald Trump has been a chilling spectacle to behold. What was once a flagrantly biased right-wing propaganda outlet that shamelessly lied and twisted reality to advance the Republican agenda, has become a bona fide conspiracy spewing mouthpiece for fringe views and overtly hostile elements of the radical Trumpian right.

Jesse Watters, Fox News

It’s bad enough that Fox News has participated in disseminating Trump’s “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged” and “stolen” from him. And it’s unconscionable that they have recklessly dismissed the severity of the COVID pandemic (aka the Fox News Pandemic) and encouraged their viewers to reject life-saving mitigation such as getting vaccinated and wearing masks. And it’s downright treasonous that they engaged in purposeful deception to excuse and even condone the violent rioters who stormed the Capitol on January 6th. But Fox News has also deliberately contributed to the inflammatory climate of hostility that has produced threats and attacks on their political adversaries in the reality-based world.

Never satisfied with merely peddling lies and keeping their viewers mired in ignorance, a Fox News host has gone the extra mile to blatantly incite violence against America’s foremost epidemiologist, Dr. Anthony Fauci. Appearing at another super-spreader event thrown by the ultra-rightist, Trump cult front group, Turning Point USA. Fox’s Jesse Watters delivered a particularly nauseating address that contained irresponsible rhetoric that cannot be interpreted as anything other than a threat against Dr. Fauci (video below). Watters directed his audience of malleable-minded Trumpists to seek out Dr. Fauci in public and, when they find him, to confront him aggressively saying…

“Now you go in with the kill shot. The kill shot with an ambush…deadly. Because with an ambush he doesn’t see it coming.”

There is no justification for that sort of deliberately bloodthirsty language. It’s clear that Watters hopes to whip up his audience into an army of domestic terrorists to fan out across the country and threaten anyone that doesn’t submit to the Trump cult’s way of non-thinking. But Watters wasn’t finished. Just to make sure they got his message, he added…

“This is when you say ‘Dr. Fauci, you funded risky research at a sloppy Chinese lab. The same lab that’s thrown this pandemic on the world. You know why people don’t trust you, don’t you? BOOM! He is dead. He is dead.”

So Watters wants Dr. Fauci dead. And the audience cheered these remarks emphatically. Never mind that the script he prepared for his murderous robots was utterly inane. All Fauci would have to say in reply is “None of that is true, but thanks for sharing your opinion.” Then he could continue his meal assuming they didn’t kill him. But Watters still had more to say. He needed to remind his terror recruits what the ultimate purpose of this was…

“Now you get that footage to us, you get it to Fox. You get it to Human Events. You get it to Breitbart. You get it to Daily Caller. You get it to the Turning Point pipeline. Imagine Tucker Carlson teases that in the A block: ‘Coming up. Brave college student confronts Lord Fauci at dinner. Exclusive footage. Right back.’ Get us that. That’s what we want.”

Naturally, it’s all about producing even more propaganda that can be disseminated on Fox News and its wingnut media confederates. This is something that Watters is all too familiar with. He began his career at Fox as a smartass who did ambush interviews for Bill O’Reilly and showed his total lack of morals. For that he was promoted to hosting Fox’s daily The Five and his own weekend program. Also, Watters was working for O’Reilly when Dr. George Tiller was murdered after O’Reilly repeatedly called him “Dr. Tiller the baby killer.” So Watters knows the deadly power of his rancid rhetoric.

For the record, Dr. Fauci responded to this assault saying…

“That’s horrible. And that’s such a reflection of the craziness that goes on in society. The only thing that I have ever done throughout these two years is to encourage people to practice good public health practices: to get vaccinated, to be careful in public settings, to wear a mask. And for that, you have some guy out there saying that people should be giving me a kill shot to ambush me? I mean, what kind of craziness is there in society these days? That’s awful that he said that. And he’s going to go, very likely, unaccountable. I mean, whatever network he’s on is not going to do anything for him. I mean, that’s crazy. The guy should be fired on the spot.”

