Sean Hannity Flings Flaccid Threat at Jimmy Kimmel: ‘Don’t Talk About My Show’

The violent insurrection advocates and malicious anti-vaxxers at Fox News have been working overtime to frighten the American people on behalf of the former reality TV game show host, and twice-impeached loser, Donald Trump, whom they have coronated as their lord and savior.

Fox News, Sean Hannity, Jimmy Kimmel

But they have to take some time off every now and then to bask in their own narcissistic outrage and victimhood. On Monday Sean Hannity took the opportunity to lash out against a late night talk show comedian who, according to Hannity, was “spewing hatred and rage” He thinks that’s what comedians do because his only role model is Fox’s terminally unfunny Greg Gutfeld.

Hannity was appalled that Jimmy Kimmel had the temerity to poke fun at his interview with Caitlyn Jenner. In Kimmel’s monologue (video below) he mocked Jenner’s callous commentary about the homeless in California, noting that a neighbor of his was moving to Arizona so he wouldn’t have to “walk down the streets and see the homeless.” Well, that was just too much for Hannity who unloaded this unhinged rant:

“Far-left, low-rated late-night host Jimmy Kimmel is spewing more hatred and more rage saying, ‘Is it transphobic to call a trans person an ignorant a-hole,’ in response to our interview with Caitlyn Jenner talking about the real problem of homelessness. Jimmy, what is with all the anger and all the cheap shots? Yet you haven’t noticed all the homeless people all over your state.

“By the way, don’t you have anything better to do? Maybe actually trying to be funny or boost your dismal ratings because we’re absolutely crushing you by like 70% in total viewers. That’s this quarter. Jimmy, here’s my advice, don’t talk about my show anymore. […] You talk about my show, I’ll hit you back 50 times harder.” [Later adding that…]

“We had a little spat back in the day. And if he wants me to remind his bosses at Disney of all the crap that he’s done over the years that, frankly, are pretty ignorant, to use his words, I’ll be glad to pick that fight. I’d advise him not to talk about me anymore. That’s my advice. Late night as we once knew it is dead.”

First of all, Hannity’s idea of what “talking about the real problem of homelessness” is consists of two sentences about a wealthy man who was driven from California by just the sight of poor people. But then Hannity got to the core issue, which was his hurt feelings at having been the butt of Kimmel’s jokes.

So naturally, Hannity threatens Kimmel with a threat so impotent it couldn’t hold up a feather. Does Hannity think that the Disney executives are unaware of the ancient bits that Kimmel did long ago? Does he really think that bringing those up is hitting back “50 times harder”? And what is his point about the ratings? Anyone who is knowledgeable about television knows that you can’t compare primetime numbers to late night.

Hannity is competing in a contest for which is pitifully unprepared. If Kimmel chooses to take up this challenge you can rest assured that Hannity will end up toasted beyond recognition. So in addition to provoking a fight over an issue that Hannity can’t defend, he’s also setting himself up for an epic ass-whooping. and this is what passes for “news” on the Fox network.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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SALVATION: Lindsey Graham Accepts Trump as His Political Lord and Savior

There aren’t many Republican officeholders who are more shamelessly devoted to Donald Trump than Lindsey Graham. His devotion borders on the blind adoration of a cult follower. He defends every idiotic thing Trump does and says. He salivates at the chance to spend time with Trump at his resort or on the golf course. And now he has confessed out loud his belief that the Republican Party cannot exist without Dear Leader Trump.

Lindsey Graham, Donald Trump

Graham made a pilgrimage to the GOP media Mecca (aka Fox News) on Thursday for a prayer meeting with fellow Trump cultist, Sean Hannity. While there, Graham testified as to the salvation he has received through the grace of Trump:

“Let me just say to my Republican colleagues. Can we move forward without President Trump? The answer is no. I’ve always liked Liz Cheney but she’s made a determination that the Republican Party can’t grow with President Trump. I’ve determined we can’t grow without him. All of these people like Herschel Walker, and all of the people you just named are attracted to the Trump Republican Party. Economic populism. America First agenda. If you don’t get that as a Republican you’re making the biggest mistake in the history of the Republican Party.”