Indeed. Watters should be fired. So should Fox’s Lara Logan who recently compared Dr. Fauci to the sadistic Nazi “doctor” Josef Mengele. But don’t expect Fox News to show the slightest bit of responsibility or decency. That isn’t their style. They will continue to incite violence and spread lies because that’s the mission that has been dictated to them by their corporate masters, Lachlan and Rupert Murdoch. And their on-air missionaries – Watters, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, etc. – are all too happy to obey.

UPDATE: Not surprisingly, Fox News is defending Watters. They released a statement saying that “Watters was using a metaphor [and that] his words have been twisted completely out of context.” Yes, it was a metaphor. But no, it wasn’t taken out of context. The danger posed by crafting violent metaphors is real. There are zealots who will, and have, acted them out. Rational people in the media know this and would never use the sort of language that Watters used. Which makes Watters responsible for the hardship he has thrust on Dr. Fauci, and for any harm that comes to him if someone takes his words literally.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Lara Logan of Fox News Compares Dr. Fauci to Sadistic Nazi War Criminal Josef Mengele

There has been a steep downturn at the Bullshit Factory of Fox News with regard to the COVID pandemic that the network is avidly supporting. If one didn’t know better, it would appear that the coronavirus is one of their top sponsors. Every program features segments that aim to boost its spread throughout the nation and the world. it could accurately be called the Fox News Pandemic.

Fox News, Vaccine

Unfortunately, he pro-COVID campaign at Fox News is having some success. In fact, the virus is now most prevalent in red states and counties where Fox News is dominant and their anti-vaccine propaganda has been absorbed. And studies show that most of the pandemic misinformation is believed by viewers of Fox News and other ultra-rightist, Trump-fluffing networks.

So naturally Fox News is upping the ante with dishonest and nauseating attacks on America’s most respected epidemiologist, Dr. Anthony Fauci. It’s a coordinated campaign that includes Republicans like Sen. Ted Cruz who called for Dr. Fauci’s arrest and prosecution.

On Monday Fox’s Lara Logan sunk to even deeper depths of cretinism. She unleashed a tirade against the the advocacy of vaccines, for which she says “there’s no justification” because It’s “a disease that ultimately is very treatable” and “has death rates that compare very much to seasonal flu.” Apparently she hasn’t heard about the nearly 800,000 Americans who have died, or the millions who have suffered, some with persistent, disabling symptoms. And she is still clinging to the long ago debunked falsehood that COVID is no worse than the flu.

But if you think that those flagrant lies were bad, you aint heard nothin’ yet. Logan went on to malign Dr. Fauci in the most loathsome manner imaginable:

“What you see on Dr. Fauci – this is what people say to me – that he doesn’t represent science to them. He represents Josef Mengele. The Nazi doctor who did experiments on Jews during the 2nd World War and in the concentration camps.”

Seriously? Logan is equating the monstrous crimes of a sadistic war criminal who conducted inhumane experiments on Jewish concentration camp prisoners – including children – to Dr. Fauci’s scientifically grounded advice to get vaccinated. Mengele tortured and murdered innocent people. Dr. Fauci is working to save the lives of the vaccine recipients and all those they may encounter. But to Lara Logan and Fox News, those are the same thing. And her hosts on Fox News nodded approvingly at her rancid rhetoric.

Logan went on to complain that common sense measures to mitigate the harm from the coronavirus were exacting too harsh a toll on civil liberties and the economy. The truth is that the deranged thinking of people like her and her Fox News confederates are responsible for that. They are prolonging the harm that the pandemic will cause by resisting efforts to defeat it.

Logan closed her rant by asserting that the Omicron variant is some sort of phony plot contrived for political gain by Democrats. And this wasn’t the first time that Fox News has peddled that paranoid bullpucky. It is part and parcel of their editorial mission to disgorge deliberate fallacies in order to advance their political goals.