For the record, in four years Trump presided over the loss of the House, the Senate, and the White House to Democrats. He never had an approval rating that hit 50 percent. He lost the popular vote twice. He was impeached twice and both times polls showed that a majority of the people favored his impeachment. He is the first president in decades to leave office with fewer people employed than when he started. He exploded the national debt by cutting taxes for corporations and the wealthy. He advanced the nuclear aspirations of both Iran and North Korea. He withdrew the U.S. from the international Paris Climate Change Accords. [Inhale…]

[And exhale…] What’s more, Trump incited deadly riots in Washington, D.C. by insurrectionist mobs. He continues to push his “Big Lie” that the election was stolen from him, which is likely to foment more violence. And worst of all, his negligent and incompetent mishandling of the COVID pandemic resulted in the deaths of more than half a million Americans.

That’s the record that led Lindsey Graham to the determination that the Republican Party can’t grow without Trump. No, really. That’s it!

This is the same Graham who, before his epiphany, described Trump as a “kook” who is “crazy” and “unfit for office.” It’s the same Graham who later sought to “harness the magic” of Trump. Needless to say, a sane person would come to an entirely different determination. A sane person would recognize that Trump is a dead weight that is sowing division and hostility through his lies and a cult-like demand for loyalty and unwavering obedience.

What Graham thinks is attracting people to the Republican Party is actually just attracting desperate and frightened party shills to the cult, while simultaneously “canceling” apostates like Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney who dare to tell the obvious truth that Biden beat Trump. The American people are not fooled by this. And the more that Trump is embraced by GOP lackeys like Graham, the better it will be for Democrats.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Trump Whines to Hannity that ‘Twitter is Now Very Boring’ Since He Got the Boot

One of the most satisfying consequences of Donald Trump’s defeat last November is that his subsequent desperation and lies led to his banishment from Twitter and other social media platforms. It’s been a relief to the nation not having to suffer through his bombastic incoherence every friggin’ day.

Donald Trump Pacifier Fox

A recent study actually found that banishing Trump from Twitter resulted in a 73% reduction in misinformation on the Internet. That won’t surprise anyone who knows about his record setting 30,000+ documented lies.

Not one to let such an unprecedented record for dishonesty languish, Trump made yet another appearance on Fox News to lie some more. He invited Sean Hannity down to his Mar-a-Lago bunker for some soft-balling and arse-kissing. Part One of this “interview” was typically devoid of anything remotely newsworthy. But it did add more falsehoods to his file. And the same was true with Part Two that featured this smarmy opening from Hannity (video below):

You’re canceled off Twitter. You’re canceled off social media platforms. Now, you put out your presidential statements. They go viral. You know who misses you the most? The liberal media. The mob. They hardly ever see Joe, so there’s nothing really cover there. Except to cover when he falls down climbing the stairs.

Notice that a gushing Hannity still refers to Trump’s press releases as “presidential statements,” but to President Biden as “Joe.” That was followed by this fawning exchange:

Hannity: What is the answer? Is the answer anti-trust? Is the answer ending Section 230? Is the answer Donald Trump starts his own Twitter, Facebook, Instagram? Is that something you’re considering?
Trump: Well I think all of that. But I’m really getting the big word out because we’re doing releases. And every time I do a release it’s all over the place. It’s more elegant than Twitter. And Twitter now is very boring. A lot of people are leaving Twitter. Twitter is becoming very, very boring. You know, when I started with Twitter years ago, it was like a failed thing, concept, media platform. It was failed. And it became exciting. And I think I had a lot to do with it, to be honest with you. It became very exciting. And now it is boring. And it’s no good anymore.”

First of all, is it just me or is any else nauseated by Trump’s confession that “every time I do a release it’s all over the place”? More to the point, Trump is, as usual, delusional if he thinks his press releases are “elegant.” Likewise, his assertion that Twitter was a failed “thing” before he came along, and now it’s boring in his absence, is just more evidence of his acute case of malignant narcissism. And he is still pretending that he might start his own alt-Twitter (Qwitter?).

Hannity went on to ask Trump whether he saw “the undercover video” last week. He was referring to the latest pathetic attempt by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas to hype his alleged exposé of CNN. It was a pitifully lame interview in a bar with a low-level CNN techie who thought he was impressing O’Keefe’s female stooge. He had no managerial or decision making authority. And he revealed nothing of interest. But Trump and Hannity loved it anyway.

Trump closes by whining about Democrats, saying that “They lie, they cheat, they steal. They’re vicious.” Which is a pretty good description of himself and his Republican toadies. Then he spends his last few seconds crying and lying about having the biggest margin of vote increase ever. It’s just too bad for him that, in addition to being false, Biden got seven million more votes. Despite his best efforts to keep his chin up, he remains America’s Biggest Loser.

It’s really kind of surprising that these two don’t feel the least bit embarrassed by these bootlicking chats. They both come off looking sadly desperate and clinging to one another for support that is never forthcoming. Perhaps their cult followers in the Fox News audience are buying their schtick, but to the rest of the country they are a laughing stock. So maybe, inadvertently, they are doing us all a favor by volunteering to be disreputable clowns.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Trump’s Ignorance and Ego is Displayed in Loopy Lovefest With Hannity on Fox News

Three months after being banished from the White House, Donald Trump has finally emerged from his Mar-a-Lago bunker for his first on-camera interview. Naturally, he canoodled with his long-time love interest, Sean Hannity on Fox News. Hannity was typically starry-eyed as he lavished praise on Trump as “working harder than ever” [on what?] and lobbed childish insults at President Biden.

Donald Trump Sean Hannity

As has been the case with every other interview of Trump on Fox News, there was nothing newsworthy revealed. The questions were embarrassingly ingratiating and Trump’s replies were tedious regurgitations of his signature blend of whining and bragging (video below). “You’re gonna have the biggest tax increase you’ve ever seen,” Trump babbled. “Pro-life, second amendment, so many different things,” he insisted. But apparently he could only think of two. Then he segued to this mangling of history – and reality:

“Look, we got 75 million votes. That’s more than any sitting president in history by far. The word was that if we got 65 to 66 – we got 63 the first time and won. If you got 65 to 66 there was no way you lost. We got more votes – we got twelve million more votes than we got – and it’s never happened to another president.

“I don’t know if you know Sean, usually in a second term a president gets less votes. I got twelve million more. It’s the biggest that’s ever happened in history. From 63 to 75. Never happened before.”

Trump’s fascination with the election results is rooted in his desperate need to elevate his pitifully losing legacy. There is no truth – or coherence – to Trump’s assertion that “there was no way you lost” if you got 65 million votes. He obviously doesn’t grasp that the population of the country, and hence the potential vote count, is constantly increasing.

But even worse is his claim that no president has ever gotten more votes for a second term, or that his totals were “the biggest that’s ever happened in history.” For the record, every two-term president but one got more votes for their second term for the past half century:

Candidate 1st Term 2nd Term Difference
Nixon 31,783,783 47,168,710 15,384,387
Reagan 43,903,230 54,455,472 10,552,242
Clinton 44,909,806 47,401,185 2,491,379
Bush 50,456,002 62,040,610 11,584,608
Trump 62,984,828 74,216,154 11,231,326

Trump was not only lying about being the sole recipient of more votes for his second term, he also inflated the number of additional votes from about eight million to twelve million. And, of course, he completely erased the fact that Biden bested him by seven million votes (81,268,924). Biden’s enduring popularity is literally driving the right crazy.

Meanwhile, Trump continues to believe that he’s beloved by massive majorities of imaginary Americans. He thinks that he and his “Make America Great Again” agenda is essential for victories in 2022 and 2024, despite the losses of the White House and the Senate in 2020. What he still hasn’t absorbed is the reality that he lost the popular vote twice, never reached 50% approval in four years, was impeached twice, and remains the least popular president in history. But other than that, he’s real winner.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Project Veritas Unveils Its Lamest Exposé Yet on CNN’s Alleged Anti-Trump ‘Propaganda’

The record of James O’Keefe’s deceptively named Project Veritas is one of pathetically contrived disinformation and deliberate lies. And the reputation of O’Keefe himself is as a recidivist liar whose dishonesty cost him $100,000 in a defamation lawsuit; who was convicted for trespassing in the federal office of a Louisiana senator; and a pervert who tried to lure a reporter onto his “love boat” in a botched sting.