Ironically, that makes the practices of Logan and Fox News more comparable to horrors of Mengele. They are actually subjecting their viewers to deadly experiments for partisan gain. The difference is that Mengele’s victims were forced into their horrendous circumstances. Fox News viewers are willfully placing themselves in the path of great harm and participating in their own potential demise.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Dr. Fauci Laughs at Ted Cruz’s Call for Him to Be Prosecuted and Hits Back at Science Deniers

With the advent of the new, and potentially more dangerous, Omicron variant of the coronavirus, Republicans are ramping up their disinformation machine to either dismiss the threat as fake (which Fox News did on Saturday), or to blame the entire COVID pandemic on President Biden (which Trump and the Wall Street Journal did on Friday).

Ted Cruz, COVID Virus

Among the most prominent anti-science crusaders on the right is Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Cancun). Cruz has taken a leading role in the vilification of America’s foremost epidemiologist, Dr. Anthony Fauci. On Saturday Cruz made a formal request (via tweet) asking the Attorney General to prosecute Dr. Fauci for lying to Congress, for which Cruz’s own basis is a lie. Dr. fauci was given an opportunity to respond to Cruz on Sunday’s edition of Face the Nation:

Host Margaret Brennan: Sen. Cruz told the Attorney General that you should be prosecuted.
Fauci: [Laughing] I have to laugh at that. I should be prosecuted? What happened on January 6, Senator?
Brennan: Do you think that this is about making you a scapegoat to deflect from president Trump?
Fauci: Of course. You’d have to be asleep not to figure that one out.
Brennan: Well, there are a lot of Republican senators taking aim at this.
Fauci: That’s okay. I’m just gonna do my job, and I’m gonna be saving lives, and they’re gonna be lying.

Dr. Fauci was exhibiting his Brooklyn roots by slamming Cruz for his defense of the Trump-inspired insurrection on January 6th. Indeed, Cruz has declined all efforts to hold the StormTrumpers accountable for their seditious crimes. But more to the point, Dr. Fauci passionately stood up for science and the critical role it plays in protecting lives, saying that…

“Anybody who’s looking at this carefully realizes that there’s a distinct anti-science flavor to this. […] They’re really criticizing science. Because I represent science. That’s dangerous. To me that’s more dangerous than the slings and the arrows that get thrown at me. And if you damage science you are doing something very detrimental to society long after I leave.”

There is no doubt that the Republican aversion to science has made life more difficult. They have prolonged the pandemic and directly contributed to the suffering and loss of life that was otherwise preventable. And studies show that there is by far more COVID cases and fatalities in GOP dominated states and counties. Not surprisingly, those enhanced risks in red territory is linked directly to the disinformation put out by Fox News and other right-wing media.

It’s astonishing how the Trumpian right can hold views that are so diametrically opposed. They have asserted that the pandemic is fake. But if it isn’t fake, it’s no worse than the flu. But if it is worse, it can be cured by horse dewormer or bleach. But you don’t need a cure because it’s fake.

And all of this culminates in demands that experts like Dr. Fauci, who have spent their whole lives dedicated to saving the lives of others, be sent to prison for daring to disseminate science. That’s how far the right has fallen into the abyss of ignorance and willful blindness.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Rand Paul Goes We, We, We, All the Way Hoping that COVID Kills More Americans

The nation is currently in the midst of a fourth wave of the COVID pandemic. And sadly, this one was entirely preventable. It was caused by the ignorant and stubborn resistance of anti-vaccine deadenders who have bought into the reckless lies of Fox News and the sociopathy of Donald Trump and his Republican Party.

Rand Paul, COVID

Among the most obsessed anti-vaxxers is Kentucky senator Rand Paul (R-COVID-19). He has been a staunch opponent of the CDC and other health experts, including America’s foremost epidemiologist, Dr. Anthony Fauci. Paul is so far out on the fringe that he actually made a criminal referral of Dr. Fauci to the Justice Department for allegedly lying to Congress. Dr. Fauci’s response was that “You do not know what you’re talking about…If anybody is lying here, senator, it is you.”