James O'Keefe

Now O’Keefe is back with a new video that purports to be a bombshell exposé of CNN’s hidden agenda of anti-Trump propaganda. As usual, it’s a complete dud that only exposes O’Keefe’s incompetence and commitment to flagrant falsehoods aimed at maligning any media enterprise that isn’t avowedly right-wing.

In this latest video O’Keefe serves up someone named Charlie Chester, who O’Keefe says is a technical director at CNN. There is no verification of his identity or his employment by CNN, but O’Keefe continually refers to him simply as a “director,” which is deliberately misleading. For the sake of argument, let’s say that Chester is who O’Keefe says he is. Chester’s remarks are a long ways from anything resembling a “bombshell.” Among other things he says that…

“We [@CNN] got Trump out. I am 100% going to say it, and I 100% believe that if it wasn’t for CNN, I don’t know that Trump would have got voted out.”

“Our focus was to get Trump out of office, right? Without saying it, that’s what it was, right?”

“So our next thing is going to be climate awareness. […] Climate change is gonna be the next COVID thing for CNN.”

“That’s propaganda. […] Fear sells.”

Watch O’Keefe’s teaser reel if here you have the stomach for it:

Oh my. What an explosive set of revelations. Some dude says that CNN was singlehandedly responsible for Donald Trump losing the 2020 presidential election. So it wasn’t because the election was rigged, or because of voter fraud, or the “deep State.” Or the fact that Trump was despised by millions of decent Americans. It was a plot by CNN all along. And this cable news network that the right repeatedly disparages as “failing” was so influential with a majority of the American people that they pulled off an electoral victory with 81 million votes.

It’s notable that all of the allegations directed at CNN in O’Keefe’s video fit the behavior of Fox News much more closely. Their focus has always been to defeat Democrats with propaganda, and to sell fear of the imminent destruction of America by radical socialists, uppity Blacks, and caravans of immigrants.

For the record, this Chester character has no way of knowing what he claims to know. A technical director is not in the editorial loop at a news network. He doesn’t make decisions or attend meetings that are related to the content of any news story. Nor is he likely to have inside information as to the thinking of the editors and journalists at the network. He is a behind-the-scenes technician who keeps the TV machines humming. And the fact that he’d talk to such an obvious shill only affirms that he’s too naïve or foolish or self-serving to be listened to.

{UPDATE: O’Keefe posted a second video of this Chester guy, and it’s even stupider than the first (if you can believe it). He fails to coherently define “propaganda” and demonstrates his ignorance of political strategies while discussing Matt Gaetz, the GOP representative currently being investigated for sex trafficking and drugs].

This is the source that O’Keefe is relying on for his bombshell? This is the source that excited O’Keefe so much that the day before this video was released he tweeted that “Tomorrow you guys at @CNN are going to have a loooooong day.@oliverdarcy @brianstelter @jaketapper This is the most devastating thing you’ve ever seen inside your network. Sleep tight.” Those guys at CNN must be shaking in their boots.

O’Keefe’s pitiful video had a predictable effect on Trump World. Donnie Trump Jr tweeted that “A @CNN director is caught on video admitting that the focus of CNN’s news coverage in 2020 was “to get Trump out of office” & that they engaged in “propaganda” to make it happen. CNN isn’t a news organization, they’re a Democrat Super PAC!!!” Sean Hannity tweeted that “Care to comment Humpty? Have a great day!! @brianstelter.” No one will be shocked that these dumbos would buy O’Keefe’s scam. However, the video was ignored by every reputable news organization.

Speaking of Hannity, he interviewed O’Keefe on Tuesday night. It was a predictably tedious, self-exalting segment that included O’Keefe’s announcement that he will be suing CNN for defamation. Which led to this exchange:

O’Keefe: I think a lot of people should start suing the media for disinformation. It’s disgraceful what they’re doing.
Hannity: I might be filing so myself.

That’s especially rich considering that Fox News is currently being sued for defamation by both Smartmatic and Dominion voting services companies for billions of dollars. And the Project Veritas video is full of potentially defamatory content that could justify suits against O’Keefe. Also in the segment, O’Keefe claims to have won a great legal victory over the New York Times, but in fact the Times merely failed to get a favorable ruling on a motion to dismiss, which is pretty routine in these proceedings.

And if you any Maalox left, here is the segment from Hannity:

This isn’t the first time that O’Keefe sicced his Project Veritas on CNN. In October of 2019, O’Keefe released a similarly weak and unsubstantiated video that made essentially the same criticisms. And despite the fact that there was nothing remotely credible about the project, it triggered a lawsuit by Trump for – get this – false advertising. The suit charged that CNN’s claim to practice “excellence in journalism” was false because they said things about Trump that he didn’t like, but were nevertheless true. The threatened lawsuit, not surprisingly, never came to pass.

You have to wonder how this charlatan can continue to post these feeble stabs at journalism after so many humiliating crash landings. It’s truly an obsession that is driving him to embarrass himself over and over again. You would think that knowing how hard the adults at CNN are laughing at him would cause him to step back. But that would be the mature and intelligent thing to do. So don’t hold your breath waiting for O’Keefe to do it.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Insanely Claims on Fox News that His Capitol Rioters Posed ‘Zero Threat’

Immediately following Joe Biden’s first presidential press conference on Thursday, Fox News launched into their knee-jerk chorus of carping and condemnation. But that was just a prelude to how it was amplified in primetime by Fox’s professional haters and their triumvirate of yapping pundits.

Laura Ingraham, Fox News

Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity both sought to portray Biden as struggling cognitively, which they’ve been doing unsuccessfully for months. Polling consistently found that most Americans considered Trump as the candidate who was mentally unsound (including this poll by Fox News). However, Laura Ingraham topped her confederates by booking an actual example of mental infirmity with her guest, the former reality TV game show host, Donald Trump.

No one will be surprised to learn that Trump predictably lashed out at Biden’s performance at his press conference. Trump can’t comprehend how a leader can calmly answer questions without lying, insulting reporters, or bragging about imaginary achievements. Trump also complained that the press was throwing softballs, something he gets every time he’s “interviewed” by suck-ups like Ingraham on Fox News, and yet he still swings and misses.

Ingraham’s Trump-fluffing segment was a tedious replay of pretty much every other appearance Trump has made on Fox News (four so far since he was evicted from the White House). He whined about how badly he’s treated by the media. He paid tribute to himself and the miracles he thinks he accomplished. And he spun bizarrely distorted versions of events that bore no resemblance to reality. That was particularly true with respect to his twisted recollection of the Capitol riots that he incited in an attempt to unlawfully and violently overthrow the election. He engaged in the following exchange with Ingraham:

Ingraham: Are you concerned that the U.S. Capitol after January 6th, has become a fortress, protecting the Capitol from the people who are actually supposed to be the ones in charge here, not the people who are sitting in the Capitol surrounding themselves by razor wire?
Trump: I think it’s disgraceful. It looks for the world to watch -.absolutely, it’s a political maneuver that they’re doing. It was zero threat. Right from the start it was zero threat. Look, they went in. They shouldn’t have done it. Some of them went in and they are hugging and kissing the police and the guards. They had great relationships. A lot of the people were waved in, and then they walked in and they walked out and, I’ll tell you what, they’re doing things to those – they’re persecuting a lot of those people.

Ingraham’s brazenly biased framing of her question began with the falsehood that Washington “has become a fortress.” She apparently hasn’t been paying attention as the fencing that was installed due to the violence of the Trump Insurrectionists, has already come down. When she finally got around to her question it was slanted to portray the besieged members of Congress, their staffs, the police, and other victims, as the invaders, and the hostile Trump Insurrectionists as “the people who are actually supposed to be the ones in charge.”

Trump naturally thought it was all “disgraceful,” a word that he spits out with deranged frequency as an all-purpose snitty adjective. And we’ll just set aside the “hugging and kissing” asininity as too ludicrous for a response. But what’s truly disgraceful is that Trump thinks the Capitol rioters posed “zero threat” as they rampaged through the seat of America’s democracy.