On Monday morning, Paul posted a video to Twitter (see below) that stated his case in support of the much maligned coronavirus. And to be certain that it was consumed by as many dimwits as possible, it was also posted as an op-ed on the Fox News website. Paul reiterated his position that the virus is nothing to be concerned about and presented himself as the guardian of pro-COVID “freedom.” The terminally deranged commentary began with Paul courageously declaring that…

“It’s time for us to resist. They can’t arrest all of us. They can’t keep all your kids home from school. They can’t keep every government building closed.”

Never mind that no one was threatening to have him arrested, or keep his kids home from school, or close any government buildings. So Paul is boldly standing up against “threats” that nobody has made. He went on to tell House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that…

“You will not arrest or stop me or anyone on my staff from doing our jobs. […] so you can continue your drunk with power rein over the Capitol.”

Again, Pelosi has never suggested any such thing. And the rules in the House of Representatives were implemented at the direction of the House’s Office of Attending Physician. Paul’s complaints, however, were pulled straight from his asinine failure to understand public health matters. Which is what must have triggered his idiotic edict that “No one should follow the CDC’s anti-science mask mandates.” And even worse, Paul completely contradicted reality by saying that “Children are not at any more risk from COVID than they are for the seasonal flu.” To the contrary, recent data shows that children are being infected and hospitalized in greater numbers than at any time prior during this pandemic.

Likewise, Paul’s petty retaliation for anyone who disagrees with him will be to petulantly block every bill that comes before the Senate. And he’s doing all of this for an unnamed horde of vaccine-averse rebels who don’t care at all about exacerbating the pandemic and potentially aiding in its continuing mutation until a variant that is vaccine resistant emerges. Throughout the video Paul refers to some vague collective of “WE” who he claims to represent, but who are never defined:

  • We don’t have to accept the mandates, lockdowns, and harmful policies of the petty tyrants and feckless bureaucrats.
  • We can simply say no, not again.
  • We have all either had COVID, had the vaccine, or been offered the vaccine.
  • We will make our own health choices.
  • We will not show you a passport.
  • We will not wear a mask.
  • We will not be forced into random screening and testing.
  • We will not accept your agencies’ mandates.
  • We will not allow you to do more harm to our children.
  • We are at a moment of truth and a crossroads.

In other words, “we” will expose ourselves, our families, our neighbors, our work associates, and every stranger with whom we come into contact, to a deadly virus that could be stopped with a simple shot in the arm. “We” will not be moved from our pigheaded stupidity just to save the lives of other innocent people who made smarter choices. And “we” will follow blindly the pundits and politicians who know nothing about epidemiology, rather than the doctors and experts who spent their lives studying it.

This isn’t about freedom. It certainly isn’t the freedom to go about our business without the fear of coming into contact with disease-carrying fools like Rand Paul. This is the kind of cognitively twisted thinking that has resulted in more than 600,000 COVID deaths in the U.S. so far. And if Paul and his confederate have their way, there will more suffering to come.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Remedial Reporter Peter Doocy Tries – and Fails – to Set Up Jen Psaki

On Monday morning, Peter Doocy, the nepotism hire serving as Fox News White House correspondent, sputtered out another of his pitifully impotent attempts at a gotcha question for Jedi Press Secretary Jen Psaki. This is becoming a daily episodic farce that is way too predictable to last another season.