To Trump it was just some folks on a pleasure stroll, smashing windows and breaking down doors and battering people with flag poles and fire extinguishers, and assaulting them with tasers and bear spray. In Trump’s account, “they went in,” seriously injured about 120 cops, killing at least one, along with four other fatalities. Then “they walked out” after vandalizing public property and stealing items from the offices of Congress. That included a laptop computer stolen from the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, that the thief sought to sell to the Russians. See? Zero threat. They’re being persecuted.

These are the people that Trump praised as patriots saying that they were waving the flag (when they weren’t using it as a weapon) and they love their country (that they were literally attacking). For her part, Ingraham called the rioters “law abiding Americans” on her Wednesday program. Clearly Trump and Ingraham are suffering from the same psychotic delusions. If their idea of “patriotism” includes murder, assault, theft, vandalism, and malevolent chaos, they are the threat, on a level way above zero.

UPDATE: In the same interview, Trump tried to peddle his Big Lie about election fraud again. But Ingraham cut him off. Ya think that had anything to do with the just announced $1.6 billion dollar lawsuit that Dominion filed against Fox News?

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Dominion Voting Systems Files $1.6 Billion Defamation Lawsuit Against Fox News

The bill is coming due for Fox News for having recklessly, repeatedly, and maliciously spread flagrant falsehoods to support Donald Trump’s Big Lie over election fraud. Dominion Voting Systems has just announced that they are suing Fox for defamation to the tune of $1.6 billion.

Fox News Sad

The Associated Press is reporting that Dominion’s case argues that “the cable news giant falsely claimed in an effort to boost faltering ratings that the voting company had rigged the 2020 election.” The story goes on to note that…

“The lawsuit is part of a growing body of legal action filed by the voting company and other targets of misleading, false and bizarre claims spread by President Donald Trump and his allies in the aftermath of Trump’s election loss to Joe Biden. Those claims helped spur on rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 in a violent siege that left five people dead, including a police officer. The siege led to Trump’s historic second impeachment.”

This lawsuit against Fox News follows on to Dominion’s previously announced suits against Trump attorneys Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell (who is adopting the Tucker Carlson Defense), as well as Mike Lindell, the infamous MyPillow Guy. And Fox News has also been sued by Smartmatic, a voting software services company that alleges similar defamation in Fox’s election reporting.

Fox News is going to have a hard time defending itself from these lawsuits. There is an abundance of evidence that supports the claims, and most of it consists of video from Fox News itself. Their program hosts and guests relentlessly made baseless charges against Dominion on the air. Media Matters has documented some of the more egregious episodes:

  • Dominion Was Used to Rig the Election for President Joe Biden and the Company Has Done This Before
  • Dominion Is of Venezuelan Origin, Created at the Request of Hugo Chavez to Alter Election Results in Furtherance of an International Conspiracy
  • Dominion’s Scheme Was Run by a Deputy of George Soros
  • Kickbacks Were Paid to State Officials — Including Those in Georgia – to Utilize Dominion Machines
  • Smartmatic Owns Dominion and Its Software Is Embedded in Dominion Machines
  • Dominion Machines Are Unreliable and Cannot Be Truly Audited

This video has a summary of some of just a few of the Fox News references to Dominion Voting Systems:

In addition to this lawsuit, Dominion’s lawyers say that they are continuing to explore legal options that could include naming Fox News hosts such as Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs, Jeanine Pirro, Maria Bartiromo, and more. [NOTE: Dominion has added Newsmax and One America News Network (OAN) as defendants] The list of defendants could even extend to include Trump. Which would only be fair. There must be consequences for knowingly disseminating slanderous lies. And that is what Fox News does every day. This lawsuit should just be the first of many more to come.

UPDATE I: Trump tried to peddle his Big Lie about election fraud again on Laura Ingraham’s show Thursday night. But Ingraham cut him off. Ya think that had anything to do with this lawsuit?

UPDATE II: In April of 2023 Fox News settled this lawsuit for a whopping 3/4 of a billion dollars.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

SURPRISE! Fox News Dishonestly Slams Biden’s First Presidential Press Conference

For several weeks Fox News has been incessantly complaining that Joe Biden hasn’t held his first press conference as President. Never mind that for most of his two months as President Fox News has failed to air any of Biden’s speeches, or the White House’s daily press briefings, or any other of this administration’s media events, including the COVID-19 Response Team.