Jen Psaki, Fox News, Peter Doocy

You might think that after humiliating himself repeatedly, Doocy would take some time off to ponder what career path he might actually be suited for. It surely isn’t journalism. In just the past few weeks Doocy has presented his behind for spanking too many times to list, but here are a few standouts:

The latest moment of shame came when Doocy asked a short, but fatuous question concerning the troubling increase in COVID pandemic activity that all the data shows is hitting predominantly Republicans and/or Fox News viewers. The exchange with Psaki went something like this…

Doocy: On COVID, Dr. Fauci says we’re going in the wrong direction. Whose fault is that?
Psaki: Well, I would say first what he was referring to is the fact that because there are still a large population of people in this country who were unvaccinated, and we have the most transmissible variants that we’ve seen since the beginning of the pandemic, that more people are getting sick with COVID. Those numbers are not moving in the right direction. I think that’s accurate and you can see it by data.

The strikingly thin premise of Doocy’s question was aimed at prodding Psaki to assign blame for the viral spike. That is hardly an appropriate line of inquiry. The only purpose of such a question would be to goad Psaki into pointing fingers at Trump or Fox News or Facebook or any of the other sources of deliberate disinformation.

Following that, Doocy, or his confederates back at Fox’s studio, could complain bitterly that Psaki was taking partisan pot shots and pushing responsibility to others. Then, of course, the Fox Newsers would blame the Biden administration for COVID spreading in some contorted illogic devised just for the occasion.

Unfortunately for Doocy and Fox, Psaki, as usual, didn’t take the bait. Instead she provided a beginners lesson for Doocy on how viruses work and what makes them so dangerous. Not that he’ll be able to comprehend or retain such knowledge. But she has give it a try. Doocy will surely return the next day with yet another imagined zinger that will turn out to be another dud. And this show will continue until Fox News decides to have some mercy and cancel it.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

DELUSIONAL: Trump Wants China to Pay $10 Trillion for COVID Damages that He Caused

The former reality TV game show host and failed blogger, Donald Trump, is disgorging new, and typically incoherent, press releases. These commentaries are harder to find now that he has been banished from Twitter and other social media for lying, and he has “canceled” his own much ballyhooed “communications platform.”

Donald Trump, Insane, Straight Jacket

In his latest public whining, Trump is making absurd statements about the coronavirus pandemic that he so disastrously mismanaged. He wrote that…

“Now everyone, even the so-called ‘enemy,’ are beginning to say that President Trump was right about the China Virus coming from the Wuhan Lab. The correspondence between Dr. Fauci and China speaks too loudly for anyone to ignore. China should pay Ten Trillion Dollars to America, and the World, for the death and destruction they have caused!”

Let’s break that down, shall we?

First of all…
It is patently false that “everyone” is saying that “Trump was right.” The only people saying that with a straight face are the same cult disciples who have been worshiping at the alter of Trump all along. He was not, is not, and will likely never be, right about the coronavirus or anything else.

Trump did not say that the COVID -19 came from “the Wuhan lab.” He often said that it came from Wuhan, but his most frequent comments dismissed it as nothing more than a common flu that would soon disappear by magic. In fact, Trump was effusively praising China and its president Xi Jinping. For instance…

China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!


[President Xi] will be successful, especially as the weather starts to warm & the virus hopefully becomes weaker, and then gone. Great discipline is taking place in China, as President Xi strongly leads what will be a very successful operation. We are working closely with China to help!”

As late as February 29, 2020, Trump was still impressed that “China seems to be making tremendous progress. Their numbers are way down.” And in his own remarks, Trump relentlessly downplayed the known dangers of the virus:

  • “We have it very much under control in this country.”
  • “It’s going to be just fine.”
  • “It’s one person coming in from China.”
  • “We’re doing a great job with it.”
  • “It’s going to have a very good ending for us.”
  • “We’re in great shape.”
  • “We have 12 cases – 11 cases, and many of them are in good shape now.”
  • “Just stay calm. It will go away.”
  • “You have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.”
  • “It’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle — it will disappear.”

Most of those remarks were made when Trump already knew they were lies. He revealed in tape recorded comments to Bob Woodward – for his book RAGE! – that he knew just how dangerous the virus was, saying that…

“You just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed. And so that’s a very tricky one. That’s a very delicate one. It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flus. This is deadly stuff. […] I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down.”

There is nothing controversial in the correspondence recently released between Dr. Fauci and China. It is simply being exploited by dishonest purveyors of right-wing propaganda who are trying to manufacture controversy where none exists.

Trump’s demand that “China should pay Ten Trillion Dollars to America” is just the latest manifestation of his utter impotence, since he has no authority to issue such commands. Maybe he could get Mexico to pay for it.

More to the point, even if the virus had escaped from a Chinese lab, the responsibility for the “death and destruction” in America falls to Trump, his Republican Party, and Fox News. It was Trump’s negligence, incompetence, and deliberate malfeasance that was most responsible for the spread of the Pandemic in the U.S.

Trump was aided by a glassy-eyed Republican Party that devoured everything their Dear Leader excreted. And Fox News played its role as Trump’s Ministry of Disinformation. They obediently regurgitated Trump’s dismissal of the pandemic and opposed any common sense measures to mitigate it.

Other than that, Trump’s statement was still pitifully stupid and self-serving. As usual.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Watch Fox News Hack Smear Doctors, Teachers, and Soldiers in Less than 30 Seconds

It must be be difficult keeping up with the demands of an audience that hungers for ever more grotesque misrepresentations of reality. But never underestimate the ability of Fox News to more than satisfy the cravings of the dystopia-loving Trump cultists who make up the bulk of their viewers.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson

Topping the charts at Fox News is their Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson. He has supplanted Trump’s BFF (Bootlicking Fanboy Forever), Sean Hannity, as the network’s biggest draw. Which only proves that the more you embrace racism, and disseminate COVID conspiracy theories, and support violent, anti-American insurrectionists, the better your prospects for success on Fox News.

On Monday Carlson presented a special Memorial Day edition of his Hatefest Hour. And he managed to cram a surprising quantity of kook sauce into his recipe for rancid right-wing radicalism. He babbled a plaintive lament for a past wherein his white, European forefathers were still firmly in charge:

“So much has changed in the United States in the last year that it’s hard to keep track of it all. Our public health experts have been exposed as frauds, as incompetent and dishonest. Our schools are now openly teaching racism to our children. Our military at times does not seem interested in protecting the country. These are big changes. They have real ramifications. Most newspapers don’t want to cover these stories, the real stories. They occupy themselves with frivolities. But we do want to cover them. We think it’s our duty.”

Literally none of that rant is true. But you have to give Carlson credit for maligning doctors, teachers, and soldiers in one brief excretion of unadulterated bullpucky. Public health experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci are among the most respected people in the country. He’s polling at 60% favorable, along with Biden at 58%. Meanwhile, Trump is wallowing at his usual and dismal 37%.

Carlson doesn’t offer any proof for his claim that schools are “openly teaching racism.” He must be thinking about himself, because he spends more time on teaching his viewers to be racist than on any other subject. And he has been urging his audience to take their children out of schools, presumably to make sure they remain stupid enough to watch his show and the rest of the Fox lineup.

However, the most offensive part of Carlson’s tirade is his charge that “our military at times does not seem interested in protecting the country.” He has the gall to insult the women and men, who are putting their lives on the line to protect the nation, on Memorial Day. And once again, he doesn’t bother to support that heinous comment with anything resembling a fact. However, he has advocated stockpiling AR-15s to use against our soldiers. Just like Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-QAnon) and Trump’s former National Security Advisor, Mike Flynn, Carlson views the American government as the enemy.

These are the sort of stories that Carlson considers it his “duty” to cover. Not frivolities like whether President Biden wore a face mask, or how Vice-President Harris shakes hands, or a gay Lego set. Those were all “non-frivolous” stories covered by Fox News. And let’s not forget Carlson’s own coverage of the allegedly sham marriage of Joe and Jill Biden. With stories like these, Tucker and Fox News are clearly leading the way on journalism that’s meaningful and pertinent to the American people.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.