Fox News, Joe Biden, Fake News

On Thursday afternoon President Biden did hold a press conference (video below). And Fox News predictably covered it with open animosity and a strident negative bias. Immediately following the press conference Fox News got right to work complaining. The first commentary out the mouth of Fox’s John Roberts was that Biden had referred to notes a couple of times. That was so he could be certain he was giving accurate data on statistics.

So Fox News was, in effect, criticizing Biden for being too prepared. Donald Trump never had to worry about that since he was lying more often than not. When you’re making up answers accuracy isn’t much of a concern. One Fox shill whined that Biden scheduled his press conference for 1:15 pm ET, rather than prime time, which he said was standard. First of all, that isn’t true. Secondly, Trump’s first press conference was 20 minutes earlier. But most of all, fox News was hurt because Biden didn’t call on their in-house shill, Peter Doocy, for a loaded question:

Biden spoke for more than an hour, providing detailed responses to a broad array of questions. The topics ranged from the economy to the pandemic to foreign policy to voting rights to immigration to gun control to the filibuster, and more. But true to form, Fox News could only find fault, even where there was none.

For instance, Sean Hannity was lying in wait (with an emphasis on the “lying’) for one of the verbal gaffes that everyone knows Biden is prone to making. Hannity ignored all of the substantive answers Biden gave without ever once insulting the reporters, whining about fake news, bragging about phony achievements, or flinging flagrant falsehoods.

Hannity’s sole observation was that Biden misspoke about his preference for a filibuster rule that was in effect when he was a senator. Biden referred to his having “come to the United States Senate 120 years ago.” He was conflating the fact that the filibuster was implemented about 120 years ago with his point about prior Senate rules. This was an unremarkable flub for a life-long stutterer, and in context his meaning was clear.

Hannity, like most of his Fox News confederates, was only concerned with whatever distortion he could manufacture that aligned with his obsession to portray Biden as mentally unfit. One his colleagues, former Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, set up the press conference hours earlier asserting that Biden was “prepared to just entirely ignore whatever is asked of him, and to pivot.” That turned out to be completely wrong. But it was exactly what one would expect from a professional liar like McEnany.

Sadly, Fox News viewers will likely only see the distortions they provide and never watch the entire hour of Biden’s fully coherent, detailed, and honest address. It’s a deliberate editorial policy to malign Biden and Democrats at every opportunity. And it’s why viewers of Fox News have been documented to be even less informed than people who watch no news at all.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Republican Senator Proposes ‘Idiot Control’ Initiative on Idiot TV (aka Fox News)

There’s a certain burst of irony whenever Fox News attacks something that it is notorious for doing itself on a daily basis. It’s a syndrome often referred to as “projection,” but with the fervor with which Fox deploys it, it’s more like hyper-hypocritical gaslighting. And it’s a tactic Fox uses to both malign their foes and inoculate themselves from well-deserved criticism.

Fox News, Idiot Control

Then again, there are times when the irony meter just spins wildly off the scale. Such moments aren’t particularly rare on Fox News. One occurred this week when they preempted coverage of the Colorado mass murder to run stories mocking President Biden walking up stairs instead. Another occurred when a Fox News host falsely announced that the Secretary of Homeland Security had resigned during a live phone-in with Donald Trump.

Another such moment came on Tuesday when Republican Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana was interviewed on Fox News by Sean Hannity. The topic was the latest mass murder in Colorado and the subsequent debate over gun control. Consistent with the long-held conservative position on the matter, both Hannity and Kennedy expressed their knee-jerk opposition to any of the reforms that the American people are overwhelming in favor of, including Republicans. But Kennedy wasn’t satisfied with merely bucking the national tide on the issue:

“You don’t stop drunk drivers by getting rid of all sober drivers. Which is what many of my Democrat friends want to do with respect to the 2nd Amendment. In my judgment, we don’t need more gun control, we need more idiot controls.”

This is wrong on so many levels. First of all, there are numerous laws that address the problem of drunk drivers, none of which involve getting rid of all sober drivers. But they do require that all drivers, sober and otherwise, be accountable for irresponsible behavior that endangers themselves and others due to excess alcohol consumption.

What’s more, all drivers must comply with regulations that require driver training, testing, registration of vehicles, licensing, and insurance. Is Kennedy suggesting that gun owners be held to similar standards? There is no question that guns are at least as dangerous, potentially, as cars. and they require at least as much training to operate safely.

Secondly, Kennedy is imagining things when he claims that his Democratic “friends” want to get rid of all legal gun owners. Either he’s lying through his tooth, or he doesn’t really have any any friends. There isn’t a single Democrat who has ever proposed anything that remotely resembles a ban on all firearms.

Finally, Kennedy’s proposal for “idiot control” as an alternative to gun control is interesting. It could be a real solution to many of our nation’s problems. Although it might be difficult to implement it. Would Kennedy have the government round up designated idiots and place them in monitored facilities where they wouldn’t pose a risk to the rest of us? Would he require that idiots be registered and identified by visible patches on their clothing or tattoos? Would idiots be prohibited from owning guns, or cars, or scissors in case they decide to run? And speaking of running, would Trump have been allowed to run for president?

Furthermore, how would the government differentiate between idiots and “normal” citizens? Some might think that would be the most difficult problem with implementing idiot control. But there is already an indicator available that provides a foolproof method of idiot detection. Just ask them is they watch Fox News.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox ‘News’ Downplays Colorado Mass Shooting to Mock Biden Walking Up Stairs

Can we finally put to rest the question of whether or not Fox News is actually a news network? For an allegedly journalistic enterprise, their presenters are mostly ultra-conservative propagandists rather than experienced reporters. They don’t break stories. They have never won any awards from their professional peers (Emmys, Pulitzers, etc.). And their guests are predominantly Republican shills.

Fox NOT News

Other than that Fox News is a textbook example of journalistic junk food, seasoned generously with manufactured outrage, racist tropes, and appeals to cult mentality.

As affirmation of the above, on Monday Fox News made some particularly odious editorial decisions. While every other legitimate news network was covering the heinous mass murders in Boulder, Colorado, Fox chose to go a different way. All of their primetime programs conspicuously avoided reporting on the shootings.

Tucker Carlson featured an anti-trans segment about “the end of girls’ sports.” Laura Ingraham discussed how masks and social distancing don’t work to mitigate the COVID pandemic with disgraced “doctor” and herd immunity advocate, Scott Atlas. Sean Hannity spent the entire first half of his show on President Biden walking up stairs. He spent most of the second half on spring break.

All three programs, and most of the rest of Fox’s coverage throughout the day and night, focused narrowly on immigration – specifically that of unaccompanied minors – as means to attack Biden for a problem that he inherited from Donald Trump.

So why would Fox News so flagrantly dodge such an important story as a mass shooting? Three reasons. First of all, the shooter was thought to be white. Had they known otherwise Fox would have been all over it. [NOTE: Now that the suspect has been identified as Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, Fox briefly covered the story, despite still not knowing the motive]. Second, a story about gun violence is antithetical to Fox’s editorial mission to advance right-wing politics and the interests of their benefactors like the NRA. Third, there is nothing in this story with which Fox can bash Joe Biden, so Fox considers it a waste of valuable anti-Biden airtime.

It’s not as if Fox needed to conserve time for other important news events. Their top stories for the past week have been devoted to such critical issues as canceling Dr. Seuss, Mr. Potato Head gendering, imaginary immigrant caravans, and Grammy porn. They already downgraded the last mass shooting in Atlanta saying that it was an over-hyped ploy by Biden (whom they have also been maligning as boring). Fox News is also tired of hearing about the half million people who died from the coronavirus. However, they were right on top of the “news” that the Secretary of Homeland Security had resigned (which didn’t actually happen).

Which brings us back to the question that opened this article. Can we finally put to rest the question of whether or not Fox News is actually a news network? Anyone who has any trouble answering that question in the affirmative is hopelessly indoctrinated into the Fox cult and, consequently, knows little about this shooting or any other matter of importance to the American people.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.